Sociology Final Exam

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Sarah Fenstermaker Berk has characterized the American family by examining how women and men learn to take on distinct roles paralleling the divide between public and private spheres. She call the family a:

"gender factory"

The domestic duties that still fall disproportionately on working women's shoulders are labeled by Hochschild (1989) as:

"the second shift"

Which countries have marriage equality for same-sex couples?

(Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, France, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden and Uruguay

What is social capital?

-how doing together glues us together

According to data in Chapter 12, US women earn about how much for every dollar that US men earn?


What is the current rate of unionization in the US?


According to your text, approximately what percent of the nation's population 16 years and older is functionally illiterate?


In 2010, approximately what percent of American adults over 25 had a college degree?


In what year were laws prohibiting interracial marriage struck down in the United States?


According to your text, approximately what percent of the nation's population 16 years and older is innumerate?


Approximately what percentage of people in the world identify themselves as Christian?


Approximately what percentage of U.S. marriages end in divorce?


In 2010 women earned what percent of graduate degrees?


What percentage of today's U.S. families consists of a male breadwinner, a female housewife, and their children?


Approximately what percentage of Americans marry at some point in their lives?


Feminist sociologists claim that the family wage is a patriarchal bargain because it implies:

A wage that provides a male breadwinner but at the cost of a women's autonomy and freedom.

According to Weber which religion was a necessary condition for the development of capitalism?

Aescticsm/ Protestant

Serfs were the lowest class in the feudal system and were bound to the land they worked, yet they were not slaves. Why were they different from slaves?

Also called peasants are the lowest class. They own no land and are not much better than slaves. They are bound to the land that they work at and are not permitted to leave. They work for the knight and follow his orders. The only way to become free is to buy their own land or marry a free person

Which group has the highest rate of outmarriage?

American Indians

If affirmative action programs were eliminated, which group would most likely see an increase in chances of admission to elite colleges and universities?

Asian students

Who wrote The Feminine Mystique (1963)

Betty Friedan

Money that working women earned was not expected to provide for a family. What group did this assumption harm the most?

Black women

What was the name of the landmark court ruling that mandated desegregation of American schools?

Brown v. Board of Education

What does the Coleman report show?

Coleman Report showed that two primary factors--family background and peers--explained differences in achievement among schools, rather than differences in school resources as had been expected. (1966)

According to Durkheim, religion is created by ____________, and religious expressions represent ____________.

Collective representations/ Collective realities

Sociologist Arlie Hochschild (1980) has found that many women who would traditionally be expected to take care of the home and children also try to have a career. She calls this the:

Colt of domesticity

The notion that true womanhood centers on domestic responsibilities and child rearing is known as:

Cult of Domesticity

Who argued that African American female-headed families are the outcome, rather than the cause of racial oppression and poverty?

Du Bois

The linking of social movements with religion demonstrates:

Elective Affinity

What is the correct term describing an economic system characterized by the presence of lords, vassals, and serfs?


The Obama White House tends to differ from the previous one because:

First Black President; it has turned to the traditional African American three-generation household.

The sacred realm is:

Holy things

Knowledge and skills that make someone more productive and bankable are known as:

Human capital

College faculty members in the ____________ are much more likely to belong to churches and express religious commitment than are faculty in the ____________.

Natural, physical, and engineering sciences/ social scientists, law, humanities

They "typical" American family today is:

No such thing in the modern 21st century; there is no one family form or structure that accounts for the majority of American households today Less "stay at home moms" Only 21% of families consist of a married man and woman with children under the age of 18

Which 1996 legislation led to national welfare reform during the Clinton administration?

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA)

Adam Smith showed how specialization and division of labor lead to greater productivity with the example of:

Pin factory

Calvinists believed that their souls were selected for salvation before birth. This is known as:


The view of Karl Marx about religion was that it is the "opium of the masses." What did he mean by this?

Promises of happiness in afterlife

The trend in industrial nations toward a separation between church and state, a belief in rationality and science, and the movement away from religiosity and spiritual belief is known as:


What term describes the economy that revolves around providing intangible services such as restaurant work, health-care provision, higher education, legal advice, computer tech support, and massage?

Service Sector

What is the relationship between birth weight and education?

Siblings who weighed less at birth exhibit lower educational attainment than their heavier siblings.

Adam Smith argues that money is inherently social because:

Smith argues that money is inherently social; it facilitates social relations between humans

When asked if they attend church services at least once a month, about 60% of Americans say they do. But when daily diaries of people's activities are examined, rates of church attendance are much lower. This problem of self-reporting of positive behaviors is known within sociology as:

Social desirability bias

According to Ruth Schwartz Cowan's 1983 research, time-saving devices like the vacuum cleaner and washing machine have actually increased the amount of time that women spend on housework. What explanation is given for her finding?

Standards of cleanliness have also rise, so even more cleaning is expected.

Defined broadly, religion is:

System of beliefs

Broadly defined, education is:

The process through which academic, social, and cultural ideas and tools, both general and specific, are developed.

Durkheim felt that one of the major functions of religion was that it perpetuates__________.

Way of thinking and knowing

In contrast to Simmel, Karl Marx believed that friendship under capitalism is not possible because:

all relationships become market relationships

What is affirmative action?

an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination, especially in relation to employment or education; positive discrimination.

The rise of large-scale production, the influx of peasants to urban areas to find work, and the rise of a system of wage labor caused the ____________ system to become obsolete, in favor of a new system of legal currency


In what way are the conclusions of Weber and Marx similar?

brings social change

What is the name of the economic system that developed along with the agricultural revolution and Industrial Revolution in Europe?


Amy and Raymond live together in an intimate relationship without formal legal or religious sanctioning.This arrangement is known by sociologists as:


Sacred things can include books, buildings, days, and places. From a sociological standpoint, the sacredness comes from:

collective investment of the religous community

The agricultural revolution was brought on by new innovations such as:

crop rotation

If you are a salaried worker and you miss a day of work, how does your salary change?

decreases ???

Georg Simmel saw the development of monetary payment systems as part of a historical evolution leading to:

depersonalization of exchange.

The Ozzie and Harriet Nelson type of family was in its prime during which time period?

during the post-World War II economic boom

According to Bourdieu, the three types of cultural capital are:

embodied, objectified, and institutional

When a society has rules that limit marital choices to people within one's own social group, such as within their social class, or religion, this is known as:


According to sociologists Jerry Jacobs and Kathleen Gerson, many workers avoid taking full advantage of ___________ because they want to advance in their careers.

family friendly office policies

Arlie Hochschild argued that many workers seek refuge from the ____________ in the ____________.


According to the textbook, in a capitalist economic system, the price and distribution of goods and services are determined by what?

market economy

Attitudes about gender and work became self-confirming myths and enforced women's dependence. The unfair family wage pushed an incentive on women to:

marry and stay married.

Which theorist claimed that modern capitalism would not have risen without Protestant Reformation?

max weber

Some people may have several spouses over their lifetimes, but in the United States they are legally allowed only one at a time. The legal institution is known as:


A traditional family consisting of a mother, father, and their biological children is known as a/an:

nuclear family

What percentage of Americans claim a religious affiliation?

over 90 percent

In some rural areas of Asia, women can have several husbands at one time. This practice is known as:


Some societies allow a person to have several spouses at the same time in an arrangement known as:


In its level of religiosity, the United States is similar to:

poor countries

What is stereotype threat?

situational predicament in which people are or feel themselves to be at risk of conforming to stereotypes about their social group

Cultural capital refers to:

symbolic and interactional resources that people use to their advantage in various situations

Boys are more likely to engage in risky behaviors and experience problems at school; boys are also more likely to __________________ than girls.

take math and science AP classes, and score higher

Marx described workers as being alienated from:

the condition of workers under capitalism, according to Marx; they cannot find themselves in their work, are deprived of the products of their labor, and are in competition with their fellow workers.

In families where both spouses work for wages, the second shift can be best described as:

the domestic tasks that fall disproportionately on women in addition to their paid work

Globalization in the twenty-first century is characterized by:

the emergence of new markets, new means of exchange, new players, and new rules that are intensifying worldwide interdependencies

Monetization refers to:

the establishment of a legal currency (in the context of large cities and wage labor, the need for a monetary system emerged - to replace the barter system)

At the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century, a massive transition was propelled by the development of new technologies. Examples of this new technology are:

the power loom and steam engine.

Theism/Ethicalism/Animism is /are ____________, examples of it are _____________

the worship of a god or gods; Hinduism and Islam

It is difficult to make generalizations about Latino families in the US because:

their diverse origin

What happened to many serfs as a result of the enclosure movement?

this was in the 1600s when English farmers accelerated the process of fencing off, or enclosing, common lands into individual holdings, largely for the benefit of the already wealthy landholders

Aries wrote that children of pre-industrial families were:

thought of as small adults who didn't warrant any special treatment or nurturing

One of the major reasons why Native Americans were placed in boarding schools for 60 years was:

to socialize them to become "civilized"

When classrooms are divided into ability levels, type of preparation, or according to future plans, it's called:


About how long do the majority of single mothers stay on the welfare rolls in the US?

two years

A system of payment whereby workers are compensated on the basis of a wage not tied to the quality of the raw materials, accidents, or other exigencies in the production process refers to:

wage labor

During the agricultural revolution, the enclosure movement caused many former serfs to move to cities in search of work and led to the rise of:

wage labor

Objects and behaviors that are profane are:

were everything else in the world that did not have a religious function or hold religious meaning; mundane, everyday life

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