RBT Final Assessment A

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As an RBT, which of the following would be appropriate for to discuss directly with a caregiver/stakeholder?

A new, empirically validated resource you found online regarding ABA concepts

Which of the following would be an example of an RBT violating his or her responsibility to maintain professional boundaries when working with clients?

Accepting a $25 gift card to your favorite coffee shop from your client's mother

Graphs with accurate data can assist with all of the following, EXCEPT:

Allowing team members to avoid vocally communicating with caregivers

Don is a child who frequently shouts out during class, up to 10 times an hour. A functional assessment has determined that Don's shouting out behavior is maintained by his teacher's attention, as she reprimands him after each time he shouts out in class. Given this scenario, how might a noncontingent reinforcement (NCR) procedure be implemented?

Attend to Don every 5 minutes during class time, no matter what Don is doing

The therapist provides either a reprimand, concerned comment, or statement of recognition following all instances of the target problem behavior. The therapist should ignore all other behavior the client may engage in during this condition. This describes which FA condition?


Omar is a student in Mrs. Jenn's classroom. During the school day, Omar will jump up from his chair, run to the light switch in the classroom, and turn the lights on and off. Mrs. Jenn notices that Omar does the same thing when he is alone in the bathroom and when he is in other classrooms. When Mrs. Jenn shares this with Omar's parents, they confirm that he does the same at home and even when he is alone in his room at night. Based on this information, what is the likely function of Omar'


Which of the following is true? The environment is:

Both within and outside of the skin of an organism

Terrance is an RBT who travels to his new client's home to provide behavioral services. The behavior analyst on the case provides Terrance with the client's binder that includes program instructions, data sheets, and the operational definition for the target behavior. When Terrance arrives at the client's home for their session, he reads the target behavior definition to begin data collection and finds that the definition is not clear and complete. What would be the best course of action f

Call the behavior analyst on the case and ask for clarification on the target behavior definition, including examples and non-examples of instances of the target behavior

Dana is a special education classroom teacher. The class has just finished their reading and spelling period, and next on the class schedule is "free time" centers. Jon, one of Dana's students, is playing with his favorite red train on the toy train tracks. Dana sees this and walks over to Jon and says, "That looks like fun, Jon! What color is that train you are playing with?" This is an example of:

Captured Naturalistic Teaching

Each of the following are likely to be roles of the RBT in skill assessments, except:

Choosing/selecting which skills assessment to use.

Matt is the behaver, and the target behavior is burping. Immediately after Matt burps, his mother says, "That's gross!" His mother's statement following his burp is a(n):


RBT Rebecca is unsure of mandated reporting requirements in her state. She should:

Consult with her supervisor about applicable laws related to mandated-reporting requirements in her state

Hillary, the RBT, is teaching her client, Dana, a new skill of identifying items. Hillary delivers a small piece of cracker every time Dana responds (identifies the item) correctly. Which schedule of reinforcement is Hillary using to teach this skill to her client?


What is the role of the RBT as part of an ABA professional treatment team?

Delivering treatment

Valerie is an RBT who is assisting her supervisor with the functional assessment process for a new client named Ian. Valerie is instructed to observe Ian's behavior in his natural environment and record events that occur immediately before (antecedents) and after (consequences) his behavior. What type of assessment is Valerie conducting?

Descriptive assessment

Mica will grab items from other people. Whenever he grabs for an item, Mica typically gains immediate access to that item. The behavior plan states that when Mica attempts to grab for an item, the item should be withheld (don't give it to him). However, when Mica vocally asks appropriately for items, the item will be given to him. Which procedure is being implemented to reduce Mica's grabbing behavior?

Differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA)

Alex is a young boy who frequently gets out of his seat in the classroom. A functional assessment suggests that attention from his teacher maintains this "out of seat" behavior. To decrease Alex's out of seat behavior, his teacher now only attends to Alex when he is sitting appropriately in his seat and ignores him when he gets out of his seat. Which differential reinforcement procedure is the teacher using in this scenario?

Differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior (DRI)

Objective session notes are based on:

Direct observations

Franny, the RBT, is working with her client, Brian, on identification tasks. Franny sits next to Brian at their work table and places three animal pictures in a line in front of him. Franny tells Brian to select the animal that has stripes. If Brian selects the correct animal, Franny delivers the reinforcer. If Brian selects the wrong animal, Franny implements error-correction by removing the line of pictures, waiting a few seconds, and re-representing the animal pictures with the same instructi

Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT)

Five-year-old Dillon scratches at his skin several times a day in the classroom. RBT Jessie was asked by her supervisor to note the severity of Dillon's scratching behavior each time it occurred. The data sheet instructed her to mark: 0 = no skin mark; 1 = white mark on skin; 2 = red mark on skin; 3 = skin slightly broken open; 4 = skin bleeding Which type of measurement is Jessie using?

Discrete categorization

Leah, an RBT, is teaching her client Caleb to say, "dog" when shown a picture of a dog. During teaching sessions, Leah places a picture of a dog in front of Caleb. Caleb says, "dog," and Leah delivers the reinforcer. Leah removes the dog picture and replaces it with a picture of a cat. Caleb again says, "dog," but this time Leah does not deliver the reinforcer. Leah repeats this procedure several times with the dog picture and other animal pictures. Caleb receives reinforcement if he

Discrimination training

Dillon's kicking behavior is maintained by attention. Which of the following describes the appropriate extinction procedure for Dillion's kicking behavior?

Do not say and/or do anything when kicking occurs

When running the alone/ignore condition in a functional analysis, what should the therapist do if the client engages in the target behavior?

Do nothing; ignore the target behavior

When would it be appropriate for an RBT to communicate with stakeholders?

Drop off/pick up time at client sessions and in parent meetings

Stephen is working on increasing the amount of time he spends running. He collects data on how long he runs on the treadmill each day. Stephen begins his timer when he starts running and stops the timer when he begins his walking cool down. What measure is Stephen utilizing to measure his running behavior?


To be in accordance with RBT ethics standard 1.01 on truth and honesty, RBTs have the responsibility to:

Encourage others to talk about and/or report ethical dilemmas

Which of the following would be a consequence delivered by an RBT when conducting a discrete trial with a client?

Error-correction following an incorrect response

A student throws paper balls and airplanes during class. Each time she does this, the teacher, Mr. Brady, sends her out to the hallway for 10 minutes. The student continues to throw paper items every day in class. The BCBA determines that sending the student out of the classroom is maintaining the problem behavior. The BCBA and RBT teach Mr. Brady to keep the student in the classroom, and to no longer send her out to the hallway, when she throws paper items. The BCBA and RBT are teaching Mr. Bra

Escape extinction

An individual's behavior results in the termination of a non-preferred task or removal from an unpleasant situation, which causes the behavior to continue to occur in the future when non-preferred tasks or situations are presented. This describes which common function of behavior?


Kendra heard her cell phone ring. Upon hearing it, she picked up the cell phone to see who was calling. Kendra is more likely to pick up her cell phone when it rings than when it is silent. Therefore, the cell phone ring ________ the response of picking up the phone.


Scotty is a 20-year-old man with autism living at a group home who engages in severe aggression and self-injurious behavior (SIB) when presented with demands. Many of the staff are afraid of Scotty so they often times will let him walk around the facility without his shoes and/or shirt. The staff also allow Scotty to lay down in the kitchen and eat bread crumbs from the floor. Based on the information provided, this is likely an example of:

Failing to respect and maintain a client's dignity

The RBT, Joe, provided Serena a preferred sticker every time she answered 5 math problems correctly. Which schedule of reinforcement is Joe using in this example?

Fixed ratio

RBT Sheriel is teaching her client, James, how to pack his lunch in the morning. Using a task analysis, she breaks down this skill into 9 total steps. She begins trial 1 by teaching him to complete step 1 independently. For trial 2, she teaches him to complete steps 1 and 2 independently. For trial 3, she teaches him to complete steps 1, 2 and 3 independently, and so on. Which type of chaining procedure is Sheriel using to teach James the skill of packing his lunch?

Forward chaining

Dominic is an RBT who is teaching his client, Kevin, to write his name. Dominic places his full hand over Kevin's hand and manually moves his hand to pick up the pencil, tightly grasp the pencil in the correct position, and begin writing Kevin's name on the paper. Which type of response prompt is Dominic using during this task?

Full physical

An RBT teaches her client to throw away trash in the trash bin at the workstation. The client is now throwing away trash in the bins at her home, in the park, at restaurants, etc. Throwing away trash in different bins at varying locations without directly being taught to do so is an example of:


Touching, tapping, pointing to, and molding


Each of the following are steps an RBT should complete when preparing for the skill acquisition plan before a client session, EXCEPT:

Graph client data from the prior session and alter plan procedures as necessary

Days, weeks, and session numbers each represent a passage of time. On an equal-interval line graph, successive numbers indicating the passage of time are always indicated on the:

Horizontal x-axis

RBT Samantha notices that a fellow RBT on her team is not collecting data during sessions with their client and is entering data "from memory" on the data sheets after the session ends. What is the first step that Samantha should take in this situation?

Immediately seek clinical direction from the supervising BCBA and discuss the other RBT's behavior of falsifying client data

The main reason supervisors provide frequent feedback to RBTs is to:

Improve performance of skills being utilized so client outcomes are met

Karen is an RBT and her client is a boy named Eric. When Karen is working with Eric, teaching opportunities occur throughout the day and begin with learning trials initiated by Eric to naturally occurring activities and materials. That is, the activities are based on Eric's motivation. What teaching procedure is Karen using with Eric?

Incidental Teaching

Which of the following would be an appropriate statement to include in a client's session notes?

Jenna spelled 8 of the 10 words correctly today

Which of the following is NOT one of the steps for receiving feedback to maintain or improve performance as an RBT?

Keeping a mental note about the feedback session with the supervisor

Each of the following underlined words are examples of behavior, except... John:

Knows his mom will get him ice cream

Joan is an RBT who works in a group home for adults with developmental disabilities. She is responsible for collecting data on Mike's punching behavior. Joan's supervisor comes by the group home every week on Friday to assess Mike's progress by reviewing the data that Joan has collected. One Friday morning, Joan realizes that she forgot to record the number of punches on Tuesday: the data sheet is blank on that day. Joan is almost positive that Mike punched that day, but probably not more

Leave the data sheet blank for Tuesday, and report to her supervisor that she forgot to record the data for that day

Emergency procedures listed in the behavior reduction plan are designed to:

Maintain the safety of all individuals involved

Respecting privacy, providing choices, listening and including the client in client-appropriate conversations are all examples of:

Maintaining a client's dignity

An RBT teaches a specific skill to a client during teaching sessions. If the client continues to perform the skill independently over time after direct teaching is complete, this is a demonstration of:


Shelly will appropriately mand for (request) items/activities on 8 out of 10 opportunities (80%) across three consecutive days, with at least two different people. This describes which component of the skill acquisition plan?

Mastery Criteria

Melissa is an RBT who is collecting data on her client, Wayne's, walking on the track behavior during gym class. Melissa sets a timer for 3 minutes. When Melissa's timer beeps at the end of the 3-minute interval, Melissa looks up to see if Wayne is walking. If Wayne is walking, Melissa marks a "+" on the data sheet. If Wayne is engaging in any behavior other than walking on the track at the end of the 3-minute interval, Melissa marks a "-" on the data sheet. What type of measuremen

Momentary Time Sampling (MTS)

Which of the following is an ecological variable that may impact a client's behavior?

Muggy, humid classroom with minimal fresh air

George, an RBT, needs to identify preferred items to use during his sessions with Peter. George presents an array of seven items to Peter and allows Peter to pick one item from the array. On the next trial, George presents an array of only six items (the item that Peter picked in the previous trial was removed) and again allows Peter to pick one item. George repeats this procedure until the last item in the array is left and a ranking of items is determined. Which preference assessment is descri

Multiple Stimulus Without Replacement (MSWO)

James' caregiver: "Hey, I heard you love dogs just like our family does! Maybe you can show me yours on Facebook if we connect?" RBT: "Unfortunately, I am not allowed to connect with the folks I work with on social media due to our ethical code - but that's great that we have a common interest! Now, just a quick update on today's session with James..." Did the RBT violate an ethical Code standard in this scenario? Why or why not?

No; the RBT was polite in mentioning the ethical Code and stayed on task by redirecting the conversation back to the client

Arianna is an adult living in a group home. Arianna brushes her teeth up to 10 times in one day and although tooth brushing is a healthy habit, the frequency with which Arianna brushes her teeth is disruptive to Arianna's other daily tasks and activities. The behavior plan specifies the use of a DRL procedure with a criterion of 3 instances of brushing teeth in one day. When should the reinforcer be delivered?

Only if Arianna brushes her teeth 3 times or less in one day

Lynn is a dance instructor who is collecting data on her student's dancing skills during a 5-minute synchronized dance routine. Lynn breaks down the 5-minute period into ten 30-second intervals. When the timer goes off at the end of each 30-second interval, Lynn looks around the group and writes down how many dancers are in the correct dance position within the routine at that time. Which measurement procedure is Lynn using in this example?


This type of preference assessment involves presenting the stimuli (items) in pairs in front of the client and recording which of the two items the client selects on each trial.


Cydney is an RBT collecting data on David's motor stereotypy (rocking back and forth) in the classroom. Cydney observes David across 30-second intervals. During each 30-second interval, Cydney marks a "+" as soon as she sees David engage in motor stereotypy. If she does not see motor stereotypy occur during the 30 seconds, she marks a "-" at the end of the interval. Which measurement procedure is Cydney using?

Partial Interval Recording (PIR)

Evan's RBT is working with him on identification of tasks with cards during a discrete trial teaching (DTT) session. Each time Evan labeled a card correctly, the RBT put the card in a pile on the table. If Evan labeled a card incorrectly, the RBT put the card back in the deck for testing again. At the end of the DTT session, the RBT counted the total number of cards in the "correct" pile on the table. In this example, the RBT is measuring:

Permanent products

Which of the following is outside the scope of practice for an RBT?

Providing child care services to current ABA clients

In an effort to decrease the likelihood of problem behavior during an evening routine, George implements an antecedent intervention with his daughter. George tells his daughter that she can decide whether to take her nightly bath before dinner or after dinner. Which type of antecedent intervention is George using?

Providing choice

Which of the following is true regarding effective communication between RBTs and their supervisors?

RBTs are responsible for delivering case information to their supervisors so they can make important behavior program decisions

Chloe works with a client, Luis, who engages in hitting behavior. Chloe collects data on hitting behavior by pushing a button on an app on her phone each time Luis hits someone. The app records the total observation time as well as the number of times the button is pushed. What type of data is Chloe collecting?


Greg, the RBT, is teaching his client, Julie, to identify shapes. The first shape he is targeting is a circle. Greg begins by placing two shapes on the table in front of Julie. The shape on the left is a small triangle and the shape on the right is a much larger circle. When asked to find the circle, Julie points to the circle. On the next trial, Greg presents the same two shapes, but this time, he replaces the extra-large circle with a medium-sized circle. Julie correctly identifies the circle

Redundancy of antecedent stimuli

Instead of hitting people when they are in possession of an item that she wants or when she wants to change activities, Kristi will be taught to ask nicely for a turn with the item (e.g., "May I please have a turn?") or will ask to leave the area to do a different preferred activity (e.g., "I want to go outside now"). This information can be found in which section of the behavior reduction plan?

Replacement behaviors

Assessment method used for noting the dates and times a target behavior occurs most often, which helps to identify specific patterns of responding in the individual's natural environment. This describes which type of descriptive assessment?


Janice is an RBT who works with a client named Iba to increase Iba's vocal mands by teaching her to request items using that item's name. Iba's favorite activity is bubbles so Janice begins by teaching Iba to say the first sound "b" in the word "bubbles". Janice only blows the bubbles as reinforcement if Iba makes the "b" sound. Janice does not deliver bubbles if Iba makes any vocalization other than "b". Once Iba is able to successfully say the "b" sound to request bub


Each of the following are situations in which it may be appropriate to disclose/share confidential client information without the consent of the client, except:

Sharing confidential information with an education student who is shadowing in the classroom for the day

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of behavior?

States of being

Brutus is using shaping to teach his client to complete a math worksheet. The shaping steps are as follows: 1) write name on top of worksheet, 2) complete 1 problem, 3) complete 3 problems, 4) complete all "odd" numbered problems, 5) complete all but one problem, and 6) complete the entire worksheet. If the client is currently on step 2 receiving reinforcement for completing 1 problem, which of the following steps should be placed on extinction?

Step 1: write name on top of worksheet

RBT Molly works with a client named Oliver who has just met all his goals outlined in his behavior plan at the clinic. For Oliver's newly-learned skills to be better maintained in the natural environment, the next step of the behavior plan is working on these same skills outside of the clinic with different individuals. Now, Molly provides behavioral services to Oliver in his school and home as directed in the behavior plan. Additionally, Molly assists her supervisor in training Oliver's par

Stimulus control transfer

Brenda is an RBT working on several client cases at an agency. She has been offered a job at another agency in a different state and will be moving at the end of the month. Brenda now needs to share her client files with the new RBTs that have been assigned to take over her cases. Which of the following is the best way for Brenda to transfer these files to the new staff?

Store the client files in a locked file cabinet in a locked room at the agency that the new RBTs can access only when the client has signed a release form

John, an RBT, is assisting his supervisor with a functional analysis (FA) on their client, Adam's, hand flapping behavior. At the start of the FA condition, Adam is playing games on his iPad® while the RBT sits in the room. At the start of the session, the RBT tells Adam, "Okay, it's time to stop. It's my turn now," and takes the iPad from Adam. If Adam begins hand flapping, the RBT gives the iPad back to Adam. If Adam does not hand flap, the RBT continues playing on Adam's iPad. Wh


Zeke loves to play video games. When Zeke gets home from school and sees his little brother, Tim, playing a video game in the living room, he runs over to Tim and hits him. Tim cries and immediately drops the video game controller. Zeke then picks up the controller and begins to play the video game while Tim continues to cry. This same scenario occurs every day after school. Based on the information provided, what is the likely function of Zeke's hitting behavior?


Which of the following is an example of a task modification procedure used to reduce problem behavior maintained by escape from a task/demand?

The child does not like to do the dishes. The child must now wash the dishes, but the parent helps the child by drying and putting the dishes away.

Which information should an RBT discuss with his/her case supervisor?

The client is having his tonsils removed and tubes put in his ears next week

Jake heard the "ding" sound of an incoming email on his computer and he clicked on his email tab. He accidentally knocked over his coffee in the process of clicking. Jake immediately jumped up from his chair and ran to get some paper towels to clean it up. If clicking on the email tab is the target behavior in this scenario, the antecedent is:

The ding sound of the incoming mail

When implementing an extinction procedure, what should be withheld following problem behavior?

The functional reinforcer

Skill acquisition plans should always include:

The terminal goal or skill to be taught

Jeremy is given a sticker on his "chore chart" each time he completes a household chore. If Jeremy earns at least five stickers by the end of each week, he can pick out a new toy at the store. This is an example of (a):

Token economy

Kendra, the RBT, teaches her client, Sarah, to tie her shoelaces by having her perform all the steps of shoe tying in the correct order for each trial. Kendra uses graduated guidance for the few steps of the shoe tying sequence that Sarah needs help to complete. This is an example of which chaining procedure?

Total task chaining

Connie, an RBT, is teaching her client Billy to match items to their corresponding picture. The behavior plan lists "physical prompt" as the prompt type for this match-to-sample task. How might Connie fade her physical prompt using most-to-least prompt fading?

Trial 1: full hand-over-hand; Trial 2: touch elbow; Trial 3: touch shoulder; Trial 4: no prompt (independent opportunity)

Each time a client engages in appropriate behavior, the RBT is instructed by her supervisor to make a praise statement (neutral stimulus) at the same time she delivers the client's highest preferred piece of candy (reinforcer). The RBT is:

Using pairing to condition praise as a reinforcer

Mike has been learning to set the table at home. Before dinner, Mike begins to set the table by placing the knife and spoon on the right side of his plate and the fork on the left. Mike's mother notices that he forgot the napkin. His mother says, "Mike, it looks like you forgot something..." Mike looks down at the table, walks to the pantry to get a napkin, and places it under the fork at his seat. Mike's mother saying, "Mike, it looks like you forgot something..." is an example of w


When creating client session notes, it is important to:

Write in professional, objective language

Before beginning an assigned task with a client, it is important for RBTs to communicate to their supervisor if: X = There has been no training on the assigned task Y = The tools needed to complete the assigned task are not available Z = They have been assigned tasks by others in addition to the task assigned by their supervisor

X, Y, and Z

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