Quizzes 1-15 intro to Exceptional Children

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When a child withdraws and has too little social interaction it is said that they are _____?

Internalizing behavior

The text referred to problem behaviors that can accompany autism. Which is not one of those potential behaviors?

Excessive affection towards peers

The approach Response to Intervention (RTI) indicates that schools should wait until a student fails before stepping in to offer interventions.


The brain stem regulates balance and equilibrium.


The term significant disabilities is no longer used in the realm of special education.


The transition from high school to adulthood is typically an easy one for students who have been in special education.


There are not many adaptations that can be made in a typical classroom to accommodate those that are blind.


There is little reason or importance of teaching functional skills to students with significant disabilities.


Typically, someone who is gifted will not appreciate opposing points of view because it interferes with what they believe to be correct.


Very few students with emotional or behavioral disorders perform one or more years below grade level academically.


When communicating with someone who is deaf you want to keep part of your face visible at all times.


When the text refers to "audition" they are referring to the sense of looking.


if an infant passes the initial hearing screening in the hospital they will not develop a hearing loss later.


Which is not a part of the skeletal system?

Soft tissue

The breaking down of complex or multistep instructions in to smaller easier sub-tasks is known as _______ _____________.

Task analysis

For tasks being taught to students with significant disabilities it's necessary to break the tasks down in to small steps.


Motor delays are expected if a child is totally blind or has a significant visual impairment.


One of the 5 strategies for effective education of children with autism in inclusive classrooms is to promote generalization and maintenance of skills.


Picture symbols are a form of AAC.


Some students may need an individualized health care plan


Stuttering is the "best known" fluency disorder.


Teachers must convey a sense of acceptance, respect, and appreciation of what parents say and bring to the table to encourage open lines of communication.


The SOP summarizes the students performance in academic achievement and functional performance.


The long cane is the most widely used device for adults with severe visual impairments who travel independently.


There are residential schools of the deaf for students and families who want their children immersed in deaf culture.


Written communication is an excellent way to keep daily communication with parents, however it shouldn't be the only form of communcation.


A ________________ is the smallest form of language that carries meaning.


____________ ____________ can reduce the mental and physical stress on parents and families created by the day-to-day responsibilities of caring for a child with disabilities.

respite care

Viewing the world through a tube describes _________ vision.


I.E.P. in a very important document that is legally binding. It stands for Individualized Education Plan.


The IEP is a fluid document, meaning that it should be reviewed and changed as needed when the child progress or fails to progress.


This is a visual arrangement of information that helps students with learning disabilities to see the connections between the information they are learning. It is called a __________ ___________.

visual display/graphic organizer

he most recent changes and revisions to IDEA occurred in __________?


Autism was added as a disability category when IDEA was reauthorized in ________ (year).


A person with a profound disability would function at a level no higher than a _____________.

2 year old

An average 6 year old has about ____________ words in their expressive vocabulary.


Which is not a characteristic of autism spectrum disorder?

A flattened nasal bridge and slanted eyes

28% of students with a learning disability also have this diagnosis.


Parents of exceptional children have many roles. Which of the following best decribes the roles? Teacher Caregiver Counselor Correct All of the above

ALL of the above

A/an ____________ listener pays attention to content, noting who said what and how.


Which is not an example of a social relationship?

Adult assistant guiding student through the school day

ASL stands for?

American Sign Language

ABA stands for ____?

Applied Behavior Analysis

__________ _______ _________ is any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether commercial or self made to increase the independence of a child with disabilities and their functional skills.

Assistive technology device

This term is used for children who do not have a disability but are considered to have a greater than usual chance of developing one.


AAC refers to ?

Augmentative & Alternative Communication

Which is not a characteristic of emotional or behavior disorders?

Being female

Which two are the types of risk that infants and toddlers can qualify for early intervention services?

Biological and environmental

This is a way for those that are blind to be literate.


The APGAR screens for genetic disabilities.


The CBCL stands for what?

Child Behavior Checklist

When thinking about visual impairments CVI stands for what?

Cortical Visual Impairment

Understanding how differing values and belief systems may influence families' perspectives, wishes, and decisions is called.......

Cultural reciprocity

D.A.P. stands for _____________ ______________ ________________.

Developmentally appropriate practice

An IQ test is not considered a standardized test.


Echolalia is a term used to describe what happens when you yell and can hear your voice in the distance.


Emotional disturbance is a simple disorder to define.


Setting the tone of a positive classroom with positive interactions does not effect the way children with emotional issues respond to the educational environment.


There are no biological factors that would cause an emotional disorder.


IDEA does apply to students who are gifted and talented.


A "communication disorder" refers to someone who cannot pronounce words properly.


A PT is someone who works with children in the areas of self-help skills and fine motor tasks.


A person's "field of vision" isn't considered when determining if they are legally blind or not.


A student cannot be both gifted and talented and have a disability at the same time.


A task analysis is what a teacher does before grading a task.


A visual acuity of 10/200 or more is considered legally blind.


All children with special needs should be fully included at all times.


An IEP exclusively address the direction the child's growth and development should be headed in.


An ear infection does not cause hearing loss.


An impairment and a disability are the same thing. False


Babies who are diagnosed later in life with autism typically fail to sit, crawl and walk within typical developmental limits.


Cluttering is what happens when someone has a very slow speech rate.


ECSE services and Early Intervention Services must take place in a school or clinical setting.


Early intervention is any intervention that happens as soon as a diagnosis is made regardless of the age of the child.


Eligibility determination is a process that occurs after an I.E.P. is written.


Embedded Learning Opportunities are generally only used with third grade and higher.


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is not associated with intellectual disabilities.


Fingerspelling is a separate way of communicating. It is not part of ASL.


Generalization is when a student has a skill that they have mastered in just one setting.


IEP and IFSP goals and objectives should focus on giving the very best treatment so that the child's disability or delay can be "fixed".


IEP and IFSP's are the same thing.


If a language interpreter isn't available any and all conferences, meetings, and family interviews should be canceled.


In 1975 Congress passed PL-91-168, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act.


It is a bad idea to group students according to abilities. It will cause some groups to feel less smart.


It is safe to assume that as a special education teacher you automatically know more than the parents about their son who has Down syndrome.


Muscular dystrophy refers to a group of about 60 inherited diseases marked by progressive atrophy of the body's muscles.


Orthopedic impairments involve the central nervous system.


RTI is composed of 5 tiers of interventions and strategies.


Residential schools for the blind receive about 20% of the school-age children with visual impairments.


Siblings are rarely impacted by whether or not their brother or sister has a disability or special needs.


Someone who has only one seizure is said to have epilepsy.


Students with emotional or behavioral disorders are 20 times more likely to be arrested during their school careers than students without disabilities.


Students with learning disabilities are never prone to social problems.


This bill is considered the most important in the realm of early childhood education.

PL 99-457

FAPE refers to ________?

Free and Appropriate Public Education

Which is not an optical device to be used with someone with a visual impairment?


Which of the following is not an example of a functional skill? Sorting beads by color Counting sorting bears to 20 Identifying a dollar and getting it in to a vending machine Making a snake out of playdoh

Identifying a dollar and getting it in to a vending machine

Which of the following is not a component of giftedness according to Renzulli?

Impulsive intelligence

Students with severe disabilities should be taught where?

In their neighborhood schools

ITP stands for which of the following according to our text?

Individualized Transition Plan

This type of team is characterized by formal channels of communication between members.


Which is not a type of supported employment suggest by our text?

Job fair

Which is not a dimension of cognitive creative behavior according to Guilford?

Resistance to change

Which is not one of the basic parts of the ear?


Which is not a level in Blooms taxonomy? Create Apply Learning Analyze


An individual's approach to a learning task. Something that includes how that person thinks and acts with planning, executing, and evaluating performance on a task and it's outcomes is called?

Learning stragegy

The "LRE" stands for this......

Least Restrictive Environment

A child with a combination of disabilities such as an intellectual disability and an orthopedic impairment would fall in to which one of the following categories?

Multiple disabilities

Which of the following is not an area tested if a child's screening test shows areas of concern? Motor development Social development Cognitive development Parental influence

Parental influence

An intellectual disability that occurs well after birth is said to be___________


PBL stands for? ________ _________ _________

Problem based learning

Which is not a step in the transition planning process?

Provide student with a position in the workforce

R.T.I. stands for

Response To Intervention

Which is not a placement alternative that was mentioned in this chapter for a student with a learning disability?

Separate school

Which classification is a hearing loss of 71 to 90dB?


A technique of a functional behavior assessment is ABC recording.


According to the text the onset of autism must occur before age 3 to be classified as autism.


Adaptive behavior refers to the collection of conceptual, social, and practical skills that have been learned by people in order to function in their everyday lives.


Having a learning disability is not the same as having an intellectual disability.


Intellectual disability was first defined under the term "mental retardation" in the 1973 American Association on Mental Retardation.


Most children with Asperger syndrome have above average intelligence.


Perinatal means that the trauma or disorder happened during or shortly after birth.


Enrichment enables students to study specific subject matter, topics of interest or disciplines in a way that's different than the standard curriculum offers.


Which is not a part of a communication interaction?

The narrator

Federal law requires collaboration between schools and families.


A child with a hearing loss should only wear their hearing aids for_________

Throughout the day

For a child with physical disabilities, modifying the environment is a necessity.


Which of the following is not a type of anxiety disorder according to the text?

Tourette syndrome

"Tiered" lessons allow for different extensions of the same basic lesson so that students of differing abilities in the same classroom can learn and grow from the lesson.


A major principle of IDEA is Zero Reject, schools must educate ALL children with disabilities.


A multidisciplinary team is composed of professionals from different disciplines who work independently of one another.


A transdisciplinary team will have the teacher and any therapists that a child needs on that team working together in an effort to meet the child's educational needs.


ABA is not punitive.


Bloom's taxonomy is a guide that helps show how to differentiate instruction for all learners.


Communication is the interactive exchange of information.


Comorbidity indicates that two conditions are occurring in the same individual.


Which is not a disorder included in the term specific learning disability?

Visual impairment

Goals in a students IEP should be not observable or measurable.


Learning disabilities do not occur across the life span.


More than half of the school age children served by special education are served in separate classrooms.


IDEA stands for which of the following?

individuals with disabilities act

Someone with an intellectual disability has an IQ score of ________?

less than 70

The condition in which the vertebrae do not cover the spinal cord is called ___________ __________.

spina bifida

Speech is the _______?

the oral production of language

Co-teaching involves a special education teacher and a regular education teacher planning and delivering instruction together to meet the needs of all students. Selected Answer: Correct True


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