Revel 9-15

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Which of the following would be considered an act of political violence? a. An ambassador stationed in a country where her government is unpopular is traveling in a vehicle that is pelted with eggs as she arrives at the president's mansion for diplomatic negotiations. b.A controversial leader delivers a frenzied but vague speech to followers about the need to "take back" the country. c. A group of government supporters wielding batons orders a group of peaceful demonstrators to leave the area or face the consequences. d. A group of antiwar activists conducts a sit-down at a military port, preventing the deployment of troops.

A group of government supporters wielding batons orders a group of peaceful demonstrators to leave the area or face the consequences.

How might a democratic country be viewed as falling under the elite theory of policymaking? a. The largest economic class shares its wealth voluntarily. b. A small portion of the population dominates most decision making and enjoys a disproportionate share of the benefits of policy decisions made by the government. c. The person who inherits the presidency or throne holds all power in making policy. d. The lower classes are able to vote in elections and therefore have a significant voice in society.

A small portion of the population dominates most decision making and enjoys a disproportionate share of the benefits of policy decisions made by the government.

Which of the following examples depicts a state engaging in a "single use of force"? a. A state trades artillery bombardments with its neighboring state along their shared border. b. A state secretly funds a group operating in another country that works to destabilize that country's government. c. A state's air force flies into another country and destroys a facility suspected of being used to covertly produce nuclear weapons. d. A state sends naval units into the harbor of another country and prevents all other ships from entering or exiting.

A state's air force flies into another country and destroys a facility suspected of being used to covertly produce nuclear weapons.

Which of the following is an example of a country that has developed economically but is not a democracy? a. Brazil b. China c. Taiwan d. Mexico


What is the primary argument against globalization as it relates to allocation of benefits? a. Due to outsourcing, globalization empowers workers in more developed countries. b. Globalization encourages the development of production processes and products for environmental preservation. c. Globalization benefits the most powerful economic actors. d. Due to outsourcing, globalization empowers workers in less developed countries.

Globalization benefits the most powerful economic actors.

What is the primary argument in favor of globalization as it relates to production and goods? a. Globalization encourages the development of production processes and products for environmental preservation. b. Globalization causes jobs to move where production costs are lowest. c. Globalization leads to lower-priced and higher-quality goods. d. Globalization encourages job outsourcing, which provides more people the means to buy goods.

Globalization leads to lower-priced and higher-quality goods.

Which of the following is an example of a "revolution from above"? a. Voters of a regional province go to the ballot to vote on whether to have their region declare independence and become an independent state. When the vote comes back in favor of independence, the national government agrees to uphold the results. b. High-ranking members of a country's security forces collaborate to surround the president's mansion and kill him and his security guards. c. On the tenth anniversary of an armed uprising's beginning, a rebel force from the countryside marches into the capital city after the remaining units loyal to the government flee to a neighboring country. d. A group launches a series of effective car bombings at a country's renowned tourist attractions, effectively bringing tourism in the country to a full stop. The national government quickly agrees to allow a referendum on independence as long as the bombings stop.

High-ranking members of a country's security forces collaborate to surround the president's mansion and kill him and his security guards.

According to the yearly Global Peace Index, currently the most peaceful country is __________. a. the united states b. germany c. iceland d. thailand


Who said, "Seek ye first the political kingdom, and all else shall be added unto you"? a. Nelson Mandela b. Mao Zedong c. Kwame Nkrumah d. Deng Xiaoping

Kwame Nkrumah

Why might the act of denying one ethnic group access to education be considered a form of violence? a. Education teaches us not to be violent, and those without education rarely learn this lesson. b. The United Nations publishes the official measure of violence and has declared this to be a violent act. c. Lack of education prevents the group from participating fully in society and accessing resources. d. People without education are the most common targets of physical violence.

Lack of education prevents the group from participating fully in society and accessing resources.

Which philosophers argued that change and development can have negative effects—perhaps so negative that change is undesirable? a. Isaac Newton, Immanuel Kant, and Charles Darwin b. Plato, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Sigmund Freud c. Socrates, Thomas Hobbes, and John Locke d. Karl Marx, Mao Zedong, and Deng Xiaoping

Plato, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Sigmund Freud

What is the meaning of the French expression translated as, "The more things change, the more they stay the same"? a. Change is relative to your perception. b. Change only appears to change things; in reality, it does not. c. The fundamentals of human life and the challenges that a government faces remain relatively constant. d. All French politicians take the same approach to governance regardless of their parties.

The fundamentals of human life and the challenges that a government faces remain relatively constant.

A government engaged in interstate conflict orders its security forces to kill indiscriminately whenever entering an enemy town or city. The international community strongly condemns the actions, citing the universal principle against attacking noncombatants, but the mass killing continues unabated. Which of the following best explains this scenario? a. International politics is moral even when the international community is only slightly engaged. b. In its attempt to eliminate conflict, the international system has implemented so many institutional mechanisms that the system is unable to respond effectively when conflict actually occurs. c. The context of the international system is essentially moral but with disregard for interstate conflict. d. The international system has not implemented institutional mechanisms powerful and effective enough to eliminate such actions.

The international system has not implemented institutional mechanisms powerful and effective enough to eliminate such actions.

Which of the following is an example of a coup? a. Leaders of a state's regional province launch an armed attempt to install their own system of government. b. After an exhaustive armed campaign, the leaders of the victorious side implement radical changes to the entire political-economic order. c. The top military leaders of a state act together to remove the head of state, installing a period of extremely autocratic rule. d. Massive and spontaneous civil disobedience takes place in the capital city of a country, paralyzing its economy.

The top military leaders of a state act together to remove the head of state, installing a period of extremely autocratic rule.

Why have many countries chosen to adopt a neoliberal approach to economic development? a. There is a fear of communism. b. There are strong pressures from the international financial community to do so. c. There is a dislike for those utilizing statist approaches. d. There is a need to further agricultural production.

There are strong pressures from the international financial community to do so

The remark of Black Panther Party leader Eldridge Cleaver that "a slave who dies of natural causes will not balance two dead flies on the scale of eternity" advances which view of violent revolution? a. Violent revolution is sometimes justified. b. Violent revolution is a cure that is worse than the disease. c. Violent revolution amounts to little in the long run. d. Violent revolution is never justified.

Violent revolution is sometimes justified.

Why do social scientists often avoid the concept of modernization? a. The term "modern" is really just used in economics. b. What is "modern" depends very much on the particular historical moment. c. What is "modern" is always technological and therefore leaves out those without access to technology. d. What is "modern" never changes so no new research is needed in this area.

What is "modern" depends very much on the particular historical moment

The pluralist approach to understanding public policymaking focuses on the notion of the group, which is an aggregate of individuals who interact to pursue __________. a. elite interests b. foreign interests c. a common interest d. their own particular interests

a common interest

From the study done by political scientist R. J. Rummel, we have strong grounds to conclude that citizens face __________. a. a far greater likelihood of being killed by their own government than by a foreign state b. an equal likelihood of being killed by their own government, a foreign government, or a terrorist group c. a much greater chance of being killed by a foreign government than by their own government d. a much greater chance of being killed by a terrorist group than by their own government

a far greater likelihood of being killed by their own government than by a foreign state

In political society, individuals __________. a. retain ultimate authority over the use of force b. accept the authority of the state and cede to the state a monopoly over the legitimate use of violence c. accept the authority of the state but do not cede to the state a monopoly over the legitimate use of violence d. accept the authority of the state over all political matters but are left to their own affairs to settle nonpolitical disputes

accept the authority of the state and cede to the state a monopoly over the legitimate use of violence

The concept of a security dilemma presumes that politics between and among states occurs in an international system that is generally assumed to be __________. a. orderly b. neutral c. anarchic d. altruistic


The breakdown of which of the following provided a window of opportunity for democratization? a. authoritarian and totalitarian regimes b. high levels of political rights and freedoms c. relationships between terrorists and the states that harbor them d. information and communication technologies

authoritarian and totalitarian regimes

Which country, especially under the leadership of Mao Zedong, illustrates how the political system can be a major source of change a. south korea b. china c. japan d. North Korea


Some political theorists claim that although conflict may be framed as an ethnic or religious conflict, the actual underlying cause is __________. a. terrorism b. riots c. class conflict d. order maintenance

class conflict

When factory workers in Russia took to the streets to demand removal of the Tsarist autocracy in the lead-up to the Revolution of 1917, it was an example of __________. a. interstate conflict b. poliitcal cooperation c. policymaking d. class conflict

class conflict

The elite and class approaches are based on a(n) __________ view of society. a. adaptive b. cooperative c. integrative d. coercive


What did Karl Marx believe to be the ultimate stage of development? a. democracy b. communism c. bureaucracy d. socialism


Which ideology holds the view that revolutionary violence is part of an erroneous belief that radical social change can lead to lasting improvements? a. conservative b. communist c. anarchist d. liberal


"Key actors in a state will develop unique understandings of events because each event is socially constructed." This argument is most likely to be made by a(n) __________. a. neorealist b. constructive c. realist d. idealist


Which view sees neither realism nor liberalism as adequately sensitive to the socially constructed nature of identities and norms that shape beliefs and guide actions? a. anarchism b. feminism c. constructivism d. socialism


According to Freedom House (2018), the last twelve years have been years of __________ for democracy worldwide. a. rebellion b. crisis c. growth d. civil war


What led the United States to demand a trade embargo designed to undermine the Cuban economy and destabilize its government? a. the Cuban cigar trade b. the Cuban missile crisis c. Cuba's strong ties with Hugo Chávez of Venezuela d. the Mariel boatlift

cuban missile crisis

According to analysts who dispute the validity of the dependency approach, the economic success of some developing Asian countries suggests that __________. a. foreign investors are irrelevant because they insist on bringing factory workers from developed states b. cultural factors are irrelevant because of the importance of much-needed foreign investment c. cultural factors are more crucial to development than is the level of dependence on other states d. cultural factors take a back seat to aid from foreign investors

cultural factors are more crucial to development than is the level of dependence on other states

Political __________ is evident in high levels of strikes, violent crimes, riots, and rebellion. a. decay b. institutionalization c. solitude d. stability


The reality that established democracies rarely fight one another is called __________. a. democratic diplomacy b. armed conflict reduction c. liberty's peace dividend d. democratic peace

democratic peace

The maintenance of public schools would be considered which type of public policy? a. extractive b. redistributive c. regulatory d. distributive


The process of political development typically involves changes in __________. a. legislation b. economic and social development c.Westernization d. levels of religiosity

economic and social development

Robert Michels, Vilfredo Pareto, and Gaetano Mosca are all associated with which approach to policymaking? a. class b. pluralist c. elite d. anarchist


One aspect of the changing nature of war is the __________. a. enormous decrease in the proportion of civilian deaths relative to military deaths b. dramatic increase in the frequency of conventional wars c. enormous increase in the proportion of civilian deaths relative to military deaths d. decline in spending of countries on their militaries

enormous increase in the proportion of civilian deaths relative to military deaths

According to Keohane and Nye (2000), the four major domains of globalization are economic, social and cultural, military, and __________. a. technological b. linguistic c. financial d. environmental


When a state heavily relies on force and repressive laws, it is said to be engaging in what activity? a. regime reform b. state of nature c. socialism d. establishment violence

establishment violence

The elite, class, and pluralist approaches all attempt to __________ public policymaking. a. avoid b. explain c. undermine d. benefit


The Geneva Convention is an example of the creation of positivist law, as opposed to natural law, because it is __________. a. sub-national and binding b. implicit and unwritten c. explicit and written d. international and nonbinding

explicit and written

political systems on the brink of losing their capacity to maintain basic order

fragile states

Imagine that a country takes steps to impose stricter environmental regulations. In this example, the environment is the __________ that is served by this public policy. a. framework b. prescriptive element c. policy process d. functional area

functional area

The existence of the oil-rich states of the Middle East is important to geopolitical analysis because of its focus on the significance of their unique __________ in relation to other countries. a. diplomacy b. government c. geography d. culture


According to Thomas Friedman, what new international system emerged after the end of the Cold War? a. mutually assured destruction b. balance of power c. hegemony d. globalization


A long, protracted campaign of political violence against the state from rural bases is referred to as __________. a. nonviolent protest b. guerrilla war c. upper-class uprising d. international warefare

guerrilla war

Immanuel Kant, Charles Darwin, and Isaac Newton all believed that increased knowledge and environmental control __________. a. improve the human condition b. only serve to increase strife in society c. are necessary components of economic growth d. desecrate humanity

improve the human condition

A major problem arising once political violence is claimed as justified based on universal principles is that the __________. a. concept of universal principles is far too new a concept to have the influence necessary to ensure that states and groups abide by them b. international community does not accept a single vision of natural law that provides universal principles to govern the relations among states and groups c. international community quickly comes to a consensus, but far too often it hastily acts to enforce these principles without proper assessment of how complex the conflict may become d. international community accepts a single vision of how these principles are to govern political actors but fails to act quickly enough to serve as a deterrent to other would-be violators of such principles

international community does not accept a single vision of natural law that provides universal principles to govern the relations among states and groups

Karl Marx considered the proletariat class to be those who owned little more than their __________. a. economic fate b. labor c. religious identity d. personal possessions


In the United States, debates about policy approaches have been most intense among those who study power at the __________ level of government. a. state b. local c. international d. national


According to Plato, Sigmund Freud, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, humans have achieved material progress at the cost of __________. a. physical satisfaction b. morals and spiritualism c. respect for tradition d. quality of life

morals and spiritualism

The arms race between the United States and the USSR that produced nuclear arsenals capable of massive, even total, annihilation of humankind was a situation of __________. a. unbalanced power b. soft power c. international military cooperation d. mutually assured destruction

mutually assured destruction

Violence between Hindus and Muslims in India is an example of __________. a. nation-based violence b. establishment violence c. a coup d. socialist violence

nation-based violence

The opposite of statism and state capitalism is __________. a. neoliberalism b. communism c. Marxism d. socialism


By not participating in World War II, Switzerland was acting most specifically in accordance with __________. a. arbitration b. altruism c. neutrality d. accommodation


Which approach to nonconflictual behavior involves remaining impartial and refraining from offering support for or opposition to states involved in conflict? a. altruism b. cooperation c. collaboration d. neutrality


The elite, class, and pluralist approaches are each limited in the sense that __________. a. no public policies in democratic countries fall into these categories b. they are rejected by most political theorists c. no actual country or political system is likely to operate exactly like any of them d. they leave out economic considerations

no actual country or political system is likely to operate exactly like any of them

Private businesses and nonprofit organizations would both have substantial opportunity to influence public policy under which approach? a. elite b. Marxist c. class d. pluralist


Robert Dahl and the term that he coined, polyarchy, are associated with which approach? a. class b. pluralist c. Marxist d. elite


What term refers to the act of putting political analysis and ideology into action as a public policy? a. policy description b. policy prescription c. policy analysis d. policy restriction

policy prescription

When a political system cracks down on disorder by limiting the rights of protest groups, it might be in response to __________. a. satisfaction b. obedience c. political decay d. compliance

politcal decay

the extent to which political organizations and procedures have acquired value in the eyes of the population and the ability to withstand significant pressure

politcal institutionalization

a significant decline in the capabilities of the political system and its level of political institutionalization, especially in its capacity to maintain order

political decline

the depth of capabilities, stability, and citizen support for the existing political system

political institutionalization

In the elite approach, lower-level political officials and administrators are located within the __________. a. proletariat b. politcal elite c. mass d. politcal understructure

political understructure

Max Weber's classic study linked the rise of capitalist political economies to the culture of __________. a. Protestant religions b.American exceptionalism c. liberation theology d. communist ideals

protestant religions

Each approach to understanding public policymaking focuses on the interactions among aggregations of individuals who use the political system to __________. a. work for the benefit of the public b. strengthen its ability to regulate c. pursue their own particular interests d. challenge its legitimacy

pursue their own particular interests

The idea of power being zero-sum is associated with which school of international relations theory? a. realism b. feminism c. liberalism d. constructivism


Realists, who are pessimistic about greater world peace in the future, argue that __________ are likely to become much more common as globalization and development have intensified competition for things such as sources of clean water and viable farmland. a. hegemonic states b. less militarized states c. contained internal conflicts d. resource wars

resource wars

Several countries getting together on a multilateral basis to ban economic transactions with businesses in a particular country is an example of the use of __________. a. sanctions b. aid c. exchange power d. hard power


Which form of colonialism exists when the interaction is based on pure, unapologetic exploitation? a. neocolonialist b. assimilationist c. indirect rule d. segregationist


The international consumption of U.S. popular culture—including music, movies, and art—is an aspect of America's __________ power. a. politcal b. soft c. military d. hard


Which of the following countries fail to fit well in the category of more developed, partly developed, or less developed? a. India, Malaysia, and Singapore b. some resource-rich countries in the Middle East and Africa c. Argentina, Chile, and Mexico d. China, Russia, and Indonesia

some resource-rich countries in the Middle East and Africa

Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) have __________ as their members. a. private individuals b. non state actors c. interest groups d. states


fundamental change in the nature of the political system or the political economy

system transformation

When broadly defined, political violence may encompass the use of actual violence, the threat of such violence, and __________. a. systematic deprivation b. displays of force c. forceful persuasion d. asymmetric display of force

systematic deprivation

What are two principles of international law, embodied by the United Nations Charter, that exist in tension with each other, often leading to political violence? a. sovereign immunity and right to autonomy b. territorial integrity and social contract theory c. self-determination and the United Nations Charter d. territorial integrity and self-determination

territorial integrity and self-determination

Which of the following is an example of a positivist law formed on an international basis? a. the Cuban trade embargo b. the Freedom of Information Act c. America's social contract d. the Helsinki Agreement

the Helsinki Agreement

A perspective that claims that "late developers" face economic challenges due to their subordination to more developed countries is known as __________. a. the dependency approach b. neoliberalism c. state capitalism d. statism

the dependency approach

To ensure that the use of violence becomes the final act as opposed to the first act, Thomas Hobbes offered the concept of __________. a. ultima ratio b. deterrence c. the social contract d. social insurance

the social contract

In a political society, who holds a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence? a. citizens b. the police force c. the state d. the ruling class

the state

What is left out of the common understanding of violence that many analysts include in their study of political violence? a. the threat of violence b. the relationship between the person using violence and the victim of that violence c. the particular weapon used in the violence d. the history of violence within the community affected by violence

the threat of violence

In the class approach, who comprises the capitalist class? a. those who own significant amounts of the major factors of production b. those who advocate regulation of the free market c. those who struggle to earn more capital d. those who protest against the government's distribution of wealth

those who own significant amounts of the major factors of production

In differentiating the class approach from other approaches to public policy, how is large-scale political change most likely to come about? a. with free, fair, and open elections b. as a result of international pressure c. because of the acquiescence of the lower classes d. through violent conflict

through violent conflict

Imagine a country with multiple different groups and sectors of society working together peacefully and constructively. This would speak to the existence of a strong civil society because there is __________. a. an inability to develop social trust b. tolerance of differences in opinions and behaviors c. a lack of acceptance of nonshared identities d. force being used to solve conflicts

tolerance of differences in opinions and behaviors

MNCs are also known as TNCs because they are multinational and __________. a. transitional b. technical c. transnational d. totalitarian


As the world is increasingly globalized, the state-centered system is evolving toward one in which __________ are extremely important. a. transnational entities b. linguistic groups c. formal alliances d. technocrats

transnational entities

The concept of hegemony is associated with a __________ world construct. a. bipolar b. nonpolar c. unipolar d. multipolar


In some countries, negative changes associated with development are called __________. a. statism b. westernization c. fundamentalism d. traditionalism


Conservative Edmund Burke and classical liberal John Locke offer contrasting views on __________. a. the value of political institutionalism b. whether political violence can ever be justified c. what precise circumstances justify self-defense d. the punishment given to those who carry out political violence

whether political violence can ever be justified

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