Radiography Seminar Test 2 Review Fluoro

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PA, upright and AP, lateral decubitus

For which of the following projections of the abdomen is the x-ray beam placed in the horizontal position? 1. Lateral 2. PA, upright 3. AP, lateral decubitus

AP oblique

For which projection of the stomach would a positioning sponge be used? PA PA oblique AP oblique Lateral


For which type of body habitus is the large intestine bunched together and positioned very low in the abdomen? Sthenic Asthenic Hyposthenic Hypersthenic


For which type of body habitus is the stomach almost horizontal? Sthenic Asthenic Hyposthenic Hypersthenic


For which type of body habitus is the stomach nearly vertical? Sthenic Asthenic Hyposthenic Hypersthenic

storage of food and chemical breakdown of food

Functions of the stomach include: 1. storage of food. 2. absorption of food products. 3. chemical breakdown of food.

18 to 24 inches

How far above the anus is the enema bag placed during a barium enema? 12 inches 18 to 24 inches 24 to 36 inches 4 feet

No more than 4 inches

How far is the enema tip inserted into the rectum for a colon examination? No more than 2 inches No more than 3 inches No more than 4 inches No more than 5 inches

24 hours

How long does it take barium to go through the alimentary canal and reach the rectum? 12 hours 24 hours 1 day 1 1/2 day

30 feet

How long is the entire alimentary canal? 5 feet 10 feet 20 feet 30 feet

40 to 70 degrees

How much is the body rotated for the PA oblique projection of the stomach and duodenum? 40 degrees 45 degrees 60 degrees 40 to 70 degrees

3 to 6 inches

How much lower should the IR be positioned when the upright position is used for projections of the stomach? 1/2 to 1 inch 2 to 2 1/2 inches 4 to 5 inches 3 to 6 inches


In which position should the patient be placed to insert the enema tip for a barium enema? Sims Trendelenburg's Lithotomy Right lateral

single-stage and two-stage procedures

Methods of performing a double-contrast barium enema include: 1. enteroclysis. 2. single-stage procedure. 3. two-stage procedure.

single and double contrast

Methods of radiographically examining the colon include: 1. enteroclysis. 2. single contrast. 3. double contrast.

elimination of motion

One of the most important technical considerations in gastrointestinal radiography is: elimination of motion. speed of the examination. production of a high-contrast image. production of a high-resolution image

1, 2, and 3

Preparation of the intestinal tract for examination of the colon includes: 1. laxatives. 2. dietary restrictions. 3. cleansing enemas. 1 and 2 1 and 3 2 and 3 1, 2, and 3

descending colon

The PA oblique projection of the colon done in the LAO position clearly demonstrates the: ascending colon. descending colon. R colic flexure. transverse colon.

stomach contour and duodenal bulb

The PA projection of the stomach best demonstrates the: fundus. duodenal bulb. anterior aspect. stomach contour and duodenal bulb


The area identified in the figure is the: fundus body caridac antrum greater curvature

right (hepatic) colic flexure

The ascending portion of the colon joins the transverse colon at the: left (splenic) colic flexure. right (hepatic) colic flexure. sigmoid colon. duodenojejunal flexure.

30 to 40 degrees cephalad

The central-ray angulation for the AP axial projection of the large intestine is: 10 to 20 degrees caudad. 30 to 40 degrees caudad. 10 to 20 degrees cephalad. 30 to 40 degrees cephalad.

hepatopancreatic ampulla

The common bile duct and the pancreatic duct usually unite to form the: pyloric portion. duodenal bulb. hepatopancreatic ampulla. greater duodenal papilla.


The contraction waves by which the digestive tube moves its contents toward the rectum are called: respiration. peristalsis. mastication. deglutition.

35 to 45

The degree of body rotation for an AP oblique projection of the large intestine is _____ degrees. 30 45 20 to 30 35 to 45

30 to 60

The degree of body rotation for an AP oblique stomach radiographic images ranges from _____ degrees. 20 to 30 30 to 40 40 to 50 30 to 60

35 to 45

The degree of body rotation for the PA oblique projection (RAO or LAO) of the large intestine is _____ degrees. (image is RAO) 20 30 20 to 30 35 to 45


The degree of body rotation for the PA oblique projection of the stomach will depend on the body habitus. The greatest degree of rotation would be used for which body habitus? Sthenic Asthenic Hypersthenic Hyposthenic

duodenojejunal flexure

The duodenum joins the jejunum at a sharp curve called the: pyloric portion. duodenojejunal flexure. right colic flexure. descending region.

PA or AP

The entire colon is best demonstrated in which projection? PA or AP PA axial PA oblique Lateral

cardiac orifice

The esophagus joins the stomach through an opening called the: pyloric orifice. cardiac orifice. cardiac sphincter. pyloric sphincter.

digestive juice

The exocrine cells of the pancreas function to produce and secrete: bile insulin glucagon digestive juice

cardiac antrum

The expanded portion of the terminal esophagus is called the: cardiac notch. abdominal esophagus. cardiac antrum. esophagogastric junction.

15 minutes

The first small intestine image is taken how many minutes after the patient drinks barium? 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes

omenta and mesentery

The folds of peritoneum that support the abdominal organs are called the: 1. omenta. 2. mesentery. 3. pleura.


The folds of the thick inner lining of the stomach are termed the: rugae. serous. mucous layer. submucous layer.

store and concentrate bile

The gallbladder functions to: produce and secrete bile store and concentrate bile. regulate digestion of fatty acids. break down toxins in the bloodstream


The general term used to describe the surgical procedure of forming an artificial opening to the intestine for the passage of fecal material is: colostomy. enterectomy. enterotomy. enterostomy.

visceral peritoneum

The inner portion of the sac that covers the abdominal organs is termed the: parietal peritoneum. visceral peritoneum. parietal pleura. visceral pleura.


The jejunum and ileum are attached to the posterior wall of the abdomen by the: haustra. iliacus muscle. psoas muscle. mesentery


The large intestine is made up of a series of pouches called the: cecum. rugae. haustra. taeniae coli.


The largest gland in the body is the: liver. spleen. pancreas. duodenum.

reabsorption of fluids and elimination of waste products

The main functions of the large intestine are: 1. digestion of food. 2. reabsorption of fluids. 3. elimination of waste products.

digestion and absorption

The main functions of the small bowel are _____ of food. 1. digestion 2. absorption 3. storage

iliac crests

The majority of AP, PA, and oblique images taken during a barium enema are done on 14 × 17 inch (35 × 43 cm) IRs. Where is the IR centered on sthenic patients for the majority of these projections? Iliac crests Costal margin 2 inches above the iliac crests 2 inches below the iliac crests

barium sulfate

The most common contrast medium used for radiologic examinations of the gastrointestinal tract is: air. carbon dioxide. barium sulfate. water-soluble iodine.


The most distal portion of the small intestine is the: ileum. pylorus. jejunum. duodenum.


The mucosa of the small intestine contains a series of fingerlike projections called: villi. rugae. haustra. taeniae coli.

pyloric sphincter

The muscle controlling the opening between the stomach and the duodenum is termed the: pylorus. pyloric sphincter. pyloric antrum. ileocecal valve.

ileocecal valve

The opening between the small intestine and the large intestine is called the: (identified by letter A in the image) ileocecal valve. ampulla of Vater. pyloric valve. greater duodenal papilla.


The opening between the stomach and the small intestine is termed the pyloric: sphincter. antrum. orifice. canal.

greater duodenal papilla

The opening inside the duodenum where pancreatic enzymes and bile enter is called the: pyloric portion. duodenal bulb. hepatopancreatic ampulla. greater duodenal papilla.

parietal peritoneum

The outer portion of the sac that lines the abdominopelvic cavity is termed the: parietal peritoneum. visceral peritoneum. parietal pleura. visceral pleura.


The pathologic accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity is termed: obstruction ascites aortic aneurysm ileus

after midnight

The patient "prep" for a morning stomach examination is food and fluid are withheld: after midnight. after the evening meal. for 12 hours. for 24 hours.

after the evening meal and no breakfast

The patient preparation for a small intestine examination is food and fluid withheld: after the evening meal. after the evening meal and no breakfast. for 12 hours. for 24 hours.


The pouchlike portion of the large intestine that is situated below the junction of the ileum and colon is the: (image letter D) cecum. rectum. sigmoid colon. vermiform appendix.

suspended respiration

The respiration phase for all projections of the large intestine is: inspiration expiration suspended respiration slow, shallow breathing

single and double

The routinely used methods of examining the stomach include _____ contrast. 1. no 2. single 3. double


The serous membrane that lines the abdominopelvic walls is called the: peritoneum. mesentery. omentum. peritoneal cavity.


The small intestine is divided into how many distinct portions? 3 4 5 8

peritoneal cavity

The space between the two layers of peritoneum is called the: pleural cavity. peritoneal cavity. diaphragm. abdominopelvic cavity.


The spleen is located in the _____ of the abdomen. LUQ RUQ LLQ RLQ


The stomach wall is composed of how many layers? 1 2 4 5

portal vein and hepatic artery.

The two vessels that supply blood to the liver are the: portal vein and hepatic artery. portal artery and hepatic vein. portal vein and cystic artery. cystic vein and portal artery.


The vermiform appendix of the colon is attached to the: (letter C in image) cecum. ileum. sigmoid. ascending colon.


The wall of the colon is composed of how many layers? 1 2 3 4


The widest portion of the small bowel is the: ileum. duodenum. jejunum. sigmoid.


What is the cavity posterior to the peritoneum? Parietal peritoneum Peritoneal cavity Retroperitoneum Retrogastrium

30 to 40 degrees caudad

What is the central-ray angulation for the PA axial projection of the large intestine? 10 to 20 degrees cephalad 30 to 40 degrees cephalad 10 to 20 degrees caudad 30 to 40 degrees caudad

35 to 40 degrees

What is the degree of body rotation for the PA oblique projection of the esophagus? 20 degrees 30 degrees 20 to 30 degrees 35 to 40 degrees

22 feet

What is the length of the average adult small intestine? 10 feet 12 feet 20 feet 22 feet

5 feet

What is the length of the large intestine? 3 feet 5 feet 7 feet 8 feet


What is the recommended general body position for a radiographic series of the esophagus? Upright Recumbent Seated Trendelenburg's


What is the recommended oblique projection and position for the best demonstration of the esophagus? AP, LAO AP, LPO PA, RAO PA, LAO


What is the respiration phase for all radiographic exposures of the stomach and intestines? Inspiration Expiration Suspended respiration Slow, shallow breathing


What is the respiration phase for an AP abdominal image obtained with the patient in the left lateral decubitus position? Suspended Inspiration Expiration Variable, depending on the patient status


What is the respiration phase for an AP abdominal image obtained with the patient in the supine position? Inspiration Expiration Suspended respiration Slow, deep breathing


What percentage of the population will have a combination of sthenic and hyposthenic body habitus? 50% 60% 75% 85%

iliac crests

Where is the IR centered for all decubitus projections of the large intestine? Costal margin Iliac crests 2 inches above the iliac crests 2 inches below the iliac crests

Level of the iliac crests

Where is the IR centered for delayed images of the small intestine? Level of the iliac crests 1 inch above the iliac crests 2 inches above the iliac crests At the costal margin/L3

2 inches above the iliac crests (Level of L2)

Where is the IR centered for images of the small intestine that are taken within 30 minutes of drinking the barium? Level of the iliac crests 1 inch above the iliac crests 2 inches above the iliac crests (Level of L2) At the costal margin/L3

2 inches above the iliac crests

Where is the center of the IR positioned for a lateral projection of the abdomen performed with the patient in the dorsal decubitus position? L3 At the iliac crests 2 inches above the iliac crests 2 inches below the iliac crests

2 inches above the iliac crests

Where is the center of the IR positioned for an AP abdominal image obtained in the left lateral decubitus position? L3 Xiphoid 2 inches above the iliac crests Iliac crests

iliac crests

Where is the center of the IR positioned for an AP abdominal image performed with the patient in the supine position? L3 Lower rib margin At the umbilicus Iliac crests

2 inches above the iliac crests

Where is the center of the IR positioned for an AP abdominal image performed with the patient in the upright position? L3 Lower rib margin Iliac crests 2 inches above the iliac crests

2 inches above the iliac crests

Where is the center of the IR positioned for an upright PA abdominal image? L3 At the lower rib margin At the iliac crests 2 inches above the iliac crests


Which drug may be given to the patient before a double-contrast examination of the stomach to relax the gastrointestinal tract? Heparin Glucagon Demerol Oral chlorhydrate

By mouth, Reflex filling, and Enteroclysis

Which methods are used to administer barium for a radiographic examination of the small intestine? 1. By mouth 2. Reflex filling 3. Enteroclysis

small lesions are not obscured and the mucosal lining of the stomach can be more clearly visualized

Which of the following are advantages of using the double-contrast technique for examination of the stomach? 1. Fewer images are required. 2. Small lesions are not obscured. 3. The mucosal lining of the stomach can be more clearly visualized.

Varices better filled, and More complete contrast filling, especially proximal part

Which of the following are advantages of using the recumbent position for images of the esophagus? 1. Varices better filled 2. Easier to swallow barium 3. More complete contrast filling, especially proximal part

Prevertebral space and Air-fluid levels

Which of the following are clearly shown on a lateral abdomen projection performed with the patient in the dorsal decubitus position? 1. Prevertebral space 2. Air-fluid levels 3. Urinary bladder

Mouth and Pharynx, Stomach and Intestine

Which of the following are components of the alimentary canal? 1. Mouth and pharynx 2. Stomach and intestine 3. Liver and pancreas

AP projection LPO, and PA projection RAO

Which of the following are essential oblique projections of the stomach and duodenum? (RAO in picture) 1. AP projection LPO 2. PA projection RAO 3. PA projection LAO

AP and PA

Which of the following are essential projections for examination of the small intestine? 1. AP 2. PA 3. Lateral

Anus, Colon, and Esophagus

Which of the following are included as components of the alimentary canal? 1. Anus 2. Colon 3. Esophagus

2 and 3

Which of the following are prime considerations in producing an optimal image of the abdomen? 1. Apply compression. 2. Explain the breathing procedure to the patient. 3. Do not start the exposure for 1 to 2 seconds after suspension of respiration. 1 1 and 2 2 and 3 1, 2, and 3

AP or PA, Lateral, and PA oblique

Which of the following are the essential projections for an esophagus series? 1. AP or PA 2. Lateral 3. PA oblique

Exhale, swallow the barium, hold breath out

Which of the following best describes the administration of barium for an esophagram being performed for esophageal varices? Swallow the barium, inhale. Swallow the barium, exhale. Exhale, swallow the barium, hold breath out. Inhale, swallow the barium, hold breath out.

TV, Cine, and Video recorders

Which of the following can be used to record the fluoroscopic image? 1. TV 2. Cine 3. Video recorders

Air, Barium sulfate, and Water-soluble iodinated solution

Which of the following contrast media are used for examinations of the gastrointestinal tract? 1. Air 2. Barium sulfate 3. Water-soluble iodinated solution

Chassard-Lapine method

Which of the following demonstrates the rectum and rectosigmoid area in a true axial projection? 1. AP axial 2. Left lateral decubitus 3. Chassard-Lapiné method

Produces Lymphocytes, and Stores and removes dead red blood cells

Which of the following describes the function of the spleen? 1. Produces glucagon 2. Produces lymphocytes 3. Stores and removes dead red blood cells

Small intestine

Which of the following examinations requires the use of time markers on the images? 1. Stomach 2. Small intestine 3. Large intestine


Which of the following is placed perpendicular to the long axis of the grid for a lateral projection of the abdomen? Transverse plane Horizontal plane MCP MSP

It should be inflated by the radiologist using fluoroscopy

Which of the following is true regarding inflation of the retention balloon for a barium enema? 1. It should be inflated by the radiographer using fluoroscopy. 2. It should be inflated by the radiologist using fluoroscopy. 3. It should be inflated by the radiologist without using fluoroscopy.

1, 2, and 3

Which of the following is used to evaluate rotation on a KUB image? 1. Spinous processes of the lumbar vertebrae should be in the center of the vertebral body. 2. Alae of the ilia are symmetric. 3. Ischial spines, if visible, are symmetric. 1 and 2 1 and 3 2 and 3 1, 2, and 3

stomach, gallbladder, and kidneys

Which of the following organs lie in the abdominal cavity? 1. Stomach 2. Gallbladder 3. Kidneys

Rectum and Urinary bladder

Which of the following organs lie in the pelvic cavity? 1. Kidneys 2. Rectum 3. Urinary bladder

A longitudinal plane midway between the vertebrae and the lateral border of the elevated side

Which of the following planes is centered to the grid for the PA oblique projection of the stomach and duodenum? Answers: Midsagittal plane A longitudinal plane passing 4 inches to the right of the vertebral column A longitudinal plane passing 4 inches to the left of the vertebral column A longitudinal plane midway between the vertebrae and the lateral border of the elevated side


Which of the following planes is centered to the grid for the lateral projection of the esophagus? MCP MSP A coronal plane 2 inches anterior to the midcoronal plane A coronal plane 4 inches posterior to the midcoronal plane

A plane passing midway between the midcoronal plane and the anterior surface of the abdomen

Which of the following planes is positioned to the center of the grid for the lateral projection of the stomach and duodenum? Midcoronal plane A coronal plane passing 2 inches posterior to the median coronal plane A coronal plane passing 2 inches anterior to the median coronal plane A plane passing midway between the midcoronal plane and the anterior surface of the abdomen

AP oblique, LPO

Which of the following projections will best demonstrate the fundus of the stomach? PA AP oblique, LPO PA oblique, LAO PA oblique, RAO

"Spot" images and Postevacuation images

Which of the following radiographs are taken during a single-contrast barium enema? 1. "Spot" images 2. "Filled" colon images 3. Postevacuation images

PA oblique, RAO

Which of the following will demonstrate the duodenal bulb and loop in profile? PA PA oblique, RAO AP oblique, LPO AP oblique, RPO


Which plane is centered to the grid for a lateral projection of the large intestine? MSP MCP A longitudinal plane 2 inches anterior to the median coronal plane A longitudinal plane 2 inches posterior to the median coronal plane

Supine and Trendelenburg's

Which positions will best demonstrate the retrogastric portion of the duodenum and jejunum on an AP projection of the stomach? 1. Supine 2. Trendelenburg's 3. Standing


Which projection is used for images made during defecography? AP AP axial Lateral AP, decubitus position

PA oblique, RAO

Which projection of the colon best demonstrates the ascending colon? Answers: PA oblique, RAO PA oblique, LAO PA axial AP axial

AP, left lateral decubitus

Which projection of the colon best demonstrates the lateral aspect of the ascending colon and the medial aspect of the descending colon, when the colon is inflated with air? AP oblique, RPO AP oblique, LPO AP, right lateral decubitus AP, left lateral decubitus

PA oblique, LAO

Which projection of the colon best demonstrates the left colic flexure? AP axial Lateral PA oblique, LAO PA oblique, RAO

Lateral, ventral decubitus

Which projection of the colon best demonstrates the posterior portions of the colon? Lateral Lateral, ventral decubitus AP oblique, LPO and RPO AP, right lateral decubitus

PA oblique, RAO

Which projection of the colon best demonstrates the right colic flexure? PA oblique, RAO PA oblique, LAO PA axial AP axial

AP, right lateral decubitus

Which projection of the colon will best demonstrate the medial aspect of the ascending colon and the lateral aspect of the descending colon when the colon is inflated with air? AP oblique, RPO AP oblique, LPO AP, right lateral decubitus AP, left lateral decubitus


Which projection of the stomach demonstrates its anterior and posterior aspects? Answers: PA Lateral AP oblique, LPO PA oblique, RAO

AP, Trendelenburg's position

Which projection of the stomach would best demonstrate a diaphragmatic herniation? Answers: PA AP AP, Trendelenburg's position AP, R lateral decubitus

Lateral, PA axial, and AP axial

Which projections taken during a barium enema will demonstrate the rectosigmoid area? 1. Lateral 2. PA axial 3. AP axial

PA Oblique LAO, and AP Oblique RPO

Which projections will clearly demonstrate the descending colon? 1. PA oblique LAO 2. AP oblique RPO 3. Left lateral

AP Oblique LPO, and PA Oblique RAO

Which projections will clearly demonstrate the right colic flexure? 1. Right lateral 2. AP oblique LPO 3. PA oblique RAO

Right hypochondrium and epigastrium

Which two regions of the abdomen are almost entirely occupied by the liver? Answers: Epigastrium and left hypochondrium Right hypochondrium and epigastrium Right lateral and umbilical Umbilical and left lateral


area of the colon - A cecum ileum sigmoid rectum


area of the colon - E cecum ileum rectum sigmoid

ascending colon

area of the colon- D left colic flexure right colic flexure ascending colon descending colon

pyloric portion

the area identified in the figure is the: fundus duodenum pyloric portion angular notch

cardiac antrum

the area identified in the figure is the: fundus. angular notch. cardiac antrum. lesser curvature.

pyloric antrum

the part of the stomach identified in the figure is the: greater curvature. pyloric antrum. pyloric canal. pyloric sphincter.


"High-density" barium sulfate is used primarily for _____ intestine examinations. 1. enteroclysis 2. single-contrast 3. double-contrast

A sagittal plane passing halfway between the midline and the lateral border of the abdomen

A PA projection of the stomach and duodenum can be performed using a 10 × 12 inch (24 × 30 cm) IR. Which of the following describes the plane that is centered to the grid for this projection? The midsagittal plane A sagittal plane passing 4 inches to the right of the vertebral column A sagittal plane passing 4 inches to the left of the vertebral column A sagittal plane passing halfway between the midline and the lateral border of the abdomen

the MSP

A PA projection of the stomach and duodenum is often performed using a 14 × 17 inch (35 × 43 cm) IR. Which of the following describes the plane that is centered to the grid for this projection? The midsagittal plane A sagittal plane passing 4 inches to the right of the vertebral column A sagittal plane passing 4 inches to the left of the vertebral column A sagittal plane passing halfway between the midline and the lateral border of the abdomen


A specific radiographic examination of the biliary ducts is termed: cholangiography. cholecystography. hepatography. hepatorrhaphy.

tumor mass

A three-way abdominal series may be ordered to rule out all of the following except: infection. tumor mass. bowel obstruction. free air.


At what level is the center of the IR positioned for a lateral projection of the rectosigmoid area? ASIS Iliac crests 2 inches above the iliac crests 2 inches below the iliac crests


At which level is the IR centered for a PA projection of the stomach and duodenum? T12/L1 L1/L2 L2/L3 Iliac crests


At which level is the IR centered for an AP or PA oblique stomach and duodenum? L1/L2 L2/L3 L3/L4 Iliac crests

A longitudinal plane 1 to 2 inches lateral to the midline of the body on the elevated side

At which plane is the central ray positioned for the PA oblique projections (LAO or RAO) of the large intestine? Midsagittal plane A longitudinal plane directly over the vertebral column A longitudinal plane 1 to 2 inches lateral to the midline of the body on the elevated side A longitudinal plane 4 inches lateral to the midline of the body on the elevated side

10 to 20 minutes

Demonstrating small amounts of intraperitoneal gas in patients with an acute abdomen is often necessary. How long should the patient lie in the left lateral position before the exposure is made? 10 to 20 minutes 30 to 45 minutes Variable, depending on the body habitus Variable, depending on the patient's condition

pancreatic and common bile

During an ERCP, an endoscope is passed into the duodenum under fluoroscopic control. "Spot" images are usually taken of the _____ duct(s). 1. pancreatic 2. hepatic 3. common bile

AP, AP oblique RPO

During an operative cholangiogram, the surgeon injects the contrast medium directly into the biliary system. Which of the following projections are typically done during this procedure in surgery? 1. AP 2. AP oblique RPO 3. AP oblique LPO


Food and fluid should be withheld for how many hours before a stomach examination? 2 4 8 12

the level of the mouth

For all projections of the esophagus, the top of the IR is positioned at: C7. T5. the level of the eyes. the level of the mouth

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