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Why did King Louis XIV first send French explorers to the Great Lakes region?

to settle the area west of the Mississippi River

Which North American region was the last to be explored by Europeans?


Which nation first entered Alaska, the last region in North America to be explored by Europeans?


Which European explorer's travels laid to rest the idea that a northwest passage to Asia existed?

B. James Cook

Which explorer initiated the Spanish charting of the Southeastern region?

Hernando de Soto

How did the French settlers approach colonization in the New World differently from the Spanish?


In 1626, the first Dutch colony in the Americas was established. It was located in which modern-day location?


Which Spaniard was the first to explore Florida?

Ponce de León

How did the Europeans' arrival in the New World have the most detrimental effect on its ecosystem?

The livestock brought by the Europeans devoured the native plants and animals.

What caused the deaths of most of the native population of Hispaniola in the early 1500s?

an epidemic of smallpox

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