PSY2012 Exam 3

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As a practical joke, Nadine tells her younger brother a story about an event that did NOT happen when he was 4 years old. She said he called 911 to report a fight they were having. Nadine repeats this story several times, until her brother begins to believe that he had dialed 911. This is an example of imagination: inflation. blocking. persistence. transience.


Darlene is trying to remember the name of a woman sitting next to her on the bus. She knows she met her at a party, and she is trying to rember which one. Darlene is able to imagine where the woman was seated at the party, as well as what she was eating. Darlene is using _____ to remember the woman's name. retrieval cues proactive inhibition retroactive inhibition implicit memor


Formerly depressed people's recollections more closely resemble: the recollections of people who never suffered from depression. currently depressed people's recollections. both currently depressed people's recollections and the recollections of people who never suffered from depression. neither currently depressed people's recollections nor the recollections of people who never suffered from depression.


If one learns a list of chemistry terms while one is in a great mood, one has a better chance of recalling that list if one is in the same mood when one takes the exam. This is known as: state-dependent memory. a repressed memory. source amnesia. the misinformation effect.


Imagine having to pick the correct answer from a displayed list of options. This aspect of memory is known as: recognition. recall. reconstruction. relearning.


In a famous experiment, John Garcia gave novel food to one group of rats and familiar food to another group of rats. Then both groups of rats were made to vomit. According to Garcia's work, which group of rats developed an aversion to their food? the rats given the novel food both rats developed an aversion to their food the rats given the familiar food neither group of rats developed an aversion to their food


In a study, adult males who spent three evenings watching sexually violent movies became progressively less bothered by the rapes and beatings. Compared with those in a control group, the film watchers later expressed less sympathy for domestic violence victims, and they rated the victims' injuries as less severe. The violence-viewing effect demonstrated in this study was: desensitization. prosocial modeling. latent learning. modeling.


In classical conditioning, a person learns _____, while in operant conditioning, a person learns _____. to associate two stimuli and thus to anticipate events; to associate a response (behavior) and its consequence to associate a response (behavior) and its consequence; two stimuli and thus to anticipate events by avoiding punishment; to associate a response (behavior) and its consequence through observation; through imitation


In classical conditioning, the learned reaction to a previously neutral stimulus is called the: conditioned response (CR). unconditioned response (UR). unconditioned stimulus (US). conditioned stimulus (CS).


Lonnie often has vivid dreams. In the morning, he can recall them in great detail. This sometimes gets him in trouble, because he can't figure out if he is remembering a dream or something that actually happened. This problem is known as: source amnesia. infantile amnesia. mood-congruent memory. blocking.


Shaping is a method used by Skinner to: guide an organism to exhibit a complex behavior using successive approximations. decrease an undesirable behavior. condition taste aversions in rats. explain how classical conditioning works.


Shuana is an excellent student. She rewrites her notes after each class and reviews the chapter covered in the lecture each evening. Rewriting her notes and reviewing the chapter is a form of: rehearsal. chunking. automatic processing. implicit memory.


Victor often pretends to listen to what his sister is saying when he is really focused elsewhere. When she asks him, "What did I just say?", he can sometimes repeat her last few words. The mechanism behind this is his: echoic memory. iconic memory. implicit memory. declarative memory.


What stimulus did B.F. Skinner believe was the best way to shape desirable behavior? positive reinforcement negative reinforcement aversive stimuli punishment


Which statement best describes instinctive drift? The biological predisposition to perform natural behaviors can interfere with learning operant behaviors. As operant behaviors are learned, they override instinctive or reflexive behaviors. Misbehavior can be prevented by operantly conditioning instinctive behaviors that are incompatible with the misbehavior. Over time, reflex behaviors change as a function of repeated exposure to classical conditioning.


While 5-year-old Martha was looking at one of the balloons her mother set out for her birthday, Martha's brother Raymond took a pin and popped the balloon, causing Martha to flinch and blink quickly. Later during the party, when Martha's mother approached her with a balloon, she blinked and flinched. This is an example of: classical conditioning. latent learning. operant conditioning. observational learning.


When one recalls an imagined event as something that really happened, one is experiencing source _____.


Classical and operant conditioning involves learning through _____, whereas observational learning involves learning through imitation.


Five-year-old Destiny is frightened by the noise thunder makes. Thus, when Destiny sees lightning, she often cries in anticipation of the thunder. This is an example of: observational learning. classical conditioning. operant conditioning. stimulus experience.


In an experiment, people formed negative attitudes toward Pokemon characters that were repeatedly shown with negative words and images next to them. This best illustrates the impact of: the law of effect. classical conditioning. negative reinforcers. spontaneous recovery.


In classical conditioning, an originally irrelevant stimulus, which after association with an unconditioned stimulus comes to trigger a conditioned response, is called a(n): unconditioned response (UR). conditioned stimulus (CS). unconditioned stimulus (US). conditioned response (CR).


Karl Lashley trained rats to solve a maze, and then removed pieces of their cortexes. He reported that, no matter what part of the cortex was removed, the rats retained partial memory of how to solve the maze. This indicates that: rats' brains are more plastic than are human brains. memories are not located in single, specific locations in the brain. rats learn differently than humans do. long-term potentiation does not occur in rats.


Macy gave her dog a treat each time she came to Macy when she called her name. Soon the dog came every time Macy called the dog's name. This is an example of: observational learning. operant conditioning. classical conditioning. instinctual behavior.


Nanette's daughter refused to brush her teeth and threw her toys across the room. Nanette gave her daughter a 9-minute time-out. This is an example of a(n): positive punishment. negative punishment. conditioned reinforcer. negative reinforcer.


Ray drank too much whiskey last night. He spent much of this morning vomiting and nauseated. According to the principles of classical conditioning, how will Ray likely react today when he tastes from or smells the whiskey bottle that he drank from last night? He will want to drink more whiskey right away. He will find the scent and taste of whiskey aversive. He will invite all of his friends over that night for another party. He will find the scent and taste more appealing than before.


Ricky has had his driver's license for less than a year and loves to drive. His love of driving gave him the idea of getting a job delivering pizza 25 hours a week. After having the job for 6 months, one can probably predict that: Ricky would seek more jobs where he could drive. Ricky's love of driving would have decreased. Ricky would volunteer to drive his grandmother to appointments. Ricky would continue to love his job.


Using mental pictures is a powerful aid to effortful processing, especially when combined with semantic encoding. This process involves: retrieval. imagery. retrospection. priming.


Which is an example of an explicit memory? how to ride a bike being taught by a parent to ride a bike how to sign your name how to drive


Raphael is in dental school and is learning the correct way to take an X-ray of the mouth. His instructor first shows the class a video that demonstrates the proper procedures for taking an X-ray and then demonstrates these same procedures using Raphael as a patient. Raphael and his classmates are learning how to take an X-ray of patients' teeth through the use of _____.

Behavior modeling (or observational learning)

If you get violently ill a couple of hours after eating contaminated food, you will probably develop an aversion to the taste of that food but not to the sight of the restaurant where you ate or to the sound of the music you heard there. This best illustrates that associative learning is constrained by _____.

Biological predispositions

A word of praise is to a delicious meal as _____ is to _____. operant conditioning; classical conditioning a delayed reinforcer; an immediate reinforcer a conditioned reinforcer; a primary reinforcer partial reinforcement; continuous reinforcement


Abdul has to make an important phone call. Unfortunately, his cell phone is not charged and he has to use his landline, which does not store phone numbers. To make the call, he has to get the number from his cell phone and remember it long enough to dial on his landline. For this task, which memory system is MOST important? echoic memory flashbulb memory working memory long-term memory


B.F. Skinner believed that external influences, not _____, shape animal and human behavior. negative reinforcement positive reinforcement thoughts and feelings unconscious influences


Blinking in response to a puff of air directed into one's eye is a(n): conditioned stimulus (CS). unconditioned stimulus (US). unconditioned response (UR). conditioned response (CR).


Dr. Santos prefers to give all essay and fill-in-the-blank questions to fully test students': reconstruction. recognition. recall. relearning.


Implicit memories are to _____ processing as explicit memories are to _____ processing. frontal lobe; hippocampal effortful; automatic automatic; effortful hippocampal; frontal lobe


In classical conditioning, this is the unlearned, naturally occurring reaction to the unconditioned stimulus (US), such as salivation when food is in the mouth. conditioned stimulus (CS) neutral stimulus (NS) unconditioned response (UR) conditioned response (CR)


In using operant conditioning principles to train animals to perform tricks, Keller and Marian Breland found that: punishment is more effective than reinforcement in shaping animal behavior. it is impossible to train pigs to perform tricks. an animal's inborn or instinctive behavior patterns could interfere with the operant conditioning of new behaviors. positive and negative reinforcement is the sole determinant of an animal's behavior.


Michelle always drives down Hampton Avenue to go to the work. One morning Michelle discovers that Hampton Avenue is closed due to construction. Michelle immediately takes a different route to work. She is able to make a quick route change because: she is classically conditioned to fear construction machinery. Michelle was observing the actions of others in the situation. she has formed a cognitive map of the area. the construction was a reliable predictor of danger.


On a business trip last year, Susan and Pam flew from Los Angeles to Boston. Susan really hates to fly. In the middle of the flight, Susan and Pam experienced 20 minutes of very severe turbulence. Susan remembers this incident as if it was yesterday, but Pam cannot recall it. Why? At the time, the level of Pam's stress hormones was greater than Susan's level. There is no way to know, because stress and emotion do not influence memory. Susan experienced emotion-triggered hormonal changes. Pam experienced emotion-triggered hormonal changes.


Ron has been trying to quit smoking for years. Although Ron typically smokes two packs of cigarettes each day, he recalls smoking little more than one pack per day. This poor memory BEST illustrates: the self-reference effect. the misinformation effect. motivated forgetting. the spacing effect.


Those suffering from depression are more likely to have their memories affected by negative associations. This is known as: state-dependent memory. retroactive inhibition. mood-congruent memory. serial position effect.


To reduce their self-destructive behavior, a therapist squirts water in the children's faces whenever they bite themselves. The squirt of water is a: conditioned reinforcer. negative reinforcer. positive punishment. negative punishment.


Today's learning theorists recognize that human learning results not only from environmental influences but from an interaction of _____ influences. biological psychological biopsychosocial social


When Roger studies for an exam he reads the textbook, stops to think about the material, and then takes a practice exam. According to the information-processing model, Roger is actively: feeling, storing, and retrieving. sensing, engaging, and practicing. encoding, storing, and retrieving. encoding, storing, and practicing.


Which BEST describes the typical forgetting curve? a slow, initial decline in retention becoming rapid thereafter a steady, rapid decline in retention over time a rapid, initial decline in retention becoming stable thereafter a steady, slow decline in retention over time


Which is an example of an implicit memory? the date of Abraham Lincoln's birthday being taught by a parent to ride a bike how to ride a bike the correct spelling of emancipation


Which is believed to be the neural basis for learning and memory? semantic encoding proactive interference long-term potentiation priming


While watching the movie Field of Dreams, Lizette becomes very emotional during the scene when the main character gets emotional after he asks his father to play catch. This empathetic response can be partially attributed to her _____ neurons. motor sensory mirror interneuron


You receive a money-saving credit card offer in the mail complete with a frequent-flyer reward program. You are excited until you read further and find that the one mile for every dollar spent may not be such a great offer after all. You'll get a $500 airline ticket only after you acquire 25,000 miles or spend $25,000. This is a _____ schedule. fixed-interval variable-ratio fixed-ratio variable-interval


In _____ conditioning an organism learns associations between events it doesn't control.


Malia ate fried chicken she purchased from her favorite fast food restaurant. An hour later she felt ill and spent the rest of the evening vomiting. Three weeks later she entered the same restaurant and immediately became nauseous when she saw fried chicken. Malia's nausea when she saw the fried chicken is an example of _____ conditioning.


Three-year-old Camden was playing with a balloon he was given by his father. While playing with the balloon, it popped in his face, which frightened him and he sobbed. Just days later, he went to another child's birthday party, saw some balloons, began to cry, and ran out of the room. This is an example of _____ conditioning.


The predictability of an association between a conditioned stimulus (CS) and an unconditioned stimulus (US) facilitates an organism's ability to anticipate the occurrence of the US. This fact is most likely to be highlighted by a(n) _____ perspective.


In classical conditioning, the _____ is an originally irrelevant stimulus that comes to trigger a conditioned response after its association with an unconditioned stimulus.

Conditioned stimulus

A rat is allowed to explore a maze for several trials. On the last trial he finds a piece of food at the end of the maze. On the following trial his speed through the maze increases dramatically. This is an example of: the law of effect. operant conditioning. classical conditioning. latent learning.


According to the results of series of experiments done by Elliot and Niesta (2008), if a woman wanted to increase her attractiveness to a male she should: agree to buy dinner. wear a black dress and black lipstick. put a blue streak in her hair. wear a red dress and red lipstick.


At work, there is a vending machine that gives extra candy bars when a person selects either the "a" or "b" choices. A woman frequents this machine regularly. This best illustrates: spontaneous recovery. respondent behavior. latent learning. operant conditioning.


Gamblers and fishermen have a difficult time controlling their need to gamble or fish due to the _____ schedule of reinforcement. fixed-ratio latent-interval fixed-interval variable-interval


Hakeem has a very clear memory of his daughter's birth. He remembers the weather, what he was wearing, the sounds in the hallway, and the joy he felt. Psychologists would say that: he will completely forget all of these memories over time. his ability to remember an emotionally significant event in so much detail is unusual. he is describing the spotlight effect. he has a flashbulb memory for this event.


In Watson and Rayner's experiment with Little Albert the _____ was the unconditioned response (UR). playful behavior with the rat fear of the white rat salivating to a tone fear of a loud noise


In experiments with rats in which rewards were not given to the rats for exploring a maze, experimenters later included rewards after several trials. When rewards were given upon reaching the end of the maze, the time needed to complete the maze decreased immediately. This caused researchers to conclude that: continuous reinforcement is necessary for operant conditioning to occur. rats learn nothing more than a sequence of left and right turns. learning will not occur in the absence of reinforcement. reinforcement is not necessary for learning to occur.


In psychoanalytic theory, the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories is called: retroactive interference automatic processing. source amnesia. repression.


In the classical conditioning experiment conducted by Robert Rescorla that involved two groups of rats, one group of rats heard a tone just before each of 20 shocks. The second group of rats experienced the same 20 tone-shock pairings, but also experienced an additional 20 shocks that were not paired with a tone. How did the two groups differ? As predicted by the basic principles of classical conditioning, there were no differences between the two groups of rats. The rats in the first group developed learned helplessness, while the rats in the second group did not. Since they experienced more shocks, the rats in the second group displayed a much stronger fear response to the tone than did the rats in the first group. The rats in the first group displayed a much stronger conditioned fear response to the tone than did the rats in the second group.


Individuals _____ information about space. For example, while reading a textbook, one encodes the place on a page where certain material appears. forget use echoic memory to encode mirror automatically process


Learning that is not immediately demonstrated in overt behavior is called: classical conditioning. repressed learning. operant conditioning. latent learning.


Multiple-choice questions are to essay questions as: encoding is to storage. storage is to encoding. recall is to recognition. recognition is to recall.


Skinner believed that _____ influences, not thoughts and feelings, shape animal and human behavior. cognitive internal unconscious external


Those with _____ amnesia cannot recall their past, whereas those with _____ amnesia can recall their past, but they cannot form new memories. retrograde; prograde prograde; retrograde anterograde; retrograde retrograde; anterograde


Tina's goal is to raise children who enjoy playing musical instruments. Given what you know about observational learning, what would you recommend? Tina should deny her children toys and only give them musical instruments. Tina should pay her children money to play an instrument. Tina should punish her children if they refuse to practice playing an instrument. Tina should play her own musical instrument in front of her children.


When people become depressed, they are often flooded with thoughts of failed relationships and missed chances. This experience BEST illustrates: retroactive interference. repression. the misinformation effect. mood-congruent memory.


One reason memory fails is because of problems with information _____, the processing of saving information to memory.


Monkeys who were reared apart from their mothers and exposed to high levels of aggression showed greater aggression as adults. This is evidence for the _____ transmission of aggression.


Pavlov's dog stopped salivating to the bell when the food was no longer paired with the bell. This is called _____.


Ten-year-old Maggie continually interrupts her teacher with jokes that make her fellow students laugh. The attention from the other students is an example of a(n) _____ reward.


According to your text, even imagining nonexistent events can create _____ memories.


Many people can easily recall exactly what they were doing when they heard news of the attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001. This BEST illustrates _____ memory.


Nine-year-old Jade has just discovered something very interesting. She can look at a picture in a book and, when she closes her eyes, she can still see the picture very clearly for a few tenths of a second. Jade is experiencing _____ memory.


Repeatedly imagining nonexistent actions and events is called _____ and can create false memories.

Imagination inflation

Six-year-old Fiona has no memory of a trip she took to the hospital when she was two years old, yet the rest of her family recalls what happened in vivid detail. Her inability to remember this event is known as _____ amnesia.


Behavior motivated by enjoyment, satisfaction, or challenge is _____ motivation.


Tara is taking advanced placement chemistry in High School because she loves science and is fascinated by chemistry experimentation. Tara is motivated by _____ motivation.


Classical conditioning involves the conditioning of _____ behavior.


_____ studied the development of taste aversions and stated that they could not be explained by the basic principles of classical conditioning.

John Garcia

Learning that is not immediately demonstrated in overt behavior is called _____ learning.


Giacomo Rizzolatti is the researcher who discovered the function of _____ through his experiments with monkeys.

Mirror neurons

Researchers discover that the neuronal activity in the brain of a monkey who simply watched another monkey pick up and eat a peanut was the same as the brain activity of the monkey actually performing these actions. These researchers are investigating _____.

Mirror neurons

When people become depressed, they are often flooded with thoughts of failed relationships and missed chances. This experience BEST illustrates _____ memory.


Anthony went to school one day with his zipper down. He considers it his most embarrassing moment ever and would rather forget that the event ever occurred. Anthony is exhibiting _____ forgetting.


Learning by imitating the behavior of others is called _____ learning.


Tim and Martina had some friends over for a meal. One of the visiting couples had a 3-year old son, Logan, who was playing with Tim and Martina's 3-year-old-son, Tony. Logan noticed some cookies on the table and requested one. His parents refused, which caused Logan to throw a tantrum. His parents gave him a cookie so he would stop the tantrum. Tony was watching. The next day Tim was preparing dinner, and Tony requested a cookie. He was told that he could have a cookie, but not until after dinner. Tony then threw a tantrum, which he had never done before. Tony's behavior is an example of _____ learning.


Zhu gave her bunny a treat each time she came to Zhu when she called his name. Soon the bunny came every time Zhu called the bunny's name. This is an example of _____ conditioning.


_____ conditioning is a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher.


To reduce the disruptive behavior of a child, a teacher might slap the desk with a ruler to startle her. The sound of the slap is a(n) _____ punishment.


Behaviorist and learning researcher Gregory Kimble acknowledged that learning in animals is not just a matter of responding to the environment but it is limited by the animals' _____ to learn associations that enhance their chances of survival.


_____ is a measure of memory that assesses the amount of time saved when learning material again.


According to Sigmund Freud, one reason that people forget is because they are _____ painful memories.


Rashad is studying for tomorrow's biology exam. He has been reading and taking notes for hours, and he feels as though he can study biology no longer. To avoid _____ interference, the BEST thing for Rashad to do is to go directly to sleep.


In a 1972 classical conditioning study, _____ showed that an animal can learn the predictability of an event.

Robert Rescorla and Allan Wagner

Millie has been having difficulties remembering what people have just said. She is also unable to follow along during her favorite television shows. Millie is having difficulty with her _____ memory.


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