Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology

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Auguste Comte

+Had mistress *Clotilde de Vaux*. !With Henry Saint-Simon, wrote in *The Industry, The Politics, and The Organizer*. Split with him after taking *ideas about splitting history into organic and critical periods*. !*John Stuart Mill differentiated between a good and bad side of him* after he proposed a *secular religion of humanity* with *seven sacraments*. !Created a *hierarchy of six scientific fields*. !Was going to write a *review of the seven sciences from a moralistic point of view, The Subjective Synthesis*. !Split society into *three progressional stages: theological (fetishism, polytheism, monotheism), metaphysical, and positive*. -Possibly coined the terms sociology and altruism. -Founder of positivism and early French sociologist.

Clifford Geertz

+Notes a certain *double-entendre between English and another language*. +"The problem is not one of constructing definitions of religion". +Influenced by *Max Weber*, like with his statement *man is an animal suspended in webs of significance*. +Focuses on *Pare and Sefrou* while discussing the need for *anthropology to develop with time in After The Fact*. +Discussed the *Myth of the Exemplary Center*. +Wrote *Works and Lives*, *From the Native's Point of View*, and *The Way We Think Now: Toward an Ethnography of Modern Thought*. +Discusses a *ritual called tjeng involving placing a coconut in a pail of water for twenty-one seconds*. +His *After the Revolution* analyzes *essentialism and epochalism and the four phases of nationalism*. +Attacked *Claude Levi-Strauss' use of universal rationalism in the chapter The Cerebral Savage*. !Wrote *Available Light* and *Local Knowledge*. !Used a *boy's funeral to exemplify political and religious symbolism mixing in Ritual and Social Change*. !Influenced by *Wittgenstein and attacked Wittgenstein's comparison of private language to a city*. !Described *differences between two towns behaviorally after economic changes in Peddlers and Princes*. !Described *swidden and sawah as part of the Modjokuto Project in Agricultural Involution*. !Discusses how *babies can't crawl* and a *puberty rite involves teeth filling* in one society because of a *fear of animality*. !Compared *Indonesian and Moroccan religion in Islam Observed*. !Said that *culture should be viewed on its own terms with Anti-Anti-Relativism* since it *causes anxiety over degradation of the mind due to a lack of absolutism*. !A concept he borrowed from *Gilbert Ryle* can differentiate between a *twitch and a wink*. !Borrowed a term from *Jeremy Bentham* to describe a game which has *such risks that no rational actor would play it* in *Playing with Fire*. !He and *his wife hid from the police* after the crowd *formed a superorganism* in what he called *anthropological rapport*. !Described how a *theatre state named Negara uses plays and theatrics to establish power instead of the reverse*. -Utilized thick description, which characterizes his method of ethnography as involving context as well as the subject. -A symbolic anthropologist who wrote the essay Deep Play: Notes on a Balinese Cockfight in his book The Interpretation of Cultures.

Antonio Gramsci

+Used the term *historic bloc* from *Georges Sorel.* +Talks about the *duality between a behavioral transformative attitude and a cognitive uncritical attitude, contradictory consciousness*. !Tells *The Fable of the Beaver* where the title creature *tears off its own testicles*. !Contrasted *rational America with its small unproductive class to a parasitic Europe in Americanism and Fordism*. !Exhorted people to fight both a *war of position and maneuver*. Coined the term *passive revolution*. !Argued against *economism/historical determinism* and said a *socialist society doesn't need capitalist modes of production* as proven by the *October Revolution* in *The Revolution against Das Kapital* !Extends *Machiavelli's ideas in The Modern Prince as a fight between an organism and the state*. !Influenced by *Antonio Labriola* to write about the *philosophy of praxis*. -Describes how the state controls the subaltern in his theory of cultural hegemony. -Italian Marxist/Communist Party leader who wrote The Prison Notebooks.

Max Weber

!He discussed a *polytheism of values* of incompatible *value spheres* which necessitates *value-free research*. !He distinguishes religion into three types: *world-flying mysticism, inner-worldy asceticism, and world-rejecting asceticism*. !He dubbed the opportunities people have to improve their lives *life chances*. !He compared societies and their Messianic visions in *Ancient Judaism*. !At the end of an essay, he predicted a *"polar night of icy darkness and hardness"*. !He categorizes *social action* as *instrumental, value-rational, traditional, and affectual*. !This man described the devaluing of mysticism as *disenchantment*. !His methodology is based on *ideal types*. !This man's *religion trilogy* described why *India and China* aren't capitalistic. !*Talcott Parsons* provided English translations of his magnum opus. !He classified legitimate authority into *legal, traditional, and charismatic* types. -He described the iron cage of rationality closing down on people in capitalistic societies. -His works include Politics as a Vocation, which stated that the state is a monopoly over the use of violence, Science as a Vocation, and Economy & Society. -Early German sociologist who wrote The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. With Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx, helped to found sociology. Cited Ben Franklin.


!The *Stroop Test* demonstrates its *selective form* caused by a *bottleneck*. !*Arien Mack and Irvin Rock* coined the term for its *blindness* after *Daniel Simons conducted an experiment where participants watched two people passing a basketball when a woman with an umbrella or a gorilla suit passed by*. -The cognitive ability to focus on something.

John Broadus Watson

!With *Robert Yerkes*, collaborated on *Methods of Studying Vision in Animals*. !Wrote *Psychology from the Viewpoint of a Behaviorist*. !Popularized the term *coffee break* while working under the *J. Walter Thompson ad agency* for *Maxwell house* as the *VP*. !Famously said that he could *transform twelve children into any occupation that he desired*. !Warned against *too much affection and love in Psychological Care of Infant and Child*. !Married his assistant *Rosalie Rayner* after an affair which forced him to *resign from John Hopkins*. !With *Harvey Carr*, named an experiment after the *sound made by rats that ran into walls after they were kinaesthetically conditioned by the movements required to finish a maze*. -Hit a metal rod whenever a white rat was encountered by a boy in the Little Albert Experiment. Conditioned a fear of all furry, white objects including Santa Claus.

B.F. Skinner

*In one book, he uses the four/three-term contingency to describe language. Horribly reviewed by Noam Chomsky. *A "The Observer" reviewer misstated that this man put his daughter Deborah in an air crib. *In one book, he discusses modifying autoclitics, labeling tacts, and requesting mands. *Worked on Project Pigeon which would train pigeons to guide missiles to German battleships. *In one book, he suggests free will and moral autonomy does not exist, promotes "cultural engineering", and discussed the technology of behavior. -Wrote Walden Two, authored Verbal Behavior, published Beyond Freedom and Dignity, and founded radical behaviorism. -The American "father of operant conditioning" who invented a namesake box for it, using rats.


+*A.R. Luria* split it into *three systems and four processes*. +*Alan and Nadeem Kaufman* developed a scale for it. +The *Abecedarian Project* tested it, as described in *"Knowns and Unknowns"*. +*Linda Gottfredson's Wall Street Journal op-ed Mainstream Science on [this]*. !*L.L. Thurstone* split it into *seven Primary Mental Abilities (PMAs).* !*Daniel Goleman* popularized its *emotional form*. !*J.P. Guilford* split it into *operations, products, and content*. !*Robert Yerkes* developed the *Army Alpha and Beta tests* for it. !*John Carroll* introduced the *Three-Stratum Theory* describing it. !Split into *componential, practical, and analytical types* by *Robert Sternberg's triarchic theory*. !*Howard Gardner* split it into *eight multiple types*. He added two types in his work *Frames of Mind*. !*(John C.) Raven's Progressive Matrices* measures *Charles Spearman's g factor* version of it. !*Theodore Simon* originated an idea for its tests. *Lewis Terman* introduced the first test. *David Wechsler's WAIS-3* is the most used test for it. !*Cattell's Culture Fair test* measures it. Cattell, with *Horn and Carroll*, split it into a *fluid and crystallized form*. -*Stephen Jay Gould's The Mismeasure of Man* criticized *Herrnstein and Murray's racially deterministic The Bell Curve on it*. -Its increase over time is called the Flynn Effect. -The Stanford-Binet Test measures a form of it.

The Interpretation of Dreams

+*Analogizes a process of compiling causal connections to a painter who puts all the philosophers and poets into a single picture, like the Parnassus or School of Athens.* +Responded to a *letter from William Fliess* right before the author wrote it. +The first section of this work refers to an experience of *Joseph Delboeuf, which he called "hypermnesic."* !*Wilhelm Stekel* influenced its author's decision to *rewrite it eight times* to which the author said *Insight such as this falls to one's lot but once in a lifetime*. !Describes how *cathexis* causes a process which is inhibited by *secondary censorship*. !*Ida Bauer* describes *her mother attempting to save a jewel-case* in it. !*Sergei Pankejeff* recalled *six or seven white wolves sitting under a walnut tree* in it. !Contains the *Oedipus complex*. -Includes the example of Irma's Injection in which Dr. M, Leopold, and Otto treat a woman with propyl and trimethylamine since she has a throat and left shoulder infection. -Contains the theory of wish-fulfillment.

Charles Wright Mill

+*Carlos Fuentes* dedicated his *The Death of Artemio Cruz* to this man, calling him a *friend and companion of Latin America*. +States that America does not possess the requirements for a *true conservative movement and that the checks & balances system is outdated*. +Described the transition of history to the *Fourth Epoch* and the *Cheerful Robot*. +Discussed the idea of a *revolving door* which included the *Metropolitan 400*. +Wrote that *labor leaders have submitted to capitalism* in *The New Men of Power*. +Published *Situated Actions and Vocabulary of Motive and The Professional Ideology of Social Pathologists*. !Stated that a certain group possesses a *military metaphysic* and a *permanent war economy*. !Wrote that society is composed of *symbol and status spheres* and proposed the *"role's" connection between the individual and society in Character and Social Structure with help from Hans Gerth*. !Wrote *The Causes of World War III* and coined the term *New Left in his letter to them*. !Discussed the *salesmanship mentality of the middle-class* in his book *White Collar*. !His appendix *On Intellectual Craftsmanship* lists *eight positive characteristics*. The work itself starts with the chapter *The Promise*. !One of his works rejects the *methodological inhibitions of Talcott Parson's Grand Theory and abstract empiricism* in an attempt to unify *the individual and society*. !Interviewed *Cuban revolutionaries* for *Listen, Yankee!* -American sociologist who wrote that the military, corporations, and politicians have taken control as the namesake Power Elite.

Bystander Effect

+*Clark and Word* uncovered *ambiguity's role in it*. +*Raymond Zack's and Wang Yue's deaths* displayed this phenomenon. +*Robert Thornberg* investigated its prevalence in *Swedish fifth graders*. +*P.M. Markey* utilized the aliases *Jake and Suzy Harmen* to identify it in *chat rooms*. *van Brommel* conducted a similar test in an *online forum*. +Exhibited in game theory by the *volunteer's dilemma*. +Shown by *Abraham Ross* to not be affected by the *presence of children*. !A *rope-pulling experiment* proved that the *Ringelmann effect* impacted it. !Investigated in a *Darley and Latane experiment* in which *Columbia students took a questionnaire in a smoke-filled room* and a *pre-recorded seizure voice8. !Caused by *pluralistic ignorance and diffusion of responsibility*. -Demonstrated by *Winston Moseley's murder of bartender Kitty Genovese*. -A phenomenon in which people are less likely to assist when more people are present.


+*Deutsch and Gerard* found that conflicts lead to its *normative and informational social influence forms*. Its other main type is *conversion*. +*Stanley Milgram* found it more commonly among *Norwegians than French*. +*David Hirshleifer* said that it occurs because of an *informational cascade*. !Split into *three types by Herbert Kelman in his book International Behavior: compliance, identification, and internalization*. !*Muzafer Sherif* tested it with an experiment where *people estimated how much a point of light moved, as a result of the autokinetic effect*. -Observed in Solomon Asch's experiment, where people and confederates had to choose between three cards with lines labeled A, B, and C to match with another line. Did with a total of 123 male students. -A phenomenon where people change their opinions based on outside pressure.


+*Marcel Mauss and Henri Hubert* wrote a *general theory* of it. +*Claude Lev-Strauss said its thinking give people a sense of control*. +Possessed by *tokabitams, or men with great technological skills*. +*Ralph Merrifield* wrote the first *full-length novel about the material approach to it*. +Exemplified by the *Mithras Liturgy*, a text which supposedly contains it as part of the *Greek Papyri, titled PMG*. !*Edward Tylor* advocated for its *intellectualist approach* by calling it *logical but based on bad premises*. His *Primitive Cultures says it works on the "symbolic principle" and defined it as the belief in a direct cause and effect relationship between act and outcome.* !*E. Evans Pritchard* studied it *among the Azande with oracles and witchcraft*. !Defined by the *Law of Contagion* and the *Law of Similarity* which governs its *sympathetic type*. Split further into * homeopathic and contagious types*. -Analyzed by Bronislaw Malinowski in his examinations of Coral Gardens. -Preceding religion, it constitutes the use of spells and rituals for supernatural results.

Marcel Mauss

+*Maurice Godelier* criticized him in a text titled *The Enigma of* his most famous work. +Wrote *Seasonal Variations of the Eskimo* with *Henri Beauchat*. +Attacked *Georges Sorel's fascist views* in *Observations on Violence*. +Used the term "agonistic" to describe a competitive mechanism. !His *doctoral thesis was titled On Prayer, co-authored with WSF Pickering*. !*James Laidlaw* criticized him by using *Jains as an example*. !*Lewis Hyde* wrote a book sharing a title with his magnum opus. Hyde's is subtitled *Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property*. !*Geoffrey MacCormack* criticized his use of the *Maori term hau*. He also wrote about *Maori taonga and loss of mana*. !Wrote *Primitive Classification* with his uncle. !His idea that *non-discursive actions embody cultural objects is called the "technique of the body"*. It inspired *Norbert Elias' work on the concept of habitus*. !With *Henri Hubert*, he wrote *Sacrifice: Its Nature and Function* and *Outline of a General Theory of Magic* which rejects the *sacred-profane dichotomy*. !Stated that a certain concept *possesses spiritual mechanisms and total prestation*. Also coined *total social fact*. -French sociologist nephew of Emile Durkheim. He wrote about potlatch exchange systems in The Gift while drawing from Malinowski's explanation of the kula ring.


+*Oneironauts* may experience their *lucid form*. +*Gestalt psychologist Fritz Perls* described a theory of them. +*Howard Roffwarg* discovered that *red-tinted goggles changed the color of them*. !*Graeme Mitchison and Francis Crick* observed that they facilitate *reverse learning*. Also stated that *PGO waves signal them*. !*Ida Bauer* describes one of these as *her mother attempting to save a jewel-case*. !*Sergei Pankejeff* recalled one of these as *six or seven white wolves sitting under a walnut tree*. !According to the *activation-synthesis theory by J. Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley*, these occur at a specific phase. !One work on it explains *condensation, displacement, and representation* as processes occurring between *manifest and latent content*. Also said to possess *wish fulfillment*. -Is the subject of Freud's interpretation of them, which includes the example of Irma's Injection in which Dr. M, Leopold, and Otto treat a woman with propyl since she has a throat and left shoulder infection. -Described as the royal road to the unconsciousness.


+*Rose McDermott* advocates for their inclusion into*political science*. +*Richard Lazarus* promoted the *cognitive-meditational theory* of these things and coined the term *appraisal*. +*Jonathan Mercer* wrote about these things and *Strategy in the Korean War*. +*Rosalind Picard* is leading efforts to have these *recognized by computers*. +*Solomon and Corbitt* expanded the *opponent process theory* to correlate them with *drug use*. +*Ortony, Clore, and Collins* developed a *computational model* of these phenomena. +One model of them uses *three dimensions: pleasure, arousal, and dominance*. +*Arlie Hochschild wrote The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human [these] about the labor required to oversee them in the service industry*. *Cameron MacDonald expanded on that to explain the wage gap*. +Studied by *affective science*, like *Kurt Lewin's Affective Valence* and the *Affect Infusion Model*. !*Antonio Damasio* used the *Iowa Gambling Task* to prove their effect on *decision-making with the somatic marker hypothesis*. !*Automatic appraisal mechanisms* are identified in a theory about these by *Paul Ekman*, who identified a series of *basic forms correlated with facial expressions*. !*Robert Plutchik* created a *color wheel for these* which included *primary, secondary, and tertiary dyads which are combinations of them*. !One experiment on it had people *crossing an unstable bridge before talking to an attractive interviewer*. -William James and Carl Lange proposed that these things are preceded by physical arousal, then cognitive appraisal. Walter Cannon and Phillip Bard believe that the process is actually reversed. -Stanley Schachter formulated a two-factor theory of these with Jerome Singer after injecting college students with epinephrine (called Suproxin) and placing them in different situations.

Karl Marx

+*Scorpion and Felix* was his unfinished novel. +All of his daughters were named *Jenny for his wife Jenny von Westphalen*. +*Louis Althusser* proposed that he entered an *epistemological break*. *Gerald Cohen* opposed Althusser with his own interpretation. +Wrote for the *New York Tribune* during the *Civil War*. Supported the North in *The Civil War in the United States*. +Critiqued *religion as the opium of the people*. !Discussed history as *first a tragedy, then a farce* when referring to *Napoleon III* and called *Octavian a grotesque mediocrity*. !*Gyorgy Lukacs* applied and extended his works to *literature with concepts like reification*. !Attacks *Pierre-Joseph Proudhon* in *The Poverty of Philosophy*. !His pamphlet *The Civil War in France* supported the *Paris Commune*. !His rough-draft *Grundrisse* contains the *theory of surplus-value*. !Said that *"philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it" in his Theses on Feuerbach*. !Wrote that people should be assigned *"to each according to his own contribution* while attacking the *SDAP in his Critique of the Gotha Program*. !Split the economy into a *legal base and a political superstructure*. !Founded a *dialectical materialistic view of history* as a *break from Hegel* in his tract *On the Jewish Question*. Refuted *Bruno Bauer's idea that a secular state is required for the Jews and that political + human emancipation was the same*. !Stated that *relationships are defined by goods with commodity fetishism*. Classified goods based on *use value and exchange value*. -Created the labor theory of value. Split labor between *useful and simple power*. -German writer and thinker who wrote the Communist Manifesto with Frederich Engels.

Ruth Benedict

+*Takeo Doi* criticized her work in *The Anatomy of Dependence*. !Wrote *poetry under Anne Singleton*. !Served as *editor of The Journal of American Folklore*. !Her doctoral dissertation was *The Concept of the Guardian Spirit in North America*. !Wrote *Tales of the Cochiti Indians* and *Zuni Mythology*. !Wrote about the *Dobu, Kwakiutl, and Zuni* in her first book which split culture into *Dionysian and Apollonian characteristics* and called it *personality writ large* with info from *Reo Fortune*. !Wrote that *brain size doesn't correlate with intelligence* and *rallied against fascism* in *The Races of Mankind* and *Race: Politics and Science* with *Gene Weltfish*. -Friends with Margaret Mead. -Contrasts guilt and shame cultures in her book The Chrysanthemum and the Sword. She utilized anthropology at a distance (newspaper clippings and literature). Also wrote Patterns of Culture.

Alfred Adler

+Adopted a *holistic approach* and opened the *first child-guidance clinic in Vienna*. +Believes motivation is driven by a *drive for mastery*. +Explained the process of *distancing* whereby people can *stand still, move backward, hesitate, or construct obstacles*. !Directed his *What Life Should Mean to You* at the general public. !*Rudolf Dreikurs* applied his theory to *adolescents and why they go out*. !Wrote about the *confessions of Claire Macht in The Case of Miss R.* which included the chapters *A Lupus Phobia, The Shock of Sex Knowledge, and The Jealousy Mania*. !Came up with the *ruling, getting, avoiding, and socially useful personality types*. !Co-wrote *To Heal and To Educate with Furtmuller and Wexburg*. !Promoted *social interest* in creating a new *community feeling movement*. !Stated that *pampering, neglect, and organ dysfunction/inferiorty* could lead to psychological problems. !Influenced by *Hans Vaihinger's Philosophy of As Is* in creating the *guiding fiction and guiding principle which compels "masculine protest". !His school of therapy *followed Nietzsche's "will to power"* as outlined in *Understanding Human Nature*. !Was the first to famously state that *birth order affected personality*. Also founded the school of *individual psychology*. -Coined the term inferiority complex in his book The Neurotic Character.

Solomon Asch

+Advised *Stanley Milgram at Princeton*. !With *Ebenholtz, found that the order of things listed in free recall doesn't correlate with the order they were learned.* !Gave two groups *an identical list of personality traits, except one had warm and one had cold. The basis of impression formation*. !His idea of *prestige suggestion* found that people viewed *quotes differently if told they were from Karl Marx or Vladimir Lenin*. -Conducted a famous conformity experiment at Swarthmore college to test Muzafer Sherif.

Carl Rogers

+Advised *religious groups like Protestants in Belfast*. +His theories were the basis of the *computer program ELIZA*. +Emphasized *"experiential" over "rote" learning and included "realness" and "prizing"* for healthy education. +Worked with *Eugene Gendlin* on developing *focusing therapy* which involves the *felt sense*. +Appeared on the *Gloria Tapes* with *Albert Ellis and Fritz Perls*. +Doubted his religion after going to the *1922 Christian Student Conference in Peking*. !Talks about *marriage and alternatives* in *Becoming Partners*. !Wrote *Freedom to Learn*. !Observed *Mrs. L's son Jim destroy a clay figurine representing his father* at the *University of Rochester*. !Formulated the idea of an *encounter group*. !Wrote *Clinical Treatment of the Problem Child*. !Developed the *Q-sort test* to assess individual *differences between real and ideal selves, a test of congruence*. Said *incongruence could be avoided by avoiding denial and distortion*. !Describes *the good life* in which people must develop *increasing organismic trust with organismic valuing*. -His book On Becoming a Person describes the self-actualizing tendency. -Outlined the basis of client-centered therapy with the requirements of unconditional positive regard, genuineness, and empathy.

Robert King Merton

+An anthology of essays subtitled *"Papers in Honor of" this man is entitled "The Idea of Social Structure." A compilation by this author includes the essays "Dilemmas in Voluntary Associations" and "Social Knowledge and Public Policy" as well as a series of essays discussing the titular idea as it appears in various professional groups. In addition to Sociological Ambivalence* +Descibed the *Matthew Effect where famous people get more credit than less famous people*. +Mentored by *George Sarton as a grad student*. !Used the case study of *Kate Smith using radio to sell war bonds* in *Mass Persuasion*. !Traced a word from an *Australian ranch to an Atlanta nudist camp* in his *The Travels and Adventures of Serendipity*. !Wrote *On the Shoulders of Giants in the style of Tristam Shandy*. !His namesake *thesis links Protestantism and science*. !Combines *empiricism and theory with middle range theory*. !Identified *five modes of adaptation* when people either *accept or reject culture, institutional means, and anomie in his theory of deviance, which is caused by social structure leading to crimes in strain theory*. !Formulated the idea of *obliteration by incorporation* where the *inventor of an idea gets forgotten*. !Examined *Hopi rain dances to explain manifest and latent functions*. !His contributions to the *sociology of science* include the acronym *CUDOS: universalism, communalism, disinterestedness, and organized skepticism*. -Wrote *Social Theory and Social Structure*. -Coined the terms *self-fulfilling prophecy*, *unintended consequences*, and *role model*.

Abraham Maslow

+Claimed that he was not advocating *cultural relativity but rather cross-cultural relativity* in one work in order to *attack the notion that the well-adjusted Nazi is beyond criticism.* +Proposed that when infants feel pain, the appearance of their world *" changes from sunniness to darkness"* and he distinguished between *parents' role as protectors and as providers of food and care.* +Called *transpersonal psychology* the *fourth force*. !Goal was to give people a *philosophy of the future*. !Studied *primate sexuality under Harry Harlow*. !His namesake *hammer* states that *"if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail"* in *The Psychology of Science: A Reconnaissance*. !Defined a *Jonah Complex, the fear of success*. !*The Farther Reaches of Human Nature* is his collection of works. !Contrasted *D-cognition/values* with *B-values/cognition* which can only be achieved through *metamotivation* and characterized *peak experiences*. !Promulgated *36 necessary assumptions* in his work *Eupsychian Management*. !*Clayton Alderfer's ERG Theory* expanded on his most famous concept. !His most famous creation was first theorized by *Kurt Goldstein's The Organism*. Proposed it in *Toward a Psychology of Being*. -A humanistic psychologist who introduced a hierarchy of needs in his paper A Theory of Motivation which examined people like Jane Addams, Albert Einstein, and Eleanor Roosevelt within the context of self-actualization. Expanded the idea in Motivation and Personality.

Coming of Age in Somoa

+Describes a ritual in which the *umbilical cord is thrown into the sea to ensure that he becomes a good fisherman.* +Theorizes that girls *aren't interested in political organizations*. !Its *seventh chapter describes three Formal Sexual Relationships which require a confidant, or soa*. !Includes the cases of *Siva, Mola, Lola Suna, Fiva, and Fala*. !Describes the use of *chicken blood* to skirt the *taupou system*. !Discusses a kind of rape called *moetolo/sleep crawling*. !Its final chapter *Education for Choice*, says that America must *tell parents to teach children how to think by emphasizing physical and mental hygiene*. -Attacked by Derek Freeman who called it a fateful hoaxing. Subtitled The Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth. -Ethnography about youths having casual sex while living in Ta'u by Margaret Mead


+Enhanced in *incompleted tasks* by the *Zeigarnik Effect*. +Studied by *Eugen Tarnow* who used *BB Murdock's data*. +Linked to *autonoetic consciousness by Endel Tulving*. +Displayed in *sea slug Aplysia* by *Eric Kandel*. +*Susumu Tonegawa* activated *neurons altered by channelrhodopsin* to construct a false form of this phenomenon associated with fear. +Various kinds of this process were differentially impaired in *Clive Wearing,* a British musician. The selectivity of this process is partially explained by *spike-timing-dependent plasticity*, which explains why long-term potentiation doesn't always occur. +Involved in *repetition priming and suppression*. !Described by *Fergus I. M. Craik* in the *Levels-of-processing effect*. !Its *eidetic form* was studied by *Alexander Luria* in *journalist Solomon Shereshevsky*. !Its loss was investigated within *Henry Molaison (HM)*. !Its *physical traces are called engrams*. *Karl Lashley* had difficulty finding them. !Studied by *Elizabeth Loftus* with the *"lost in the mall technique"*. With *John Palmer*, discovered how word choices like *crashed and collided* had effects. !Described by a *central executive, the phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad, and episodic buffer* according to *Baddeley and Hitch*. !*Ulric Neisser's echoic form* of it was included in the *Atkinson-Shiffrin modal model* which includes a *sensory register*. !Studied with *2,300 nonsensical CVC trigrams* by *Herman Ebbinghaus*. -*George Miller* proposed that its working form held the magical number 7 plus or minus 2.

The Golden Bough

+Famously notes how *Marsyas accompanied Cybele*. The same chapter *quotes from the Havamal depicting Odin hanging on the tree*. +Uses the *Law of Contagion*. !Talks about an *Aboriginal Toothache in The Transference of Ills*. Includes *The Influence of the Sexes on Vegetation*. !Rationalizes the *seclusion of menstruating women*. +Explains how *the primary public magician gains power over time*. !Discusses an *Aztec tradition of dressing a man up as king then eating him in Killing the God in Mexico*. !Splits magic into *sympathetic, contagious, and homeopathic types*. !Discusses the tradition of *Rex Nemorensis*. !Links *French bonfire ceremonies to Baldr* which include *tabooed words (like the names of the dead) and acts*. !Compares *Attis and Adonis* to the *Corn-God Osiris*. Also sees the *corn-spirit as several animals*. !Begins by discussing the *murder of The King of the Woods at Nemi which is sacred to Diana*. !Criticized for including the *Crucifixion and comparing it to pagan beliefs*. -Proposes that humanity goes through a magical, religious, and scientific phase. -Based on the idea that resurrection-fertility cults were based on the marriage between a sun god and an earth goddess. -A study of magic and religion by James Frazer which analyzes an object that Aeneas and the Sibyl present to the gatekeeper of Hades and a J.M.W. Turner painting.


+Geert Hofstede created a "dimensions" theory of this thing, which includes the power distance index and uncertainty avoidance index. In the configurationalist approach, this thing is copied from personality, which is why that approach is called the this "and personality" school. In another work, it is asserted that the "nucleus of individuality" cannot be manipulated by the "industry" of this thing; that is Adorno's Dialectic of Enlightenment. +*Edward Tylor* wrote about its *Primitive Form*. +*Raymond Williams* wrote about *it and society*. +Its effect on foreigners includes *four phases: Honeymoon, Negotiation, Adjustment, and Adaptation*. +*Marshall Sahlins* outlined its *materialistic and symbolic theories* as proposed by *Marvin Harris*. *Arjun Appadurai* split it into *five scapes*, including an *ethnoscape* and an *ideoscape*. +Contains *emic and etic approaches*. !*Matthew Arnold* compared it to *anarchy*. !*Lila Abu-Lughod* proposed the idea of *writing against it*. !*Edward Said* wrote about this and *imperialism*. !Its *evolution* is described by *Leslie White* in the equation *P equals ET* where *E is energy consumed per capita per year* and *T is energy efficiency*. !*Alfred Kroeber* identified its *namesake areas*. !*Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight* was written by *Clifford Geertz* as part of his *thick description* of it, describing it as a *web of significance*. !*Malinowski* wrote a *Scientific Theory* on it. !Boas promoted viewing societies based on *its relativism*. -Split into *guilt and shame types*. Also described as *personality writ large* and split into *Dionysian and Apollonian elements* in a book titled after its *Patterns* comparing the *Zuni, Kwakiutl, and Dobu*. -A group's shared behaviors and beliefs.


+Has a *Alternative Theory by Mark Zuckerman and Michale Kuhlman*. +*Gerard Blum* tested it with an assessment based on the *dog Blacky*. !The *Kierser Sorter* splits it into *artisans, guardians, idealists, and rationals*. Similarly, *John L. Holland's namesake Codes or RIASEC* divides it into *six types represented by a hexagon*. !Affected by the *Histrionic* disorder. !The *Repertory Grid* based on its *Personal Construct theory* by *George Kelly*. Defines people as *naive scientists*. !Classified by *Robert Cloninger in the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI)*. !Related by the *F-scale test* to *Authoritarianism* in a book by *Theodor W. Adorno, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Daniel Levinson, and Nevitt Sanford.* !*Nomothetic and idiographic* approaches to it are available. !*Meyer Friedman* related its types A and B to *heart disease*. !A "projective test" uses *ambiguous situation storytelling* in the *Thematic Apperception Test*. !*Raymond Cattell's* research on it yielded a *16 trait continuum*. !*Hans Eysenck* developed its *biologically based PEN model* which classifies it as *choleric, melancholic, sanguine, and phlegmatic*. !*Lewis Goldberg* created its *OCEAN or CANOe model* as part of the *Big Five Factors* explaining *Hathaway and McKinley*. !*Gordon Allport's trait theory* used a *lexical approach* which split it into *cardinal, central, and secondary traits*. Defined as a *function of heredity times environment*. -Measured by the *Rorschach Inkblot Test*, the *Minnesota Multiphasic Inventory*, and the *Myers-Briggs Test*.

Cognitive Dissonance

+Has a *post-decision subtype*. +Described in the *Ben Franklin effect*, where *reciprocated favors leads to induced favors*. +Opposed by *Fritz Heider's motivational balance theory and E. Tory Higgins' self-discrepancy theory of three selves*. +Exemplified by *The Fox and the Grapes*. +Found that when it is active, the *cingulate cortex lights up* in an experiment involving students *writing an essay in favor of tuition increases as a choice*. !Opposed by *Deryl Bem's self-perception theory, which says that *attitude is inferred from observed behavior*. !*Jack Brehm* researched it with an experiment dealing with *supposed wedding gifts*. Also had women *rate appliances*. !An experiment measuring it dealt with a *steam-powered shovel or "forbidden toy". Partially conducted by Elliot Aronson, one group of children were given a severe punishment warning, and the other a mild warning*. !One experiment exhibiting this phenomenon uncovered its relation with *self-esteem and how embarrassing an initiation rite is, specifically when stating twelve sexually obscene words*. !The book *When Prophecy Fails* (co-written by *Henry Riecken and Stanley Schachter*) discussed *Marion Keech's prediction in Chicago that a UFO from the planet Clarion would rescue true believers from a cataclysmic flood as predicted by automatic writing*, leading to the *belief disconfirmation paradigm*. -*71 Stanford males were told to turn a small spool for either $1 or $20* in an experiment by *Festinger and Carlsmith* about this phenomenon, creating the *forced compliance paradigm*. -The state of discomfort brought about by two conflicting beliefs.

Bruno Bettelheim

+Has transcripts of *child-rearing discussions in Dialogues with Mothers*. +His most famous work *cites a certain group's belief that gravity works via an imaginary string*. !*Robert Pollak* and *Roberta Carly Redford* claimed he was a fake and was abusive towards children. *Nina Sutton* wrote a bio on him titled *A Life and a Legacy*. !Stated that boys *long for circumcision in Symbolic Wounds*. !Criticizes *empty texts* in *On Learning to Read* with *Karen Zelan*. !Wrote *The Informed Heart*. !His *The Children of the Dream* analyzed kids living in a *kibbutz*. !Had a famous case study about the *Mechanical boy Joey who thought he was a robot*. !Inspired by his time as the *director of the Orthogenic School for Disturbed Children at the University of Chicago* to write *Love is Not Enough* about *treating emotionally disturbed children* and *The Empty Fortress*, blaming *autism on refrigerator mothers*. Utilized *milieu therapy*. -Used his experience in a concentration camp to write Individual and Mass Behavior in Extreme Situations. -Discusses how the story of the Frog King is helpful for sexual education in The Uses of Enchantment, which describes fairy tales based on Freudian terms.

Emile Durkheim

+He suggested that societies be classified by four criteria: *volume, rigidity, content, and intensity*. +His journal was *L'Annee Sociologique*. +Distinguished *beliefs and rites*. Called religion a *primordial matrix* which formed *awe* based on *totemism*. +Taught at *Bordeaux* and collected his lessons in *Pedagogical Evolution of France*. +*Anthony Giddens* created a *"new" version* of his book. +Argued with *Jacques Doleris* over sex education. Used idea that *taboos on incest came from beliefs on the power of menstrual blood* in *The Prohibition of Incest and its Origins*. +Wrote *Moral Education*. !Created the *Sacred/Profane Dichotomy*. Stated that *totemism is the most basic religion*. !He argued that laws have shifted from being *repressive to restitutive*. !*Marcel Mauss' uncle*. Wrote *Primitive Classification* with him. !His *On the Normality of Crime* examined *Socrates' trial* and a *society of saints*. !He linked the *belief in mana* to *collective effervescence*. !He introduced the term *collective consciousness* and *social facts (defined as any way of acting, whether fixed or not, capable of exerting over the individual an external constraint)* in his book *The Rules of the Sociological Method*. -While investigating *Australian totemism*, he discovered that the *sacred* is the only shared characteristic of all religions in his *The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life*. -He introduced *mechanical and organic solidarity* in The Division of Labour in Society. -In his monograph Suicide, he split the concept into egotistic, altruistic, *anomic (breakdown of social rules)*, and fatalistic types.

Noam Chomsky

+He was involved in the *Faurisson Affair*, defending the namesake *Holocaust denier*. +He is an Ashkenazi Jew. !He discussed five types of editorial bias in *Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media*. !This man created the *merge and move* operations. !This man wrote *The Responsibility of Intellectuals* calling for less political subservience in America. !In his book *Aspects*, he defines the terms *competence and performance*. !The *Bare Phrase Structure* replaced his *X-Bar Theory*. !He was taught by *Zellig Harris*. !This man wrote the book *Barriers* which expanded upon his *Lectures on Government and Binding: The Pisa Lectures*. !This man proposed the *Minimalist Program*. !This man criticized *B.F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior*. -His "poverty of the stimulus" is supported by the sentence *colorless green ideas sleep furiously*. -His namesake hierarchy with Marcel-Paul Schützenberger divides grammar into Type 0 (recursively enumerable; automated by a Turing machine), Type 1 (context-sensitive), Type 2 (context-free; recognized by a non-deterministic pushdown automaton), and Type 3 (regular; automated by a finite state automaton). -MIT Linguist who wrote about generative grammar in Syntactic Structures and promoted the idea of universal grammar.

Claude Levi-Strauss

+His major doctoral thesis was on the *family and social life of the Nabmikwara Indians*. +Ironically started a work with *"I hate voyages and explorers"*. !Read by *Charles Darwin* and mentioned in his diary. !Invented the idea of a *house society*, a *corporate kinship group*. !Rejected differences between *totemic and caste-based societies*. Also wrote *Totemism*. !The axes *boiling, roasting, and smoking* are part of his *culinary triangle*. !This man described *marriages as an avoidance of incest taboo so two groups unite* in *Alliance Theory* against *Radcliffe-Brown*. !*Edmund Leach* wrote an introduction to him. !Developed the *Theory of Binary Opposition* considering pairs like *moist and parched*. !Invented the *mytheme*, a *minimal unit of mythology* as opposed to *Vladimir Propp's units*. -He compares the *bricoleur* who builds with whatever is on hand to the *scientific engineer*. -He wrote *Tristes Tropiques* (*A World on the Wane in English*) about his *travels to Brazil* with the *Bororo people*, *The Elementary Structures of Kinship*, and *Mythologiques which includes The Raw and the Cooked, From Honey to Ashes, The Origin of Table Manners, and The Naked Man*. -Authored The Savage Mind. The "French father of structuralism".

Leon Festinger

+In an experiment with Albert Pepitone and Thomas Newcomb, this man gave subjects a falsified study saying that most college students hated their parents, causing people in the group to feel safer talking about parental issues; that study coined the term later used by Philip Zimbardo, deindividuation. In another work, he interviewed a "connoiter" who claimed to remember the day she was conceived and who stated that atomic bombs had broken the sonic barrier. Along with that work discussing such individuals as Edna Post and Dr. Armstrong +Devised the *divided attention hypothesis with Maccoby*. !Studied under *Kurt Lewin*. !While studying *students at MIT and the Westgate apartment complex*, they found that *people living closer to the stair* had closer relationships based on the principle of *propinquity*. !Stated that people will *compare themselves with peers to assess their skills* in *social comparison theory*. Advanced by the *Proxy and Triadic models*. -Conducted a cognitive dissonance trial with Carlsmith involving the turning of pegs for small payments. -Came up with cognitive dissonance. Wrote When Prophecy Fails about a UFO seeker cult in Ohio.

Erik Erikson

+Names the *International Society of Political Philosophy's award for Early Career Research*. !His son *studied the Salem Witch Trials in the book Wayward Puritans*. !*James Marcia* elaborated on his most famous creation with a four-phase model: *foreclosure, diffusion, moratorium, and achievement*. !Collected his essays in *Insight and Responsibility*. !Formulated the *epigenetic principle* which states that *personality develops in a determined order*. !Examined the film *Wild Strawberries* and *interviewed octogenarians* in his collaboration with *Helen Kivnick, Vital Involvement in Old Age*. !Wrote the *psychobiography Gandhi's Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence*, coining the term *homo-religious*. !Observed *Sioux children at the Pine Ridge Reservation* and studied the *Yurok+ Lakota Indians with Alfred Kroeber*. !He discussed *The Meaning of Meaning It* as well as a *second birth* that resulted when a *good son shouted "I am not" in a choir* and the *Tower Crisis* in his book *Young Man Luther*. -Introduced conflicts in his *Childhood and Society* like *despair vs. integrity, industry vs. inferiority, intimacy vs. isolation, etc.* -American psychologist who coined the term "identity crisis". Also created an eight-stage model of psychosocial development.

Gestalt psychology

+One of its originators wrote *Productive Thinking*. +A member formulated the *Candle problem examining functional fixedness*. +Contains the *principle of reification*. !*Kurt Lewin* used its principles to develop *Forcefield theory*. !Coined by *Christian von Ehrenfels*. !A founder of this idea wrote about *relating words like takete and baluba to shapes* and *chimpanzees at Tenerife building ladders out of boxes in the Canary Islands in The Mentality of Apes* which argued against *Thorndike's Law of Effect.* !Its therapy was advocated by *Isadore From, and Fritz & Laura Perls*. !*Proximity, similarity, closure, symmetry, common fate, past experience, and continuity* all are tendencies explained by *prägnanz*. !Describes how *changes in static images lead to an illusion of movement* in the *phi phenomenon*. -Exemplified multistability with a Rubin vase and the Necker cube. -Carl Stumpf taught Kurt Koffka, Max Wertheimer, and Wolfgang Köhler, the trio that started this school. -Holistic school of psychology which examines how the brain completes external stimuli. Named after the German word for "whole".

Franz Boas

+Organized the *Jesup North Pacific Expedition*. +Wrote *The Methods of Ethnology* essay. Also wrote *Race, Language, and Culture; Primitive Art; and Race and Democratic Society*. +Categorized artifacts by *cultural area*, leading *Robert Lowie* to call his cultural theory *patches and shreds*. +Pioneered the use of *dioramas* as *curator of ethnology at the American Museum of Natural History* in his *Northwest Coast Hall*. +Mistranslated the word *"numaym" as "clan,"* instead of *"a bundle of privileges."* +Assisted *Frederick Ward Putnam* at the *1893 Chicago World's Fair*. Also worked at *Berlin's Royal Ethnological Museum*. !Created the *four-field approach* to his subject. !Measured differences in *cranial size* of *immigrant children*. Dismissed the *cephalic index*. !Responded to *Daniel Briton's use of evolutionary theory* in *On Alternating Sounds* to challenge *linguistic inferiority*. !Observed *Inuit migrations on Baffin Island* in *The Central Eskimo*. !Rejected *linguistic relativism* and came up with *cultural relativism (people must be judged based on their own cultural lens)*. -Wrote about the potlatch ceremony of the *Kwakiutl people*. Also wrote *The Mind of Primitive Man* where he discussed miscegenation and challenged *supremacist views of intelligence* -Taught Alfred Kroeber, Zora Neale Hurston, and Margaret Mead. -Professor of Columbia who was known as the "Father of American Anthropology".

Stanley Milgram

+Told participants to *cut in line* in various places. !Compared *mental maps*. !Examined the *impact of skyscrapers in Vertical City*. !Wrote *Television and Anti-Social Behavior* with *Lance Shotland*. !Had students *look up at a building* to see if passerby would follow. !Invented the term *cyranoid* to describe people who only used *words provided by speech shadowers*. !Observed reactions to specific endings of the *show Medical Center*. !Assisted by the * clothing merchant Mr. Jacobs at his home in Sharon*. The experiment was *replicated by Duncan Watts*. !Investigated norms when people *asked subway riders to give up their seats*. !Dropped packages meant for either *Friends of the Nazi Party or Children's Hospital* in the *lost-letter experiment*. !Asked participants to *send packages to Boston* in the *Small-world experiment*, leading to the term *six degrees of separation*. -Yale researcher who tested obedience to authority. Found that 65% of participants administered a 450-volt shock. Inspired by Adolf Eichmann's trial and utilized teachers.

Talcott Parsons

+Translated the *first four chapters of Economy and Society by Weber* into English. !Created a *cybernetic hierarchy*. !Combined *Weber's and Durkheim's ideas as well as the terms teleonomic processes and residual categories to unify all the social sciences*. !States that the *medical profession* must handle the *sanctioned deviance of the sick role*. !Says that there are *five axes to social interactions: affectivity-affective neutrality, self-orientation-collectivity orientation, universalism-particularism, ascription-achievement, specificity-diffusity*. -In The Social System, he described adaptation, goal attainment, integration, and latency (his AGIL paradigm) were required for a stable social society. -Talks about the unit act in The Structure of Social Action. -Founded *structural functionalism* as part of his grand theory.

Albert Bandura

+Under *Robert Sears*, he wrote *Adolescent Aggression*. +Posited a three-step model to acquiring athletic skills -*mergerization, production of contextual linkages, and automation of skills.* !Described a *judgmental process* that partially drives a *negative behavioral feedback loop* as part of the four conditions for effective modeling: *attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation*. !Theorized that *moral agents can undergo moral disengagement* to *justify inhumane acts*. !One of his concepts is strengthened by *vicarious reinforcement and punishment* and built off of *Julian Rotter's research on locus of control*. !Stated that *a triangular model reflects how behavior, environment, and the individual affect each other* in *reciprocal determinism*. !Found that *self-efficacy* worked when dealing with *snake-phobic people* in *Social Foundations of Thought and Action*. It included *mastery experiences and social persuasion*. -Stanford psychologist who demonstrated social learning through the Bobo Doll experiment, where children were shown aggressive behaviors including the words "Sock 'em".

Philip Zimbardo

+With *Sarah Brunskill and Anthony Ferreras*, he described *social intensity syndrome within military culture*. +Had participants *reconstruct Brazilian atrocities* and wrote *The Cognitive Control of Motivation*. + One experiment found that *people were more likely to shock others if they were in a lab coat and addressed as a group*. +Once *abandoned two Oldsmobiles: one in CA, one in NY*. !With *Nikita Duncan*, he explained how *overconsuming pornography and video games has led to social awkwardness in The Demise of Guys*. !Leads the *Heroic Imagination Project*. Co-wrote *The Banality of Heroism* with *Zeno Franco*. !Described *deindividuation, the process where groups provide an environment such that individuals lose self-awareness*. !Used the *social fitness model* at *The Shyness Clinic*. !With *John Boyd*, wrote *The Time Paradox* which discusses *six perspectives: past positive, past negative, present hedonism, present fatalism, future life goal-oriented, and future transcendental*. Worked with *Richard Sword on time perspective therapy*. -American psychologist who conducted the Stanford Prison Experiment. Wrote The Lucifer Effect which compared it to the treatment of prisoners at Abu Gharib.


+Would fall on the *opposite end of a spectrum from autism in a recent model proposed by Simon Baron-Cohen.* +*Harry Stack Sullivan* wrote a text titled for it as *Human Process.* +Found that this condition correlates with two to three-fold increases in *DA D2R dopamine receptors in the caudate nucleus.* +Problems with *DISC1 and 22q11* can cause it. +*Andrei Snezhnevsky* utilized its supposed *sluggish form* to imprison Soviet dissidents. +Those affected lack *smooth pursuit* and exhibit poor mental flexibility to shifting patterns on the *Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.* +The *refrigerator mother theory* stated that lack of warmth caused *it and autism*. !Treated in the 50s with *chlorpromazine/Thorazine*, replacing *insulin shock therapy*. !*Jonathan Metzl* described how the *Ionia State Hospital in Michigan* abused it against *African Americans* in *The Protest Psychosis: How [this] Became a Black Disease !May cause the *flat affect* and *waxy flexibility, leading to immobility*. !*David Rosenhan's experiment*, titled *On being sane in an insane place*, described how *eight people faked it to get into a hospital*. !*Emil Kraepelin* first called it *dementia praecox*. *Eugen Bleuler* coined its current name. !*Olanzapine, haloperidol* and clozapine* are used to treat it. The last one can cause *mass white blood cell death*. !*Kurt Schneider's first rank symptoms* relate to it. -Categorized as paranoid, disorganized/*hebephrenic*, and catatonic. -Comes from the Greek for "split mind". Often associated with auditory hallucinations and delusional perception.

Marshall McLuhan

+Wrote a work which uses *King Lear as a lone example of three-dimensional perspective and the process of "denudation" between separate worlds of "roles" and "jobs".* !Describes his works as *probes*. !His *tetrad* asks what a certain thing *enhances, obsolesces, retrieves, and reverses*. !Divides history based on the *ten thunders of Finnegan's Wake* with *Quentin Fiore*. !How much *effort is required to understand something* and how many *senses are targeted* is the basis of his division of *hot and cool media*. -Coined the term global village in The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. -Canadian author of Understanding Media who said that the medium is the message.

Erving Goffman

+Wrote of *situational and egocentric territories in the chapter "The Territories of the Self" in his book Relations in Public.* +Wrote *The Underlife of a Public Institution*. +Talked about *sign vehicles and tie-signs*. +His *The Nature of Deference and Demeanor* discusses how people perform an *avoidance ritual including the steps of a challenge, offering, acceptance, and thanks*. !One of his works applauds the *good-adjustments of the wise and the normals* to avoid *moral, tribal, and physical deviations*. !Wrote *Where the Action is*. !Described how people utilized *keying to analyze a strip of experience*. !Collected ethnographic data from the *Shetland Islands*. !His collection *Interaction Ritual* includes *On Face-Work*. !Stated that *secret preservation* is necessary for *impression management* in the book *Stigma* with a *five-phase model of shaming deviance from "normal identities"*. !His daughter wrote *On the Run in Philadelphia* which describes the *murder of her sources in an African-American neighborhood*. !Described *six ways in which women behaved in commercials* with his book *Gender Advertisements*. !Talked about *total institutions as places established to protect the harmless where people work and eat together* in the book *Asylums*. Got info by *pretending to be an employee at St. Elizabeths Hospital*. !Used the *metaphor of a theater* to describe how *teams differed in their appearance on the front and back stages*. -Wrote *Frame Analysis*. -Utilized *dramaturgical analysis* in his book The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life.

Bronislaw Malinowski

+Wrote that his goal was * "to grasp the native's point of view, his relation to life, to realize his vision of his world"*. +Said *" speech is a mode of action, not a countersign of thought*. +Gave incantations a *coefficient of weirdness*. !Made a *Diary in the Strictest Sense of the Term*. !Split culture into *six institutions including norms, activities, charters, and personnel* which fulfill *seven basic human needs*. !Trained *Raymond Firth and Edmund Leach*. !Wrote a work about *crime and repression* in a savage society. !Took a *functionalist approach*. !Explained *baloma spirits* and the *sacred-profane dichotomy* in *Magic, Science, and Religion*. !Disputed the *universality of the Oedipus complex* in *The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia*. !Explored race relations in Africa in his *The Dynamics of Culture Change*. !Wrote *A Scientific Theory of Culture*. !Described the exchange of *red and white trinkets (veigun and mwali)* as *half-ceremonial, half commercial*. -Wrote the introduction to *Facing Mount Kenya*. -Wrote *Coral Gardens and Their Magic*, the last in his ethnographic trilogy about the Trobrianders (Kiriwina Islands) which described tilling patterns. -Wrote about the Kula ring in *Argonauts of the Western Pacific*.

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BIO 168 Chapter 6: Skeletal System Bones and Bone Tissue

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