psy 355 quiz questions

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How does cultural distance differ from cultural fit? .a. Cultural distance refers to comparisons between cultures, whereas cultural fit refers to comparisons between the individual and a culture. b. Cultural fit refers to comparisons between cultures, whereas cultural distance refers to comparisons between the individual and a culture. c. Cultural fit refers to cultures that encourage a "melting pot" acculturation strategy, whereas cultural distance refers to cultures that encourage a "multiculturalism" strategy. d. The two are just different ways of communicating the same concept.


Jillian is Chinese-American. She participates in a frame-switching research study somewhat similar to the Hong et al (2000) study discussed in your textbook. Specifically, she is shown pictures of the American flag, Mickey Mouse, and cowboys, and then is asked to complete the statement, "I am...". How is Jillian likely to complete the statement? . a. "I am artistic." b. "I am someone who plays guitar in a band." c. "I am a student at GVSU." d. "I am different things to different people."


Research employing an ethnographic database of information on 175 pre-industrial societies (Schlegel & Barry, 1991) suggests that adolescence can be characterized as an existential universal because all the cultures appear to agree that adolescence... a. is distinct from childhood and adulthood. b. involves an increase in rebellious behavior. c. is especially tumultuous for boys. d. is characterized by children viewing parents as too restrictive.


Research studying individualism in Japan's "northern frontier" shows that early conditions have a strong influence on cultural stability. Which of the following is also an example of this idea? a. Anti-Jewish sentiment may linger today in regions of Germany that expressed the strongest anti-Jewish sentiment in the 1300s (when Jews were blamed for causing the plague, i.e., "Black Death"). b. U.S. women today will have less knowledge about breastfeeding than women in the 1800s because of the invention and use of formula. c. Italian recipes written in the 1900s will be more likely to include tomatoes as an ingredient than will Italian recipes written in the 1400s, before the tomato was introduced to Italy from South America. d. All of the above statements depict the influence of early conditions on current circumstances


Which of the following conclusions about the interplay between religion and work motivation is INCORRECT based on the research discussed in your textbook? a Protestants have less fun when engaged in a casual, social task (in comparison to non-Protestants). b. Protestants are more formal (meaning, less socially-focused) when working (in comparison to non-Protestants) c. Protestant's display more motivation in work contexts when feeling guilty about immoral behavior (in comparison to non-Protestants) d. Notions of hard work and salvation are implicitly linked for Americans (in comparison to Canadians).


Ayumi is a Japanese student, and Alice is a European-Canadian student. They are both participating in a study in which they are asked to provide some self-descriptions. Based on what you know about cultural differences in tolerating contradiction, which of the following is the likeliest outcome of this study? a. Ayumi is likelier than Alice to say that she is an introverted person across different situations. b. Ayumi is likelier than Alice to say that she is both considerate and selfish. c. Ayumi is likelier than Alice to focus on her individual characteristics, such as intelligence. d. Ayumi is likelier than Alice to reference her family relationships.


Edward received a rejection letter from Lowood Enterprises, his "top choice" job. If Edward wanted to regain a positive sense of self after this rejection, he could ___________ by _________________. a. make an upward social comparison; comparing himself to all the people that are currently employed at Lowood Enterprises. b. engage in compensatory self-enhancement; reminding himself that his watercolor paintings have won awards. c. engage in discounting; deny ever receiving the letter. d. make an external attribution; reviewing his resume and identifying the skills that he is lacking.


Four single Japanese people are participating in a dating TV show. Three of them serve as targets, and they each spend time with the remaining person (the chooser). The chooser must then decide which person he or she wants to date. Which of the following people is the chooser most likely to choose? a. The chooser will choose the person who is most similar to him or her. b. The chooser will choose the person with the most bilateral facial symmetry. c. Both a and b accurately describe factors that influence attraction in Japan. d. Neither a nor b accurately describe factors that influence attraction in Japan.


Monika typically construes herself as interdependent. Therefore, it is MOST likely that... a. Monika's sense of self is quite rigid across time and situations. b. Monika thinks about her important group memberships when asked to define herself. c. Monika has a stronger need to be liked by her classmates than a person with a strong independent self-construal. d. Monika is extroverted.


When unpackaging cultural findings, the researcher needs to ultimately... a. demonstrate that their study materials are appropriately back-translated. b. identify an underlying variable that likely causes the cultural difference. c. demonstrate that several cultures differ from one another on the topic of interest d. identify the most powerful variable underlying the cultural difference.


Which of the following statements is MORE characteristic of the French perspective on medicine and the body than the U.S. perspective? a. "Your body is a machine that requires regular maintenance." b. "Exposure to a little bit of dirt and germs will help protect you from future illnesses." c. "You will recuperate better after surgery if you leave the hospital early and convalesce at home." d. "A strong dose of antibiotics is better than vitamins and rest when a person is sick."


Which of the following statements is TRUE? a. The best-supported evidence for the positive health outcomes for Hispanic-Americans is that only Hispanics who were healthy enough to make the long trip to the United States migrated there. b. The health advantages of Hispanic-Americans over European-Americans decrease the longer that they have lived in the United States. c. If you control for socioeconomic status, European-Americans and African-Americans do not differ in their health outcomes. d. There is no relationship between ethnicity and health.


Yuexi, a Chinese mother, wants to use strong parental control with her child. Based on the textbook, which of the following would MOST LIKELY occur as a result? a. Her child feels less family cohesion than children raised with less parental control. b. Her child is less happy than children raised with less parental control. c. Her child's academic achievement suffers in comparison to children raised with less parental control. d. Her child feels less parental acceptance than children raised with less parental control.


A group of students at GVSU created and spread a (false) rumor that several Psychology Department professors formed their own "fight club", which meets every Friday night in a classroom in AuSable Hall. If cultural information is transmitted like diseases (rather than genes), then it is likely this rumor will... a. be transmitted accurately, without variation, among the students at GVSU. b. eventually be heard by nonstudents living in the Allendale community. c. vary over the course of its transmission to include minor changes in the story (like the idea that Sociology professors also joined the fight club). d. be transmitted for a long period of time, even after the students who originated the rumor have graduated.


According to Gupta and Singh's (1982) research on marriage in India, after being married for 10 or more years, which of the following most accurately portrays people's happiness in these marriages? a. Women were happier in their marriages than men, regardless of the type of marriage (love or arranged). b. People (both men and women) who married for love were happier in their marriages than people whose marriages were arranged. c. People (both men and women) in arranged marriages were happier in their marriages than people who married for love. d. Men were happier in their marriages than women, regardless of the type of marriage (love or arranged).


Based on research about morality among Hindu Indians and Americans, which of the following would you expect to occur? a. Eric, an American, is more likely than Gopol, an Indian, to view a duty to attend a friend's birthday celebration in full moral terms. b. Gopol, an Indian, is unconcerned about reporting a crime that he has just witnessed. c. Gopol, an Indian, feels that attending a friend's birthday celebration is a moral issue and should be legitimately regulated. d. Gopol, an Indian, likely bases his morality on whether something is natural or not.


Imagine viewing an image of an underwater scene containing two red fish, a zebra-striped fish, pink rocks and sand on the "sea" floor, seaweed, and a sunken ship. You view this image for two minutes before it is removed. Which of the following statements is MOST true of you, if you are field dependent? a. If asked to recall the image later in the day, the first information you would recall would be the colors of the fish. b. If asked to recall the image later in the day, you would likely have difficulty remembering the color of the rocks and sand. c. If shown an image of the zebra-striped fish in a different underwater scene, you would have difficulty recognizing that fish. d. If shown an image of the zebra-striped fish in the same underwater scene, you would have difficulty recognizing the fish.


In which of the following situations would Junko, a woman born and raised in Japan, most likely experience post-decisional dissonance? a. When choosing between two different Winter jackets she likes equally. b. When choosing between two health insurance plans with similar prices. c. When choosing between buying a watch or a scarf for her best friend. d. When choosing between studying for her PSY355 course or her PSY301 course.


Recall that Miller (1984) conducted a study examining the developmental process by which people from the U.S. and India develop different attributional tendencies. All of the following accurately depict the findings from this study EXCEPT... a. Indians become increasingly likely to make situational attributions as they get older. b. Americans do not become increasingly likely to make situational attributions as they get older. c. Cultural differences in attributions are evidence in young children as well as in adults. d. Indian adults show evidence for a reverse fundamental attribution error.


Recall that people from relatively individualistic cultures will tend to place more importance on personal goals, whereas people from relatively collectivistic cultures will tend to place more importance on social goals. To be clear, both are present in different cultures, but cultures differ in their tendency to use these goals to guide decision-making and behavior, and these goals are emphasized to different degrees in different cultures. Therefore, personal and social goals would both be characterized as... a. accessibility universals. b. functional universals. c. existential universals. d. nonuniversals.


The Japanese language includes a number of "honorifics", words and phrases that are intended to convey respect and humility. Based on that fact, Joanne hypothesizes that bilingual individuals will be less polite during social interactions with elders if they speak English vs. Japanese . She recruits bilinguals and randomly assigns them to engage in a scripted conversation with another person in English or Japanese. After the interaction, the other person rates how polite the participant was during the interaction on a scale from 1 (not at all polite) to 7 (extremely polite). In this example, the independent variable is __________ and the dependent variable is _______________. a. English language; ratings of politeness b. Ratings of politeness; Japanese language c. Language spoken during the interaction; ratings of politeness d. Ratings of politeness; language spoken during the interaction


The United States' culture is commonly associated with individualism. Based on our class discussion on individualism, which of the following conclusions is most reasonable and accurate? a. All people in the U.S. prioritize personal goals above collective goals. b. U.S. culture never encourages people to prioritize collective goals over personal goals. c. U.S. culture encourages people to place greater importance on personal goals more than collective goals. d. All of the above.


Which of the following pieces of evidence does NOT support the notion that facial expressions of emotions are universally similar around the world? a. The Fore, who are relatively unfamiliar with Western culture, make the same facial expressions as Americans in response to the same situations. b. People across a range of cultures (including Brazil, Japan, the U.S.) were able to accurately match emotion terms with their corresponding facial expression. c. English speakers are better at recognizing facial expressions made by Americans than are Spanish speakers. d. All of the research stated above supports the notion that facial expressions are similar around the world.


Which of the following statements about cultural differences in subjective well-being and/or happiness is MOST ACCURATE, based on the research described in your textbook? a. In general, people around the world are moderately satisfied with their lives. b. Money is more strongly correlated with happiness among people who have a lot of money. c. The more a country promotes human rights, the more happy its citizens are. d. Experiencing positive emotions is associated with greater life satisfaction in all cultures (whether more individualistic or collectivistic).


Why are response biases so problematic for cross-cultural research? a. These biases make it difficult for a researcher to determine whether a person's response genuinely reflects their psychology or whether it reflects a biased way of responding. b. These biases make it difficult for a researcher to draw conclusions about cultural differences and similarities because data from one culture may be influenced by this bias and therefore inaccurate. c. Both a and b are correct d. Neither a nor b are correct


You review all of the studies that you've conducted in your career, and realize that they all use WEIRD samples. Which of the following criticisms is accurate given this characteristic of your samples? a. Your work is ethnocentric. b. You don't know how to define culture. c. The findings from your studies may not generalize to other cultures. d. All of the above criticisms are accurate of your work.


Cross-cultural research suggests that East Asians chronically take _____________ when thinking about the self, and thus seem to spend a greater proportion of their time experiencing the state of ________________. a. their own perspective; subjective self-awareness. b. their own perspective; objective self-awareness. c. the perspective of others; subjective self-awareness. d. the perspective of others; objective self-awareness.


Identify the statement that most accurately reflects what you've learned about cultural differences in the value of choice. a. Asian-American children will play more games than European-American children if the game is chosen by an outgroup member. b. People from the U.S. will prefer to choose from 10 ice-cream flavors, whereas people from Eastern European countries will prefer to choose among 50 flavors. c. Upper middle class Americans will be more satisfied with a gift if they chose it, whereas working class Americans will only be satisfied with the gift if someone else chooses it. d. If offered 7 different types of soda, members of Eastern European cultures whose governments recently transitioned from communism to democracy will likely view these 7 options as 1 - soda or no soda.


Inderjit, an Indian villager, came across a pot of gold while working in the fields. How is he most likely to distribute this gold after he brings it back to his village? a. The amount people receive depends on their contribution to the village. b. Older villagers are seen as deserving more pieces of gold. c. Everyone gets five pieces of gold. d. People who need more money receive more pieces of gold.


Studies of rates of schizophrenia across nations find that... a. incidence rates of schizophrenia do not vary much from country to country. b. patients with schizophrenia in less developed countries tend to fare better over time than those from more developed countries. c. subtypes of schizophrenia vary substantially from country to country. d. All of these statements are true.


What is Adams' argument for why the concept of enemies is more salient for Ghanaians than North Americans? a. Africa is a more physically dangerous environment than is North America, so that any harmful behaviors of enemies are potentially more dangerous to the individual. b. Ghanaians have more of a prevention orientation than North Americans. c. North Americans are more self-enhancing and are convinced that everyone loves them. Even though people often have enemies, North Americans incorrectly perceive them to be their friends. d. North Americans are encouraged to create or maintain relationships if they stand to benefit from them, and enemies are not a benefit to them.


Which of the following accurately depicts a way in which culture elaborates on the frameworks provided by society? a. Definition of what constitutes a family (e.g., immediate vs. extended family, pets included in family unit) b. Which child-rearing strategies are encouraged (e.g., spanking, " time-out") c. Which educational goals should be pursued (e.g., graduating high school, learning to be more creative) d. All of the above


Which of the following statements about social anxiety disorders is TRUE? a. Social anxiety disorder appears to be a culture-bound disorder. b. East Asians receive more treatment for social anxiety disorder than do North Americans. c. The disorder manifests in North Americans as a preoccupation with making other people uncomfortable, but manifests in East Asians as a preoccupation with embarrassing the self in front of others. d. Although East Asians report more anxiety about engaging in socially inappropriate behavior, they are less likely than North Americans to be diagnosed with social anxiety disorder.


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