psych 140

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A dispositional view of human nature would be evident in which of the following?

"John is so narcissistic that he can't really see or care about the needs of others."

Increasing the size of the group from ____________ to ______________ is likely to produce the greatest increase in conformity.

2 to 5

The empathy-altruism hypothesis would predict which of the following?

A homeless person asking for money is likely to receive more money if he or she is accompanies by a child or pet.

Mary is a 23-year-old white female attending a prestigious university. Mary currently resides in an on-campus residence hall, where there has been increased concern about her mood and sometimes erratic behavior. Before the onset of current symptoms, her friends described her as "pretty low key and easy to get along with." Since high school, Mary had continually been in a long-distance intimate relationship with her high school boyfriend, Richard. They had discussed marriage and starting a life together. Two weeks ago, Mary received a text message from Richard that was sexually explicit in nature that was referring to someone named "Audrey." Immediately, Mary called Richard in a tearful rage. Richard acknowledged that he has "been seeing" Audrey off and on for the past year. At the climax of the conversation, Richard broke up with Mary. Mary's roommates reportedly found her hours later on the floor of her room weeping and rocking; there was a hole punched in her wall and her phone was in pieces. The subsequently week, Mary rarely left her room and refused to eat. Unable to attend her classes during midterms, she was forced to take incompletes, setting back her plans for graduate school. Though she denied a desire to hurt herself, she reported that her "dreams had been wrecked" and there was really "no hope for her to be happy again in the future." Her roommates were startled to hear a raucous from her dorm room; Mary began to flip over furniture, destroy her belongings and pound on the walls. Campus safety was called to the scene. The safety officers found her on the floor shaking. When the officers asked her what was going on, she repeatedly shouted, "he destroyed my life." Mary was brought to the local ER for assessment, but was not hospitalized since she adamantly denied suicidal or homicidal ideation. She has no history of drug or alcohol use. She has no history of other psychiatric diagnosis or medical conditions. There is no history of similar behavior in the past.

Adjustment Disorder

The learned helplessness model put forth by Seligman is a model of which of the following?


The hypothesis that schizophrenia is caused by an interaction between a genetic disturbance and separation from loved ones would be most relevant to which of the following?


Which of the following can be inferred from most twin studies?

Differences between identical twins are most likely the product of environmental factors

Justin is the first person to admit that he is prejudiced against people who participate in sororities and fraternities. Which of the following experiences is most likely to reduce Justin's prejudice?

He works on a group project with several members of sororities and fraternities.

Which of the following statements about neurosis is true?

It is not a category of mental disorder in the DSM-5

A car salesman offers to sell a customer a new car for $17,000 which is a very attractive price. After the customer signs the papers to purchase at that price, the salesman seeks final approval from the manager. He returns to tell the customer that the manager will sell the car for $17,700. The customer still agrees to buy. The customer was a victim of

Low-balling tactic

The expression familiarity breeds contempt directly contradicts which of the following?

Mere-exposure effect

What is the difference between panic disorder and anxiety disorder?

Panic Disorder is a type of anxiety disorder

Evolutionary psychologists assume that altruism evolved in humans because of which of the following processes?

People are more likely to behave altruistically towards their genetically related relatives.

Which of the following best illustrates the use of a diathesis stress model?

People with close family relatives diagnosed with schizophrenia are more likely to be diagnosed themselves, especially when they are exposed to high levels of stress.

Harry is investigating the purchase of a new broom for the next Quidditch season. He studies the specs of the latest models and reads online reviews. According to the elaboration likelihood model, Harry is most likely to be persuaded by which of the following sales approaches when he goes to the store?

The store provides a detailed video of the important features of the broom supported by laboratory testing.

According to DSM-5, what is the relationship between the symptoms of depression used to diagnose bipolar disorder and those used to diagnose major depressive disorder?

They are the same

Most people that are labelled "mentally ill" are not really "sick" in the medical sense, but they exhibit behavior which deviates from ethical, legal, and social norms. This behavior would be best viewed as "problems in living" and not the result of organic malfunctioning. Applying the label "mentally ill" creates problems for the person which increases the inability to cope with the stresses in his life. Treatment, then, should be directed toward better coping mechanisms in everyday life.

Thomas Szasz

Which of one of the following research statements is true?

When we are friends with other group members, we tend to share the credit for success or the blame for failure, contradicting the fundamental attribution error.

Would it be possible or conceivable that a person diagnosed as abnormal in one culture would be considered quite normal in another?

Yes. Cultures vary in their norms and expectations. Behaviors seen as quite acceptable in one culture could readily be seen as quite abnormal in another.

By definition, discrimination is an example of

a behavior

A patient complains of checking faucets to see if they are leaking so frequently that there is very little time for other activities. This behavior is an example of

a compulsion

John sees Andrea yelling at the TV during a football game and thinks to himself that Andrea is aggressive. A week later, John yells at the TV during a football game and thinks to himself that he is doing so because it is an important game for his team. This is an example of

actor-observer effect

Which of the following would you consider the most important variables determining whether a person in distress would receive help

all of the above*** (the number of bystanders having seen a model of helping prior to encountering this person degree of hurry the would-be helper is in)

Cody, a 25-year-old man, has shown a pervasive pattern of disregard of the rights of others for at least the last ten years, and he feels no remorse when his actions hurt others. It is most likely that Cody would be diagnosed with which of the following personality disorders?


A key feature of the DSM-5 is its

atheoretical classification of disorders

A cognitive therapist is likely to suspect which of the following factors to be the main cause of a client's depression?

believing that a mistake made at work means that a person is useless

Which of the following is the best example of delusional behavior

believing that physicians implanted technology in the brain during a recent hospitalization that allow them to control your thoughts

Bipolar Disorder is

characterized by episodes of depression and mania

When we adopt the behavior of those around us without an explicit direction to do so, we are


The soldier goes into the heat battle, and at the moment when he would be expected to fire his weapon, his hand and arm experience total paralysis. What would explain this response?

conversion disorder

Women dressed in Ku Klux Klan-style coats (coats that hide ones face and body, known to be worn by a white supremist group) and hoods were more aggressive than those who were visible and wearing name tags. This finding is best explained in terms of the process of


Which of the following would most accurately describe the delusional situation in which a person believes others are talking about him or her?

delusions of reference

The symptoms of somatic symptom disorder and related disorders

do not have a underlying medical cause

Tranquilizers (such as benzodiazepines) probably have their main anxiety-reducing effects by

enhancing the inhibitory effects of GABA

A person with low self-esteem would most likely attribute his success to

external causes

Acrophobia is a specific phobia characterized by

fear of heights

Clicking the like button on an organization's Facebook page often leads to further support of the organization. This persuasive technique is an example of

foot in the door

A telemarketer calls customers and asks them a few questions about their long distance service. She them asks them to change their long-distance carrier. The telemarketer is attempting to take advantage of the

foot in the door techique

Psychologist James Marcia (1991) studied the process of self identity (also called ego identity) and proposed a classification scheme according to the presence of a crisis (yes or no) and commitment (yes or no). According to this perspective, people who adopt the religious values of their parents without seriously questioning them are said to be in the status of identity ____________.


To believe that Asch's compliant participants were particularly spineless people is to

make the fundamental attribution error

According to the DSM-5. each of the following is a category of mental disorders except

memory disorders

Milgram's experiment on obedience demonstrated that

most subjects did obey the command to give extremely painful electric shocks to an innocent victim

The primary feature of catatonia in schizophrenic individuals is

motor abnormalities

Harry potter's unprecedented phenomenon characteristics transformed millions of young enthusiasts into hysterical fans. What distinguished these fans and their hysteria from that of individuals suffering from histrionic personality disorder?

none of the above*** (theatrical gestures exaggerated mannerisms grandiose language)

The National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R) was conducted with long, structured interviews with a representative sample of U.S. citizens. They wanted to discover, in part, how prevalent mental health problems were within the population. In the hundreds of questions that were asked, they discovered that ______ citizens had suffered or currently suffer a significant mental disorder within the past year.

one in four

Justin is having a difficult time adjusting to the life of a first-year dorm resident at a university several hundred miles away from his home. In an effort to feel more comfortable, Justin is working with a therapist to learn more about himself and his reactions to his new situation. Justin's therapist asks him to write down ten things that complete the sentence "I am __________." The results will give Justin and his therapist a snapshot of his


According to Robin and Trzesniewski (2005), which of the following statements is true about self-esteem across a lifespan?

self-esteem tends to fall during adolescence and then increases gradually until late adulthood, when it begins to decline sharply.

Thomas is outgoing and loud around his peers, but quiet and respectful when he visits his grandfather in a nursing home. These variations in Thomas's behavior can be described as resulting from his

social self

The late Emmy award-winning news producer Leroy Sievers, who got his start working in Oakland, California, local station after graduating from UC Berkeley, loved to tell the story about how he was hired sight unseen by a major news network in New York. His now coworkers were shocked to see that Leroy from Oakland was not the African-American they expected to see, but instead a tall blonde with family from Sweden. The news executives' mistake is an example of


Dakota reported to his college's health center after experiencing a panic attack while cheering on the college's soccer team at a recent game. The counselor is most likely to tell Dakota

that unless he had other panic attacks in the past, it is premature to diagnose him with panic disorder

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