PSY100 - Modules 42-45

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Basic emotions characteristics

1. Fast and automatic 2. develop early 3. universal among humans 4. shared with other mammals


A device for recording heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and galvanic skin response; commonly called a "lie detector."


A learned difficulty expressing emotions; more common in men.


A low-intensity, long-lasting emotional state.

sympathetic branch

A part of the autonomic nervous system that activates the body at times of stress.

parasympathetic branch

A part of the autonomic nervous system that quiets the body and conserves energy.


A part of the limbic system (within the brain) that produces fear responses.


A small area at the base of the brain that regulates many aspects of motivation and emotion, especially hunger, thirst, and sexual behavior.


A state characterized by physiological arousal, changes in facial expression, gestures, posture, and subjective feelings.


A steady state of body equilibrium.

Yerkes-Dodson law

A summary of the relationships among arousal, task complexity, and performance.

hierarchy of human needs

Abraham Maslow's ordering of needs, based on their presumed strength or potency.

basic emotions

According to Robert Plutchik's theory, the most fundamental emotions are fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, anticipation, joy, and acceptance.

adaptive behaviors

Actions that aid attempts to survive and adapt to changing conditions.

anorexia nervosa

Active self-starvation or a sustained loss of appetite that has psychological origins.

physiological changes

Alterations in heart rate, blood pressure, perspiration, and other involuntary responses.

taste aversion

An active dislike for a particular food.


An internal deficiency that may energize behavior.


Any action, glandular activity, or other identifiable behavior.


Any of a number of female sex hormones.


Any of a number of male sex hormones, especially testosterone.

arousal theory

Assumes that people prefer to maintain ideal, or comfortable, levels of arousal.


Changes in the sexual drives of animals that create a desire for mating; particularly used to refer to females in heat.

circadian rhythms

Cyclical changes in body functions and arousal levels that vary on a schedule approximating a 24-hour day.

emotional appraisal

Evaluating the personal meaning of a stimulus or situation.

Bulimia nervosa

Excessive eating (gorging) usually followed by self-induced vomiting and/or taking laxatives.

According to the James-Lange theory, emotional experience precedes physical arousal and emotional behavior. (We see a bear, are frightened, and run.)


People who frequently diet tend to benefit from practice: They lose weight more quickly each time they diet


People who rate high in emotional intelligence tend to be highly aware of their own feelings and unaware of emotions experienced by others.


Positive emotions may be pleasant, but they tend to narrow our focus of attention and limit the range of possible actions we are likely to consider.


The sympathetic system prepares the body for "fight or flight" by activating the parasympathetic system.


Test anxiety

High levels of arousal and worry that seriously impair test performance.


In Maslow's hierarchy, needs associated with impulses for self-actualization.

growth needs

In Maslow's hierarchy, the higher-level needs associated with self-actualization.

Biological motives

Innate motives based on biological needs.

Stimulus motives

Innate needs for stimulation and information.


Internal processes that initiate, sustain, direct, and terminate activities.

social motives

Learned motives acquired as part of growing up in a particular society or culture.

extrinsic motivation

Motivation based on obvious external rewards, obligations, or similar factors.

Intrinsic motivation

Motivation that comes from within, rather than from external rewards; motivation based on personal enjoyment of a task or activity.

Learned motives

Motives based on learned needs, drives, and goals.

Emotional expressions

Outward signs that an emotion is occurring.

guilty knowledge test

Polygraph procedure involving testing people with knowledge only a guilty person could know.

The idea that labeling arousal helps define what emotions we experience is associated with

Schachter's cognitive theory

Cannon-Bard theory

States that activity in the thalamus causes emotional feelings and bodily arousal to occur simultaneously.

James-Lange theory

States that emotional feelings follow bodily arousal and come from awareness of such arousal.

Schachter's cognitive theory

States that emotions occur when physical arousal is labeled or interpreted on the basis of experience and situational cues.

facial feedback hypothesis

States that sensations from facial expressions help define what emotion a person feels.


Study of the meaning of body movements, posture, hand gestures, and facial expressions; commonly called body language.

emotional intelligence

The ability to perceive, use, understand, and manage emotions.

need for achievement (nAch)

The desire to excel or meet some internalized standard of excellence.

need for power

The desire to have social impact and control over others.

basic needs

The first four levels of needs in Maslow's hierarchy; lower needs tend to be more potent than higher needs.

Emotional feelings

The private, subjective experience of having an emotion.

set point

The proportion of body fat that tends to be maintained by changes in hunger and eating.


The psychological expression of internal needs or valued goals, for example, hunger, thirst, or a drive for success.

sex drive

The strength of one's motivation to engage in sexual behavior.

autonomic nervous system (ANS)

The system of nerves that connects the brain with the internal organs and glands.


The target or objective of motivated behavior.

incentive value

The value of a goal above and beyond its ability to fill a need.

Extracellular thirst

Thirst caused by a reduction in the volume of fluids found between body cells.

intracellular thirst

Thirst triggered when fluid is drawn out of cells due to an increased concentration of salts and minerals outside the cell.

Charles Darwin held that emotional expressions aid survival for animals.


Intrinsic motivation is often undermined in situations in which obvious external rewards are applied to a naturally enjoyable activity


Using the information imparted by emotional reactions can enhance thinking and decision-making


behavioral dieting

Weight reduction based on changing exercise and eating habits, rather than temporary self-starvation.

Maslow's Meta-Needs

Wholeness (unity) Perfection (balance and harmony) Completion (ending) Justice (fairness) Richness (complexity) Simplicity (essence) Aliveness (spontaneity) Beauty (rightness of form) Goodness (benevolence) Uniqueness (individuality) Playfulness (ease) Truth (reality) Autonomy (self-sufficiency) Meaningfulness (values)

Emotional arousal is closely related to activity of the __________nervous system


Bingeing and purging are most characteristic of people who have


Walter Cannon and A. L. Washburn

decided to see whether stomach contractions cause hunger.

Pain avoidance is (an) ___________drive.


In addition to changing eating habits, a key element of behavioral dieting is


Emotional __________ often communicate a person's emotional state to others.


As you try to wiggle your ears, you keep pulling the corners of your mouth back into a smile. Each time you do, you find yourself giggling. Which of the following provides the best explanation for this reaction?

facial feedback

What body changes are measured by a polygraph?

heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, galvanic skin response

Desirable goals are motivating because they are high in

incentive value

Motives ___________, sustain, ___________, and terminate activities.

initiate; direct

Maintaining your body's set point for fat is closely linked with the amount of ___________ in the bloodstream


The highest level of Maslow's hierarchy of motives involves

meta needs

Needs provide the __________ of motivation, whereas incentives provide the ___________

push; pull

Which of the following is not an element of emotional intelligence?


People high in nAch show high levels of perseverance, passion, and __________.


Exploration, manipulation, and curiosity provide evidence for the existence of _____________motives.


Complex tasks, such as taking a classroom test, tend to be disrupted by high levels of arousal, an effect predicted by

the Yerkes-Dodson law

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