The Germanic Kingdoms

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after Charlemagne died

Louis I, Louis the Pious, became ruler and was very bad and was destine to fail because how the empire was set up

Charlemagne and Carloman

it was their job to co-rule the empire but 3 years into it, Carloman died and Charlemagne became the sole ruler of the empire

Charlemagne's Empire

known as European Empire

Alfred the Great

leader of the Anglo-Saxons; great leader; very powerful; rules the Wessex and is able to force the Danes into north-west England; he makes his people Christian

Franks geography

less influenced by Rome; far from Rome


live in northern Italy; try to take Rome so the pope asked Pepin to attack them and he will be strong- Pepin and the Church have a very good relationship


overseer- judge


people that spoke for your innocence- character witness

Carolingian Renaissance

promoted learning; educate priests and gov't officials; Carolingian Miniscule- upper and lower case letters

conquered people

rebelled and there were harsh punishment



warrior in the song

showed pride, bravery, and loyalty

Italy was overrun by Germanic chieftains

what happened after the fall of Rome

the Western Roman Empire

what land did the Germanic peoples invade

north Africa

where did the Vandal's originate


which tribe invaded France and Western Germany


which tribe invaded Italy


which tribe invaded Spain

Angles and Saxons

which tribes invaded Britain

so that the priests could teach the people because the group was the principal source of leaning

why were the Anglo-Saxon's made chronicle

reasons for stability

written laws, stable gov't, and the introduction of the Catholic Church

777 or 778

'Song of Roland' was made

Song of Roland

(story in notebook)


Clovis marries a Christian princess

Anglo-Saxon's Law

1st set of laws in England; before there was chaos; they were not concerned with justice but fighting; customs have greatly influenced modern law

5th century

Angels, Saxons, and Jutes come and conquer land from Scandonavia and the people that lived there, the Selts, were pushed up into Scotland and Ireland


Battle of Tolbiak; he prayer to God to be victorious and he is so he converts

7th century

Christianity was introduced to Scandonavia

Battle of Tours

Muslim's went to go into Europe and Hammer's army defeats them and keeps them out of Europe

later in 476

Odoacer makes the E.R.E. his enemy; Theodoric, the chief of the Ostrogoth tribe, is asked to take out Odoacer

original name of Franks

Salic Franks

after Theodoric is asked to kill Odoacer

a five year war is started and Theodoric kills Odoacer himself and the Ostrogoth's win the war


a man's price- fine; how much a man was worth; determined by social class


after this year, the western Roman Empire no linger existed; total chaos; Odoacer becomes ruler of Italy, becomes allies with the Eastern Roman Empire, and calls himself the overlord

after Odoacer becomes the ruler of Italy

all of the land is divided among small and disorganized Germanic tribes; only unity is through the Christian Church and the Church becomes very powerful

trial of Ordeal

an accused person had to undergo physical challenges to decide if they were innocent or guilty


became king at 15; wanted to take over as much land as he could; given credit for converting most of Europe; he was the 1st Germanic ruler to be Christian; gives himself the title "Augustus"; 1st king of what would become France

Charles the Great/ the Hammer

becomes king of the Franks


border of France and Spain

death of Louis I

civil war breaks out among the sons, one of them died and the others had a tie, so came the Treaty of Verdun

Carolingian Family

could be related to Clovis


crucial; copied manuscripts; saved about 8000 ancient writings

Charlemagne's 1st defeat

described on the 'Song of Roland'


dooms men- jury; decided if you were guilty or not

3rd century

during this century, Germanic peoples had begun to invade


got very powerful; famous because he is the Germanic chieftain that takes out the last Western Roman Emperor

Louis I

had 4 sons that he could not control

Salic Law

had the customs and traditions


have a rebellion and in one afternoon 4500 people were killed

Pepin III/ Pepin the Short

he and his sons made an agreement with the Church- Pepin becomes king by the grace of God

as Charlemagne conquered lands

he converted them to Christianity and the people that he conquered had 3 options: leave the country, become Christian, die

by the time Clovis was 23

he had taken over all the tribes in northern France

after Clovis converts

he takes S and E France and converts the people to Christianity; the Franks are known as defenders and representers of the Faith; he tried to write a code of law that was like the Roman code of law


he tries to maintain the Roman customs; he preserved Roman laws; he kept the military power for the Ostrogoth tribe; very wise ruler and gets the loyalty of all the people

Frankish empire expanded

included Western and Central Europe

after Theo.'s death

independent principalities are made when the successors of him fight over the land because he did not leave a plan

Charlemagne/ Charles the Great

son of Pepin III; born in 742; before he was the ruler, he had good experience as a military general and he conquered a lot of land; he preferred peace but when at war he was a harsh enemy and strong leader; undisputed ruler of all of Europe and half the Christian world at the time; can not read; 5 wives and many mistresses; 14 children

Treaty of Verdun

split the land among the 3 sons left; the lands became: Italy, France, and Germany; their descendants do the same thing that they did and the land gets split up again

greatest achievement of Clovis

stopped the invasions of other Germanic tribes from the east- starts stability and unity for the 1st time since the Empire


taken over by muslim's

8th century

the Danes, AKA the Vikings, invade England

due to Theo.'s rule

there is peace for 3 decades

after Clovis died

there was no plan and his 4 sons ruled after fighting; Gaul was divided into 4 kingdoms: Austrasia, Neustria, Burgundy, and Aguitaine


they captured and plundered Rome


this was the year that Rome was captured and plundred

Charlemagne as Roman Emperor

title- Emperor of the Romans- joined the Roman, Christian, and Germanic Empires; at his coronation, the Pope puts the crown on Charlemagne- pope gets a lot of political power

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