The Presidency of Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809

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The embargo act of 1807 prohibited U.S. merchant ships from trading with other countries (hoped it would hurt France and Britain economically). However, the the act hurt the U.S. economy especially those in the north. 1809-Act repealed, but the U.S. still could not trade with arancel and Britain.

What did the embargo act of 1807 prohibit and what happened as a result?

Thomas Jefferson maintained Hamilton's national bank and debt repayment plan, stayed out of foreign affairs, repealed the excise taxes, lowered national debt, and repealed the Alien and Sedition Acts.

What five things did Thomas Jefferson do when he was elected?

Jefferson wanted to block last minute Federalists appointments made by Adams(Midnight Appointments). Jefferson ordered Secretary of State James Madison not to deliver the commissions to the federal judges that Adams appointed. One of these appointees, William Marbury, sued for his commission and the case went to the Supreme Court. Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that according to the Judiciary Act of 1789, Marbury should get his commission, but the act itself was unconstitutional. The case established Judicial Review(Supreme Court could declare an act of Congress or the President unconstitutional).

What was Marbury vs. Madison?

1807-A few miles off Virgina coast, a British warship (Leopard) fired at a U.S. warship (Chesapeake), 3 Americans were killed, 4 were forced into the British navy. Americans wanted war, but Jefferson chose to use diplomacy and economic pressure instead.

What was the Chesapeake-Leopard Affair 1807?

Jefferson was committed to a strict interpretation of the Constitution and no clause in the Constitution gave the President power to purchase foreign land. Eventually Jefferson determined it was for the country's good and submitted the agreement to the Senate, and the Senate Approved.

What was the Constitutional Issue dealing with the Louisiana Purchase?

The Election of 1800 is called the Revolution of 1800 because it was a peaceful transfer of power from the Federalists to the Democratic-Republicans. The Election indicated what the U.S. constitutional system would endure.

What was the Election of 1800 called and why? What did it indicate?

New State Iowa

What was the new State?

Washington and Adams paid a tribute(bribe) to the Barbary governments in North Africa to prevent them from seizing America. Rather than pay, Jefferson sent a small fleet of U.S. Navy vessels to the Mediterranean to protect U.S. merchant ships. Fighting between U.S. and pirates lasted u til 1805

What was the situation with Barbary Pirates?

Aaron Burr was not nominated for second term as Vice President. In 1804, Aaron Burr tried to win the government of New York so he could unite New York with the New England states and secede from the union, but he lost the election. 1804-Burr challenged Alexander Hamilton to a duel because of an insult, Burr killed Hamilton. 1806-Burr tried to take Mexico from Spain and unite Mexico under his rule, Jefferson ordered Burrs arrest and trial for treason, but Burr was acquitted because of lack of witnesses.

What were all the events associated with Aaron Burr?

As a result of the Louisiana Purchase, the U.S. land was doubled, Removed a foreign presence from the nation's borders, guaranteed US expansion past the Mississippi River, Ana increased the popularity of the Democratic-Republican Party.

What were the four Purchase results?

Jefferson sent ministers to France with instructions to offer up to $10 million for New Orleans and a strip of land from the port eastward to Florida. Napoleons ministers offered to sell the ENTIRE Louisiana territory for $15 million and the American ministers agreed.

What were the negotiations dealing with the Louisiana Purchase?

The Lewis and Clark expedition was from 1804-1806. Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lt. William Clark explored Louisiana Territory. The Lewis and Clark expedition strengthened claims to Oregon Trail, Improved relations with Native American tribes, and developed maps and land routes for future travelers.

When and What was the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The Presidency of Thomas Jefferson was between 1801-1809

When was the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson?

Louisiana was the land where Mississippi and Mizzouri Rivers flowed, including the Port of New Orleans

Where was Louisiana?

Election of 1804 was between Thomas Jefferson(Democratic-Republican) and Charles Pinckney(Federalist)

Who was the election of 1804 between and which parties were they on?

The election of 1808 was between James Madison (Democratic-Republican) and Charles Pinckney (Federalist)

Who was the election of 1808 between and which parties were they on?

The U.S. was interested in the Mississippi River because settlers in Indian territory depended on transporting goods on rivers that flowed westward into the Mississippi River and into New Orleans for their economic existence, In 1802-Spanish officials revoked the right of deposits(The tax free use of the port of New Orleans) guaranteed in the Pinckney Treaty, Belief that if a foreign power controlled New Orleans, The U.S. might get entangled in European affairs

Why was the U.S. interested in the Mississippi River?

Great Britain and France were at war with each other again. France and Britain continued to seize U.S. merchant ships. Britain was the worst because their navy dominated the Atlantic and they captured U.S. sailers and forced them to serve in the British navy (impressment).

what were the Napoloeonic Wars?

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