Python Programming: Chapters 1-4

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input, process, output (IPO)

a common programming pattern; prompts for input, processes it, outputs a response


a control construct for executing portions of a program multiple times


a data type for representing a sequence of characters (text)


a detailed sequence of steps for carrying out some process; a recipe


a detailed set of instructions for a computer to carry out; composed of statements that are built from identifiers and expressions


a general Python data type for representing sequential collections; heterogeneous (capable of holding more than one data type at a time) and can grow or shrink as needed; items accessed through subscripting

definite loop statement

a kind of loop where the number of iterations is known at the time the loop begins executing; ex: for <var(can be i, etc.)> in <sequence(can be range or a list)>: <body>

counted loop

a loop written to iterate a specific number of times; created using the range(n) function


a machine that stores and manipulates information under the control of a changeable program

data type

a particular way of representing data; determines what values it can have and what operations it supports


a printed message that signals to the user of a program that input is expected

machine code

a program in machine language


a representation of a specific value; ex: 3 represents three (int literal), "Hello" (string literal)


a single command in a programming language

simultaneous assignment statement

a statement that allows multiple variables to be assigned in a single step; ex: <var1>, <var2>, ... , <varN> = <expr1>, <expr2>, ... , <exprN>


a subprogram within a program; take parameters as input and return values; ex: int(x) or def sing(animal, sound):

loop index

a variable that is being used to control a loop; ex: in the statement for i in range(n), i is this

accumulator variable

a variable used to hold the result in the accumulator programming pattern

math library function: arccos x


numeric operators

addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), exponentiation (**), remainder (%), absolute value (abs(x))

name error

an exception that occurs when Python is asked to produce a value for a variable that has not been assigned a value


an external collection of useful functions or classes that can be imported and used in a program; ex: math and string modules


an identifier that labels/stores a value for future reference; can be changed through assignment; ex: term1 = 1


graphical depiction of the flow of control in a program or algorithm

reserved words

identifiers that are part of the built-in syntax of a language; ex: and, def, for, print


information that is stored and manipulated by computer programs

byte code

intermediate form of computer language, high-level languages are sometimes compiled into this, which is then interpreted; ex: Python files with .pyc extension

math library function: ln x


math library function: log10 x


built-in function: explicit type conversion

long(x), int(x), and float(x) functions

import statement

makes an external library module available for use within a program; ex: import <module_name> - to use say <module_name>.<function>(x)


making the use of a function; ex: sing("cat","meow")


mathematical model where small changes in input lead to large changes in the results; many models of real-world phenomena exhibit this

control structures

programming language statement that controls the execution of other statements; ex: if, for

built-in function: range function

range(start, stop, step) *stops at stop-1

built-in function: round function

round(x), rounds to nearest whole number, returns a float

math library function: sin x


programming environment

special computer program that provides facilities to make programming easier; ex: Wingware


the ability to run a program unmodified on various different systems

machine language

the low-level (binary) instructions that a given CPU can execute


the meaning of a construct


the physical components of a computing system

main memory (RAM)

the place where all data and program instructions that the CPU is currently working reside.

fetch-execute cycle

the process a computer carries out to execute a machine code program (fetch one line, execute, fetch second line, execute, etc.)


the process of creating a computer program to solve some problem

assignment statement

the process of giving a value to a variable; ex: <variable> = <expr>

source code

the text of a program in a high-level language


to do multiple times; each execution of a loop body is called an iteration


to run a program or segment of a program


too difficult to be solved in practice, usually because it would take too long

built-in function: type function

type(n); tells the data type of any value


typical PCs today use 32 bits, so there are 2^32 possible values; integers between -2^31 and 2^31-1


used to combine expressions into more complex expressions; ex: + *


writing down algorithms using precise natural language, instead of a computer language


special variables in a function that are initialized at the time of call with information passed from the caller; ex: range(start, stop, step)

math library function: tan x



base two numbering system in which the only digits are 0 and 1

mixed-type expressions

Python automatically converts ints to floats and uses float operations to produce a float result

integer division

discards the remainder


text placed in a program for the benefit of human readers; ignored by the computer; delineated by # or """ [text] """

central processing unit (CPU)

the "brain" of the computer where numeric and logical operations are carried out


the form of a language

integer (int) data type

whole numbers, positive or negative

input (numeric)

<var> = input(<prompt>) <var1>, <var2>, ... , <varN> = input(<prompt>)


generic term for a block of statements inside of a control structure such as a loop or decision

software development process

analyze the problem (studying the problem to be solved), determine specifications (what the program will do), create a design (algorithm in pseudocode), implement the design (translate design to programming language), test/debug the program (finding and fixing errors), maintain the program (keeping up to date)


another name for a program, usually a simple one in an interpreted language


any relatively independent part of a program, also a file containing code that can be imported and executed

math library function: arcsin x


math library function: arctan x


math library function: ⎡x⎤


elements of a computer system

central processing unit (CPU), main memory (RAM), secondary memory (hard drive), and input and output devices

butterfly effect

classic example of a chaotic system in nature

accumulator pattern

common programming pattern in which a final answer is built a piece at a time in a loop; initialize accumulator variable, loop until final result is reached, update accumulator variable


complex program that translates a program written in a high-level language into the machine language that can be executed by a particular computer; translates all at once


computer program that simulates the behavior of a computer that understands a high-level language; executes the lines of source one by one and carries out the operations (Python is an interpreted language)


computer programs

math library function: cos x


math library function: e


math library function: e^x


math library function: ⎣x⎦



names that are given to program entities; begin with an underscore or letter which can be followed by a combination of letter, digit, or underscore characters; case-sensitive

programming languages

notation for writing computer programs; usually high-level languages like Python


notation used to describe the syntax of a computer language

floating point (float) data type

numbers that can have fractional parts; only stores approximations to real numbers

long integer

numeric data type that can hold large values; uses "L" suffix; ex: 5L *this happens automatically in modern Python


part of a program that produces data

math library function: π


print statement

print <expr>, <expr>, ... <expr>, (commas signal a continuation of the print line)

garbage collection

process carried out by dynamic programming languages in which memory locations that contain values that are no longer in use are freed up so they can store new values


process of turning an algorithm into a computer program

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