PSY of Adulthood and Aging Final

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The World Health Organization defines health as the absence of disease.


The increase in the aging population is occurring in North America only, but not globally.


The majority of people with dementia live in nursing homes.


There is one theory of aging that all researchers agree on.


Wisdom and intelligence are the same thing


_____neuroimaging gives detailed images of brain anatomy whereas ______ neuroimaging gives less detail of anatomy but shows brain activity.

Structural and Functional

The textbook discusses new directions in nursing home care. What are the three approaches described in the book?

The Eden Alternative, The Green House Project, The Pioneer Network

Some types of dementia are reversible.


Stress has an effect on psychological health only, but not on physical health.


Jeanne Clament, who set the world record for the oldest person in the world, died when she was ______ years and ______ days old.

122 and 164

Baby Boomers were born between

1946 and 1964

Joint cartilage begins deteriorating in the ________.


Approximately what percent of people live in nursing homes at any given time?


______diseases develop over a short period and cause a rapid change in health whereas _______diseases last longer and may have long-term impairment.

Acute and Chronic

Which type of treatment for Alzheimer's disease is the most effective?

Behavioral strategies

Which of the following is not one of the four key features of the life-span perspective identified by Paul Baltes?

Biological changes

_____________ changes allow older adults to adapt to the inevitable behavioral decline that results from change in specific areas of the brain.


Which of the following is not one of the ethical guidelines for research listed in the textbook?

Deception should never be used.

______ is a feeling of unsteadiness and lightheadedness whereas ______is the sensation that one's surroundings are spinning.

Dizziness and Vertigo

A researcher is investigating the effects of exercise on weight. What is the independent variables in this experiment?


A researcher wants to determine whether married couples' political opinions are more similar when they have been married longer. He can use an experiment to determine if length of marriage causes couples to think more alike.


According to the life-span perspective, development occurs in childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood, but ceases during middle age.


Age can be used as an independent variable in an experiment.


All age stereotypes are negative


Although exercise can improve muscle strength during aging, that only applies if it is begun earlier in life.


Although some types of memory are subject to misinformation, that is not the case with flashbulb memories. Flashbulb memories are almost always accurate, even in the finest detail.


Any memory changes in older adults indicate probable dementia and should be evaluated by a professional.


Because of new technology, for those with hearing loss, their hearing can be restored completely.


Because processing speed declines in old age, there is no training that can improve it.


Correlation is the same as causation.


New research has led to a definitive test that can detect Alzheimer's disease in patients with memory loss.


The average age for a first marriage in the United States

Is increasing for both men and women.

Which part of the brain is involved with emotion, motivation, long-term memory, as well as other functions?

Limbic system

_____________ _______________ is the leading cause of functional blindness in older adults.

Macular degeneration

Personal control influences _____________.

Memory performance and intelligence.

I want to see whether "super 1000" gasoline gives better mileage than Brand X. If I run a tankful of each brand in two identical cars, what would the dependent variable be?

Miles per gallon

___________ is the most common type of elder abuse.


______ travel across the space between the neurons, which is called the ______.

Neurotransmitters and Synapse

According to the textbook, which group of individuals has the most positive view of aging?

Older Adults

Which of the following statements about HIV and AIDS in older adults is false?

Older adults are less apt to become HIV positive because they are more likely to use condoms.

Which of the following is not true about assessing older adults for depression?

The majority of older adults are depressed.

Drinking orange juice is negatively, or inversely, correlated with the risk of cancer. Based on this information, which of the following statements is true?

The more orange juice you drink, the lower your risk of cancer.

According to the textbook, what is the main reason more women than men remain unmarried throughout adulthood.

There is a larger pool of unmarried women for men to choose from.

Which is true concerning emotional goals?

They become more important as people age.

A researcher was interested in determining whether test performance of students could be improved by providing them with individual tutoring. The researcher randomly divided fifty first-year college students into two groups. The instructor lectured to Group A for three hours per week. Group B received an equal amount of lecturing, but their instructor also met with each student individually for thirty minutes every week. Each group took the same final exam. The test performance of students in Group B was significantly higher than that of students in Group A. It is possible to determine causation with reasonable certainty from this study.


In addition to cross-sectional research indicating that older adults are able to integrate emotion and logical processing, support for this idea has also been found in neuroimaging.


Life expectancy is a product of both genetics and environment.


Older adults have more difficulty than younger aduts in distinguishing between true and false information.


Several physical illnesses can cause depression in older adults.


I want to see whether "super 1000" gasoline gives better mileage than Brand X. If I run a tankful of each brand in two identical cars, what would the independent variable be?

Type of gasoline

The fact that people can learn to manage stress by changing the ways they think about the stressor indicates that

We do not just react directly to a stressor but to our cognitive appraisal of it.

Throughout adulthood, women lose bone mass at about __________ rate as me.

about twice the

Randall is 20 years old. He forgot his keys. Miranda is 78 years old, and she also forgot her keys. If you decide, based on this information, that Miranda has serious memory problems, but Randall must have just been temporarily distracted, you are using the _____________ ___________ _____________.

age-based double standard

Discriminition against older adults based on their age is ________.


Mental status exams are used

as a quick screening measure for cognitive competence.

Ashley just learned that the 4-legged animal in her house is a dog. She and her family are going for a walk. She sees a cat and calls it "dog." According to Piaget, she is using ______________. Her older brother say, "No, Ashley, that is a cat." He is using

assimilation; accommodation

A diagnosis of ___________ disorder is made when a person's depression alternates with periods of extremely high levels of activity.

bipolar disorder

______________ disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.


Experiments are important for determining __________________________ relationships between or among variables.


Robert attends activities at his local senior center. He and his friends there were all born during the same historical era. That makes them a _________.


A person's maximum ability to function in multiple domains is his or her


Antonio has been dependent on alcohol for most of his life. This has resulted in alcohol-related dementia. Sometimes when he is relating events, without realizing it, he will fill in the memory gaps with stories that are believable but untrue. This is referred to as ________________.

confabulation or alcohol-related dementia

Alberto has lost some of his independence because he can no longer drive. So, he has found other ways to get around, such as public transportation. He is using a

corrective adaptation

The ability to produce work that is novel, high in demand, and task appropriate is referred to as ___________.


Dr. Martin gave a memory test to two groups of people at the same time. One group was 60 years old, and the other group was 70 years old. He constructed a ___________________ study.


______________________ ______________ increases through middle and late adulthood. It helps people apply the knowledge they have learned throughout life.

crystallized intelligence

You see Britta gulp down a McBig sandwich and milkshake at McMalley's and decide that she must be unconcerned about health and fitness. However, if you gulp down a McBig sandwich and a milkshake, it is because you are especially hungry. You use a ___ attribution for Britta's behavior and a(n) ___attribution for your own behavior.

dispositional and situational

Rachel moved into a nursing home and felt she had no longer had any control over her life. She simply stayed in her room and waited for the staff to tell her what to do. She was showing


The physical, interpersonal, and social demands placed upon a person are referred to as

environmental press

Christopher is just learning to tie his shoes. Therefore, he needs to pay attention to each step. He is using _________________ ____________.

explicit memory.

_________________ _____________ decreases through adulthood. It helps people with problem-solving and cannot be taught.

fluid intelligence

Ricardo is learning about the aging process from maturity throughout old age. He is studying _________.


Memory decline is related to reduced volume in the ___________.


Lilly has been tying her shoes for years. This process is stored in her ____________ _____________.

implicit memory.

Dr. Martin gave a memory test to a group of 60-year-olds in 1990 and then to the same people again in 2000 when they were 70 years old. He constructed a ____________________ study.


Juliet is remembering information for her exam by repeating it over and over. Enrico is remembering the same information by making connections with facts he already knows. Juliet is using ... rehearsal whereas Enrico is using ...rehearsal.

maintenance and elaborative

According to Baltes, the neurophysiological structure of the mind is referred to as ________________________ whereas the knowledge acquired from one's culture is referred to as _______________.

mechanics of intelligence; pragmatic intelligence

Miranda has cancer. Roger won the lottery. These are examples of ______________ influence.


Mary's skin is getting wrinkled, and her hair is turning gray. These are examples of _____________________________ influence.

normative age-graded

Steve was in grade school during the Vietnam War, but Katherine was in grade school during the Gulf War. These are examples of ____________ ____________influence.

normative history-graded

__________________ is the leading cause of broken bones in older women.


Changes occur in the brain because of the interaction between the brain and the environment. The result of this is called _____________.


Richard was lonely, so he joined the local senior center to make new friends . He is using a

preventive adaptation

David and Bernice both have physical impairments and realize they are unable to care for themselves and will need to move from their homes into some type of assisted living or nursing home. David decides he wants to have as much choice as possible, so he begins researching nearby facilities and comparing the pros and cons of each. Bernice begins thinking of all of the advantages of the upcoming move, such as not being alone and not having to cook her own meals. David is using ___control strategies whereas Bernice is using ___ control strategies.

primary and secondary

Mary moved into a nursing home and realized in order to adjust, she would need to make some changes in her routine. She is showing


While Chris was trying to study at the library, two people near his study area kept talking to each other. Chris moved to a quieter area. This is an example of

problem-focused coping.

Albert has a doctor's appointment at 9:00 tomorrow morning. In order to remember this, he must use his _______________ ______________.

prospective memory.

The study of the relationship between the psychological, neurological, and immunological systems that affect one's susceptibility to and ability to revover from disease is referred to as __________________.


Because this is a multiple choice question, you will use ______________ to answer it. However, if it were a fill-in-the-blank question, you would use ____________.

recognition; recall

If you get the same score on a test every time you take it, it has _____________.


Karen feels stressed by the need to care for her aging parents and for her teenage children. She is in the ___________ _______________.

sandwich generation

Alice walked into her classroom and heard several conversations. She also saw a great deal of detail about the room and each person in it. However, the vast amount of that information did not remain in her memory. It only entered her __________ _____________.

sensory memory

_________ ___ ___________ refers to how quickly and and efficiently the early steps in information processing are completed.

speed of processing

A reason for functional brain imaging research is___________________.

to learn the effects of age-related deterioration in specific brain structures on a person's ability to perform specific tasks and to identify the ways the brain compensates for negative age-related changes.

If this quiz correctly shows how well you learned the material in Chapter 1, it has ___________.


The independent variable in the experiment is ...

what's being manipulated

The dependent variable in the experiment...

what's being measured

Neurons covered by myelin are referred to as ________ ___________.

white matter

In solving math problems, Jake needs to keep the formulas in mind at the same time he is doing the calculations. He must use his ____________ ___________.

working memory.

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