Psychology Exam 4

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age in which child's babbling resembles household language

10 months

infants' ability to produce words begins around ____

10 months

age in which one word speech occurs

12 months

short term memory lasts ___ seconds

15 to 20

Without rehearsal, what is the length of time most people can keep information in short term (working) memory

15-20 seconds

How many morphemes are in the word "running"? 1 2 3 4


cats contains ______ morphemes


walked contains ____ morphemes


age in which two word speech occurs

24 months

age in which rapid development into complete sentences occurs

24+ month

the word cat contains ____ phonemes


age in which a child babbles many speech sounds

4 months

mind can only hold between ___ to ___ distinct bits of information at a time

4 to 7

one should be skeptical of memories that occuried prior to age ___, if the memories of abuse become more ___ overtime, the therapist _____ to aid in memory, or if the diagnosis of abuse is made during the _____ sessions.

4; biarrre or implausible; uses hypnosis, drugs, or other questionable techniques; first or second

aproximately ___ percent of preschoolers produced false stories about unexperienced events


By about age ______, children who have not been exposed to either a spoken or a signed language lose their ability to master any language. 3 5 7 9


by about age _____, those who have not been exposed to either a spoken or a signed language lose their ability to master any language


if asked to remember a random string of digits, most people can remember

7 +/- 2

more than _____ percent of deaf children are born to hearing partents

90 percent

if raised in a signing househould, deaf children usually express ______ self esteem and feel ____ accepted

more; more

smallest unit that carries meaning, may be a word or part of a word (such as a prefix)


people who learn a second language as adults usually speak it with the accent of _____ and have difficulty mastering ______

native language; new grammar

Your 3-year-old niece goes to daycare. One of the boys in her class told his mother that the teacher touched his private parts. Your sister says to you, "It must be true. Children never make up stuff like that." Is your sister right?


failure to ____ or encode contributes to memory failure

notice, attention

the tendency to be more confident than correct to overestimate the accuracy of our beliefs and judgements


evidence from billingual speakers suggests that

people think differently in different languages

when people view blocks of equally differnet colors, they

percieve colors with different names as more different

traumatic experienes typically lead to ____ memories

persistant, haunting memories

the smallest distinctive sound unit in a language


Brad is watching a screen as a researcher flashes the word "bird" on the screen. (The flash is so brief that Brad cannot say for certain what word he saw.) Later, the researcher gives Brad a word stem completion task. Brad is more likely to complete the word stem b-i-_-_ with the word "bird" than participants who did not see the word "bird" flashed on the screen. This situation illustrates the effects of __________.


Memories can often be triggered by an associated environmental stimulus. This process is called:


The unconscious activation of associations in memory is called _____.


activation, often unconsciously, of particular associations in memory


_____ occurs when something you learned previously interferes with your recall of something you learn later.

proactive inference

forward acting, older information interferes wtih the ability to remember new information

proactive interference

My high school friend, Christine Hammond, married a man whose last name is Locker. Even though I know that she took her husband's last name, I still accidentally call her Christine Hammond. I am experiencing _______.

proactive interfierence

how we remember to do things. Is effortful at first, but eventually can be done without thinking about it (ex: riding a bike) type of long term memory


_____ simulation is more effective than _____ simulation

process simulation; outcome

ability to produce word

productive language

we repress painful or unacceptable memories to _____

protect our self concept and minimize anxiety

a mental image or best example of a catgory


course of forgetting memory is initially ___, and ____ with time

rapid; levles off

retrieving information that is not currently in the conscious awareness but that was learned at an earlier time (ex:short answer test)


Which type of language develops most quickly among infants and toddlers? Inductive language Productive language Receptive language Conductive language

receptive language

ability to understand what is said

receptive language.

____ language develops much faster than _____ language

receptive; productive

identifying items previously learned (ex: multiple choice test)


Researchers conduct a laboratory-based study in which participants read educational information about safer sex practices. One group of participants reads that the success rate of condoms is 90%. The other group reads that the failure rate of condoms is 10%. As participants leave the lab, they are offered the opportunity to take free condoms with them. The researchers measure the number of condoms taken by each group. Given what you know about framing, what do you predict will happen?

The group exposed to the 90% effective rate will take more condoms

Imagine that you take a semester of Italian. Which of the following statements about your memory for what you learned is likely to be TRUE? Your memory for what you learned will show a gradual, steady decline over the next 30 years. You will remember most of what you learned for the first 3 years, and then your memory will decline sharply. You will forget most of what you learned in the first 3 years, and then your memory will decline until you remember almost nothing. You will forget most of what you learned in the first 3 years, but you will retain most of what you still remember at the 3-year mark for many years.

You will forget most of what you learned in the first 3 years, but you will retain most of what you still remember at the 3-year mark for many years.

we often form concepts by developing

______ prototypes

memory distrubution across the brain can be described as

a distrubution across a network of locations

children often accuratley recall events and actors when questioned by _____ or when asked _____ soon after an event using _____

a neutral person; nonleading questions, words they can understand

wthat is the approxiamte duration of sensory memory?

about 0.5-3 seconds

intuition is usually _____, enabling quick reactions


encoding lag is linked to ______ memory decline


Amir systematically tried each successive key on his dad's key ring until he found the one that unlocked his dad's office door. This BEST illustrates problem solving by means of a(n) _____.


what problem solving solution is guaranteed to lead to the correct solution


a methodical, logcial rule or procedure that guarantees solving a particular problem. Step by step procedure


stress causes ____ to create a memory trace that boosts activity in the brain's memory forming areas


what brain area plays an important role in the formation of memories for stressful events


we remember exciting or shocking events for a long time due to the activation of the


During a basketball game, Tyree suffered a concussion. Afterwards, he could not remember the game or what happened when he was treated in the hospital. Tyree was experiencing:

anterograde amnesia

Sophie, age 72, has excellent recall of experiences from her childhood, but is not able to remember what she has just read in the newspaper or new people that she meets. Sophie has _________.

anterograde amnesia

inability to form new memories

anterograde amnesia

impairment of language, usually caused by left hemisphere damage either to Broca's area or to wernicke's area


some information enters the long-term memory without our conscioulsy attending to it. This is known as

automatic processing

if instances come reaily to mind, we presume such events are common. This is known as the

availability heurisitc

estimating the likelihoood of events based on their avalability in memory

availability heuristic

helps to form memories for physical skills

basal ganglia

representativeness heuristic may lead us to ignore _______

base rate information

our tendency to cling to our beliefs in the face of contrary evidencce

belief perserverance

clinging to one's initial conceptions after the basis on which they were formed has been discredited

belief perservierence

After her stroke, Lillian was able to understand what was said to her, but she could not speak or write. Lillian probably experienced damage to _________. Broca's area Gazanniga's area Wernicke's area Wolpert's area

broca's area

brain area involved in language expression. directs the muscle movements involved in speech. After damage, person can understand language but has difficulty/ is unable to produce it

broca's area

damage to _____ results in being able to understand language but having difficulty/is unable to produce it

broca's area

a tendency to search for information that supports our preconceptions and to ignore or distort contradictory evidence

confirmation bias

My husband and I frequently eat a restaurant near our home. Recently, I encountered one of the regular servers at the grocery store. I knew I recognized her, but I couldn't figure out from where. My memory for the server was __________.

context dependent

recall of specific inormation is improved when the contexts present at encoding and at a retrieval are the same

context-dependent memory

imporant for infants born with ____ to be exposed to language early


encodes semantically, based on actual meaning associated with a word. Better retention

deep processing

A police officer is interviewing a woman who witnessed a gas station robbery. If the officer wants to know whether the suspect had a weapon, and wants to avoid contaminating the woman's memory, what is the BEST question to ask?

did you see a weapon?

con of algorithm

difficult and time consuming

Although one might wish that studying occurred automatically, unfortunately, successful studying requires the attention and conscious work known as:

effortful processing

cochlear implants convert sounds into __-- and stimulate the ____ nerve by means of electrodes threaded into the cochlea

electrical signals; auditory

to move into long-term memory, short term memory must _____


the best retrieval cues come from associations formed at the time a memory is ____


Carlos can't remember Juan Alvarez's name because he wasn't paying attention when Juan was formally introduced. Carlos' poor memory is BEST explained in terms of _____ failure.


getting information into the brain


process of getting information into the memory system


causes of forgetting

encoding failure, storage decay, retrieval failure, interference, motivated forgetting

cues specific to an event or person will most effectively trigger memory

encoding specifity principle

three processes of the information processing model

encoding storage and relearning

type of long term memory tied to specific episodes in life

episodic memories

personally experienced events memory

episodic memory

representativeness heuristic

estimating the likelihood of events in terms of how well they seem to represent, or match, particular prototypes

rather than using ____ to draw _____, we use _____ to assess _____

evidence to draw conclusions, conclusions to assess evidence

effortful memory=

explicit memory

memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and "declare"

explicit memory

Mabel has Alzheimer's disease and her _____ memories of people and events are lost, but she is able to display an ability to form new _____ memories by being shown words repeatedly.

explicit; implicit

overconfidence can feed _____

extreme political views

memories for individual events reside in specific, single spots in the brain. True or false


pro of heuristic

faster than algorithm

when we process information, we ___, ___, or ___ much of it

filter, alter, or lose

the inability to see a problem from a new perspective


Tim remembers the exact moment he heard about the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Tim has a(n) _____ memory of this event.


during stress, the affct is to ____ our attention and recall ____ priority information _____ recall for _____ information

focus; higher; reduce; irrelevant

infant's ability to understand what is said is said to them begins around _______

four months

the way an issue is posed; significantly affects decisions and judgements


before the aha moment of insight, the problem solvers ________ were active

frontal lobes

when you summon a memory, many brain areas send info to the _____ for working memory processing

frontal lobes

a system of rules that enables us to communicate with and understand others


a simple thinking strategy that often allows us to make judgements and solve problems efficiently. Mental short cut or rule of thumb


organization of items into a few broad catergories that are divided and subdivided into narrower concepts and facts


Ethan is studying history. Which of the following areas is involved in processing this information into long-term memory


Kirsten is trying to remember events from her life as an 18-month-old. However, as hard as she might try, she has no conscious memory of anything that occurred before her third birthday. This is likely due to the fact that her _____, which is involved in storing explicit memories, was not fully developed at that age.


registers and temporily holds elements of explicit memories before moving them to the cortex for long-term storage.


explicit memory includes these parts of the brain

hippocampus and frontal lobe

persistence of learning overtime through the encoding, storage, and retrieval of information


a tendency to approach a problem in one particular way, often a way that has been successful in the past. Predisposes the way we think

mental set

occurs when misleading information has corrupted one's memory of an event

misinformation effect

memory aids, espcecially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices. Work partially through chunking


_____ refers to our tendency to recall experiences that our consistent with our current.

mood-congruent memory

the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with one's current good or bad mood

mood-congruent memory

the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with one's current good or bad mood.

mood-congruent memory

con of heuristic

more error-prone than algorythm

overconfidence can sometimes have an adaptive value as it can lead people to live _______

more happily

getting information out of memory storage


studying info you learned in an earlier semester for comprehensive final exam


two common types of heuristics

representativeness heuristic and availability heurisitc

Carmen is trying to remember the name of a woman sitting next to her on the bus. She knows she met her at a party, and she is trying to remember which one. Carmen is able to imagine where the woman was seated at the party, as well as what she was eating. Carmen is using _____ cues to remember the woman's name.


information has been stored, but person is unable to access the memory

retrieval failure

newer information interferes with the ability to remember older information

retroactive interference

inability to retrieve information from one's past

retrograde amnesia

Jonny has suffered hippocampal damage from a near-fatal bus crash. He is able to remember verbal information, but has no ability to recall visual designs and locations. He has MOST likely suffered damage to his:

right hippocampus

facts and general knowledge memory

semantic memory

explicit memories include _____ memory and ____ memory

semantic memory and episodic memory

deriving meaning from sounds


rapidly stimulating a memory circuit increases its _____.


recieving neuron has increased _____ (more ___) for neurotransmitter

sensitivity; receptor sites

immediate, very briefe (1-3 seconds) recording of sensory information into the memory system

sensory memory

memory that is to be remembered. only lasts 1-3 seconds

sensory memory

the immediate, very brief recording of sensory information in the memory system.

sensory memory

the tendency to recalll best the last and first items in a list

serial position effect

encoding information on basic auditory or visual levles, based on the sound, structure, or appearance of a word. Poor retention

shallow processing

information that can only stay for about 20 seconds without a rehearsal. Either decays or gets transferred into long term memory

short term memory

the file transfer of memories of the hippocampus occurs during


Hermann Ebbinghaus observed that it is much easier to learn meaningful material than to learn nonsense material. This BEST illustrates the advantage of _____ encoding.


deep processing works by connecting information to___.

something meaningful or related to your own personal, emotional experience

A schoolyard was terrorized by a shooter. Later, some children who were absent on the day the shootings occurred reported hearing shots and seeing bodies on the ground. These children's memories demonstrate _________.

source amnesia

faulty memory for how, wehn, or where information was learned or imagine

source amnesia (source misattribution

tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long-term retention than massed study or practice

spacing effect

what we learn in one state is more easily recalled when in that state again

state dependent memory

retaining information overtime


I prepare a grocery list with the following items: milk, eggs, bread, peanut butter, apples, yogurt, spinach, chicken, tomatoes, and almonds. My husband forgets the list and tries to purchase all the items from memory. Which of the items listed below is he most likely to forget?


an example of an implicit memory is ?

your memory of the definition of classical conditioning

Which of the following statements about deafness and language development is TRUE? Deaf individuals who learn sign language later in life are able to communicate as proficiently as deaf individuals who learn sign language early in life. Most deaf children are born to deaf parents. Deaf children who are raised in a signing household demonstrate higher self-esteem Deaf culture advocates support giving deaf children cochlear implants.

Deaf children who are raised in a signing household demonstrate higher self-esteem

when we categorize people, we mentally shift them toward our ______

category prototype

researchers that studied the effect of suggestive interviewing techniques.

ceci and bruck

plays an important role in forming and storing memories created by classical conditioning


implicit memor includes these parts of the brain

cerebellum and basal ganglia

sarah is practicing guitar. Which of the following brain areas are involved in processing his skill into long- term memory?

cerebellum and basal ganglia

Combining individual letters into familiar words enables one to remember more of the letters in this sentence. This BEST illustrates the value of:


all the mental activites associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating


a mental grouping of similar objects, events, ideas, or people


deaf children who grow up around other deaf people usually _______ and feel _____

identify more with Deaf culture and feel positive self esteem

pro of algorithm

if followed correctly, guarantees a correct solution

when to believe memories

if there is corroborating evidence (such as medical records, police records, or recollections of other family members), if the person reacted emotionally at the time, if the person spontaneously realled event without pressure from others or use of suggestive techniques in therapy

repeatedly imagining fake actions and events can create false memories

imagination effect

intuition is ______ knowledge


memory types that include classical conditioning, motor skills, space, time, and frequency

implicit memories

automatic memory=

implicit memory

retention independent of conscious reflection Ex: time, space, and frequency

implicit memory

your memory for how to type is a ____ memory?

implicit, procedural memory

_____ memory refers to retention of information that is independent of conscious recollection, whereas _____ refers to memory of facts and experiences.

implicit; explicit

rapidly stimulating a memory circuit ____

increases its sensitivity

Sonya is trying to remember events from her life as an 18-month-old. However, as hard as she might try, she has no conscious memory of anything that occurred before her third birthday. This is likely due to the fact that her hippocampus, which is involved in storing explicit memories, was not fully developed at that age. This inability to remember events when she was 3 years old and younger is called _____.

infantile amnesia

The sudden realization that we have solved a problem is called a(n) _____.


a sudden realization of a problem's solution


an effortless, immediate, automatic feeling or thought


what problem solving strategy is based on implicit knowledge


availability heuristic can distort our ______

judgement of other people

keiko is japanese. Savanna is america. Each women is asked to consider whether a first list of adjectives applies to her, a second list of adjectives applies to her mother, and a third list of adjectives applies to someone they have just met. How will this action affect their retention of the lists of adjectives

keiko will show better recall of the second list of adjectives than savannah

words influence our thinking

linguistic relativism

In _____ memory, knowledge, skills, and experiences are permanently stored for future retrieval.

long term

vast and durable memory that holds all of our knowledge and expriences

long term memory

people can ____ the ability to form new ____ memorys, yet ___ the ability to form new implicit memories

lose; explicit; retain

method that is most likely to lead to increased retention of information is?

studying for 15 minutes on monday, tuesday, wednesday, and thursday

giving cochlear implants is hotly debated becasue

surgery must be performed before the age of consent

rules for combining words into gramatically sensible sentences


enhanced memory after retrieving, rather than simply rereading, information

testing effect

what obstacle of critical thinking best explains why some poeple fear air travel more than travel by car?

the availability heuristic

,Belinda believes that global warming does not exist. She watches a political debate in which one candidate argues for use of renewable energy sources. Given what you know about belief perserverance, which candidate would belinda find to be more impressive?

the candidate who wants to use fossil fuel

conscious, active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information and of information retrieved from long-term memory

working memory

availability heurisitc can lead us to fear

the wrong things

true or false: research suggests that when we categorize things, we remember them as being more similar to a prototype than they actually are


emotional events produce _________ memory

tunnel vision memory

using the sentence "my very excellant mother just served us nine pizzas" to remember the order of the planets from the sun outward is an example of ?

using a mnemonic strategy and chunking

memories are held in storage by a ____

web of associations

brain area involved in language comprehension. Usually in the left temporal area. After damage, a person cannot understand language. Can produce language, but words don't make sense.

wernicke's area

A great deal of controversy surrounds the issue of whether victims of sexual abuse can repress the memory for many years and then recover it much later. Which of the following is a condition that should increase your suspicion that such a memory is false?

when the therapist uses hypnosis to help the client uncover the memory and when the memories of the abuse become more bizarre or implausable over time

sometimes ideas precede _____


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