Sociology Exam (Syd's)

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Nationally, 1 in ______ women will become a victim of intimate partner violence during her lifetime. 2 4 5 8


Which of the following is least likely to be considered a social institution? Appalachian State University A Sunday school class A neighborhood street gang The local news

A neighborhood street gang

Which research method asks subjects to respond to a series of items in a questionnaire or an interview? a.Secondary research b.Participant observation c.An experiment d.A survey

A survey

The term "sociology" was coined in 1838 by ________ a.Karl Marx. b.Herbert Spencer. c.Adam Smith. d.Auguste Comte.

Auguste Comte.

_________ refers to the illegal actions of a corporation or people acting on its behalf. a.Corporate crime b.Organized crime c.Victimless crime d.Secondary deviance

Corporate crime

Which concept refers to attitudes and activities that a society links to people of each sex? a.Primary sex characteristics b.Sexual orientation c.Gender roles d.Secondary sex characteristics

Gender roles

________ refers to stigmatizing anyone who is not heterosexual as "queer." a.Homophobia b.Heterosexism c.Heterophilia d.Homophilia


In Mead's model, which sequence correctly orders stages of the developing self? a.Imitation, play, game, generalized other b.Imitation, generalized other, play, game c.Imitation, game, play, generalized other d.Imitation, generalized other, game, play

Imitation, play, game, generalized other

Which concept refers to humans who have some combination of female and male sexual characteristics? a.Multi-sexed b.Bisexual c.Transsexual d.Intersexual


Which item in the following list is best thought of as an achieved status? a.Occupation b.Physical or mental disability c.Gender d.Race


________ refers to social organization in which males dominate females. a.Patriarchy b.Matriarchy c.Monarchy d.Oligarchy


If social marginality encourages sociological thinking, we would expect people in which category listed below to make the most use of the sociological perspective? a.The wealthy b.People who belong to a racial minority c.Politicians d.The middle class

People who belong to a racial minority

According to Robert Merton's strain theory, how would you classify a low-paid yet compulsively conforming bank teller who never seems to want to get ahead but never seems to do anything wrong? a.Innovator b.Ritualist c.Retreatist d.Rebel


Which concept is involved when a surgeon chooses not to operate on her own son because the personal involvement of motherhood could impair her professional objectivity as a physician? a.Role conflict b.Role strain c.Role ambiguity d.Role exit

Role conflict

Which concept is involved when a plant supervisor wants to be a good friend and confidant to the workers, but must remain distant in order to rate the workers' performances? a.Role conflict b.Role strain c.Role ambiguity d.Role exit

Role strain

Which sociological research method saves the time and expense of data gathering, but the researcher has no control over possible data bias? a.The experiment b.The survey c.Participant observation d.Secondary analysis of existing sources

Secondary analysis of existing sources

Which of the following concepts refers to the biological distinction between males and females? a.Sex b.Primary sex characteristics c.Gender d.Gender roles


According to Walker, during this phase of domestic violence, Mr. Hyde emerges, exploding in rage and beating and otherwise abusing his partner. Some women who have lived with abuse for a long time actually anticipate this phase and trigger the violent incident to get it over with. What phase do women sometimes trigger the violent incident? The tension-building phase The acute battering incident The calm or "honeymoon"phase Reconciliation Phase

The acute battering incident

Which sociological research method is most likely to produce quantitative data that will identify cause-and-effect relationships? a.The experiment b.The survey c.Participant observation d.Secondary analysis

The experiment

Which theoretical approach states that the stability of U.S. society rests on core values shared by most people? a.The structural-functional approach b.The social-conflict approach c.The symbolic-interaction approach d.The sociobiology approach

The structural-functional approach

From a research point of view, what is the problem with the question, "Do you think that the government should spend less on defense and spend more on health care?" a.Most people will have no opinion on these issues. b.The question may spark an emotional response. c.Two different questions are being asked, so that a simple "yes" or "no" may distort the subject's actual opinion. d.The question asks for a personal opinion, which involves a value judgment.

Two different questions are being asked, so that a simple "yes" or "no" may distort the subject's actual opinion.

The social-conflict approach emphasizes that ________ a.the process of reality construction is highly variable, so that one group's views of sexuality may well differ from another's. b.sexuality plays an important role when it comes to the organization of society. c.U.S. culture often depicts sexuality in terms of sport and violence, such as when we speak of men "scoring" with women, and men "hitting on" women. d.different societies attach different meanings to sexual behavior.

U.S. culture often depicts sexuality in terms of sport and violence, such as when we speak of men "scoring" with women, and men "hitting on" women.

Telling jokes is an example of ________ a.a cultural universal. b.material culture. c.cultural relativism. d.cultural lag.

a cultural universal.

Edwin Lemert described "primary deviance" as ________ a.the most serious episodes of deviance. b.actions that parents define as deviant. c.a passing episode of deviance that has little effect on the person's self-concept. d.the experience of deviance early in life.

a passing episode of deviance that has little effect on the person's self-concept.

A simplified description unfairly applied to every person in the same category is called ________ a.a sociological insight. b.a sociological generalization. c.a stereotype. act of discrimination.

a stereotype.

Critical sociology can best be described as a(n) ________ approach. a.activist b.scientific c.qualitative d.value-free


In a questionnaire, the question "Please state your opinions about the extent of economic inequality" is an example of ________ a.a closed-ended format. open-ended format. c.experimental design. d.a dependent variable.

an open-ended format.

Which of the following is NOT true? power and control is at the heart of intimate terrorism. anger management would greatly help perpetrators of intimate terrorism. while situational couple violence does not involve an attempt from either partner to gain power and control, it can be deadly. Thus, this type of violence should never be minimized. situational couple violence is probably the most common type of domestic violence.

anger management would greatly help perpetrators of intimate terrorism.

Unlike simple stereotypes, sociological generalizations ________ a.apply to all individuals in some category. b.are based on all available facts. c.are motivated by bias. d.ignore facts.

are based on all available facts.

From a social-conflict point of view, jokes ________ a.tend to bring people together. b.can be a way of making one category of people feel good at the expense of another. c.are a good way of reducing conflict in society. d.are often used to relieve tension -"lightening" a situation.

can be a way of making one category of people feel good at the expense of another.

Making use of the sociological perspective encourages ________ a.challenging many commonly-held beliefs. b.accepting all commonly-held wisdom. c.the belief that society is mysterious. d.people to be happy with their lives as they are.

challenging many commonly-held beliefs.

The fact that instant messaging is based on a new set of symbols shows us that ________'s young people are smarter than their parents. b.symbols are static elements. c.culture changes over time. d.we are not dependent on our culture's symbols.

culture changes over time.

"The recognized violation of cultural norms" refers to the concept of ________ a.deviance. b.crime. infraction. d.juvenile delinquency.


According to the social-conflict approach, what a society labels as deviant is based primarily on ________ often the act occurs. b.the moral foundation of the culture. harmful the act is to the public as a whole. d.differences in power between various categories of people.

differences in power between various categories of people.

The spread of cultural traits from one society to another is called ________ a.immigration. b.cultural transmission. c.popular culture. d.diffusion.


A person who criticizes the Amish farmer as being "backward" for tilling his fields with horses and a plow instead of using a tractor is displaying ________ a.ethnocentrism. b.cultural relativism. c.cultural diffusion. d.cultural integration.


A distinctive contribution of schooling to the process of socialization is _______ a.exposing the child to an impersonal, bureaucratic setting. b.exposing the child to people of similar social backgrounds. c.teaching children to be highly flexible and to express their individuality. d.helping children break free of gender roles.

exposing the child to an impersonal, bureaucratic setting.

Family is important to the socialization process because _______ members are often what Mead called "generalized others." b.families pass along social identity to children in terms of class, ethnicity, and religion. c.families begin the process of anticipatory socialization. d.families set the stage for resocialization.

families pass along social identity to children in terms of class, ethnicity, and religion.

Interpretive sociology refers to sociology that ________ a.focuses on action. b.sees an objective reality "out there." c.focuses on the meaning people attach to behavior. d.seeks to bring about change.

focuses on the meaning people attach to behavior.

An act of kindness, such as opening the door for an elderly man, illustrates conforming to ________ a.mores. b.taboos. c.folkways. d.proscriptive norms.


According to intersection theory, ________ is a source of social disadvantage. a.only gender b.only race c.only class d.gender, race, and class

gender, race, and class

Peter Berger describes using the sociological perspective as seeing the ______ in the _______. a.good; worst tragedies; old c.specific; general d.general; particular

general; particular

Structural-functional analysis points out that industrialization encourages ________ to take control of the workplace. b.growing gender equality. c.women to have more children. d.a breakdown of social stability.

growing gender equality.

If you were teaching a class about the symbolic-interaction approach to sexuality, you likely focus on ________ a.understanding men's power over women. b.raising public concern about sexual harassment. individuals in various settings engage in different sexual behavior and attach different meanings to sexual activity. d.understanding why society must regulate with whom and when people reproduce.

how individuals in various settings engage in different sexual behavior and attach different meanings to sexual activity.

In general, people using social media present ________ images of themselves. a.idealized b.incorrect c.entirely truthful d.highly critical


Smiling and making polite remarks to people we do not like is an example of ________ a.making another feel embarrassment. b.exercising power over another. c.idealizing a personal performance. d.losing face.

idealizing a personal performance.

A sociologist using the gender-conflict approach might state that ________ and women share in the joys of family life. many ways, men are in positions of power over women. c.gender functions in an important way to keep society operating. and women enjoy equal rights and privileges in our society.

in many ways, men are in positions of power over women.

A common myth is that ________ a.many rapes are not reported to the police. b.official rape statistics include only victims who are women. most cases of rape, the victim does not know the attacker. d.most men who rape men are not homosexual.

in most cases of rape, the victim does not know the attacker.

A theory states that increasing a person's formal higher education results in increased earnings over the individual's lifetime. In this theory, "higher education" is the ________ a.independent variable. b.dependent variable. c.correlation. d.effect.

independent variable.

An inmate who loses the capacity for independent living is described as _______ a.unsocialized. b.integrated. c.institutionalized. d.dissociated.


If you were trying to measure the "social class" of various people, you would have to keep in mind that ________ is necessary to specify exactly what variable you are measuring. must measure "social class" in every way possible. c.there is no way to measure "social class." d.everyone agrees on what "social class" means.

it is necessary to specify exactly what variable you are measuring.

An example of a latent function of college is ________ a.providing skills needed for later jobs. b.keeping young people out of a tight labor force, which may not have jobs for them. c.gaining the knowledge required to be an active and thoughtful citizen. young people experience living on their own.

keeping young people out of a tight labor force, which may not have jobs for them.

An example of a latent function of college is ________ a.providing skills needed for later jobs. b.keeping young people out of a tight labor force, which may not have jobs for them. c.gaining the knowledge required to be an active and thoughtful citizen. young people experience living on their own.

keeping young people out of a tight labor force, which may not have jobs for them.

Building social relationships and creating tens of thousands of jobs are two of the _________ of sports. a.manifest functions b.latent functions c.dysfunctions d.non-functions

latent functions

A ______ can be considered a prop in the classroom performance of a professor. a.backpack b.lectern or podium c.cell phone d.confident tone of voice

lectern or podium

The incest taboo ________ a.limits sexual competition within families. b.confuses people's rights and obligations towards each other. c.breaks down the kinship system. d.discourages contact of family members with the larger society.

limits sexual competition within families.

Looking at the United States, high suicide rates are typical of areas in which people ________ densely packed in cities. spread apart in rural areas. c.have higher incomes. in a warmer climate.

live spread apart in rural areas.

Feminist theory makes the claim that ________ increasing share of media outlets is controlled by a small number of people. b.mass media and social media support the domination of males over females. c.mass media and social media have important functions for society. are owned and operated mostly by women.

mass media and social media support the domination of males over females.

Julie is a police officer who finds that wherever she goes in her small town, people seem to think of her as a "cop." Julie is experiencing the effects of ________ a.role exit. b.master status. c.ascribed status. d.status conflict.

master status.

In situational couple violence, the male victim may be reluctant to report the assaults because they think that assaults by an intimate partner are not a crime. feel that their partners are capable of killing them if they report her behavior. know they were mostly at fault and are afraid of being arrested themselves. may be embarrassed about reporting the assaults.

may be embarrassed about reporting the assaults.

In the nature versus nurture debate, sociologists claim that _______ a.nature is far more important than nurture. b.nurture is far more important than nature. c.nature and nurture have equal importance. d.neither nature nor nurture creates the essence of our humanity.

nurture is far more important than nature.

The power relationship between physicians and patients is immediately evident when the patient enters the doctor's office because ________ is up to patients to decide when they will see the doctor. b.the physician is already there to greet the patient. c.patients must wait until a "gatekeeper" admits them to see the doctor in the office's "back region." d.patients generally address physicians by their first names.

patients must wait until a "gatekeeper" admits them to see the doctor in the office's "back region."

The symbolic-interaction approach focuses on how ________ a.society held together. b.society is divided. c.people experience society. d.some people protect their privileges.

people experience society.

When Cooley used the concept of the "looking-glass self," he claimed that _______ a.people are self-centered. b.people see themselves as they think others see them. c.people see things only from their own point of view. d.our actions are a reflection of our values.

people see themselves as they think others see them.

Sociologists use the term "social marginality" to refer to ________ a.people who have little understanding of sociology. b.people who have special social skills. c.people who are defined by others as an "outsider." d.people who are especially sensitive about their family background.

people who are defined by others as an "outsider."

According to Erving Goffman, we engage in a _____ when we use costumes, props, tone of voice, and gestures to convey information to others. a.role b.performance c.status d.self


A manifest function of sports is ________ a.providing recreation and physical conditioning. b.fostering social relationships. c.generating jobs. d.teaching a society's way of life.

providing recreation and physical conditioning.

While one dominant value of U.S. culture is the right to equal opportunity and freedom, another is ________ a.equality of condition. b."being" rather than "doing". c.racism and group superiority. d.belief in tradition.

racism and group superiority.

According to Erving Goffman, the goal of a total institution is to _______ integrate a troubled patient into the outside world. b.give a person greater choices about how to live. c.radically alter a person's personality or behavior. d.encourage lifelong learning in a supervised context.

radically alter a person's personality or behavior.

According to Robert Merton's strain theory, the term _______ correctly describes the behavior of a radical activist who rejects just about everything in the existing society in favor of some alternative system. a.innovator b.ritualist c.retreatist d.rebel


"Crime" differs from "deviance" in that crime ________ always more serious. usually less serious. c.refers to a violation of norms enacted into law. d.involves a larger share of the population.

refers to a violation of norms enacted into law.

Cloward and Ohlin extended Merton's theory of deviance, stating that crime ________ a.reflects both limited legitimate opportunity as well as accessible illegitimate opportunity. more common among the rich who have more opportunity. defined in such a way as to overly criminalize the poor. typically a result of drug dependence or other substance addiction.

reflects both limited legitimate opportunity as well as accessible illegitimate opportunity.

According to Robert Merton's strain theory, the term ________ correctly describes the behavior of a school "dropout" who rejects both cultural goals and the conventional means to reach them. a.innovator b.ritualist c.retreatist d.rebel


The development of breasts in females and deeper voices in males are examples of ________ a.gender norms. b.primary sex characteristics. c.secondary sex characteristics. d.cultural variation.

secondary sex characteristics.

A reason to study sexuality using the sociological perspective is ________ a.sexuality is both an important and controversial element of social life. b.most people understand sexuality very well. c.sexuality plays a minor part in many areas of social life. d.sexuality has already been thoroughly studied.

sexuality is both an important and controversial element of social life.

Symbolic-interaction theory explains how the mass media and social media ________ a.serve to help society as a whole to operate. b.shape the reality we experience. c.establish and perpetuate social inequality. d.distribute social resources to various categories of people.

shape the reality we experience.

According to Mead, children learn to take the role of the other as they model themselves on important people in their lives, such as parents. Mead referred to these people as _______ a.role models. b.looking-glass models. c.significant others. d.the generalized other.

significant others.

The reality we construct through social interaction is likely influenced by our ________ class background. b.soft reality. c.hard reality. d.spirituality.

social class background.

Twitter and Facebook are examples of ________ media. b.dramaturgical analysis. c.the Thomas theorem. d.face-to-face social interaction.

social media.

The "framework for building theory that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change" is the ________ a.structural-functional approach. approach. c.symbolic-interaction approach. d.tradition-based approach.

social-conflict approach.

At any given time you occupy a number of statuses. These statuses make up your ________ a.master status. b.role set. c.achieved statuses. d.status set.

status set.

The ________ approaches are macro-level, describing societies in broad, structural terms. a.structural-functional and social-conflict b.structural-functional and symbolic-interaction and symbolic-interaction d.gender-conflict and symbolic-interaction

structural-functional and social-conflict

A theory that explains how schooling helps prepare young people for the work they will do as adults represents the ________ a.structural-functional approach. approach. c.symbolic-interaction approach. d.sociobiology approach.

structural-functional approach.

The concept of "glass ceiling" refers to ________ a.the barrier that prevents women from reaching the top. b.the fact that women's dreams are easily broken. c.the fact that cleaning the home is all most women do. d.the barrier that keeps women in service work.

the barrier that prevents women from reaching the top.

Understanding marriage using the structural-functional approach might prompt you to consider ________ a.what people think marriage means. marriage benefits women and men unequally. c.the consequences of marriage for the operation of society. can we help people find more pleasure in their marriages.

the consequences of marriage for the operation of society.

His friends begin to criticize Marco as a "juice-head," pushing him out of their social circle. Feeling rejected, Marco begins to drink even more, becomes bitter, and joins a new group of friends who also are heavy drinkers. According to Lemert, Marco's situation illustrates ________ a.the onset of primary deviance. b.the onset of secondary deviance. c.the formation of a deviant subculture. d.the onset of retreatism.

the onset of secondary deviance.

The basic idea of the symbolic-interaction approach is that society is ________ arena of conflict between categories of people. b.the product of people interacting in countless everyday situations. c.a system that operates to benefit people. d.a system that generates social inequality.

the product of people interacting in countless everyday situations.

Flirting is a playful way of seeing if someone is interested in you without risking outright rejection. Therefore, flirting provides a good illustration of ________ a.the Thomas theorem. b.the process of role exit. c.the social construction of reality. d.street smarts.

the social construction of reality.

The ways in which sexuality is linked to social inequality is highlighted by ________ a.the structural-functional approach. b.the symbolic-interaction approach. c.the social-conflict approach. d.the social construction of sexuality.

the social-conflict approach.

The idea that society needs to regulate human sexuality is highlighted by ________ a.the structural-functional approach. b.the symbolic-interaction approach. c.the social-conflict approach. d.queer theory.

the structural-functional approach.

Qualitative research has special appeal to investigators who favor ________ a.the structural-functional approach. b.the symbolic-interaction approach. c.the social-conflict approach. d.the social-exchange approach.

the symbolic-interaction approach.

If we state that children raised in single-parent families are at high risk of being single parents themselves, we have constructed a ________ of family life. a.paradigm b.precept c.concept d.theory


If you were marketing products effectively by using sociological data, you would ________ a.use older technology such as cable and satellite technology to sell to older people and newer, internet-based media to sell to younger people. b.use older technology such as cable and satellite technology to sell to younger people and newer, internet-based media to sell to older people. c.assume that both younger and older people make equal use of all mass and social media. d.assume that both women and men make equal use of all mass and social media.

use older technology such as cable and satellite technology to sell to older people and newer, internet-based media to sell to younger people.

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