Psychology 203 C16-20

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20. (p. 545) Elsie, age 80, complains that the food in her assisted living facility is "tasteless." She adds salt to everything and secretly snacks on sugary treats that she has in her room. Elsie: A. is compensating for her decline in taste by eating the sweet snacks. B. needs to move to another facility where the chef is more sensitive to her needs. C. probably has a tumor or a small stroke in the part of the brain associated with taste. D. probably is depressed and complains about everything.


22. (p. 546) Which of the following is a major challenge for sexually interested older women (70 years or older)? A. Male partner's physical health B. Lack of sex education C. Physical health of older women D. Not having a partner


23. (p. 548) Life expectancy for older adults (65- to 75-year olds) would be increased the most if _____ could be eliminated. A. cancer B. influenza C. lung disease D. cardiovascular and kidney diseases


26. (p. 564) Zack is in a crowded restaurant trying to pay attention to the waiter who is reading off the daily lunch specials. He is having a difficult time because _____ attention declines as one ages. A. selective B. divided C. focused D. sustained


28. (p. 565) What is TRUE about the relationship between semantic memory and aging? A. Older adults often take longer to retrieve semantic information, but they usually can retrieve it. B. Older adults are usually unable to retrieve semantic information. C. Older adults can retrieve semantic information only if it is relevant to their day-to-day lives. D. Older adults can retrieve semantic information from long ago but not from the recent past.


33. (p. 577) In a study conducted in 2006 of older adults who had returned to work after retirement, about _____ reported that they had done so by choice (it made them happy), and about _____ reported that they had to return to work in order to meet financial needs. A. two-thirds one-third B. one-third two-thirds C. three-quarters one-quarter D. one-quarter three-quarters


37. (p. 597-598) Which of the following is a compensation strategy suggested by Baltes and his colleagues? A. Focus on the most important goal at a particular time. B. To reach a particular goal, you may need to abandon other goals. C. Persevere and keep trying until you reach your goal. D. If things don't go well for you, be willing to let others help you.


40. (p. 603) Don is 68 years old and would like to work part time during his retirement. All his applications have been turned down, however, even though Don has many years' experience, has an excellent work record, and is appropriate for the job. Don may be experiencing: A. ageism. B. disengagement. C. generational inequity. D. eldercare discrimination.


44. (p. 604) According to 2006 data, the percentage of older people living in poverty is ____. A. 9.6% B. 12.5% C. 23.3% D. 24.0%


46. (p. 609) Friendships in late adulthood: A. are associated with lower levels of depression for women. B. are associated with lower levels of depression for men. C. are associated with lower levels of depression for both men and women. D. are associated with lower levels of depression for the young-old (both men and women), but not for the old-old (both men and women).


24. (p. 548) Which of the following statements about arthritis is NOT true? A. There is no known cure for arthritis. B. Exercise is not beneficial for people with arthritis. C. Symptoms of arthritis can be reduced with medications. D. Symptoms of arthritis can be reduced with weight reduction. Psychology 203 Fall 2012 Study Sheet 4 c16-20 Printed 11/15/2014 Page 3


21. (p. 545) Compared with younger adults, older adults are _____ sensitive to pain. A. more B. less C. equally D. sensitivity does not change over time.


30. (p. 571) Which of the following has been associated with cognitive decline? A. schizophrenia B. depression C. bipolar illness D. obsessive-compulsive disorder


35. (p. 594) Erikson's last stage of development is characterized by ____. A. care B. fidelity C. wisdom D. hope


51. (p. 624) A young woman was seriously injured in a car accident and now shows no higher cortical brain function. Her parents decide to take her off the life-support machines but are shocked when she continues to breathe on her own. Is the young woman dead? A. No, because she continues to breathe on her own. B. It is unclear, because we do not know how long she will breathe on her own. C. Yes, because she is no longer capable of thinking or showing personality characteristics. D. It is unclear, because death can be defined in different ways by different people.


52. (p. 624) Death occurs neurologically when _____ for a specified period of time. A. one's brain shows no electrical activity B. one stops being able to think C. one no longer responds to external stimuli D. one stops breathing


53. (p. 625) Active euthanasia is legal in: A. the Netherlands and Uruguay. B. Africa and India. C. Canada and Sweden. D. China and Japan.


57. (p. 628) What is the leading cause of infant death in the United States? A. sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) B. accidents C. child abuse D. cancer


58. (p. 628) Most deaths that occur during adolescence are caused by: A. illnesses. B. automobile accidents. C. heart disease. D. genetic disorders.


13. (p. 519) Grandparents who were over the age of 65 were more likely to display a _____ style of interaction those under 65 were more likely to display a _____ style. A. formal fun-seeking B. remote formal C. fun-seeking distant D. formal distant

a. format; fun-seeking

5. (p. 510) Why is it difficult to identify a midlife crisis in other cultures? A. Many other cultures do not have a well-defined concept of midlife. B. Research indicates that such a crisis simply does not take place in most cultures. C. Many other cultures have no freedom to make changes at midlife. D. Many other cultures have clear rituals and goals to guide them through midlife, so there is no need for a crisis.

a. many other cultures do not have a well-defined concept of midlife.

4. (p. 510) Cross-cultural studies show that in nonindustrialized countries the concept of middle age is: A. often missing these cultures only refer to adults as young or old. B. about the same as it is in industrialized countries like the United States. C. more finely discerned many cultures have five or more different stages of middle adulthood. D. more rigidly defined there are rites of passage set at particular ages for entering into middle age and the elder years.

a. often missing; these cultures only refer to adults as young or old.

10. (p. 515-516) In a survey conducted by AARP (2004), the primary reason middle-aged and older women cited for wanting a divorce was: A. verbal, physical, or emotional abuse. B. alcohol or drug abuse. C. cheating. D. no obvious problems; they just fell out of love

a. verbal, physical, or emotional abuse.

31. (p. 575) A common memory problem for older adults is the _____ which individuals can't quite retrieve familiar information but have the feeling that they should be able to retrieve it. A. dementia B. tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon C. temporary memory loss D. mental block


34. (p. 580) _____ is the global term for any neurological disorder in which the primary symptoms involve a deterioration of mental functioning. A. Paranoia B. Dementia C. Schizophrenia D. Alzheimer's disease


36. (p. 596) Which theory explains why older adults spend most of their time with familiar individuals and family? A. activity theory B. socioemotional selectivity theory C. social discontinuity theory D. disengagement theory Psychology 203 Fall 2012 Study Sheet 4 c16-20 Printed 11/15/2014 Page 4


38. (p. 600) What domain do the oldest-old invest in most? A. family B. health C. meaning of life D. cognitive fitness


45. (p. 608) In most cases, researchers have found that relationships between aging parents and their children are characterized by ____. A. anger B. ambivalence C. apathy D. abuse


49. (p. 612) Maria is an elderly Latino American woman. Which of the following support systems is she MOST likely to use to cope with the daily difficulties she faces? A. local service organizations B. the people in her religious community C. federally subsidized counseling services D. elder organizations such as the Gray Panthers Psychology 203 Fall 2012 Study Sheet 4 c16-20 Printed 11/15/2014 Page 5


54. (p. 626) Hospices are a relatively recent approach developed to: A. cure illness and prolong life at all costs. B. make the end of life as free from pain and anxiety as possible. C. provide a place where people with no living relatives can die. D. lower the cost of medical care by competing with hospitals.


56. (p. 626) For hospice services to be covered by Medicare: A. the patient must be diagnosed with terminal cancer. B. the patient must be deemed by a physician to have six months or fewer to live. C. the patient should have no dependent relatives. D. the patient must have signed a living will.


60. (p. 639) Approximately _____ of corpses are disposed of by burial. A. 90 percent B. two-thirds C. half D. one-fourth


14. (p. 521) If Susan is a typical American child, who will be her most beloved and important relative in her extended family? A. maternal grandmother B. paternal grandmother C. maternal grandfather D. paternal grandfather

b. paternal grandmother

8. (p. 512) What is the general conclusion of the metaanalysis of personality stability and change organized according to the Big-Five framework that included 87 longitudinal studies? A. Older adults are more open to change than young or middle-aged adults. B. Personality traits changed most during early adulthood. C. Young adults were more conscientious than middleaged or older adults. D. Young adults were more agreeable than older or middleaged adults.

b. personality traits changed most during early adulthood

29. (p. 566) Explicit memory is also called _____ memory. A. collective B. procedural C. declarative D. false


39. (p. 602) Researchers have found that _____ control strategies increase in importance, and _____ control strategies decrease in importance beginning in middle adulthood. A. assimilative


41. (p. 603) Which of the following is the most common consequence of ageism? A. assumptions about frailty of older adults B. assumptions about ailments caused by age C. disrespect for older adults D. older adults being edged out of their family life


47. (p. 609) Alice, Jane, Lois, and Sandra have been friends since grade school. Over the years, they given each other support and shared in each others' joys and sad times. This is an example of which model of social support? A. the longitudinal model B. the cohort model C. the convoy model D. the network model


48. (p. 611) Mavis, age 72, volunteers 4 hours each week in the hospital gift shop and reads a story to second-grade children for 45 minutes every Monday morning. Research shows that compared to her peers who do not engage in any volunteer work, Mavis is more likely to: A. be more stressed. B. be more depressed. C. be more satisfied with her life. D. have a smaller social circle.


50. (p. 622) Robert Kastenbaum emphasizes that the death system in any culture is comprised of several components. Which of the following is NOT one of those components? A. people B. objects C. families D. symbols


55. (p. 626) The main purpose of a hospice is to: A. eliminate Americans' fear of death. B. provide high-quality medical intervention in a homelike setting. C. make death more peaceful and less frightening for the patient and family. D. reduce wasteful expenditures on aggressive medical treatments for patients with little hope of survival.


59. (p. 634) Other than pining for the lost person, which of the following is another dimension of grief over death? A. depression B. insomnia C. separation anxiety D. death wish


6. (p. 511) Which of the following is NOT one of the five big personality traits identified by Costa and McCrae? A. extraversion B. openness C. adaptability D. conscientiousness

c. adaptability

2. (p 505) According to Levinson, the transition to middle adulthood lasts about _____ years. A. two B. four C. five D. seven

c. five

3. (p. 508) Which of the following is NOT one of the three aspects of the contexts of life that influence development during middle adulthood? A. historical B. gender C. genetic D. culture

c. genetic

16. (p. 538) Dr. Lone Dove has begun studying the effects of a newly discovered hormone on aging. He hypothesizes that the new hormone protects the body's cells from deterioration by strengthening the cell wall against detrimental substances. Dr. Lone Dove is finding evidence for the _____ theory of aging. A. telomere B. cellular clock C. hormonal stress D. free-radical

c. hormonal stress

19. (p. 542) Data from the Nun Study have indicated all of the following EXCEPT: A. positive emotions in early adulthood were linked to longevity. B. stimulating the brain with intellectual activity keeps neurons healthy and alive. C. negative emotions in early adulthood were linked to longevity. D. idea density was linked with fewer incidences of mild cognitive impairment.

c. negative

7. (p. 512) A recent meta-analysis of personality stability and change organized according to the Big Five framework showed that: A. neuroticism increased in early adulthood. B. personality traits changed most in middle adulthood. C. openness to experience increased in adolescence and early adulthood. D. conscientiousness decreased in early adulthood.

c. openness to experience increased in adolescence and early adulthood

12. (p. 517) In general, the situation of adult children living in their parents' home is MOST successful when: A. children agree to accept parental control unconditionally. B. parents agree to make no demands on their children. C. parents and children agree to treat one another as adults. D. parents and children maintain their previous roles as adult and child. Psychology 203 Fall 2012 Study Sheet 4 c16-20 Printed 11/15/2014 Page 2

c. parents and children agree treat one another as adults

9. (p. 514) What are the two major forms of love? A. passionate and intimate B. companionate and consummate C. romantic and affectionate D. sexual and noncommittal

c. romantic and affectionate

1. (p. 503) Through _____ generativity, adults develop skills that are passed down to others. A. biological B. parental C. work D. cultural

c. work

25. (p. 563) Which of the following statements is TRUE of cognitive mechanics and cognitive pragmatics? A. Cognitive pragmatics reflect the neurophysiological architecture of the brain. B. Cognitive mechanics may improve into old age. C. Decline in cognitive pragmatics may begin as soon as early midlife. D. Biology and heredity strongly influence cognitive mechanics.


27. (p. 565) Remembering where you went on vacation last summer is an example of _____ memory. A. situational B. semantic C. procedural D. episodic


32. (p. 576) The percentage of older men who hold full-time jobs has: A. steadily increased since 1900. B. remained the same since 1900. C. increased dramatically since 1900. D. decreased dramatically since 1900.


42. (p. 604) The _____ often becomes the center of managing patient care in a chronic illness. A. hospital B. emergency room C. nursing home D. patient's home


43. (p. 604) "There won't be any Social Security left by the time I retire


11. (p. 516) Which of the following is TRUE about the empty nest syndrome? A. Parents who live vicariously with their children do not experience it. B. It is more common for middle-aged men than for middleaged women. C. It is a common, though minor, problem for most middleaged adults. D. For most parents, marital satisfaction increases after the transition to an empty nest.

d. for most parents, marital satisfaction increases after the transition to an empty nest

15. (p. 537-538) The tiny bodies within cells that supply essential energy for function, growth, and repair are known as: A. Lewy bodies. B. ribosomes. C. chromosomes. D. mitochondria.

d. mitochondria

18. (p. 540) At age 72, Faye has a scan to assess the status and functioning of her brain. Her doctor also just completed a scan on a 50-year-old woman. As the doctor compares the two scans, it will be normal to see _____ in Faye's brain. A. fewer neurons but more dendrites B. fewer neurons and dendrites C. fewer dendrites but more neurons D. more neurons and dendrites

d. more neurons and dendrites

17. (p. 538) What is the main difference between the way younger people and older people respond to stress? A. Younger people have a slower restorative process after a stressful episode. B. Younger people have better coping strategies for dealing with stress. C. The process of aging increases the pituitary gland's response to stress, making it work harder. D. Older people keep stress hormones in their system longer.

d. older people keep stress hormones in their system longer.

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