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In general terms, the sociological imagination is a way of thinking that links our _______________________

"personal troubles" to "public issues."

Globally the richest ____ control 50.1% of all the world's wealth


The wealthiest ____ of adults worldwide own about 40% of the Earth's wealth


There are ____ systems of stratification


Globally the poorest _____ own only 2.4% of the world's wealth


What did Stanley Milgram's teacher-learner experiment demonstrate?

A substantial number of people will inflict pain on others if ordered to do so by a person in a position of authority.

Often referred to as the "father of sociology"

Auguste Comte

____________ believed positivism could be used to solve social problems.

Auguste Comte

Which sociologist coined the term "the power elite"?

C. Wright Mills

Who was the 20th century sociologist who addressed the concept of The Power Elite as shaping foreign and domestic policy for the benefit of the wealthy and powerful class?

C. Wright Mills

___________ is a theoretical perspective proposing that society is composed of various groups that are competing for power and resources

Conflict Theory

Diana is trying to understand how the general poverty and crime rates of a certain city are related to the choice of individuals of different groups to attend college. Which of the following best describes Diana's approach to understanding this relationship?

Diana is practicing the sociological imagination.

Dr. Patterson expects her students to be on time for class, holds them for the entire class period, and has firm deadlines set for reports and other assignments. Sociologically, which statement BEST describes Dr. Patterson's approach to teaching?

Dr. Patterson has created a strong sense of social structure in her classroom.

The two anthropologists that concluded that language has embedded within it ways of looking at the world were ________.

Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf

The French sociologist who was primarily concerned with social order and wrote extensively on social integration as well as suicide was ________.

Emile Durkheim

_________ asserted that the goal of sociology was to discover the 'social facts' that govern society.

Emile Durkheim

The presentation of self in everyday life, also called dramaturgy, was developed by ________.

Erving Goffman

Which sociologist is given credit for coining the concept of the "McDonaldization of Society"?

George Ritzer

_________ compared society to a living organism.

Herbert Spencer

Mead describes the active, creative, and spontaneous part of the self as the ________.


The concept of "groupthink" was developed by ________.

Irving Janis

How does the mass media influence gender roles in contemporary American society?

It reinforces gender roles considered appropriate for one's sex.

The political theorist and sociologists who believed that all aspects of society rest on the material and economic conditions present.

Karl Marx

__________ looked at sociology not as a way to understand society as a passive observer, but instead as a means to achieve social justice.

Karl Marx

___________ was a sociologist and economist who maintained that society develops through class conflict.

Karl Marx

__________________ concluded that the universality of stratification can be explained by the necessity to motivate the most qualified people to fill the most important and demanding positions in a society.

Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore

___________ are the intended consequences or expectations of social phenomenon and institutions.

Manifest Functions

The sociologist who believed that social class is made up of three components-property, power, and prestige-was ________.

Max weber

The university's administration has increased class size without receiving input from the faculty or considering that some courses need to have low enrollments. In view of this, what is the most probable reaction the professors will take to this latest administrative decision?

More faculty members will feel they have lost ownership of their classes and are just "employees."

What conclusion did psychologists Susan Goldberg and Michael Lewis make after observing the interactions of mothers and their children?

Mothers unconsciously rewarded their daughters for being dependent.

Officer Friel has just pulled over a motorist exceeding the speed limit by 40 miles per hour. When he approached the vehicle, he recognizes the driver as his best friend's daughter. Officer Friel is aware that the young lady has had some money problems and the last thing she can afford is a $200 speeding ticket that will also raise her insurance rates. At this point, which of the following terms BEST describes the position facing Officer Friel?

Officer Friel is experiencing role conflict.

_____________ is the notion that the concept of natural selection can be applied to societies on a grand scale.

Social Darwinism

________ are the social ties that radiate outward from the self and link people together like a spider's web.

Social networks

Which is NOT one of Herbert Blumer's descriptions of symbolic interactionism?

Society is composed of social inequality

Which statement does NOT pertain to the "controversial" nature of sociology?

Sociologists do not use scientific methodology to understand social concepts

Which statement regarding status is MOST accurate?

Status provides the guidelines for how we are to act and feel.

This theory proposes that social interaction leads to the creation of symbolic meanings, which in turn shape individual behaviors.

Symbolic Interactionism

_________________took the work of Durkheim and formulated much of what would become structural-functional theory

Talcott Parsons

The most significant difference between the class system and the systems of slavery and caste is that ___________

The class system has fluid boundaries.

Which is NOT a criticism that Melvin Tumin offered concerning Davis and Moore's ideas about the functionality of social stratification?

The middle class may resent the status quo

If a secondary group does not satisfy one's need for intimate association, which of the following is most likely to occur?

The secondary group will break down into primary groups.

Jane is a 49-year-old woman of Irish-German descent. What do these characteristics have in common?

These are examples of her ascribed statuses.

There are New York Yankee fans in every state in America, throughout Canada, and in nations all over the world. Sociologically, which concept BEST describes these fans?

They are a category.

Leo, Ryan, and Matthew regularly interact with one another and share similar values, norms, and expectations. In view of this, which concept MOST applies to their relationship?

They are a group.

If people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences. This classic statement is known as the ________.

Thomas theorem

Auguste Comte supported the notion that the social science could work toward the betterment of humanity, such as solving issues in education and poverty, by understanding the laws that governed society.


Society is abstract, meaning it is not a tangible and concrete product


________________ points out that members of the power elite tend to belong to the same private clubs, vacation at the same resorts, and even hire the same bands for parties

William Domhoff

Which writer is quoted : "Whenever a group has a group purpose that purpose produces group interests, and those interests overrule individual interests in the development of folkways"

William Sumner

What did Karl Marx predict workers would do after continual exploitation by the capitalist ruling class?

Workers would revolt against the bourgeoisie and assume control.

When criticizing Milgram's experiment on small group phenomenon, Kleinfeld made the analogy that "we live in a world that looks a lot like ________."

a bowl of lumpy oatmeal

Fred has just joined a fraternity. As part of his initiation, he has been forced to cook for the fraternity brothers, clean the frat house, and address the fraternity members as "sir." This is an example of ________.

a degradation ceremony

Because of our sense of belonging and loyalty to in-groups, we often judge our own group's traits as virtues, but view the same traits in other groups as vices. This judgment of superiority is an example of ________.

a double standard

Aadesh is a member of India's Brahman caste. What is Aadesh's MOST likely occupation?

a hindu priest

Which of the following groups is LEAST qualified as a social institution?

a neighborhood street gang

Asserts that successful aging requires the elderly to be as active as possible

activity theory

Medieval France is a good example of what type of society?


The experience of being cut off from the product of one's labor, which results in a feeling of powerlessness, is called ________.


Sociologically, what term BEST applies to a group of people who share no common destination taking an elevator from the first floor of a large high rise?

an aggregate

In the bureaucratic structure of a medium-sized university, approximately where would one find the instructor for this course, provided that he or she is NOT the chair of the sociology department?

at or near the bottom of the chart

In ethnomethodology, the ideas we take for granted that underlie our behavior and that we violate at our risk are called ________.

background assumptions

Which of the following represents an achieved status?

being a highschool dropout

Which of the following perspectives is most appropriate for a research sociologist to use?

both macro and microsociology, depending upon the situation

According to Marx, the __________ own the means of production while the ________ depend on wages doing labor for the ruling class.

bourgeoisie, proletariat

Samantha works for an organization that is hierarchical and has a division of labor, written rules, communications, and records. This organization's administration treats workers impersonally. Based on these characteristics, we can conclude that Samantha works for a(n) ________.


According to Karl Marx, the general transition of a society from an agrarian focus to a _________________focus would lead to a change in peoples' sense of self-worth.


Jane, Mark, Courtney, and Kelly are enrolled in the 8:00 a.m. sociology course at their college. After studying together for the first test, they started sitting together in class and chose to work together on group projects. During spring break, they decided to go on a trip as a group. These four students would be considered members of a(n) ________.


Asserts that successful aging requires a balance of continuity and change

continuity theory

The notion that nonmaterial culture changes slower than material culture is known as _______________

cultural lag

The general beliefs, values, norms, and behaviors that a group of people tend to adhere to is known as_____________


What are/were the three major reasons people might be enslaved?

debt, crime, and war

Process where individuals are stripped of their former identity, stigmatized, and assigned a new identity.

degradation ceremony

Asserts that successful aging involves a mutual withdrawal between the elderly and society

disengagement theory

An approach to social interaction in which social life is analyzed in terms of the stage is called ________.


Knowledge that comes from or is dependent upon on sensory data is referred to as ________

empirical data

When Harry returned to his home in the U.S. from a business meeting in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, his wife asked him what he thought of the Vietnamese people. Harry replied, "They eat animals from the streets, drive wildly around town on motor scooters, and talk very fast which is clearly not the best way to live". Harry's reply BEST qualifies as an example of ________.


___________ is where one group of people move down in social class while another move up.

exchange mobility

Sociologists use the concept of "norms" to describe ________.

expectations that guide behavior in specific settings

According to Marxist theory, the ruling class, known as the proletariat own the means of production, the natural resources used for the production of goods


Quantitative research employs methods such as interviews, case studies, and ethnography.


Society is not an human product


Sociology is the study of human behavior, particularly the genetic and cognitive influences that make up individual behavior


The sociological imagination is a way of thinking that links social dynamics and social statics.


Validity refers to a study's degree of consistency in measurement.


Andrea is an aspiring associate editor for a major publisher. She is a single female but feels married to her work. Last year she received a $20,000 bonus for the excellent work she did in promoting new textbooks published by her employer. Based on this information, Andrea's ascribed status is ________ and her achieved status is ________.

female; associate editor

___________ focuses on gender inequality and patriarchal oppression of women

feminist theory

What two sociological perspectives are most closely linked to macrosociology?

functionalism and the conflict perspective

The perception of one's "maleness" or "femaleness" that is discovered and developed through the process of socialization.


The Smiths are going Christmas shopping for their two children, Dick and Jane. They plan to buy Dick a Tonka truck and Jane a Barbie doll. Their selection of toys for their children is an example of ________ by parents.

gender socialization

Lebron is one of the 6,000 richest people in the world. He is a part of the________.

global superclass

When the former Soviet Union collapsed, NATO forces were no longer needed to protect Europe from a communist invasion. Rather than disband NATO, it was turned into a "rapid response force" to fight terrorism. Sociologists would call this shift in focus an example of ________.

goal displacement

In Professor Jones's social problems course, the students interact freely with one another, think of themselves as "Dr. J's class," and feel they are significant because of their mutual interest in social reform. Which concept BEST describes Dr. Jones's class?


In group decision making, a form of tunnel vision that develops in which there is only one "right" viewpoint and suggested alternatives are perceived as signs of disloyalty is called ________.


In the context of dramaturgy, impression management deals with ____________.

how we want others to perceive us

George Herbert Mead theorized that learning to take the role of the other entails three stages-the ________, _______, and _______ stages.

imitation; play; team games

The _______________ promoted the concept of adolescence as a distinct developmental stage

industrial revolution

Which of the following is not a type of society?


________ is where social class changes within a family from one generation to the next

intergenerational mobility

Proposed that the economic structure is the foundation of the "social conscience"-

karl Marx

According to _______________, socialism, a classless society where everyone would have all things equal, would eventually replace the capitalist system

karl marx

Anthropologists Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf concluded that ________.

language creates ways of thinking and perceiving

Unintended or unrecognized consequences of social institutions, such as elementary schools serving as child care facilities, are referred to as ________.

latent functions

A focus on the broad features of society to analyze such things as social class and how groups relate to one another is called ________.


Universities are expected to prepare students for professional careers or to provide them the skills necessary for the pursuit of graduate degrees. Such expectations are considered as ________ of the university.

manifest functions

Sociologist Judith Kleinfeld felt Milgram "stacked the deck" in his "small world phenomenon" experiment because ________.

many of his targets and starters shared a common interest

An example of a social construct is ___________________.


A status that has exceptional importance in a person's life, and greatly effects his or her other social statuses is _______________

mastor status

Architecture, art, hairstyles, and clothing each represent examples of ________.

material culture

The two types of social solidarity as proposed by Emile Durkheim are _____

mechanical and organic

To analyze how gang members of the Hollar Hellions of Statesville dress to differentiate themselves from rival gangs like the Amandical Panzies of Troutman would be an example of _________ analysis, whereas to analyze how gangs in general, in the larger society of the U.S., are influenced by media exposure would be an example of ________ analysis.

micro level; macro level

The focus on day-to-day interactions of individuals and groups in specific social situations used in symbolic interactionism is referred to as ________.

microlevel analysis

In Mead's theory of role taking, imitation requires __________

mimicking others

Which of the following characteristics is MOST associated with the class system?

movement up and down the class ladder

In the 1960s, the U.S. government began to define the poverty line as spending more than ___________of your total pre-tax cash income on minimum food necessities


Jill is trying to study the habits and norms of homeless persons without letting her personal bias and prejudice influence her understanding. Jill is trying to be __________


In the United Kingdom, what percentage of the population makes up the elite upper class?

one percent

Kody is a member of the L.A. Crips. The other gangs in his territory are the Bloods and Satan's Slaves. Kody feels very antagonistic towards the Bloods and the Slaves. For Kody, these two rival gangs would be considered ________.


Many of the Bedouin tribes of West Africa are an example of what type of society?


Which is NOT a reason for the "graying of America"

people demand self-gratification

Receiving the Medal of Honor and making the Dean's List are both examples of ________.

positive sanctions

These types of societies rely not only on machinery and the production of goods but also on the selling of services and knowledge.

post industrial

The ability to control others, even against their will is known as _______________


In communist nations such as China, Cuba, and Vietnam, the primary determinant of social stratification is _____________, whereas in capitalist nations such as the United States ________ plays a larger role

power, wealth

the respect and admiration afforded to an individual due to a socially valued personal achievement, quality, or status is known as ________


A group characterized by intimate, long-term, face-to-face association and cooperation is referred to as a ________.

primary group

Of the following groups, the ________ plays the MOST significant role in the development of the self.

primary group

Jack is conducting a laboratory experiment concerning the influence of "violent" video games on the expression of political opinions of college students. Jack is employing _______________

quantitative research

For many college professors, their own teachers served as role models. Joe Biker looked up to older gang members as his idols. In both cases, former teachers and older gang members qualify as being ________.

reference groups

For many college professors, their own teachers served as role models. Kody Scott looked up to older gang members as his idols. In both cases, former teachers and older gang members qualify as being ________.

reference groups

Tom works as an agent for a large insurance company. At his work station, he has taped pictures of his wife and granddaughter and of last year's Caribbean vacation. Sociologists would see these pictures as an attempt by Tom to ________.

resist alienation

Patti and her colleagues often gather in the employee lunch room to talk about their families. This is an example of __________.

resisting alienation

When young people enter college as resident students, they must learn new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors. This is an example of ________.


__________ is learning a different set of norms, attitudes, values, beliefs, and/or behaviors.


Anthony always arrives to class on time, answers questions in class, does his homework on time, and receives excellent grades. All of this is part of his ________ as a good student.

role performance

Expectations that define appropriate or inappropriate behavior for the occupant of a status are called ________.


Which phrase is basically synonymous with the research Stanley Milgram conducted on "the small world phenomenon"?

six degrees of separation

Which phrase became synonymous with the research Stanley Milgram conducted on "the small world phenomenon"?

six dre

Which is NOT one of the five castes in India?


The organized, usual, or standard ways by which society meets its basic needs are referred to as ________.

social institutions

The extent to which a person can move to a more- or less-privileged category on the social stratification system is known as _______

social mobility

__________________ refers to the division of people into categories based on their relative power, wealth, and prestige.

social stratification

The normative relationships and patterns of interaction that guide group behavior in particular settings is known as ______

social structure

The typical patterns of a group, such as its usual relationships between men and women or students and teachers, are referred to as ________.

social structure

What term applies to the stages that people pass through from birth to death, beginning with "childhood" and concluding with "the older years"?

socialization through the life course

Durkheim linked the lack of social interaction and suicide to ________.

societal disintegration

The culture and institutions formed to guide and represent the social interrelations of a group of people is referred to as ________.


A ranking of social class that combines income, occupational prestige, level of education, and neighborhood in an attempt to assess people's positions in the social stratification system is known as ______________

socioeconomic status

Milgram's experiment involving the "small world phenomenon" utilized two groups. He referred to these two groups as the ________ and the ________.

starters; targets

Because of his incredibly accelerated study program, Professor Jack has the unique privilege of being a 17-year-old university professor. Sociologically, this is an example of ________.

status inconsistency

Bumper stickers such as "Proud Parent of an Honor Student" and "Warning: This Driver Convicted of DUI" are BEST described as being ________.

status symbol

Signs that identify a position in society that someone occupies are referred to as ________.

status symbols

The idea that society's social institutions are interrelated and dependent upon one another to ensure society's survival and stability is primarily supported with which sociological perspective?

structural functionalism

Which two sociological perspectives rely on macrolevel analysis?

structural functionalism and the conflict perspective

________________ focus on how social structures function to benefit society.

structural functionalists

__________________ is where large numbers of people within a society change their social class due to social changes.

structural mobility

In which of the following areas might slavery MOST likely exist?

sub-Sahara Africa and central Asia

Dramaturgical analysis and the labeling approach are most aligned with which sociological perspective?

symbolic interactionism

George Herbert Mead's role taking theory and Charles Horton Cooley's looking glass self theory fall within which sociological perspective?

symbolic interactionism

Which sociological perspective is most closely linked to microsociology?

symbolic interactionism

Social mobility is most appropriately associated to ________.

the ability to change one's social position concerning wealth, prestige and power

The belief by many Americans that they actually contribute to major governmental decisions through the power of their vote is referred to by Hellinger and Judd as ________.

the democratic facade

The idea that American citizens may not have as much power as they are inclined to believe they have ( concerning voting) is known as __________

the democratic facade

Gender role socialization typically begins with __________

the family

The increased likelihood of women experiencing poverty than men is referred to as __________________

the feminization of poverty

According to C. Wright Mills, ____________ is a small alliance of government, military, and corporate officials who control American wealth and policy

the power elite

C. Wright Mills described ____________ as "the awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society."

the sociological imagination

Which phrase BEST describes primary groups as Charles Cooley envisioned them?

the springs of life

The McDonaldization of society refers to ________.

the standardization of everyday life

When used by sociologists, the term "wealth" refers to ________.

the value of a person's property minus that person's debt

An experiment is conducted that proposes that people are more likely to obey those dressed 'professionally' (than those dressed otherwise). In this experiment, the way one dresses causes another to obey their commands. What is the independent variable?

the way one dresses

John joined the military this year. When he arrived at boot camp he was immediately greeted with a degradation ceremony and came under total control of the officials. The military is an example of a(n) ________.

total institution

Places where people are separated from the rest of society and are under almost total control of the officials running the institution

total institutions

Conflict theory focuses on social inequality


Experiments are carried out to determine cause-and-effect relationships pertaining to subjects and variables.


For every scientific study conducted, there must at least be a conceivable means—scientifically—to prove that study false.


George Mead and Erving Goffman are best known for introducing and advancing the principles of the symbolic interactionist perspective of sociology.


Herbert Spencer was the social thinker to use the term "survival of the fittest" to propose a species' survivability is linked to its ability to adapt to changing conditions.


Labels are used in society to guide social interaction with others, but individuals also often behave according to the labels given to them.


Social constructionism proposes that reality is what humans perceive and make it to be.


Based on the Marxist orientation of conflict sociologists, how many distinct social classes exist?


Karl Marx believed that all capitalist societies would eventually transition or "evolve" into ________ societies.


Chuck is concerned about whether his research "accurately" measures the influence of poverty on educational obtainment. Chuck is concerned about the ________ of his research.


The difference between status and role is that ________.

we occupy a status that is a social position, but a role is the social expectation and behavior

the total value of one's property and money, minus one's debt is known as _____


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