Psych 372 last set of quiz questions

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Twin studies indicate that the concordance rate for schizophrenia in pairs of identical twins is what %?


A typical split-brain patient that was briefly shown an apple in the left visual field and a banana in the right visual field would report seeing ____________.

A banana

After a comissurotomy to relieve his epilpesy, a split-brain patient sometimes drew interesting pictures after two related words were presented, one to each of his hemispheres. Following this pattern, after seeing the words "water" and "fall," he likely would draw:

A glass of clear liquid and a person falling

Learning to blink to a tone after that tone has been repeatedly paired with a puff of air to the eyes requires an intact_____.


What major brain areas are part of the limbic system?

Amygdala, hippocampus, and cingulate cortex

Regarding the brain proteins that clump together in the brain and cause neurodegeneration seen in Alzheimer's disease; ________ is to plaques and ________ is to tangles.

Amyloid; Tau

Which set of brain structures is critical for learning sensorimotor skills?

Basal ganglia

What theory of emotion would agree with this statement: Your heart is pounding, palms sweating and mouth is going dry is totally independent of your experience of feeling afraid.


What are the right and left halves of the forebrain are connected by sets of white matter fibers called?


What is the unique symptom that can be seen in patients with Korsakoff's syndrome, in which the fill in gaps in their memories with made up information?


During activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis response to a stressor, what is released from the hypothalamus?

Corticotropin-releasing factor

Which spice found in Indian cuisine may be helpful in preventing the progression of Alzheimer's disease?


What best describes the cause of Korsakoff's syndrome?

Damage to the diencephalon due to a thiamine deficiency

A monkey whose rhinal cortex has been lesioned would most likely perform poorly on which task?

Delayed non-matching to sample test

The symptoms of schizophrenia are thought to be caused by excess activity at synapse that release ________ in the brain.


When the sympathetic nervous system is activated by a stressor, the neurotransmitters _______ and _______ are released.

Epinephrine and norepinephrine

True or False: Electrical stimulation of the amygdala reduces aggression in mammals?


True or False: In clinical trials designed to test new treatments for psychiatric conditions, patients with the disorder are always given the experimental drug.


True or False: Nearly all left-handed individuals are left-hemisphere dominant for language.


True or false: Women are less vulnerable to depression upon the onset of puberty and menopause.


Benzodiazepines are agonists to what?


A research participant undergoing the dichotic listening task hears the syllable "pa" in her right ear and the syllable "ga" in the left ear, at the same time. If she is right-hemisphere dominant for language, which syllable is she likely to report hearing?


Long-term potentiation (LTP) is seen in changes following induction at what type of synapse?


Long-term potentiation (LTP), defined as an enduring increase in the strength of synapses following repeated stimulation, was first discovered to occur where?


Which brain area is particularly vulnerable to the effect of stress, due to its high number of glucocorticoid receptors?


Who are the subjects of clinical trials testing potential new treatments for psychiatric conditions?

Human voulnteers

Do drugs that act as serotonin agonists increase or decrease aggressive behaviors?


fMRI studies have revealed that patients with anxiety disorders display what?

Increased activity in the amygdala

What is a known effect of stress on the immune system?

Increased susceptibility to infectious disease

Research in patients with depression has shown that administration of the drug __________ produces antidepressant effects within hours.


Rats with a lesion to the hippocampus will have the most difficulty doing what?

Learning to freeze in an environment in which footshock was previously experienced

Rats with a lesion to the amygdala will have the most difficulty

Learning to freeze to a tone previously paired with a footshock

What drug is used to treat bipolar disorder?


The patient H.M. suffered severe memory disorders following a surgical operation that removed most of what area?

Medial temporal lobes

A rat whose hippocampus has ben lesioned would most likely perform poorly on what task?

Morris water maze

A group of participants is asked to perform a mental rotation task while in an fMRI scanner. What is the most likely result of this experiment?

Most participants showed increased activation of right hemisphere structures during the task.

Is flat affect a negative or positive symptom of schizophrenia?


What class of drugs would likely be most effective in reducing a young boy with severe motor tics from Tourettes?


Is Reboxetine a SSRI?


Is geometry a cognitive function shown to be predominantly performed by the left hemisphere?


Is poor diet during adolescence an environmental risk factor for developing schizophrenia?


Is "finding meaning in memories" a cognitive task shown to be predominantly performed by the right hemisphere?


According to the monoamine hypothesis of depression, under activity at _______ and _______ synapses underlies depression.

Norepinephrine and serotonin

Which brain structure is thought to be critical for accurate performance on delated response tasks in humans?

Prefrontal cortex

Which brain structures are most affected by the proteins that clump together abnormally in patients with Alzheimer's disease?

Prefrontal cortex, basal forebrain, and hippocampus

The patient S.M. who suffers from Ubach-Wiethe disease has impairments doing what?

Recognizing a fearful face

Following the removal of a benign tumor, a patient has suffered damage to the orbitofrontal cortex. This patient is most likely to show impairments in...

Regulating his emotions in various situations

Which is an example of a non-declarative memory: riding a bicycle or remembering the name of your first grade teacher?

Riding a bicycle

Establishing the effective dose of a potential drug treatment is done in which phase of clinical trials?


Knowing the name of the current university president is an example of what kind of memory?


MRI studies of the brains of children with Tourettes have revealed thinning in what cortex?

Sensorimotor cortex

The atypical antipsychotic Resperidone primarily works by blocking a certain type of _______ receptor.


What is the serious motor condition, marked by involuntary and repetitive movements due to long term use of antipsychotics?

Tardive dyskinesia

What are researchers likely to find in schizophrenic patients compared to controls when looking at their working memory abilities using the Wisconsin card sorting test?

The schizophrenic patients showed impaired performance on the test along with reduced activity int he prefrontal cortex

What brain structure showed the most promising effects when it was targeted by deep brain stimulation (DBS) during clinical trials for severe depression where antidepressants didn't work?

The subgenus cingulate gyrus

What is the most common finding in structural analyses of the brains of schizophrenic patients?

They have larger ventricles as compared to healthy controls

What could the patient H.M. do after his surgery?

Trace the outline of a star when using only a mirror to view the star

True or False: According to the James-Lange theory of emotion, physiological changes associated with emotional expression precede the experience of an emotion.


True or False: Monkeys with Kluver-Bucy syndrome will approach objects that normal monkeys are terrified of.


True or False: Patients with Alzheimer's disease often have no trouble with sensorimotor skills, such as driving a car.


True or False: Symptoms of Tourettes are less severe in adulthood as compared to childhood/adolescence.


People who possess _________ of the serotonin transporter gene are more likely to develop depression following stressful life events.

Two short forms

Are Kolonopin, Buspirone, and Prozac all used to treat anxiety disorders?


"Doogie mice" genetically engineered to express more NMDA-type glutamate receptors than normal show what?

superior learning and memory abilities in multiple lab tasks

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