Psychology of Women Ch. 1-3

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Which of the following is true about stereotyping?

Although most people know stereotypes, not everyone believes them

Steps involved in research process

Question generated by gathering info systemmatically systemmatic strategy for answering questions is developed data collected and analyzedmeaning of results interpreted and conlusions drawn results published

Psychologists Phyllis Chesler's book "Women and Madness" claimed that psychology psychiatry were used to ??? ???

control women

Type of feminism that emphasized differences between men and women

cultural feminism

Psychologists Barbara Frederickson and Tomi-Ann Roberts's objectification theory is important because it ???

delineates the psychological and behavioral consequences of self-objectification

In context of psychological research, identify true statement about experiments

often considered the gold standard of methods

Radical feminists have endorses ???, which is the idea that women can escape patriarchy only by creating their own woman-only community


Numerous experiments that have exposed women to images of attractive models and then measured their self-esteem, perceptions of their own attractiveness, and mood have found significant negative effects, which are the result of the ??? ??? process

social comparison

In the context of idealized images of feminine beauty, identify a feature of the idealization standards that surround people at present

they are unattainable by live women

T/F: Male psychologists can identify as feminists


Women-of-color feminism, or ???, began with the criticism of the white women's movement for excluding women of color


Which of the following is true in the context of sexual objectification of women?

women's bodies are sexualized more than men's

??? ??? ??? ??? is a phenomenon which occurs when people are very likely to acknowledge that discrimination does happen but are much less likely to acknowledge that they have have ever personally been discriminated against

Denial of personal discrimination

Which of the following is true about feminine appearances?

Feminine appearances are more of a put-on masculine appearances

Identify the important themes shared by feminists perspectives

Feminism values women as important and worthwhile human beings Feminism recognized the need for social change if women are to lead secure and satisfying livesq

??? Involves the beliefs that women are inferior and that they are threatening to take over men;s rightful place

Hostile sexism

According to a study of gender subtypes, match the subcategories of women with their characteristics and traits The housewife or mother The sexy woman The athletic woman The career woman

Housewife/mother- self sacrificing, focused on family, nurturing Sexy woman- good body, long hair, nail polish Athletic woman- muscular, strong, aggressive, masculine Career woman- smart, hard-working, organized, not very feminine

Identify a true statement about the denial of personal discrimmination

It is related to the belief in the legitimizing myths of the dominant group

Identify a feature of liberal feminism

It relies on deeply held American beliefs about equality

??? ??? emphasizes the similarities between males and females, maintaining that given equal environments and opportunities, males, and females will behave similarly

Liberal feminism

The information about an individual's ??? is conveyed within one-tenth of a second, and it activates other components more than any other stereotype component

Physical appearance

In the context of hierarchical societies, match terms: Power: Status:

Power- the ability to control the outcomes of others by providing or withholding resources Status- social standing that elicits respect

??? is a negative attitude or feeling toward a person because of his or her membership in a particular social group


??? can be thought of as theories that people carry around in their heads about how members of a particular group think, look, and behave, and how these attributes are linked.


According to research on linguistic sexism in the 1970s, how were the language patterns about women?

The patterns trivialized women by sexualizing and devaluing them

For same-sex couples, which of the following are true about the practice of changing names upon marriage?

There is no social pressure to change one's name upon marriage Changing names does not carry patriarchal baggage

Which of the following is true of patriarchal societies?

They allocate more power ad higher status to men

In the context of voices of authority, identify a role of women in the media

They are relatively invisible in the media as responsible citizens and experts

Why do stereotypes persist?

They are useful cognitive shortcuts

Identify a characteristic of correlational studies in psychological research

They can determine if two or more variables are related to eachother

Identify a TRUE statement about the feminist groups of the third-wave of the women's movement

They emphasize social activism, which refers to women working collectively for social justice

One of the reasons for the survival of stereotypes is that ???

They influence the amount and kind of information that an individual takes in

Identify a feature of the statistical models used by psychologists

They lead to a focus on on differences rather than similarities

Identify a requirement for stereotypes to function as effective cognitive shortcuts

They need to be at least somewhat anchored in reality

Stereotypes may generate self-fulfilling prophecies because ???

They often depict not only a consensus about the way things are but also the way they should be

Based on the investigation on how commercials that portray women as sex objects affect male viewers, what happened when men who watched sex-object commercials were asked to interview a female job applicant?

They remembered less about her resume

Identify a true statement about social conservatives

They seek to keep gender arrangements as they have been in much of the past

According to psychology's history, identify a true statement about researchers who used an all-female sample for their psychological resaerch

They were more likely to state it in their articles title

Identify the issues of special concern to global feminists

Violence against girls and women in developing countries sweatshop labor unequal access to health care and education sex traffiking

Identify a true statement about visual dominance during interactions among people

Visual dominance was equal in women and men who had more expertise on the topic than their conversational partners

According to Deaux and Lewis, when do stereotypes have the biggest influence?

When an individual is registering a first impression of a stranger

According to feminist psychologists Elizabeth Cole, taking intersectionality seriously prompts individuals to ask which of the following questions about their research designs?

Where are there similarities between categories? Who is included in a category? What role does inequality play in categories?

Which of the following is emphasized by the legitimizing myths or patriarchy?

Women may be seen as evil ad treacherous

Identify the views of people who engage in hostile sexism

Women seek to gain power by getting control over men Most women interpret innocent remarks or acts as being sexist

Based on studies, identify a true statement about the gender role stereotyping of women

Women were far more likely to experience personal, sexually degrading and objectifying remarks

According to psychologist Nancy Henley: Nonverbal behaviors of women- Nonverbal behaviors of men-

Women- it is similar to that of lower-status, submissive individuals Men- It is similar to that of high-status, dominant individuals

A negative reactions against women whose behavior violates gender norms is known as ???


When higher-power people interact with lower-power people about whom they hold stereotypes, they may, intentionally or unintentionally, treat those people in ways that actually elicit stereotype-consistent behaviors. This phenomenon in which their stereotypes are confirmed is called ??? ???

behavioral confirmation

The term ??? ??? refers both to the mental picture one has of one's appearance and the associated feelings about the size, shape, and attractiveness of one's body

body image

The composition of images of men and women is quite different. This phenomenon has been termed ???-???


T/F: People can neither control their automatic stereotyping nor combat their natural tendency to judge others stereotypically


T/F: The perspectives of dominant groups in a society are always recognized as being infused with dominant group values


??? ??? ??? involves efforts by feminists from many cultures and societies to eliminate gender bias in the structure, content, and usage of language and to provide nonsexist alternatives

feminist language reform

In the context of nonsexist language guidelines, occupational titles and terms at present times are almost always ???


According to the feminist perspective, the simplest definition of a feminist is an individual who

holds the basic beliefs that women are valuable and that social change to benefit women is needed

In the context of self-objectification, women's language about their bodies is frequently ???

hostile and combative in tone

In the late 1960s, women within psychology published many books and articles showing ???

how psychology was misrepresenting women and how it needed to change

In the context of media representations of women, TV newscasters can have gray hair and wrinkled brows only if they are ???


According to Nadal et al. (2015), brief verbal or behavioral indignities that communicate hostile or derogatory attitudes toward a person because of their identity as part of a devalued group are known as ???-???


In the context of media representations of women, almost all characters on prime time TV are ???

middle class or wealthy

??? occurs when gender differences in performing a specific task are interpreted as evidence of a more general difference, perhaps even one that is considered permanent and unchangeable


In the context of media representations of women, when a token overweight woman is portrayed, she is ???

rarely allowed to be like the other women

the ??? justification of the conservative view is that a supreme being ordains female submission and subordination


???-??? is acting out a self in response to the expectations of others


A teacher who pays more attention to the boys in class or a committee that preferentially awards scholarships to male students is engaging in ???

sex discrimmination

The term ??? is used by statisticians to describe the outcome of a set of mathematical operations


??? ??? often urge a return to what they consider the good ole days without lesbians/gays, good young women all got married and produced babies,and the world of work was a man's world

social conservatives

When people know that there is a negative stereotype about their group's abilities, the pressure caused by their fear confirming the stereotype can interfere with their performance. This phenomenon is called ??? ???

stereotype threat

In the context of the impact of stereotypes, powerful people pay more attention than less powerful people to ???

stereotype-consistent information

Before the women's movement of the late 1960s, when women behaved differently from men, the differences were attributed to ???

their female biology

In context of quantitative methods, identify a true statement about surveys in psychological research

they are largely descriptive

Understanding gender oppression in conjunction with different kinds of power imbalances caused by colonialism, global capitalism, and economic exploitation is the work of ???

transnational feminism

The biological justification of the conservative view states that gender-related behaviors are determined by innate and ???

unchangeable biological differences far more than by social conditions

The work of the Pioneering Women psychologists of the early 1900s opened the way for research to replace unexamined assumptions about ???

women's so-called natural limitations

Which of the following happens in the design stage of research?

A method of conduct the research is selected

Match the types of sexism with their descriptions: Benevolent sexism Hostile sexism

Benevolent- it rewards those women who accept conventional gender norms and power relations Hostile- it punishes women who challenge the status quo

Which of the following is true about gender perception toward women?

Characteristics that are valued in women are not always associated with competence

According to a series of studies which of the following is true of the sexist comments aimed at men?

Comments aimed at men were usually about men in general

According to a series of studies, which of the following is true of the sexist comments aimed at men?

Comments aimed at men were usually about men in general

Which of the following is an insight of feminism related to research?

Each research project or theory is situated in a particular period in history

What does the concept of self-fulfulling prophecy imply?

Expectations can make the expected events come true

T/F: All forms of media are immune to the underrepresentation against women


T/F: Statistically, mentioning a person's ethnicity first would provide least information while describing a person


In context of doing gender, which of the following is true of gender?

Gender can be viewed as a social performance

Identify a true statement about constructing gender

Gender is socially constructed through people's actions and their roles

??? ??? is a process in which men and women accept gender distinctions visible at the social structural level and enacted at the interpersonal level as part of the self-concept

Gender typing

??? is a type of prejudice that involves negative attitudes and beliefs about lesbian, gay, transgendered, and bisexual people


Why should people care about face-ism?

It can have real effects on how individuals are evaluated by others

How does the media represent women in food ads?

It depicts women's eating behaviors in moralistic terms

Identify a true statement about overfeneralization

It is a type of interpretation bias

According to Crawford and Popp, identify a true statement about slang referring to women

It is much more likely to have sexual meaning than is slang referring to men

Which is the effect of benevolent sexism?

It may impair women's performance on cognitive tasks by causing them to doubt their ability

Identify a true statement about prejudice

It often includes the belief that it is acceptable or right to treat others unequally

Identify a view of radical feminism

Oppression on the basis of being a woman is one thing all women have in common

Identify a criticism of the experimentation method of research

Researchers create an artificial environment and manipulate the experience of the participants

The first wave of the women's movement had reached its peak with the ???, which rejected the doctrine of the female inferiority then taught by academics and clergy

Seneca Falls Declaration of 1848

??? ??? ??? is a general measure of how much an individual supports the domination of supposedly inferior groups by superior groups

Social dominance orientation

In the context of the limitations of stereotyping, identify a true statement about stereotypes

The activation of stereotypes in people's minds tends to be an automatic process that is not under their conscious control

Identify a characteristic of womanists

The emphasize the effects of racial stereotyping and prejudice

Identify a true statement about double binds

They create no-win situations as a result of subordinate statuses

T/F: Gender-related processes influence behavior, thoughts, and feelings in individuals


T/F: I hierarchical societies, the dominant group has more of whatever that society values, whether it be cattle, land, the opportunity to get a good education, or high-paying jobs.


T/F: unexamined personal biases and androcentric theories often lead to biased research questions in research process


In the context of gender stereotypes, the personality traits considered characteristic of women are ???

affective and communal

Men who endorse a kind of sexism that involves both hostility and benevolence toward women are called ??? ???

ambivalent sexists

In the late 1960s, psychologists realized that most psychological knowledge about women and gender was ???, or male-centered


Human infants are labeled as one sex or the other, female or male, at birth, based on the ???

appearance of their genitals

As voices of authority, women are likely to be presented in the media in a way that focuses on their ???

appearance, family roles, and bodies rather than their words and ideas

According to West, the Sapphire icon of the stereotypical subtype of Black women is ???

domineering, aggressive, and unfeminine

??? was originally defined as those characteristics and traits that are socioculturally considered appropriate to males and females


The ever-present possibility of being devalued, disliked, or discounted for behaving in ways that are acceptable for men means that women must adopt ???

gender management strategies

In the context of stereotypical beliefs, ??? ??? are networks of related beliefs that reflect the common wisdom about women and men

gender stereotypes

In conversations, ??? ??? are active attempts by an individual to end the other speakers turn and take over the conversation

intrusive interruptions

Which of the following is true of the distinction between sex and gender?

it recognizes that sex is to gender as nature is to nurture

In the context of sexuality stereotypes, women who are particularly strong, either in personality or physical skills, are likely to be stereotyped as ???


The term ??? ??? refers to inequitable treatment of women and men that is built into the language

linguistic sexism

If researcher in change over time within sane individuals

longitudinal design

To a greater or lesser degree, most modern societies are ???, a word that literally means "ruled by the fathers."


In interpreting her results of the experimental laboratory study of sex differences in mental traits, Helen Thompson Wooley stressed the overall similarity of women's and men's ???


The label ??? is used by men to acknowledge women's leadership of the feminist movement and express their understanding that women and men have different experiences of gender

pro feminist

According to Pauwels's study, in the context of transforming language, there has been a dramatic drop in the use of ??? terms in magazines and newspapers in all the countries studied.

pseudo-generic masculine

In psychological research, ??? explores a topic in an open-ended way, without trying to systematically count or manipulate behaviors

qualitative methods

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