TFT Set 6 PBE Units & Traits

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Academy Arcanist Tier 4 HP: 750, AD: 45, DPS: 32, AS: 0.7, Armor: 25, MR: 25 Final Spark [Mana 0/60] : After gathering energy, Lux fires a beam towards the farthest enemy target, dealing magic damage. If she kills a unit with her beam, she gains 30 mana. Damage : 225 / 375 / 900 10/26/21 Spell Damage: 225/375/1000 >>> 225/375/900 10/22/21 Spell Damage: 225/375/1337 >>> 225/375/1000 10/20/21 Spell Damage: 275/450/1337 >>> 225/375/1337


Academy Assassin Tier 2 HP: 650, AD: 50, DPS: 35, AS: 0.7, Armor: 25, MR: 25 Shunpo [Mana 0/40] : Katarina blinks behind the enemy with the lowest Health within 3 hexes and slashes all adjacent enemies, dealing magic damage. Katarina gains Mana for each enemy killed by Shunpo. Damage : 180 / 225 / 300 Mana Refund : 20 / 20 / 40 11/2/21 HP: 600 >>> 650. Spell Damage: 190/240/320 >>> 180/225/300 10/22/21 Spell Damage: 160/200/280 >>> 190/240/320


Academy Bodyguard Tier 3 HP: 850, AD: 50, DPS: 30, AS: 0.6, Armor: 50, MR: 50 Solar Eclipse [Mana 75/125] : Leona calls down a beacon of light upon herself, granting herself a Health shield for a few seconds. Leona and all allies within 2 hexes gain Armor and Magic Resistance for the same duration. Shield Amount : 400 / 650 / 1000 Duration : 5 / 5 / 8 Armor and Magic Resist : 30 / 50 / 80 10/26/21 HP: 800 >>> 850


Academy Protector Tier 1 HP: 650, AD: 60, DPS: 33, AS: 0.55, Armor: 40, MR: 40 Decisive Strike [Mana 40/80] : Garen shrugs off all Crowd Control effects, empowering his next strike to deal 200% of his Attack Damage, plus an additional 20% of his missing Health in bonus physical damage. This ability can be cast while stunned. 10/26/21 AD: 70 >>> 60. Spell Percent Missing Health Boost: 20/25/30% >>> 20%


Camille [1], Zilean [2], Jhin [4], Orianna [4] All allies have increased Attack Speed, and additional Attack Speed for each Hextech Augment you own. (2) 10% Attack Speed + 5% per Augment. (4) 25% Attack Speed + 10% per Augment. (6) 50% Attack Speed & 15% per Augment (from lolchess) 11/2/21 Base AS: 10/20/40% >>> 10/25/50% 10/26/21 Base Attack Speed: 20/40/70% >>> 10/20/40. Attack Speed per Augment: 5/10/20% >>> 5/10/15% 10/22/21 Base Attack Speed: 25/50/80% >>> 20/40/70


Challenger Imperial Tier 3 HP: 650, AD: 85, DPS: 60, AS: 0.7, Armor: 25, MR: 25 Flair [Mana 0/35] : If a target is adjacent to Samira, she slashes with her blade in a cone towards them dealing a percent of her Attack Damage as physical damage to all enemies within and reducing their Armor. This Armor reduction can stack. Otherwise, she fires an empowered shot at her target with the same effects and gain 20 Mana. Armor Reduction : 10 / 20 / 40 Spell AD Percent : 175 / 180 / 190% 10/26/21 Spell AD Percent: 150/160/175 >>> 175/180/190%


Chemtech Arcanist Tier 5 HP: 850, AD: 50, DPS: 40, AS: 0.8, Armor: 35, MR: 35 Viktor's basic attacks melt his target's defenses, reducing their Armor by 70% for 6 seconds. Chaos Rays [Mana 0/140} : Viktor summons multiple singularities that fire death rays that cut across the battlefield in a line, and melt enemy defenses. To enemies caught in its path, death rays deal magic damage, and destroy % of any remaining shields. Damage per Laser: 350 / 450 / 1500 Shields Destroy : 25% / 33% / 100% Notes: Shojin, good against Enchanters. 10/26/21 Spell Damage: 325/450/1500 >>> 350/450/1500 10/22/21 Spell Damage Per Laser: 275/375/1500 >>> 325/450/1500 10/21/21 NEW: Viktor's basic attacks melt his target's defenses, reducing their Armor by 70% for 6 seconds. REMOVED: Viktor's ability no longer reduces Armor by 50%. Spell Damage Per Laser: 250/350/1500 >>> 275/375/1500


Chemtech Assassin Tier 1 HP: 450, AD: 50, DPS: 35, AS: 0.7, Armor: 15, MR: 15 Piercing Bolt [Mana 0/35] : Twitch fires a powerful bolt towards his target that pierces through enemies, dealing % of his Attack Damage plus bonus physical damage and reduces healing by 50% for 5 seconds. Percent of Attack Damage : 175% / 185% / 200% Bonus Damage : 25 / 50 / 75 10/26/21 AS: 0.75 >>> 0.7 10/22/21 Health: 500 >>> 450. Armor & MR: 20 >>> 15


Chemtech Bruiser Tier 3 HP: 800, AD: 70, DPS: 42, AS: 0.6, Armor: 45, MR: 45 Yoink! [Mana 60/100] : Zac stretches his arms up to 3 hexes to pull the 2 most distant enemies towards him, dealing magic damage. Damage : 400 / 525 / 999 Damage Reduction : 60% / 70% / 80% 10/22/21 Mana: 80/120 >>> 60/100. REMOVED: No longer gains damage reduction during his spell 10/21/21 Spell Damage: 450/600/999 >>> 400/525/999


Chemtech Innovator Tier 1 HP: 650, AD: 60, DPS: 33, AS: 0.55, Armor: 40, MR: 40 Fling [Mana 100/150] : Singed flings a nearby enemy towards the largest cluster of enemies, stunning his target for a few seconds when they land. All adjacent enemies take magic damage and are briefly stunned. Damage : 125 / 175 / 250 Stun Duration : 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 10/26/21 Mana: 75/125 >>> 100/150

Dr. Mundo

Chemtech Mutant Bruiser Tier 4 HP: 100, AD: 80, DPS: 48, AS: 0.6, Armor: 50, MR: 50 Zap Dose [Mana 75/150] : Dr. Mundo injects himself with "medicine", restoring 40% of his maximum Health and becoming energized for 5 seconds. While energized, he restores an additional 100% of his maximum Health over the duration and deals magic damage to a random nearby enemy each second. When the "medicine" expires, Dr. Mundo expels a burst of electricity that deals % of his current Health as magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes. Percent Health Healing : 20% / 30% / 100% Damage per sec : 100 / 150 / 300 Percent Health Damage : 20% / 25% / 50% 10/26/21 Spell Instant Heal % Health: 50% >>> 40% 10/22/21 Spell Duration: 8 >>> 5. Spell Max HP% Instant Heal: 20% >>> 50%. Spell Max HP% Healing Over Time: 90/120/500% >>> 20/30/100% 10/21/21 Spell Max HP% Healing: 100/150/500% >>> 90/120/500%


Cho'Gath [1], Sion [4], Galio [5] Innate: Colossi are bigger, more powerful, and immune to crowd control effects. However each Colossus requires two slots team slots. (2) Colossus Champions take 25% reduced damage.


Clockwork Challenger Tier 1 HP: 700, AD: 50, DPS: 30, AS: 0.6, Armor: 40, MR: 40 Defensive Sweep [Mana: 0/110] : Camille gains a shield blocking damage over 4 seconds, then sweeps her leg, dealing magic damage to enemies in a cone. Damage : 150 / 200 / 300 Shield : 225 / 300 / 425 Note: TR 10/26/21 AD: 45 >>> 50. Spell Shield: 250/350/500 >>> 225/300/425 10/22/21 Mana: 0/120 >>> 0/110


Clockwork Enchanter Tier 4 HP: 750, AD: 50, DPS: 38, AS: 0.75, Armor: 30, MR: 30 Command: Shockwave [Mana 80/180] : Orianna sends out her ball towards the largest group of champions, then commands it to release a shockwave. Allies within two hexes gain shield for 4 seconds, while enemies within the area are briefly knocked up and dealt magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the ball are drawn in, stunning them. Shield Amount : 100 / 160 / 400 Damage : 350 / 550 / 1200 Stun Duration : 1.5 / 1.5 / 4 11/2/21 Shielding 125/200/500 >>> 100/160/400 10/26/21 Mana: 80/160 >>> 80/180. Spell Shield Amount: 175/325/750 >>> 125/200/500. Spell Damage: 350/550/1500 >>> 350/550/1200 10/22/21 Stun Duration: 1.5/1.5/5 >>> 1.5/1.5/4 10/21/21 Attack Speed: 0.8 >>> 0.75. Spell Shield Amount: 175/375/750 >>> 175/325/750.


Clockwork Sniper Tier 4 HP: 700, AD: 95, DPS: 86, AS: 0.9, Armor: 30, MR: 30 Curtain Call [Mana 0/80] : Jhin transforms his weapon into a powerful sniper rifle for his next 4 shots. Each shot deals % of his Attack Damage as physical damage, reduced by 50% for each target it pierces through. The 4th shot is guaranteed to critically strike, and deals 100% more damage based on his target's missing Health. Passive: Jhin always attacks fixed times per second. He converts each 1% of bonus Attack Speed into 0.8 Attack Damage. Percent of AD: 175 / 200 / 344% Attacks per Second: 0.9 / 0.9 / 1.4 11/2/21 AD: 90 >>> 95 10/26/21 Mana: 0/70 >>> 0/80. Spell % AD: 150/225/444% >>> 175/200/344%. Spell Damage Drop Off: 33% >>> 50%


Cuddly Academy Scholar Tier 5 HP: 850, AD: 50, DPS: 40, AS: 0.8, Armor: 30, MR: 30 Final Chapter [Mana 80/200} : Yuumi and Book detach and then launch waves toward the farthest enemy, each dealing magic damage and stunning enemies for 1 second. She then attaches to the nearest ally. Cuddly: At the start of combat, Yuumi attaches herself to the nearest ally, or to the lowest Health ally after being unattached for 2 seconds. Attaching to an ally grants them a shield equal to 75% of Yuumi's maximum Health. Yuumi detaches if the shield breaks. While attached, Yuumi is untargetable and cannot attack, but gains 5 Mana per second, and 10 Mana whenever the ally attacks. Number Waves : 3 / 5 / 33 Damage : 45 / 80 / 247 Note: Warmogs 11/2/21 Spell Damage: 60/80/247 >>> 45/80/247 10/26/21 Spell Number of Waves: 4/5/33 >>> 3/5/33 10/22/21 Mana: 100/200 >>> 80/200


Darius [1], Poppy [1], Blitzcrank [2], Leona [3], Braum [4], Galio [5] Bodyguards have increased Armor. Shortly after combat begins, Bodyguards taunt adjacent enemies. forcing them to attack the Bodyguard. (2) 100 Armor (4) 200 Armor (6) 350 Armor (8) 500 Armor 10/26/21 Armor: 100/200/300/400 >>> 100/200/350/500 10/22/21 Armor: 75/150/225/350 >>> 100/200/300/400


Darius [1], Twisted Fate [1], Zyra [2], Shaco [3], Braum [4], Akali [5] Certain allies are cloaked in shadows, gaining 50% Armor, 50 Magic resist and 20% Omnivamp (healing for a percentage of all damage dealt.) (3) The Syndicate champion with the lowest percent Health. (5) All Syndicate champions (7) Your whole team, and the effects are increased by 50% 11/2/21 Omnivamp: 25% >>> 20% 10/26/21 Armor & MR: 40 >>> 50


Enforcer Challenger Tier 4 HP: 850, AD: 70, DPS: 63, AS: 0.9, Armor: 40, MR: 40 Blade Waltz [Mana 60/140] : Fiora becomes untargetable and strikes 4 times at her target's vitals. Each strike deals 160% of her Attack Damage as physical damage, bonus true damage, and heals her for 15% of the total damage dealt. If the target dies, Fiora will change targets to the nearest enemy. Bonus True Damage : 60 / 100 / 300 10/26/21 Mana: 40/120 >>> 60/140. True Damage: 75/125/400 >>> 60/100/300 10/22/21 Spell AD%: 200% >>> 160%. Spell True Damage: 75/100/400 >>> 75/125/400 10/21/21 Spell True Damage: 75/125/400 >>> 75/100/400 10/20/21 Mana: 0/100 >>> 40/120


Enforcer Innovator Transformer Tier 5 HP: 1000, AD: 90, DPS: 68, AS: 0.75, Armor: 90, MR: 90 Transformer: Jayce adopts melee form when placed in the front 2 rows, and ranged form in the back 2 rows. Melee -- To the Skies! [Mana 0/60] : Jayce overcharges himself, becoming unstoppable and gaining a shield for 3 seconds. Jayce then attacks twice, cleaving enemies in front of him for % of his Attack Damage as physical damage before leaping to the skies and slamming down on his target. Enemies within 2 hexes take the same damage and suffer a % reduction in Armor and Magic Resist for 5 seconds. Passive: Jayce gain 50 Armor and Magic Resist. Armor and Magic Resist Shred : 50% / 50% / 70% Shield Amount : 400 / 600 / 3000 Attack Damage : 160 / 170 / 1000% Ranged -- Shock Blast [Mana 0/60] : Jayce summons an acceleration gate, granting allies within the same row % Attack Speed for 5 seconds. He then replaces his next 3 attacks with orbs of electricity that deal % of his Attack Damage as physical damage in an area around his target. The 3rd orb has an increased area of effect. Passive: Jayce's range is increased by 4 hexes and he gains Attack Damage. Attack Damage Gain : 35 / 60 / 1000 Attack Speed % : 25 / 50 / 1000 Percent of Attack Damage : 170 / 150 / 500% 11/2/21 Ranged Spell AD%: 160/170/500 >>> 170/180/500%. Ranged AD Gain: 25/50/1000 >>> 35/60/1000 10/27/21 Melee Spell AD%: 170/180/1000% >>> 160/170/1000%. Ranged Spell AD%: 170/180/500% >>> 160/170/500% 10/26/21 Melee Spell AD%: 225/275/1000% >>> 170/180/1000% 10/22/21 Ranged AD Bonus: 20/40/1000 >>> 25/50/1000


Enforcer Sister Bruiser Tier 2 HP: 700, AD: 70, DPS: 46, AS: 0.65, Armor: 40, MR: 40 Denting Blow [Mana 0/50] : Vi empowers her next attack to blast through her target, dealing magic damage to all enemies in a cone and reducing their Armor for 8 seconds. Damage : 250 / 375 / 650 Armor Reduction : 40% / 50% / 70% 11/2/21 Spell Damage: 250/400/650 >>> 250/375/600


Enforcer Sniper Tier 1 HP: 500, AD: 45, DPS: 34, AS: 0.75, Armor: 15, MR: 15 Ace in the Hole [Mana 0/110] : Caitlyn takes aim at the farthest enemy, firing a deadly bullet towards them that deals magic damage to the first enemy it hits. Damage : 800 / 1400 / 2250 10/22/21 Mana: 0/120 >>> 0/110 10/21/21 Spell Damage: 800/1200/2000 >>> 800/1400/2250


Ezreal [1], Singed [1], Zilean [2], Heimerdinger [3], Seraphina [4], Jayce [5] Innovators build a mechanical companion to join their battle. (3) Mechanical Scarab (gives itself & an ally Thornmail) (5) Mechanical Bear (gives team 25 AD & AP) (7) Mechanical Dragon (gives team 75% crit chance & crit damage, 4 sec AOE Fear) The Mechanical companion can be repositioned and benefit from Zekes, Socialite spotlight, etc. 11/2/21 Tibbers Spell AD & AP: 30 >>> 25. Hextech Dragon Spell Fear Duration: 3 sec >>> 4 sec. Buff: 50% Crit Chance & Damage >>> 75% Crit Chance & Damage. Lightning Damage: 400 >>> 750 10/26/21 Scarab Base Health: 750 >>> 650. Bear Base Health: 1200 >>> 1100. Dragon Team Buff Duration: 3 >>> 8 10/22/21 TIBBERS -- REMOVED: No longer grants Attack Speed. NEW: Now grants your team 30 AD & AP DRAGON -- Base Health: 1650 >>> 1900. Mana: 200/350 >>> 200/3 10/20/21 Dragon Attack Speed: 0.6 >>> 0.8. Dragon Armor & MR: 60 >>> 100


Illaoi [1], Quinn [2], Gangplank [3], Miss Fortune [3], Tahm Kench [5] Gain a treasure chest that opens when you win combat against a player. At the start of each planning phase, roll the dice to add more loot to the chest. The longer you've gone without opening the chest, the luckier the dice. (3) Roll two dice. (5) The dice are even luckier. (7) Upon winning, roll a 3rd die that grants bonus loot. 11/2/21 Rebalanced the 7 Mercenary drop tables to be slightly less powerful 10/26/21 Separated out the rewards into different loot orbs. Removed 3 Frozen Hearts from Mercenary 7 Tables


Imperial Arcanist Tier 2 HP: 800, AD: 45, DPS: 27, AS: 0.6, Armor: 45, MR: 45 Death's Hand [Mana 40/80] : Swain unleashes piercing bolts of eldritch power in a cone towards his target, dealing magic damage to enemies within and healing Swain for each enemy hit. Damage : 250 / 375 / 525 Healing : 200 / 250 / 325 10/27/21 Spell Damage: 250/350/500 >>> 250/375/525 10/26/21 Spell Healing: 180/240/300 >>> 200/250/325 10/22/21 Health: 750 >>> 800


Imperial Assassin Tier 2 HP: 650, AD: 50, DPS: 35, AS: 0.7, Armor: 25, MR: 25 Blade's End [Mana N/A] : Passive: Talon's first attack on an enemy causes them to bleed for magic damage over 7 seconds. Every 3rd attack on a target applies an additional bleed. Damage : 450 / 625 / 950 11/2/21 Spell Damage: 500/700/1100 >>> 450/625/950 10/27/21 Spell Damage: 550/700/1200 >>> 500/700/1100 10/26/21 AD: 55 >>> 50. Spell Damage: 450/600/1000 >>> 550/700/1200


Imperial Protector Colossus Tier 4 HP: 1500, AD: 130, DPS: 78, AS: 0.6, Armor: 50, MR: 50 Decimating Smash [Mana 100/175] : Sion winds up for a moment, then smashes his axe down. All enemies within a large area are knocked up, stunned for a few seconds, and dealt magic damage. Damage : 300 / 360 / 750 Stun Duration : 1 / 1.5 / 4 11/2/21 Spell Damage: 325/400/1000 >>> 300/360/750 10/26/21 Spell Damage: 375/500/1500 >>> 325/400/1000 10/22/21 Health: 1400 >>> 1500. Spell Damage: 375/500/2000 >>> 375/500/1500


Kassadin [1], Kog'Maw [2], Cho'Gath [3], Malzahar [3], Dr. Mundo [4], Kai'Sa [5] Mutants gain unique bonuses. These are different each game. Hyper-Adrenal Glands (Blademaster): Mutants' Attacks have a chance to trigger 2 additional Attacks against their target. (3) 33% chance / (5) 66% chance Bio-Leeching (Celestial): Your team gains Omnivamp (healing for a percentage of all damage dealt). (3) 30% Omnivamp / (5) 55% Omnivamp Metamorphosis (Elderwood): Mutants grow every 2 seconds, gaining bonuses that stack up to 5 times. (3) +18 Armor and MR, +10% AD and AP / (5) +25 Armor and MR, +20% AD and AP Synaptic Web (Astro): The Abilities of Mutants cost less to cast (minimum 10 Mana) (3) 20 less Mana / (5) 40 less Mana Voracious Appetite (Darkstar): Mutants grow stronger each time an Ally dies (3) +30 AD and AP / (5) +50 AD and AP Cynbernetic Enhancement (Cybernetic): Mutants with at least 1 item gain bonus stats (3) 400 Health and 30 AD / (5) 800 Health and 60 AD Voidborne (Predator + Void) (3) Mutants execute targets they damage who are below 20% Health / (5) Mutants 40% of damage as true damage. 11/2/21 Cybernetic Version: HP: 300/500 >>> 400/800. AD: 30/50 >>> 30/60. Darkstar Version: AP/AD per ally death: 25/45 >>> 30/50. Elderwood Version: Armor & MR per sec: 20/30 >>> 18/25. Predator/Void Version: True Damage: 50% >>> 40% 10/26/21 Cybernetic Enhancement (Cybernetic). AD: 35/60 >>> 30/50. Bio-Leeching (Celestial) Omni-Vamp: 35/75 >>> 30/55


Lulu [2], Taric [3], Janna [4], Orianna [4] Your team has bonus Magic Resist. Enchanters gain bonus healing and shielding. (2) 25% Healing & Shielding; +20 Magic Resistance (3) 40% Healing & Shielding; +35 Magic Resistance (4) 60% Healing & Shielding; +50 Magic Resistance (5) 100% Healing & Shielding; +75 Magic Resistance 11/2/21 Bonus Healing & Shielding: 20/25/30/40% >>> 25/40/60/100%


Mercenary Bruiser Tier 1 HP: 700, AD: 70, DPS: 39, AS: 0.55, Armor: 40, MR: 40 Harsh Lesson [Mana 40/80] : Illaoi slams her target, linking her soul to it for 5 seconds and dealing magic damage. While linked, Illaoi is healed for % of the damage taken by her target. Damage : 175 / 300 / 500 Heal : 25% / 30% / 35%

Tahm Kench

Mercenary Bruiser Glutton Tier 5 HP: 1000, AD: 80, DPS: 44, AS: 0.55, Armor: 60, MR: 60 Devour [Mana 30/60] : Tahm Kench devours his target, storing them in his belly and dealing magic damage over 3 seconds. During this time, they are invulnerable to other sources of damage and Tahm Kench takes 40% less damage. If they die while inside, Tahm Kench either spits out a random item component they were holding or the cost of the unit in gold. Otherwise, he spits them towards the farthest enemy stunning targets on impact. Glutton : An ally can be fed to Tahm Kench once per planning phase permanently granting him AP, Health, Armor, or MR. Damage : 1000 / 1500 / 30000 Notes: JG, DC, Gunbalde 10/26/21 Spell Damage: 800/1500/30000 >>> 1000/1500/30000. Glutton Stat Boost by Cost: 5/8/11/14/17 >>> 6/10/13/17/20 (Multiplied by 15 for Health) 10/22/21 Glutton: Stats from units fed to Glutton are now based on the Class trait of the unit being fed. AD is no longer obtainable. Rules: Bodyguard = Armor, Enchanter = Magic Resist, Bruiser = Health, Colossus = Health, Protector = Health, All others = AP. Tie-breakers: Armor/MR > Health > AP 10/20/21 Devour will now deal 35% of its damage to units that are immune to crowd control Glutton Stat Gain by Unit Cost: 5/7/8/10/11 >>> 5/8/11/14/17 (multiplied by 15 for Health). All offensive units will now grant AP. Tahm Kench can no longer gain AD through Glutton. Combining Tahm Kench into higher star levels now adds all of the bonus stats from each combined Tahm Kench together rather than taking the highest of each stat. Can now feed Tahm Kench during combat phases if he is on the bench.


Poppy [1], Ziggs [1], Lulu [2], Tristana [2], Heimer [3], Vex [3] (3) After each player combat, a random Yordle is added to your bench for free. (6) And Yordles' Abilities cost 20% less to cast. If you 3* all Yordles Veigar will appear! 11/2/21 Veigar: Spell Damage: 250/275/777 >>> 250/300/777 10/22/21 Veigar: Mana: 0/70 >>> 0/75 10/20/21 Veigar: Attack Speed: 0.7 >>> 0.8. Mana: 0/75 >>> 0/70. Spell Damage: 250/250/777 >>> 250/275/777


Scrap Assassin Tier 3 HP: 650, AD: 50, DPS: 40, AS: 0.8, Armor: 30, MR: 30 Parallel Convergence [Mana 80/120] : Ekko invokes an afterimage that bats a device towards the largest group of units. Upon landing, it deals magic damage to enemies within and applies reduced Attack Speed for 4 seconds. Allies inside gain Attack Speed for 4 seconds. Damage : 150 / 200 / 350 Attack Speed Slow : 35% / 35% / 50% Bonus Attack Speed : 40% / 50% / 70% 11/2/21 Spell Attack Speed Buff: 50/70/125% >>> 40/50/70% 10/22/21 Spell Damage: 150/225/400 >>> 150/200/350


Scrap Bodyguard Protector Tier 2 HP: 650, AD: 65, DPS: 33, AS: 0.5, Armor: 45, MR: 45 Rocket Grab [Mana 175/715] : Blitzcrank pulls the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage and stunning them for 1.5 seconds. His next attack after pulling knocks up for 1 second. Allies within range will prefer attacking Blitzcrank's target. Damage : 150 / 300 / 1337 10/21/21 Spell Damage: 120/250/999 >>> 150/300/1337


Scrap Bruiser Tier 2 HP: 700, AD: 70, DPS: 53, AS: 0.75, Armor: 40, MR: 40 Chomp [Mana 40/70] : Trundle bites his target dealing 150% of his Attack Damage, and reducing the target's Attack Speed by 50% for 3 seconds. Each bite also steals Attack Damage for the rest of combat. Attack Damage Steal : 20 / 30 / 50 11/2/21 Mana: 0/50 >>> 40/70


Scrap Enchanter Scholar Tier 4 HP: 700, AD: 50, DPS: 35, AS: 0.7, Armor: 30, MR: 30 Monsoon [Mana 80/180] : Janna summons a Monsoon, knocking back nearby enemies and stunning them. The Monsoon heals your team over 3 seconds. Heal : 275 / 350 / 1000 Stun Duration : 0.5 / 0.5 / 4 11/2/21 Healing: 350/450/1000 >>> 275/350/1000. HP: 750 >>> 700. Mana: 100/180 >>> 80/180. Spell Stun Duration: 1/1/4 >>> 0.5/0.5/4 seconds 10/26/21 Health: 800 >>> 750. Mana: 75/150 >>> 100/180 10/22/21 Mana: 50/125 >>> 75/150. Spell Healing: 400/550/2000 >>> 350/450/1000


Scrap Innovator Tier 1 HP: 500, AD: 50, DPS: 33, AS: 0.65, Armor: 15, MR: 15 Mystic Shot [Mana 0/40] : Ezreal fires a missile at his target, dealing 150% of his Attack Damage plus bonus physical damage. If the missile hits, he grants himself 20% bonus stacking Attack Speed, up to 125% at 5 stacks. Damage : 30 / 60 / 90 10/26/21 HP: 550 >>> 500. Armor & MR: 20 >>> 15. Spell Bonus Damage: 25/50/75 >>> 30/60/90. Spell AS Boost: 25% >>> 20%


Scrap Sister Twinshot Tier 5 HP: 888, AD: 88, DPS: 97, AS: 1.1, Armor: 35, MR: 35 Super Mega Death Rocket [Mana 0/90] : Jinx rides her rocket into the sky, then comes crashing down near the center-most enemy dealing magic damage to enemies around the epicenter, and 50% to all other enemies in a large area. The epicenter burns every unit except Jinx for 5 seconds, dealing % of the target's maximum health as true damage, and reducing healing by 50% for the duration. She then swaps to her rocket launcher for the rest of combat, causing her attacks for % of her Attack Damage in a small area around her target. Damage : 425 / 650 / 8888 Burn Damage : 2% / 2.5% / 3% Attack Damage : 190% / 210% / 888% Note: IE, JG, HoJ 10/26/21 Spell Magic Damage: 450/700/8888 >>> 425/650/8888. Rocket Launcher % AD: 190/220/888% >>> 190/210/888% 10/22/21 Spell Damage: 500/800/8888 >>> 450/700/8888


Singed [1], Twitch [1], Warwick [2], Lissandra [3], Zac [3], Dr. Mundo [4], Urgot [4], Viktor [5] After dropping below 60% Health, Chemtech champions gain 25% Damage Reduction, 50% Attack Speed, and regenerate 4% of their maximum Health each second. (3) Lasts 4 seconds (5) Lasts 8 seconds (7) Lasts 15 seconds (9) Lasts until combat ends, 6% regeneration 10/22/21 Healing Per Second: 5% >>> 4% (10% >>> 6% at Chemtech 9)


Socialite Bodyguard Colossus Tier 5 HP: 1800, AD: 150, DPS: 98, AS: 0.65, Armor: 70, MR: 70 Colossal Entrance [Mana 180/300] : Galio becomes unvulnerable and leaps into the sky before crashing down on the largest group of enemies. Enemies within a large radius take magic damage and are knocked into the sky. The lower the enemy's maximum Health is compared to Galio's the further they are knocked up. Passive: Galio's critical strikes slam the ground, dealing 100 bonus magic damage to enemies around his target. Damage : 80 / 125 / 1999 Minimum Stun Duration : 1.25 / 1.75 / 9.5 11/2/21 Mana: 175/325 >>> 180/300 10/26/21 Mana: 180/280 >>> 175/325. Spell Crit Slam Damage: 100/150/1999 >>> 80/125/1999. Spell Stun Duration: 1.25/2/9.5 >>> 1.25/1.75/9.5


Socialite Enhancer Tier 3 HP: 800, AD: 50, DPS: 30, AS: 0.6, Armor: 50, MR: 50 Starlight Bastion [Mana 50/100] : Taric heals himself and the lowest Health % ally. Any overhealing is converted to a shield that lasts 4 seconds. Heal : 375 / 475 / 600 11/2/21 Healing: 450/600/800 >>> 375/475/600 10/27/21 Now targets lowest HP% instead of lowest flat HP 10/26/21 Spell Healing: 500/600/700 >>> 450/600/800 10/22/21 Spell Heal: 275/400/800 >>> 500/600/700 10/21/21 Spell Heal: 250/350/700 >>> 275/400/800


Socialite Innovator Tier 4 HP: 750, AD: 40, DPS: 28, AS: 0.7, Armor: 30, MR: 30 Encore [Mana 80/16] : Seraphine projects her song towards the largest group of units. The song deals magic damage to enemies. Allies it passes through are healed Health and gain Attack Speed for 4 seconds. Attack Speed Reduction : 35% / 35% / 50% Damage : 250 / 400 / 1000 Healing : 250 / 400 / 1000 Attack Speed Bonus : 30% / 50% / 150% 10/27/21 Bear Armor & MR: 70 >>> 60 10/26/21 Spell Damage and Healing: 250/400/1200 >>> 250/400/1000 10/22/21 Mana: 75/150 >>> 80/160. Spell Attack Speed Bonus: 30/60/200% >>> 30/50/150%. Spell Healing and Damage: 225/350/1250 >>> 250/400/1200. REMOVED: No longer slow the enemy's Attack Speed


Swain [2], Talon [2], Samira [3], Sion [4] At the start of combat, the Imperial who dealt the most damage last combat becomes the Tyrant. The Tyrant deals bonus damage. When the Tyrant dies, the Imperial who has dealt the most damage this combat becomes the new Tyrant. (3) 75% bonus damage (5) The Tyrant will deal 125% bonus damage. All other Imperials deal 40% bonus damage. 11/2/21 Tyrant Damage: 60/100% >>> 75/125% 10/25/21 NEW: At (5), all other Imperials will deal 40% bonus damage. The Tyrant will still deal 100% bonus damage.

Twisted Fate

Syndicate Arcanist Tier 1 HP: 500, AD: 40, DPS: 26, AS: 0.65, Armor: 20, MR: 20 Wild Cards [Mana: 0/40] : Twisted Fate throws three cards in a cone that deal magic damage to each enemy they pass through. Damage : 145 / 190 / 255 10/26/21 HP: 550 >>> 500. Armor & MR: 25 >>> 20. Spell Damage: 150/200/250 >>> 145/190/255 10/22/21 Mana: 0/45 >>> 0/40


Syndicate Assassin Tier 3 HP: 650, AD: 85, DPS: 64, AS: 0.75, Armor: 25, MR: 25 Deceive [Mana 50/90] : Shaco dips into the shadows, briefly becoming untargetable. His next attack instead deals 175% of his Attack Damage plus bonus damage as physical damage, and is guaranteed to critically strike targets below 50% Health. Damage : 75 / 100 / 125 11/2/21 AD: 90 >>> 85. Spell AD Ratio: 190% >>> 175%. Spell Base Damage: 75/100/150 >>> 75/100/125 10/27/21 Attack Speed: 0.8 >>> 0.75 10/26/21 AD: 80 >>> 90. AS: 0.75 >>> 0.8. Spell AD Percent: 170/180/200% >>> 190% 10/20/21 Bug fix: Deceive's critical strikes no longer benefit twice from critical strike damage. Mana: 35/70 >>> 50/90


Syndicate Assassin Tier 5 HP: 800, AD: 70, DPS: 63, AS: 0.9, Armor: 30, MR: 30 Perfect Execution [Mana 0/40] : Akali dashes in a line towards the most enemies, dealing magic damage and marking them for 7 seconds. When a marked target drops below Health threshold, Akali dashes again and executes them, dealing magic damage to all other enemies she passes through. Initial Damage : 275 / 375 / 2000 Dash Damage : 250 / 325 / 2000 (?) Execute Threshold : 20% / 25% / 90% Note: IE, DC 10/26/21 Spell Damage: 250/325/2000 >>> 275/375/2000. Spell Execute Threshold: 15/25/90% >>> 20/25/90% 10/22/21 Mana: 25/50 >>> 0/40 10/20/21 Spell Damage: 225/300/2000 >>> 250/325/2000


Syndicate Bodyguard Tier 1 HP: 650, AD: 60, DPS: 30, AS: 0.5, Armor: 40, MR: 40 Decimate [Mana 50/95] : Darius swings his axe in a circle, dealing magic damage, then heals himself Health for each enemy hit. Damage : 200 / 275 / 350 Heal : 125 / 150 / 175 10/26/21 Mana: 50/90 >>> 50/95


Syndicate Bodyguard Tier 4 HP: 1100, AD: 70, DPS: 42, AS: 0.6, Armor: 60, MR: 60 Vault Breaker [Mana 100/180] : Braum slams his vault door into the ground, creating a fissure towards his target. Enemies within 2 hexes of Braum and those struck by the fissure are stunned for a few seconds and take magic damage. Braum slams his vault door into the ground, creating a fissure towards his target. Enemies within two hexes of Braum and those struck by the fissure are stunned for a seconds and take magic damage. Stun Duration : 2 / 3 / 6 Damage : 100 / 200 / 600 10/22/21 Health: 1000 >>> 1100. Spell Damage: 100/200/1000 >>> 100/200/600


Syndicate Scholar Tier 2 HP: 600, AD: 50, DPS: 35, AS: 0.7, Armor: 20, MR: 20 Grasping Spines [Mana 60/120] : Zyra summons vines in the row with the most enemies, dealing magic damage and stunning them. Damage : 350 / 450 / 650 Stun Duration : 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 11/2/21 Mana: 75/125 >>> 60/120. AD: 45 >>> 50 10/26/21 Mana: 60/120 >>> 75/125. Spell Damage: 300/400/600 >>> 350/450/650


Taric [3], Seraphina [4], Galio [5] Socialite reveal a spotlight on the battlefield. The unit standing in the spotlight at the start of combat gains unique bonuses. (1) 20% Bonus Damage (2) and 5 Mana regen per second (3) and heal for 30% all damage they deal (Omnivamp) 10/22/21 Socialite 3 Omnivamp: 20% >>> 30%


Twisted Fate [1], Ziggs [1], Swain [2], Malzahar [3], Vex [3], Lux [4], Viktor [5] Arcanists increase the Ability Power of your team. (2) Team gains 20% AP. (4) Team gains 20% AP, Arcanists gain 60% total AP. (6) Team gains 50% AP, Arcanists gain 90% total AP. (8) Team gains 125% AP. 10/26/21 Team AP: 20/20/40/120 >>> 20/20/50/125 ---Arcanist Total AP: 20/60/90/120 >>> 20/65/100/125


Twitch [1], Katarina [2], Talon [2], Ekko [3], Shaco [3], Akali [5] Innate: When combat starts, Assassins leap to the enemy backline. Assassins' Abilities can critically strike and they gain bonus Critical Strike Chance and bonus Critical Strike Damage. (2) +10% Crit Chance & +20% Crit Damage (4) +30% Crit Chance & +40% Crit Damage (6) +50% Crit Chance & +60% Crit Damage


Vi [2], Jinx [5] (2) Sisters gain empowered skills to compete with each other. Vi's ability range increases by two hexes. Jinx gains 40% stacking Attack Speed for 3 seconds on takedown*. *Stacks so if Jinx kills 5 people at once she gets 250 AS. 11/2/21 Jinx AS: 60% >>> 40%


Yordle Arcanist Tier 3 HP: 800, AD: 50, DPS: 30, AS: 0.6, Armor: 40, MR: 40 Personal Space [Mana 50/100] : Vex shields herself against damage over 4 seconds. When the shield expires, it deals magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes, and additional damage if it wasn't destroyed. If it was destroyed, Personal Space becomes 25% stronger this combat. This effect can stack. Shield Amount : 550 / 700 / 900 Base Damage : 125 / 200 / 275 Bonus Damage : 125 / 200 / 275 11/2/21 HP: 750 >>> 800 10/26/21 HP: 700 >>> 750. Spell Shield: 500/700/900 >>> 550/700/900


Yordle Bodyguard Tier 1 HP: 650, AD: 60, DPS: 33, AS: 0.55, Armor: 40, MR: 40 Buckler Toss [Mana 50/100] : Poppy throws her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing % of her Armor as magic damage. The buckler then bounces back, granting Poppy a shield that blocks damage. Percent of Armor as Damage : 180% / 210% / 240% Shield Amount : 225 / 275 / 325 10/27/21 Spell Shield: 225/300/375 >>> 225/275/325 10/26/21 AD: 70 >>> 60. Percent Armor Spell Damage: 200/250/300% >>> 180/210/240%. Spell Shield Amount: 200/300/400 >>> 225/300/375


Yordle Enchanter Tier 2 HP: 600, AD: 40, DPS: 26, AS: 0.65, Armor: 25, MR: 25 Wild Growth [Mana 60/125] : Lulu enlarges low Health allies, granting them bonus Health and knocking up enemies near them. If the ally is already enlarged, they are healed instead. Bonus Health : 325 / 350 / 375 Number of Targets : 1 / 2 / 3 11/2/21 Healing: 400/425/450 >>> 325/350/375 10/27/21 Mana: 60/120 >>> 60/125 10/26/21 Spell HP: 300/350/400 >>> 400/425/450


Yordle Innovator Scholar Tier 3 HP: 650, AD: 45, DPS: 27, AS: 0.6, Armor: 35, MR: 35 Rocket Swarm [Mana 0/50] : Heimerdinger fires a wave of 5 rockets that converge on his target, each dealing magic damage to the first target they hit. Every 3rd cast, Heimerdinger summons 3 waves instead. Damage : 70 / 100 / 150 11/2/21 Spell Damage: 65/95/130 >>> 70/100/150 10/27/21 Spell Damage: 65/90/120 >>> 65/95/130 10/21/21 Spell Damage: 60/80/110 >>> 65/90/120


Yordle Sniper Tier 2 HP: 600, AD: 55, DPS: 41, AS: 0.75, Armor: 20, MR: 20 Buster Shot [Mana 0/60] : Tristana fires a massive cannonball towards her target, dealing % of her Attack Damage plus physical damage to the first enemy it hits. If the target is within 2 hexes of Tristana, they're knocked back some hexes and briefly stunned. Attack Damage : 200% / 210% / 225% Bonus Damage : 125 / 150 / 175 Hex Knockback : 1 / 2 / 3 10/27/21 AD: 60 >>> 55. Spell Base Damage: 125/150/225 >>> 125/150/175


Academy Challenger Tier 4 HP: 950, AD: 80, DPS: 68, AS: 0.85, Armor: 40, MR: 40 Soul Unbound :[Mana 50/100] : Yone summons his spirit to attack an enemy up to 3 hexes away for a few seconds. The spirit is an untargetable, invulnerable copy of Yone and heals him for % of the damage it deals. If Yone dies, his spirit dies with him. Duration : 4 / 5 / 20 Percent of Damage Dealt : 40% / 50% / 100% Note: Needs survivability. QSS.


Academy Twinshot Tier 1 HP: 750, AD: 65, DPS: 36, AS: 0.55, Armor: 40, MR: 40 Smoke Grenade : Graves launches a smoke grenade toward his current target. The grenade explodes on impact dealing magic damage to nearby enemies, and Disarms enemies who remain within the smoke cloud for a few seconds. Magic Damage : 150 / 250 / 400 Duration : 2 / 2.5 / 3 10/22/21 Health: 650 >>> 750


Camille [1], Quinn [2], Warwick [2], Samira [3], Fiora [4], Yone [4], Kai'Sa [5] Challengers have increased Attack Speed. Upon scoring a takedown, Challengers will dash to a new target, and double this bonus for 2.5 seconds. (2) 30% Attack Speed (4) 60% Attack Speed (6) 90% Attack Speed (8) 145% Attack Speed 11/2/21 Bonus AS: 30/50/75/125% >>> 30/60/90/145%


Chemtech Challenger Tier 2 HP: 750, AD: 50, DPS: 40, AS: 0.8, Armor: 40, MR: 40 Eternal Hunger [Mana N/A] : Passive: Warwick's Attacks deal an additional % of his target's current Health as bonus magic damage, and heal him. Current Health Damage : 7% / 9% / 12% Healing : 35 / 50 / 75 11/2/21 Auto Percent HP Damage: 6/9/12% >>> 7/9/12%. Auto Healing: 30/50/70 >>> 35/50/75 10/26/21 AS: 0.85 >>> 0.8. Heal on Auto: 25/40/80 >>> 30/50/70


Chemtech Scholar Tier 3 HP: 750, AD: 50, DPS: 30, AS: 0.6, Armor: 30, MR: 30 Iron Maiden [Mana 70/120] : Lissandra encases her target in an iron maiden, stunning them for 1.5 seconds and dealing magic damage to enemies within a large area. Damage from the iron maiden reduces enemies' Attack Damage by 40% for 5 seconds. If Lissandra is below 50% Health, she encases herself instead, dealing damage to surrounding enemies and becoming untargetable and invulnerable for 2 seconds. Damage : 250 / 350 / 575 11/2/21 Range: 3 >>> 2 hexes. Mana: 50/100 >>> 70/120 10/27/21 Spell Damage: 250/325/550 >>> 250/350/575 10/26/21 Spell Damage: 250/375/650 >>> 225/325/550 10/21/21 Spell Damage: 250/400/700 >>> 250/375/650


Chemtech Twinshot Tier 4 HP: 800, AD: 75, DPS: 49, AS: 0.65, Armor: 30, MR: 30 Purge [Mana 0/60] : For the next 5 seconds, Urgot attacks the closest enemy at a fixed rate of attacks per second. Each attack deals physical damage. (This Ability's damage scales with Attack Damage and Attack Speed.*) Attacks Per Second : 5 / 7 / 12 Note: GS, HoJ. *Previous tool tip: Each attack deals 30% AD * 30% AS physical damage. 11/2/21 AD: 70 >>> 75 10/26/21 AD: 85 >>> 70 10/22/21 Spell Attacks Per Second: 5/7/15 >>> 5/7/12


Clockwork Innovator Tier 2 HP: 600, AD: 40, DPS: 24, AS: 0.6, Armor: 20, MR: 20 Time Bomb [Mana 40/80] : Zilean places a bomb on the closest enemy, stunning them. When the stun ends, or the target dies, the bomb explodes dealing magic damage to adjacent enemies and reducing their Attack Speed for 3 seconds. Damage : 250 / 350 / 700 Attack Speed Reduction : 20% / 35% / 50% Stun Duration : 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 11/2/21 Spell Damage: 250/350/500 >>> 250/350/700 10/26/21 AS: 0.65 >>> 0.6


Ezreal [1], Ziggs [1], Blitzcrank [2], Trundle [2], Ekko [3], Janna [4], Jinx [5] At the start of combat, components held by Scrap champions turn into full items for the rest of combat. Your team also gains a shield for each component equipped*, including those that are part of a full item. (2) 1 incomplete component, 20 shield (4) 3 incomplete components, 35 shield (6) All incomplete components, 60 shield *Post transformation. So 6 Scrap Champions with 1 component each --> 6 items (12 components) --> 600 shield on all team members! 11/2/21 Shield: 20/30/50 >>> 20/35/60 HP per component


Garen [1], Graves [1], Katarina [2], Leona [3], Lux [4], Yone [4], Yuumi [5] Academics have bonus Attack Damage and Ability Power. They also learn from their allies, gaining an additional bonus whenever an ally casts their Ability. (2) 20 AD & AP, 3 bonus AD & AP (4) 40 AD & AP, 5 bonus AD & AP (6) 60 AD & AP, 10 bonus AD & AP (8) 80 AD & AP, 15 bonus AD & AP 11/2/21 AP & AD Per Cast: 3/5/7/10 >>> 3/5/10/15 10/26/21 AD & AP Base: 15/30/45/60 >>> 20/40/60/80


Garen [1], Kassadin [1], Blitzcrank [2], Sion [4] Protectors shield themselves for 6 seconds whenever they cast an Ability. This shield doesn't stack. (2) 20% Maximum Health Shield (3) 35% Maximum Health Shield (4) 45% Maximum Health Shield (5) 60% Maximum Health Shield 10/26/21 Shield Value: 20/30/45/60% >>> 20/35/45/60%. Shield Duration: 4 >>> 6 seconds


Graves [1], Kog'Maw [2], Gangplank [3], Urgot [4], Jinx [5] Grants bonus Attack Damage. Whenever a Twinshot attacks, they have a chance to attack twice instead*. (2) 40% & 5 Bonus AD (4) 70% & 30 Bonus AD (6) 100% & 60 Bonus AD *Includes Spells, e.g., Gangplank 10/22/21 NEW: Now grants Bonus AD: 5/30/60


Illaoi [1], Trundle [2], Vi [2], Cho'Gath [3], Zac [3], Dr. Mundo [4], Tahm Kench [5] Your team gains bonus maximum Health. Bruisers gain double this bonus. (2) 125 Health (4) 250 Health (6) 450 Health (8) 700 Health 11/2/21 Bonus HP: 125/250/450/900 >>> 125/250/450/700 10/26/21 Bonus Health: 150/300/500/900 >>> 125/250/450/900


Mercenary Challenger Tier 2 HP: 550, AD: 60, DPS: 42, AS: 0.7, Armor: 20, MR: 20 Disarming Assault [Mana 70/140] : Quinn sends Valor out at the target with the highest Attack Speed, dealing magic damage to the target and nearby enemies. All targets are disarmed for some seconds. Damage : 200 / 300 / 700 Disarm Duration : 2 / 2.5 / 3 10/26/21 Mana: 50/120 >>> 70/140. Attack Speed: 0.75 >>> 0.7 10/22/21 Spell Disarm Duration: 2.5/3/3.5 >>> 2/2.5/3 10/21/21 Spell Disarm: Primary target only >>> All targets damaged by her spell

Miss Fortune

Mercenary Sniper Tier 3 HP: 650, AD: 60, DPS: 45, AS: 0.75, Armor: 25, MR: 25 Make it Rain [Mana 40/80] : Miss Fortune rains 4 waves of bullets down around her target, dealing magic damage to enemies in the area and reducing their incoming healing by 50% for 6 seconds. Damage : 300 / 400 / 600 11/2/21 Spell Damage: 275/375/575 >>> 300/400/600 10/26/21 Spell Damage: 225/325/500 >>> 275/375/575 10/22/21 Spell Damage: 200/300/450 >>> 225/325/500


Mercenary Twinshot Tier 3 HP: 800, AD: 80, DPS: 60, AS: 0.75, Armor: 45, MR: 45 Parrrley [Mana 0/50] : Gangplank attacks his target with his gun, dealing 170% of his Attack Damage plus bonus physical damage. If this attack kills a champion, Gangplank plunders 1 gold. Bonus Damage : 125 / 150 / 200 11/2/21 Spell Base Damage: 125/175/250 >>> 125/150/200. Hit Spell AD%: 180% >>> 170% 10/22/21 Armor & MR: 35 >>> 45. Spell AD%: 180/190/210% >>> 180% 10/21/21 Spell AD%: 170/180/200% >>> 180/190/210% 10/20/21 Spell AD%: 150/170/200% >>> 170/180/200%. Spell Base Damage: 120/150/250 >>> 125/175/250


Mutant Arcanist Tier 3 HP: 650, AD: 40, DPS: 26, AS: 0.65, Armor: 30, MR: 30 Malefic Visions [Mana 30/60] : Malzahar infects the mind of the closest unafflicted target, dealing magic damage over 8 seconds and reducing the Magic Resist of enemies by 40%. If an afflicted target dies, Malefic Visions spreads to the nearest unafflicted targets with the remaining duration. Damage : 700 / 850 / 1000 Spreads Targets : 1 / 1 / 2 11/2/21 Spell Damage: 750/950/1200 >>> 700/850/1000 10/26/21 Spell Damage: 700/900/1100 >>> 750/950/1200 10/22/21 Spell Damage: 600/900/1350 >>> 700/900/1100


Mutant Bruiser Colossus Tier 3 HP: 1300, AD: 100, DPS: 60, AS: 0.6, Armor: 50, MR: 50 Feast [Mana 100/160] : Cho'Gath devours the lowest Health enemy within range, dealing magic damage. If this kills the target, Cho'Gath gains a stack of Feast, up to max stacks. Each stack of Feast permanently grants 2% bonus Health and size. Damage : 800 / 900 / 1000 Maximum Feast Stacks : 20 / 40 / 999 11/2/21 AD: 90 >>> 100. Mana: 120/180 >>> 100/160 10/26/21 HP: 1200 >>> 1300. Max Feast Stacks: 10/20/999 >>> 20/40/999 10/22/21 Spell Damage: 700/850/1000 >>> 800/900/1000


Mutant Challenger Tier 5 HP: 900, AD: 60, DPS: 73, AS: 1.2, Armor: 30, MR: 30 Icathian Monsoon [Mana: 90/150] : Kai'sa dashes away from all enemies, then fires a volley of missiles spread evenly among all enemies that deal magic damage each. For each time Kai'Sa has attacked this combat, she'll fire an additional missile. Base Missiles : 12 / 18 / 100 Damage Per Missile : 80 / 100 / 180 Note: Morello, QSS', AP Carry 11/2/21 Spell Missiles: 10/15/100 >>> 12/18/100. Spell Damage: 75/100/180 >>> 80/100/180 10/26/21 Mana: 100/150 >>> 90/150. Spell Missiles: 15/20/100 >>> 10/15/100 10/21/21 Mana: 75/125 >>> 100/150 10/20/21 Spell Damage: 80/111/180 >>> 75/100/180


Mutant Protector Tier 1 HP: 650, AD: 50, DPS: 33, AS: 0.65, Armor: 35, MR: 35 Null Sphere [Mana 60/100] : Kassadin fires an orb of void energy at his target, dealing magic damage and granting Kassadin a shield that reduces incoming damage by 35% for 4 seconds. Enemies hit by the orb suffer a increased Mana cost for their next Ability cast. Damage : 250 / 325 / 400 Mana Reave : 35% / 50% / 65% 11/2/21 Spell Damage Reduction: 30% >>> 35% 10/26/21 Spell Damage: 200/275/350 >>> 250/325/400


Mutant Sniper Twinshot Tier 2 HP: 550, AD: 30, DPS: 18, AS: 0.6, Armor: 20, MR: 20 Barrage [Mana 0/30] : For 3 seconds, Kog'Maw gains infinite Attack Range, 75% Attack Speed, and his attacks deal % of the target's maximum Health as bonus magic damage. % Health as Damage : 6% / 7% / 10% 11/2/21 AD: 45 >>> 30/ Spell Damage: 4/5/7% >>> 6/7/10% 10/26/21 Attack Speed: 0.7 >>> 0.6. Spell Attack Speed: 70% >>> 75% 10/21/21 Attack Damage: 50 >>> 45. Spell Attack Speed: 80% >>> 70%


Zyra [2], Heimerdinger [3], Lissandra [3], Janna [4], Yuumi [5] Your team gains Mana every 2 seconds. (2) 5 Mana (4) 10 Mana (6) 20 Mana


Caitlyn [1], Vi [2], Fiora [4], Jayce [5] Enforcers stun enemies at the start of combat. They break free after 5 seconds, or after losing 40% of their maximum Health. (2) The enemy who has the most Health. (4) The enemy who dealt the most damage last combat. It's not a Zephyr. The targeted unit will take damage. 10/26/21 Duration: 4 >>> 5 seconds. Health Break Threshold: 30% >>> 40%


Scrap Yordle Arcanist Tier 1 HP: 500, AD: 45, DPS: 29, AS: 0.65, Armor: 15, MR: 15 Mini Inferno Bomb [Mana 0/60] : Ziggs hurls a bomb at his target. After a moderate delay, the bomb lands dealing magic damage to the enemy in the epicenter, and 50% to adjacent enemies. Damage : 325 / 425 / 525 10/22/21 Spell Damage: 300/400/500 >>> 325/425/525


Caitlyn [1], Kog'Maw [2], Tristana [2], Miss Fortune [3], Jhin [4] Snipers deal bonus damage for each hex between themselves and their target. (2) 8% bonus damage per hex. (4) 16% bonus damage per hex. (6) 30% bonus damage per hex. 11/2/21 Bonus Damage Per Hex: 7/15/25% >>> 8/16/30% 10/26/21 Bonus Damage: 7/14/25 >>> 7/15/25%

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