Qué and Cuál
Qué is used to ask for...
A definition or an explanation.: Rule 1:Always use qué to mean WHAT directly in front of any NOUN . ¿Qué libro lee usted? What book do you read? ¿Qué comida comen ellos? What food do they eat?
Interrogative pronouns, question words.
a question word is actually a pronoun because it is used in place of the noun that would be the answer to the question.
Qué used before a ____ has the same meaning as ______
noun, cuàl
Qué (What )
rule 2: Qué is used in front of any form of the verb ser when asking for a definition or an explanation. That is, when you're really asking "What does it mean?" or "What is it?"
Cuál(es) is used when there is a choice among several possibilities
rule 3: Cuál is used in front of any form of the verb ser when you're asking for a choice or specific answer. For example, consider the difference between the following two answers to a question about your address. The sample questions that generate them use the es form, which means is, of the verb ser.
what; which
what; which. What do they sell at Kmart?