Sociology 1301 Final Exam

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Herbert Spencer

"Survival of the fittest"; Social Darwinism between societies and cultures

independent; dependent

"The better the grades Sheri gets in school, the better paying job she is likely to get." In this example, the grades are (blank) variable and occupational income is the (blank) variable.

statistical measure

"average" for a large number of people


"blemishes" that dis-credit a person's claim to a "normal" identity

Auguste Comte

"father" of Sociology; idea of 'positivism'

Psychological Illness

"mind-body" illness - stress related - forms of hypertension and headaches

lay therapists

"mother" & "lifeline" -- someone who had a good raised childhood


"rule of the father", male dominated society

Antisocial Personality Disorder

"sociopath" or "psychopath" - lacks conscience for wrongdoing - may be aggressive and ruthless, or a clever con artist - usually male; characteristics can emerge at an early age

Karl Marx

'conflict theory'; believed society is shaped by money; two classes: working, and capitalist

The Demographic Transition

(Anti-malthusions) Stable Population->Rapidly growing Population->Stable Population->Shrinking Population (population free fall?)

Concentric Zone Model

(Burgess) That a city expands outward from its business district center. (bullseye)

Social integration

(Durkheim) the degree to which members of a society are united by shared values & other social bonds (mechanical solidarity)

Organic Solidarity

(Durkheims social integration)When the division of labor makes people depend on one another- the work of each person contributes to the whole group.

Who lives in the cities

(Gans) Cosmopolites, Singles, Ethinic Villagers, Deprived, & Trapped.

G7 plus

(Geopolitics) The division of world power btwn- Japan, Germany, US, Canada, France, Great Britain, Italy

Sector Model

(Hoyt) Reformed from concentric zones- That a city has many sectors i.e. working class housing & expensive homes. (invasion-succession cycle)


(Marx) An arrangement of power, containing its own antithesis. A struggle creates a new arrangement known as a Synthesis. This Synthesis becomes the new thesis and so on.

Human Ecology

(Park) describes how people adapt to their environment. (urban ecology)

multidimensional evolutionary theory

(of social change) a theory predicting that over time societies follow not one but several evolutionary paths. Weber came up with this

Informal Norms

(what sociologist are more interested in) lines, personal space, no eye contact in elevators

According to the conflict perspective, interaction between the sexes often sustains or reinforces gender inequality.


functions of the family

1) socialization 2) regulation of sexual activity 3) social placement 4) material and emotional security

4 causes of child abuse

1. both parents are deprived individuals 2. see baby as demanding/ unattractive/ spoiled/ not living up to standards 3. loss of job/ unwanted pregnancy/ prolonged crying has developed 4. no lifeline or rescue operation

5 characteristics of culture

1. is shared 2. is learned 3. is taken for granted 4. is symbolic 5. varies across time and place.

types of research

1. survey: polls, questionnaires, and interviews 2. participant observation 3. Controlled experiment 4. Content analysis 5. Historical Research 6. Evaluation Research

Rostow's Stages of Development

1. traditional stage: cannot imagine life can or should be any different 2. take-off stage: people start to use their talent and imagination sparking economic growth 3. drive to technological maturity: "growth" is widely accepted idea that fuels a society's pursuit of higher living standards 4. high mass consumption: economic development driven by industrial technology raises living standards as mass production stimulates mass consumption

The Classical Period

1800's; work from this period forms the theoretical foundations for all sociological work; wanted to make sense of the changing worlk by the french and industrial revolution

Environmental Protection Agency

1969, so man and nature can exist together

research model

1] select a topic 2] define the problem 3] review the literature 4] formulate the hypothesis 5] choose a reasearch method 6] collect the data 7] analyze the results 8] share the results ->stimulates more ideas for search ->generates hypotheses ->back to 1


2 fold process: 1) process by which individuals are taught to become functioning members of society 2) process by which individuals learn and internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of our own social group (begins in infancy)

Hans and Sybil Eysneck

2 personality dimensions: stability-instability/introversion-extroversion


2 types of white blood cells in body's immune system

Community College

2 years of general education

Pastoral Society

2nd society (herding). Based on pasturing of animals. Developed in regions with low rainfall. Nomadic.

Horticultural Society

2nd society. (gardening) Based on cultivation of plants by use of hand tools. Developed permanent settlements. Started division of labor and with surplus started trade. This started social inequality. (war-slavery)

Agricultural Society

3rd society. When plow was invented it created a food surplus. People developed cities & "culture". The dawn of civilization. Inequality became fundamental of life. Elite protected status with armies & taxes.

Psychosexual Stages of Development

4 distinct stages of development of the self between birth and adulthood; ages 1 through 5 set stage for the rest of life

Industrial Society

4th society. The industrial revolution with the steam engine. Even more surplus & inequality. Shift from slavery to wages. Shift from monarchies to political systems.

Postindustrial Society

5th society. Technology & information. Selling expertise rather than raw materials. Not producing- transmitting. Service industries.

President Lincoln was alarmed by the outcome of the initial battle at Fort Sumter, whereupon he immediately issued orders on April 15, 1861 to recruit

75,000 troops

Protestant Ethic

A belief that hard work, diligence, self- denial, frugality, and economic success will lead to salvation in the afterlife.


A belief that individuals are rewarded for what they do and how well rather than on the basis of their ascribed status.


A carefully controlled artificial situation that allows researchers to manipulate variables and measure the effects.

Social Class

A category of people who have a similar standing or rank in a society based on wealth, education, power, prestige, and other valued resources.


A characteristic that can change in value or magnitude under different conditions.

Independent Variable

A characteristics that determines or has an effect on the dependent variable.

Taking the role of the other

A child learns to act like adults she observes. Mead refers to this behavior.

Glass Ceiling

A collection of attitudinal and organizational biases in the work place that prevent women from advancing to leadership positions.

Reference Group

A collection of people who shape our behavior, values, and attitudes.


A collection of relatively objective ideas and facts about the physical and social worlds.

Status Set

A collection of social statuses that an individual occupies at a given time.

Formal Organization

A complex and structured secondary group that was deliberately created to achieve specific goals in an efficient manner.

Transnational Conglomerate

A corporation that owns a collection of different companies in various industries in a number of countries.

Example of a social group

A couple married less than a year


A culture created to defy the dominant culture. For example hippies and "emos"

Fertility Rate

A demographic variable. The number of children that the average woman bears.

Enterprise zone

A designated area of a city offering economic incentives (tax breaks) for businesses to move there. Usually fail due to crime.


A euphemism for firing large numbers of employees at once.

Extended Family

A family consisting of parents and children as well as other kin, such as uncles and aunts, nieces and nephews, cousins, and grandparents.

A situation that most likely illustrated a primary relationship

A family enjoying a picnic at the beach.

An example of the interaction between between micro and macro factors that influence migration

A family that leaves Liberia to escape the civil war moves to Minneapolis, Minnesota, because they can work at a family business.


A feeling of isolation and powerlessness that may affect workers in a bureaucracy.

Nuclear Family

A form of family consisting of married parents and their biological or adopted children.


A formal and repeated behavior in which the members of a group regularly engage.

Voluntary Association

A formal organization created by people who share a common set of interests and who are not paid for their participation.


A formal organization that has the authority to make and enforce laws.


A formal organization that is designed to accomplish goals and tasks through the efforts of a large number of people in the most efficient way possible.


A formal system of racial segregation.


A giant corporation that owns a collection of companies in different industries.


A group of people or things that are representative of the population that researchers wish to study.


A group of people that has lived and worked together long enough to become an organized population and to think of themselves as a social unit.

Racial- Ethnic Group

A group of people who have both distinctive physical and cultural characteristics.

Minority Group

A group of people who may be subject to differential and unequal treatment because of their physical, cultural, or other characteristics, such as gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, or skin color.


A group of people who share physical characteristics, such as skin color and facial features, that are passed on through reproduction.


A group or category of people who deliberately oppose and reject some of the basic beliefs, values, and norms of the dominant culture.


A group or category of people whose distinctive ways of thinking, feeling, and acting differ somewhat from those of the larger society.

Primary Group

A group whose members interact formally, relate to each other as players of particular roles, and expect to profit from each other

Step Family

A household in which two adults are married or living together and at least one of them has a child.

Transnational Corporation

A large company that is based in one country but operates across international boundaries.


A large established religious group that has strong ties to mainstream society.

Secondary Group

A large, usually formal, impersonal, and temporary collection of people who pursue a specific goal or activity.


A market dominated by a few large producers or suppliers.


A marriage in which a man or woman has two or more spouses.

Victim Survey

A method of gathering data that involves interviewing people about their experiences as crime victims.

Symbolic Interactionism

A micro- level perspective that looks at individuals everyday behavior through the communication of knowledge, ideas, beliefs, and attitudes.


A negative label that devalues a person and changed his or her self concept and social identity.

Gender Identity

A perception of oneself as either masculine or feminine.

Standards of a reference group

A person measures his or her own worth by this.

True of all systems of social stratification

A person's life chances are significantly influenced by his or her position.

Social Mobility

A persons ability to move up or down the class hierarchy.

Labeling Theory

A perspective that holds that society's reaction to behavior is a major factor in defining oneself or others as deviant.


A policital system in which the government controls every aspect of peoples lives.


A political and economic system in which all members of a society are equal.


A political system in which power is allocated solely on the basis of heredity and passed from generation to generation.


A political system in which the state controls the lives of citizens but generally permits some degree of individual freedom.


A political system in which, ideally, citizens have control over the state and its actions.

Sexual Orientation

A preference for sexual partners of the same sex, of the opposite sex, or of both sexes.

Marriage Market

A process in which prospective spouses compare the assets and liabilities of eligible partners and choose the best available mate.


A process of conforming to the culture of the dominant group and intermarrying with that group.


A process of removing institutions such as education and government from the dominance or influence of religion.


A process of social and economic change due to the reduction of industrial activity, especially manufactoring.


A process of unlearning old ways of doing things and adopting new attitudes, values, norms, and behavior.

Magnet School

A public school that is typically small and offers students a distinctive program and specialized curriculum in a particular area, such as business, science, the arts, or technology.

Primary Group

A relatively small group of people who engage in intimate face- to- face interaction over an extended period of time.


A religious group that has broken away from an established religion.


A religious group that is devoted to beliefs and practices that are outside of those accepted in mainstream society.

Charismatic Leader

A religious leader whom followers see as having exeptional or superhuman powers and qualities.


A representative of a special- interest group who tries to influence political decisions on the groups behalf.

Probability Sample

A sample for which each person has an equal chance of being selected because the selection is random.

Nonprobability Sample

A sample for which little or no attempt is made to get a representative cross section of the population.

Always open to revision in the light of new evidence

A scientific theory is

Looking- Glass Self

A self- image based on how we think others see us.

Culture Shock

A sense of confusion or uncertainty that accompanies exposure to an unfamiliar way of life or environment.


A set of beliefs that one's own racial group is naturally superior to other groups.

Ethnic Group

A set of people who identify with a common national origin or cultural heritage that includes language, geographic routes, food, customs, traditions, and or religion.


A set of statements that explains why a phenomenon occurs.

Interlocking Directorate

A situation in which the same people serve on the boards of directors of several companies or corporations.

Self- Fulfilling Prophecy

A situation where if we define something as real and act upon it, it can, in face, become real.

Power Elite

A small group of influencing people who make a nations major political decisions.


A social entity that has legal rights, privileges, and liabilities apart from those of its members.


A social insitution that determines how a society produces, distributes, and conosumes goods and services.


A social institution that involves shared beliefs, values, and practices based on the supernatural and unites believes into a community.


A social institution that transmitts attitudes, knowledge, beliefs, values, norms, and skills to its members through formal, systematic training.

Urban Renewal

A social policy to tear down and rebuild- displaces residents of low-income.

Achieved Status

A social position that a person attains through personal effort or assumes voluntarily.

Ascribed Status

A social position that a person is born into.


A social position that a person occupies in a society.


A social process through which individuals and groups acquire an exercise power and authority.


A social psychological cause of prejudice and discrimination.


A socially approved mating relationship that people expect to be stable and enduring.


A society's specific rules concerning right and wrong behavior.

Political Action Committee (PAC)

A special- interest group set up to raise money to elect a candidate to public office.

Reference groups provide us with

A standard for judging one's attitudes and behaviors


A statement of a relationship between two or more variables that researchers want to test.

Human resource management

A style that sees human resources issues as the responsibility of the whole organization, not just the human resources department.


A subgroup within a religion that shares its name and traditions and is generally on good terms with the main group.

Closed Stratification System

A system in which movement from one social position to another is limited by ascribed statuses such as one's sex, skin color, and family background.


A system of domination which men exercise power over women.


A system of shared symbols that enables people to communicate with one another.

Open Stratification System

A system that is based on an individuals achievement and allows movement up or down.


A systematic method for collecting data from respondents including questionnaires, face- to- face or telephone interviews, or a combination of these.

Dramaturgical Analysis

A technique that examines social interaction as if occuring on a stage where people play different roles and act out scenes for the audiences with whom they interact.


A tendency of in- group members to conform without critically testing, analyzing, and evaluating ideas, that result in a narrow view of an issue.

Generalized Other

A term used by George Herbert Mead to refer to people who do not have close ties to a child but who influence a child's interalization of society's norms and values.


A theoretical approach that applies biological principles to explain the behavior of animals, including human beings.

Multilinear theories

A theory on cultural evolution assumes that there are different routs that lead to the same stage of development-industrialization.

Unilinear theories

A theory on cultural evolution that assume that all societies follow the same path- savagery, barbarism, civilization.


A violation of societal norms and rules for which punishment is specified by public law.

Special- Interest Group

A voluntary and organized association of people that attempts to influence public policy and policy makers on a particular issue.

Social Network

A web of social ties that links individuals to others.

Child Maltreatment

A wide range of behaviors that place a child at serious risk, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, and emotional mistreatment.

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

Abuse that occurs between two people in a close relationship.

Generalized other

According to George Herbert Mead, when children learn to internalize the values of society as a whole, the take the role of the...

Conflicting norms

According to Lawrence Kohlberg, at the third level of moral development, young adults have a postconventional morality, which takes into account the importance of.

A rebel

According to Merton, (blank) wants to replace old values and change the social structure.

A lack of unity regarding the role of women

According to Naomi Wolf, the reason why women have not recognized their power as a majority of the voting population

Prejudiced discriminators

According to Robert K. Merton's analysis of prejudice ad discrimination, the KKK is...

Develop a better understanding of ourselves

According to Thio, by studying and appreciating social diversity, we ultimately

Socialization and culture

According to research, many of the sexual differences found in early childhood, such as boys' superiority in math, are due to


Accurate observation and description is considered the highest form of knowledge


Action in which people take each other into account in their own behavior.

Organized Crime

Activities of individuals and groups that supply illegal goods and services for profit.

Victimless Crimes

Acts that violate laws but involve individuals that don't consider themselves as victims.

In the US, virtually everyone has committed a punishable act

Alex Thio reviews the variety of behaviors that is punishable by fines or jail terms, and concludes that...

Scientific findings

Always subject to verification or refutation by other scientists.

C Wright Mills and Politics

American Political System- controlled by 6000 elite members only club


Among the informal controls that we have in our society, the most effective to control deviance is...

False Consciousness

An acceptance of a system that prevents people from protesting oppression.

Conflict Theory

An approach that examines the ways in which groups disagree, struggle over power, and compete for scarce resources.

Crime Control Model

An approach that holds that crime rates increase when offenders don't fear punishment.


An approach that maintains that society is a complex system of interdependent parts that work together to ensure a societies survival.


An arrangement in which two unrelated people are not married but live together and have a sexual relationship.

Corporate Welfare

An array of direct subsidies, tax breaks, and assistance that the government has created for businesses.

Master Status

An ascribed or achieved status that determines a persons identity.


An attitude or behavior that discriminates against one sex, usually females based on the assumed superiority of the other sex.


An attitude, positive or negative, toward people because of their group membership.


An awareness of one's social identity.

Karl Marx

An early theorist who saw class conflict as the main source of soical change.


An economic and political system based on the principle of the public ownership of the production of goods and services.


An economic system in which the ownership of the means of production is in private hands.


An emphasis on certificates or degrees to show that people have certain skills, education attainment levels, or job qualifications.


An established and social organization of social behavior with a recognized purpose


An exaggerated generalization about a category of people.

Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

An index of an individuals performance on a standardized test relative to the performance level of others of the same age.

Division of Labor

An interdependence of different tasks and occupations, characteristic of industrialized societies, that produce social unity and facilitate change.


An intimate group consisting of two or more people who: 1) live together in a committed relationship, 2) care for one another and any children, 3) share close emotional ties and functions.

Political Party

An organization that tries to influence and control government by recruiting, nominating, and electing its members to public office.

Social Institutions

An organized and established social system that meets one or more of societies basic needs.

Social Structure

An organized pattern of behavior that governs peoples relationships.

Social structure

An organized pattern of social relationships and social institutions that together compose a society

Socioeconomic Status

An overall ranking of a persons position in the class hierarchy based on income, education, and occupation.


Antonio Gramsii ~ describes the cultural aspects of social control, whereby the ideas of the dominant social group are accepted by all of society


Any act that treats a person unequally because of their group membership.

Which of the following definitions of sexual harassment was accepted by the Supreme court in 1993?

Any conduct that makes the workplace environment hostile or abusive.

Elder Abuse

Any knowing, intentional, or negligent act by a caregiver or any other person that causes harm to people aged 65 or older.

Dominant Group

Any physically or culturally distinctive group that has the most economic and political power, the greatest privileges and the highest social class.

Peer Group

Any set of people who are similar in age, social status, and interests.

Sexual Harassment

Any unwanted sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or other conduct of a sexual nature that makes a person uncomfortable and interferes with his or her work.


Any well- defined group of people or things about whom researchers want to know something.


Anything that is not related to religion.


Anything that people see as mysterious, awe- inspiring, extraordinary and powerful, holy, and not part of the natural world.


Anything that stands for something else and has a particular meaning for people who share a culture.

Feminist Theories

Approaches that try to explain the social, economic, and political position of women in a society.

Social Learning Theories

Approaches whose central notion is that people learn new attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors through social interaction, especially during childhood.

Malthus Theorem

Argument that although population grows geometrically, the food supply increases only arithmetically. This means that if births go unchecked, population will outstrip its food supply.

The concept of childhood

As a distinct phase of life between infancy and teenage did not arise until the past two or three centuries.

Medical Care

As the number of elderly people continues to grow, which area of public policy will feel the greatest burden

parents in ______ families try to cultivate a strng acceptance and security in tehir young children by indulging them, letting them have practically anything they want and letting them behave and misbehave in any way they want

Asian Americans

Social Facts

Aspects of social life, external to the individual, that can be measured.


Assigning students to specific educational programs and classes based on the basis of test scores, previous grades, or perceived ability.

Cyclical theories

Assume that civilizations are born, youth, maturity, then decline & die like an organism (egypt, greece, & rome)

Traditional Authority

Authority based on customs that justify the position of the ruler.

Charismatic Authority

Authority based on exceptional individual abilities and characteristics that inspire devotion, trust, and obedience.

Rational- Legal Authority

Authority based on the belief that laws and appointed or elected political leaders are legitimate.


Behavior that violates expected rules or norms.

New Malthusians

Believe that the population issue is really & even worse than the Malthus theorem. That it follows the exponential growth curve.

Beginner's Mind

Bernard McGrane; people wanting to use a sociological perspective should use this, approaching the world without preconceptions in order to see things in a new way, does not deny individual responsibility

Role Conflict

Bob works overtime and he therefore cannot spend as much time with his children as he would like. He feels guilty but knows that if he does not work overtime he could lose his job. The is an example of (Blank).

Is probably well organized

Bobby receives good grades in school, he is outgoing and participates in several extra-curricular activities. Cooley would suggest that Bobby...

Dual- Earner Couples

Both partners are employed outside the home.

Egalitarian Family System

Both partners share power and authority fairly equally.

Taking on the role of the other

Brooke likes to pretend taht she is a firefighter. She uses her mother's garden hose to put out pretend fires and climbs trees to rescue her teddy. Mead would say that she is...

Power elite

C Wright Mills; small number of people who control the economic, political, and military institutions of asociety

power elite

C. Wright Mills' term for the top people in U.S. corporations, military and politics who make the nation's major decisions

Looking Glass Self

Charles Cooley; notion that the self develops through our perception of others evaluations and appraisals of us ** other people are like a mirror that show us who we are, they give us a response and we interpret it

His Role Set

Charles is always overwhelmed with work; among the many activities he develops apart from being a father, he has to write papers, teach too many courses, attend the conference, advise his students, and cheer on his colleagues. His situation is an example of (blank).

Kohlberg and Development of Morality

Children begin in amoral stage and continue to the preconventional, conventional, and postconventional stages

Multiple-Nuclei Model

Cities have several centers, each having a specialized activity.


Clogging, narrowing, and hardening of the body's large arteries and medium-sized blood vessels.

Edge Cities

Clusters of buildings and services near the intersection of major highways. Not traditional cities.


Companies moving factories to countries where labor costs are lower. Leaving people without manufacturing jobs and no other experience.


Comte; seeks to identify laws that describe the behavior of a particular reality (math, physics, not religion)

The reality of economic inequalities that continue to grow in society

Consumerism and consumption have blurred class differences to some extent in our society. Television and widespread mall stores reinforce the idea that there are no intense class boundaries. Consumerism and consumption, however, do NOT alleviate...

Occupational Crime

Crimes committed in the work place by individuals acting solely on their own personal interests.

Gender roles are somewhat flexible from society to society

Cross-cultural studies concerning gender roles suggest that in other societies...

Which of the following kinds of intelligence continues to grow with age?

Crystalline intelligence.

Incest Taboo

Cultural norms and laws that forbid sexual intercourse between close blood relatives, such as brothers and sisters, father and daughter, or uncle and niece.

Cultural Universals

Customs and practices that are common to all societies.

Field Research

Data collection by systematically observing people in their natural surroundings.

Content Analysis

Data collection method that systematically examines examples of some form of communication.

Secondary data

Data that has already been gathered and organized by another party

Population Pyramids

Depict a countries population by age & sex.

C Wright Mills

Described the importance of the sociological imagination when viewing the world, especially for people with power.

A conflict theorist would closely agree with this statement

Deviants are labeled as such by powerful groups who use the label to control the less powerful.


Discrimination against older people.


Domination of a particular market or industry by one person or company.

Increased significantly; dropped

During the twentieth century, the real income of blue-collar workers in Western societies has (blank) overall, though it has (blank) in the past twenty years.


Durkeim's term for a condition in which society provides little moral guidance to individuals

functionalist view of religion

Durkheim defines three major functions of religion: 1. social cohesion: unites people through shared symbolism, values, and norms, establishes rules of fair play 2. social control: "divine right", encourages people to obey cultural norms 3. providing meaning and purpose: our lives serve some greater purpose


Durkheim's term for a condition of society in which people become detached from the norms that usually guide their behavior

social facts

Durkheim's term for a group's patterns of behavior

organic solidarity

Durkheim's term for the interdependence that results from the division of labor; people depending on others to fulfill their jobs

mechanical solidarity

Durkheim's term for the unity (a shared consciousness) that people feel as a result of performing the same or similar tasks

Class Conflict

Durkheim's terms for the struggle between capitalists, who own the means of production, and the proletariat, who do not.

Disembodied Colleagues

Durkheim; more common for people to communicate over technology

Neolocal Residence Pattern

Each newly married couple sets up its own residence.

Biological determinism

Early attempts to explain deviant behavior in individuals were based on the assumption that crime was committed mostly by people with certain physical traits.

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf's hypothesis that language creates ways of thinking and perceiving; Language has embedded within it ways of looking at the world

accordin to _______ deviance is learned through interactions with other people like friends

Edwin Sutherland

white collar crime

Edwin Sutherland's term for crimes committed by people of respectable and high social status in the course of their occupations

differential association

Edwin Sutherland's term to indicate that people who associate with some group's learn an "excess of definitions" of deviance, increasing the likelihood that they will become deviant

Biotech Society

Emerging society. Economy centered on applying & altering genetic structures to produce food, medicine, & materials.

philosophical revolution

Enlightenment; intellectuals started to focus more on science, rationality and empiricism

contradictory class locations

Erik Wright's term for a position in the class structure that generates contradictory interests

everyday life is an important part of understanding the social world. the pioneering sociologist who developed microsociology and emphasized the importance of understanding it was:

Erving Goffman

Erving Goffman

Everyday life is an important part of understanding the social world. The pioneering sociologist who developed it and emphasized the importance of understanding it was...

Secondary Analysis

Examination of data that have been collected by someone else.

Not a reason for studying social interaction in everyday life

Examining social interation in everyday life allows sociologists to see how relatively unimportant language is in creating social reality.

Gender Stereotype

Expectations about how people will look, act, think, and feel based on their sex.


Formal rules about behavior that are defined by a political authority that has the power to punish violators.


Formal training and instruction provided in a classroom setting.

Mass Media

Forms of communication designed to reach large numbers of people.

Ahead of other children int he areas he has been trained in

Frank is a young boy whose parents surrounded him with books, challenging discussions, and ideas. Based on our understanding of socialization, Frank is probably...


Freud's term for a balancing force between the id and the demands of society


Freud's term for our inborn basic drives


Freud's term for the conscience; the internalized norms and values of our social groups

The id

Freud's term for the part of personality that is irrational, concerned only with seeking pleasure

Manifest Functions

Functions that are intended and recognized; they are present and clearly evident.

Latent Functions

Functions that are unintended and unrecognized; they are present but not immediately obvious.

Ideal Types

General traits that describe a social phenomenon rather than every case.

according to _______, children develop their self concept in three stages

George H Mead

Max Weber

German sociologist that regarded the development of rational social orders as humanity's greatest achievement. Saw bureaucratization (the process whereby labor is divided into an organized community and individuals acquire a sense of personal identity by finding roles for themselves in large systems) as the driving force in modern society.

Thomas Theorem

Goffman; "if people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences"


Goffman; compares the social interaction to the theatre, where individuals take on roles and act them out to present a favorable impression to the "audience"

Impression Management

Goffman; social life is sort of a game, where we work to control the impressions others have of us-- effort to control the impressions we make on others to create desired views

Early Education

Greece, in church until Enlightenment

Individual Discrimination

Harmful action directed intentionally, on a one- to- one basis by a member of a dominant group against a minor of a minority group.

Not considered cultural capital

Having your child work at a fast food restaurant after school.

Anna wanted to enter a political race against a man. Which of the following statements by her opponent is most likely based on sexism?

Her emphasis on day care programs shows that she is a one-issue candidate.

Public opinion

How people think about some issues.

An incongruity between two realities

Humor makes us laugh because almost all jokes contain...

Social Transformations of Society

Hunting & Gathering->Horticultural/Pastoral(dmestication of animals)->Agricultural(Invention of plow)->Industrial(invention of steam engine)->Postindustrial(microchip)->Biotech?(decoding human genome)


If gender is natural, it wouldn't vary, but this isn't always true. Also did societies in New Guinea

Thomas Theorem

If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences

Differential association

If you live in a high crime area, many people you will befriend will be involved in criminal activities, thus increasing your opportunity to learn criminal behavior. The conceptual context for this phenomenon is known as...

White- Collar Crimes

Illegal activities committed by high status individuals in the course of their occupation.


In modern American society, for the most part, families prefer (blank) residential patterns.


In most societies, people are required to practice, (blank) which is the act of marrying someone from outside one's group.

Domestic Parternship agreement

In the US, gay couples generally do not have the same legal protection and financial benefits as heterosexual couples. Recently, a number of cities in the U.S. have addressed the issue by providing unmarried couples a...

The understanding of collaborative behavior among peers

In the fifth stage of the Levels of Development of The Self, the 'WE' represents...

Serial Monogamy

Individuals marry several people, but one at a time.


Individuals or groups whom people blame for their own problems or short comings.


Information that is based on observations, experiments, or experiences rather than on ideology, religion, or intuition.

Stages of social movements

Initial unrest->Resource mobilization->Organization->Institutionalization->Organizational decline and possible resurgence.

Ogburn's Processes of Social Change

Invention, Discovery, & Diffusion (technology drives changes)

Best describes the caste system

It is a stratification system based on one's fix position at birth.

Romantic love

It provides for intrinsic satisfaction as opposed to extrinsic rewards.

Over a 60-year period since 1945, two of the top five countries with the highest average voter participation are

Italy and South Africa


Jane was in charge of a difficult project in a large office. She was a tough leader and kept pushing people to accomplish the project's goals. She would be an example of an (blank)

Increased individualism

Jane was married but after a while she became more concerned about her own needs and interests. She decided to get a divorce an dgo back to school. Her experience was based on what cause of divorce?

Japanese corporations use a horizontal, collaborative model.

Japanese corporations differ from the bureaucratic model followed by most business organizations in the West in this way.

The stages of cognitive development

Jean Piaget's theory of child development learning how to think is based on

The confederacy was formed as a separate nation in February 1861 with its own constitution, and who was elected as its president?

Jefferson Davis

According to economist ____ 1.1 billion or nearly one-fifth of the people in the world is extremely poor, struggling to survive with an income of less than $1 a day

Jeffrey Sachs

Milkhemet Mitzvah

Jewish term similar to the meaning of Jihad or "Just War," meaning to go out and seek territory or wealth

Symbolic ethnicity

John celebrates Bastille Day every year by putting out his French flag, drinking French wine, and eating French food. His friend Charles didn't even know John was French until he attended his latest party. This is an example of...

Developmental socialization

John received a work promotion that will permit him more autonomy than his previous position. Sociologists see these new responsibilities as part of John's...


Judging other cultures by the standards of one's own

Presenting his self

Julian was a salesman who took a prospective client to dinner. He dressed carefully, spoke in a confident way, and hoped his guest did not notice his obvious flaws. Julian was involved in...

according to ______ capitalist organizations are the capitalist' tool for exploiting the working class

Karl Marx

The Classic three

Karl Marx (capitalism), Max Weber (multidimensionalism, Verstehen), Emile Durkheim (functionalism)

Capitalists; the working class

Karl Marx called those who own the means of production (blank) and those who make their living by selling their own labor power for a wage (blank).

Social Movements

Large numbers of people who organize either to promote or resist social change. A result of social inequality. (cultural crisis)

The relationship between group size, intimacy, and stability

Larger groups, such as fraternities, are less intimate than small cliques, but the fraternities are a more stable group and relationships.

Conspicuous Consumption

Lavish spending on goods and services to display one's social status and enhance one's prestige.


Learned attitudes and behaviors that characterize people of one sex or the other.

Role Taking

Learning to take th perspective of others.

Twixters are financially dependent

Lev Grossman states that the major reason young people have to live back with their parents is because...


Lisa attended her friend's wedding wearing cut-off jeans and a tank top. When the minister began the ceremony, Lisa whistled and cheered. Lisa's mode of dress and behavior at the wedding was a violation of society's (blank).

Social reproduction

Made possible by socialization

Organized crime

Many characteristics of organizations appear orthodox, but activities are all illegal, easy to evade law enforcements, they are called...


Marriage or sexual relations between a man and a woman of different races.


Marx's term for the capitalists, those who own the means of production


Marx's term for the exploited class, the mass of workers who do not own the means of production

class conflict

Marx's term for the struggle between capitalists and workers

bureaucratic alienation

Marx's term for worker's lack of connection to the product of their labor; caused by their being assigned repetitive tasks on a small part of a product, which leads to a sense of powerlessness and normlessness

Dialectical Process

Marx- view that each ruling group sow the seeds of its own destruction. Thesis->Antithesis->Synthesis->Classless state.

3 Stages of creating self through social interactions

Meade; 1) preporatory stage: under 3, no sense of self, imitating others 2) play stage: pretend to be someone else 3) game stage: generalized others (children see themselves as objects)

Rerun Novarum/Laborem Exercens

Memo passed out by Pope Leo to Bishops on social issues; workers deserved wages that would support their families. Pope John Paul then later reiterates what Pope Leo says in 1981.

Nonverbal Communication

Messages that are sent without using words.


Minority groups retain their culture but have equal social standing in a society.

Her emphasis on day care programs shows that she is an one-issue candidate

Mollie wanted to enter a political race against a man. This statement is most likely based on Sexism.

Consequences of animal domestication & plant cultivation

More dependable food supply->food surplus->larger human groups->division of labor->trade->accumulation of objects->war->slavery->social inequality->inherited wealth->concentration of wealth & power->Change in leadership.

Not an effective deterrent to murder

Most evidence about the impact of capital punishment on murder rates supports the conclusion that capital punishment is....

Horizontal Mobility

Moving from one position to another at the same class level.

Gemeinschaft to Gesellshaft

Moving from small villages with intimate bonds and reliance to reliance on paid work outside of the family and self interests.

Intragenerational Mobility

Moving up or down the class hierarchy over a lifetime.

Intergenerational Mobility

Moving up or down the class hierarchy relative to the position of one's parents.

Vertical Mobility

Moving up or down the class hierarchy.

Prior involvement in drug use

NOT a reason why college students become binge drinkers

Children of _________ parents are traditionally socialized through an extensive network of relatives

Native Americans

Patrialocal Residence Pattern

Newly married couples live with the husbands family.

Matrilocal Residence Pattern

Newly married couples live with the wifes family.

Fictive Kin

Nonrelatives who are accepted as part of an African American family.


Norms that members of a society consider very important because they maintain moral and ethical behavior.


Norms that members of a society look upon as not being critical and may be broken without severe punishment.

Absolute Poverty

Not having enough money to afford the most basic necessities of life.

Relative Poverty

Not having enough money to maintain an average standard of living.


Ogburn's process- Combination of existing elements to form new ones ie. cars, computers, plastics. Urban sprawl, Telework, New construction.


Ogburn's process- New way of seeing some aspect of the world. ie. Columbus discovering N.America, DNA


Ogburn's process- Spread of an invention or discovery from one area to another. ie. airplanes, money, condoms.

cultural lag

Ogburn's term for human behavior lagging behind technological innovations

Cultural Lag

Ogburn- How some elements of a culture lags behind the changes that come from invention, discovery, & diffusion. Technology is usually first to change & culture lags behind.


One person is married exclusively to another person.

Hank tends to treat others as enemies. This type of interaction with others is called _____ interaction.


Sandwich Generation

People in middle generations who care for their own children as well as their aging parents.

Differential Association

People learning deviance through interaction, especially with significant others.


People moving from cities to suburbs. Automobile major drive to this.


People who are persistently poor and seldom employed, segregated residentially, and relatively isolated from the rest of the population.

Out- Groups

People who are treated and viewed negatively because they are seen as having values, beliefs, and other characteristics different from those of an in- group.

Contingent Workers

People who don't expect their jobs to last or who say that their jobs are temporary.


People who have part- time jobs but want full- time work or whose jobs are below their experience and education level.

Mechanical Solidarity

People who perform similar tasks develop a shared consciousness.


People who regularly interact with one another. Members share similar values, norms, & expectations. Belonging allows others to decide our behavior.


People who share a culture and a territory.

Working Class

People who work at least 27 weeks a year but receive such low wages that they live in or near poverty.

Working Class

People who work in blue-collar and pink-collar occupations.

Social Category

People with a common characteristic, such as gender, occupation, or ethnicity, but not necessarily interacting with each other nor gather in one place.

Gender Stratification

People's unequal access to wealth, power, status, prestige, and other valued resources as a result of their sex.

confessions of an economic hitman

Perkins takes the reader through his career and explains how he created economic projections for countries to accept billions of dollars in loans they surely couldn't afford. He shares his battle with his conscience over these actions and offers advice for how Americans can work to end these practices which have directly resulted in terrorist attacks and animosity towards the United States.


Physical or mental activity that accomplished or produces something, either goods or services.

Social Reproduction

Pierre Bourdieu; the tendency of social classes to remain relatively stable as social class is passed down from one generation to the next

Total Institutions

Places where people are isolated from the rest of society, stripped of their former identities, and required to conform to new rules and behavior.

Peripheral Model

Portrays the impact of radial highways on the movement of people and services away from the central city.

Continuity Theory

Posits that older adults can substitute satisfying new roles for those they've lost.

Civil Religion

Practices in which citizenship takes on religious aspects.


Preconceived opinions or attitudes held by members of one group toward another are defined as...


Prejudice based on socially significant physical distinction is...

NOT part of the characteristics of Postindustrial Societies

Production of goods through mass employment in business and commercial operations

Activity Theory

Proposes that many older people remain engaged in numerous roles and activities, including work.


Public funded payments that parents can apply toward tuition or fees at a public or private school of their choice.


Punishments or rewards for obeying or violating a norm.

Institutional racism

Racism that is not simply the opinions of a small segment of the population but systematically pervades all of a society's structures and operations is known as:

Inductive Reasoning

Reasoning that begins with a specific observation, followed by data collection and the development of a general conclusion or theory.

Deductive Reasoning

Reasoning that begins with a theory, prediction, or general principle that is then tested through data collection.

Gans Research

Research in Boston showing that community does exist in the city. The residents liked living there because of the low rent.

Social Research

Research that examines human behavior.

Qualitative Research

Research that examines nonnumerical material and interprets it.

Quantitative Research

Research that focuses on a numerical analysis of peoples responses or specific characteristics.

Evaluation Research

Research that uses all of the standard data collection techniques to assess the effectiveness of social programs in both the public and private sectors.


Researchers who use scientific methods to study the nature, extent, cause, and control of criminal behavior.


Respect, recognition, and regard attached to social positions.

Advantage of survey research

Results can be easily quantified and analyzed

The second step in the research procedure

Review the literature (evidence) and familiarize with related research

american sociologist in the 1930's, ______ agreed with Emile Durkheim theory concerning that deviance is an integral part of all healthy societies

Robert Merton

strain theory

Robert Merton's term for the strange engendered when a society socializes large numbers of people to desire a cultural goal but withholds from some of the approved means of reaching that goal; one adaptation to the strain is crime, the choice of an innovative means to attain the cultural goal

the iron law of oligarchy

Robert Michels' term for the tendency of formal organizations to be dominated by a small, self-perpetuating elite

Secondary Deviance

Rule breaking behavior that people adopt in response to the reaction of others.


Rule/guideline regarding what kinds of behaviors are acceptable and appropriate within a culture

W.E.B. Dubois

Said "The problem of the 20th century is the problem of the color line". 1st black to earn Ph.D. from Harvard. Helped create NAACP

Hidden Curriculum

School practices that transmit nonacademic knowledge, values, attitudes, norms, and beliefs which legitimize economic inequality and fill unequal work roles.


Scientists who study the biological, phychological, and social aspects of aging.

Reformative Social Movement

Seek to reform some specific aspect of society. (animal rights movement)

Transformative Social Movement

Seeks to transform the social order itself. (revolutions)

Charter Schools

Self- governing public schools that have signed an agreement with their state government to improve students education.


Sending work or jobs to another country to cut a company's costs at home.

Value Free

Separating one's personal values, opinions, ideology, and beliefs from scientific research.

In- Groups

Sets of people who share a sense of identity and "we-ness" that typically excludes and devalues outsiders.


Shared set of beliefs among a society

The changing relationship between development and inequality is known as the work developed by economist:

Simon Kuznets

Social Solidarity

Social cohesiveness and harmony.

Tragedy of the Commons

Social dilemma in which individuals over exploit a resource

Hereditary genes

Social factors that may contribute to the aging process include all of the following EXCEPT

The difference between social identity and self-identity

Social identity focuses on similarities among people, whereas self-identity focuses on individual differences.

Structural mobility

Social mobility resulting from changes in the number and kinda of occupations in a society.


Social patterns that have a negative impact on a group or society.

The importance of human conduct

Social scientists have developed alternative theories of child development. All the theroies of child socialization share a common understanding of...

The first state to secede from the Union was

South Carolina

Sexual Script

Specifies the formal and informal norms for legitimate or unacceptable sexual activity, which individuals are eligible sexual partners, and the boundaries of sexual behavior.

No- Fault Divorce

State laws the do not require either partner to establish guilt or wrongdoing on the part of the other to ge a divorce.


Study in 1940. Found 37% men had at least 1 sexual experience with another man.


Study in 2000's. Says that 1.4% of women and 2.8% or men identify as homosexual.

Structural Functionalism

Talcott Parsons; society is a unified whole that functions because of the contributions of its seperate structures

Joe Feagin

Talks about the glass ceiling. Point at which women can see the next level in work, but are unable to reach that level. Says that class position, race and ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation form multi-layered system that provides disadvantages for some and privileges for others.

Redemptive Social Movement

Targets individuals for a total change. (Christianity)

Home Schooling

Teaching children in the home as an alternative to enrolling them in a public or private elementary, middle, or high school.

New Religious Movement (NRM)

Term used in instead of cult by most sociologists.


That term that sociologists use to refer to a group with an identifiable membership that engages in concerted collective actions to achieve a specific goal.

Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA's)

The US census bureau divides the country. Each area has a central city of at least 50,000.


The ability of individuals or groups to achieve goals, control events, and maintain influence over others despite opposition.

Role Performance

The actual behavior of a person who occupies a status.

Real Culture

The actual everyday behavior of people in a society.

Crude Birth Rate

The annual number of live births per 1,000 population. Can be inaccurate.

The interaction between husband and wife

The aspects of family life that would be of the most interest to symbolic interactionists.

Life expectency

The average length of time people of the same age will live.


The behavior expected of a person who has a particular status.


The belief in the literal meaning of a sacred text.


The belief that heterosexuality is superior to and more natural than homosexuality or bisexuality.


The belief that one's own culture, society, or group is inherently superior to others.

Popular Culture

The beliefs, practices, activities, and products that are widely shared among a population in everyday life.

Ideal Culture

The beliefs, values, and norms that people in a society say they hold or follow.


The biological characteristics with which we are born.

NOT an accurate statement about class systems

The boundaries between classes are very clear cut.

Gender Roles

The characteristics, attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that society expects of females and males.


The coexistence of several cultures in the same geographic area, without any one culture dominating another.

Gendered Racism

The combined and cumulative effects of inequality due to racism or sexism.


The condition in which people are unsure of how to behave because of absent, conflicting, or confusing social norms.

Status Inconsistency

The conflict or tension that arises from occupying social positions that are ranked differently.

Cultural Integration

The consistency of various aspects of a society, which promotes order and stability.


The consistency with which the same measure produces similar results time after time.

Dominant culture

The culture of the most powerful group in society

Tackling poverty, inequality, and education

The current 'war on drugs' focuses on cutting off the supplies of drugs rather than...


The degree to which a measure is accurate and really measures what it claims to measure.

Migration (net migration rate)

The difference btwn the number of immigrants and emigrants per 1,000. (push & pull factors)

Role Set

The different roles attached to a single status.


The expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus.

Life Chances

The extent to which people have positive experiences and can secure the good things in life because they have economic resources.


The family that one established through marriage, consisting of oneself and one's spouse and the future children, is called a family of....


The fear and hatred of homosexuality.


The first day of college, you may have felt a little uncertain about how to behave. Durkheim and other sociologists would describe your feelings as...

Role Conflict

The frusterations and uncertainties a person experiences when confronted with the requirements of two or more statuses.

Davis- Moore Thesis

The functionalist view that social stratification has beneficial consequences for a society's operations.

Cultural Lag

The gap when nonmaterial culture changes more slowly than material culture.

Criminal Justice System

The government agencies- including police, courts, and prisons- that are charged with enforcing laws, passing judgement on offenders, and changing criminal behavior.


The graphic depiction of images that cause sexual arousal.

Exerimental Group

The group of subjects in an experiment who are exposed to the independent variable.

Control Group

The group of subjects in an experiment who are not exposed to the independent variable.


The growth and spread of investment, trade, production, communication, and new technology around the world.

Social Stratification

The hierarchical ranking of people in a society who have different access to different resources, such as property, prestige, power, and status.

Feminization of Poverty

The higher likelihood that female heads of households will be poor.

Strain Theory

The idea that people may engage in deviant behavior when they experience a conflict between goals and the means available to obtain those goals.

Contact Hypothesis

The idea that the more people get to know members of a minority group personally, the less likely they are to be prejudice against that group.

block busting

The illegal and discriminatory practice of helping ethnic or minority individuals into predominantly non-ethnic or minority-dominated areas, and then using scare tactics to force current neighborhood residents to sell their homes at depressed prices.

The McDonaldization of society

The increased of regulated and standardized of society due to automation.

Agents of Socialization

The individuals, groups, or institutions that teach us what we need to know to participate effectively in society.

Cultural Imperialism

The influence or domination of the cultural values and products of one's society over those of another.

Primary Deviance

The initial violation of a norm or law.

Sociological Imagination

The intersection between individual lives and larger social influences.


The learned and shared behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, values, and material objects that characterize a particular group or society.


The legal dissolution of a marriage.


The legitimate use of power.


The life long process of social interaction in which the individual acquires a social identity and ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that are essential for effective particpation in a society.

Sapir and Whorf

The linguistic hypothesis holds that language predisposes us to see the world in a certain way was developed by these two.

Institutionalized discrimination

The long histories of discrimination in education, the economy, politics, and other areas of American life has resulted in...

Subtle surveillance

The maintenance of written and computerized records by modern organizations is form of...

Poverty Line

The minimal level of income that the federal government considers necessary for basic subsistence.


The money and other economic assets that a person or family owns, including property and income.

Diffusion of Responsibility

The more bystanders there are, the less likely people are to help.


The movement of middle class people into rundown areas of a city for cheaper prices. Results in renovation but displaces original, low-income residents.

Growth Rate

The net change after people are born, die, & migrate. Calculated by the basic demographic equation-> growth rate=births-deaths+net migration


The number of children that women are CAPABLE of bearing. Not Fertility rate.

Matriarchal Family System

The oldest females control culture, political, and economic resources and, consequently, have power over males.

Patriarchal Family System

The oldest men control culture, political, and economic resources and, consequently, have power over females.

Dependent Variable

The outcome, which may be affected by the independent variable.

Gender Pay Gap

The overall income difference between women and men in the work place. (AKA the wage gap)

Significant Others

The people who are important in one's life, such as parents or other primary caregivers and siblings.

Social Exchange Theory

The perspective whose fundamental premise is that any social interactio between two people is based on each person trying to maximize rewards and minimize punishments.


The physical and social separation of dominant and minority groups.

Significant others

The popular perception of rape is that it is committed by strangers. However, research suggests that many rapes are not reported because they are committed by...


The practice of selecting mates from outside one's group.


The practice of selecting mates from within one's group.


The presentation of info in an attempt to influence people.

Idiosyncrasy credit

The privilege that allows leaders to deviate from their group's norms.

Social construction of reality

The process by which people create through social interaction a certain idea, feeling, or belief about their environment is called the...

Social Interaction

The process by which we act toward and react to people around us.


The process of learning cultural behaviors and expectations so deeply that we assume they are correct and accept them without question.

Anticipatory Socialization

The process of learning how to perform a role one does not yet occupy.

Impression Management

The process of providing information and cues to others to present oneself in a favorable light while downplaying or concealing one's less appealing qualities.

Cultural Relativism

The recognition that no culture is better than another and that a culture should be judged by its own standards.


The research method that tests hypotheses under controlled conditions


The research method that would give a rich, detailed, inside view of a particular group, setting, or subculture.

Nonmaterial Culture

The shared set of meaning that people in a society use to interpret and understand the world.


The social control approach that holds that appropriate treatment can change offenders into productive, law- abiding citizens.

Secondary analysis

The sociologist searches for new knowledge in the data collected earlier by another researcher.

Cultural diffusion

The spreading of of ideas or products from one culture to another


The standards by which members of a particular culture define what is good or bad, moral or immoral, beautiful or ugly.

Scientific Method

The steps in the research process that include careful data collection, exact measurement, accurate recording and analysis of the findings, thoughtful interpretation of the results, and when appropriate, a generalization of the findings to a larger group.

Role Strain

The stress arising from incompatible demands among roles within a single status.


The study of folk methods people use to make sense of what others say and do


The study of how people construct and learn to share definitions of reality that make everyday interactions possible.


The study of large- scale patterns and processes that characterize society as a whole.


The study of small scale patterns of individuals social interaction in specific settings.


The sweeping changes brought by the industrial revolution.


The systematic effort to kill all members of a particular ethnic, religious, political, racial, or national group.


The systematic study of social interaction at a variety of levels.


The systematic, scientific study of human society

Material Culture

The tangible objects that members of a society make, use, and share.

Social Control

The techniques and strategies that regulate peoples behavior in society.

Iron Law of Oligarchy

The tendency of a bureaucracy to become increasingly dominated by a small group of people.


The term sociologists use instead of profane to charcterize worldly rather than spiritual things.

Feminist Theory

The theoretical approach places gender, class, and race at the core of the theory.


The theoretical approach that uses the analogy of the human body in assessing the role of each part of society in the continuation of society as a whole.


The theoretical perspective holds that the grand narratives that have meaning to history in the past no longer make any sense.

Differential association and labeling theory

The two theories that explain deviance are classified as symbolic interactionist.

Hunting and Gathering Societies

The type of society that is described as the oldest, having little inequality, no divisions of rich and poor, few differences in power, emphasis on cooperation rather than competition, participatory decision making, and the use of simple tools.

Internal Colonialism

The unequal treatment and subordinate status of groups within a nation.


The use of space as a means of communication

Post modern society

The use of technology to extend out ability to communicate, travel, & analyze info.


The use of two or more methods of research to verify results is called


The ways people demonstrate their religious beliefs.

Social Institutions

The ways that each society develops to meet its basic needs. Shape behavior. (Family, Religion, Education, Economy, Medicine, Politics, Law, Science, Military, Mass Media)

Independent Variable

There are many different kinds of variables. A variable that produces an effect on another variable is called an

According to Edwin Sutherland, how do criminals adopt criminal behavior?

They learn criminal behavior from peers.

Life Chances

This conceptualizes the idea that your probability of economic success is largely dependent on your background.

Hunting & gathering Society

This first society depended on men hunting & women gathering plants. Small groups. No rulers, accumulate few personal items, decisions through discussion.


Those who are sexually attracted to members of both sexes.


Those who are sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex.


Those who are sexually attracted to people of the same sex.

Transgendered people

Those who are transexuals, intersexuals, or transvestites.


Those who lack any interest in or desire for sex.


Those who own the means of production and can amass wealth and power.


Tom Brown was the supervisor of a group of computer programmers. He provided support if needed, but generally allowed member of his group to work by themselves.


Tom see his coworkers as competitors and tends not to share information with any of them. He would be involved in (blank) interaction with his coworkers.

Social Group

Two or more people who interact with one another and who share a common identity and a sense of belonging or "we-ness."

Civil Inattention

Two people walking on a city sidewalk quickly glace at each other and then look away as they pass. Erving Goffman called this type of inteaction...

an increase in unwed mothers

Two reasons for the increase in single-parent families are increased divorce and

Green Party

US political party to bring political attention to enviromentalism

Discouraged Workers

Unemployed people who want a job and have looked for work in the proceeding year but have not searched in the past 4 weeks because they have given up.

Institutional Discrimination

Unequal treatment and opportunities that members of a minority group experience as a result of the everyday operations of a society's law, rules, policies, practices, and customs.

Norm of Noninvolvement

Urban dwellers avoid intrusion from strangers. (newspaper, ipod, personal space)

Gender Roles

Vary greatly from culture to culture.

Transnational Social Movement

Wants to change some specific condition that cuts across society. Improving quality of life. (Womans movement)

Oliver Cox

Was a Trinidadian-American sociologist noted for his early Marxist viewpoint on Fascism.


Weber; social honor people are given because of their membership in well regarded social groups

Which of the following represents the third wave of feminism?

Welcoming men to join women in addressing problems that affect both sexes.

Pull Factors

What draws people to a new land- opportunity of education, higher wages, better jobs, freedom to worship, future for children.

Push Factor

What people want to escape- poverty, persecution of religion, political ideas.

Behavior associated with Jean Piaget's sensorimotor stage

When a child learns with his senses and body interact with the environment


When a cities pop hits 10 million. New york & 19 others.


When a group takes over the attitudes and language of the dominant community.


When a metropolis is so big and influential. It is an overlapping area of at least 2 metropolises & suburbs.

Reactive Social Movement

When a social movement feels threatened because of a condition of society changing. They react to resist that change.

Proactive social movements

When a social movement finds a particular condition intolerable and have a goal to promote social change.

Social Movement Organizations

When a social movement want to further their goals they develop this. They can then effectively recruit members and publicize their message.

Symbolic ethnicity

When people assimilate in to the larger culture, but occasionally participate in ethnic customs, they are practicing...

Primary data

When sociologists gather original data and material

Status and Independence

When the two sexes communicate with each other, women tend to use the language of connection and intimacy, and men the language of...

Sociological Imagination

When we "think ourselves away" from the familiar routine to see things in a different, more sociological perspective.

Which of the following statements about the nature/nurture debate would Alex Thio see as the most accurate?

While nature sets limits, socialization plays a very large role in determining who we are

Corporate Crimes

White- collar crimes committed by executives to benefit themselves and their companies. (AKA Organizational crimes)


White- collar crimes that are conducted online.

This is true about the role of women today in the work force

Women are still far from economically equal to men

Which statement is TRUE about the role of women today in the work force?

Women are still far from economically equal to men.

Which statement is TRUE about the role of women in politics today?

Women play an important role but they are far from achieving equality.

The role of women in politics today

Women play an important role but they far from achieving equality


Workers who sell their labor for wages.

Boomerang Generation

Young adults who have moved back into their parents home after living independently for a while or who never leave it in the first place.

Max Weber

a German sociologist who emphasized the need to understand a setting from the point of view of people in it


a German word used by Weber that is perhaps best understood as "to have an insight into someone's situation"

Theoretical Approach

a basic image of society that guides thinking and research

Macro-level Orientation

a broad focus on social structures that shape society as a whole

class society

a capitalist society with pronounced social stratification


a central city surrounded by smaller cities and their suburbs. They are linked by transportation and communication.

Hawthorne Effect

a change in a subjects behavior caused by awareness of being studied

social mobility

a change in position within the social hierarchy

intragenerational social mobility

a change in social position occurring during a person's lifetime


a characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting - fairly stable across time and situations

state church

a church formally linked to the state


a church, independent of the state, that recognizes religious pluralism

Micro-level Orientation

a close-up focus on social interaction in specific situations


a cluster of people within a larger group who choose to interact with one another

which if the following is apart of the concept of society?

a collection of interacting persons who share culture and territory


a common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high (a reading of 140/90 mm Hg or greater)


a community of people who share a common culture


a concept whose value changes from case to case


a conservative religious doctrine that opposes intellectualism and worldly accommodation in favor of restoring traditional, otherworldly religion

which of the following is a social group?

a couple married less than one

hate crime

a crime that is punished more severely because its motivated by hatred of someone's race

Cross-cultural studies concerning gender roles suggest that in other societies:

a division of labor between the sexes is found only in the U.S.

dependent variable

a factor in an experiment that is changed by an independent variable

independent variable

a factor that causes a change in another variable, called the dependent variable


a factor thought to be significant for human behavior which can vary from one case to another

nuclear family

a family composed of one or two parents and their children also known as a conjugal family

extended family

a family composed of parents and children as well as other kin; also known as a consanguine family

which of the following situations most likely illustrates a primary relationship?

a family enjoying a picnic at the beach

Conjugal Family

a family unit composed of one or two parents and their children

Consanguine Family

a family unit that includes parents and children as well as other kin

Fort Sumter was

a federal garrison in the South


a feeling of trust between researchers and the people they are studying

Federal Empowerment Zone

a form of enterprise zone that also offers low interest loans to sustain businesses during transition. More successful.


a form of social organization in which females dominate males


a form of social organization in which males dominate females


a formal organization with a hierarchy of authority and a clear division of labor; emphasis on impersonality of positions and written rules, communications, and records

Structural-Functional Approach

a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability

Social- Conflict Approach

a framework for building theory that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change


a government by a king or queen and kept in family

primary group

a group characterized by intimate, face-to-face interaction and relatively long-lasting relationships.

primary group

a group characterized by intimate, long-term, face-to-face association and cooperation

voluntary association

a group made up of people who voluntarily organize on the basis of some mutual interest; voluntary memberships

peer group

a group of individuals of roughly the same age who are linked by common interests


a group of three people

small group

a group small enough for everyone to interact directly with all the other members

secondary group

a group that is relatively large in number and not as intimate or enduring as a primary group

reference group

a group whose standards we refer to as we evaluate ourselves


a group whose values, beliefs, norms, and related behaviors place its member in opposition to the broader culture

social control

a group's formal and informal means of enforcing its norms

social order

a group's usual and customary social arrangements, on which its members depend and on which they base their lives

nonmaterial culture

a group's ways of thinking and doing

symbolic interactionists tend to stress the importance of culture as

a guide and product of human creation

absolute poverty

a lack of resources that is life-threatening

According to Naomi Wolf, the reason why women have not recognized their power as a majority of the voting population is:

a lack of unity regarding the role of women.

multinational corporation

a large business that operates in many countries


a legal relationship, usually involving economic cooperation, sexual activity, and childbearing


a legally sanctioned relationship, usually involving economic cooperation as well as sexual activity and childbearing, that people expect to be enduring


a list of questions to be asked of respondents


a logical system that bases knowledge on direct, systematic observation

Simplicity Movement

a loosely knit movement that opposes circumcision and encourages people to work less, earn less, and spend less in accordance with nonmaterialistic views

Middletown Clip

a lot changed once the town wasn't industrial based, policy actions: shorten the work week - more time with children, sociological: why is this happening-what's next?

due to job loss, divorce, disabilities and old age, studies suggest

a majority of americans will experience a brief period of poverty in their life

modernization theory

a model of economic and social development that explains global inequality in terms of technological and cultural differences between nations

dependency theory

a model of economic and social development that explains global inequality in terms of the historical exploitation of poor nations by rich ones

Male Liberationism

a movement that originated in the 1970's to discuss the challenges of masculinity

one result of efforts by the US government to promote tribal economic development and self-sufficient has been

a national movement to make native americans feel proud of their cultural heritage


a new form of global power relationships that involves not direct political control but economic exploitation by multinational corporations

Incest Taboo

a norm forbidding sexual relations or marriage between certain relatives

incest taboo

a norm forbidding sexual relations or marriage between certain relatives


a norm so strong that it brings extreme sanctions and even revulsion if someone violates it


a pattern of relations between ethnic or racial groups in which the minority group is absorbed into the mainstream or dominant group, making society more homogeneous

ideal culture

a people's ideal values and norms; the goals held out for them

relative deprivation

a perceived disadvantage arising from some specific comparison

which of the following is true?

a person measures his or her own worth by the standards of a reference group


a person or category of people, typically with little power, whom other people unfairly blame for their own troubles

dramaturgical model

a perspective that sees society like a stage (that is, a drama) wherin social actors are "on stage," projecting and portraying social roles to others.


a place in which a large number of people are permanently based and don't produce their own food. (started w/the plow)

Gender- Conflict Approach

a point of view that focuses on inequality and conflict between men and women

Race-Conflict Approach

a point of view that focuses on inequality and conflict between people of different racial ethnic categories

affirmative action

a policy made by the Kennedy administration to provide broader opportunities to qualified minorities


a political system in which all citizens have the right to participate

ascribed status

a position an individual either inherits at birth or receives involuntarily later in life

achieved status

a position that is earned, accomplished, or involves at least some effort or activity on the individual's part

Sociological Imagination

a quality of the mind that allows us to understand the relationship between our particular situation in life and what is happening at a social level

civil religion

a quasi-religious loyalty binding individuals in a basically secular society

Cause and Effect

a relationship in which change in one variable causes change in another

Relative Deprivation

a relative measure of poverty based on the standard of living in a particular society


a religious organization that is largely outside a society's cultural traditions


a religious organization that is well integrated into the larger society


a religious organization that stands apart from the larger society


a research method for investigating cause and effect under highly controlled conditions

Participant Observation

a research method in which investigators systematically observe people while joining them in their routine activities

Participant Observation

a research method that involves askig questions about opinions, beliefs, or behaviors.


a residential pattern in which a married couple lives apart from both sets of parents


a residential pattern in which a married couple lives with or near the husband's family


a residential pattern in which a married couple lives with or near the wife's family


a result of bank redlining. pushes areas further into decline and raises crime.

positive sanction

a reward or positive reaction for following norms, ranging from a smile to a material award

positive sanction

a reward or positive reaction for following norms, ranging from a smile to a material reward

According to Lawrence Kohlberg, at the first level of moral development, young adults have a preconventional morality, which takes into account the importance of

a right and wrong consequence


a rigid and unfair generalization about an entire category of people

stratified random sample

a sample from selected subgroups of the target population in which everyone in those subgroups has an equal chance of being included in the research

random sample

a sample in which everyone in the target population has the same chance of being included in the study

formal organization

a secondary group designed to achieve explicit objectives


a shared cultural heritage

structural social mobility

a shift in the social position of large numbers of people due more to changes in society itself than to individual efforts


a simplified description applied to every person in some category


a social bond based on blood, marriage, or adoption


a social bond based on common ancestry, marriage, or adoption

social inequality

a social condition in which privileges and obligations are given to some but denied by others


a social institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to care for one another, including any children


a social institution involving beliefs and practices based on recognizing the sacred


a social instrument found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to oversee the bearing and raising of children


a socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important


a socially defined category based on common language, religion, nationality, history, or other cultural factors


a socially defined category, based on real or percieved biological differences between groups of people

mass society

a society in which prosperity and bureaucracy have weakened traditional social ties

traditional society

a society in which the past is thought to be the best guide for the present; characterizes tribal, peasant, and feudal societies

pluralistic society

a society made up of many different groups, with contrasting values and orientations to life

reference groups provide us with

a standard for judging one's attitudes and behaviors


a state in which people of all races and ethnicities are distinct but have equal social standing


a statement about how some parts of the world fit together and how they work; an explanation of how two or more facts are related to one another


a statement of a possible relationship between two or more variables


a statement of how and why specific facts are related


a statement of how variables are expected to be related to one another, often according to predictions from a theory


a statement that goes beyond the individual case and is applied to a broader group or situation

achieved status

a status attained by effort

ascribed status

a status determined at birth

master status

a status that cuts across the other statuses that an individual occupies (ex. Gender, race)

Personality Inventory

a structured survey - items gauge feelings and behaviors - assess select personality traits


a system based in which rewards are distributed based on merit

social stratification

a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy

Bilateral Descent

a system tracing kinship through both men and women

Patrilineal Descent

a system tracing kinship through men

Matrilineal Descent

a system tracing kinship through women


a target group to be studied


a technique for studying human interaction by deliberately disrupting social norms and observing how others respond. Pissin' people off and see what they do.

looking-glass self

a term coined by Charles Horton Cooley to refer to the process by which our self develops through internalizing others' reactions to us o 1. We imagine how we appear to those around us o 2. We interpret others' reactions o 3. We develop a self-concept

degradation ceremony

a term coined by Harold Garfinkel to refer to a ritual whose goal is to reshape someone's self by stripping away that individual's self-identity and stamping a new identity in its place

conflict theory

a theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of groups that are competing for scarce resources founded by Marx

functional analysis

a theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of various parts, each with a function that, when fulfilled, contributes to society's equilibrium (functionalism/ structured functionalism)


a theoretical paradigm that explores ways in which human biology affects how we create culture

symbolic interaction theory

a theoretical perspective claiming that people act toward things because of the meaning things have for them.

symbolic interactionism

a theoretical perspective in which society is viewed as composed of symbols that people use to establish meaning, develop their views of the world, and communicate with one another

peter principle

a tongue-in-cheek observation that the member of an organization are promoted for their accomplishments until they reach their level of incompetence; there they cease to be promoted, remaining at the level at which they can no longer do good work


a type of society in which life is intimate; a community in which everyone knows everyone else and people share a sense of togetherness


a type of society that is dominated by impersonal relationships, individual accomplishments, and self-interest

cultural universals

a value, norm, or other cultural trait that is found in every group

Intervening variable

a variable caused by the independent variable and which in turn causes the dependent variable.

Independent variable

a variable treated as the presumed cause of a particular result.


a way of understanding based on science

rationalization of society

a widespread acceptance of rationality and social organizations that are built largely around this idea

Now a days, corporate crime, or white-collar crime, occurs at a higher rate than individual criminal acts. The following are examples of corporate crime.

a) A pesticide company dumps pollutants into the local river. b) Food manufacturers label an item as light when in fact in has as many calories as the regular item. c) Auto mobile companies manufacture a car or truck with a high possibility of an explosion on impact with another object. d) Corporate executives lie about company profits.

Why has racism thrived in the period since European expansion in to the rest of the world?

a) As cultural symbols, white and black have long been seen as opposites in European culture, with white representing purity and black symbolizing evil. b) The concept of race itself was invented and spread by Europeans in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. c) Racism was needed to justify the exploitation of nonwhite peoples by Europeans.

Many people use the Internet as a key tool of communication. The following are disadvantages of electronic communication.

a) Contact between people becomes indirect rather than face-to-face. b) People become isolated from one another as we all work at our own computers. c) We lose then ability to interpret other people's faces and other forms of nonverbal communication. d) It takes more time to communicate what we want and feel.

Social Networks

a) It's not what you know, it's who you know b) Not all networks are social groups. c) The Bohemian Grove is an elite network.

Characteristics of a bureaucracy

a) Ownership is not in the hands of the workers. b) There is a complete separation between work ad home life c) Each job has a definite and fixed salary attached to it. d) A set of rules governs the conduct of officials at all levels of the organization.

How globalization contributed to the increasing inequality in American society.

a) Some companies have lowered wages to compete with other companies that use cheaper third world labor. b) Globalization has encouraged immigration to the United States, thus increasing the low wage labor pool and pushing wages down. c) Labor unions have been weakened by globalization

The elderly can be divided into three age groups. Aside from their younger age, what advantages do the young old have over the oldest old?

a) The young old tend to be more educated b) The young old grew up during a time of economic prosperity c) The young old went to school, acquired wealth, and stable employment.

The socialization process is complex and involves different and distinct stages throughout the life course. These stages are determined by:

a) biological factors b) social influences c) cultural differences d) economic circumstances

What precipitated the emergence of the "new urban poor" in the past quarter century?

a) economic globalization, which led to high unemployment among the unskilled sectors of the lower class b) racial discrimination in hiring for the remaining low-skilled jobs in urban centers c) changes in government policies that cut back or eliminated welfare programs d) the cycle of poverty that is reinforced among the poor.

Factors that account for racial disparities in wealth and income.

a) education b) parents' social class c) discrimination


a) high school students who are members of the chess club b) vegans, that is, strct vegetarians who will not eat eggs or cheese. c) computer hackers who spend their time creating computer viruses d) people who live in Hawaii apart from the core culture

Practical Benefits of the study of sociology

a) increased awareness and understanding of cultural differences b) ability to assess the effects, including unintended consequences of public policies c) increased self understanding d) increased understanding of the implications of globalization in your community

An important factor behind the emergence of the new sociological thinking in the nineteenth century

a) new political forms and ideas, such as those expressed in the French Revolution b) New economic forms created in the Industrial Revolution c) New ways of understanding he world in scientific rather than religious terms

exchange mobility

about the same numbers of people moving up and down the social class ladder, such that, on balance, the social class system shows little change

the lack of minimum food and shelter necessarily for maintaining life is called

absolute poverty


abstract proposition that both explains the social world and makes predictions about future events (change over time, like a pair of eye glasses)

therapeutic day care center

abusive parents can see kids play with other kids and interchange feelings

Existing Sources

access to distant times and places


according to Freud...reservoir of unacceptable thoughts, feelings, and memories

social class

according to Weber, a large group of people who rank close to one another in property power and prestige

social class

according to Weber, a large group of people who rank close to one another in wealth, prestige and power; according to Marx, one of two groups: capitalists who own the means of production or workers who sell their labor

Goffman and Stratification

according to our clothing, speech, gestures, possessions, friends and activities people know our SES (cars, word choice)

statuses that are given to us based on what we do, rather than who we are are called

achieved status

Relative Deprivation Theory

actions of oppressed groups who seek rights or opportunities already enjoyed by others in society


active participation in and observation of a naturally occurring setting AND written account (field notes) of what goes on, can't be replicated, not representative of population, researcher bias

Stress is Intensified By

actual or lack lack of situational control


actually measuring what you intended to measure

the use of internet, e-mail, chat rooms, and social networking sites, such as MySpace and Facebook:

adds a new and different dimension to the study of everyday life

The use of the Internet, e-mail, chat rooms, and social networking sites, such as Myspace and Facebook

adds a new and different dimension to the study of everyday life.


after WW2, people moved away from center cities and to the edges

Taylor is a young girl whose parents surrounded her with books, challenging discussions, and ideas. based on our understanding of socialization, Taylor is probably

ahead of other children in the areas she had been trained in

Phase 1

alarm, mobilize resources

Reaction to a Challenging Stressful Event

alert, focused


alienation and loss of purpose that results from weaker social bonds

The elderly can be divided into three age groups. Aside from their younger age, what advantages do the "young old" have over the "oldest old"?

all of the above

many people use the internet as a key tool of communication. which of the following is a disadvantage of electronic communication?

all of the above

nowadays, corporate crime, or white collar crime, occurs at a higher rate than individual criminal acts. which of the following is an example of corporate crime?

all of the above

which of the following is among the characteristic of a bureaucracy?

all of the above

status set

all of the statuses or positions that an individual occupies

The causes of the US Civil War include:

all of these: simultaneous existence of both democracy and slavery as allowed by the US Constitution of 1787, efforts to expand both Northern and Southern economies to the west, and states' rights.

Greenhouse Gases

allow sunlight to pass through, but trap heat, effecting temp.

Different research projects have found all of the following to be true about the effect of a wife's employment on the marriage, EXCEPT that it

almost always benefits both husband and wife

social stratification is a profoundly important subject in sociology because

almost every aspect of our lives, from family size to how much money we need, is linked to ou status in society

individuals who commit _____ suicide are so strongly tied to their group that they effectively lose their selves and stand ready to do their group's bidding


a scientific theory is

always open to revision in the light of new evidence

chinese and japanese americasn are educationally and occupationally

among the most succesful minorities

case study

an analysis of a single event, situation, or individual

for feminists, gender inequality should be studied as part of the overall stratification system because

an analysis of a stratification system must include all of its members


an educational program recognizing the cultural diversity of the United States and promoting the equality of all cultural traditions

Symbolic Ethnicity

an ethnic identity that is only relevant on specific occasions and does not impact everyday life


an event, generally unexpected, that causes extensive harm to people and damage to property

Macro-level analysis

an examination of large-scale patterns of society

micro-level analysis

an examination of small-scale patterns of society

negative sanction

an expression of disapproval for breaking a norm, ranging from a mild, informal reaction such as a frown to a formal reaction such as a prison sentence or execution

negative sanction

an expression of disapproval for breaking a norm, ranging from a mild, informal reactions such as a frown to a formal reactions such as a prison sentence or an execution


an idea about the characteristics of a group that is applied to all members of that group and is unlikely to change despite evidence against it


an image or media representation that does not show reality

Humor makes us laugh because almost all jokes contain

an incongruity between two realities

expressive leader

an individual who increases harmony and minimizes conflict in a group; socioemotional leader

laissex-faire leader

an individual who leads by being highly permissive

authoritarian leader

an individual who leads by giving orders

democratic leader

an individual who leads by trying to reach a consensus

significant others

an individual who significantly influences someone else's life

instrumental leader

an individual who tries to keep the group moving toward its goals; task-oriented leader


an object in the natural world collectively defined as sacred

Absolute Deprivation

an objective measure of poverty, defined by the inability to meet minimal standards for food, shelter, clothing, or health care

Mens Right Movement

an offshoot of male liberationism whose members believe that feminism promotes discrimination against men

Pro feminist Mens Movement

an offshoot of men's liberationism whose members support feminism and believe that sexism harms both men and women

goal displacement

an organization replacing old goals with new ones; goal replacement

social movement

an organized activity that encourages or discourages social change

intersection theory

analysis of the interplay of race, class, and gender, which often results in multiple dimensions of disadvantage

political economy theory

analysis that explains politics in terms of the operation of a society's economic system.

the first day of college, you may have felt a little uncertain about how to behave. Durkheim and other sociologists would describe your feelings as


symbolic culture

another term for nonmaterial culture


any activity intended to bring about social chane


any category of people distinguished by physical or cultural difference that a society sets apart and subordinates

This definition of sexual harrassment was accepted by the Supreme court in 1993

any conduct that makes the workplace environment hostile or abusive.

Social Movement

any group with committment to promoting or resisting change

Intentional Community

any of a variety of groups who form a communal living arrangements outside of marriage

Social Structure

any relatively stable pattern of social behavior

Social Dysfunction

any social pattern that may disrupt the operation of society


appreciating forces that shape you, your choices, and lifestyle


approach to treating disorders - exposing and interpreting unconscious tenstion

the cultural traits of an ethnic group

are culturally learned and passed from one generation to another

Social studies show that prisons

are more likely to create hardened criminals than rehabilitated them.

Functionalist Theory on Deviance

argue that deviance serves as a positive social function by clarifying moral boundaries and promoting social cohesion

Just World Hypothesis

argues that people have a deep need to see the world as orderly and predictable and far which creates a tendency to view victims of social injustice as deserving of their fates

Merton's Structural Strain Theory

argues that the tension/strain between socially approved goals and an individuals inability to meet those goals through socially approved means will lead to deviance as individuals reject the goals, the means, or both

Social Loafing

as more individuals are added to a task each individual contributes a little less

Sociological Perspective

as seeing the general in the particular

Cultural relativism

assessing society by its own cultural standards is known as (blank)


assigning students to different types of educational programs

High Culture

associated with the elite

Technological Determinism

assumes changes in technology drive changes in society, not the other way around

Social Control

attempts by society to regulate people's thoughts and behavior

gender roles

attitudes and activities that a society links to each sex

Freud's Theory of Personality

attributes our thoughts/actions to unconscious tension

Dissociative Disorders

awareness becomes separated from previous memories; thoughts and feelings

Class Consciousness

awareness of one's own social status and that of others

Karen Horney

balanced Freud's masculine biases; counted notion of "penis envy"


banish anxiety arousing thoughts and memories from consciousness

Theory Driven Survey

based on definition of traits

expressive ties

based on emotional investment or connection with others (ex. Parents, bf or gf)

instrumental ties

based on goal attainment/maximizing interests (ex sports team, alliances/coalitions)

competition in the global market has helped U.S. companies

become more efficient and productive

Labeling theory

begins from the assumption that all deviant acts are intrinsically criminal.

Social -Cognitive Perspective

behavior influenced by the interaction between people and their social contexts


behavior that follows a set of rules oriented towards the welfare of larger society instead of professional self-interest

Collective Behavor

behavior that follows from the formation of a group who take action towards a shared goal


behavior that is recognized as violating expected rules and norms.


behavior, trait, belief that violates a norm and causes a negative reaction (social - not moral - judgement)


behaviors approved by group


behaviors to avoid

Self Efficacy

belief in one's ability to perform a certain task


belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes, also the social movements organized around the belief


beliefs about what is good or desirable in life and the way the world ought to be

Conflict Theory on Deviance

believe that a society's inequalities are reproduced in its definitions of deviance, so the less powerful are more likely to be criminalized

Emile Durkheim

believed in functionalism and the scientific method; saw society as a set of independent parts that maintain a system but each separate part has a function

Karl Marx

believed people should change society through revolution; society is made up of 2 classes: bourgeoisie and poletariat

Charles Cooley

believed that one's sense of self depends seeing our self reflected in interactions with others (LGS)

Erving Goffman

believed that the meaning was constructed through interaction (dramatology and impression management)


beneficial consequences of people's actions

institutional prejudice and discrimination

bias build into the operation of society's institutions

early attempts to explain deviant behavior in individuals were based on teh assumption that crime was committed mostly by people with certain physical traits. this view was called

biological determinism


biological reproduction by partners of different racial categories

Working/Lower Middle Class

blue collar, less likely to have a college degree (30% US)

Sympathetic Stress Response

body arouses, fight or flight

Social stratification

both a and b: is a process that involves competition and conflict over the means of production and also is a system of rewards and incentives to encourage efforts to achieve high positions and levels in society.

General purposes or functions of meso-level economic and political institutions include:

both a and b: to maintain social control and to protect its citizens.

Elite theory

both b and c: claims existence of a power elite consisting of the top leaders in business, politics, and the military and also points out that private preparatory schools transmit elite status from generation to generation.

The mechanical cotton gin

both b and c: separates the seeds, hulls and foreign material from cotton and also led to greater cotton production and need for more slaves in the south.

According to pluralist theory

both b and d: power is more or less evenly distributed among all the various groups and conflicts among the groups are resolved through negotiation and compromise.

Health and SES

bottom of the social class ladder are least likely to obtain adequate nutrition, shelter, clothing, health care, >> more prone to illness

Karl Marx and Stratification

bourgeosie=capitalists and proletariat=larborers, inequality would grow as workers continued to be exploited, class status results from wealth, power, and prestige

by using each of the three major sociological perspectives, researchers can

bring more aspects of society into a sharper focus


broad theoretical model about how things work in the social natural world

Andragogy and geragogy are most likely to emphasize

building on the extensive life experience of older learners

conspicuous consumption

buying and using products because of the "statement" they make about social position

Parasympathetic Stress Response

calms body, conserves energy

Social forces such as gender and race

can aggravate the impact of chronic problems of the elderly

globalization of capitalism

capitalism becoming the globe's dominant economic system

Protestant work ethic

capitalism grew in protestant areas. Their work ethic went up

Institutional Discrimination

carried out by an institution


changes due to increased international trade in the late twentieth century

Structural Mobility

changes in the social status of large numbers of people due to structural changes in society

Socially Constructed

changes over time by society

vertical mobility

changing jobs at a higher class level

horizontal mobility

changing jobs at the same class level

Mood Disorders

characterized by emotional extremes

What Drives the Unconscious Mind?

childhood sexuality and unconscious motivation - influences personality

Psychosexual Stages

childhood stages of development - id's pleasure seeking energies focus on distinct erogenous zones

feral children

children assumed to have been raised by animals, in the wilderness, isolated from humans


children incorporate their parents' values into their developing superegos

Robert Merton

clarified the difference between manifest functions and latent functions

Culture Wars

clashes within the society as to what the norms should be

Van Ausdale and Feagan

class position, race and ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation form a multilayered system that provides disadvantages for some and privileges for others, adults see children as not being racist but they really are

Weber and Stratification

class status was the product of 3 components (wealth, power and prestige

Coronary Heart Disease

clogging of the vessels that nourish the heart muscle


collection of people who share a physical location but do not have listing social relations


collection of people who share the same attribute, identify with one another, and interact with each other

Contagion Theory

collective action, individuals who joined a crowd become infected by mob mentality and lose the ability to reason

Emergent Norm Theory

collective behavior, individual members of a crowd made their own decisions about behavior and norms are created through these behaviors


collective ownership of means of production, collective distribution of goods, and services and government regulation of the economy

fuzzy group

come into occasional contact but lack a sense of boundaries and belonging

sexual harassment

comments, gestures, or physical contacts of a sexual nature that are deliberate, repeated, and unwelcome

Cycle of Violence

common behavior patterns in abusive relationships, happy>tense>tension explodes>abuse>repeat

nonverbal interaction

communication without words through gestures, use of space, silence, and so on

multinational corporations

companies that operate across national boundaries, also called transnational corporations


company uses labor from another country because its cheaper

secondary group

compared with a primary group, a larger, relatively temporary, more anonymous, formal, and impersonal group based on some interest or activity

Which of the following forms of social interaction are more likely to unsettle the social structure?


________ is an interaction in which two individuals follow mutually accepted rules, each trying to achieve the same goal before the other does


Organic metaphor

conceiving society as an organism, a system of interrelated functions and parts that work together to create a whole.

Harry & Margaret Harlow

conducted monkey experiment- study power and isolation and potential

Research Ethics

confidentiality, informed consent, honesty

________ is an interaction in which two individuals disregard any rules, each trying to achieve his or her own goal by defeating the other


which of the following statements about conflict is the most true?

conflict can often help a social structure by unifing members

functionalist perspective emphasizes society's stability while the _____ ______ portrays society as always changing and always marked by conflict

conflict perspective

at the third level of moral development, young adults have a postconventional morality, which takes into account the importance of

conflicting norms

Super Ego

conscience- keeps us from engaging in socially undesirable behaviors; ego ideal: upholds our vision of who we believe we should be


consequences that harm a society


conservative christians who emphasize converting others to their faith


consistency in measurement


consists of basic inborn drives that are the source of instinctive energy


consists of individuals who temporarily share the same physical space but who do not see themselves as belonging together

reflection hypothesis

contends that the mass media reflect the values of the general population.

sociologists study human behavior through books, magazines, letters, songs, etc. this type of research is called

content analysis

Family Planning



control over every aspect

Nuclear Family

couple with children

sociological research and theory suggest that

crime and deviance are rooted in the structure of society, including poverty, urban conditions, and generally, the crises faced by many young men

corporate crime

crimes committed by executives in order to benefit their corporation

street crime

crimes such as muggings, rape and burglary


cultural beliefs that justify particular social arrangements, including patterns of inequality

Cultural Imperialism

cultural influence caused by adopting another culture's products rather than by military force

Popular Culture

cultural patterns that are widespread among a society's population

High Culture

cultural patterns that distinguish a society's elite


cultural patterns that set apart some segment of a society's populationcultural patterns that are widespread among a society's population


cultural patterns that strongly oppose those widely accepted within a society

As a sociological concept, ethnicity refers to

cultural practices and outlooks, including language, history, ancestry, religion, and styles of dress or adornment that end to set people apart.


culturally defined standards tha people use to decide what is desirable, good, and beautiful and that serve as broad guidelines for social living

For African Americans, progress has not been significant in housing and economic conditions because of tradition and customs. We called it:

de facto segregation


deals with the real world, operates on reason, mediates with the id and super ego

Life Changes

death, divorce, loss of job, promotion

Demographic Freefall

decrease in fertility rates because having children is an economic liability

Alex Thio affirms that by studying and appreciating social diversity in our society, we ultimately

develop a better understanding of ourselves

Empirically Derived Survey

develop a pool of items that predict traits

Research has found that children raised by homosexual couples

develop the same as children raised by heterosexual parents.

Mental Healthcare

developing science and practice

political revolution

development of nation-state system; movements for democracy; rise of popular struggles

Labled Theory

deviance is a consequence of external judgements or labels which both modify the individuals self concept and change the way others respond to the labled person (self fulfilling prophecy- prediction causes itself to come true)

with which of the following statements might a conflict theorist most closely agree?

deviants are labeled as such by powerful groups who use the label to control less powerful

if you live in a high crime area, many of teh people you will befriend will be involved in criminal ativites, thus increasing your opportunity to learn criminal behavior. the conceptual context for the phenomenon is known as

differential association

which two theories explaining deviance are classified as symbolic interactionist?

differential association and labeling theory


direct contact with respondents, qualitative data, carful contructing questions, must avoid leading questions and double barreled questions


direct questioning of respondents

______is an unfavorable action against individuals that is taken because they are members of a certain category.



disguise threatening impulse by attributing them to other others

in ___ the wrongdoer is punished in such a way as to be stigmatized, rejected, or ostracized in effect, banished from conventional society

disintegrative shaming

Manic Episode

disorder marked by a hyperactive widely optomistic state

Personality Disorders

disorders characterized by inflexible, enduring behavior patterns; impairs social functioning

Type D Personality

distressed, depressed, anxious - newer type

Anxiety Disorders

distressing, persistent anxiety or maladaptive behaviors that reduce anxiety

conflict view on religion

divides people rather than uniting them

deferred gratification

doing without something in the present in the hope of achieving greater gains in the future

Latency Stage (6-puberty)

dormant sexual feelings

Conservation Era

earliest stage of environmental movement (wilderness areas)

Auguste Comte

early classical, coined the term sociology, began thinking about how the scientific method can be applied to social affairs

Herbert Spencer

early classical, for the idea of evolution and coined the term "survival of the fittest", believed SOCITIES over time adapt to their environment as well (social darwinism)


earnings from work or investments

world system theory

economic and political connections that tie the world's countries together o 1. Core nations—the countries that industrialized first grew rich and powerful o 2. semiperiphery—located around the Mediterranean; economies stagnated because they grew dependent on trade with core nations o 3. Periphery—fringe nations; developed the least; Eastern European nations which sold cash crops to core nations o 4. External area—nations left out of the development of capitalism altogether; most of Africa and Asia

simon kuznets curve refers to the changing relationship between

economic development and social inequality

Pierre Bourdieu

education serves as a means of social reproduction, inequality is spread from one generation to the next, did studies in France to show greater class division because of social capital

interviewer bias

effects that interviewers have on respondents that lead to biased answers

Urban Renewal

efforts to fix decaying inner cities


efforts to promote forward thinking social change

a stratification system where there is little opportunity to accumulate wealth and where there is much social equality is called

egalitarian system

According to Sigmund Freud, the ____ is the part of the personality that is rational.



either expressions of approval given to people for upholding norms or expressions of disapproval for violating them


eliminates private property, extreme socialism, all citizens work for government and no class distinctions

Expressive Tasks

emotional tasks

Family Violence

emotional, physical, or sexual abuse of one family member by another

family violence

emotional, physical, or sexual abuse of one family member by another

Carl Jung

emphasized the "collective unconsciousness" - shared, inherited reservoir of memory from our species history

Symbolic Interactionists and Gender

emphasizes HOW gender is socially constructed, maintained and produced everyday


emphasizes literal interpretation of texts and a return to a time of greater religious purity (conservative)

the supportive social interaction's function that provides hidden, underlying meanings is absolutely crucial for

ensuring social order

Culture of Poverty

entrenched attitudes that can develop among poor communities and lead the poor to accept their fate rather than attempt to improve it

3 Types of Hormones

epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol

key values of US culture

equal opportunity, achievement & success, material comfort, activity & work, practicality & efficiency, progress, science, democracy & free enterprise, freedom, racism & group superiority

_______ referred to supportive interactions as 'supportive interchanges' 'mutual dealings' or 'acts of identificatory sympathy.

erving Goffman

Ecological Footprint

estimation of goods one uses and waste they make

Situational Ethnicity

ethnic identity that can be either displayed or concealed depending on its usefulness in a given situation

sociologist Jane Johnson lived with Kickapoo indians and studied the tribal members' beliefs. This type of research is called


the analysis of how people define the world in which they live is called




Troubles and Issues

ex. marriage: experience personal troubles, 250/1000 result in divorce=issues

select below that one statement that is NOT a reason for studying social interaction in everyday life:

examining social interaction in everyday life allows sociologists to see how relatively unimportant language is in creating social reality

Prejudice against older people is expressed in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

exclusion from politics

Phase 3

exhaustion, reserves depleted

George Herbert Meade

expanded Cooley's ideas abou the developmental self, he also believed that the self was created through social interaction and that his process started in childhood (children learn language and develop self at the same time) - the acquisition of language skills coincide with the growth of mental capacities (think of selves as seperate, see us in relationships with others)


expectations, or rules of behavior that reflect and enforce behavior


experiences of a distinct, real, personal identity that is seperate and different from all other people

3 Clusters of Personality Disorders

expresses anxiety - expresses eccentric behaviors - impulsive behaviors


extraordinary personal qualities that can infuse people with emotion and turn them into followers

Dependent Variable

factor changed by the independent variable

Independent Variable

factor that is predicted to change


factor that leads to stress

Gender Blindness

failing to consider the variable of gender at all

As a highly democratic society, the United States has proportionately more female political leaders than other nations.


Jean Piaget's described seven stages of cognitive development that each child goes through


according to the conflict perspective, racial and ethnic groups can contribute to social cohesion through assimilation, amalgamation or cultural pluralism


according to the conflict perspective, society creates and maintains poverty because benefits can be derived from it


as the world's leading democratic society, the united states has the most equal distribution of income


because they speak the same language, men and women can easily understand each other


condoleezza rice's position as national security advisor in the bush administration is an ascribed status, and her status as an african american and a woman are achieved


economic globalization is a closely knit community of all the world's societies


having a network of friends and relatives can only bring joy and chase away lonliness, worries, and trouble, especially for widows


humor is only fun and games


intelligence is either inherited or learned


participant observation is a research method that involves only asking questions about opinions, beliefs, or behaviors


patriarchy is a system of domination in which women exercise power over women


preconventional morality is Kohlberg's term for the practice of judging actions by taking into account the importance of conflicting norms


primary group is a group whose members interact formally, relate to each other as players of particular roles, and expect to profit from each other


studies show that western companies cannot successfully operate with the kind of bottom up decision making used in japan


the class system is the least stratified, with minimal inequality


the feudal system is made up of several segregated groups whose positions are ascribed and fixed in society


the influence of organizations over our lives is entirely beneficial


there are there distinct, pure races: white, asian and black


to be a genius, you must be born one



fear or discrimination towards homosexuals or toward individuals who display gender innappropriate behavior

which of the following is an example of prejudice

feeling negatively about people from a particular ethnic group

An example of prejudice

feeling negatively about people from a particular ethnic group.

culture shock

feeling of disorientation that can come when one encounters a new or rapidly changed cultural situation

_____ is the belief that women and men should be equal in various aspecs of their lives.


Environmental Movement

first stage, organized around concerns with the relationship between humans and environment

harriet marteneau

first woman sociologist

Functionalists and Race

focus on how race creates social ties and strengthens group bongs (could also lead to conflict)

Symbolic Interactionist and Race

focus on the ways race, class and gender intersect each other to produce an individual's identity

Carl Rogers

focused on growth and fulfillment - geniuses, acceptance, empathy - introduced group therapy

lisa attended her best friends funeral wearing cut off jeans and a red tank top. when the service started lisa whistled and cheered. lisa's mode of dress and behavior at the funeral was a violation of society's


urban renewal

following World War II, and continuing into the early 1970s, "urban renewal" referred primarily to public efforts to revitalize aging and decaying inner cities, although some suburban communities undertook such projects as well.

Major Depressive Disorder

for no apparent reason, person experiences 2 or more weeks of depressive moods, feelings of worthlessness, diminished interest/ pleasure in most activites

Coercive Power


External Locus of Control

forces beyond one's control determine fate

battered woman syndrome

form of abuse done to woman by her husband or any other man- economic, emotional, physical, or sexual

Caste System

form of social stratification in which status is determined by one's family history and background and cannot be changed


formally defined norm ~ what is legal/illegal in a society

mass media

forms of communication, such as radio, newspapers, television, and blogs that are directed to mass audiences

Grassroots Environmentalism

fourth stage, major, citizen participation

Symbolic Interaction Approach

framework for building theory that sees society as the product of the everyday interactions of individuals


free market competition, privitization of the means of production, supply and demand

3 roles of the future

full time worker, full time caretaker in house, primary caretaker of aging parents

According to _____ perspective, it is functional for society to assign different tasks to men and women.


the perspective that views society as a set of interdependent parts working together to provide social order is known as the ______ perspective


oscar lewis characterized people living in a culture of poverty as having all of the following attitudes EXCEPT

future oriented

race, class and ______ play a significant role in deviance, particularly crime and delinquency


Functionlists and Gender

gender roles exist because they are an efficient form of social organization

Conflict Theory and Gender

gender roles result from male dominance

According to George Herbert Mead, when children learn to internalize the values of society as a whole in the game stage, they take on the role of the

generalized other

Adrenal Gland

gland that releases hormones

Emile Durkheim

goal was to get sociology recognized as a separate discipline and show how social forces affect people's behavior; used suicide research to realize that social factors are underlying for behaviors; human behaviors cannot be understood only in terms of the individual, must exam the social factor's that affect people's lives


good stress

Social Identity Theory

group formation that stress the need of the individual members to feel a sense of belonging


group of people who shape their lives in aggregated and patterned ways that distinguish their group from others

Out Group

group one feels opposition/rivalry towards

In Group

group one identifies with

Minority Group

group that is denied the same access to power as the dominant group, not necessarily fewer in number

Reference Group

group that provides a standard of comparison against which we evaluate ourselves


group within a society that is differentiated by its distinctive values, norms and lifestyles

Dominant Culture

group within society that is most powerful

Counter Culture

group within society that openly rejects and opposes society's values and norms


groups toward which people feel antagonism


groups toward which people feel loyalty

Social Theory

guiding principle that attempt to explain and predict the social world

Natasha recieves good grades, she learns a lot and she is liked by her professors, parents, and friends. she is outgoing and also participates in several extra curricular activities that the school develops for the betterment of the students. charles H. cooley would suggest that natasha

has a good self image

Violence with the American family

has cultural encouragement

The rise in cohabitation rates

has raised concerns about the institution of marriage.


having many interpretations/meanings

Service Work

helps others, not manufacturing goods

Social factors that may contribute to the aging process include all of the following EXCEPT:

hereditary genes.



Popular Culture

high culture of elite groups ~ usually associated with the masses, consumer goods and commercial products

Opinion Leaders

high profile people whose interpretation of events influence the media

Type A Personality

higher stress level - competitive, impatient, aggressive, and anger prone

white-collar occupations

higher-prestige jobs that involve mostly mental activity


holding constant all variables except one in order to clearly see the effect of that variable


holy, divine, supernatural

Learned Helplessness

hopelessness and passive resignation/learned when unable to avoid repeated aversive events/results in stress and depression/uncontrollable bad events->perceived lack of control->generalized helpless behavior

Education and SES

how children perform in school usually determines whether they go to college, more education=more money, the higher the family's SES, the higher the expectations

social distance

how closely people are willing to interact with members of some category

Socologists study...

how society affects the individual and how the individual affects society


how you respond to scenarios


human centered- humans should take priority over concerns in the environment

Catastrophic Events

hurricanes, combat stress, floods

Freuds 3 Structures That Control Personality

id, superego, ego


ideas about what is desirable or contemptible and right an wrong in a particular group ~ articulates the essence of everything a group cherishes and honors

Symbolic Culture

ideas associated with culture (beliefs, values, assumptions, ways of behavior, norms, interactions, communication)

Nomenclature Culture

ideas created by members of a society

Big Five Personality Inventory

identifies dominant personality traits/ typically used in healthy populations/used for multi-purpose screening

the privilege that allows leaders to deviate from their group's norms is called

idiosyncrasy credit

teacher expectancy effect

if a teacher expects something out of his/her students then the students feel obligated to meet these expectations, but if these expectations are low then the students have a limited potential


if the subject reacts to the sex of the researcher, interfering with the research operation

Marx and Work

importance of capitalism in our economy, increasing alienation felt by workers, loss of control over their work because of capitalism and how to do their work,

Alfred Alder

importance of childhood tension - growth motivation, deficiency motivation - "inferiority complex"


in its narrow sense, tools; its broader sense includes the skills or procedures necessary to make and use those tools


in its narrow sense, written sources that provide data; in its extended sense, archival material of any sort, including photos, movies, CDs, etc.

Group Think

in very cohesive groups, the tendency to enforce a high degree of conformity among members ~ creating a demand for unanimous agreement

Identification Conformity

inbetween ~ desire to maintain a relationship

genetic predisposition

inborn tendencies


included as an ordinary part of everyday life

Global Warming

increase in temp. due to increase in greenhouse gasses and human activity

Greenhouse Effect

increased greenhouse gasses cause the earths temp. to rise (from human activity)


increasing connection between economic social and political systems all over the globe


individual's membership in one of two biologically distinct categories (male/female)

divorce causes

individualism, romantic love fades, women are less dependent on men, marriage is stressful, divorce is socially acceptable, divorce is easy to get

Public Goods Dilemma

individuals most give money to a resource even though it does not benefit them

agents of socialization

individuals or groups that affect our self-concept, attitudes, behaviors or other orientations towards life

authoritarian personality

individuals that rigidly conform to conventional cultural values and see moral issues as clear-cut matters of right and wrong


individuals who accept society's approved goals, but not society's approved means to achieve them


individuals who are sexually attracted to both genders


individuals who have given up hope of achieving society's approved goals, but still operate to approved means


individuals who identify with opposite sex and have surgery

electronic community

individuals who regularly interact with one another on the Internet and who think of themselves as belonging together

the essence of global stratification is

inequality among nations

herb, joe, and judy routinely meet for breakfast to discuss how to solve problems and promote work in the office. their meetings are part of their company's

informal organization

the key to increased productivity in today's organizations is not, as frederick taylor assumed, in the formal organization, but in the

informal organization, the relationships of workers

Empirical Evidence

information we can verify with our senses


innate characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving

David Jacobs

institutional racism criminologist at OSU, does research on prison admissions

In some of our social institutions, there is still the persistence of _____. The problem is that it is not recognized by everybody because of the long history that we have practiced it.

institutionalized discrimination

jane was in charge of a difficult project in a large office. she was a tough leader and kept pushing people to accomplish the project's goals. she would be an example of a

instrumental type of leader

Reciprocal Determinism

interacting influences between personality and environment

Synthetic Model

interaction between biological, psychological, and socio-cultural influences - creates psychological disorders


interactions between individuals and the ways in which those interactions construct the larger society

Behavioral Medicine

interdisciplinary field that studies behavior and medicine

Max Weber

interested in the shift to industrial society, interested in rationalization, believed society was governed by bureaucracies (large military operations), believed life was filled with disenchantment

inner controls

internalized morality; stronger our bonds (attachments, commitments, involvements and beliefs), the more effective our inner controls

international monetary fund

international organization that oversees monetary issues among countries

structured interviews

interviews that use closed-ended questions

unstructured interviews

interviews that use open-ended questions

A manager who becomes the vice president of a company illustrates:

intragenerational mobility

cycle of violence

is Bachman and Saltzmans theory that domestic violence occurs in four stages: happiness, glossed-over disagreements, acute battering and violence, finally a honeymoon period

conflict theorists argue that social stratification

is a reflection of power, not necessity

The First battle of Manassas

is also known as the First Bull Run and was won by the South (confederates).

most evidence about the impact of capital punishment on murder rates supports the conclusion that capital punishment

is not effective deterrent to murder

false consciousness

is the Marxist thesis that material and institutional processes in capitalist society are misleading to the proletariat, and to other classes

Studying day-to-day interactions is important because

it gives us insight into the similarities and varieties of behaviors

which of the following statements about socialization are true EXCEPT?

it is difficult to change an adult's personality becasue it has been formed in childhood

status symbols

items used to identify a status (ex. Wedding rings)

how do japanese corporations differ from the bureaucratic model followed by the most business organizations in the west?

japanese corporations use a horizontal, collaborative model

American Dream

justifies the class hierarchy by reinforcing the idea that success depends only on effort, suggesting the poor are lazy (criticized)

social cohesion

keeps social groups together

________ is the use of body movements as a means of communication; also called body language



knowledge that people use to make a way of life in their surroundings

Philip Zimbardo

known for experiment in the "Stanford County Prison" - found that even normal people can be prone to violence in specific settings

relative poverty

lack of resources of some people in relation to those who have more

according to the absolute definition of poverty in the united states, persons are poor when they

lack the income needed to sustain a minimum standard of living

tom brown was the supervisor of a group of computer programmers. he provided support if needed, but generally allowed members of his group to work by themselves. his leadership style would be called


Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

language determines other aspects of culture because language provides the categories through which social reality is understood. (associating the word purple with seeing the color) language determines how we see things.

the sapir-whorf hypothesis about language and culture suggests that

language shapes the ways in which people percieve the world

Extended Families

large group of relatives (3 generations) in one household

Mass Behavior

large groups of people engaging in the same behaviors without being in the same place

Secondary Groups

large, less intimate, temporary

Upper Class

largely self sustaining group of the wealthiest people in a class system (in US = 1% of the population)

which of the following best describes the relationship between group size, intamcy, and stability?

larger groups, such as fraternity, are less intimate than small cliques, but the fraternities are a more stable group and relationships

jim crow refers to

laws enacted after federal troops left the south that segregated blacks from whites

4 ways to remedy child abuse

lay therapists, families anonymous, crisis nursery, therapeutic day care center

according to some experts, the current drug laws do more harm than good becasue they

lead to many crimes, including murder

Learning Process

learning to cope with stress


leaving one country to live in another

Global Dimming

less air reaching the earth because of pollution (more light into space)

Some sociologists believe that the elderly should be considered a minority group because

like many other minority groups, they face prejudice and discrimination.

Some sociologists believe that the elderly should be considered a minority group because

like other minority groups, they face prejudice and discrimination.


lingering focus of energy at a psychosexual stage - occurs when conflicts are unresolved

Karl Marx

lived during the industrial revolution, capitalism was emerging, believed capitalism was creating class conflict and social inequality between the rich and the poor


living together not married or involved

For charles H. Cooley, the process wherby our self image develops from the ways others treat us is called the ________ process

looking-glass self


looks at the large scale social structure to see how it effects the individual


loosely enforced norm that ensures smooth social interaction

blue-collar occupations

lower-prestige jobs that involve mostly manual labor

Paradigm Shift

major break from the assumptions made by the previous model


male perspective

Blue Collar

manual labor

An outcome for the family that sociologists predict as the most likely...

many diverse forms of the family.

residential security map

maps used by the FHA to ensure maximal value for richer communities by getting rid of minorities


marriage between people of different social categories


marriage between people of different social categories


marriage between people of the same social category


marriage between people of the same social category


marriage between people with the same social characteristics


marriage between people with the same social characteristics


marriage that unites a person with two or more spouses


marriage that unites one man and two or more women


marriage that unites one woman and two or more men


marriage that unites three or more peopl


marriage that unites two partners


marriage that unites two partners


marriage to more than one person at once


marriage to someone from a different social group


marriage to someone within their social group


marriage/relationship with one person


material possessions: animals, bank accounts, bonds buildings businesses, cars, furniture, land and stocks

Genital Stage (puberty on)

maturation of sexual interests


measured by the crude death rate.

Who Is More Likely to Commit Suicide?


cost of sexism

men have higher suicide rates, limits talents and ambitions of women


men have multiple wives


mental construct that represents some part of the world


methods and tactics intended to influence govrnment policy, policy related attitudes, and activities

the largest component of the hispanic community in the united states are the


Compliance Conformity

mildest type of conformity

3 key words for power and control

minimizes, denies, blames

wage trends

minimum wage continues to increase, but so do the price of goods canceling out the effect, the increased wages keeping the poor, poor

Panic Disorder

minutes long episodes of intense dread


misinterpreting normal physical sensation as symptoms of a disease

School Vouchers

money from government to parents toward private school if the public school fails


money received, usually from a job, business or assets

Type B Personality

more laid back - easygoing, relaxed

______ are strong norms that specify normal behavior of people and constitute demands on our behavior, not just expectations


one of several problems with the biological classification of races is that

most people are not physically distinctive

One of the several problems with the biological classification is that

most people are not physically distinctive.

18 - 24 years old

most stressed out age group


most widely researched and used personality traits/identifies emotional disorders/used for multi-purpose screening

Upper Middle Class

mostly professionals and managers, considerable financial stability (14% US)

Vertical Social Mobility

movement between different class statuses

Intergenerational Mobility

movement between social class from one generation to next

downward social mobility

movement down the social class ladder

White Flight

movement of upper and middle class whites who could afford to move to the subarbs

structural mobility

movement up or down the social class ladder that is due to changes in the structure of society, not to individual efforts

upward social mobility

movement up the social class ladder

Liberation Theology

movement within to catholic church to understand Christianity from the perspective of the poor

low-income countries

nations with a low standard of living in which most people are poor

middle-income countries

nations with a standard of living about average for the world as a whole


natural world, human made environment, and interaction between the two

It can be safely said that

nature accounts only for physical differences between men and women

It can be safely said that

nature accounts only for physical differences between men and women.

Nocebo Effect

negative effects derived from expectations


neighborhoods that were outlined in red because they were risky investments because of the habitation of minorities

Global Village

new communication technologies override barriers of space and time, people everywhere can interact

Exponential Growth Curve

new malthusians believe that if growth doubles during approximately equal intervals of time, it suddenly accelerates. Currently @ 7 billion.


non coercive power

Qualitative Date

non numerical

A child learns to act like adults, she observes and internalizes her parents' values and attitudes into her personality. Lawrence Kohlberg refers to this behavior as:

none of the above

Herbert Spencer's classic study of suicide makes the sociological point that

none of the above

John is playing with his toys and he is pretending to be a fireman like his father. According to Jean Piaget, by seeing himself from his father's point of view, John is

none of the above

Independent/Third Sector

nonprofit organizations


norm engrained so deeply that even thinking about violating it evokes strong feelings of disgust and horror


norm that carries a greater moral significance ~ severe reprecussions for violations

The cases of children who were raised in extreme isolation demonstrate that

normal human development requires continuing human interaction


norms for routine or casual interaction


norms that are not strictly enforced


norms that are strictly enforced because they are though essential to core values or to the well-being of the group


norms that are widely observed and have great moral significance

3 Criticisms of Freud's Theories

not a true science - conscious interpretation of events is equally as important as unconscious mind - sex and aggression are not all consuming emotions. people are driven by a variety of goals/needs

Families Anonymous

not alone and could derive a great deal of help from one another


not in my backyard

cultural relativism

not judging a culture but trying to understand it on its own terms

Quantitative Data


Wright's Modification of Marx's Model

o 1. Capitalists o 2. Petty bourgeoisie o 3. Managers o 4. Workers

Marx's model of social class

o 1. Capitalists—bourgeoisie, those who own the means of production o 2. Workers—proletariat, those who work for the capitalists o 3. Inconsequential others—beggars, etc

6-tier model for class structure

o Capitalist class—1% of population; worth more than entire bottom 90% of country; owns 1/3 of nations assests; old vs new money o The upper middle class—most shaped by education; 15% of population o The lower middle class—34% of population; can afford but struggle to maintain mainstream lifestyle o The working class—30% of population; relatively unskilled blue collar and white collar workers; less education and lower incomes; only high school diploma o The working poor—16% of population; unskilled, low paying, temporary and seasonal jobs; depend on food stamps o The underclass—a group of people for whom poverty persists year after year and across generations; inner city; 4% of population

Four deviant paths

o Innovators—people who accept the goals of society but use illegitimate means to try and reach them o Ritualism—people who become discouraged and give up on achieving cultural goals yet cling to conventional rules of conduct o Retreatism—reject both cultural goals and the institutionalized means of achieving them o Rebellion—reject both society's goals and its institutionalized means

joseph is automatically rated as a member of the middle class because he has a master's degree. this way of assigning people to social classes, based on year's of education and occupation is called the

objective method

sociologists apply the ________ because it identifies social class using occupation, income and education

objective method

Material Culture

objects associated with culture

real culture

occurs in everyday life

Intragenerational Mobility

occurs over one's lifetime

Two-Career Family

one form of family in the United States that has become very common

Pluralistic Ignorance

one groups decides not to take action because other groups haven't

research method

one of seven procedures that sociologists use to collect data: surveys, participant observation, case studies, secondary analysis, documents, experiments, and unobtrusive measures

family forms

one parent families, cohabitation, gay and lesbian couples, singlehood, two parents

Individual Discrimination

one person against another


one who gains energy, motivation and comfort from social interactions


one whose sense of gender identity is at odds witht heir physical sex, but they have not sought surgery

Self Esteem

ones' feelings of high or low self worth

Distance Learning



openness to the latest trends and fashions, often expressed by imitating others

illegitimate opportunity structure

opportunities for crimes that are woven into the texture of life

the term life chances refers to

opportunities of living a good, long, successful life

Freuds Psychological Stages

oral stage - anal stage - phallic stage - latency stage - genital stage

what term do sociologists use to refer to a group with an identifiable membership that engages in concerted collective actions to achieve a specific goal?


Political Action Committee

organization that raises money to support the interests of a select group or organization

527 committees

organizations that have no official connection to candidate but raise and spend funds like a campaign does

Special Interest Groups

organizations that raise and spend money to influence elected officials or public opinion

many characteristics of organizations appear orthodox but activities are all illegal, easy to evade law enforcements, they are called

organized crime

zytago music

originates from Louisiana and Eastern Texas

blue grass music

originates from the Appalachians

Personal Control

our sense of controlling our environments, rather than feeling helpless

critics of the feminist theory criticize the theory becasue it

overemphasizes the oppressiveness of patriarchy

Spotlight Effect

overestimate others noticing our appearance, performance, and blunders

Reaction to a Threatening Stressful Event

panic, freeze up

Freud Idea

parental strife and sexual motivation are powerful influences on personality development

Home Schooling

parents teach children

according to ____is the observation that "work expands to fill the time available for its completion"

parkin's law


part of a population that represents the whole


parts of Earth that support life

National Housing Act 1934

passed to make housing and mortgages more affordable, created the Federal Housing Administration, white flight, block busting


pattern of intergroup relations that encourage racial and ethnic variation within a society

global stratification

patterns of social inequality in the world as a whole

Family and SES

people are likely to marry people with similar social and cultural backgrounds

Mass Society Theory

people join social movements not because of the ideals but to satisfy a psychological need to belong to something larger than themselves

Virtual Community

people linked by their consumption of the same electronic media

Criminal Justice and SES

people of lower SES are more likely to encounter the CJS, white collar criminals can hire the best legal representation

according to symbolic interactionists

people respond to the interpretations of symbols and experiences

Example of a social aggregate

people waiting at Terminal C for flight 181

which of the following is a social aggregate?

people waiting at terminal C for flight 181

Primary Groups

people who are most important to our sense of self ~ face to face interactions, intense feelings of belonging


people who are the focus of research


people who have similar characteristics


people who have something in common and who believe that what they have in common is significant; also called social group

outer controls

people who influence us not to deviate


people who respond to a survey, either in interviews or by self-administered questionnaires


people who sell their labor for wages


people who won and operate factories and other businesses in pursuit of profits

Knowledge workers

people who work with info, ideas, judgements, designs, etc

just-world hypothesis

people's tendency to believe that the world is just and that people get what they deserve

Internal Locus of Control

perception that one controls own fate


permanent residence in another country

Phobia Disorder

persistent, irrational fear of a specific object or situation

Bipolar Disorder

person alternates between hopelessness and lethargy, and the overexcited state of mania (Manic-Depression)

August Comte

person who coined the term sociology to describe a new way of looking at society

Herbert Spencer

person who compared society to the human body

Robert K. Merton

person who distinguished between manifest and latent functions

Emile Durkheim

person who explained the differences in terms of social integration and the rates of suicide between men and women

Herbert Mead

person who explored how our personalities develop as a result of social experience


person who has no interest in or desire for sex

Karl Marx

person who is a capitalist who fought for the rights of workers "the only reason business' prosper are because of the workers, and they often don't realize they are worth more"

Jane Addams

person who ran the women's hull house

W.E.D DuBois

person who solved parameters of social inequality

August Comte

person who's approach is called POSITIVISM - a way of understanding based on science


person whose chromosomes are neither male/female

Culture Shock

personal disorientation when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life

social character

personality patterns common to members of a particular society

Influential Power



physical and legal repsonsibiliy of child decided by court

Material Culture

physical things created by members of a society

Anal Stage (18-36 months)

pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder elimination; coping with demands for control

Oral Stage (0-18 months)

pleasure on the mouth - suckling, biting, chewing

Phallic Stage (3-6 years)

pleasure zones is the genitals; incestuous sexual feelings


policy that values diverse racial, ethnic, national, and linguistic backgrounds and encourages the retention of cultural differences within society, rather than assimilation


poor into middle class communities


poorest Americans who are chronically unemployed and may depend on public or private assistance (5%)

Working Poor

poorly educated workers who work full time but remain below poverty line (20%)

Malthusian Thoery

population growth will outplace growth in food production and other resources - leading to a major health disaster

Expressive Role

position of the family member who provides emotional support

Placebo Effect

positive effects derived from expectations


positive or negative and are used to keep the control


positive or negative reactions to the way that people follow or disobey norms ~ rewards for conformity and punishments for violations

________ morality was Kohlberg's term for the practice of judging actions by taking into account the importance of conflicting norms


US sociology was reshaped during the 1960's by renewed awareness of

poverty and years of social unrest

Resource Mobilization Theory

practical constraints that help or hinder social movements' action


practice based on religious beliefs

_____ is a negative attitude toward members of a minority that is often based on negative stereotypes.


judy begins a new job as a nurse. her supervisor expects her to be on time and take good care of her patients. these expectations make up her:

prescribed role


presenting yourself as a member of a different racial or ethnic group than the one you were born into

which of the following is NOT a reason why college students become binge drinkers?

prior involvement in drug use


privately felt problems that come from events or feelings in one's individual life.


problems that effect large numbers of people, and have their origins in the institutional arrangments and history of a society.

Scientific Method

procedure for acquiring knowledge that emphasized collecting concrete data through observation and experiment


procedure for determining the value of a variable in a specific case

Cultural Transmission

process by which one generation passes culture to the next

Cultural Leveling

process by which societies lose their uniqueness


process by which the characteristics and principles of the fast-food restaurant come to dominate other areas of social life. Calculability, control, predictability, and efficiency.


process of perceiving and responding to events (stressors)

Free Association Test

projective test using methods that explore the unconscious - person relaxes and says whatever comes to mind

3 dimensions of social stratification

property, power, and prestige

Civil Unions

proposed as an alternative to gay marriage, a form of legally recognized committment that provides gay couples some of the benefits and protections of marriage


proposition or idea held on the basis of faith

a global analysis of deviance reveals social differences in a number of deviant activities. which of the following is NOT one of those differences?

prostitution is more of a problem i the united states than in other countries


provide justification that substitute for the real (more threatening) unconscious reason for actions

Sigmund Freud

psychoanalytic approach divides the mind into 3 interrelated systems: id, ego, superego

Charter Schools

public schools run by private entitiess to give parents greater control

taking the role of the other

putting oneself in someone else's shoes; understanding how someone else feels and thinks and thus anticipating how that person will act


quantitative, representative/random sample

self-administered questionnaires

questionnaires that respondents fill out

closed-ended questions

questions that are followed by a list of possible answers to be selected by the respondent

open-ended questions

questions that respondents answer in their own words

Cultural Assimilation

racial groups are absorbed by adopting the dominant group's cultre

Racial Assimilation

racial minority groups are absorbed through intermarriage

Jane Adams

ran the hull house, a place to improve lives of slum-dwellers and immigrants, etc.; wanted improvement for the poor; won nobel peace prize

status inconsistency

ranking high on some dimensions of social class and low on others

status inconsistency

ranking high on some dimensions of social class and low on others, also called status discrepancy

status consistency

ranking high or low on all three dimensions of social class

Industrial Revolution

rapid transformation of social life because of technological or economical developments

Weber and Work

rationalization of work, increase in division of labor to increase efficiency, each person has a job and they have to get it done quickly

Self Serving Basis

readiness to perceive oneself today

Deductive Logical Thought

reasoning that transforms general theory into specific hypotheses suitable for testing

Inductive Logical Thought

reasoning that transforms specific observations into general theory

Information Revolution

recent social revolution made possible by the development of the microchip in the 70d

Manifest Functions

recognized and intended consequences of any social pattern

Sustainable Development

reconcile economic growth with environmental protection


recurring characteristics or events

jane is a nursing student who reads books about the life of nurses, and uses nursing expressions when talking to her friends. for her nurses are her:

reference group

Nature vs. Nurture

refers to an ongoing discussion of the respective roles of genetics and socialization in determining individual behaviors and traits *both sides play a role, hereditary provides the potential, social environment determines which potential we realize

Cultural Lag

refers to the fact that some cultural elements change more quickly than others, disrupting a cultural system

feminization of poverty

refers to the situation that most poor families in the U.S. are headed by women


regular practice or religious beliefs, measured in frequency of attendence

For humans to be socialized ,it is imperative that they have:

regular social interaction with adults

For humans to be socialized, it is imperative that they have

regular social interaction with adults


reject both society's goals and means to achieve them and instead create their own goals by own means


reject society's goals and the means to achieve them


relationship between the dependent and independent variable


relationship in which two or more variables change together




repetition of research by other investigators

Renewable Resources

replenish at a rate comparable to the rate they are consumed

6 Defense Mechanisms

repression - regression - reaction - projection - rationalization - displacement

sociologists are using the ____ method of identifying social class when they rely on a group of people from the community to rate or locate people in the class structure


participant observation (fieldwork)

research in which the researcher participates in a research setting while observing what is happening in that setting


research method in which subjects respond to a series of statements or questions in a questionnaire or an interview

Replication Study

research that is repeated exactly but on a different group of people at a different time.


resistance to particular social changes

Phase 2

resistance, cope with stressor


respect or regard


retreat to more infantile psychosexual stage

Not classified as civil inattention

riding the bus to work


rigid conformity to time-honored ways of living

economic revolution

rise of capitalism, the growth of urban life and the Industrial Revolution

sam works overtime everyday in an important company as the head of the company, he therfore cannot spend as much time as he would like wih his children. he feels guilty but knows that if he does not work overtime he could loose his job. his situation is an example of

role conflict

we will experience ____ ______ if we simultaneously play two conflicting roles from two different statuses

role conflict


rules and expectations by which a society guides a behavior of its members

oscar wilde

said "truth is rarely simple and never simple"

Marx and Social Stratification

saw capitalism arising, the rich owned the means of production and the poor owned only their labor


saw society as a natural rather than supernatural system

At the end of the nineteenth century, there was mob violence in the North against African Americans of the Deep South blaming them for their failures and lack of money. This is call:


a degree of human prejudice can be explained by the tendency of human beings to place the blame for one's troubles on persons incapable of offering much resistance. this device is known as


Studying Culture

scientists usually focus on thier culture, we need to study the mundane as well as exceptional and look at everyday life

Modern EM

second stage, focused on consequences of new technologies, oil, chemical production, and nuclear power plants

in ____ _____ sociologists search for new knowledge in the data collected earlier by another researcher

secondary analysis

Alterative Social Movement

seeks only to alter a specific behavior in individuals. (woman's christian temperance union)

Symbolic Interactionism

sees interaction and meaning as central to society and assumes that behaviors are not inherent but are created through interaction (American Thought)

Conflict Theory

sees social conflict as the basis of society and social change, emphasizes a materialistic view of society, an economic structure is a crucial factor in shaping society

the fourth step or level we have in the scientific method is

selecting a research design by choosing one or more research methods

Humanistic Perspective

self actualization including ultimate need, after others needs are met, motivation to fulfill one's potential

The physical process of aging is called:


_____ refers to the physical process of aging.


_____ is an abnormal condition characterized by serious memory loss, confusion, and loss of the ability to reason


Group Cohesion

sense of solidarity or loyalty that individuals feel toward a group to which they belong


seperates church from state


series of questions a researcher asks a respondent in person

Depressed Brain Has Less?

serotonin and norepinephrine


set apart as extraordinary, inspiring awe and reverence


set of beliefs about the superiority of one racial or ethnic group, used to justify inequality (assumption that the differences between groups are genetic)

_____ also involves sexual abuses against women, of which the most common is sexual harassment.



sexual activity outside marriage

Oedipus Complex (for a male)

sexual desires toward mother - jealousy and hatred for the "rival" father


shaped by biases


shared rules of conduct which tell people how to act in specific situations

Social Cohesion

shared values provided by religion helping to bring people together


shifts sexual/aggressive impulses toward "acceptable" or "less threatening" object or person


single devine figure

Social Dilemma

situation in which a behavior that is fine by one person is practiced by many and leads to collective disaster

Status Inconsistency

situation in which there are serious differences between the different elements of an individuals socioeconomic status

______ is a number of people who happen to be in one place but do not interact with one another

social aggregate

Agricultural Revolution

social and economic changes, including population increases, that followed from the domestication of plants and animals and the gradually increasing efficiency of food production

Organic Solidarity

social bond based on a division of labor that created interdependence and individual rihts (industrial societies)

Mechanical Solidarity

social bond where shared traditions and beliefs create a sense of social cohesion (sameness, don't like outsiders, agrarian societies) ld?

people with a common characteristic, such as gender, occupation, or ethnicity, but not necessarily interacting with each other nor gather in one place are called a

social category

functions of religion

social cohesion, social control, providing meaning and purpose


social environment


social group whose members are bound by legal, biological or emotional ties

Agents of Socialization

social groups, institutions, and individuals that provide structured situations in which social situations take place (family, schools, peers, and mass media)


social patterns characteristic of postindustrial societies


social patterns resulting from industrialization

Social Atomism

social situations that emphasizes individualism over group identities

mechanical solidarity

social solidarity based on common consciousness

organic solidarity

social solidarity based on cooperative and interdependent relations in society

caste system

social stratification based on ascription, or birth

class system

social stratification based on both birth and individual achievement


social stratification based on personal merit

Closed System

social system with ample opportunities to move from one class to another

Open System

social system with little opportunity to more from one class to another

Queer Theory

social theory about gender identity and sexuality that emphasizes the importance of difference and rejects as restrictive the idea of innate sexual identity

among the informal controls that we have in our society, the most effective to control deviance is


according to research, many of the sexual differences found in early childhood, such as boys' superiority in math, are due to:

socialization and culture

charles wright mills called the ability to see the impact of social forces on individuals the ____ _____

sociological imagination

basic (pure) sociology

sociological research for the purpose of making discoveries about life in human groups, not for making changes in those groups

Solomon Asche

sociologist who conducted the visual perception test (group conformity)

public sociology

sociology being used for the public good; especially the sociological perspective guiding politicians and policy makers

Peter Burger's Invitation to Sociology

sociology is not just about collecting statistical data, it is about understanding, has to be tested again and again, question is what is going on, why, how, not what is right or wrong.


something to which people attach meanings and then use to communicate with others

Unconscious Mind

source of our conscious thoughts and behaviors

division of labor

specialized economic activity


specific thoughts or ideas that people hold to be true

Operationalize a Variable

specifying exactly what is to be measured before assigning a value to a variable

Sapir- Whorf Theisis

states that people see and understand the world through the cultural lens of language

_____ ______ is the condition in which the same individual is given two conflicting status rankings

status inconsistency

The basic division of labor underlying traditional gender roles in the United States has been accompanied by many popular:

stereotypes of what women and men are supposed to be.

B Lymphocytes

stored in bone marrow - release antibodies that fight bacterial infections

T Lymphocytes

stored in thymus gland - attack cancer cells, viruses, and foreign substances


strict norms that control moral and ethical behavior


stripped of voting rights

Internalization Conformity

strongest type of conformity, makes a groups beliefs their own

Talcott Parsons

structural functionalism, addressed the types of functions that social structure might fulfill (adaptation to the environment, socialization of children, realization of goals, social cohesion, maintenence of cultural patterns)

The sociological perspective in the purposes and functions of meso-level economic and political institutions is

structural functionalist

Stanley Milgram

student of Solomon- study of how punishment affects learning- electric chair and shock

Early College High Schools

students earn a high school diploma and 2 years of credit towards a bachelors

Abraham Maslov

studied self actualization in productive and healthy people

Social Ecology

study of human populations and their impact on the natural world

Environmental Sociology

study of the interaction between society and the natural environment (social cause and consequences of environmental problems)

global perspective

study of the larger world and our society's place in it

Deviant cultures

subculture and counter culture

Health Psychology

subfield of psychology - contributes to behavioral medicine

when using the ______________ to determine class structure, sociologists find that some people generally rank themselves higher than what they really are

subjective method

tom was a sunday school teacher, he played on a softball team and at nights he studied a master degree in computers. however, his main commitment was to his job. this mans that softball, chirch activities and his master program were his

subordinate statuses

Emile Durkheim's classic study of suicide makes the sociological point that

suicide rates can increase as a result of excessive isolation from people


support of social equality for women and men


support of social equality for women and men, opposition to patriarchy and sexism


symbols that can be combined in an infinite number of ways for the purpose of communicating abstract thought


system of government by and for a small number of elites that does not include representation of ordinary citizens


system of political power in which a wide variety of individuals and groups have equal access to resources and mechanisms of power


system of shared beliefs and rituals that identify a relationship between the sacred and the profane

Feudal System

system of social stratification based on hereditary nobility who were responsible for and served by a lower stratum of forced laborers- serfs (breaking down as capitalism formed)


system of symbols that allows people to communicate with one another

Research Method

systematic plan for doing research

Social Institutions

systems and structures within society that shape the activities of groups and individuals

Nonrenewable Resources

take long to replenish

Instrumental tasks

tasks to maintain family life


temporary gathering of people in a public area, members might interact but they do not identify with each other and won't remain in contact


tendency to marry people in close proximity


the ability to get your way, even over the resistance of others


the ability to impose one's will on others


the alignment of some members of a group against others

secondary analysis

the analysis of data that have been collected by other researchers


the application of economic logic to all human activity


the application of the scientific approach to the social world

Davis-Moore Thesis

the assertion that social stratification exists in every society because it has beneficial consequences for the operation of society

culture of poverty

the assumption that the values and behaviors of the poor make them fundamentally different from other people, and that these factors are largely responsible for their poverty, and that parents perpetuate poverty across generations by passing these characteristics to their children

culture of poverty

the assumption that the values and behaviors of the poor make them fundamentally different from other people, that these factors are largely responsible for their poverty, and that parents perpetuate poverty across generations by passing these characteristics to their children

Sterotypes that women and men are supposed to be

the basic division of labor underlying traditional gender roles in the United States has been accompanied by many popular

gender roles

the behaviors and attitudes expected of people because they are female or male


the behaviors and attitudes that a society considers proper for its males and females


the behaviors, obligations, & privileges attached to a status. (What is expected of you)


the behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to a status

Horatio Alger myth

the belief that due to limitless possibilities anyone can get ahead if he or she tries hard enough


the belief that elements of the natural world are conscious life forms that affect humanity


the belief that one racial category is innately superior or inferior to another


the belief that one sex is innately superior to the other

General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)

the body's resistance to stress can last only so long until exhaustion - seyle's adaptive response to stress

according to karl marx, the difference between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is

the capitalists own the means of production and the workers do not

intergenerational mobility

the change that family members make in social class from one generation to the next

Cultural Integration

the close relationships among various elements of a cultural system


the collection of data by having people answer a series of questions

liberation theology

the combining of Christian principles with political activism, often Marxist in character

Social Functions

the consequences of any social pattern for the operation of society as a whole

an ethnomethodologist would likely study

the conversations among roommates in a college dormatory

An ethnomethodologist would likely study

the conversations among roommates in a college dormitory

Charles H. Cooley viewed society as a group of individuals helping each other to develop their personality. this means that

the core of the self is in the concept of the self image that develops from the way others see us

capitol punishment

the death penalty

the famous golfer tiger woods, as an african american, has created the acronym cablinasian to describe his mixed racial background. mr woods is an example of all of the following EXCEPT

the definition of race is the same in all societies

status consistency

the degree of uniformity in a person's social standing across various dimensions of social inequality


the degree to which an indicator accurately measures or reflects a concept.

Social integration

the degree to which members of a group or a society feel united by shared values and other social bonds; social cohesion

social integration

the degree to which members of a group or society feel united by shared values and other social bonds


the deliberate and systematic extermination of a racial and ethnic, national, or cultural group


the dimension of the self representing the standards of society.

culture shock

the disorientation that people experience when they come in contact with a fundamentally different culture and can no longer depend on their taken-for-granted assumptions about life

Cultural Diffusion

the dissemination of beliefs and practices from one group to another

Social Stratification

the division of society into groups arranged in a social hierarchy - every society has it, passed from parents to children, creates beliefs about groups in society, (slavery, caste system, social class)


the dominance of African cultural patterns


the dominance of European (especially English) cultural patterns

First Wave

the earliest period of feminist activism in the US, including the period from the mid 19th century until American women learn the right to vote in 1920


the economic and political dominance of the Least Industrialized nations by the Most Industrialized Nations


the economic system characterized by the private ownership of the means of production, the pursuit of profit, and market competition

Feminization of Poverty

the economic trend showing that women are more likely than men to live in poverty, due in part to the gendered gap in wages, the higher proportion of single mothers compared to single father and increasing costs of child care

Internal colonialism

the economical and political domination and subjugation of the minority group by the controlling group within a nation

new technology

the emerging technologies of an era that have a significant impact on social life

social environment

the entire human environment, including direct contact with others


the entire way of life a group of people that acts as a lens through which one views the world and is passed from one generation to the next (material and symbolic) ex: language, gestures, style, beauty, custmos/rituals, tools/artifacts, music, family practices, the way we do things/think. all societies have it. it is not innnate. everything we do has to do with it.

Urban Sprawl

the expansion of urban boundaries with poorly planned development


the experience of isolation and misery resulting from powerlessness

Culture Shock

the experience of visiting an exotic foreign country


the extensive interconnections among nations due to the expansion of capitalism


the extent to which an operational definition measures what it is intended to measure

Human Sexual Dimorphism

the extent to which physical differences define the distinctions between two sexes


the extent to which research produces consistent or dependable results


the extent to which the findings from one group can be generalized or applied to other groups


the factors or variables that explain a particular outcome

Population Transfer

the forcible removal of a group of people from the territory they have occupied

Social Control

the formal and informal mechanism used to increase conformity to values and norms and they increase social cohesion


the formal and legal seperation of groups by race and ethnicity


the formal, organized agency that exercises power and control in modern society, especially through the creation and enforcement of laws

social structure

the framework that surrounds us, consisting of relationships of people and groups to one another, which gives direction to and sets limits on behavior

Residential Segregation

the geographical segregation of the poor from the rest of the population

social location

the group memberships that people have because of their location in history and society

experimental group

the group of subjects in an experiment who are exposed to the independent variable


the habit of seeing things only from the opinion/point of view of one's own group.


the historical decline in the importance of the supernatural and the sacred

Sapir Whorf Hypothesis

the idea that language structures thoughts and that ways of looking at the world are embedded in language

control theory

the idea that two control systems—inner controls and outer controls—work against our tendencies to deviate


the importance of religion in a person's life

Cultural Imperialism

the imposition of one's culture on another through mass media and consumer products

Sexual Orientation

the inclination to feel sexual desire toward people of a particular gender or toward both genders

the McDonaldization of society refers to

the increased of regulated and standardized of society due to automation


the individuals intended to represent the population to be studied


the inevitable result of the dehumanizing features of bureaucracies that dominated the moderned societies, bureaucratic goals had become more important than traditions and values


the intellectual and academic disciplines designed to comprehend, explain, and predict events in our natural environments

social sciences

the intellectual and academic disciplines designed to understand the social world objectively by means of controlled and repeated observations

manifest functions

the intended beneficial consequences of people's actions


the judgment of "good" or "bad" human behavior (usually based on philosophical principles)

serial murder

the killing of several victims in three or more separate events


the language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and even material objects that characterize a group and are passed from one generation to the next


the largely conscious, "executive" part of personality - the arbitrator between the id and superego - operates on the reality principle, satisfies the id in ways that realistically bring pleasure than pain

Latent Functions

the less obvious/unintended functions of a social structure (education=experience school problems and opportunities, provides jobs for the community)

Gender Role Socialization

the life long process of learning to be masculine or feminine primarily through 4 agents: families, schools, peers, and media


the likelihood that a particular measure would produce the same results if the measure was repeated.


the likelihood that a specific behavior or event will occur.

material culture

the material objects that distinguish a group of people, such as their art, buildings, weapons, utensils, machines, hairstyles, and jewelry


the midpoint in a series of values that are arranged in numerical order.


the more firmly connected people are to other, the less likely they are to commit suicide

Bystander Effect

the more people the less likely one is to do something


the most extreme system of social stratification and is based on legal ownership of people

Third Wave

the most recent period of feminist activity, focusing on issues of diversity and the variety or identities women can possess

Rorschach Inkblot Test

the most widely used projective test

Social mobility refers to

the movement of individuals and groups between class positions.

Social Mobility

the movement of individuals or groups within the hierarchal system of social classes


the movement of the majority of the population to cities and the influence it is having on society.

Suffrage Movement

the movement organized around gaining voting rights for woman

high-income countries

the nations with the highest overall standards of living

social exchanges are usually governed by

the norm of reciprocity

real culture

the norms and values that people actually follow

generalized other

the norms, values, attitudes, and expectations of people "in general"; the child's ability to take the role of the generalized other is a significant step in the development of a self

cultural goals

the objectives held out as legitimate or desirable for the members of a society to achieve

Manifest Functions

the obvious intended functions of a social structure for the social system (education=to learn/get degree)

Horizontal Social Mobility

the occupational movement of individuals/groups within a social class

poverty line

the official measure of poverty; calculated to include incomes that are less than three times a low cost food budget

social institution

the organized, usual, or standard ways by which society meets its basic needs

Super Ego

the part of personality that presents internalized ideals - promotes standards for judgment (conscience) and for future aspirations


the part of the personality that includes various impulses and drives, including sexual passions and desires, biological urges, and human instincts.


the part of the self representing reason and common sense

the sociological definition of race is based on

the perception of society in defining people as biologically different

Second Wave

the period of feminist activity during the 1960s and 70s often asociated with the issues of women's exual access to employment and education


the personal trait and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male


the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male

Generalized Other

the perspectives and expectations of a network of others (or society in general) that a child learns and takes into account when shaping their behavior


the physical and social separation of categories of people


the physical, behavioral, and personality traits that a group considers normal for its male and female members


the placement of students in education tracks that determine the types of classes they shoudl take

A common criticism of the culture of poverty theory

the poor passively accept their circumstance

which of the following statements about economic inequality in the US is true?

the poorest 20% in the US have 4.2% of the national income

Instrumental Role

the position of the family member who provides the family's material support and is often an authority figure


the position that someone occupies in a social group


the positions that someone occupies in a social group

Cultural Relativism

the practice of evaluating a culture by its own standards


the practice of judging another culture by the standards of one's own culture

police discretion

the practice of the police, in the normal course of their duties, to either arrest or ticket someone for an offense or to overlook the matter

which of the following statements is most clearly linked with herbert spencer's view of society?

the primary feature of society is its interactive parts that contribute to the function of the whole

Cultural Relativism

the principle of understand other cultures on their own terms, rather than judging them by ones own culture


the principle of using one's own culture as a means of standard by which to evaluate another group of individuals ~ leading to the view that other cultures are abnormal ~ suspend it through sociological imagination, culture shock, and beginners mind

cultural leveling

the process by which cultures become similar to one another; refers especially to the process by which Western culture is being exported and diffused into other nations

Cultural Leveling

the process by which cultures that were once distinct became increasingly similar


the process by which minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant culture


the process by which one nation takes over another nation, usually for the purpose of exploiting its labor and natural resources

mcdonaldization of society

the process by which ordinary aspects of life are rationalized and efficiency comes to rule them, including such things as food preparation


the process by which people learn the characteristics of their group—the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, norms, and actions thought appropriate for them


the process by which some nations enrich themselves through political and economic control of other nations

Sociocultural evolution

the process of changing from a technologically simple society to a more complex one with significant consequences for social and cultural life.

Social Learning

the process of learning behaviors and meanings through social interaction

anticipatory socialization

the process of learning in advance an anticipated future role or status


the process of social change begun by industrialization

Socialization refers to

the process of transmitting cultural values to young members

claims making

the process of trying to convince the public and public officials of the importance of joining a social movement to address a particular issue


the process of understanding social behavior from the point of view of those engaged in it.


the prohibition of interacial marriage, cohabitation or sexual interaction

recedivism rate

the proportion of released convicts who are rearrested

the functionalist perspective explains cultural practices by looking at

the purpose of the practice serves for society as a while

Major technological means that assisted the winning side of the First Bull Run was

the railroad


the removal of the rights of citizenship through economic political means


the repetition of a study in order to test its findings

Gender Identity

the roles and traits that a social group assigns to a particular gender


the sharing of a household by an unmarried couple


the sharing of a household by an unmarried couple


the smallest possible group, consisting of two persons

social network

the social ties radiating outward from the self that link people together

division of labor

the splitting of a group's or a society's tasks into specialties

in the sixth grade of the levels of development of the self, the "I" represents?

the spontaneous, creative, and impulsive personality we can have

cultural diffusion

the spread of cultural traits from one group to another; includes both material and nonmaterial culture traits

Cultural Diffusion

the spread of non material culture to new cultural groups regardless of the movement of people


the spread of rationalization and the accompany increases in efficiency and dehumanization

which of the following statements is the definition of social institution

the stable sets of widely shared beliefs, norms, and procedures that are organized to satisfy basic needs


the standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable, good or bad, beautiful or ugly

Scientific Sociology

the study of society based on systematic observation of social behavior

Critical Sociology

the study of society that focuses on the need for social change


the study of the size, composition, growth, and distribution of human populations. Can the world support all of this growth?

control group

the subjects in an experiment who are not exposed to the independent variable


the sum of a set of values divided by the number of cases from which the values are obtained; an average.

if you wanted to determine whether there is a gender difference in how often people think about sex, the best research method would be

the survey


the system by which members of a society trace kinship over generations


the system by which members of a society trace kinship over generations

criminal justice system

the system of police, courts, and prisons set up to deal with people who are accused of having committed a crime


the system of segregation of racial and ethnic groups, used to be legal in South Africa


the systematic information that sociologists use to investigate research questions.


the systematic killing of one category of people by another


the systematic or scientific study of human society and social behavior, from large scale instituions and mass culture to small groups and individual interactions

Cultural Capital

the tastes, habits, expectations, skills, knowledge, and other cultural dispositions that help us gain advantages in society


the tendency to feel sexual desire towards emmbers of one's own gender


the total value of everything someone owns, minus the debts


the total value of money and other assets minus outstanding debts


the total value of money and other assets, minus outstanding debts

social change

the transformation of culture and social institutions over time

feminzation of poverty

the trend of women making up an increasing proportion of the poor

Freud Idea

the unconscious mind helps us cope with stress and anxiety

gender stratification

the unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege between men and women

Social Inequality

the unequal distribution of wealth, power, or prestige among members of society


the unique human capacity of being able to see ourselves "from the outside"; the views we internalize of how others see us

Second Shift

the unpaid housework and childcare often expected of women after the days paid labor is completed


the use of control and experimental groups and dependent and independent variables to test causation

scientific method

the use of objective, systematic observations to test theories


the use of one's own culture as a yardstick for judging the ways of other individuals or societies, generally leading to a negative evaluation of their lives, norms, and behaviors

applied sociology

the use of sociology to solve problems—from the micro level of family relationships to the macro level of global pollution


the value that appears most frequently in a set of data.


the values and related behaviors of a group that distinguish its members from the larger culture; a world within a world

Dependent variable

the variable that is a presumed effect

which of the following statements is NOT a reason why ethnic conflict is so fierce in many countries?

the victims of ethnic conflict acted in ways that brought out ethnic hostility

personality disorders

the view that a personality disturbance of some sort causes an individual to violate social norms

value free

the view that a sociologist's personal values or biases should not influence social research

labeling theory

the view that the labels people are given affect their own and others' perceptions of them, thus channeling their behavior into either deviance or conformity


the violation of norms (or rules or expectations); It is not the act itself, but the reactions to the act, that make something deviant


the violation of norms written into law

operational definitions

the way in which a researcher measures a variable

group dynamics

the ways in which individuals affect groups and the ways in which groups influence individuals


the ways in which people use their bodies to communicate with one another

gender socialization

the ways in which society sets children on different paths in life because they are male or female


the ways of thinking, acting, and the material objects that together form a people's way of life

Other Projective Tests

thematic apperception test (TAT) - rorschach inkblot test -

which of the following statements about hunting and gathering societies is false?

these societies domesticate animals to eat

according to edwin sutherland, how do criminals adopt behavior?

they learn criminal behavior from peers

Sociologists and the Self

they look at both the individual and society to gain a sense of where the self comes from - the self is created and modified over the course of a lifetime

which of the following statements is NOT a false concept that the european settlers created a stereotype native americans

they were accused of living in tribes

Mainstream Environmentalism

third stage, campaigns, politics, scientific expertise

Embodied Identity

those elements of identity that are generated through others perception of our physical traits

coercive organizations

those which hold people against their will, such as mental institutions and prisons


those who are spiritual that are not religious and adopt aspects of religious attractions


those who believe gender roles have a genetic or biological origin, and cannot be changed


those who believe that notions of gender are socially determined

medicalization of deviance

to make deviance a medical matter; a symptom of some underlying illness that needs to be treated by physicians

Max Weber

to understand social behavior you have to understand the meaning that a behavior beholds. (verstehen) also developed a multidimensional analysis of society.

Daily Hassles

traffic, long lines, job stress, burnout

Cultural Universals

traits that are part of every known culture

Social Change

transformation of a culture over time


translated Comte's Philosophy into English

Emile Durkheim

tried to establish sociology as an important academic discipline, social bonds exist in all societies, had theories about mechanical and organic solidarty, suicide, and anomie

Karl Marx believed that capitalist sough tomaximize profit by exploiting workers


Non verbal communication may involve proxemics, the use of space as a means of communication


The basic division of labor in society has been influenced by gender stereotypes about how men and women should behave and therefore what work they are best suited to do.


The normal process of aging cannot be avoided but good health, proper diet, nutrition and exercise can make a significant difference in health for people of all ages.


a micro view focuses on the immediate social situation in which people interact with one another


according to alex thio, both functionalist and conflict perspectives provide a structural view of culture as largely capable of constraining us


according to alex thio, despite the history of discrimination against them, asian americans are doing relatively well today


according to alex thio, it is harder today than 30 years ago for americans to move from a lower to a higher social class


according to alex thio, we feel role strain if we have to play two conflicting roles from the same status


according to amitai etzioni, in an organization, the function of the higher participants is to exercise power over the lower participants so that the latter will help the organization achieve its goals


according to the sapir-whorf hypothesis, our language makes us see the world in a certain way


anticipatory socialization is the process by which an individual learns to assume a role in the future


genocide is the wholesale killing of members of a specific racial or ethnic group


government agencies have goals and rules that are stated explicity so that the work of their many members can be coordinated


human resource theory is a style that seems human resources issues as the responsibility of the whole organization, not just the human resources department


most homicides and rapes involve killing and raping acquaintances, friends, and family members, and only a few involve strangers


sociology is the systematic, scientific study of human society


superego is Freud's term for the part of the personality that is moral; popularly known as conscience


the addition of only one person to a group greatly increases the number of relationships


the pentagon is an example of a secondary group


the peter principle is the observation that "in every hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his or her level of incompetence"


to symbolic interactionists, people usually don't take supportive interactions at face value but pay more attention to the hidden meanings behind expressed words and actions


Projective Test

type of personality test that provides ambiguous stimuli that triggers the projection of one's inner dynamics

Rogers Acceptance

unconditioned positive regard - altitude of total acceptance toward selves and others/self concept: "who am I?" our thoughts/feelings about ourselves


unconscious psychic energy - strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives,


unconsciously switching impulses into its opposite form - expressing the opposite of the anxiety arousing feeling

Generalized Anxiety Order (GAD)

uncontrollable worry about domains of functioning - chronic autonomic nervous system arousal - 66% women

Sociological perspective

understanding human behavior by placing it within its broader social context

New Ecological Paradigm

understanding that humans have to coexist and need to modify their human activity


unequal treatment of individuals based on their membership in a social group (motivated by prejudice)


unequal treatment of various categories of people

latent functions

unintended beneficial consequences of people's actions

sociologists who follow the functionalists theory believe that social stratification is

universal and necessary, it serves societies

robert merton called people who believe in equality and put their beliefs into action

unprejudice non discriminators

Latent Functions

unrecognized and unintended consequences of any social pattern


unselfish concern for the well being of others and helping performed without self interested motivation

Two reasons that have been attributed to the emergence of the new urban poor during the past twenty-five years

unskilled and semi-skilled jobs moving overseas, and dramatic cutbacks of government assistance programs.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

unwanted repetitive thoughts and/or actions

intergenerational social mobility

upward or downward social mobility of children in relation to their parents


using measurable and verifiable facts to support a hypothesis (proposition of cause and effect)


using rules, efficiency, and practical results to determine human affairs


value neutrality in research

Hidden Curriculum

values or behaviors learned indirectly

value contradiction

values that contradict one another; to follow the one means to come in conflict with the other

value cluster

values that together form a larger whole

Independent Variable

variable that causes change

Dependent Variable

variable that changes


variety of species and plants and animals existing at any given time

Domestic Violence

verbal physical financial sexual psychological behaviors to gain power

domestic violence

violence or physical abuse directed toward your spouse or domestic partner; usually violence by men against women


violence to protect the environment

Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development argues that

virtually all children go through the same sequence of mental development

General McDowell

was with the North (Union).

sociological perspective

way of looking at and seeing out interpreting something- particular way of seeing something

leadership styles

ways in which people express their leadership

unobtrusive measures

ways of observing people so they do not know they are being studied

techniques of neutralization

ways of thinking or rationalizing that help people deflect society's norms o Denial of responsibility o Denial of injury o Denial of a victim o Condemnation of the condemners o Appeal to higher loyalties

Differential Association Theory

we learn to be deviant through out associations with deviant peers

with time, norms and values have changed in our society and become law. the following are norms and values that have changed overtime and have become part of the law EXCEPT

we support saluting each other

hidden curriculum

we teach different to students of different social statuses, richer students are encouraged more, and poorer students are encouraged less

Social Network

web of direct and indirect ties connecting an individual to others who may also affect them

'Third wave' of feminism

welcoming men to join women in addressing problems that affect both sexes

Real Culture

what actually exists

19-26 years old

what are the ages for most targeted woman of abusers?

Ideal Culture

what members believe it should be

social interaction

what people do when they are in one another's presence


what people should do


what people should not do

ideal culture

what we want

seeing the strange in the familiar

what you take for granted and how its familiar to you but realize how strange it is to others


what you try to explain

crisis nursery

when a child can be quickly removed from situation to place of safety

Which of the following describes behavior associated with Jan Piaget's sensorimotor stage?

when a child learns with his senses and body to interact with the environment

battered child syndrome

when parents have life and death rights over children and could dispose of them at will -- condition in young children who have received significant physical abuse ( parent or foster parent) -- sexual, emotional, social deprivation, absence of love


when researchers draw data from people of only one sex to support conclusions

Double Standards

when researches must be careful not to distort what they study by judging men and women differently

which of the following statements about race and ethnicity is true?

while a people's physical features do not change when they move to another country, their racial identification as blacks or whites may change

Middle Class

white collar workers, broad range of incomes, (30% US)

Ida Wells Barnett

woman who campaigned tirelessly for racial equality

Who Is More Likely to be Depressed?


the culture of rape suggests all of the following attitudes EXCEPT

women are treated as equals to men in all aspects of society


women have multiple husbands

White Collar

workers and skilled laborers in technical and lower management jobs


workers are extremely expolitated, low wages and long hours poor conditions

Resistance Strategies

workers express discontent with working conditions and try to reclaim control of them


workers who bargain for increased wages, benfits or condition


working from home using technology

which of the following would NOT be classified as civil inattention?

working on a group project in your sociology class

Durkheim and Work

workplace can be a source of community life for workers (esp during industrial revolution), afterwards there was a stronger sense of community

Alexis de Tocqueville

wrote "Democracy in America"

Harriet Martineau

wrote "Society in America"


zakah is a fixed proportion collected from the surplus wealth and earnings of a Muslim. It is then distributed to prescribed beneficiaries and for the welfare as well as the infrastructure of a Muslim society in general.

Piaget and Development of Reasoning

• 1. Sensorimotor stage—(birth to 2)—direct contact (touching, sucking, listening and looking) • 2. Preoperational stage—(2-7)—develop the ability to use symbols • 3. Concrete operational stage—(7-12)—reasoning abilities are developed and concrete • 4. Formal operational stage—(12+)—abstract thinking

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