real psyc

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Mary is a student who wants to learn a new skill by trying hard. She doesn't compare herself to others much. Mary is ___ oriented.


What was Little Albert conditioned to be afraid of?

white rat

We often observe a sudden increase in the target behavior immediately after reinforcement has been withdrawn. This is known as an extinction ___. Correct!


In the experiments described in the linked article human participants were exposed to

A very loud, annoying sound

Psychologists traditionally study

Both normal and abnormal functioning and treat individuals with mental and emotional problems

_______ designs are focused on searching for relationships between two variables that were measured while [ Select ] ["correlational", "experimental"] designs involve the researcher influencing one variable to examine its effect on another.

correlational experimental

In an experiment testing the effects of caffeine, neither the participants nor the interviewer is aware of whether the participant was given regular coffee or decaf. This kind of design is known as a ___-blind study.


According to the article on mindfulness, what is a possible reason for *why* meditation improves academic performance? (check all that apply)

It can increase self-discipline It can increase mental clarity It can increase focus and concentration

When our mind is occupied with effortful tasks we are under cognitive ___.


Fill in the blanks with the three processes of long-term memory: In order for memory to help us it needs to ________ information into long-term memory,________ it for later use, and _________ it when we need it later.

encode, store, retrieve

Although mindset was found to be correlated with performance in the first study, there was no difference in the performance of the seventh graders when they tried to influence their mindset.


Exposing someone to the same stimulus over and over again in order to weaken any associations with that stimulus is called _____. This works because of habituation


Match each description with the appropriate form of Gardner's multiple intelligences. Mark is great at brain teasers and Sudoku puzzles. Logical-mathematical Mikey is very stable, collected person who analyzes his feelings rather than just reacting to them Rachel has experience as a ballerina and gymnast and has very precise control over her movements. Amilio is fluent in several languages.

Logical-mathematical Intrapersonal Bodily Kinesthetic Linguistic

Researchers suggest that one reason for weaker effects of mindfulness meditation in the classes with more seniors is that....

freshman with poor self-regulation are more likely to leave the university

Dweck suggest that students who think they can always develop new abilities with practice have ________ mindsets while those who think that their level of intelligence remains consistent over their lifetime have _________ mindsets

growth, fixed

Another term for thinking about thinking is _____. (enter only one word)


Self-handicapping is motivated by a desire to

Protect our self-esteem

Which of the following is TRUE?

Psychology research can fail to replicate even when the original researchers did nothing wrong.

Maintenance rehearsal is

Repeating things over and over

The network of information that I have about football would be:


Stereotypes are an example of


In the video about charging the clicker, what behavior indicated that the sound of the clicker is now a conditioned stimulus?

The dog whipped its head around

How many times did the team in white pass the basketball?


Testing the idea that laptops can create a cone of distraction, Sana et al. (2013) found that those sitting behind other distracted students scored ___ percentage points worse than those who were not distracted.


What percentage of students using their phones noticed the clown on the unicycle cycling around campus?


Miller's Magic Number suggests that our short-term memory has a capacity of using ___ items.


What are heuristics?

A mental shortcut for making decisions

According to the video, what sound did Pavlov first use when conditioning dogs to salivate.

A metronome

How can you increase the total amount of elements that your short-term memory can hold?


Random assignment

Creates different groups of participants that can be assumed to be, on average, equal to each other in every way (e.g., height, IQ, age distribution, race, SES)

Using your laptop in class to take notes (as compared to taking notes on paper) improves your ability to recall information from that lesson.


Match the sub-field of psychology with the kind of work that psychologists in that field do Apply psychological principles to the workplace Assess and treat emotional, mental, and behavioral disorders Help people to recognize their strengths and resources to be able to cope with everyday problems challenges Research how people work best with machines Study human and non-human animals to understand and respond to what's happening in the environment

Industrial/Organizational Clinical Counseling Engineering Experimental

What makes the Garcia Effect unique compared to other forms of classical conditioning?

It can happen after only one pairing

Which of the following is discussed in the text as one of the criticisms of Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences?

It is hard to determine how to limit the list of intelligences

Imagine that researchers conduct a survey of college students and find that time spent playing video games is negatively correlated with alcohol consumption. The researchers would be correct to conclude that...

None of these would be appropriate conclusions from the observed correlation.

For this question, imagine that I have a theory that as TV watching increases, so does body weight. Match each hypothesis with the appropriate label. There is no association between TV watching and body weight. The more time people spend watching TV, the larger their body weight.

Null Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis

In the video you watched on using virtual reality to desensitize a fear response, the client was being treated for what undesired response

Panic triggered by small confined spaces

Which of the following is true about the Kruglanski et al. (2002) studies? Select ALL that apply

Participants rated the quality of fabric samples Participants were unaware that their ratings were biased by other motivations

Match the source of a bias that would influence results with the appropriate problem. Correct!What participants expect to experience Correct!What the participants think is the polite, appropriate or normal thing to say Correct!What the participants think the researcher wants to have happen Demand characteristics Correct!What the researcher expects the results of the study to be

Placebo effect Social desirability bias Demand characteristics Rosenthal effect

The ___ is the group of people that we want to generate knowledge about and the ___ is the group of people that participate in our study.

Population; sample

Imagine yourself taking your first PSYC 100 exam in our classroom. Based on what you have learned about state-dependent memory, which of the following might help you earn the "A" you are aiming for?

Regularly practice answering the learning objective questions in the classroom where you will take the exam.

If you observe a p-value less than the established cutoff for statistical significance, the appropriate action is to

Reject the null hypothesis

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: The Garcia Effect is when

Someone has taste aversion A certain food continues to make a person feel ill all the time after having just one bad experience

There is an unfortunate myth that vaccinations have caused an increase in autism diagnoses because some vaccines became more popular around the same time that we started to see more diagnoses. However, very careful research has found that this is a coincidence - although there is a statistical correlation because the two things happened around the same time period there is absolutely no evidence that the vaccines are actually causing autism. This correlation should be considered a

Spurious correlation

Extinction is when a behavior

That was previously reinforced is unlearned when reinforcement is withdrawn

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: We are most likely to observe a large increase in the target behavior when attempting to extinguish it if

The behavior was reinforced on a variable schedule The reinforcement was withdrawn immediately

Information learned before going to sleep is remembered better than information learned earlier in the day.


Match each pattern of punishment with the appropriate schedule. Correct!A popular viral video series involves a person who goes around pulling pranks on other people. His hobby of approaching strangers is occasionally discouraged by one of the people he approaches punching him in the face. Variable ratio Correct!Elevators (are supposed to) open automatically if there is a body in the way but want to discourage people just propping it open and holding it there. After 2 minutes of holding the door open the elevator makes a very loud screeching sound until the door is allowed to close. Fixed interval Correct!Every time you touch a hot stove you burn your hand Continuous Correct!If you drive well above the speed limit long enough you will occasionally get speeding tickets. Variable interval Correct!The concept of a "Three Strikes" law, mandating a life sentence for the third serious crime. Fixed ratio

Variable ratio Fixed interval Continuous Variable interval Fixed ratio

We need our motivation to determine allocation because

We have limited cognitive resources so we need to use them on what is most important to us at the time

The cocktail party effect demonstrates motivation determining allocation because

We subconsciously detect things that we think might be important to pay conscious attention to

When would we need to use random sampling?

When our research question is attempting to describe the characteristics or experiences of an entire population (e.g., college students)

What is g?

Your overall intellectual ability

What does Tabula Rasa mean?

blank slate

When we focus our attention on one thing and in turn fail to notice everything else that's going on, this is called inattentional ___.


When a researcher wants to test the same hypothesis and uses a different set of methods/procedures as a previous study, this is called a/an

conceptual replication

David from BGSU presses the "Easy" button and immediately after shoots his roommate with an airsoft gun. The sound from the button becomes the ________ stimulus.


When you have a sample that is made up of individuals who happen to be available, it is called a convenience sample. A study where participants are randomly sampled from the entire population (and therefore every single person has the opportunity to be included) is using a probability sample.

convenience probability

IQ tests are attempts to measure


SELECT THE TWO THAT ARE CORRECT: There is always a chance that any results we obtain from an experiment can be explained by random chance. My prediction was that sitting in the front of the classroom increases performance. If I reject the ___ hypothesis I might be making a Type ___ error.

null, Alternative

Berglas & Jones (1978) gave participants either an easy or impossible task and, regardless of their performance, told everyone that they had performed very well. Before attemptingthe task again, those that had been given 16 impossible problems chose to take theperformance-hindering drug.


Roberts & Curtis found that students who used their phone most of the class meeting did _____ on a surprise quiz compared to those who used their phone some of the time:


Match each to the appropriate form of behavior modification Correct!Causing pain to decrease the likelihood a behavior will reoccur +P Correct!Delivering a treat to increase the likelihood a behavior will reoccur +R Correct!Removing an annoying stimulus to increase the likelihood a behavior will reoccur -R Taking away a privilege to decrease the likelihood a behavior will reoccur -P

+p, +R, -R, -P

Which of the following correlations represents the strongest relationship... r =

- 0.70

I want to teach my four-year-old son to sit patiently at the dinner table while we are eating. Match each to the appropriate form of behavior modification. Correct!If he gets up from his seat during dinner I take away his favorite stuffed animal for the night -P Correct!If he gets up from his seat during dinner I startle him by yelling "No!" +P Correct!If he sits patiently through dinner he gets to have a treat for dessert +R Correct!When it is close to dinnertime I turn up the stereo really, really loud for 10 minutes, and then I call everyone to the table. If he sits at the table promptly I turn off the loud, bothersome music. -r


Match each example with the appropriate mnemonic I learned to say "Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally" to help me remember whether, in a mathematical formula, what order to do things (e.g., anything in parentheses should be done before exponents or multiplications). Acrostic I learned to recall ROYGBIV to help me remember the order of colors in a rainbow. I can remember all of the items on my list of groceries if I imagine each one hidden somewhere in my house (e.g., there is bread in my sock drawer and my bathtub is full of milk.) The word "pai" in Portuguese means "father" in English. "Pai" sounds like "pie" so it helps me to remember the definition by thinking about the fact that my father loves eating pie. To remember my ATM pin number (7124) I remember that "The seven dwarfs met one princess to take her our for dinner."

Acrostic Acronym Loci-method Keyword method Chaining

Which of the following hypotheses is not falsifiable (and therefore not a good hypothesis)?

Adam's hypothesis that students will score higher grades if they grow up in a future world where the Internet no longer exists.

Which of the following would be an example of metacognition?

Adjusting your study habits based on what you have learned about memory and cognition

Which of the following is a reason why a replication study might fail?

All of these

Researchers studying learned helplessness in adults found that

All of these statements are true.

Which of the following most accurately represents Thorndike's Law of Effect? Correct!

Animals behave randomly, and behaviors that have a desirable effect are more likely to be repeated without any understanding of why that behavior has that effect..

If I asked people "which animal kills more people every year, sharks or cows," most people would say sharks. They say "sharks" because they hear about shark attacks more than cow attacks. In reality, cows kill many more people than sharks every year. This is an example of:

Availability Heuristic

David from BGSU could have conditioned his roommate in several different ways. Match the pairing strategy with the appropriate description. Correct!Shoot the roommate and then push the "Easy" button. Correct!Shoot the roommate and push the "Easy" button at exactly the same time. Correct!Push the "Easy" button and then shoot the roommate one second later. Correct!Push the "Easy" button and then shoot the roommate 15 seconds later.

Backwards Simultaneous Forward short-delay Forward, long-delay

When researchers taught honeybees to detect terrorist threats, they classically conditioned an association. Match each of the following with the appropriate elements of an association Correct!As a result of their learning, the bee extends its proboscis when exposed to a bomb Correct!A bee naturally extends its proboscis when sugar water is presented Correct!The smell of an explosive, which had no particular effect on the bee prior to the classical conditioning Correct!The smell of an explosive, which triggers the bee to extend its proboscis after learning the association


Match the following terms based on the example of the Garcia Effect when crows were trained to not eat birds' eggs. Correct!The eggs after the intervention CS Correct!The eggs before the intervention NS Correct!Aversion to eating eggs CR Correct!Mild Poison UCS


Our tendency to notice and remember information that is consistent with our existing beliefs is called the _____ bias.


After completing the Stroop Task the response screen explains that most people respond faster and more accurately to the ___ trials

Congruent (e.g., the word "RED" is written in red ink)

Elaborative rehearsal is a process that attempts to:

Connect information from one schema with information in another schema

Tulving's Encoding Specificity Hypothesis provides an explanation for the state-dependent memory effects that researchers have observed. The concept relates well to what you have already learned about the three processes of memory and its organization. If you are trying to remember a fact that you have learned, which of the following statements accurately describes what is happening in your memory?

Contextual information (where you are, how you feel) becomes encoded as part of the schema you have about the fact. During recall, that context can acts as a prime and increase the accessibility of the schema, making it easier to recall.

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: Based on what you know about about Gall's theory of phrenology, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Correct! Gall's device, the psychograph, measured the connection between thoughts and physiological responses Correct! Gall's device, the psychograph, measured your personality traits Correct! Gall's device, the psychograph, measured whether you were telling the truth Correct! Gall's device, the psychograph, measured your secret desires

Match the strategy with the technique for erasing an undesired association of a puppy being afraid of a vacuum. Correct!Every time you start the vacuum you give the dog a tasty treat Correct!You run the vacuum constantly for three days Correct!You get the dog used to seeing the vacuum in the corner but not running, then slowly start moving it more and more, and eventually turn it on.

Counter-conditioning Flooding Systematic desensitization

The APA's article about psychology explains that many employers recruit people with undergraduate degrees in psychology because it prepared them with skills in ___.

Data analysis and statistics

If we run an experiment, randomly assigning students to different seats in the class and find that those in the front do in fact have higher exam scores I have just

Demonstrated that the null hypothesis is unlikely to be true

Watson believed that humans' behavior is:

Determined by their environment alone

Match each of the following with the appropriate memory issue Information is somewhere in storage but we "forget" it in the sense that we cannot recall it no matter how hard we try. A reason that we might "forget" something that, in reality, was never adequately encoded into memory due to cognitive load. When we truly forget something in the sense that it was once encoded but no longer exists in storage. A reason that we might "forget" something that is conceptually related to the accessibility of that information. At the bottom of the OpenPSYC article on forgetting and amnesia there is an optional review activity with movies clips and trailers. Watch the clip labeled "D" At the bottom of the OpenPSYC article on forgetting and amnesia there is an optional review activity with movies clips and trailers. Watch the clip labeled "E"

Disorganization Interference Decay Insufficient Priming Retrograde amnesia Anterograde amnesia

Seligman demonstrated that

Dogs that learned that they were unable to control the negative events in their life felt helpless and acted depressed

Match each with the appropriate characteristic of emotional intelligence The ability to read and understand other people's thoughts and emotions. The ability to keep calm when in a emotional discussion. The ability to pass up short-term pleasure for rewards in the long-term.

Empathy Self-regulation Motivation

When Dweck conducted an experiment to test whether changing students' mindsets would influence performance, they told some students that they get smarter over time because

Everything new that you learn creates new connections between the cells in your brain

Match each essential activity to how it helps the brain Provides short-term oxygen boost to the brain and plays an important role in maintaining a healthy and efficient blood supply to the brain Exercise Helps organize information in the brain Sleep Provides fuel that gives essential nutrients needed for a wide range of complex function

Exercise Sleep Food

In the video you watched about treating a woman with a phobia of clowns, the therapist used systematic desensitization. What did the therapist do in order to systematically desensitize the patient so that she would no longer be afraid of clowns?

Exposed her to clown-like things (e.g. a picture, a toy, etc.).

Match each pattern of reinforcement with the appropriate schedule. Correct!A company rewards their employees for loyalty with a 6% raise for every 3 years they are with the company. Fixed interval Correct!A sleazy guy goes around asking every girl he sees for her phone number... most people reject him, but every once in a while the behavior pays off and it gets reinforced with a (real) number and a date. Variable ratio Correct!Every time you put a dollar in the vending machine a tasty treat falls out. Continuous Correct!When watching baseball, you never really know how much time will pass in between the exciting moments that make it worthwhile. Those moments encourage you to sit and watch entire games. Variable interval Correct!With a card from Subway, you get every 10th sandwich for free. Fixed ratio

Fixed interval Variable ratio Continuous Variable interval Fixed ratio

Match each schedule with the pattern of behavior we tend to observe. Correct!High rates of behavior with pauses immediately after reinforcement has been earned. Fixed ratio Correct!Most likely stop as soon as the reinforcement is withdrawn Continuous Correct!Response rates that are low and steady until a reinforcement opportunity is approaching. Fixed interval Correct!Steady, high rates of behavior. Variable ratio Correct!Steady, moderate rates of responding. Variable interval

Fixed ratio Continuous Fixed interval Variable ratio Variable interval

Frank is a University of Maryland student at a party in DC. Which example illustrates the "cocktail party effect?"

Frank heard someone nearby say "I'm a Terp" and turned his head to listen more to that conversation, as it was relevant to him.

In Thorndike's research, he put a cat in a box in order to see how it learned to

Get out of the box

At home, you have just purchased a new clock, but it has this constant "ticking" sound that tends to be very bothersome. After having it for a week or two, you start to get used to it and barely notice the "ticking" anymore. This is an example of:


The video on habituation demonstrated trying to weaken the association between _____ and the fear response.


The term sampling refers to

How participants were selected from the population to participate in the study

Match each of the following descriptions with the appropriate feature of a scientific field: A statement of our theory-based research predictions that we are testing Being unbiased Removing the effect of extraneous variables

Hypothesis testing Objectivity Control

Scientists use statistical tests to determine

If any differences observed can likely be explained by random chance

According to John Nestojko's research, published in the journal Memory and Cognition, students' learning was improved when they

Imagined (thought about) how they would teach the material to another student.

A faculty member observed that students who sit in the front half of the room tend to receive higher grades in her class than those in the back half. Could it be that sitting closer to the front actually causes students to perform better? To experimentally test this, she randomly assigned students to a specific seat for the semester, one half in the front and one half in the back, and then analyzed their final course grades. Whether or not the student sat in the front or the back is the _____ variable. The final course grades are the _____ variable.

Independent; dependent

Which of the following is true about the Clever Hans phenomenon? Select ALL that apply:

Like humans, Hans's responses were influenced by the behaviors/expressions of people around him Von Osten claimed that Hans could do math

Match the description to the appropriate data collection method At a playground, a hidden researcher observes how children interact with each other when they're in the sandbox to study how children communicate with each other. Correct!To study parenting styles, a mother and her child are brought into a classroom and given a puzzle to solve together. Their interaction is videotaped and analyzed later by researchers. Correct!To study the effect of spanking on children researchers asked parents about their use of physical punishment and, separately, asked children how much they trusted their parents Correct!Researchers used Census data to determine if, over the past 100 years, the number of children a couple had was related to the number of children their parents had. Correct!To study the relationship between age and stress, researchers studied four groups of people, people ages 18, 25, 35, and 50. Correct!Dr. Carlisle evaluated Ted Bundy and conducted a psychoanalysis of his sexual fantasies merging into reality Correct!To determine whether joining fraternities and sororities influences academic performance, the grades of 10,000 college students who started in 2011 were tracked for five years.

Naturalistic observation Structured observation Self-report Archival Cross-sectional Case study Longitudinal

Empirical evidence is based on


SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: Which of the following statements about ethics in research are true?

Participants should know about any risks of harm that could come from participation in a study and agree to participate. Correct! An Institutional Review Board is responsible for making sure that the researchers are adhering to ethical standards.

Later participants were given a different puzzle to solve. The researchers found that

Participants who were unable to stop the aversive stimulus did the worst

A psychologist wants to explain why the confirmation bias might exist. The psychologist says that going against what we already believe may threaten our sense of self (i.e., our ego). This psychologist is most likely drawing on what theoretical perspective?

Personality psychology

Match the description with the appropriate problem: Correct!A company is selling an "herbal supplement" that they claim increases the power of your memory and can help you study for finals. Some friends of yours who saw the ads and love the idea have tried it say that they definitely felt more focused and alert. Correct!Concerned that people might not be fully honest when interviewed about particularly taboo sexual fetishes, the researcher conducting the interview tries to read the person's body language and records whether she thinks the person does or does not actually enjoy each one. Correct!A company is selling an "herbal supplement" that they claim increases the power of your memory and can help you study for finals. They go to a mall and videotape real people trying the pill for a TV ad. Many people are excited about the idea of being on TV and report that the pill made them instantly more focused and alert. Correct!Researcher studying the prevalence of sexual fetishes may have underestimated the actual percentage of people who enjoy particularly taboo (or even illegal) things.

Placebo Effect Rosenthal Effect Demand Characteristics Social Desirability Bias

A company is selling an "herbal supplement" that they claim increases the power of your memory and can help you study for finals. Some skeptical scientists design a legitimate experiment to test these claims, randomly assigning participants to take the supplement or an empty pill and then giving everyone a memory test. Match each of the methodological details with the bias that it prevents. Correct!Participants are blind as to whether they were given the memory supplement or the empty pill Correct!The researchers who scored performance on the memory test were unaware of which pill the participant had been assigned to take. Correct!Participants were only told that this was a study to test the effect of this supplement, with no mention of memory. In addition to the memory test, they were given several unrelated tasks to complete so that they did not suspect it was a study about memory.

Placebo effect Rosenthal Effect Demand Characteristics

Match each stimulus to the way in which it might influence your behavior Correct!The taste of a piece of candy. Primary reinforcer Correct!The sensation caused by a smack on the back of your head. Primary punisher Correct!The sound of a crowd of people booing you on stage. Secondary punisher Correct!The sound of a crowd of people clapping their hands for you. Secondary reinforcer

Primary reinforcer Primary punisher Secondary punisher Secondary reinforcer

The APA's article about psychology explains that many psychologists team up with other professionals. Which of the following is NOT one of the professions listed?


The explanation on the results screen of the Stroop task explained that for many of us, the act of ___ has become an automatic process that is hard to suppress.

Reading the word

My dog has been begging at the table and even stealing food from our toddler. I'll admit it is my fault because I had been giving them scraps from time to time, but it's getting out of hand and I would like to extinguish the begging as quickly as I can. The final point made about factors that influence extinction on the linked page suggests that you

Reinforce the dogs for laying down elsewhere while you are eating

The conceptual difference between habituation and systematic desensitization is that habituation involves ___ and desensitization involves ___.

Repeated exposure of the same exact stimulus; exposure to a range of related stimul

Assuming someone is poor based on what neighborhood they're from. Being more afraid of terrorism than climate change, due to the fact that images of terrorism come more easily to mind. If trying to choose a brand of beer from the brands you've never heard of, and you're in a hurry, you might be more likely to buy the one called Duff Beer (which sounds like the name of some familiar soda) instead of Bad Frog or Fudd. The American public was concerned about a large increase in drug overdoses and addiction. In reality, the perceived increase was caused only by more frequent media coverage of the incidents.

Representativeness availability Representativeness availability

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: The article on state-dependent memory discusses specific research findings. Based on that specific article, select all of the true statements:

Researchers used music to make people happy or sad and found that recall was higher when tested in the same mood as the information was learned. In Goodwin et al.'s study, participants who learned information while intoxicated were able to remember more of it later if they were intoxicated. The effect was also successfully demonstrated by having people learn and recall information either on land or under water.

Match each to the way in which it might influence your behavior. Correct!a. A stimulus you have learned to dislike or avoid Secondary punisher Correct!b. A stimulus you have learned to like or want Secondary reinforcer Correct!c. A stimulus you naturally would want Primary reinforcer Correct!d. A stimulus you naturally would want to avoid Primary punisher

Secondary punisher Secondary reinforcer Primary reinforcer Primary punisher

Which of the following is an accurate statement about Roediger & Karpicke's experiment on the testing effect?

Students who took a practice test after learning some new information remembered significantly more than those who had more time to study if the final test was 2 days or 1 week later

Based on what you have learned about state-dependent memory, which of the following might you do when you study for the next exam?

Study in the classroom that you will take the exam in.

Which of the following is true about the methodology/results that Roediger & Karpicke (2006) reported?

Studying for more time yielded better performance on the final test when it was given 5 minutes later

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: Which of the following are operationalizations?

The number of times that a child hits his sibling within 30 minutes. Correct! Students are told that the number of squares on a Sudoku puzzle that they can solve in 10 minutes will determine how much money they are paid. Some are given a very easy puzzle and others are given a very challenging one. Correct! The score from one (cold and heartless) to seven (warm and caring) that a person selects to describe his or her parent.

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: Dweck conducted an experiment to determine whether changing students mindsets could actually change their academic performance. Select all of the correct statements about her theory and research evidence.

The students in the growth mindset workshop ended up having higher grades at the end of the semester. Students who already had a fixed mindset tended to have lower grades. In the second study, Dweck & Blackwell selected 100 seventh graders and randomly assigned them to attend one of two kinds of study skill workshops.

Who was more confident in the amount of information they could remember on the final test of what they had learned?

The students that studied more

Which of the following is true about the experiment by Schneider and Shiffrin (1977)? Check ALL that apply

The target letters either changed after every 100 trials or remained the same throughout the entire task They asked participants to detect whether a specific letter appeared on the screen

Which of the following is true about the scientific research on learning styles and academic performance?

There is no good evidence indicating that people actually have differences in the way they learn.

You read about the ABCs of psychology. The "A" stands for ___.


Another form of counter-conditioning involves reducing a positive response by associated the stimuli with something undesired. This is known as ______ therapy.


The sudden reoccurrence of a behavior that seemed to have gone extinct is known as ______ recovery.


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