Protestant Reformation and Renaissance

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Indulgences defined

"A ticket to heaven." Indulgences were paper (tickets) sold to common folk to absolve them of their sins. Pope Leo X sold indulgences because of the debt from hiring Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel and build the Basilica. Johann Tetzel was the salesman for Germany. The sale of indulgences angered Martin Luther, a German. This prompted Luther to post the 95 Theses.

Germany's national mission and identity post-Protestant Reformation

1. Get revenge on France. 2. "Germany" gets a tortured identity. It could not decide what they were: Catholic or Protestant? It's a division that continues to this day. Southern Germany remains Catholic while Northern Germany remains Protestant. Ultimately, Germany wanted to be free from France but Germany's identity will be tortured from the Protestant Reformation.

According to Dr. Coleman, religious tolerance (i.e. freedom of religion) becomes widely accepted in continental Europe until only after

1945. World War II was the finale of the Protestant Reformation in Europe, as Germany wanted revenge on France from the Thirty Years War, and as Hitler acted on the hatred Luther preached.

Why did Florence get rich?

4 answers: 1) The Medicis got rich on the wool trade, 2) they set up banks based on paper money, 3) they patronized great artists and thinkers that created the Renaissance which drew artists to the city, 4) they created a culture for learning. When Rome refused to build banks, they gave Florence the opportunity to thrive.

Diet at Worms

A court in Germany where Pope Leo X ordered Luther to recant his 95 Theses. If not, excommunication. Luther didn't back down. Luther said, Justification by Faith means that you go to heaven based on your beliefs and faith, not the Roman Catholic Church's approval of you. Luther said: "Tell me that what I said is not biblically true." And he was excommunicated but rescued by German nobles. Duke of Saxony.

Renaissance Man

A master in many fields. Two examples: Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo. Leonardo Da Vinci was a great inventor, artists, musician, and architect. The picture shows Leonardo trying to apply math to the human form, showing beauty in symmetry. And of course, Michelangelo, a great painter, sculptor, poet, and architect.

Irony of The School of Athens

A perfectly secular painting in the Vatican. In the painting it glorifies Greek, Roman, Muslim, and Renaissance scholars like Michelangelo and Leonard Da Vinci. There's a woman full center. Jesus is not pictured but there are symbols of Greek and Roman gods. The painting's display of secularism and humanism in the Vatican moved Martin Luther to protest.

Leonardo da Vinci

A talented Renaissance man who was a scientist, inventor, sculptor, and a painter. He painted one of the best-known paintings of the renaissance, The Mona Lisa. It took 20 years to paint her smile as mastered the anatomy of the human face before finalizing the smile on canvas. That's secularism (science), individualism (the struggle to achieve great things) and humanism (the curiosity to educate one's self).

The Black Death's contribution to the Protestant Reformation

Although 150 years before the Protestant Reformation (remember, the Black Death happened in 1350, Luther posted the 95 Theses in 1517), the Black Death was an underlying contributing factor. While the church lavished money on themselves since the fall of Rome, millions suddenly died (1347-50) and the church had no answers as for why. Preachers died preaching; more had to be educated. Yet there was a policy to not question the church. In short, the seeds of doubt are sown. It germinates with Luther's posting, 150 years later.

Zero Sum Game

An important concept from feudalism. Either I have it or you do. Bottom line: one of us is left with zero. Nasty game. Because you harvest only a fixed amount of land, the only way to to make more money is to take over someone else's. This leads to economic insecurity as people are afraid to travel for fear of theft, invasion, and war. You're taking money not making it, promotes a society based on thievery. Medici's banking system will slowly start to change society from it.

How many Europeans were directly impacted by the Renaissance?

Approximately 3%. Most serfs could not leave their land and most people were serfs, farmers. However, merchants (as a growing middle class was beginning to emerge during the Renaissance) were beginning to see the art, read the new literature, and hear the exciting conversations of secularism, individualism, and humanism.


Arguably the greatest artist of all time. His La Pieta, Sistine Chapel, and The David are quintessential examples of Renaissance art. He was called "The Divine Michelangelo" while alive, a great example of individualism. Although he was frequently commissioned by the church, he learned his skills by doing autopsies, which violated the canon law. His homosexuality probably further contributed to his fears of damnation. In the attached picture, he is portrayed as a flayed skin in the Last Judgement, saved from damnation by St. Bartholomew, who holds his skin/hell from slipping into fiery hell.

Luther's translation of the Bible

Arguably the most important book ever published; it allowed everyone (who spoke German) to read the bible. This helped cause Germans to become more literate and to think for themselves which led them to act against the Catholic Church and spark the Protestant revolution. Also, it encouraged the translation of the bible into other languages. The Duke of Saxony protected Luther because he wanted his own religion and to collect his own tithe. The printing press and Luther's translation made the revolution possible.

Explain how the United States is like the Muslim Empire

As the Muslim Empire traded their technology to the Europeans which contributed to rise of Western Europe, the United States has traded much of its technology to China, as China now manufactures our computers, iPhones, and most of our gadgets. One difference between the Muslim Empire and the USA is that the Muslim Empire thrived for over 600 years. The United States has been around for a bit over 200 years.

Why is the United States unique in world history?

Because it is based on a separation between church and state. Other nations combined church and state. Religion was tied to taxation. Not the USA. Thanks to William Penn. His ideas would be later enshrined in our First Amendment, freedom of speech and religion. Also, the United States was based on the boldness of Luther, that people can create their own church, that you can do what you think is right. But more than that, the United States celebrates hard work. Calvin. Your work determines your success, that's a crucial American ideal.

Why it was important that artists put their names on their art

Because previously no artist could. Prior to the Renaissance, the purpose of all art was to glorify only the church. That anyone or anything could be glorified other than the church was considered sinful. Once artists could sign their name to their work, they began to transform how people viewed the world and redefined beauty.


Calvin's "City on a Hill." That phrase goes back to the Bible: "City on a Hill." It refers to Jerusalem which sits atop seven hills. In Calvin's interpretation, Jerusalem was a place of moral excellence. So, he made Geneva to be a place of moral excellence. This tradition spread to the pilgrims in England who would later settle Plymouth, Massachusetts as—you guessed it—a City on a Hill. This idea has become an embodiment of "American Exceptionalism," that America acts as a moral example, a light to the world. (See Ronald Reagan's Farewell Address.)

The Consistory

Calvin's morality police. It was an organization in Geneva who checked in on people at any time of the day or night. It monitored that people were doing what they were supposed to. If someone was homosexual or practicing a different religion, they would be excommunicated and (often) burnt to the stake. No dancing or swearing. John Calvin created the Consistory to help create a "City of God" where people would follow God's law and work hard. City on a Hill.

How a pre-Trent Catholic goes to heaven

Church approved deeds + faith + indulgences

Characteristics of Pre renaissance Art-

Darker colors=darker period. Less colorful=less happy. Stiffer bodies=no accurate display of anatomy. No muscles shown=no celebration of the human experience now here on Earth. 2D= 2 sides to life (right and wrong; life and death; heaven and hell).


Distinguish yourself from others by demonstrating excellence, your genius. It's a great departure from the feudal view of immortality via heaven after death. Now people created masterworks like Michelangelo's David or Raphael's School of Athens . The lust for fame helped motivate the great works of the age, as it does today. Think of Michelangelo as the first rock star, i.e. Elvis or Michael Jackson.

Inherent contradiction of predestination and elect

Do the math. God decides your fate at birth (predestination) + if you play the part of looking moral, upstanding, and responsible (elected), perhaps you'll go to = heaven. Strange right? No one knows for sure if they're going to heaven but community standards are based on the premise that you may be heaven bound.

Three ingredients of the Protestant Work Ethic

Dream big (Luther), work hard (Calvin), religious tolerance, separation between church and state (Penn).

Protestant Work Ethic

Dream big, work hard, tolerate others--it defines American character in three crucial ways. Luther said: act on your beliefs. Dream big. Speak your mind. That is justification-by-faith's legacy. Calvin- sets the idea that hard work is crucial. If you want it, work for it. And be an exemplary citizen. Show moral excellence. Penn and his Anabaptists promoted religious freedom. Separation between church and state. They founded Pennsylvania on that idea, which is now enshrined in our First Amendment. Freedom of speech and religion. Amen.

Simplified summary of Luther's impact on American Character

Dream big. It's ok to make money (as much as you want).

Queen Elizabeth

England's greatest monarch is Henry 8th's daughter, which is insane because her father sought a male heir at all costs, starting religious wars and beheading wives. Queen Elizabeth I was a great monarch because she allowed for "freedom" of religion; i.e. don't ask, don't tell. So, England's economy flourished. When she died, the succeeding kings started religious wars in England. Pilgrims ran to the 13 Colonies and Penn established Pennsylvania.

Henry 8th

England's monarch who sought a divorce which the pope would not allow. So, Henry 8th started his own church, the Anglican Church. His divorce caused religious wars in England. They caused pilgrims to flee to the Thirteen Colonies. Henry 8th wanted a divorce because his wife could not produce a male heir. He went through six wives to get that male heir and beheaded three of them. The punch line: England's greatest monarch was his daughter. Oy.


Fate. God knows whose going to heaven or hell before you are born. Because people did not know for sure, Calvin set up the "Consistory" which made sure people behaved morally.

The printing press

Game changer. Before it, few people had books. With it, slowly and then cumulatively, more books get published. Knowledge spreads. Luther's German translation of bible German creates a ticket to critical thinking, leading to an eventual rise in modern education, democracy, and science... about 100 - 300 years later.

Northern Europe

Generally Protestant. Would grow more rich than southern Europe. Luther believed that faith grants you salvation, which gave believers permission to make money. There was now no restriction against making a profit, at least for Luther. But Germany and Ireland are religiously divided.


God's chosen people. Those thought to go heaven. The thought is, look the part and maybe you'll be chosen for the staring role: heaven. You had to show the disposition of someone who is "leaderly," responsible, prudent, morally conservative. This is why people tried to become leaderly and responsible--to win God's favor and to avoid the Consistory and excommunication.

Simplified summary of Calvin's impact on American Character

Hard work is good. Moral excellence is your duty. It shows that you are elected to go to heaven.

William Penn

He brought freedom of religion into US because he was kicked out of England because of the Anglican Reformation (Henry 8th's divorce). Penn founded Pennsylvania based on separation between church and state, and freedom of religion.

How Loyola changes the world

He changed Catholic spirituality. Instead of withdrawing from the world as pre-Trent monks did, Loyola preached that spirituality requires that you make the world better: build a school, library, hospital. His followers were called Jesuits.

Pope Leo X

He hired Johan Tetzel to sell indulgences in Germany to pay off debts incurred by Pope Julius II.

Ignatius Loyala

He implemented the Council of Trent. He was a soldier who pointed Catholicism to a new and better direction. He said do God's work by making the world better. Loyola created the Jesuits, "Soldiers of Christ," who became scholars, leaders, and teachers. Because of him, Catholicism spread throughout the world, specifically South and Central America. Loyola is Catholicism's answer to Luther.

John Calvin

He was a lawyer who broke away from Luther. He said that predestination determines who goes to heaven and that the elect were the chosen few. The elect show moral excellence and inspire their community to do the same. In 1536, he settled in Geneva, his model Christian city, where he established strict rules, and excommunicated anyone who disagreed with him.

Johan Tetzel

He was charged by the Pope Leo X to sell indulgences, which are pardons from sin, a "ticket to heaven." Martin Luther protested Tetzel by posting the 95 Theses, claiming that money can't buy salvation, only faith. 1517.

Below are terms from the Renaissance

Hope it makes sense. Got questions? Ask. :)

Ironies of Creation

In the very heart of the Vatican, God is shown on the side of the painting not the center as was customary for a thousand years prior, e.g. Giotto's Madonna and Child. In Michelangelo's Creation, God actively seeks out Adam, as if humankind has a power all its own. Luther will not be pleased with this secular departure.


It is one one the characteristics of Renaissance art, an improved aspect of depth perception in a painting. This was made possible by improved mathematics thanks to the number zero from the Muslim Empire. It also meant people could think in more nuanced ways, more colorfully, as they were inspired by the new values of humanism, secularism, and individualism.


It literally means hatred of Jews. The backstory: Martin Luther thought Jews would convert to Lutheranism once they read his words. When Jews did not convert, Luther published "The Jews and Their Lies," a book that was so hateful that it helped inspire Hitler to implement his ideas in the form of the Holocaust 400 years after its publication. Example of Luther's antisemitism: "First to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see a stone or cinder of them." Read Luther's words. They're pretty intense.

Irony of Justification by Faith

It was Luther's idea that liberated him from Catholicism--my faith sets me free not the church--from which he was excommunicated. But then... he excommunicated those who disagree with him. The guy who modeled free thought for the world, excommunicated (or worse) those who disagreed with him (those who thought freely).


It was one of the characteristics of pre-renaissance art, largely because the geometry of the time was lacking without the number zero (thank you Muslim Empire). It can also be thought of as a 2D world of feudalism. Right and wrong. Life was black and white, serf or noble, heaven or hell. Bottomline: you stayed inside the box.

Catholic Reformation

It's basically the Catholic Church's response to the Protestant Reformation. Three big idea: 1) they burned books of unapproved authors and excommunicated them; 2) ended church corruption with the Council of Trent; and 3) through Loyola spread Catholicism globally.

Luther's view of Profit

It's ok to make money. Do what you want so long as you have faith, so long as it guides you. German nobles love Luther because he gave them justification to control their economy, make a profit, and stop paying taxes to the Catholic Church.

The Basilica

It's the dome on top of the Vatican. See picture. The plan was devised by Michelangelo which has since inspired the construction of our US capital building in Washington DC. Its construction (and other extravagances) caused the church to go into massive debt. Result: Leo X ordered Johann Tetzel to sell indulgences in Germany. It gets Luther angry.

30 Years War

It's the war (1618-1648) for Germany's soul and is a response to Luther's protest in 1517. France keeps Germany divided into 300 tiny city states until 1871. It forges France's national mission until the end of World War II: divide Germany. It leads Germany to want revenge against France as France kept bullying Germany for hundreds of years. It is considered the most bloody war in Europe until World War I.

Definition of Protestant Reformation

It's when the Roman Catholic Church broke apart, when Protestant Sects emerged, when religious wars raged throughout Europe, and when literacy and democratic thinking began. It started with Martin Luther's posting of the 95 Theses.


Loyola's "soldiers for Christ," outwardly directed monks who work to make the world better. Famous for their scholarship and worldliness.

The Last Judgement

Michelangelo's famous painting on the wall adjacent to the Sistine Chapel. It reveals his conflict with secularism, humanism, and individualism. It shows Michelangelo's fear of damnation (see how he is portrayed as a flayed skin). He is featured in the painting--yes, that shows his sense of greatness (how different from Raphael in the School of Athens)--but Michelangelo looks doomed. Get the irony and turmoil shown in the painting. It speaks to the transition and turmoil of the Renaissance, from feudalism to modernity. It takes a toll on those who dared step outside the feudal box.


Michelangelo's preacher. He said Florence's wealth and secularism would cause Florentines to go to hell. Ironically, the church excommunicated Savonarola but rightly predicted the Protestant Reformation. Calvin would create his Consistory by modeling it after Savonarola's Office of the Night, a morality police that looked into peoples' windows to make sure that people were doing the what they're supposed to.

Calvin's view Profit

Money must be the result of and serve morally excellence. But it gets complicated: See "Elect" and "Predestination."


One of (if not THE) most powerful families in Italy/Europe. They were wealthy bankers, basically bringing paper money to Europe. They patronized artists, hired Michelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo Da Vinci. This pattern of expressing wealth through art contributed to the Renaissance as artists redefined beauty. Also the Medici's hired scientists, architects, artists, engineers, and writers to broaden their knowledge, which enriched the world.

Guttenberg Bible

One of the most important books in world history, as it was the first printed Bible, meaning it was mass produced for people to read. Perhaps the Gutenberg Bible is more important than Luther's German translation of the Bible, as it was the Gutenberg Bible that initially inspired Luther.

Philadelphia + Pennsylvania

People from all over the world went to Philadelphia and prospered because they could finally practice their religion, read freely and speak their own point of view, and could make money without church interference. Game changer. America gets rich. Still is.

Luther posts the 95 Theses

Probably the most important event in the last 1,000 years. He spoke out against church corruption, sent his complaints to the printing press, and changed the world. These things changed: the way people worshiped, were governed, earned a living, drew national boundaries, religious wars raged, it planted the the seeds for separation between church and state, formed the American Dream, and laid the seeds of the WWI, WWII, and the Holocaust. Greatest post of all time.


Re-nascent. A re-birth. A time of renewed enthusiasm for life here and now (not the afterlife), of learning, and of achieving human potential. Humanism, Individualism, Secularism inspired the rebirth. It was fueled by a revolution in finance, thanks to the Medici.

Simplified summary of Penn's impact on American Character

Separation between church and state. Freedom of religion.

Results of the Protestant Reformation

Thanks to the printing press, Luther survived, his criticisms were heard, religious revolutions raged in England, France, and Germany, and many new Christian religions were born. American Character (or the Protestant Work Ethic) becomes the ethos of "The American Way/Dream." Catholicism gets reinvented via the Council of Trent and Loyola. The seeds of World War I, World War II, and the Holocaust are planted.

Council of Trent

The Catholic Church realized that the only way to respond to the Protestant challenge was to re-define Catholicism and end church corruption. To do this, the Pope summoned church leaders to clarify church doctrine between 1545 to 1563. They banned the sale of indulgences, simony, lay investiture, and worldly lives. But they insisted, Luther's wrong. Faith alone does not bring salvation. Loyola championed this message by his building of schools, hospitals, and libraries—church approved deeds.

How does modern banking come about

The Medicis exchanged gold for promissory notes (on paper). The gold was kept in a vault. Safe. With the promissory notes, customers could go to any Medici banking branch around Europe to withdraw the gold. Basically they invented checkbook banking. The advantage: 1) your money is safe. 2) the Medicis now have money to loan at interest and thereby birth modern economies.

Separation between church and state defined

The church does not get involved in the government and the government does not get involved in the church. William Penn was the first leader in the 13 colonies to mandate that separation. That Green Paper on the entrance of our classroom is part of Penn's legacy: regardless of background, you are safe.


The language of the people, for example, Germans speaking German, English people speaking English. Big deal. During feudalism, church books were written in Latin, a language few could read. With the Renaissance, modern languages will be formalized. Shakespeare will formalize the English language, Luther for German, Dante for Italian, Cervantes for Spanish.

Anglican Church

The name of Henry 8th's new church, of which he is in charge. It happens because of his divorce.

Basilica Who drew the masterplan? What is its relevance to us?

The plan for this dome was devised by Michelangelo. He found his inspiration from Brunelleschi's dome which was much larger than Michelangelo's. This dome would inspire the dome which sits atop the US capital in Washington D.C. and all other state capital buildings. As the renaissance started in Italy, it continues in the USA

Irony in the history of Anabaptism

The poorest sect in Europe helped make the USA into the strongest/richest country in the world. William Penn helped make Pennsylvania rich and powerful because of his ideas of freedom of religion, and separation between church and state. He attracted Europe's "rejects." In Europe, taxation was dictated by the Church; taxation in the United States was based on democracy and freedom of expression.

Pope Julius II

The pope who hired Michelangelo and got the Catholic Church into too much debt. Ultimately, his leadership led to Leo X's selling of indulgences.


The study of ancient and GREEK AND ROMAN texts, not just the New Testament. This led to a drive to learn new things. The operative word: learn. Think of humanism as when Elvis first appeared on TV, The Ed Sullivan Show, 1956. It lit up America's youth. Kids started to form bands, make music, and they still do. Same with ancient Greek and Roman texts in 1200. It was fresh air to a population who had only church teachings. Fresh ideas of living, learning, and growing--it percolated with Greek and Roman inspiration.


The study of non-religious subject matter. For a thousand years after the fall of the Roman Empire, the Catholic Church dictated what people could think. Now people were experimenting with thoughts that went beyond the church. But you had to be careful, you could still get excommunicated. Example: Galileo. He was excommunicated for saying that the Earth revolved around the Sun, which went against the church and Aristotle.

Define and give role of Crusades

They were military expeditions made by Christians in France, Spain, Italy and England to Palestine/Israel in the 1100's and 1200's. The goal was to reclaim Jerusalem from the Muslims. Christians viewed the Muslims as inferior but were embarrassingly wrong. At their height, the Muslim Empire had the most educated civilization in the world. They mastered ancient Greek and Roman texts, which they traded to Europeans and which redefined Europeans' identity, inspiring The Renaissance. The Muslim Empire also boasted the world's most advanced mathematics, which made modern navigation, map making, and engineering possible, which culminated in Columbus's voyages. It was Muslim technology that helped Europe break out of feudalism, jump-started by the failed Crusades.

Characteristics of Renaissance Art

Think about the School of Athens. It celebrates the process of learning by conversation. It celebrates famous thinkers from the past, females, males, Muslims, Christians, Greeks, and Romans. (Humanism) There's no right answer, just glorification of learning for its own sake. (Secularism) Bright colors. Realistic representation of the human form. No oppressive hierarchy. Pursuit of excellence (Raphael in his own picture among the greats = Individualism.)

Taxation as a Contributing Cause of the Protestant Reformation

When Luther separated from the Catholic Church--as well as the German nobility who loved him--these PROTESTants created their own church, collected their own tithe, established their own government, and worshiped as they wanted. This lead to religious wars for over 100 years. Churches gave governments the authority to tax. Although Luther's rebellion was borne out of good conscience, it resulted in bloodshed over money and the power to tax.

An irony of the power of the Medicis

While they were the most powerful family in Italy, they gave artists the power to decide what is beautiful. This allowed artists to be inspired by the Greeks and the Romans (humanism) and depart from strict church teachings (secularism). Also, artists could now put their names on paintings and this allowed them to make a name for themselves (pardon the pun). The artists became celebrities, the first rock stars, really. Their view of beauty is still very much with us.


William Penn's people. They came to the USA and brought freedom of religion to Pennsylvania, a society founded on equal rights for all people from different races and religions (But remember, women don't get the right to vote in USA until 1919 and Penn was pro-slavery). Anabaptists fled from England as they were subject to persecution from Catholics and Protestants. They had unique beliefs and that impacted the USA: 1. baptize adults only and 2. protect everyone's right to free expression.

How a Quaker goes to heaven

You don't know. . . but you protect everyone's right to free speech and free expression of religion--no matter what religion. Perhaps your compassion brings you go to heaven.

How a Calvinist goes to heaven

You to don't know but you hope that you're elected (chosen) to go to heaven. People can tell by your demonstrations of moral excellence.

Justification by faith

Your faith in Jesus's ability to save you sets you free. First modern, popular, democratic thought. He discovers it from his interpretation of the Bible. Interesting: Luther feared damnation/excommunication but confronted his fear at the Diet at Worm with an idea of his creation.

Protestant defined

a member of a western Christian church that separated from the Roman Catholicism whose lineage stems from Luther. Example: Lutheran, Calvinist, Anabaptist, Quaker, Evangelical, etc.

Before creating Lutheranism, Luther was a ____. Why?

a monk, an inwardly directed one. These monks took to monasticism and took vows of poverty, and were the opposite of Loyola's Jesuits. Luther was a (pre-Trent inwardly directed) monk because ever since he was a child he was scared of going to hell. The fear became so severe that he thought the only way he could avoid going to hell was by being a monk. One day during a storm, he was nearly struck by lightning. On the spot he decided to become a monk. (That lightening bolt probably changed the world history.)

How a Lutheran goes to heaven


Luther's father

he wanted Luther to go into business with him as a lawyer. So he beat Luther but Luther stuck to his principles and became a monk. Interesting that Luther goes against his father and his spiritual father--the pope--who excommunicated him.

Before creating his religion, John Calvin was a trained

lawyer. Not coincidentally, his law was super strict: no dancing, swearing, lollygagging, listening to music outside of church. The works. The Consistory was inspired by Savonarola who also excommunicated people for moral turpitude. But get this: you would not want to live in Geneva. No XBOX or Snapchat, no music while doing homework.

Catholicism's view of Profit

people should NOT make profit because it is sinful. The Catholic Church did, however, collect a tithe and sold indulgences. Catholicism's antiquated view of profit led to the Protestant Reformation. These events helped fuel market economies (profit): Black Death (new people needed to be educated), the Renaissance (Medici's banking), Columbus (starts trans-Atlantic trade), the printing press (spread ideas, started publishing industry), and the growth of literacy (people wanted to make money as the economy started to grow).

Southern Europe

was Catholic. Catholic leaders preached against making money/profit. The Renaissance started in Italy (Southern Europe) but it culminated in England and Netherlands (Northern Europe) because making a profit was permitted. Remember, four Medicis were popes. That confused their mission as bankers.

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