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food deserts

Entire neighborhoods, known as food deserts, have no fresh produce for sale. In many low-income urban areas fast food restaurants and convenience stores have become the only accessible sources of food. These so-called food deserts are most common in racially segregated urban areas where low-income neighborhoods are relatively isolated from the rest of the city. The USDA estimates that over 20 million Americans live in so-called food deserts.

School Voucher

A school voucher, also called an education voucher, in a voucher system, is a certificate of government funding for a student at a school chosen by the student or the student's parents. Good example: Chattanooga all girls private school Bad: CTE AG ed


-Bad communication - MPP Marginal Protection Program -how dairy can combat false advertising -Susan sister has two young daughters will not feed her daughters store bought milk because she read that store bought milk hormones. That its so wide spread and misconceptions can interfere with

Data Privacy

-For years, farmers have used technology advances to better match varieties of seeds, production inputs and management practices with specific field characteristics. One of the most important issues around "big data" goes directly to property rights and "who owns and controls the data." The risks to privacy that the farmer faces, such as his pesticide or GMO usage that may be an accepted practice but politically unpopular, are great. Farmers are rightly concerned about data privacy. Even if an individual operator does everything to the best of his ability, following all the applicable rules, regulations, and best management practices, there is still concern that the EPA or one of the numerous environmental organizations that bedevil agriculture might gain access to individual farm data through subpoenas or an overall-clad Edward Snowden. The new technology should make farmers more efficient and allow the use of fewer inputs while increasing their overall level of outputs and profitability. While companies have collected and analyzed agronomic, yield and other farm level data for some time, the level and the amount of real-time information gained at a micro-level unit is a big change. roprietary data collected from farming and agricultural operations is valuable, should remain the property of the farmer, and warrants protection. We support efforts to better educate farmers and ranchers regarding new technology or equipment that may receive, record, and/or transmit their farming and production data.

What does service mean to you?

-Marth Luther King Jr. Day act of Service

Farm Bill

-SNAP -Rumours of splitting the snap and farm bill/pro cons -COOL -FArmers want to include in the farm bill/ why the dairy MPP- ten year margin doesn't account for fluctuation in the market and based off the old prices of milk -No accurate food -Replace the milk income act -Provide safety net for farmers,

The Endangered Species Act

1973, was intended to protect species believed to be on the brink of extinction. -One reason for this is that farmers and ranchers own most of the land where plant and animal species are found. The land is open, unpaved and relatively undeveloped, so that it provides actual or potential habitat for listed plants and animals. Often farm or ranch practices enhance habitat, thereby attracting endangered or threatened species to their property. -ESA restrictions are especially harsh for farmers and ranchers because this prevents them from making productive use of their primary business asset. -Endangered and threatened species protection can be more effectively achieved by providing incentives to private landowners and public land users rather than by imposing land use restrictions and penalties. Human need for food, fiber, shelter and energy shall have priority over the protection of endangered and threatened species. best for agriculture

charter school

A charter school is an independently run public school granted greater flexibility in its operations, in return for greater accountability for performance. The "charter" establishing each school is a performance contract detailing the school's mission, program, students served, performance goals, and methods of assessment.

Standardized test scores incorporated with ag education and FFA

A proper teaching of agriculture courses involves much integration of standardized test subjects. English is taught everyday in the Ag classroom, with many class standards requiring in-depth reading and writing. Math is implemented in many courses such as animal science (measuring proper feed rations). And all Ag classes are inundated with science all day long. Much of ffa is focused on the same subjects. All CDE's involve general knowledge exams that include STEM. Many cde's have a problem solving portion such as flori and vet science cde's. Also, STEM is highly incorporated into Ag Ed and ffa. So ag ed is already ahead of the curve in education, in testing, and in career orientation.

The Agricultural Education Mission

Agricultural education prepares students for successful careers and a lifetime of informed choices in the global agriculture, food, fiber and natural resources systems.

Climate Change

Agriculture are highly dependent on the climate. Increases in temperature and carbon dioxide (CO2) can increase some crop yields in some places. But to realize these benefits, nutrient levels, soil moisture, water availability, and other conditions must also be met. Changes in the frequency and severity of droughts and floods could pose challenges for farmers and ranchers and threaten food safety. Crops grown in the United States are critical for the food supply here and around the world. U.S. farms supply nearly 25% of all grains (such as wheat, corn, and rice) on the global market. Changes in temperature, atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), and the frequency and intensity of extreme weather could have significant impacts on crop yields. Incentives that encourage the production and utilization of biofuels and renewable energy, which help reduce GHGs, create American jobs and encourage rural development. Increased biofuel production also diversifies our energy portfolio to make America more secure and resilient to the increasing costs for energy. Having the best technology, traits and production practices will be more beneficial than burdening the economy with additional regulations.


Agriculture has a primary interest in ensuring that all animal health products continue to be safe and effective. Farmers and ranchers need tools to keep animals healthy— including antibiotics that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Eliminating access to these important tools will jeopardize animal health and compromise farmers' ability to raise and produce a healthy and safe product. According to FDA, the agency is taking this action to preserve the effectiveness of medically important antimicrobials for treating disease in humans. Animal production claims will be prohibited for these drugs, but veterinarian oversight will allow for continued use as tools to prevent, control or treat illnesses in food-producing animals. -VFD o promote the responsible use of antibiotics for food-producing animals. This regulation will require a VFD for all medically important antibiotics (those important in human health) administered in feed, and a veterinary prescription for all medically important antibiotics used in water. -hese products have been available over the counter, but starting Jan. 1, 2017, will require a VFD from a licensed veterinarian. A VFD is similar to a veterinary prescription for producers to obtain and use medically important antibiotics in feed in accordance with the FDA-approved directions for use. A working relationship with Veterinarian Feed Directive -fees of veterinarian , specific prescription, Co-Op has to change supplies, harder for farmers to keep up with the demands needed, consumer standpoint, farmers have to keep all prescription VFD for two years, have a lot of paperwork and filling, extra label use of medicated additiavtives, stresses importance of the professional license of a veterinarian, Impacts the stress of Veterinarians in rural environments. Probation of Farmer if there is a misuse of prescription drug .Impact drugs that are on animal feed.

Agriculture and Tax Reform

Agriculture operates in a world of uncertainty. From unpredictable commodity and product markets to fluctuating input prices, from uncertain weather to insect or disease outbreaks, running a farm or ranch business is challenging under the best of circumstances. Farmers and ranchers need a tax code that recognizes their unique financial challenges. - Farm Bureau supports replacing the current federal income tax with a fair and equitable tax system that encourages success, savings, investment and entrepreneurship. We believe that the new code should be simple, transparent, revenue-neutral and fair to farmers and ranchers. -


Agritourism or agrotourism, as it is defined most broadly, involves any agriculturally based operation or activity that brings visitors to a farm or ranch.

Food Safety and Labeling

America's farmers and ranchers are committed to producing safe and affordable food for consumers in the U.S. and around the world. -here are several reasons for their strong support for food safety. They share in the desire to have a safe, abundant and affordable food supply. They also have an economic interest because the demand for their products is determined by consumer confidence. Numerous nationwide food recalls have increased consumer awareness of food safety. -FDA is responsible for ensuring that all domestic and imported food products - except for most meat and poultry derived from the major animal species - are safe, nutritious, wholesome and accurately labeled. -DA Food Safety Modernization Act -cooperatively improve food safety, building on existing systems already in place in the private sector. It authorizes new resources to increase risk-based inspections, expand research and training programs, and establish a pilot program for high-risk produce traceability.

Rural Broadband

America's farmers and ranchers need viable rural communities to supply the services needed to support their families and agricultural operations. -To thrive, rural areas need access to health care, government services and educational and business opportunities. For many rural communities, access can only be gained by using broadband services and sophisticated technologies that require high-speed connections. Rural business owners need access to new markets and employees for their businesses. Rural health care providers need access to health information technology. -Current and future generations of rural Americans will be left behind their fellow citizens if they are without affordable high-speed broadband service to tap into health care and educational services, government agencies and new business opportunities. Using USF funding to improve rural access to modern, affordable broadband services has the potential to correct this inequity. -Access to broadband is essential for farmers and ranchers to follow commodity markets, communicate with their customers, gain access to new markets around the world and, increasingly, for regulatory compliance. -Currently, all telecommunications companies that provide service between states, including long distance companies, local telephone companies, wireless telephone companies, paging companies and payphone providers, contribute to the USF. Carriers providing international services also contribute to the USF.AT@t for TN FFA.

animal rights vs welfare

Animal rights means that animals are not ours to use for food, clothing, entertainment, or experimentation. Animal welfare allows these uses as long as "humane" guidelines are followed. Example of animal rights"-PETA- dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals. Animal welfare - Farm Animal Care Coalition TN composed of leading Tennessee agricultural organizations, individual farmers, and others — all working together to assure the sustainability of the Volunteer State's diverse animal agriculture community.

Genetically Modified Organisms

Biotechnology has proven to be an important tool for better sustainability and food security. It helps farmers grow more food while improving the environment. - roughly 90 percent of corn, cotton and soybeans grown in the U.S. have been improved through biotechnology, and farmers are choosing biotech traits when growing other crops 2.GM crops require less water and fewer chemical applications than conventional crops, and they are better able to survive drought, weeds, and insects. Producing More, With Less, Improved Farm Incomes, New Opportunities for Developing-World Farmers , Affordable food , 3. COOL- Country of Orgins Labeling Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) is a labeling law that requires retailers, such as full-line grocery stores, supermarkets and club warehouse stores, to notify their customers with information regarding the source of certain foods. eight GM crops are grown: corn (sweet and field), soybean, cotton, canola, sugar beet, alfalfa, papaya and squash. Scare tactic Vermont Law it was going to change the company process were going to change just for Vermont change the way they labeled their food. Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act nixed this issue. QR Code.

Community Supported Agriculture

Community-supported agriculture (CSA; sometimes known as community-shared agriculture) is an alternative, locally based economic model of agriculture and food distribution. A CSA also refers to a particular network, or association of individuals, who have pledged to support one or more local farms, with growers and consumers sharing the risks and benefits of food production. - Boone Street Market

How can we ensure that farmers and ranchers, not government agencies, are driving the management of natural resources?

Conservation of the environment and the species that live within it is a hot topic among both farmers and the general public. Disagreements on how endangered species and land should be managed is a battle farmers are constantly facing. This differentiating opinion causes strife among environmental agencies and government actions which attempt to micromanage the land farmers use to provide food and fiber for consumers.

• What are the major misconceptions facing agriculture and how can we work to correct them?

Consumer misconception. Consumer perceptions commonly reported by the media include animal welfare issues, environmental degradation, and danger associated with genetically engineered (GE) crops. Most negative perceptions are based on a distrust of technologies that improve agricultural efficiency. In order to overcome the long-term challenges facing agriculture, it is imperative that consumers become more confident in modern agricultural practices.

GMO Food Labeling

Consumers deserve to have confidence their food is safe and wholesome. Food labels began with the intent to provide accurate, but basic information to guide consumers in making food choices. However, the labels have transformed into a misleading marketing tool against consumers and have in turn, hurt the credibility of farmers in providing safe and high-quality food ingredients.In 2014, the state of Vermont enacted a law which requires mandatory labeling on food products containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs).GMOs are safe for human consumption and have not caused increases in health issues. They are designed to increase resistance against diseases and insects while decreasing the need for herbicides and pesticides. In 41 addition to being safe to eat, GMOs are drought resistant and greatly improve water usage efficiency.To preempt the Vermont law, the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act has been introduced in the U.S. House and Senate and would prevent individual states from passing legislation requiring mandatory labeling of GMO products. This bill ensures the FDA has the authority to determine under what conditions a food may carry a GM label, establishes national standards relating to GMO labeling, and preempts any state or local labeling requirements. This bill passed in the House but did not receive enough votes in the Senate to go through in 2015.American consumers deserve to know where their food comes from and to have confidence in the safety and science behind all food production. They also deserve to know America's farmers are committed to contributing to a safe, affordable food supply for consumers. Labeling mandates take away this needed confidence and create consumer confusion.

E verify

E-Verify is a federal, online system to determine authorization to work in the U.S. That seems like a good idea, and it would be if agriculture had access to a legal workforce and a workable visa program. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Requiring agricultural employers to use e-Verify without assuring that a workable guest worker program is in place could have a significant, negative impact on U.S. farm production, threatening the livelihoods of many farmers and ranchers in labor-intensive agriculture. mandatory e-Verify, would cause production to drop by $60 billion and food prices to rise 5 to 6 percent.


Energy has always been essential for the production of food. Prior to the industrial revolution, the primary energy input for agriculture was the sun; photosynthesis enabled plants to grow, and plants served as food for livestock, which provided fertilizer (manure) and muscle power for farming. However, as a result of the industrialization and consolidation of agriculture, food production has become increasingly dependent on energy derived from fossil fuels. Given the growing population's food requirements, the world's finite supply of fossil fuels and the adverse environmental impacts of using this nonrenewable resource, the existing relationship between agriculture and energy must be dramatically altered. Among the most obvious solutions is to simply improve the energy efficiency of food production and distribution. This can be accomplished by shifting from energy-intensive industrial agricultural techniques to less intensive methods (e.g., pasture-raised livestock, drip irrigation, non-synthetic fertilizers, no-till crop management, etc.), using more efficient machinery and equipment, reducing food processing and packaging, promoting decentralization of food production and improving the efficiency of food transportation. Farms can also generate their own clean electricity. While houses, barns and other buildings provide ample roof space for the installation of solar panels, farms with large swaths of land in windy areas are ideal sites for wind turbines. By leasing property for wind power production, these farms can earn an additional source of revenue while continuing to grow crops on surrounding land. Despite the challenges posed by the energy-intensive nature of agriculture, the prudent use of resources and judicious application of technology has the capacity to significantly improve the long-term sustainability of food production.

What is the FFA Vision ??

FFA Vision. The FFA envisions a future in which all agricultural education students will discover their passion in life and build on that insight to chart the course for their educational, career and personal future.

30 sec elevator speech

FFA is a dynamic youth organization that engages students enrolled in agricultural education by providing opportunities for premier leadership, personal growth and career success. Since its beginning in 1928, the National FFA Organization has grown from just 33 farm boys to over 600,000 young men and women with the common desire to lead, learn and serve. Because of this organization, I have become a stronger leader with a positive vision for my own future in agriculture. It has changed my life, as well as over 14, 000 TN FFA members.

Elevator Speech

FFA is a dynamic youth organization that engages students enrolled in agricultural education by providing opportunities for premier leadership, personal growth and career success. Since its beginning in 1928, the National FFA Organization has grown from just 33 farm boys to over 600000 young men and women with the common desire to lead, learn and serve. Because of this organization, I have become a stronger leader with a positive vision for my own future in agriculture. It has changed my life, as well as TN 14000 members.

Farm Bill

Farm programs are written to provide a basic level of risk protection to help offset bad economic times and severe weather. No one buys insurance for the good times, and similarly, farm bill programs provide critical tools to help farmers and ranchers manage risk. As farmers and ranchers prepare for the development of the 2018 farm bill, Farm Bureau is leading the way in moving the discussion forward and providing resources that address the relevant issues. Farm Bill Working Group AFBF President Zippy Duvall appointed a group of 16 state Farm Bureau staff members and two AFBF staff to serve on a Farm Bill Working Group. Agricultural Risk Coverage - County Option ARC-CO is a commodity by commodity area based revenue program. Some believe the program provides an adequate safety net and others believe it needs to be modified or eliminated and replaced with a different safety net program. Several options for alterations to ARC-CO are presented. Commodity Program Provisions The commodities title of the Farm Bill comprises 7% of the overall cost of the bill. Commodity programs provide safety net options for major crop producers. Several options for altering the safety net ranging from updating bases and yields to implementing further payment limitations are presented. Dairy Issues The Dairy Margin Protection Program (MPP) offers dairy producers the ability to insure the difference between the all-milk price and average feed costs. Most dairy producers believe it hasn't provided an adequate safety net. Several options for altering MPP are reviewed and a review of the Livestock Gross Margin Program is included. Livestock Issues While livestock programs have not historically been a large part of farm bill debates, disease issues and insurance/business interruption have become bigger topics for livestock producers. Crop Insurance Issues The crop insurance program is the largest safety net for producers and comprises 10% of the cost of the farm bill. Crop insurance programs are expected to be the number one target for our adversaries in the next farm bill. Numerous options are summarized outlining ideas that have been surfaced to alter the current program. Conservation Issues Conservation programs comprise 7% of the farm bill budget. It is unlikely additional funding will be available for current or new conservation programs in the next farm bill. Several options are presented for potentially "prioritizing" conservation spending. Other Issues The 2014 Farm Bill has twelve titles and goes well beyond the commodity, conservation, crop insurance and nutrition titles. This "catch-all" section highlights many of the important issues being debated on those topics for the upcoming farm bill.


Farmers and ranchers need a reliable, skilled workforce.. Where American workers are unwilling or unavailable, workers from other countries have stepped in. Congress needs to pass responsible immigration reform that addresses agriculture's current experienced workforce and creates a new flexible guest worker program. Instability in the agricultural workforce places our food supply at risk--increasing immigration enforcement without also reforming our worker visa program will cost America $60 billion in agricultural production. An H2A visa entitles the holder to live and work in the US temporarily. An H2A visa is usually granted for an initial period of 1 year and extensions may be granted. -arm Bureau believes that long-term workforce stability will come through the creation of a new streamlined, flexible visa program that follows how the domestic market operates. Our proposal would shift management of the program from the Labor Department to the Agriculture Department, putting it where agriculture's needs are more likely to be understood. Farmers would be permitted to offer workers either contract or at-will employment. All workers would be allowed to continue with an employer for as long as the employer has a need - up to three years. This allows farmers who have year-round labor needs to use the program and avoid disrupting their essential business operations. This program recognizes real-life workforce challenges and provides the flexibility and stability that most domestic workers enjoy.

Drive for 55/ Focus Act

Governor Haslam has challenged our state with a critical new mission: the Drive to 55 - the Drive to get 55 percent of Tennesseans equipped with a college degree or certificate by the year 2025. It's not just a mission for higher education, but a mission for Tennessee's future workforce and economic development.


Hello everyone I am Kenzie Bastian and I am currently serving as the TN FFA State President . It is a huge honor to be here for the .... and have the opportunity to speak here today. Recently I have reflected on how similar the FFA and ... are and it comes down to our values . In 1928,the National FFA Organization was born. 33 young men best known as farm boys gathered at the American Royale Livestock exposition in Kansas Xity Missouri to establish the Future Farmers of America. AN organization that gave young men an opportunity for self expression and leadership development little did these 33 farm boys know about how much their idea would be built upon. Today it is no longer the FFA but National FFA orahnziation we have grown to be inclusive for all. We have grown from 33 farm boys to over 600,000 young men and women ready to lead learn and serve . Both e FFA and ...has experienced significant growth since its formation. The growth of TN FFA has experience would not have happened without the assistance and support of.. you have all truly helped us built this TN FFA Association. The 14000 TN FFA members in TN today are part of a nearly century old tradition of keeping agriculture relevant, sustainable, and flexible enough to meet the challenges of the future. As a member, alumni, or sponsor or supporter of the FFA in TN you are an agent of both tradition and transformation. I speak on behalf all of TN ffa members and my fellow teammates when i say thank you. thank you for being the voice of the american farmer. tank you for building the agriculture industry and future leaders of our generation . thank you.


Highway fund 98% goes to road 2% goes 98% has stagnated has not increased this is allowing it to increase

1st paragraph of the creed

I believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds - achievements won by the present and past generations of agriculturists; in the promise of better days through better ways, even as the better things we now enjoy have come to us from the struggles of former years.

Smith Hughes Act

Imagine a world where no high school classes such as culinary science, industrial arts or agricultural education existed. Nearly 100 years ago, this was the case. Since the passing of the Smith-Hughes Act in 1917, thousands of students across the country have had their lives changed thanks to career and technical education. Including yours, if you are a past or current member of the National FFA Organization. Without the Smith-Hughes Act, FFA would not exist.National Vocational Education Act of 1917 was an act of the United States Congress that promoted vocational agriculture to train people "who have entered upon or who are preparing to enter upon the work of the farm," and provided federal funds for this purpose The Smith Hughes Act is what makes FFA and its sister career and technical student organizations such as FCCLA and Skills USA possible, as it is still funded and administered through Congress today.

Honey Bees

Insect pollination is critical to agriculture, with ninety or more U.S. crops dependent on insect pollination. Economically, honey bees contribute more than an estimated $15 billion to the agricultural economy.or one out of every three bites of food we eat. The economic value of pollination services by bees is US$365 billion annually and affects 50-80 percent of the world's food supply. -While the causes of honey bee decline have not been conclusively identified, it is clear that many factors beyond pesticides are involved. (1) reduce overwintering losses of managed honey bees to no more than 15 percent in ten years; (2) increase the population of the Eastern monarch butterfly to 225 million by the year 2020; and (3) restore or enhance 7 million acres of pollinator habitat over the next five years.

Land grant university

Institutiing higher education that receives benefits of Morrill act of 1862. grants federally controlled land to the states for them to sell raise funds,tp establish a land grant college . - Teaching practical agriculture science, military science and engineering as a response to the industrial revolution. Examples : UTK TTU CASNR , Ag Research, UT Extension

Role Model

Jesus says to us that we should learn from him. He is gentle and humble. He cared for those in need. He helped the helpless. He healed the sick. He preached and taught about the good news, which is God's love. To be like Jesus, you must first know who you are. You must know your limitations. You must know that you are weak. You must know that you are a sinner. After admitting and accepting that this is your state, then you can truly know about God's love. When you know about God's love, you will have peace in your heart. You will have a peace in your heart that is so soothing, so strong, and so awesome that you cannot contain it! It's a peace that you cannot hide, a peace that you cannot help but to share with others. Jesus called himself a servant of God and this can be portrayed through his actions of washing his disciples' feet. He was known to put the interests of other people first. Jesus had an amazing relationship with God and worked to fulfill God's will. He prayed and worshiped God whenever things were good or bad. His crucifixion on the cross showed that he was willing and ready to give his life for the sake of his faith and God. Even though we cannot see him, we know he is with us in spirit. He wants us to be like him. He wants us to be the reflection of him. With the peace he gives you, you will be able to be the light of the world. The only way to share this peace is to share His word to those around you.

• What is the biggest issue facing FFA and thow does it effect the agricultural industry?

NAAE- he shortage of qualified agriculture teachers is the greatest challenge facing FFA and agricultural education an integrated model of agricultural education providing students with innovative and leading-edge education, enabling them to grow into competent leaders. Such as Agricultural education prepares students to be problem solvers, leaders, entrepreneurs and agriculturalists through the use of its three-circle model. Classroom and laboratory instruction, leadership development, and experiential learning all combine to offer students a well-rounded education that will prepare them for college and the workforce, as well as teach them how to be educated consumers. Where does chocolate milk come from" and, if it "came from a brown cow" or "How did my food end up on my table? Was it from the guy behind the counter at the market?" lthough these questions made me chuckle, more importantly, it made me realize how valuable agricultural education is to the consumer. With a growing population and a demand to feed 9 billion people by year 2050, the agriculture industry needs talented, driven and passionate youth willing to make a commitment to agriculture. Many of these individuals will not have the production background I enjoyed growing up in. They must gain this knowledge and understand the depth of the industry. This is best accomplished through high school agriculture programs, where students have the opportunity to learn and develop the skills necessary for us to remain world leaders in agriculture.

NAFTA/ trade

NAFTA -North American Free Trade Association-it took away taxes between products traded between the US, Canada, and Mexico, Mexico has been buying more products from the US. Agreement has removed barriers to agricultural trade between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Agricultural exports from the U.S. to Canada and Mexico have increased from $8.9 billion in 1993 to $38 billion in 2015. Status The Trump administration and the governments of Canada and Mexico are planning initial meetings to discuss the future of NAFTA. AFBF Policy Farm Bureau policy supports the U.S. government acting to protect U.S. agricultural interests in NAFTA. Any renegotiation must protect the gains achieved in agricultural trade and work to remove remaining barriers to trade with Canada and Mexico.

How does social media impact agriculture

Social media is all about people. It is a way to build relationships, share information, and connect with diverse audience of people you may never meet in real life. he general public still has faith in farmers and ranchers, but some are still wary of modern farm practices. It is important that agriculture unites and it has a chance to tell its side of the story. Social media is one way to make your voice heard. -agchat, speak ag


Soil and field analysis: Drones can be instrumental at the start of the crop cycle. They produce precise 3-D maps for early soil analysis, useful in planning seed planting patterns. After planting, drone-driven soil analysis provides data for irrigation and nitrogen-level management. rrigation: Drones with hyperspectral, multispectral, or thermal sensors can identify which parts of a field are dry or need improvements. Additionally, once the crop is growing, drones allow the calculation of the vegetation index, which describes the relative density and health of the crop, and show the heat signature, the amount of energy or heat the crop emits. Crop monitoring

Estate tax

Tax property .say a farmer dies and wants to pass it on to his son now his son has to pay the taxes . discourages succession farming. TN does not have an estate tax.

Morrill Act

The Morrill Act of 1862 was also known as the Land Grant College Act. It was a major boost to higher education in America. The grant was originally set up to establish institutions is each state that would educate people in agriculture, home economics, mechanical arts, and other professions that were practical at the time. This bill was signed by Abraham Lincoln on July 2. This gave each state 30,000 acres of public land for each Senator and Representative. These numbers were based on the census of 1860. The land was then to be sold and the money from the sale of the land was to be put in an endowment fund which would provide support for the colleges in each of the states. TOver the years it has proven to be an important part of our educational system. This Act changed the course of higher education. The purpose of education shifted from the classical studies and allowed for more applied studies that would prepare the students for the world that they would face once leaving the classroom. This Act also gave education support directly from the government. The Morrill Act changed the face of education and made room for our growing and ever changing country and ensured that there would always be money to finance educational facilities and that there would be continual government support of these institutions. UTK

FFA Mission Statement

The National FFA Organization is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

Clean Water ACT- WOTUS

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers finalized a rule significantly expanding the definition of "waters of the United States" under the Clean Water Act in August 2015. The WOTUS rule grants regulatory control over virtually all waters, assuming a scope of authority Congress has not authorized. The rule effectively eliminates any constraints the term "navigable" previously imposed on the Corps' and EPA's CWA jurisdiction, and the list of waters deemed "non-navigable" is exceptionally narrow--providing that few, if any waters, would fall outside federal control. -Trump has made an executive order to nix the clean water act, this allows the farmer to have full control over three land

• What is sustainable agriculture and is it possible in our world today?

The goal of sustainable agriculture is to meet society's food and textile needs in the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. There are many practices commonly used by people working in sustainable agriculture and sustainable food systems. Growers may use methods to promote soil health, minimize water use, and lower pollution levels on the farm. -Crop Rotation -alternate sources of energy

FFA Colors

The official FFA colors are National Blue and Corn Gold. The blue was taken from the blue field of our nation's flag. The gold, however, stems from the golden fields of ripened corn. Together, the blue and gold provide the National FFA Organization with unity, and therefore the colors should be displayed with pride.


These programs are creating an educational environment that combines core academics with real-world application. CTE currently touches the lives of 14 million students in 1,300 public high schools and 1,700 two-year colleges nationwide. At its core, the mission is to prepare students for success in college and careers by helping them develop the skills, technical knowledge, academic rigor, and real-world experience for high-skill, high-demand, and highly successful careers.

Pick TN Products

We are a part of the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, which means that we are a non-for-profit service dedicated to connecting people everywhere to Tennessee farms, farmers, farmers markets and all the great things that come from our farms and food businesses. We do not charge anyone for our services or generate income for any agency.

Food security

We have two principal threats to the overall security and advancement of our country. One is the obesity epidemic. The other is the fact that today, despite nutrition assistance programs, we have 17 million young people who live in food insecure homes. It's important for USDA, in concert with organizations like FFA, to continue to support a variety of programs and efforts to improve food security in this country. We have to improve early health and early understanding of nutrition. We have to make sure families make good nutritious choices. We have to minimize the prevalence and impact of food waste. FFA is a good partner in all of this work. One major focus has been revising the school meal options so more healthy foods are offered and available at schools. Ninety-seven percent of schools are now serving a variety of healthier foods, which is a huge opportunity both to establish those healthy habits at an early age and for farmers, who are the ones ultimately responsible for meeting the demand for those foods - fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy and protein - in schools and at home.

what is a cooperative ?

a farm, business, or other organization that is owned and run jointly by its members, who share the profits or benefits. -TN electric cooperative . farmers CO-OP, Farm Credit Mid-America -Our purpose is to secure the future of rural communities and agriculture.

Farmers subsidy

agricultural subsidy is a governmental subsidy paid to farmers and agribusinesses to supplement their income, manage the supply of agricultural commodities, and influence the cost and supply of such commodities.

greenbelt tax

al- lows certain land to be taxed on its value based on its present use instead.Tennessee's Greenbelt Law is designed to preserve our farm and forest land for valued food and fiber and to maintain open space for public enjoyment by easing some of the burden of property taxes.

TN Ag Enhancement Program

is a cost share program for the TN agriculture community. Participation allows producers to maximize farm profits, adapt to changing market situations, improve operation safety , increase farm efficiency . and make a positive impact in their communities. 86.3% of farmers say this gives them improves efficiency on the farm 67.2% increase in farm profits Suzanne Peal- Producer Diversification Helps young beginning farmers

Rural Challenge

set a goal of making Tennessee the number one in the Southeast in the development of agriculture and forestry and emphasized opportunities to increase farm income and agribusiness investment. The governor asked for "practical, affordable, actionable steps that we can take to propel the industry into the future.".

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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