An object in Scratch which performs functions controlled by scripts
a programming language where you drag script blocks together to create a series of commands
a series of script blocks attached to one another
looks tab
a tab containing script blocks that allow you to change the appearance of sprites
control tab
a tab containing triggers that tell the sprites what should happen, and when
move _ steps
changes the location of the sprite by the amount of units specified
switch to costume _
changes the look of the sprite to a pre-made appearance
go to x:_ y:_
changes the sprite's location to the specified coordinate
motion tab
contains script blocks that create sprite movement
sounds tab
contains scripts that allow you to assign sounds to your scripts
change size by _
increases or decreases the size of the sprite by the specified amount of units
glide _ secs to x:_ y:_
makes the sprite move with animation to the designated location in the specified amount of time
wait _ secs
pauses the execution of a script for the specified amount of time
wait until _
pauses the execution of the script until the criteria is met
forever if _
performs the enclosed action whenever the criteria is met
repeat _
repeatedly activates the script within it until it reaches the designated amount of times
set size to _%
sets the size of the sprite to the designated amount of units
sensing tab
tab containing scripts allowing the sprite or user to interact with the project
the area of the Scratch window where you can perform basic functions, such as saving your work
sprites pane
the area of the screen that displays all objects created
the background; where the action takes place
these are used to animate, control and change the looks of a sprite or background.
these can be changed when a key is pressed to allow a sprite to change its appearance.
these scripts allow sprites to check where they are on the stage by testing what they are touching.
these scripts are used to move sprites around the stage
rotate _ degrees
turns the sprite a certain amount of units
point in direction _
turns the sprite to a specified position (up, down, left, right)
point towards _
turns the sprite towards another object or towards the mouse pointer