practice examen CNA

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how long should you soak a patient's fingernails before performing nail care ?

10-20 minutes.

when taking the temperature of a resident, which of the following would you report to the charge nurse immediately ?

100.5 fahrenheit-oral.

a nurse aide should give an unconscious client oral hygienes at least every?

2 hours.

how far should an enema be inserted into the anus ?

2-4 inches. if you feel resistance or if the patients complains of pain, stop inserting the enema and report the incident to the nurse.

the nursing assistant will lift and move the resident onto the stretcher on the count of ?


what is the normal pulse rate in the average adult ?

60-100 beats per minute.

the breathing of fluid or an object into the lungs is called ?


if a client has hand tremors, the nurse aide should?

assist the client with the activity of daily living as needed.

Mr.Green puts the call light on and states that he has dropped his artificial eye. what should the nursing assistant do ?

assist the resident in finding and cleaning the artificial eye.

when residents are having difficulty coping with the death of another resident, the nursing assistant can support them by ?

avoiding responding negatively to the resident.

when performing catheter care, the C.N.A should wash the catheter ?

away from the meatus.

to lift an object using good body mechanics, the nurse aide should ?

bend knees and keep back straight.

the nurse aide sees a client spill water on the floor in the hall.another clients is walking down the hall. the nurse aide should ?

clean up the spill.

what is the main purpose of continuing education for the nurse aide?

client safety.

which of the following wold alert the nursing assistant to a possible diabetic reaction ?

cold, clammy skin

what is the role of a phlebotomist ?

collects blood for laboratory or clinical test.

incident reports are written in order to?

determine patterns and trends.

a no-code order on a resident chart means ?

do not resuscitate.

what is empathy ?

empathy is the ability to understand the feelings of another without pitying them.

when feeding a patient, how often should you offer fluids ?

every 3 to 4 bites of food.

Mrs. jones ask the nursing assistant why she should attend the exercise program. which response would be appropriate ?

exercises helps you to maintain your health .

what should the nurse aide do first when changing an ostomy bag?

explain procedure to client.

nurse aides can provide a client with a sense of security by?

explaining all routines and procedures.

you are caring for a patient who is hearing impaired. what are some things you can do to make sure you are communicating effectively ?

face the patient so they can see your mouth, speak clearly and distinctly.

which of the following is true about fecal impact ?

fecal impaction can cause abdominal pain and cramping.

Mrs. jones is complaining of being unable to have a bowl movement. she is also complaining of abdominal pain, feeling bloated and loss of appetite. all of these may indicate which condition ?

fecal impaction.

a client with alzheimer disease wanders from room to room moving the belongings of other clients to different locations. alert and oriented clients are angry that their things have been moved. the nurse aide should ?

find the missing articles and return them.

what item would be used to extinguish a small trash can fire ?

fire extinguisher

the nursing assistance is going to assist Mr. Green with active assistive range of motion (AAROM) on his right elbow. which exercise will be completed five times ?

flexion and extension.

the nursing assistant is assigned to do passive range of motion (PROM) to Mr.wright's knee. the nursing assistant knows this includes which of the following ?

flexion and extension.

when operating a manual bed, the nurse aide should remember to?

fold cranks under bed.

when providing mouth care to a patient, which position should they be in ?

fowler's upright position that helps minimize aspiration.

the clients bill of rights includes?

freedom of choice.

the female perineum should be cleansed?

from front to back.

when ambulation an unsteady client, it is best for the nurse aide to use a?

gait belt.

the nursing care plan states , transfer with mechanical lift. however, the client is very transfer the client,the nurse aide should?

get assistance to move the client.

what should a nursing assistant do to help Mrs. Anderson after she has fallen ?

get vital signs .

Mrs. jones began to choke while eating a chocolate chip cookie, she clutched her throat and began coughing. what should the nursing assistant do ?

give an abdominal thrust.

when shaving a patient, you should always shave in the direction of what ?

hair growth.

after assisting with evening care, the nurse aide notice the client has bilateral hearing aides. the nurse aide understands that if a hearing aid is not in use, it should?

have the battery removed.

a common type of urine test is "clean catch".what does this mean ?

have the resident start to urinate, then stop and start again with the container in position.

Mrs. jones has trouble locating her room and is often found in someone else room, the nursing assistant knows to respond to Mrs. jones by ?

helping decorate her door with familiar pictures and objects.

in caring for a resident roommate the nursing assistant notice that Ms. cooper appear to be in shock. which of the following are not considered signs and symptoms of chock ?

high blood pressure.

when should cold therapy be used to treat an injury ?

immediately after the injury occurs to decrease blood flow and swelling.

when not in use, where should dentures be stored ?

in a denture cup filed with clean water.

when the nurse aide give evening care to a client with a full set of dentures, proper procedure requires that the denture be placed?

in a denture cup with the clients name on it.

the nurse aide should place soiled linen?

in the dirty linen container.

what are some symptoms of delirium ?

inability to recognize familiar or things, places, people.

spiritual and religious needs often with injury or illness ?

increase. Usually when patients face a terminal illness, religious and spiritual factors become part of their coping strategy.

the nursing assistant come upon a resident who has fainted and fallen out of her chair, what should the nursing assistant do first ?

inform the charge nurse.

the nurse aide is caring for client who answer every question by nodding and saying yes. how will the nurse aide respond to this behavior ?

inform the nurse of the clients behavior.

what is culture ?

is the share set of customs, practice, belief, that are unique to a specific group of people.

what type of tooth brush bristle is considered the universal best choice ?

it has tow be soft. medium or hard bristle toothbrushes may be considered too irritating for some patients.

Mr. red is dying. what would be an appropriate response to his family ?

it is okay to feel sad.

To overcome language barriers, your patients requires the use of an interpreter. How should this changes your interaction with the patients ?

it shouldn't. you should still address the patients like you would normally.

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur would most likely be important to which type of patients ?

jewish holiday.

what is ethnocentrism ?

judging another culture based on your own cultural beliefs and experiences.

when caring for a resident with macular degeneration. the nursing assistant should ?

keep all table items the same color to avoid confusion.

in what position should the nurse aide place the unconscious person when giving oral care?


when transporting a patient by stretcher, the nursing assistant should ?

leaving the bed in low position.

what position should a patient be in to receive an enema ?

left lying Sims position.

the nursing assistant has been assigned to perform passive abduction exercises to Mr. smith's shoulder. the nursing assistant knows that he will ?

move the arm away from the body.

personal and medical information?

must be kept private and confident ,HIPAA

if a nurse ask you to access the oxygen level of resident, you wold check the coloration of the ?

nail beds.

when transferring a client to a different unit, the most important information the nurse aide needs from the nurse is the ?

name and room number.

a nursing assistant is assigned to six residents. which resident need must be addressed first ?

needs to be walked to the bathroom.

a resident dentures break when the nursing assistant drop them. the nursing assistant knows that he committed and act of ?


you overhear another assistant raise his voice when speaking to a resident. the assistant is guilty of ?


the three major signs of cardiac arrest are ?

no response, breathing or pulse.

smiling at a patients is which type of communication?


the nurse aide is caring for a client whose religious belief do not allow the client to eat certain food. the nurse aide should report this information to the ?

nurse in charge.

when assisting a client in resolving grievances, the nurse aide should report the grievance to the ?

nurse in charge.

the nurse aide reports directly to the ?

nurse supervisor

Which member of the healthcare team is responsible for recommending and instructing a patient on how to use adaptive equipment that can assist with ADLs ?

occupational therapist.

Mr.jones is totally disabled and needs to be transferred to a shower chair. the nursing assistant will need to use a mechanical lift and she should ?

ock the bed wheels during the transfer.

the nursing assistance finds the terminal ill resident crying in bed. what is the nursing assistance best response ?

offer to stay with resident and discuss the situation.

when would you use a slip knot ?

on any kind of restraint.

A client is paralyzed on the right side. the nurse aide should place the signaling device?

on the left side of the bed near the client hands.

where would you take a radial pulse ?

on the radial side of the patient's wrist. the radial pulse should be taken using the index and middle fingers.

a resident has had a stroke and has weakness on her right side. where should the C.N.A stand when helping the resident walk ?

on the resident's right side.

what type of fire can be put out with water ?


what is a partial bath ?

partial bath occurs in bed. it differs from a complete bed bath in that the patients is able to perform some of the bath himself.

for safety,when leaving a client alone in a room, the nurse aide should?

place signaling device within clients reach.

a clients is to be assisted out of bed to sit in a wheelchair. which action would make this procedure safe?

place the bed in the low position.

when taking an oral temperature, it is important to?

place the thermometer under the tongue.

the client looks forward to playing bingo each morning. the nurse aide should?

plan the clients schedule so client is bathed and dressed in time for bingo.

the nurse ask the nursing assistant to stock the linen cart. which response reflects a positive attitude?

please show me what you would like.

what are some health risks associated with immobility ?

pressure sore, constipation, blood clots, edema, loss of apetitite.

would vital signs be considered primary or secondary date ?


visitation for married couple is an example of which patients right ?


when giving care to a client , the nurse aide should avoid unnecessary of the client in order to protect the clients right to?


the nursing assistant is assigned to care for Mr.baker, who has an artificial left eye. special management of the artificial eye upon bedtime would include ?

proper artificial eye removal procedures, including using universal precautions, proper cleaning materials and storing in special case with water.

a resident is having an admission physical. it is the responsibility of the nursing assistant to ?

provide for resident's privacy.

if caring for a resident who is unconscious ?

provide them with mouth care every 2 hours.

the patients blood pressure is 145/79. would this data be considered qualitative or quantitative ?


while applying a binder, it becomes loose or wrinkled. what does the nursing assistant do ?

reapply the binder so that firm, even pressure is exerted over the area

Mrs. potts goes to the bathroom to void. when the nursing assistant empties the urine, what would be most important to report to the nurse ?

reddened color.

a family member ask the nurse aide what medication the client is receiving. the nurse aide should?

refer the family member to the nurse.

the most important reason for using soap and water to clean a clients skin after elimination is to?

remove feces and urine from the skin.

while making an empty bed , the nurse aide sees that the side rail is broken.the nurse aide should ?

report the broken side rail immediately

the nurse aide gave a client the wrong diet what will the nurse aide do after realizing this error?

report the error immediately to the nurse.

what would be the first thing a nursing assistant would do if a resident has a fever of 102.4 degrees ?

report the fever to the charge nurse immediately.

a patient is refusing a treatment that the doctor prescribed. what should you do ?

report the refusal to a supervisor and document what happened in the patient's chart.

the nursing assistant observe redness,drainage and notes pain in the resident's eyes when providing a.m car.the nursing assistant should ?

report the resident condition to the RN.

a patients request details regarding their medical condition. what should you do ?

report their request to a registered nurse or doctor.

Mr. jones requests help in removing his artificial eye. the nursing assistant should ?

report this to the nurse.

during a 24 hour urine specimen collection, Mrs. jones flushes her own urine. what must the nursing assistant do ?

report to the nurse and start test over.

what is R.A.C.E ?

rescue everyone, pull the fire alarm, confine or contain the fire, extinguish the fire if you can safely do so. has returned to her room from the hospital by stretcher. the nursing assistant uses a three person lift to transfer her to bed. what type of resident would require this type of transfer ?

resident on complete bed rest.

an asian patient looks down and says little when you speak. in their culture this is considered ?


which of the following would be considered abnormal ?

respiration of 31 breath per minute.

a button hooks and a sock assist are all part of what kind of nursing care?

restorative and rehabilitation.

By assisting Mr Davidson to vote in the president election, a nursing assistant is respecting ?

right to exercise citizenship.

the nurse aide is going to help the client walk from the bed to a chair .what should nurse aide put on the clients feet?

rubber-soled slippers or shoes.

if an alert and oriented client touches a nurse aide inappropriately, the nurse aide best response is to?

step back and ask the client not to do it again.

to provide a safe environment for a visually impaired resident, the nursing assistant may ?

store all unused item properly.

the resident is a republican, the nursing assistant dislikes any politics and refuses to turn the TV channel to the republican convention. the nursing assistant is ?

subject to disciplinary action.

TED hose are placed on the residents legs without any folds or wrinkles to help ?

support veins and increase circulation, reduce edema and reduce the chance of thrombosis.

fred puts on his call light and requests help to the bathroom. the nursing assistant is walking in the hall to go on break. what action should the nursing assistant take ?

take fred to the bathroom and then go on breack.

the nurse aide is responsible for all of the following fire prevention measures except ?

taking cigarettes and matches away from all clients and visitors.

in preparing for a physical examination, the nursing assistant's responsibilities include ?

taking the patient's vital signs, height and weight

A doctor ask you to change a patient's IV. what should you do ?

tell her that is not within your scope of practice and offer to get someone who can assist such has the RN.

the nurse aide should refuse to perform a task if ?

the nurse aide has not been trained to do it.

the nurse aide is concerned about clients care, who should the nurse aide speak to first?

the nurse in charge.

the nursing assistance explains to the resident that actives assistance ROM exercises mean ?

the nursing assistant will provide some assistance with the ROM exercise.

Mr. Halo states, i feel constipated. the nursing assistant knows this means ?

the passage of hard, dry stool.

when restraints are use on patients in bed,?

the patient should always be positioned in the middle of the bed.

who is the most important part of the healthcare team ?

the patient.

who is responsible for choosing which pharmacy a patient uses ?

the patients or their power attorney.

your patient says he feels feverish and you noticed he is flushed and shaking. in this scenario, which information is subjective and which is objective ?

the patients stating he feels feverish is subjective; the fact that is flushed and shaking is objective.

what is informed consent ?

the process of getting a patient's written permission before performing a healthcare procedure.

what is false imprisonment?

the resident is held or restrained without a medical order.

which of the following is valid regarding a visually challenge resident ?

the resident uses a clock system to locate food.

if you are assisting a patient with left-side hemiplegia to walk, in what hand should you place their cane

the right. Assistive devices, such as canes, should be used on the non-affected side.

what is the first sign a patients may be developing a pressure sore ?

the skin appears reddened or discolored, and it does not blanch turns white when touched. it also may feel hard or warm.

what is the definition of fainting ?

the sudden loss of consciousness from an inadequate blood supply to the brain.

a bedridden patient has a urinary catheter. where should the drainage bag be stored ?

the urinary drainage bag should be secured to the bed frame.

what is the best reasoning for nursing assistant, as well as other members of the health care team to attend staff in-services ?

to learn updated polices and procedures for the facility.

physical restraints are use most often?

to prevent clients injury.

why would a resident need an over bed cradle ?

to prevent downward stress on feet from blanked

pressure sores can often be prevented if the clients is?

turned or repositioned every two hours.

if a patient is disoriented, it means that the patient is ?

unaware of their surroundings.

what should the nurse aide do to communicate with a client that only speak and understands a foreign language?

use an interpretation guide.

when giving a back rub the nurse aide should?

use circular motion over bony areas.

all of the following are used to transport a deceased resident except ?


when is the best time to bathe a patient ?

when they choose.

when should the nursing assistant encourage residents to wear hearing aids ?

whenever possible.

The duties a CNA is legally able to perform can vary according to what ?

where the CNA lives.

a visitor enters the room while the nurse aide is changing the client. how should the nurse aide respond?

would you please wait in the lobby?

when taking a client radial pulse, the nurse aide fingertips should be placed on the clients?


your charge nurse tells you to turn up a resident's oxygen level and hands you 2 morphine pills to administer for pain. she tells you thats she's extremely busy and will take the blame if anything goes wrong. which statement is true ?

you are legally responsible for you own actions. the resident can sue you for causing harm.

which of the following statement might strongly support that a client is considering suicide ?

I might as well be dead.

if you are ask to get the height of a patients on bed rest you need to ?

Measure in the lateral position from the top of the head to the soles of the feet.

You have a patient who insists on praying five time a day at specific time. Based on this information, you know he likely is a practicing ?

Muslim. Salat, or muslim prayer, is one of the five pillars of Islam.

If a patient on best rest continuously removes their heel pad, the nurse's assistant should ?

Place a pillow under their calves.

in case of fire: R.A.C.E

R ? Remove/rescue resident from the immediate fire scene, to a safe area C ? confine the fire and contain its smoke by closing all doors in the area.

the nursing assistance is required to know the following regarding fire safety ?


what acronym can be used to direct your actions in the event of a fire ?


some patients may have special nail care instruction due to circulatory issues in the hands or feet. name two disease that are likely causes of these circulatory issues ?

Raynaud's disease and diabetes.

a resident has fallen and blood is pouring out in spurts, no one is close for help. what should the nursing assistant do next ?

Run to linen cart for a towel and use it to press wound firmly to stop.

while performing passive range of motion on a patient's lower legs, she suddenly begins complaining of sharp pains in her left calf. what should you do ?

Stop and report the complaints to a nurse. Pain in the calves can be a symptom of blood clots.

in Alzheimer's and dementia patients, the fear, sadness, anxiety and anger that occurs in the evening may attributed to what phenomena ?

Sundowners syndrome.

How can you best support a patient's spiritual needs ?

Take the time to listen to what matters to them. treat their belief and ideas with caring and respect.

what should you do if you are uncomfortable participating in a patients religious practices ?

Talk to the RN caring for the patient.

A patient has hemiplegia on his right side due to stroke. which part of his brain was affected ?

The left side. a stroke on one side of the brain affects the opposite side of the body.

What is a TENS machine ?

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation , uses nerve signals to help treat the pain associated with arthritis.

which of the following is a device used to maintain proper foot alignment ?

Trochanter roll.

when documenting patient care, you should write as if who were going to read it ?

a legal professional.

before using restraints,?

a less restrictive device must be considered first.

what is a perceived loss ?

a loss that is unable to be verified by others.

a patients has elected to have her daughter manage her finances. to do this legally, what document must be obtained ?

a power of attorney.

A patient is on mechanical ventilation that keeps reading an error code. the nurse in charge is unable to solve the problem. who should you call next ?

a respiratory therapist.

which of the following is a restraint alternative?

a sedative.

Ms. Berry is eating dinner and her airway has become blocked.what should the nursing assistant do ?

anything to open the airway.

a confused and disoriented client is begging to go home. the nurse aide best response to this client is?

ask the client to tell the nurse aide about his home.

when caring for a client from another country, the nurse aide should?

be sensitive to the clients cultural needs.

when walking down the hall you hear a scream and find a small fire in a resident's room. you should ?

calmly escort the resident out and close the door.

when caring for a client who uses a protective device, the nurse aide should?

check the clients body alignment.

before helping a client into a bath or shower ,the nurse aide should first?

check the temperature of the water.

what are some ways you can ensure a safe showering experience for your independent patient ?

check the water temperature before the patient gets in. make sure uncluttered and free of slippery, ensure patency of safety rails.

the nursing assistant sees a medical abbreviation she is unfamiliar with on the work assignment. what should she do ?

check with the charge nurse to see what it means.

right before dinner a client is incontinent of urine. the nurse aide should ?

clean the client and take to dinner as soon as possible

objectives means ?

data can be observed.

subjective means ?

data cannot be measured or observed.

quantitative means ?

deal's with numbers and things that can be measured.

qualitative means ?

deal's with words.

the purpose of turning and positioning is to ?

decrease pressure on the body.

Mandatory until meetings for nursing assistant are schedule to ?

demonstrate new equipment.

you are meeting new patients for the first time. how should you address them ?

depending on their tittle , followed by their last name.

what is meant by the term resident physician ?

A resident physician is an MD or DO who is both training in a Specialty healthcare provider.

A patient is on a dysphagia diet. Name a few ways you can help them have a safe feeding experience ?

Allow them lots of time to chew and swallow, offer them thickened liquids, and keep them upright for at least 30 minutes after feeding.

Insomnia, tachycardia, sweating, loss of appetite are all symptoms of what ?


Generally speaking, which culture typically would frown upon a male caretaker caring for a female patients ?

Arab, middle eastern, orthodox.

what attitude should a nursing assistance display when dealing with a terminally ill resident ?


How is a CNA different from a Medical Assistant MA ?

CNA have more direct patient care, while MA tends to take on more administrative and clerical role. MA reports to office managers or physician.

the electric shaver that the nurse aide is using to shave a client begins to spark and smoke.what should the nurse aide do first?

Call the nurse in charge.

you are working with a DO. what does this mean ?

DO is a Doctor of Osteopathy.

what are the five stages of grief put forth by Elizabeth kubler ?

Denial, anger, Bargaining, depression and acceptance.

your patient seems to be eating less and is withdrawing from friends and activities she used to like. you suspect she may exhibiting signs of ?


your patients is DNR. what does this mean ?

Do not resuscitate.

The patient you will be assisting has a flaccid extremity. what does this mean ?

Flaccid is another word for limp. limps arms or legs are often caused by a stroke.

walking is an example of which type of motor function ?

Gross, Gross motor function are bigger movements. the typically involve the arms, legs, and torso.

the nursing assistance can help the resident perform active range of motion (AROM) BY ?

Watching the resident perform the motion.

when oxygen is in use, a C.N.A can ?

adjust the nasal cannula.

in some asian and hispanic culture, direct eye contact may be seen as ?

aggressive, rude, confrontational.

how does aging affect sexual desire ?

aging does not affect sexual desire.

which condition would prevent a patient from being able to give informed consent ?

alzheimer's disease, alcohol or drug intoxication, brain injury.

patients have the right to be free from restraints unless what is obtained ?

an authorization order from a physician.

the best razor to use when shaving a diabetic client is ?

an electric razor.

what supplies should be brought to a resident's room upon admission to the facility ?

bath basin,tooth care supplies and water pitcher.

while eating dinner a client starts to choke and turns blue. the nurse aide should?

call for assistance and perform the heimlich maneuver (abdominal thrust).

the nurse aide is walking with a clients confined to a wheelchair when the facility fire alarm system is activated.the client becomes excited from the noise. the nurse aide should?

comfort the clients while moving to a safe place

what should the nursing assistant do for a resident with a cast when giving the resident a shower ?

cover the cast with plastic.

crossing your arms in front of you may convey what ?

crossing your arms in front of you can be a nonverbal way of communicating defensiveness.

what is the standard unit of measurement to record fluid intake and output ?

cubic centimeters ( CC ) or mililiters ( ml ). although cc and ml are equal units of measurement, always use the value that is preferred by your facility.

malpractice ?

liability that arises when one has not met the standards of care .

when communication with the clients family, the nurse aide should?

listen to concerns and offer support.

A patient with dementia is agitated and pacing her room. what are some things you can do to calm her down ?

listen to her frustration, provide reassurance, offer a simple enjoyable activity, such as a walk.

According to Maslow, what is the third level of human needs after physical and safety needs are met ?

love and belonging.

when caring for Mrs.jones, a patient in traction ?

maintain proper body alignment.

how might a diagnosis of parkinson's affect a patient's ability to communicate ?

may have trouble speaking or develop masklike, expression that makes it difficult for them to convey.

during lent,it would be inappropriate to offer a catholic patients which food on Friday ?


what are acceptable reasons for discharge or transfer ?

medical reasons, for the benefit of patients welfare or the welfare of other patients.

a resident is to start range of motion ROM exercises. when performing ROM exercises on a resident, what does the C.N.A do to each joint ?

move it to its fullest range or until the resident feels discomfort.

the nurse aide notices that the client radio cord is draped across a chair in order to reach the nearest outlet. the first thing the nurse aide should do is?

see if any changes can be made so that the radio can be plugged in safely.

a symptom indicating that a resident has an elevated temperature is ?

skin is warm to touch.

what is the first thing a nurse aide should do when finding an unresponsive client ?

start compression.

Mrs. jones fell and hit her head on the floor and is bleeding badly. what is the first thing that should be done ?

stay calm and get the charge nurse for help.

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