Psychology Chapter 8

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What are the two basic types of internal representations used when we think about information?

1. Analogical 2. Symbolic

After Stephan Spencer and his colleague Gregory Walton researched many stereotyped threat studies involving a number of different groups from several countries they reached two general conclusions about stereotyped threat. What are those conclusions?

1. Stereotyped groups performed worse than non stereotyped groups 2. Interventions to reduce Stereotype threats were often successful

How are schemas useful in the categorization of concepts?

1. many of common have similar attributes 2. people have specific roles 3.helps think efficiently

Annie is 11 years old. To determine if she were gifted, she was administered the Stanford Binet Intelligence Test by a clinical psychologist. The results of the test determined that Annie's mental age was 15. What is Annie's IQ?


How many points difference in IQ is produced if an infant was breast-fed for more than six months?

5- To 7-Point Difference

Intelligence quotient

A measure of a person's intelligence as indicated by an intelligence test

Prototype Model

A way of thinking about concepts: Within each category, there is a best a prototype—for that category.

Exemplar Model

A way of thinking about concepts: all concepts in a category are examples ; together, they form the category.

How do geneticists make the case that race has no bearing on whether one ethnic group is more intelligent than another?

About 99.9% of genes are identical among all humans

Symbolic representations

Abstract mental representations that consist of words or ideas

List three psychometric tests that measure slightly different, but overlapping aspects of intelligence.

Achievement, Aptitude, and Intelligence tests

Who developed the first assessment of intelligence?

Alfred Binet

Stereotyped threat

An individual's fear of being judged based on a negative stereotype about his or her group.

Hannah and her boyfriend just returned from an art exhibit at the Cummer Gallery. She recalled a piece of work by Henri Rousseau called "The Dream" in colorful detail as she ate dinner with her significant other. What type of internal mental representation is Hannah using as she describes the aforementioned work of art?


What types of internal mental representations are used as mental maps?

Analogical and symbolic

List the three types of intelligence proposed in Robert Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence.

Analytical, creative, and practical intelligence

What type of studies have established that genes help determine intelligence?

Behavioral genetics

Revised for the 5th time in 2003, this intelligence test is the most widely used test for children in United States.

Binet-Simon Test

Arthur is an 18-year-old senior at a local high school. After he graduates he will attend a university that gave him a full basketball scholarship. Arthur excels in what type of intellectual talent?



Cognitive schemas that allow for easy, fast processing of information about people based on their membership in certain groups


Consistency of measurement

As a retired reporter for a local newspaper Dolores tries to keep her mind sharp by doing at least four crossword puzzles a day. Because of her knowledge and experience with words she rarely is unable to complete a crossword puzzle. According to Raymond Cattell, what type of intelligence has Delores displayed?


List some environmental factors that contribute to differences in intelligence in a variety of racial or ethnic groups.

Different life circumstances, money, and discrimination

How is intelligence quotient (IQ) calculated?

Dividing a persons mental age by their chronological age

Jennifer works as an accountant for a major firm in Jacksonville. Jennifer often gives presentations on income tax to prospective clients. On a day when she was scheduled to give a speech in front of about 100 attendees her computer went down. She had to figure out another way to PowerPoint her text. Jennifer had a backup plan. In her car she had a jump drive with the duplicate information she needed. The talk went flawlessly and she in fact recruited at least four new customers. According to Raymond Cattell, what type of intelligence has Jennifer displayed?


List the two specific types of intelligence proposed by Raymond Cattell.

Fluid and crystallized intelligence

Mrs. Thompson knows that Jimmy has an average IQ. She also has observed him having difficulty spelling long words and multiplying double-digit numbers. Because of these facts, Mrs. Thompson assumes that Jimmy will have trouble with other specific abilities, such as solving science problems. Mrs. Thompson's assessment of Jimmy's ability is best explained by a belief in _________ intelligence.


Characterize people who are high in emotional intelligence.

Good at understanding emotional experiences and responding to it productively.

In the area of academics what can emotional intelligence predict? Note: 2 answers,

High-school grades and college exams

Who proposed a theory of multiple intelligences?

Howard Gardner

Multiple Intelligences

Idea that people vary in their ability levels across different domains of intellectual skill

Using statistical methods to investigate scores on various types of questions and intelligence tests what did Charles Spearman discover about the nature of intelligence?

If people scored high on one type of item they tended to score high on other types of items

Crystallized intelligence

Intelligence that reflects both the knowledge one acquires and the ability to use that knowledge

Fluid Intelligence

Intelligence that reflects information processing capabilities, reasoning, and memory

Dr. Stephens has been a practicing clinical psychologist for the past 40 years. Doctor Stevens is considered an expert in his field because as he states, "I understand myself better than anyone else which helps me understand others." Doctor Stevens excels in what types of intellectual talent?


How does Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences contribute to psychology's understanding of intelligence?

It recognizes that people can be average or deficient in some aspects of intelligence and outstanding in others.

List four abilities that describe emotional intelligence(EI).

Managing our own emotion, using emotion to guide our thoughts/ actions, recognizing other people's emotion, and understanding emotional language


Mental grouping of similar objects, events, ideas, or people

Analogical representations

Mental representations that have some of the physical characteristics of objects

Arielle has played the violin for the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra for the past 30 years. She is often sought by other younger violinists her advice on how to read music and to understand the subtle variations in pitch or in timbre. Arielle excels in what type of intellectual talent?

Musical intelligence

List the seven types of intelligences proposed by Howard Garner.

Musical intelligence, body-kinesthetic, linguistic, mathematical/logical, spatial, intrapersonal, interpersonal

Are we born with a particular intelligence or is our intelligence a product of environmental experiences?

Our intelligence is affected by both genetics and our environment

Describe what correlates positively with emotional intelligence.

People's personal relationships

What issue, related to thinking and intelligence, was exemplified in the case of Phiona Mutesi?

Playing chess

List three examples of environmental influences that can lead to lower intelligence.

Poor nutrition, prenatal factor, and postnatal factors

Diane doesn't know what a "clunker" is, so her friend Hillary says, "You know that car Bruce has? That's the best example of a clunker. It has all the characteristics: it's an older car, it looks terrible, it's always breaking down, yet it's still drivable." Hillary's thinking about Bruce's clunker is based on what model of thought?


Can an IQ test accurately predict success in school or work?

Sometimes but not always

Johnny is very interested in geopolitics, especially terrorism that is occurring in the Middle East and sometimes even in the United States. Now every time he comes in close proximity with a person of Arabic descent he unconsciously becomes angry and fearful. The cognitive schema as a way of categorizing concepts is known as____________.


Jeff graduated from high school at the top of his class. Now he is a first-year college student. Jeff is worried that he may not perform well because all of his life his grandmother told him "black people never make it through college; we are not as smart as white folk." Although this is an inculcated view of himself he will try hard to do the best he can. Jeff is experiencing___.

Stereotype threat

Jennifer is a college student and is the 1st member of her family to attend college. Since she was a little girl Jennifer wanted to be an architect. Her parents, however, have encouraged her to become a teacher or a nurse. Plus they always told her that girls "don't do well in math subjects" and to "major in a more ladylike field." As Jennifer starts to take courses related to her major she begins to worry that she will not do well and maybe even fail. Jennifer is experiencing___.

Stereotype threat

Camden is learning to play billiards. He thinks about how his knowledge of physics can help him make different types of shots. What type of internal mental representation is Camden using the think about how to play billiards?


According to Gartner, no one should be viewed as "smarter" than others, just differently ___.


Aptitude test

Test designed to predict a person's future capacity to learn

Achievement tests

Tests designed to assess what a person has learned

What is the major criticism levied at Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences?

That is feel-good philosophy with little basis in fact.

What is an example of an achievement test?


What intelligence test predicted not only graduate students' academic performances but also an individual's productivity, creativity and job performance in the workplace?

The Miller Analogy Test


The ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations

Mental age

The chronological age that most typically corresponds to a given level of performance


The extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to

General intelligence

The idea that one general factor underlies intelligence

What is the most controversial aspect of intelligence testing that has persisted over the last century?

The idea the genetics can explain overall differences in intelligence scores between racial groups.


The mental manipulation of representations of knowledge about the world

Why would employers have a prospective employee take aptitude test?

The predict what task they will do with skill

What is the result of an intelligence test that is deemed reliable?

The results of a person will be stable over time

How does Gottfredson contradict Howard Gardner's position that people can be intelligent in one aspect and be deficient in some aspects of intelligence by citing examples such as Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein?

They were talented in many respects, and were high in general intelligence

Why have researchers not found the gene for intelligence?

Thousands of genes contribute to intelligence and each one has little effect

This part of the WAIS measures aspects of intelligence such as comprehension, vocabulary, and general knowledge.


What are the two parts that make-up the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)?

Verbal and Performance part

What is the most current version of this intelligence test to measure intelligence for adults?

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV)

Who refined Alfred Benet's intelligence test scoring system and what is it called?

Wilhelm Stern developed the intelligence quotient

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