Volcanoes, tornadoes, floods, fires are examples of density -____ factors
What are five limiting factors
1. competition 2. predation/herbivory 3. parasitism/disease 4. unusual weather 5. natural disasters
The number of males and females of each age in a population is the population's ___.
age structure
How can a population increase in size?
decreased death rate, decreased birthrate, immigration
If the death rate of a population is greater than the birthrate, the population ____.
Competition, predators, herbivores, parasitism, and overcrowding are density - _____ limiting factors.
Under ideal conditions with unlimited resources, a population will grow ____.
Limiting Factor
factor that causes population growth to decrease
What decreases competition?
fewer individuals
Logistic Growth
growth pattern in which a population's growth slows and then stops following a period of exponential growth
Exponential Growth
growth pattern in which the individuals in a population reproduce at a constant rate
How can a population decrease in size?
increased death rate, decreased birthrate, emigration
If the birthrate of a population is greater than the death rate, the population ____.
Some human activities, such as damming rivers, or spraying insecticides, are density - ___ limiting factors.
Carrying Capacity
largest number of individuals of a particular species that a particular environment can support
Density-Independent Limiting Factor
limiting factor that affects all populations in similar ways regardless of the population density
Density-Dependent Limiting Factor
limiting factor that depends on population density
____ growth occurs when a population's growth slows or stops, following a period of rapid growth.
movement of individuals into an area occupied by an existing population
movement of individuals out of an area
Population Density
number of individuals per unit area
What factor contributes to exponential growth?
unlimited resources