PSY 327 EXAM 3

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What is the purpose of moods

monitor for well being

main point

the lay distinction between thinking emotionally and thinking logically is false, people are always thinking emotionally

table 9.6: envy , appraisal tendency, action tendency

envy --> other is better to self → reduce status of other


Ability to recognize, understand and share the thoughts and feelings of another person

How does emotion influence behavior?

All emotions are associated with specific behavioral action tendency - schema for how one should behave based on the appraisal


Ambivalent self conscious emotion that people feel when reflecting on pleasant, often social memories about our distant past

What are the action tendencies for guit

Apologize, remedy harm

Elaboration likelihood model (elm)

Attitude change depends on the extent of the elaboration

What are the emotion classifications

Basic emotions, self conscious emotions, and moral emotions

do all forms of negative affect result in controlled processing

Bodenhausen et al., 1994, induced pas to feel angry or sad, then presented them with persuasive arguments.

table 9.7: contentment, appraisal tendency, action

Contentment → pleasing stimulus → savoring

What are the differences between guilt, shame and embarrassment?

Differ in intensity (embarassment < guilt < shame), Differ in eliciting moral emotions (guilt/shame > embarrassment), guilt/shame do not require an audience to perceive the action


Diffuse, relatively low intensity, long-lasting form of affect that is not tied to a specific target

Basic emotions, self conscious emotions, and moral emotions Who published basic emotions

Eckman, 1992

moral emotions

Emotions linked to the interests or welfare of society, or least persons other than the actor

Describe the Lazarus' (1991) Cognitive-Relational-Motivational mode

Emotions stem from appraisals (cognitive) about the person-environment interaction (relational), specifically as it relates to one's goal attainment (motivational)

Self conscious emotions (moral emotions)

Emotions that motivate us to engage in moral behavior or not to engage in immoral behavior

Other-suffering (compassion) and other-praising emotions (awe, gratitude)

Emotions that orient people towards helping others

table 9.7: enthusiasm, appraisal tendency, action

Enthusiasm → reward likely → goal approach

What are the action tendencies for embarrassment

Escape situation and/or apologize

Moral emotions awe example

Experiencing awe results in greater connection to nature, which translates to greater proenviornmental concern (McConnell & Jacobs, 2022; Yang et al., 2018)

cognitive feelings

Experiential reflections of cognitive information or process (metacognition, thinking about our thought process)

Who published moral emotions

Haidt 2004

Amplifying emotions is helpful for

Hedonic products (movies, music) but backfires for utilitarian products (how to books, electric shavers)

What are the action tendencies for shame

Hide from scrutiny

What are the known triggers of embarrassment

Interpersoanl interactions, perceived incompetence, identity related issues

tables 9.6 & 9.7 authors

Keltner and Lerner (2010)

How is the effect of amplifying emotions moderated

Mediated and moderated by the trust people have in others

Positivley valenced emotions

Motivate approaching behavior

Negatively valenced emotions

Motivate avoidance behavior

Why is pride (a self conscious emotion) unique

Only self sconsious emotion to have universally recognized nonverbal expression

event retention task

Paradigm wherein ps reflect on either a nostalgic or ordinary memory

What was the implication of the amazon reviews study

People are less persuaded to avoid the produce

What is the positive mood offset? Why?

People feel mild positive moods even in the absence of positive stimuli, why: evolutionary adaptive (diener et al., 2015)

bodily feelings

Physiological sensations and states

self conscious emotions

Pride, embarrassment, guilt, and shame

Basic emotions

Primitive emotions that have universal triggers, appraisals, and signals

How does the self moderate emotional expereinces

Self complexity and affetive spillover (mconnell), and self concept clarity (scc)

Pride (Self Conscious Emotions)

Self conscious emotion based on appraisals of accomplishment, sucsess, power; orients us toward others to signal accomplishments, tout status, and reinforce valued behavior

embarrassment (self conscious emotions)

Self conscious emotion felt following deliberation on the perceived negative appraisal by others or negative appraisal by oneself for transgressions that occur in public contexts

Guilt (self conscious emotion)

Self conscious emotion felt when one perceives a specific behavior they have done transgresses a personal, moral value regarding harm

shame (self conscious emotion)

Self conscious emotion felt when one perceives the self as having trasngressed one's ideals or aspirations

What is the difference between self-conscious emotions vs basic emotions

Self conscious emotions require self representation, and self awareness, develop later in life, lack universal nonverbal signal (except for pride)

What are the four families of moral emotions

Self conscious emotions, other condemning emotions, other praising emotions, other suffering emotions

What is the purpose of emotions

Signals to actor their progress in meeting goals


Specific, relatively high intensity, brief affective states that are tied to a specific target event

emotions and moods differ in

Specificity, intensity, duration, function

Moral emotions are classified by:

The emotion is triggered by disinterested elictors, the emotion promotes prosocial behavior

self concept clarity SCC

The extent to which the self is perceived as clearly defined, coherent, temporally stable

Who published self conscious emotions

Tracy and robins 2004

affective feelings

Valenced, subjective experiences that may or may not relate to an object (emotions, mood)

when elaboration is high

affect can serve as evidence for how one should feel, and can bias thoughts generated while elaborating

incidental affect

affect felt in one situation influences our judgements and decisions in another context (purchase behavior when a store plays positive music)

when elaboration is low

affect serves as a heuristic that produces attitudes consistent with it's valence

What forms do feelings take on:

affective, bodily, cognitive

Rocklage and Fazio 2020

amplify emotions to be more persuasive, analyzing amazon reviewers

Table 9.6: anger, appraisal tendency, action tendency

anger --> offense against self --> restore justice, hold individuals responsible

emotions that foster certainty

anger, happiness, disgust

rocklage and luttrell 2021

attitudes predicated on emotions stability over time, xmas gift experiment


based on appraisals of underserved suffering; motivates actor to assist those in need


based on appraising the self as "small" and less-significant compared to some stimulus; prompts greater concern for other's needs over personal needs

What is the catharsis example in the incidental affect

catharsis isn't real, venting actually makes you more mad (bushman 2002)

table 9.7 relief, appraisal tendency, action

cause of distress ends → signal safety

table 9.6: contempt, appraisal tendency, action tendency

contempt -->others violate role, duty, obligation, --> lower reputation of perpetrator

table 9.6: disgust, appraisal tendency, action tendency

disgust --> contact with impure object or action --> push away

central route processing

effortful thinking (controlled processing) thought generation regarding the persuasive message

affect can also influence how much

elaboration one engages in

table 9.6: embarrassment , appraisal tendency, action tendency

embarrassment --> self has transgressed a social convention → apologize

Other condemning emotions (anger, disgust, contempt)

emotions that motivate people to reprimand those who are perceived as engaging in immoral behavior

Rocklage and Fazio 2016, 2018

evaluative lexicon

affect influences persuasion differently depending on the

extent of elaboration

table 9.6: fear , appraisal tendency, action tendency

fear --> imminent threat to self → flee, reduce uncertainity

emotions that foster uncertainty

fear, hopefulness, surprise

table 9.6: guilt, appraisal tendency, action tendency

guilt --> self has violated/harmed moral standard --> remedy harm

positive mood

heuristic automatic processing

table 9.6: sadness, appraisal tendency, action tendency

irreparable loss → acquire new goods

peripheral route processing

little to no elaboration (automatic processing) regarding the persuasive message

results of amazon study

more positive words --> higher star ratings


most prototypical moral emotion; orients the actor toward source of immoral behavior in an attempt to rectify any caused harm

Embarassment, guilt, shame (moral emotions)

motivated not to experience these negative affective states by not engaging in immoral, negatively-appraised behaviors

Pride (moral emotion)

motivated to experience this emotion by engaging in upstanding, moral behavior that we can signal to others (i voted stickers on election day)

table 9.7, interest, appraisal tendency, action

novel opportunity --> exploration


orients actor away from disgusting (immoral) stimuli

table 9.6: jealousy, appraisal tendency, action tendency

other threaten's source of affection --> protect source of affection from others

affect as information hypothesis

people utilize their current affective cognitive states to guide their thoughts and behavior

table 9.7: love, appraisal tendency, action

perceived commitment --> affection

tiedens and linton 2001

predicted that experiencing emotions associated with appraisals of certainty should result in less elaboration

bodenhausen results

ps induced to feel anger were more likely to change their attitudes based on the speakers credibility compared to those induced with sadness

results of xmas experiment

ps who described their xmas gift with more emotion has more stable attitudes over time

table 9.7 amusement, appraisal tendency, action

recognize incongruity --> play

table 9.6: shame, appraisal tendency, action tendency

self has transgressed or ideal → hide, avoid scrutiny

table 9.7: awe, appraisal tendency, action

self is small/something vast, beyond current understanding →devotion, reverence

table 9.7 pide, appraisal tendency, action

self relevant achievement → status display

table 9.7: sexual desire, appraisal tendency, action

sexual cue or opportunity --> sexual release

negative mood -->

systematic controlled processing

evaluative lexicon

text-analysis tool that quantifies how emotional written text is, (good 2.02, great 2.75, amazing 4.22)

bodenhausen results demonstrated that

the appraisals our emotions are based of off influence how we process information, and not all negative results result in controlled processing

In the cognitive relational model what is predicted if two people have the same appraisal?

they should experience the same emotion

table 9.7: compassion, appraisal tendency, action

undeserved suffering → prosocial approach

table 9.7: gratitude, appraisal tendency, action

unexpected gift → promote preciprocicy

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