Spanish 2 Chapter 4 part 2
to fall down
yo-me caí tú-te caíste Ud.-se cayó Nos-nos caímos Vos-os caísteis Uds-se cayeron
to fall preterite
to get sick
estar resfriado(a)
to have a cold
tener tos
to have a cough
tener un calambre
to have a cramp
to hurt oneself
to put on
ponerse una curita/hielo/ungüento
to put on a bandage/ice/ointment
Ponte una curita
to put on a bandaid
ponerse me pongo te pones se pone nos ponemos se ponen
to put on in present
PONERSE - me puse, te pusiste, se puso, nos pusimos, os pusisteis, se pusieron
to put on preterite
to sneeze
torcerse (ue) (+ body part)
to sprain, to twist (+ body part)
Quédate en cama
to stay in bed
tomarse unas pastillas
to take some pills
Calentarse(ie), me caliento, te calientas, se calienta, nos calentamos, os calentáis, se calientan
to warm up
calentarse (ie)
to warm up
el dedo del pie
una curita.-> bandaid hielo(a).->ice ungüento.->ointment
la muñeca
the verb leer also has a stem that ends in a vowel and follows the same pattern as caerse. Construir(to build) has the same third-person endings, but has not accent marks in the other forms.
la curita
Band-Aid; adhesive bandage
Me rompí la muñeca cuando me caí de mi caballo. Mi madre me llevó a la sala de emergencias.
I broke my wrist when I fell off my horse. My mother took me to the emergency room.
Me corté el dedo. Ahora lo tengo infectado.
I cut my finger. Now it's infected.
Me corté el dedo del pie caminado por la playa.
I cut my toe walking on the beach.
No me puse el sombrero y me quemé (la piel) con el sol.
I didn't put my hat on and I burned (my skin) in the sun.
Tengo un dolor de cabeza que no se me quita
I have a headache that won't go away.
Tengo el tobillo torcido
I have a twisted ankle
Me lastimé el codo durante el partido. Ahora me duele mucho.
I hurt my elbow during the game. Now it hurts a lot.
Me torcí el tobillo jugando al fútbol. Ahora lo tengo hinchado.
I sprained my ankle playing soccer. Now I have it swollen.
Me torcí el tobillo
I twisted my ankle
Estoy mal. Tengo tos y me duele la garganta.
I'm sick. I have a cough and my throat hurts.
Ahora lo tengo infectado.
Now it's infected
¡Uf! Me di un golpe en la cabeza con la puerta.
Ouch! I hit my head against the door.
Past participles used as adjectives
Past participle can be used as an adjective. You can use it to describe a condition or an injury.
¡Pobrecito(a)! Tómate unas aspirinas y descansa un poco.
Poor thing! Take some aspirin and rest a bit.
¡Pobrecito(a)! Tómate unas aspirinas y descansa un poco.
Poor thing! Take some aspirinas and rest a bit.
Quédate en cama y tómate este jarabe.
Stay in bed and take this cough syrup.
Verbs with reflexive pronouns and direct objects
Use reflexive verbs to talk about someone doing something to himself or herself. Use a reflexive verb with direct object. The reflexive object is often a part of the body. Reflexive pronoun goes before the conjugated verb or attached to the end of a present participle or infinitive. The reflexive pronoun is attached to the end of the verb in affirmative commands and before the verb in negative commands
¿Qué tienes?
What do you have?
¿Qué te pasó?
What happened to you?
¿Qué te pasó?
What happened?
¿Qué tienes?
What's the matter with you?
Preterite of Verbs like Caer
When -er or -ir verbs have a stem that ends in a vowel, the i of the third-person preterite ending changes to y: ió-yó and ieron--yeron. In all other forms the i has written accent mark to how that the i is pronounced as a separate syllable.
tienes que ir al médico
You have to go to the doctor
el tobillo
el huseo
el cerebro
la mejilla
construí, construiste, construyó, construimos, construisteis, construyeron
construir (to build) preterite
When used as adjectives, participles must agree with nouns in number and gender. More past participles for conditions or injuries.
cortar-cortado infectar-infectado quemar-quemado vendar-vendado
la oreja
el codo
las cejas
la uña
fingernail, toenail
darle un calambre
for someone to get a cramp
el corazón
To form the past participle drop the infinitive ending and add -ado to -ar and -ido to -er and -ir verbs
hinchar-hinchado torcer-torcido herir-herido
el hielo
la rodilla
leí, leíste, leyó, leímos, leísteis, leyeron
leer (to read) preterite
los labios
los pulmones
el ungüento
Irregular past participles
romper-roto abrir-abierto
la piel
Estírate antes de hacer ejercicio
stretch before exercising
Tómate unas aspirinas
take some aspirin
Tómate este jarabe
take this cough syrup
el muslo
to bandage, to wrap
tener cuidado
to be careful
estar mal
to be sick
romperse (+ body part)
to break (+ body part)
darse un golpe en..
to bump one's...
to burn oneself
to catch a cold
to cut oneself