Psych personality Ch 8-13

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McCrea and Costa (1997) compared data from studies that used six translations of the NEO-PI-R. What was one of the translated languages


Whitney was bored while she was waiting for her roommate to get ready to go out. She looked around and saw a radio on the table. She turned it on and was delighted to hear her favorite song. The radio corresponds to which part of the learning process?


According to the motivation film we saw in class, which of the following is NOT a factor that leads to better performance and satisfaction in the workplace?

Financial Reward

Megan, a sixteen-year-old, refuses to be seen in public with her parents because she is so concerned about being embarrassed in front of her friends. On Murray's list of needs, Megan would probably score high on which of the following?


Which of the following describes the individual's cardinal disposition(s)?

King Solomon was known for his wisdom

Which of the following is an example of vicarious reinforcement?

Maria is motivated to study harder because she wants to get the same praise from her parents that he sister got when she studied hard

A well-known assessment device developed by Murrary is the

Thematic Apperception Test

In Allport's theory, common traits refer to which aspects of personality?

Those that allow comparison of individuals within a culture

What is Allport's view of the role of neurosis versus health in personality theory?

We need a positive rather than a negative definition of health and maturity

Relative to the current DSM-IV-TR system of classifying mental disorders, the Five-Factor Model suggests

a continuum between normality and abnormality.

Rotter believes that

a more balance belief is preferable to extreme belief in either an external or internal locus of control

In the film Seligman described some costs of the Disease Model of Psychology, those costs included

all of the above

Research shows that the effects of money in the workplace are as follows:

all of the above are true

Research shows the the effect(s) of money in the workplace are as follows:

all of the above are true

A phenotype refers to

an individuals obsearvable appearance

Dollard and Miller state that a situation in which you are "damn if you do and damned if you don't" is best described as a(n)

avoidance-avoidance conflict

Ray scores high on Murray's need for rejection, which indicates that Ray has a strong tendency to

exclude others

According to Eysenck, if we were reduced to describing a person in just three dimensions, we could do so using his or her intelligence, neuroticism and


According to positive psychologists, ________ is an optimal stat of intrinsic motivation and a state of oneness with the activity and situation at hand


In operant conditioning, the reinforcement _________ the behavior


Syntality is Cattell's term for dimensions that permit us to assess the personality of

groups and instiutions

In the video, Bandura described a therapy for snake phobia that he described as

guided mastery

Dollard and Miller view the structure of personality as consisting of


The AIM-Q is an improvement over Eysenck's Personality Inventory and the most other personality inventories because it

is based on evolutionary theory and emphasizes that current human behaviors are based on the processes of earlier adaption and seletion

At work, Abby most experiences extrinsic motivation when she

is given a monetary bonus by her supervisor

Bandura has added the systematic use of __________ to the techniques of behavior modification as an aid to changed behaviors.


Watson, the founder of behaviorism, suggested that psychologists concentrate on studying

overt behavior

Murrary described his study of human lives and the factors that influence them as


The parents of twelve-year-old Sharon praise her for earning good grades. Behaviorists would describe the praise as

secondary reinforcement

In Bandura's theory, the fact that people have self-reactive capacities that permit them to control their own thoughts, feelings, and actions is referred to as


In the video, Bandura described using modeling to produce large scale social change through the use of:

serial dramas

Juan wants to teach his dog to bark when someone comes into the yard. At first, he rewards the dog whenever it barks. Then he rewards the dog only if it barks when a person walks by the house. Next, the dog is rewarded for barking only if a person stops by the house, then only if the person touches the gate. Finally, the dog is rewarded only for barking when a person actually opens the gate and enters the yard. Juan is using a step-by-step learning technique called


Fourteen year old Toby is observing the other teens in the lunchroom at her new school. According to Bandura's research, the likelihood that Toby will act similarly to the other teens increases if

she believes that acting similarly to them will lead to positive results

Negative reinforcement

takes place when a behavior is followed by the termination of an unpleasant situation

Imaging technology, such as PET, MRI, and fMRI, has been used to identify brain activity correlating to

the craving of alcoholics

In the film, Bandura talked in detail about the idea of moral disengagement with regard to

the death penalty

In the video, Walker Mischel talked about research that showed strong correlations between seconds of waiting the Marshmallow Experiment at ages 4-5 and _____________ in the teenage years

A and B

Seligman's recipe of the Meaningful life includes

A and B

Which of the following is an example of propriate functional autonomy?

A person who had to work odd jobs to be able to buy food keeps working after winning a huge amount of money in the looery

What is CAPS?

A personality theory that considers both the stability of personality and the variability of behaviors across situations

Which of the following best illustrates a fixed ratio reinforcement schedule?

A slot machine

Which of the following is defined on Murray's list as the need to relate to others?


Which of the following is true regarding work motivation and the Big Five personality traits?

Agreeableness has not been strongly linked with work motivation.

In the film Bandura talked about moral disengagement at what levels of the death penalty?

All of the above

In one of the videos we saw Maslow said the Peak Experiences are had by many people that they were often described with the same languages as __________ experience(s)

A and C

Recent research has determined that a variation in the dopamine D2 receptor gene has been linked to ________; as a result, we can conclude that a person with this variation __________.

ADHD; may or may not be diagnosed with the disorder

Which of the following is NOT being mapped in the brain with recently developed technology, such as PET and MRI?

Brain regions that dictate our political affiliations

What is the nature of the philosophical sense of humor?

It pokes fun at peoples shared human pretensions

Third force is a term referring to the personality theories of


Which of the following is true regarding cross-cultural studies of the Big Five?

McCrea and Costa's 1997 data analysis of the NEO-PI-R concluded that personality trait structure may be universal

Michelle is living in what Rogers would call a state of congruence. This means that

Michelle's perception of herself and her actual experience of her life match

When Alana sees a women using sign language on television, she is able to learn many of the signs. The next day, when her mother introduces her to a deaf boy, she does not use the signs, even though she remembers them. When of the four processes that govern observational learning is Alana missing?

Motivational processes

The self-determination theory of Edward Deci and Richard Ryan is most closely related to the personality theories of


Enrique, a slight, weak eight year old, unconsciously seeks as friends other boys who are strong, helpful, and sympathetic. On Murrary's list of needs, Enrique would probably score high on which of the following?


A casino slow machine is set to reward gamblers on a schedule that is calculated to keep them at the machine for the maximum amount of time. How would the machine be set to give out money?

The number of quarters would vary: sometimes after five quarters, sometimes after three quarters, sometimes after fifty-two quarters, and so forth

When testing procedure is used in the administration of the TAT?

The person is asked to make up stories about ambiguous pictures

In Allport's study of racial and religious prejudice, what does he see as contributing to the belief that a group is inferior?

The traits that the minority group develops in trying to adapt

To encourage their students to read more books, the fifth-grade teachers in an elementary school give a wooden bead to each student who finishes a book and submits a report about it. Every Friday, the class with the most beads exchanges their beads for a pizza party. Which Skinnerian method are the teachers using?

Token economy

Behavioral specificity is a key concept that has been emphasized in the theories of

Walker Mischel

Adler's "social interest," Horney's "moving toward," and Erikson's "basic trust" can all be seen as aspects of which factor?


Empiricism is the philosophical point of view posting that

all knowledge derives from experience

In the video Bandura described using serial dramas to produce large scale social in

all of the above

In the video, Walter Mischel noted that between ages of 2-5 people first began to show

all of the above

Which of the following is true about Life Satisfaction according to Seligman.

all of the above

Ryan experiences a very high level of fear when faced with unexpected or threatening stimuli. He is also generally anxious and rather neurotic. According to research by Jeffrey Gray, Ryan is likely to have

an overly sensitive behavioral inhibition system

In Bandura's famous study involving a Bobo doll, young children observed an adult playing with the doll in an aggressive manner. Later, when the frustrated children were placed in a room with the Bobo doll their

behavior was more aggressive than that of the control group

Recent research on the brain has identified a ________, which is associated with anxiety and neuroticism, and a _____________, which is associated with extraversion and positive emotions.

behavioral inhibition system; behavioral approach system

According to Bandura's theory of triadic reciprocal causation, __________ factors account for human behavior.

behavioral, cognitive and environmental

Mark is a former group therapy client who has entered a new group not as a client per se, but as a model for other clients to follow. According to research on modeling in psychotherapy (for example, Yalonm, 1995) this practice is likely to benefit

both Mark and the clients in the group

According to continuity theory of personality, personality

changes quantitatively

In Rotter's theory, the individual's subjective evaluation about the outcome of his or her behavior is known as the


Josh considers complaining to a hotel manager about poor service he has received, but he decides not to because he thinks nothing good will come of it. According to Rotter, the component of behavior prediction that Josh's decision most clearly illustrates is


Jorge is watching a karate demonstration. According to Bandura, the strongest predictor for whether Jorge will learn the behavior he is watching is Jorge's

expectation that knowing these moves will be a positive addition to his life

Allport's concept of the proprium emphasizes

forward movement

In the video, Walker Mischel described research popularly known as the Marshmallow Experiment. In that research seconds of waiting was used as the operational measure of

impulse control/delay of gradtification

In operant conditioning, a reinforcement is anything that

increases the likelihood of a response.

According to Allport, cardinal dispositins

influence almost every behavior of the individual

In Murray's theory, a _________ is a force in the brain that organizes our perception, understand and behavior so that it changes our situation for the better.


In Rogers theory, the ______ refers to the person as a whole, whereas the _________ refers to the person as he or she is perceived

organism; self

A teenage boy begins to drink alcohol as an act of rebellion against his parents. As an adult, he continues to drink, even though his parents have passed away. His adulthood drinking exemplifies

preservative functional autonomy

Murray describes a force from objects or persons within the environment that helps or hinders a person's efforts to reach a goal as a


One difference between Skinner's behavior modification and Freudian psychoanalysis is that

psychoanalysis is concerned with internal changes; behavior modification is concerned with external changes

Allport's definition of personality reads as follows: "Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those __________ that determine his characteristic behavior and thought."

psychophysical systems

Following his research in the first two superfactors, Eysenck investigated a third one. What is it?


The relationship between personality and psychopathology can be explored using Eysenck's PEN model, especially in relation to his superfactor of


Joseph Wolpe's psychotherapy treatment is based on the principle of

reciprocal inhabition

Binod lives in a town where he can rely on a stable source of food, by he and other residence experience frequency attacks by criminals and military forces According to Mason's hierarchy, Binod is most likely on meeting ________ needs.


Teresa describes her boyfriend to her therapist. At the beginning of the description, Teresa mentions some of the essential personality traits that her boyfriend usually displays. As the conversation continues, Teresa speaks in more detail about her boyfriend's personality, including his tendencies in particular situations. The latter part of this conversation focused on her boyfriend's

secondary dispositions.

The propriate function characterized by an emerging view of oneself as an active problem solving agent is called

self-as-rational coper

According to Allport, the propriate function of ___________ refers to one's sense of pride in the ability to do things.


The more ___________ an attrituve is, the better we are able to use it to predict a person's behavior in a given situation.


If Bandura observed a child caring for a "sick" doll in a compassionate way, his explanation of the child's behavior would probably emphasize most strongly

the child's observations of other acting in similar ways

According to Rogers, _________ subconsciously guide(s) an individual toward productive growth experiences in the absence of conflicting external rules and societal values.

the organismic valuing process

A state of congruence exists when

the self-concept and the organism large coincide

Dr. Sanders is a practicing psychologist whose approach to her clients emphasizes their spiritual experience. She tries to help clients transcend their daily lives by achieving a stronger connection to others and to religious experiences. Dr. Sanders's orientation is best described as


Every time Luis gives his dog a treat, he shakes the box of treats first. His dog now reacts excitedly to the sound of the box of treats being shaken, even before Luis takes a treat out. In this situation, the treat is the

unconditioned stimulus

Margaret was motivated by a primary drive when she

went to bed early because she was tired

Schlinger (2009) suggested that Skinner developed an early construct of _______, the ability to infer people's thoughts or feelings and make predictions about behavior.

"theory of mind"

A person with an internal locus of control would agree with which of the following statements

I am the master of my fate

Studies such as Allport's analysis of the letters from Jenny are characteristic of which type of approach?


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