Psychology Exam #3

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Bulimia Nervosa

An eating disorder characterized by binge eating followed by compensatory behavior.

Binge Eating Disorder

An eating disorder characterized by recurrent and uncontrolled episodes of eating a large number of calories in a short time.

An unlearned motivated has been called

An instinct


A simple form of learning that occurs when presentation of a stimulus leads to an increased response to a later stimulus.

Ratio IQ

A statistic obtained by dividing a person's mental age by the person's physical age and then multiplying the quotient by 100.

Spatial intelligence is also known as:

Art smart


A temporary state that includes unique subjective experiences and physiological activity, and that prepares people for action.

Drive-Reduction Theory

A theory suggesting that the primary motivation of all organisms is to reduce their drives.

Operant Conditioning

A type of learning in which the consequences of an organism's behavior determine whether it will repeat that behavior in the future.

Who is credited for the identification of operant conditioning?

B.F. Skinner

Operant Behavior

Behavior that an organism performs that has some impact on the environment.

Which statement BEST characterizes Maslow's hierarchy of needs from most basic to the highest level?

Biological needs are followed by social needs and then individual needs.

Kinesthetic intelligence is also known as:

Body smart

Most scientists now believe that intelligence is best described

By a three-level hierarchy

Which psychologist proposed the existence of a general intelligence, or g?

Charles Spearman

Which of the following mechanisms have no role in Skinner's approach to behavior?

Cognitive, neural, and evolutionary

_____ are a person's subjective assessments about what they have learned.

Judgments of learning


Learning that results from the reinforcement of successive steps to a final desired behavior.

Implicit Learning

Learning that takes place largely independent of awareness of both the process and the products of information acquisition.

Who first noted that White Americans performed better as a group on intelligence tests than did non-White Americans?

Lewis Terman

Conscious Motivations

Motivations of which people are aware.

Unconscious Motivations

Motivations of which people are not aware.

Musical intelligence is also known as:

Music smart

Naturalist intelligence is also known as:

Nature smart

Latent learning provides evidence for a cognitive element in operant conditioning because it

Occurs without any obvious reinforcement

Intelligence changes

Over the life span and across generations

Neural research indicates that observational learning is closely tied to brain areas that are involved in


Connie is very nervous about flying on an airplane. To calm herself down, she tells herself, "While I am a bit afraid, this is nothing compared to the time I almost fell out of a tree." Connie is using _____ to regulate her emotions.

affective labeling

Bandura's famous Bobo doll experiment showed how children can learn _____ through observation.


The _____ is the primary brain structure responsible for conditioning based on fearful or anxiety-inducing stimuli.


When people are presented with a stimulus, the brain processes the information in two pathways. The "fast" pathway goes from the thalamus directly to the _____.


According to the text, which factor would be MOST positively correlated with the candidate's future job performance?

an intelligence test score

Jan is underweight for her height and age but continues to severely limit her caloric intake and to engage in intense workout sessions. Jan may have:

anorexia nervosa.

Because emotions are responses to _____, different people can have _____ emotional reactions to precisely the same event.

appraisal; different

If Freida is drinking coffee because she likes how it makes her feel, her motivation would be BEST described as:


Max realizes that whenever he gets angry while arguing with his sister, he steps toward her. Which action tendency is Max experiencing?


Gwen eats huge amounts of food in a single sitting, then vomits and uses laxatives to purge the excess food. Gwen appears to suffer from:

bulimia nervosa.

Conditioning alone cannot explain why some behaviors are easier to learn than others without taking _____ into account.

evolutionary theory

A _____ is when a guilty person is judged as innocent, while a _____ is when an innocent person is judged as guilty.

miss; false alarm

The human face contains about _____ muscles, enabling the creation of more than _____ different configurations.

43; 10,000

Research indicates the benefits of _____ during a lecture, improving learning by reducing the mind's tendency to wander.

brief tests

Checking one's postal mailbox is generally reinforced on a _____ schedule because the mail only comes once per day at about the same time.


When a reinforcer is given for the first response that occurs after a set period of time has elapsed, which reinforcement schedule is being used?


Théodore Simon and Alfred Binet developed their intelligence test as a:

measure of natural intelligence.

The main purpose of intelligence tests is to:

measure people's mental aptitudes and compare them to others through numerical scores.

What is the correct formula for IQ, although it is now outdated?

mental age / chronological age X 100

When we diet, our bodies respond by decreasing our:


Action Tendencies

A readiness to engage in a specific set of emotion-related behaviors.

According to Maslow, our most basic needs are

Shared with other animals

The initial pairing of a CS and US in classical conditioning represents the _____ phase of learning.


Polygraph examiners usually ask about _____ questions.


Monozygotic twins share _____ of their genes, while dizygotic twins share _____.

100%; about 50%

A 4-year-old child with the supposed mental age of 5 has a ratio IQ of:


The behaviorist perspective dominated the field of psychology from about the:

1930s to the 1950s.

_____ is the verbal subtest of the WAIS that requires explanation of common proverbs or situations.



Conscious or unconscious evaluations and interpretations of the emotion-relevant aspects of a stimulus or event.

_____ questions are included in the polygraph exam but have nothing to do with the issue being investigated.


Social and Emotional Intelligence

Conventional tests of intelligence do not measure the most important abilities for success in jobs and relationships, namely the ability to understand and interact effectively with other people, and the ability to understand and regulate one's own emotions.

The heritability coefficient is a statistic that describes how much of the difference between different people's intelligence scores can be explained by

Differences in their genes

g Factor

General intelligence factor that underlies all mental abilities; emphasized by Spearman's theory

The two MOST common causes of intellectual disability are fetal alcohol syndrome and:

Down syndrome.

Cognitive Enhancers

Drugs that improve the psychological processes that underlie intelligent performance.

Which statement BEST expresses the relationship between emotion and motivation?

Emotion and motivation are closely related.

_____ refers to the cognitive and behavioral strategies people use to influence their own emotional experience.

Emotion regulation

_____ is the ability to perceive, express, understand, and regulate emotions.

Emotional intelligence

_____ can impact our physiological responses, such as heart rate.


What did Watson and Rayner seek to demonstrate about behaviorism through the Little Albert experiments?

Even sophisticated behaviors such as emotion are subject to classical conditioning

What are the four stages of the human sexual response cycle?

Excitement phase, plateau phase, orgasm phase, and resolution phase.

Shared Environment

Features of the environment that are experienced by all relevant members of a household.

Nonshared Environment

Features of the environment that are not experienced by all relevant members of a household.

According to _____, intelligence is largely inherited.

Francis Galton

The idea that intelligence is largely inherited was first popularized by:

Francis Galton.

Intelligence is influenced by

Genes and environment

What is a criticism of the WAIS?

Giving people an overall IQ score gives the impression that there is only one kind of intelligence.

You ask four friends what they think about differences in group intelligence scores. Which opinion is LEAST consistent with the evidence presented in the text?

Group intelligence differences are due to genetics.

Multiple Intelligences

In Gardener's theory, eight or nine distinct intelligences that are each controlled by a different part of the brain

Analytical Intelligence

In Sternberg's theory, the ability to adapt to adapt to an academic or scientific context to solve problems by breaking them down into components

Practical Intelligence

In Sternberg's theory, the ability to adapt to the context of everyday life in order to solve real-world problems

Creative Intelligence

In Sternberg's theory, the ability to adapt to unusual contexts, gaining insights by synthesizing information to solve problems in new ways


Inborn patterns of behavior elicited by environmental stimuli


Inevitable, involuntary responses to stimuli

_____ is the ability to use one's mind to solve novel problems and learn from experience.


The hedonic principle states that

People are primarily motivated to experience pleasure and avoid pain

Interpersonal intelligence is also known as:

People smart

_____ is a performance subtest that measures understanding of social situations.

Picture arrangement

_____ is a performance subtest that measures visual alertness and visual memory.

Picture completion

_____ reinforcement increase(s) the likelihood of a behavior happening; _____ punishment decrease(s) the likelihood of the behavior.

Positive and negative; positive and negative

_____ is obtained by dividing a person's mental age by the person's physical age and then multiplying the quotient by 100.

Ratio IQ

_____ is one of the best predictors of an individual's intelligence.

Socioeconomic status

Unconditioned Stimulus

Something that reliably produces a naturally occurring reaction in an organism.

In 2017, obesity was a problem across the United States and was especially prevalent in the:


Two-Factor Theory of Intelligence

Spearman's theory suggesting that a person's performance on a test is due to a combination of general ability and skills that are specific to the test.

s Factors

Specific forms of intelligence that support distinct mental abilities; emphasized by the theories of Thurstone

Which study strategy has been shown to be the most effective?

Taking practice tests

_____ play(s) a role in the sexual motivation of both men and women.



The CR is observed even though the CS is slightly different from the CS used during acquisition.

Crystallized Intelligence

The ability to apply knowledge that was acquired through experience.

Emotional Intelligence

The ability to reason about emotions and to use emotions to enhance reasoning.


The capacity to distinguish between similar but distinct stimuli.

Hedonic Principle

The claim that people are motivated to experience pleasure and avoid pain.

______ is the idea that emotional expressions can cause emotional experiences.

The facial feedback hypothesis


The gradual elimination of a learned response that occurs when the CS is repeatedly presented without the US.

Sternberg's Triarchic Theory

There are three specific forms of intelligence, based not on the type of task (language, music, math, art, etc.) but on adapting to a particular context: academic context (analytical intelligence), novel context (creative intelligence), and real-world context (practical intelligence)

People who scored well on one test of mental ability usually score well on others, suggesting that

There is a general ability called intelligence

What did William James believe about instincts?

They are expressed without prior thought.

Intelligence is influenced by genetics and _____ change.


What is the common theme in all definitions of intelligence?

capacity to function well in one's environment

What part of the amygdala plays an important role in emotional conditioning?

central nucleus

Tolman suggested that rats in a maze don't simply produce behaviors without using any previous spatial information. Instead, they develop a _____ of the maze, which argues for a cognitive component to operant learning.

cognitive map

The text relates the experiences of Jennifer, a military nurse deployed in Iraq. The vignette states that "the previously innocent sound of a helicopter approaching, which in Iraq signaled that new wounded bodies were about to arrive, now created in Jennifer heightened feelings of fear and anxiety." In this scenario, the sound of the helicopter is a(n) _______ stimulus for Jennifer.


A/an __________ refers to something that is initially neutral and produces no reliable response in an organism.

conditioned stimulus (CS)

Ariel ordered pizza from a national pizza chain and became very ill immediately after eating it. Years later, Ariel still feels queasy when she sees an advertisement for the pizza chain or drives by one of its establishments. In this example, the pizza establishment is the:

conditioned stimulus.

In an attempt to settle the debate on whether there were only two factors in intelligence or several primary mental abilities, a _____ was run.

confirmatory factor analysis

Learning occurs rapidly with a _____ schedule of reinforcement.


With a _____ schedule of reinforcement, the reinforcer is given after every instance of a desired behavior.


Among ______, having fun is a more important reason for having sex than is expressing love.

men, but not women

Autumn has a test today on elements of the periodic table. According to theories proposed by John Carroll, this test requires Autumn to draw upon her _____ intelligence.


Jamal has a test today on the capital cities of Canadian provinces and territories for his geography class. This test assesses _____ intelligence.


The _____ approach is blind to middle-level abilities that are valued in cultures where intelligence tests are not common.


Kris shows only mild annoyance rather than full-blown anger when her boss makes yet another unreasonable demand. With respect to the display rules for emotional expression, Kris is using the technique of:


The Rescorla-Wagner model introduced the role of __________ in classical conditioning.


The Rescorla-Wagner model shows that classical conditioning actually involves a cognitive aspect based on the organism's:


Essential to the process of learning is that it is based on:


Individual differences are more commonly found in _____ tasks than in _____ ones.

explicit; implicit

Patients with amnesia show deficits in _____ memory but not in _____ memory.

explicit; implicit

In Pavlov's experiments, what happened when he continued to present the CS but stopped presenting the US?


Just as in classical conditioning, operant behavior will undergo _____ if reinforcement stops.


What occurs when a conditioned stimulus is no longer paired with an unconditioned stimulus?


When a person studies hard for an exam to get good grades and keep a scholarship, it is an example of:

extrinsic motivation.

A local frozen yogurt shop gives its customers a card and stamps it each time the customer purchases a frozen yogurt. After seven stamps, the customer gets a free yogurt. The shop has its customers on a _____ schedule of reinforcement.


With a _____ schedule of reinforcement, the reinforcer is given after a set number of responses.


Janice is a member of a book club. She received a free book after 20 purchases. What schedule of reinforcement is best illustrated in this example?

fixed-ratio schedule

When you are attempting to solve an abstract word problem you have never seen before and are given 3 minutes to find the solution, you will probably rely most on your _____ intelligence.


Mirror neurons in humans are mostly located in the _____ and _____ of the brain.

frontal lobe; parietal lobe

Dana, a 6-year-old, was recently bitten by her grandmother's poodle. Dana sees a different kind of small dog in the park a week later and begins to cry. MOST likely Dana is exhibiting:


Peter is taking an intelligence test. What will establish the range in which Peter's intelligence may fall?


Cognitive enhancers of the future are likely to manipulate genes that guide _____ development.


Drive-reduction theory is based on the principle of:


What is an example of a drive?


Alfred Binet and Théodore Simon designed their intelligence test to:

identify children who needed remedial education in school.

In studies done on trustworthiness, when participants were told that their partner was trustworthy, they:

ignored the additional feedback they received, acting as if the partner was trustworthy.

Bandele knows that he cannot show up to class naked even if he does not know when or how he learned this type of information. That is because this type of learning is:


What is the term for learning that occurs without awareness?

implicit learning

What kind of learning takes place largely independent of awareness of both the process and the products of information acquisition?

implicit learning

Joni's best friend frequently speaks Spanish around her. Joni barely knew Spanish before she met her best friend and one day realizes that she just followed a short and simple exchange between her best friend and their waiter. Joni's ability to pick up some rudimentary Spanish without consciously trying to do so is a good example of:

implicit learning.

When taking stimulants like Ritalin, working memory is:


Almost no one shovels snow for fun, but rather, as a means to an end. Performing an action for fun reflects _____ motivation, whereas performing an action as a means to an end reflects _____ motivation.

intrinsic; extrinsic

People MOST often work harder when they are:

intrinsically motivated.

People most often work harder when they are:

intrinsically motivated.

B.F. Skinner believed that behavior:

is controlled by consequences.

One characteristic of implicitly learned information is that it:

is difficult to explain to others.

The expected outcome when a behavior is followed by a reinforcer is that the behavior:

is likely to be repeated.

Joey watches his older brother using a spoon to help twirl his pasta around his fork. Joey then attempts to twirl his pasta in the same way. Joey's older brother served as a _____ for Joey.


Serena and Jenny are twins who developed in utero from the splitting of a single egg that was fertilized by a single sperm. They are _____ twins.


Dr. Schmidt studies the internal causes of purposeful behavior. Dr. Schmidt studies:


One of the main functions of emotions is to provide _____, which are a purpose for actions.


Contentment, says Dr. Chu, is a combination of positive valence and low arousal. Dr. Chu probably uses a technique called _____ to understand emotional experience.

multidimensional scaling

Sadness, says Dr. Tremont, is a combination of negative valence and low arousal. Dr. Tremont probably uses a technique called _____ to understand emotional experience.

multidimensional scaling

A basic unconscious motivation is a person's _____, which refers to his or her motivation to solve worthwhile problems.

need for achievement

In general, siblings who are 8 years apart in age have a greater _____ than do siblings who are 2 years apart.

nonshared environment

Scientists have _____ the role of genes in producing between-group differences.

not yet determined

Learned food aversions are generally acquired from _____ due to the evolutionary adaptive conditioning of rejecting foods that may be toxic.

novel foods

Learned food aversions are generally acquired from _____; these aversions may be caused by the evolutionary adaptive conditioning of rejecting foods that may be toxic.

novel foods

When a 4-year-old girl suddenly picks up her toy ironing board and plays it like it is an electric guitar, it is likely that she has seen someone playing a real electric guitar in the same manner. Thus, she has learned via:


When learning takes place as a result of watching the actions of others, it is called _____ learning.


Judgments of learning (JOLs) are often a result of _____ in our learning ability.


Learning that occurs due to _____ extinguishes slowly.

partial reinforcement

The _____ is a machine used to measure several different types of physiological activity in the body.


What is NOT something used by everyday people to detect lying?


Which type of stimulus following a behavior provides a reward for that behavior?

positive reinforcer

Deedra gives her dog a treat every time he urinates outside. In this example, the treat is a:

positive reinforcer.

Margaret gives her teenagers five dollars for each grade of an A on their report card. This monetary stimulus is a:

positive reinforcer.

A person's socioeconomic status has a _____ effect on intelligence


According to research, which study technique has the HIGHEST utility value?

practice testing

The __________ shows increased activation during explicit learning while the __________decreased activation during implicit learning.

prefrontal cortex; occipital lobes

Lawrence slaps his baby sister. His mother yells at Lawrence, and he stops slapping his sister. For Lawrence, being reprimanded acted as a(n):


Vanida throws her food on the floor. Vanida's mother yells at her, and she stops throwing her food on the floor. For Vanida, being reprimanded acted as a(n):


Positive and negative _____ decrease(s) the likelihood of the behavior occurring again.


Rena is a 7-year-old girl. Which intelligence quotient should be used to calculate her IQ?

ratio IQ

In operant conditioning, when a behavior is followed by a stimulus that increases that behavior, the stimulus is called a(n):


If a person demonstrated a stronger physiological response to _____ questions during a polygraph exam, the examiner would think that they are lying about those answers.


In one of his early studies, Pavlov repeatedly paired a new CS, a black square, with the now reliable tone. After a number of training trials, his dogs produced a salivary response to the black square even though the square itself had never been directly associated with the food. What learning principle does this illustrate?

second-order conditioning

Money starts out as a neutral conditioned stimulus that, through its association with an unconditioned stimuli, such as acquiring food or shelter, takes on a conditioned emotional element. What type of a reinforcer is money?

secondary reinforcer

Ollena is trying to teach her 3-year-old son how to dress himself. First, she has him put on his pants by himself, and she gives him some M&Ms. The next day, she has him put on his pants and his shirt, and she gives him some M&Ms. By the end of the week, her son is dressing himself completely. Ollena made use of:


Michelle always drives down Hampton Avenue to go to work. One morning, Michelle discovers that Hampton Avenue is closed at Wood Street because of construction. Michelle immediately takes a different route to work. She is able to make a quick route change because:

she has formed a cognitive map of the area.

Polygraph tests are _____ at detecting a lie.

significantly better than most people

Intelligence is best described as a(n):

social construct.

Unlike Western societies, many African and Asian societies conceive of intelligence as including:

social responsibility and cooperativeness.

The hypothesis that intelligence is a unitary factor dependent on a single general ability (g) is:

somewhat true, since intelligence is determined by an overall g factor and various subfactors.

Samantha is very good at visualizing a complex shape in a variety of different views. She might score highly on Louis Thurstone's primary mental ability of:

spatial visualization.

When the lateral hypothalamus is destroyed, an animal will:

starve itself to death.

Because of _____, a person can differentiate between the men's restroom and the women's restroom, and know which one to use.

stimulus control

People stand up and cheer at a basketball game, but not in a library, because of:

stimulus control.

According to _____ theory, one of the ways that people cope with existential terror is to develop a cultural worldview.

terror management

According to Maslow's hierarchy, the MOST pressing needs are those:

that we share with other animals, such as physiological needs.

Mia's angry boss wears a particular type of cologne. One day, Mia is at the mall when she smells the same cologne. The smell produced a momentary feeling of uneasiness in Mia. In this example, what is the unconditioned stimulus?

the boss

Tammy is potty training her two-year-old daughter. Every time her daughter sits on the potty, Tammy gives her one cookie. What is the reinforcer?

the cookie

Every time Stacey puts the keys in her car's ignition the car begins to make a ding sound until she buckles her seat belt. What is the reinforcer?

the ding sound

Rather than struggle with his calculus homework, Arnold decides to go to his friend's apartment and play video games. By seeking pleasure and avoiding pain, Arnold illustrates:

the hedonic principle.

Thorndike developed _________ from his work with cats in a puzzle box.

the law of effect

The _____ of emotion explains why people who are required to ride an exercise bicycle in a laboratory then find attractive people more attractive, annoying people more annoying, and funny cartoons even funnier.

two-factor theory

Just over _____ of the population have an IQ between 85 and 115.


A/an ____________________ refers to something that reliably produces a naturally occurring reaction in an organism.

unconditioned stimulus (US)

In learned food aversion, spoiled or poisoned food is a powerful:

unconditioned stimulus.

People can accurately judge the facial expressions of members of other cultures, and people born blind make the same facial expressions as sighted individuals. These facts support the:

universality hypothesis.

A _____ reinforcement schedule gives the reinforcer for the first response that occurs after a varying period of time has elapsed.


A _____ reinforcement schedule gives the reinforcer after a varying number of responses.


Charlotte meets Will, an old high school friend, at a party and is startled to learn that Will's weight has increased from 150 to 280 pounds in the year since his automobile accident. Damage to which portion of the hypothalamus might account for his weight gain?


The WAIS distinguishes between:

verbal and nonverbal ability.

In addition to becoming unwieldy, instinct theory became unfashionable in the 1930s because it:

was inconsistent with behaviorism.

Associative learning occurs when

we form connections among stimuli and/or behaviors

Pavlov's original aim was to discover:

what caused dogs' saliva to flow

A typical polygraph exam begins with:

a warm-up period.

What was the conditioned stimulus (CS) in Watson's Little Albert study?

a white rat

In the study described in this activity, polygraph examiners identified an innocent suspect as guilty _____ of the time.


Polygraph examiners are correct in their judgement of guilt or innocence based on a polygraph test _____ of the time.


In the study described in this activity, experts failed to identify a guilty suspect _____ of the time.


Approximately _____ of the world's population is overweight or obese.


Those who have IQs between _____ are identified as having moderate intellectual disabilities.

35 and 49

In the study described in this activity, how many actual polygraph tests were examined?

50 from those later identified as innocent and 50 from those who later admitted to committing the crime

Most people have IQs between:

85 and 115.


A general process in which repeated or prolonged exposure to a stimulus results in a gradual reduction in responding.

Cognitive Map

A mental representation of the physical features of the environment.

Intrinsic Motivation

A motivation to take actions that are themselves rewarding.

Extrinsic Motivation

A motivation to take actions that lead to reward.

Display Rule

A norm for the appropriate expression of emotion.

Savant Syndrome

A person who has very low overall intelligence but possesses one extraordinary skill

Conditioned Stimulus

A previously neutral stimulus that produces a reliable response in an organism after being paired with a US.

Observational Learning

A process in which an organism learns by watching the actions of others.

Diffusion Chain

A process in which individuals initially learn a behavior by observing another individual perform that behavior; they themselves then become models from which other individuals learn the behavior.

Latent Learning

A process in which something is learned, but it is not manifested as a behavioral change until sometime in the future.

Biological Preparedness

A propensity for learning particular kinds of associations over other kinds.

Conditioned Response

A reaction that resembles an unconditioned response but is produced by a conditioned stimulus.

Unconditioned Response

A reflexive reaction that is reliably produced by an unconditioned stimulus.

Heritability Coefficient

A statistic (commonly denoted as h 2 ) that describes the proportion of the difference between people's IQ scores that can be explained by differences in their genes.

Deviation IQ

A statistic obtained by dividing an adult's test score by the average adult's test score and then multiplying the quotient by 100.

Second-Order Conditioning

A type of learning in which a CS is paired with a stimulus that became associated with the US in an earlier procedure.

Classical Conditioning

A type of learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus produces a response after being paired with a stimulus that naturally produces a response.

Which statement is NOT an example of learning?

A woman reflexively pulls back her hand from a hot burner.

Emotional intelligence

Ability to perceive, express, understand, and regulate emotions

Social Intelligence

Ability to understand and interact effectively with other people

Intelligence tests have been shown to be predictors of

Academic performance, mental health, and physical health

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Access to one's emotional life as a means of understanding oneself and others. These people can easily access their own feelings, discriminate among different emotional states, and use this knowledge to enrich and guide their own lives.

Primary Mental Abilities

According to Thurstone, name for seven specific forms of intelligence

_____ refers to a readiness to engage in a specific set of emotion-related behaviors.

Action tendency

In the early 1900s, two researchers named _____ developed the first recognized test of intelligence to identify schoolchildren in need of educational assistance.

Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon

What part of the two-factor model of emotion has been unsupported after further research?

All emotional experiences are merely different interpretations of the same bodily state.

What type of consequence of a behavior increases the likelihood of the recurrence of that behavior in the future?

a reinforcer

Anorexia Nervosa

An eating disorder characterized by an intense fear of being overweight and a severe restriction of food intake.

Emotional Expression

An observable sign of an emotional state.

Variable-Interval Schedule

An operant conditioning principle whereby behavior is reinforced on the basis of an average time that has expired since the last reinforcement.

Intermittent Reinforcement

An operant conditioning principle whereby only some of the responses made are followed by reinforcement.

Fixed-Ratio Schedule

An operant conditioning principle whereby reinforcement is delivered after a specific number of responses have been made.

Fixed-Interval Schedule

An operant conditioning principle whereby reinforcers are presented at fixed time periods, provided that the appropriate response is made.

Variable-Ratio Schedule

An operant conditioning principle whereby the delivery of reinforcement is based on a particular average number of responses.

Standard intelligence tests typically measure

Analytic intelligence


Any stimulus or event that decreases the likelihood of the behavior that led to it.


Any stimulus or event that increases the likelihood of the behavior that led to it.

Anna excels at understanding the meaning of words and deciphering poems. According to the U.S. psychologist _____, this does not mean that she is good at detecting visual details.

Louis Thurstone

Pretending to experience one emotion when you are really experiencing a completely different one is an example of ______.


Logical intelligence is also known as:

Math smart

Based on data reviewed in the text, on which portions of the intelligence test would one expect men to outscore women?

Men would be good at visual memory, and women would be good at fine motor skills.

_____ MOST likely play(s) a critical role in the observational learning where organisms imitate the actions of others.

Mirror neurons

Thurstone's Primary Mental Ability

Rather than one form of intelligence, there are seven specific forms of intelligence: word fluency, verbal comprehension, spatial visualization, number facility, associative memory, reasoning, and perceptual speed.

Gardner's Multiple Intelligences

Rather than one general form of intelligence, there are eight or nine specific intelligences, each controlled by a different part of the brain. It is based on evidence from savant syndrome.

______ is an emotion-regulation strategy that involves thinking about events in new ways.


_____ questions in a polygraph exam are related directly to the issue being investigated.


_____ is a condition in which a person of very limited overall intelligence has a single ability that is truly exceptional.

Savant syndrome

Of the theories of emotion described in the text, the _____ theory places the MOST emphasis on _____.

Schachter-Singer; cognition

Intrapersonal intelligence is also known as:

Self smart

Musical Intelligence

Sensitivity to pitch, melody, rhythm, and tone. These people can sing in tune, keep time to music, and listen to musical selections with discernment.

Spatial Intelligence

The ability to perceive the world accurately and to recreate or transform aspects of that world. These people often have acute sensitivity to visual details, can draw their ideas graphically, and can orient themselves easily in 3D space.

Logical Intelligence

The ability to see the intelligence of numbers and logic, and the ability to handle chains of reasoning and recognize patterns and order. These people think in terms of cause and effect and can create and test hypotheses.

Fluid Intelligence

The ability to solve and reason about novel problems.

Interpersonal Intelligence

The ability to understand people and relationships. These people can perceive and respond to moods, temperaments, intentions, and the desires of others.

Naturalist Intelligence

The ability to understand, categorize, and explain patterns encountered in the natural world. These people observe, interpret, and construct meaning from the natural world.

Linguistic Intelligence

The ability to use language and display sensitivity to the order of things. These people can argue, persuade, entertain, or instruct through the spoken word.


The ability to use one's mind to solve novel problems and learn from experience.

Kinesthetic Intelligence

The ability to use the body skillfully and handle objects adroitly. These are hands-on people with good tactile sensitivity.


The acquisition, from experience, of new knowledge, skills, or responses that results in a relatively permanent change in the state of the learner.

Which brain structure is most directly involved in the rapid appraisal of whether a stimulus is good or bad?

The amygdala

Which part of the brain is involved in the classical conditioning of fear?

The amygdala

It is not possible to have a universally accepted definition of intelligence because intelligence is:

a social construct.

Intermittent Reinforcement Effect

The fact that operant behaviors that are maintained under intermittent reinforcement schedules resist extinction better than those maintained under continuous reinforcement.

Evolutionary Mismatch

The idea that traits that were adaptive in an ancestral environment may be maladaptive in a modern environment.

A group of children were administered intelligence tests at age 13 and again at age 40. What might be predicted regarding changes in test scores from the first test to the second test?

The individual scores at age 15 will be positively correlated with scores at age 40.


The internal causes of purposeful behavior.

Avoidance Motivation

The motivation to avoid experiencing negative outcomes.

Approach Motivation

The motivation to experience positive outcomes.

Need for Achievement

The motivation to solve worthwhile problems.

___________ refers to circumstances in which external rewards can undermine the intrinsic satisfaction of performing a behavior.

The overjustification effect


The phase of classical conditioning when the CS and the US are presented together.

Law of Effect

The principle that behaviors that are followed by a "satisfying state of affairs" tend to be repeated, and those that produce an "unpleasant state of affairs" are less likely to be repeated.


The process of changing one's emotional experience by changing the way one thinks about the emotion-eliciting stimulus.

How would Hull explain the behavior of a rat pressing a lever for food pellets?

The rat is decreasing its hunger drive.


The rate at which the body uses energy.

Human Sexual Response Cycle

The stages of physiological arousal during sexual activity.

Emotion Regulation

The strategies people use to influence their own emotional experiences.

Stereotype Threat

The target's fear of confirming an observer's negative stereotypes.


The tendency for a system to take action to keep itself in equilibrium.

Spontaneous Recovery

The tendency of a learned behavior to recover from extinction after a rest period.

Loss Aversion

The tendency to care more about avoiding losses than about achieving equal-size gains.

Universality Hypothesis

The theory that all emotional expressions mean the same thing to all people in all places at all times.

Facial Feedback Hypothesis

The theory that emotional expressions can cause the emotional experiences they typically signify.

James-Lange Theory

The theory that feelings are simply the perception of one's own physiological responses to a stimulus.

Terror Management Theory

The theory that people respond to the knowledge of their own mortality by developing a cultural worldview.

Two-Factor Theory of Emotion

The theory that stimuli trigger a general state of physiological arousal which is then interpreted as a specific emotion.

In general, gifted children with high intelligence test scores demonstrate exceptional talent in:

a specialized area.

Which theory suggests that emotions are people's interpretations of their own general physiological arousal?

The two-factor theory

Taste Aversion

The types of stimuli used as conditioned and unconditioned stimuli do matter

If you are comparing two countries on the basis of economic status and overall IQ of the citizens, what would you expect to be TRUE?

The wealthier country should have a higher mean IQ.

Spearman's General Intelligence

There is one general form of intelligence that underlies all mental abilities. It is the earliest comprehensive theory of intelligence, based on evidence from factor analysis.

Intelligence tests were originally devloped

To help place children in the most appropriate classroom

Identical (Monozygotic) Twins

Twins who develop from the splitting of a single egg that was fertilized by a single sperm.

Fraternal (Dizygotic) Twins

Twins who develop from two different eggs that were fertilized by two different sperm.

What is the most widely used intelligence test?


In 2017, obesity was a problem across the United States but was less prevalent in the:


Linguistic intelligence is also known as:

Word smart

You come home to find an intruder in your apartment. According to the James-Lange theory of emotion, which response would occur FIRST?

Your body reacts (increased heart rate, muscles contract, etc.).

Which person is MOST likely to develop anorexia nervosa?

a 17-year-old female

Pavlov called the dog's salivation to the metronome:

a conditioned reflex

In classical conditioning, a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus to produce

a conditioned response

Kimberly was extremely happy on the day of her wedding. What was the valence of her emotion?

a positive experience

Feelings can be described by their location on the two dimensions of

arousal and valence

Del experiences recurrent and uncontrolled episodes of consuming a large number of calories in a short time. However, he neither purges nor engages in excessive exercise. Del may have:

binge-eating disorder.

Evolutionary psychologists have suggested that some behaviors and preferences are more easily conditioned in some species because they have adaptive value. What concept does this theory best illustrate?

biological preparedness

Polygraph examiners pay less attention to which physiological measurement?

breathing rate

Which physiological response is somewhat under a person's voluntary control?

breathing rate

Zola walked into her son's bedroom and found that he had colored on the wall. Although Zola was very angry and wanted to yell at her son, she disciplined him in a firm but muted tone. This illustrates the _____ technique for the display rules of emotional expression.


If you watch someone to learn how to perform a dance routine and then serve as a model for another student, you are part of a:

diffusion chain.

Jennifer is taking the WAIS and is currently trying to remember individual numbers. What subtest is she taking?

digit span

Jason is taking the WAIS test and is currently trying to learn a code. What subtest is he taking?

digit symbol

Research on the reward centers in the brain show that __________ plays a key role.


The ability to predict the reward that one is likely to receive for engaging in a particular activity depends on the normal functioning of the neurotransmitter:


Research has shown that people who have higher IQ scores are likely to:

earn higher salaries.

Xenon purchases food that tastes good to her and avoid foods that do not taste good. Her behaviors are consistent with Edward Thorndike's law of _____.


Derrick was feeling depressed about the bad grade he got on his first psychology exam. Since he had another test to take that day and did not want his unhappiness to affect his later test, to brighten his mood, Derrick started thinking about all the good grades he had received this semester. This illustrates:

emotion regulation.

What was originally referred to as social intelligence?

emotional intelligence

Nonverbal cues can portray our:


Darren and Camille are monozygotic twins who live in the same household. Their intelligence test scores are not identical because:

even though they have a shared environment, not all of their experiences will be exactly the same.

After having a bad experience with a particular type of food, people can develop a lifelong aversion to that food. This suggests that conditioning has a(n) _______ aspect.


Which order corresponds to the human sexual response cycle?

excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

Which polygraph error explains why most countries do not allow polygraph evidence in court?

false alarms

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale is NOT designed to assess an adult's ability to:

find a way through complex mazes.

A local bakery gives its customers a card and stamps it each time they purchase a loaf of bread. After seven stamps, the customer gets a free loaf of bread. The bakery has its customers on a _____ schedule of reinforcement.


Ivan Pavlov's dogs were conditioned to salivate to a 1,000-hz tone because of its pairing with food. After this training, it was found that the dogs would salivate to a 900-hz tone but not to a 500-hz tone. Salivating to the 900-hz tone is an example of _____, and not salivating to a 500-hz tone is an example of _____.

generalization; discrimination

What is the substance produced in the stomach that signals the brain to switch on hunger?


If you are gambling in Las Vegas, your motivation to avoid losing is likely _____ your motivation to win.

greater than

Richard Nisbett and colleagues' (2012) conclusion about the relative contribution of genes and environment in intelligence differences between African Americans and European Americans is:

group differences in intelligence can be completely accounted for by environmental factors.

What type of traits are in the middle level of the hierarchy of abilities?

group factors

A researcher conducted a study investigating the effects of pain on blood pressure. Initially, exposure to the pain resulted in increased blood pressure. Over time, however, blood pressure decreased and was no longer affected by the pain stimulus. What process has taken place as a result of the repeated exposure?


What types of learning have been found in simple organisms like the sea slug Aplysia?

habituation and sensitization

Justin has trained his beagle to come when called and to walk next to him without a leash. One day while walking in the park, his beagle sees a rabbit, takes off, and does not listen when called. This misbehavior by Justin's dog supports the idea that Justin's beagle:

has a biological predisposition to chase rabbits and other small rodents.

Which is NOT given in the text as a way intelligence can be improved?

improving children's diet in preschool

Intelligence can be defined as:

individual differences in cognitive ability.

William James called the inherited tendency to seek a particular goal a(n):


A patient with neuropsychological issues who experiences severe problems with explicit learning is MOST likely to have _____ implicit learning.


Tinka has an amazing ability to adjust to any environment, and she is very good at learning from her mistakes. According to one definition, these specific characteristics demonstrate Tinka's:


When studying siblings to determine the environmental factors that influence _____, it is important to consider the shared and nonshared environments experienced by all relevant siblings.


The theory-based approach to intelligence suggests that:

intelligence tests do not measure all the middle-level abilities contributing to intelligence.

It appears that, under some circumstances, people interpret rewards as information about the goodness of an activity, which means that rewards can sometimes undermine _____ motivation.


Penny takes college courses that interest her, and she enjoys learning for its own sake; Amber takes courses in which she is fairly certain she will do well, and studies mainly to ensure good grades. Penny's motivation is:


Saundra works out daily because it makes her feel good. Her friend Kelly works out daily so that men will find her attractive. Saundra is showing:

intrinsic motivation.

Haddie is a gifted child who has an extraordinary ability for language. As she grows older, statistics imply that she probably will be _____ well-adjusted compared with her peers.

just as

Some researchers are convinced that the differences in how various cultures conceptualize intelligence are due to differences in:


Edward Tolman's third group of rats showed a dramatic change in their maze behavior when reinforcement was given on the 11th day of their maze running. Edward Tolman called this _____ learning.


What phenomenon did Tolman illustrate using three groups of rats: one group that was reinforced every day for 17 days, one group that was reinforced beginning on day 11, and one group that never received reinforcement?

latent learning

The hypothalamus is a complex structure that is composed of many parts. Research has shown that the _____ part of the hypothalamus receives the signals that turn hunger on, and the _____ hypothalamus receives signals that turn hunger off.

lateral; ventromedial

What is the substance secreted by fat cells that signals the brain to switch off hunger?


Nguyen has just accepted a dream job in a glamorous city. Pham smiles and congratulates him, even though he resents Nguyen's good fortune. In a different situation, a grisly homicide scene disgusts and angers a police officer. However, the police officer appears objective and unemotional when she describes the scene to an investigator. Pham is using the emotional display technique of _____. The police officer is using the technique of _____.

masking; neutralizing

Joella watches her older brother brush his teeth and then attempts to brush her teeth on her own. In Bandura's terms, Joella's older brother is serving as a _____ for Joella.


Preston came home after his curfew. His parents grounded him for a week, taking away his phone and not allowing him to go anywhere after school. In this example, the act of grounding is a:

negative punisher.

Liam can make his sister, Lily, give him her toys or candy by whistling. Because she hates the sound so much, Lily will give Liam whatever he wants to make him stop. When Liam stops whistling, it is _____ for Lily.

negative reinforcement

Marlene wants her daughter to clean her room and she knows that her daughter hates to load the dishwasher, one of her nightly chores. Marlene promises her daughter that if she cleans her room she will not have to load the dishwasher for one week. Marlene is hoping that not loading the dishwasher will serve as a __________ for her daughter's behavior.

negative reinforcer

Which type of stimulus following a behavior removes something that is unpleasant?

negative reinforcer

Jennifer has a sunburn and applies ointment cream for relief. In this example the ointment cream is a:

negative reinforcer.

Markus has put off doing his homework so that he can play video games. His mother starts nagging him to do his homework. Markus turns off the video game and does his homework to stop his mother from nagging. In this example, the nagging is a:

negative reinforcer.

A strong physiological response while answering certain questions would indicate _____, leading the examiner to think that the person is lying about the answers to those questions.


Children in Bandura's Bobo Doll study demonstrated __________ when they showed aggressive behavior towards the Bobo Doll.

observational learning

The studies of observational learning in primates that use tools show that:

observational learning clearly results in better tool-skill acquisition in the monkeys.

Alisha suffers from claustrophobia, despite having never been stuck in an elevator or locked in a supply closet. The notion of diffusion chains suggests that Alisha may have acquired the phobia through:

observational learning.

Lana is in dental school and is learning the correct way to take an X-ray of the mouth. Her instructor first shows the class a video that demonstrates the proper procedures for taking an X-ray and then demonstrates these same procedures using Lana as a patient. Lana and her class are learning how to take an X-ray of patients' teeth through the use of:

observational learning.

According to the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion, physiological reactions _____ emotional experiences.

occur simultaneously with

Habituation and sensitization are BEST considered _____ processes.


One of the most effective strategies for emotion regulation is to change the way one thinks about an event, which is called:


Declan, a PhD candidate, tells his department's undergraduate student organization that his dissertation research is in the area of motivation. Declan is investigating:

the internal causes of purposeful behavior.

Neta is training her dog, Panda, to bark when there is a knock on the door. She already knows that squeaking a mouse toy will make Panda bark. So, she decides to squeak the mouse and knock on the door at the same time to condition Panda to bark. What is the conditioned stimulus in this case?

the knock on the door

Genes directly determine:

the range in which our IQ may fall.

One way to understand and categorize the range of emotions possible in the human experience is to group them according to similarity in a kind of map. This is referred to as:

the two dimensions of emotion.

The data-based approach to intelligence suggests that:

there are eight mid-level abilities contributing to intelligence.

The fact that brain damage may diminish one ability but not others suggests:

there are multiple intelligences.

One reason Cannon and Bard criticized the James-Lange theory was that:

there are not enough unique patterns of autonomic activity to account for all emotions.

Consciousness has been shown to be involved in _________ conditioning but not in __________ conditioning.

trace; delay

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