Science Study Guide For Quiz C - The Electromagnetic Spectrum

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Gamma rays

Can be used for the removal of cancerous tumors.


Gamma radiation has been used in medical procedures, overseen by medical physicists.

Which type of EM waves can be detected as heat by thermal imaging cameras?


Common uses for infrared light include:

Remote Controls Thermal Cameras Night Vision Goggles

Ultraviolet rays

Some birds and/or insects can see some wavelengths in this range.

UVA and UVB rays have ________ effects on humans.


The highest energy electromagnetic waves are

Gamma rays

What form of electromagnetic wave has the highest energy?


Infrared Light

Humans cannot see infrared light with the naked eye, but can feel infrared's energy in the form of heat on their skin.

Within the mid-range region of the EM Spectrum, _________ light has the longest wavelength.


________use the energy they carry to heat food.


Which type of electromagnetic wave is used to transmit cell phone signals?


Lists electromagnetic waves from lowest energy to highest energy?

Microwaves, infrared, green light, ultraviolet, X-rays, Gamma rays

Types of UV Radiation - UVB

Ultraviolet B (UVB) waves have a wavelength between 315 and 280 nm. The intensity of UVB rays varies depending on the time of day, year and location. In the United States, UVB rays are at their highest intensity from 10 AM to 4 PM during the months of April to October. UVB is more intense at higher elevations and on reflective surfaces, such as snow or ice. UVB rays do not penetrate glass.

Types of UV Radiation - UVC

Ultraviolet C (UVC) waves have a wavelength between 280 nm and 100 nm. Most UVC rays are absorbed by Earth's atmosphere and do not reach the surface of Earth.

Which of the following forms of electromagnetic radiation has the highest frequency?


SPF 15 blocks ___% of UVB


Doppler Radar

Based on the frequency received compared to the transmitted, the speed of an object (or weather pattern) can be determined.


Frequency modulation

_______ ________ is emitted by objects when they give off heat.

Infrared radiation

When you watch TV, you can change the channel just like when you change the channel on the radio. TV channels encode their broadcast onto radio waves in a manner similar to FM stations, by changing their frequency.



Were discovered by Wilhelm Rontgen and are called "X"-rays due to his use of the letter "Z" to signify another unknown type of radiation.

What is FM Modulation?

When the frequency of the wave is changed when modulation occurs.


(Ray is short for radiation) are electromagnetic waves that have wavelengths ranging from 0.01 to 10 nm, which are shorter than ultraviolet light, but longer than gamma rays.

SPF 30 blocks ___% of UVB


SPF 50 blocks ___% of UVB



Amplitude Modulation


Are emitted by electrons and have high energy levels which allow them to be used in the medical field for imaging.

Why does FM radio sound clearer?

Both AM and FM waves undergo slight changes in amplitude as they travel. Since AM stations send information by changing amplitude, each additional change in amplitude is heard as static. Since FM stations send information by changing frequency, the radio simply filters out any changes in amplitude. This leads to a clear station with no static.

What is the relationship between the amplitude of visible light and brightness?

Directly proportional


Encodes information onto a wave by changing a property of the wave. It then sends the wave out through an antenna.

UV rays cannot penetrate clouds to reach Earth's surface.

False (do)

All ultraviolet radiation reaches the Earth's surface.

False (not all)

Which of the following forms of electromagnetic radiation carries the highest energy?


Gamma Rays

Gamma rays are the type of electromagnetic radiation with the highest amount of energy. They have the shortest wavelength, and therefore the highest frequency.

________ objects, such as fire, give off visible light as heat, but not all objects that give off heat do so in the form of visible light.



How electromagnetic radiation is organized.

Infrared rays

Humans cannot see this type of light with the naked eye, but can feel the energy in the form of heat on our skin.

There are three types of light that make up this mid-range region:

Infrared Visible Light Ultraviolet


Is the body's defense against further damage to DNA caused by ultraviolet rays.

What happens to the energy of a wave as the wavelength of a wave increases?

It also decreases proportionally.

What happens to the energy of a wave as the frequency of a wave increases?

It also increases because it is directly proportional.

Why is Radar use?

It's used to determine how far away something is or how fast a moving object is moving. Radar devices transmit microwaves that hit an object. The energy of the reflected wave is measured by the receiver which determines how long it took to be received after transmission.

Radio Microwave Infrared Visible Light Ultraviolet X-ray Gamma ray

Longest Wavelength to Shortest Wavelength

What are 3 ways microwaves are used?

Microwaves electromagnetic wave is used to transmit cell phone signals? Due to microwave technology, other devices such as Bluetooth and WiFi work at a frequency of around 2.5 GHz. Microwaves are also used hot food. cooking food cell phones Radar.

Rank the following forms of electromagnetic radiation in order of increasing energy: Gamma Rays, Microwaves, Ultraviolet

Microwaves, Ultraviolet, Gamma Rays. Gamma rays have the highest energy.


Objects do not allow light to pass through them. Opaque objects have inherent properties that cause them to absorb most wavelengths of light that hit them and reflect select wavelengths of light. The reflected wavelength of light is the color we see.

Which of the following forms of electromagnetic radiation carries the lowest energy?


Which of the following forms of electromagnetic radiation has the longest wavelength?

Radio Waves

Rank the following forms of electromagnetic radiation in order of increasing energy: Infrared Waves, Radio Waves, X-Rays. Justify your answer.

Radio Waves, Infrared Waves, X-Rays. Radio waves have the greatest wavelength, there the least energy.

What does the acronym "RADAR" stand for?

Radio detection and ranging

Rank the following in order from longest to shortest wavelength: red light, infrared, ultraviolet, and violet light.

Red light, infrared, ultraviolet, and violet light.

What does the acronym "ROY G BV" stand for?

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet

Radio Wave

The first mathematically theorized to exist by Jame Clerk Maxwell in 1864. They were not actually discovered until 188 by Heinrich Hertz. Radio waves were discovered in 1888 by Heinrich Hertz. Hertz experimentally determined the electromagnetic waves he produced in a laboratory had different wavelengths than light but reflected and refracted in the same manner. We can thank radio waves for much of the navigation technology in use today!


The object absorbs certain wavelengths of light and transmits other wavelengths. The wavelengths of light absorbed are determined by the object's pigments. The light that is transmitted is the color of light the eye sees.

Visible light

The only region of the electromagnetic spectrum that human eyes can perceive is the region.

Ultraviolet rays

The ozone layer in the atmosphere is important because it absorbs excessive types of these rays.

Visible light

The portion of the Electromagnetic spectrum we can see.

Wavelengths of Visible Light

The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that human eyes can see is actually very small. Visible light has wavelengths that measure between 400 nm (violet) to 700 nm (red)*.

Electromagnetic Spectrum

The range of electromagnetic radiation.

What are the three major categories of mid-range electromagnetic radiation?

There are three types of light that make up this mid-range region: Infrared, Visible Light, Ultraviolet. Infrared Light: Infrared light has the longest wavelengths of any mid-range wave. It, therefore, has the smallest amount of energy. The term infrared means "below red" and refers to the fact that Infrared light has a smaller wavelength than red light. Infra from the Latin "below". Visible Light: The only region of the electromagnetic spectrum that human eyes can perceive is the region called Visible light. The visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is made up of 6 different colors, 3 primary and 3 secondaries. Ultraviolet Radiation: Ultraviolet radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation that has a shorter wavelength than visible light and is therefore undetectable by the human eye. However, some birds and insects can see some wavelengths in the UV range. The range of UV wavelength is 400 nm down to 10 nm. Ultra means beyond.


These waves are useful for transporting information at a rapid rate.

Radio waves

These waves have the longest wavelength of all electromagnetic waves.

What to do to protect against harmful effects of UVA and UVB radiation?

To protect against the harmful effects of UVA and UVB radiation, it is recommended that sunscreen with a SPF rating of 15 or higher be used.

Humans and animals emit heat that cannot be seen by the naked eye because it is in the infrared range.


Some animals can see beyond the visible light spectrum to see UV or infrared rays.


The brightness of a light wave is related to the wave's amplitude.


The colors we see depend upon the wavelength and frequency of the light.


______ radiation is more prevalent than UVB radiation.


Types of UV Radiation - UVA

Ultraviolet A (UVA) waves have a wavelength between 400 and 315 nm. UVA rays account for 95% of the ultraviolet radiation that reaches Earth's surface. UVA rays are present with equal insteingty at all daylight hours throughout the year and can perenterat both clouds and glass. It is the UVA rays that are the primary reason skin will "tan". Tanning is the body's defense against further damage to DNA caused by UVA rays.

Ultraviolet Radiation

Ultraviolet radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation that has a shorter wavelength than visible light and is therefore undetectable by the human eye. However, some birds and insects can see some wavelengths in the UV range. The range of UV wavelength is 400 nm down to 10 nm. Ultra means beyond

Gamma Knife

Uses over 200 sources of gamma radiation from the chemical element Cobalt to converge on brain tumors smaller than 4 cm without the patient undergoing surgery. The procedure has been effective in killing the tumors with few complications.

Which type of visible light has the highest energy?


Which color in the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum carries the most energy?


Humans can see which of the following types of mid-range electromagnetic waves:

Visible Light

Electromagnetic spectrum

What the range of electromagnetic radiation is called.

What is AM Modulation?

When the amplitude of the wave is changed when modulation occurs.

The __________ wave is amplified with an amplifier and vibrates speakers accordingly.


Electromagnetic radiation is ________ by how much energy it carries.


Both types of radiation cause _______ aging of the skin and skin cancer.


Visible light waves, like all electromagnetic waves, travel through space until they hit an object and are either ___________, _____________, or ___________.

reflected, absorbed, or transmitted.

Gamma rays and X-rays are both so high energy they can ionize atoms - ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

that means they can violently rip electrons away from atoms - which can make them dangerous.

Microwave Ovens were actually discovered by accident in _____.


In order for a radio to work, what two items are needed?

1. Transmitter 2. Receiver

What is a spectrum?

A spectrum is used to classify something in terms of its position on a scale that is between two opposite points Ex. Radio Waves vs. Gamma Rays Radio waves are to the left. We go weakest to strongest

What does the term "spectrum" mean?

A spectrum is used to classify something in terms of its position on a scale that is between two opposite points. An arrangement of the parts of electromagnetic radiation according to wavelength, frequency, and/or energy

The _______________ ______uses a robotic arm (for accuracy) and gamma radiation to kill tumors.

Cyber Knife

How is the amplitude of a visible light wave related to the light's brightness?

Directly Proportional.

What is the relationship between frequency and energy?

Directly proportional

What is light?

Light is electromagnetic radiation that can be seen by the unaided eye.

What does the acronym ROYGBV stand for?

R=red, O=orange, Y=yellow, G.=green, B=blue, V=violet.

What form of electromagnetic wave has the lowest energy?


A ____ wave has a smaller wavelength than an AM Radio transmission, but larger than an FM transmission.


How is SPF rating on a sunscreen measure?

The SPF (Sun Protection Factor) rating on a sunscreen is a measure of how long it would take UVB rays to redden the skin compared to if there were no sunscreen applied.

Why Do Objects Have Color?

The object appears to have certain colors due to light that either reflects or transmits.

Why do we see green when looking at grass?

We see this, because all colors of visible light are absorbed, except green, which is being reflected.

What are the two highest energy types of electromagnetic radiation and what are they used for?

X-rays and Gamma Rays. X-rays (ray is short for radiation) are electromagnetic waves that have wavelengths ranging from 0.01 to 10 nm, which are shorter than ultraviolet light, but longer than gamma rays. X-rays are emitted by electrons and have high energy levels which allow them to be used in the medical field for imaging. Gamma rays are the type of electromagnetic radiation with the highest amount of energy. They have the shortest wavelength, and therefore the highest frequency. Gamma rays and X-rays are both so high energy they can ionize atoms - that means they can violently rip electrons away from atoms - which can make them dangerous.

Infrared means

below red

X-rays are emitted by ______ and have high energy levels which allow them to be used in the medical field for imaging.


The higher the ________, the higher the energy.


Infrared light has the ________ wavelengths of any mid-range wave. It therefore has the smallest amount of energy.


A _____ receives the signal when the antenna of the receiver picks up the wave. The receiver then decodes the information contained on the wave and turns the wave into a mechanical wave.


There are ____ ways to change the property of the wave that is sent out by the transmitter.


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