Second Week

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Elected strategos in 462, Pericles:

1.shifted power away from the Aeropagus. 2.sought reforms to make Athens more fully democratic. 3.became a patron of the arts, science, and literature.

From the Etruscans, the Romans obtained:

1.the Centurion Assembly 2.the Greek alphabet 3.the arch

The Stoics taught that:

1.the cosmos is orderly. 2. no individual can control the world around him. 3. duty and self-discipline are important virtues.

Regarding their religious beliefs, the Greeks:

1.were suspicious of their gods. 2. believed that the gods interfered in human affairs. 3. knew that the gods wielded superhuman power.


490 bce Athenian hoplites defeated the Persian army at the plain of Marathon.

Classical Era - what dates are given for the classical era?

500 to 300 B.C.E


A Greek polis and Persian colony on the Ionian coast of Asia Minor. Influenced by the cultures of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Lydia, it produced several of the ancient world's first scientists and sophists. Thereafter, a political conflict between the ruler of Miletus, Aristagoras, and the Persian Emperor, Darius, sparked the Persian Wars with Greece.


the son of Hippocrates. did not hesitate to confront the aristocracy, and he greatly reduced their privileges, confiscated their lands and gave them to the poor, and funded many religious and artistic programs. Peisistratids is the common term for the three tyrants who ruled in Athens from 546 to 510 BC, namely Peisistratos and his two sons, Hipparchus and Hippias

All are true of Greek women except

they could freely divorce abusive husbands

Once the Romans had effectively gained control of Italy (265 B.C.E.):

they started a series of wars for control of the western Mediterranean.

Of the Iliad and Odyssey, it can be said that:

they were not written down until after 800 B.C.E. ; they formulated the Greek heroic ideal.

A philosophical concern of Plato's was:

to establish a just society.

All of the following characterized society in the first centuries of the Roman Empire EXCEPT

conditions for the urban workers far below those of the peasantry.

The Romans were able to support cities with large populations due, in no small measure, to the:

construction of a system of aqueducts to allow a steady supply of potable water to the cities.

The Spartan way of life was rooted in the desire to

control the helots

The Athenians used ostracism

to get rid of dangerous politicians.

The Peloponnesian War

destroyed the Athenian Empire.


drinking party

The crucial breakthrough for the legal betterment of the Roman plebeians came with the

election of two consuls

Solon was responsible for all the following reforms except:

eligibility for office was based on birth not property.

The helots were:

enslaved Messenians.

The Roman Empire

tolerated local political and religious diversity

As Emperor, Diocletian

tried to increase imperial power by using the title dominus or lord.

The Cynics

urged people to give up their material things.

In general, the Spartans:

viewed themselves as protectors of the traditional constitutions of Greece.

The Roman title, princeps, which was given to Augustus Caesar, means:

first man, or first citizen

Plato's pupil Aristotle differed from his teacher in that he

focused on understanding the material world.

The Greek word, eleutheria, means:


After their deaths, the Senate frequently declared Roman emperors


The Sophist claim that "Man is the measure of all things" means:

goodness, truth, and justice are not absolutes, but vary according to the needs and interests of human beings.

Thirty tyrants

government established by Sparta after conquering Athens

Satraps were

governors in the provinces of the Persian empire

According to Roman law, a Roman father:

had absolute power over his family, up to and including the power of life and death.

The collapse of the Roman Empire in the West

happened gradually over a number of years.

All of the following contributed to the breakdown of the Roman Empire during the third century EXCEPT

the emergence of Christianity

The Lycurgan reforms resulted in

the establishment of a permanent military state in Sparta

Permanent Roman contributions to Western Civilization included all of the following EXCEPT

the extension of literature to the lower classes.

What were the three unifying elements that held together the Roman Empire?

the figure of the emperor, the civil bureaucracy, and the army

During the late Republic and early Empire, the economy was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

the growth of towns in the West to rival those of the East.

Romulus and Remus were

the main characters in the story about the beginnings of Rome.

In general, the history of the early Roman Republic was dominated by:

the plebeian struggle for social and economic equality.

Aristotle's solution to the crisis of the polis stressed the

the power of the people to defend the state.

Which legend explains the end of the Etruscan monarchy and the founding of the Republic?

the rape of Lucretia

When Rome defeated its enemies in Italy, it

allowed the defeated peoples to become citizens.

20. One important difference between Roman religion and Greek religion was the Roman view of:

b. theology and dogma.

The "Hellenistic World" refers to

b. three centuries when Greek culture was spread to Egypt and Asia

Mycenaean civilization vanished

by the twelfth century B.C.E.

How did Diocletian treat the Christians?

c. He saw Christianity as a divisive force and tried to wipe it out.

Give the 2 types of drama that began in Athens?

comedy tragedy

The hoplites were:

common foot soldiers.

Alexander's Macedonian soldiers

opposed Alexander's decision to adopt the Persian role of the Great King.

Who murdered their political opponents in Athens following the end of the Peloponnesian Wars?

the Thirty Tyrants

In general, the philosophy of Socrates can be summarized by which one of the following statements?

"I am wise because I know nothing."

All of the following statements regarding the Delian League are true except:

*The League was created by Pericles

The Roman Empire...(Check all that apply)

1.lasted for over 400 years in the west, and longer in the east. 2.had problems with people on its borders

Koine was

the common version of Greek spoken across the Hellenistic world.

Rome's most significant achievement during the Republic was probably

the conquest of territory in Italy and across the Mediterranean.

All of the following statements regarding the Delian League are true except:

1.Athens controlled the funds and resources of the League. 2.Each member polis contributed ships or money to the League. 3.The League was created by Pericles.** 3.All members of the League vowed total defeat of the Persians.

Greek science is significant because

1.Greek scientists rejected the role of the gods in nature and instead worked to develop general principles to explain natural phenomena.

Which of the following is true of women in Rome?

1.Women always belonged to their own father, even when they married 2.Wealthy women were taught to read and write 3.had a strong influence on their families.

All of the following contributed to the breakdown of the Roman Empire during the third century

1.invasions in both the east and the west. 2.unstable leadership 3.rampant inflation

The navy of Mark Antony and Cleopatra was defeated at the battle of:


Probably the most famous and most cosmopolitan Hellenistic city was

Alexandria in Egypt

Which pairing is incorrect?

Aristophanes—Oedipus at Colonus* Sophocles—Antigone Aeschylus—Persians Euripides—Trojan Women

The Delian League helped to transform which city-state into an empire?


statements regarding the Delian League are true

Athens controlled the funds and resources of the League ; Each member polis contributed ships or money to the League

Why was the Peloponnesian War deadlocked for an extended period of time?

Athens could not defeat Sparta on land, and Sparta could not defeat Athens at sea.


an ancient Greek or Roman war galley with three banks of oars

Which leader championed the cause of the democracy and introduced the practice of ostracism?


The Persian leader who conquered the Medes, Asia Minor, and Babylonia was

Cyrus the Great.

Realizing that the Roman Empire had become too large for a single ruler to control:

Diocletian divided the empire in half, trusting a junior colleague to rule the western part.

The assembly in Athens, in which all people eligible to take part in government voted directly on an issue, was an example of __________________________.

Direct democracy

Which of the following is not representative of Greek lyric poetry?


The Ptolemaic dynasty ruled primarily in


The _________ taught that the only reason why one should be good out of fear of the gods, but only in order to increase one's own happiness.


Italy was the least slave-based economy known to history.


Julius Caesar's assassination was the first time the Senate had resorted to murder to rid itself of a powerful adversary.


The Gracchi brothers were farmers who pressured the Senate to pass land reform laws in the second century B.C.E.



Following his election as strategos in 461 bce, Pericles pushed through political reforms in Athens, which gave poorer citizens greater influence in politics. He promoted Athenians' sense of superiority through ambitious public works projects and lavish festivals to honor the gods, thus ensuring his continual reelection. But eventually, Athens' growing arrogance and aggression alienated it from the rest of the Greek world.

Why are the Greeks considered to be the other pillar of western civilization?

Government system

Which statement is true: During the Hellenistic era

Greek culture absorbed many non-Greek elements from non-Greek peoples.

Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding the early rule of Augustus Caesar?

He abolished laws punishing adultery and made divorces easy to obtain.


He is credited with reforming the constitution of ancient Athens and setting it on a democratic footing. For these accomplishments, historians refer to him as "the father of Athenian democracy. Also, he was credited with increasing the power of the Athenian citizens' assembly and for reducing the power of the nobility over Athenian politics


He is remembered particularly for his efforts to legislate against political, economic, and moral decline in archaic Athens

How did Augustus treat the Senate during his reign?

He kept it in existence and used it to increase his own power.

Which of the following statements about Julius Caesar is false?

He saved the Roman Republic.


Helots and Spartan home. Barrack culture

The first historian of the Western world was:



Herodotus of Halicarnassus •5th c. •The Histories(Greco-Persian Wars) •First to use the word "history"

What kind of governments existed in the poleis of classical Greece?

In ancient Greece, this form of government allowed a class of propertied male citizens to participate in the governance of their polis; but excluded women, slaves, and citizens without property from the political process. As a result, the ruling class amounted to only a small percentage of the entire population.

Heavily outnumbered by opposing forces, the Athenians defeated the Persians at the battle of:


Heavily outnumbered by opposing forces, the Athenians defeated the Persians at the battle of:


Which of the following political figures during the last century of the Roman Republic was responsible for the introduction of paid volunteers into the Roman armies?


The geography of ancient Greece is has lots of

Mountains, valleys and islands

Life in the Greek Poleis

One of the major political innovations of the ancient Greeks was the polis, or city-state (plural poleis). These independent social and political entities began to emerge in the ninth century bce, organized around an urban center and fostering markets, meeting places, and religious worship; frequently, poleis also controlled some surrounding territory.

Socrates and his student Plato

argued for absolute standards of truth.


argued that truth is relative.

Alexander the Great's conquests extended as far east as


Zoroastrianism was

Persia's religion.

Which ancient culture had the most lasting impact on Greek civilization?


Greek approach to knowledge generally


Since __________________________ believed that only philosophers should lead governments, he did not support Athenian democracy


Socrates' most important pupil was:



Platos study

Electing tribunes and displaying the Law of the Twelve Tables

Protected Plebians from unjust treatment by Patricians

Latifundia were

b. large plantations worked by slaves who tended cash crops

Plato sought a solution to the crisis of the polis in

b. rule by philosopher kings and abolition of private property

Who said "the unexamined life is not worth living"?



Socrates study. credited for writing about Socrates


Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy

Which sentence best describes the structure of the Spartan government c. 600 B.C.E.?

Sparta was ruled by a citizen assembly, a council of elders, and two kings.

One of the chief causes of the Peloponnesian War was

Sparta's fear of the power of Athens and its maritime empire.

Who led the most famous slave revolt in the Roman Republic?


How and why was Sparta different from the other Greek poleis?

Spartan rulers militarized their society in order to prevent future rebellions and to protect Sparta's superior position in Greece

The Persian Wars were begun by:

a revolt instigated by the Ionian Greeks against the Persians.


The Battle of Thermopylae was fought between an alliance of Greek city-states, led by King Leonidas of Sparta, and the Persian Empire of Xerxes I over the course of three days, during the second Persian invasion of Greece

Which of the following statements is false

The Hellenistic world prepared the way for the Christian world religions.

Maccabees Revolt

The Maccabean Revolt was a Jewish rebellion

The Colosseum was

a stadium where gladiatorial combats took place.


The Parthenon is a former temple on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece, dedicated to the goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their patron. Construction began in 447 BC when the Athenian Empire was at the peak of its power

Darius I

The Persian emperor whose conflict with Aristagoras, the Greek ruler of Miletus, ignited the Persian Wars. In 490 bce, Darius sent a large army to punish the Athenians for their intervention in Persian imperial affairs, but this force was defeated by Athenian hoplites on the plain of Marathon.

A key to stability during the reign of the "five good emperors" was their practice of

adopting a well-qualified leader as their son and successor.

Alexander ruled his empire by

adopting the Persian method of ruling as a Great King.


The name comes from the Ancient Greek term gymnós meaning "naked"

What was the Peloponnesian War, why did it happen?

The name given to the series of wars fought between Sparta (on the Greek Peloponnesus) and Athens from 431 bce to 404 bce, and which ended in the defeat of Athens and the loss of her imperial power.

Hellas & Hellen

The name of 'Greece' is 'Hellas' (and the adjective 'Greek' is 'Hellenic'), according to the inhabitants of Hellas, who are themselves Hellenes.

Julius Caesar's enemies assassinated him because

They feared he planned to make himself king of Rome

Which of the following is NOT true of women in Rome?

They had complete power over what happened in their homes.

Which Greek wrote a history of the Peloponnesian Wars?



Thucydides •5th c. •History of the Peloponnesian War •First historian

Roman religion was not exclusive; new gods could be added and honored or removed.


Spartan soldiers were forbidden to engage in trade.


Which of the following phrases best describes the social situation of most Greek women?

Women were kept under strict control, cut off from formal education, and were always assigned a male guardian.

Xerxes I

Xerxes succeeded his father, Darius, as Great King of Persia. Seeking to avenge his father's shame and eradicate any future threats to Persian hegemony, he launched his own invasion of Greece in 480 bce An allied Greek army defeated his forces in 479 bce

Delian League

he Delian League, founded in 477 BC, was an association of Greek city-states, members numbering between 150 173, to 330 under the leadership of Athens, whose purpose was to continue fighting the Persian Empire after the Greek victory in the Battle of Plataea at the end of the Second Persian invasion of Greece.

Aristarchus of Samos was unusual among Hellenistic astronomers because:

he believed that the earth revolves around the sun.

Alexander the Great was successful in his conquests because

he was a successful soldier and brilliant military leader.

After Alexander's death

his generals carved out separate kingdoms from his empire.

Socrates was brought to trial for...

impiety and corrupting the young.

oligarchy & direct democracy

in a select few (the oligarchies) or in every male citizen: democracy - widely regarded as the Greeks' greatest contribution to civilization.

The Second Punic War

included Hannibal's famous march across the Alps with war elephants.

The Persian Wars

included the famous battles of Marathon and Thermopylae.

The pre-Socratic philosophers:

investigated the relationship between the natural world, the gods, and man.

The Peloponnesian War:

involved the armies of Athens and Sparta.


is part of a Greek house that is reserved for men

In what way was Athens a limited democracy

it didn't allow women, slaves and foreigners to vote.

Pax Romana refers to the:

long period in which there were no major wars within the Roman Empire.

During the early years after Rome's founding as an independent state, Rome was: (check all the options that are true- there may be more than one)


Central to Roman identity was a conservatism expressed in an unwritten code of:

mos maiorum

The First Punic War

pitted Rome and Carthage in a struggle over Sicily.

None of the Julio-Claudian emperors after Augustus were particularly distinguished, but they managed to

preserve the Empire in peace.


referred to a foreign resident of Athens, one who did not have citizen rights in their Greek city-state (polis) of residence.


refers to three related but distinct concepts: the family, the family's property, and the house.

Philip II of Macedon's early success had much to do with his:

reorganization of the Macedonian army.

Most gladiators in Rome were


One consequence of Rome's conquests was the increased role in society played by:



socarties study and thirty tyrants

The Greek word, tyrannos, implied:

someone who ruled outside the traditional constitutional framework.

Unlike the women of most other Greek cities, Spartan women were expected to

stay physically fit to bear healthy children.

The Greek word meaning roughly the "bringing together of dwellings" is:


The Sophists:

taught that all knowledge was relative.

After the Romans defeated the Jews in 70 C.E.,

the Jewish temple in Jerusalem was destroyed.

Which of the following is evidence of a growing Panhellenism at the end of Archaic Greece?

the Olympic Games.

In the early Roman Republic, Rome was technically a democracy but:

the Roman constitution essentially ensured oligarchic rule.


was a central space or square in city-states of Ancient Greece. The literal meaning of the word is "gathering place" or "assembly"


was a famous classical doctor.


were a subjugated population group that formed the main population of Laconia and Messenia, the territory controlled by Sparta.

Tiberius and Gaius Grachus:

were killed by their political enemies

Revolts against Roman rule during the early empire

were rarely if ever successful.

The patricians

were the aristocrats during the Roman Republic.

The Italian peninsula is essentially

west of Greece


wrote a famous geometry textbook

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