the world in 1941 - us history honors

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How did the Spanish caste system come about?

Unique blending of cultures bc. of internal relationships

Why did the Hohokam suddenly vanish?

the great drought of the 1300s

When was the printing press invented (if you don't know the exact date, generally when)?

1453, but a good guess would be the general mid- 1400s

When did Cortez leave Cuba?


When was the House of Burgesses created?


When does Virginia become a royal colony?


What time did the Hohokam live?

200 CE- 1400 CE

what is the time period associated with the Mayans?

250-900 CE

Calendar system of Aztecs

365 days

How many people does Columbus take back with him to Spain?


When did the Adena exist?

500 BCE-100 BC

What happens during the first winter at Jamestown due to the lack of men wanting to farm?

60% die, there are 38 left in the spring of 1608

When did the Mississippian civilization exist?

700 CE-1200 CE

Who was Squanto?

A Wampanoag Indian who knew basic English because he was taken as a slave to Europe but them returned to North America. He was able to help the pilgrims and teach them how to survive in the new world.

Define a cash crop and how tobacco became one

A cash crop is a crop that is grown for commercial (selling) use instead of personal use. Tobacco grew well in Virginia and soon became the most popular item sent back to Europe in high demands.

Describe an English charter colony

A colony created by a joint stock company that raises money by having people buy stock. After getting the colony signed off by the king they could go to the new world and run the colonies however they stated in the charter.

Describe an English propriety colony

A colony that is owned by a single person. These colonies are often given as gifts from the King to pay a debt. The colony can be run however the owner sees fit.

What happened to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1628? (who took over)

They were given to the Massachusetts Bay Company This is partly because non-separatists outnumbered separatists and so the colony of Massachusetts (think like the whole state area) was created and given to the joint stock company of the Massachusetts Bay Joint stock company

What was the economic situation of England in the early part of exploration?

England was not rich at all. The monarchy did not have money so they could not explore like Spain and Portugal. So, England creates joint stock companies- a company that would get the average middle class joe to invest in the company so that when the company sets up a colony and gets rich, so does joe. Much more public involvement.

Infrastructure of Incas

Extensive road network and trading system

When was the first Thanksgiving

Fall of 1622

What was the Pueblo revolt/ Pope's revolt

When the Anasazi revolt but fail because of guns and disease

Is Roanoke the first attempted English colony?


Were the Arawak peacful?


Is there a heavy emphasis on learning in New England...what college opens because of this

Yes, education was very important. Harvard was established in 1636

What are the commonalities within Native American belief in reciprocity

You inherited the land and you must take care of it.

main location of the Mayans

Yucatan Peninsula (Northern Belize, Guatemala)

Who was Martin Luther?

a German monk who attacked the corruptions of the church including the sale of indulgences with his "95 Theses" document

What is seasoning time?

a phrase to describe what part of new world life you are in. You are in seasoning time if you are in the first two years of living in the new world

What are the commonalities within Native American slavery

Different than European. Conquered peoples from wars would be enslaved, but after a period of years they would have a "rebirth" ceremony where their former self would be killed and they would then be reborn as a new member of society.

Where were the Iroquois located?

Eastern woodlands...think New England and east coast

If conquered by Aztecs, slaves would either...

become slaves, sacrificed, or had to pay heavy taxes to Aztecs

why did people go across the Bering Strait?

big game hunters followed big game across the strait - why? -> food -> warm climate - 30,000 to 40,000 years ago

Who was on the Mayflower? (what kind of people)


Occupations of cititizens (Mayans)

Farmers and Traders

Transition of politics in England

Feudalism -> Nation-states

Main cultivation method of Aztecs

Floating gardens or "chinampas" near Lake Texcoco

Why is new england settled?

For religious reasons (freedom)

Bartolome de Las Casas

Franciscan missionary - Criticized encomienda system

What are the geographic challenges of Jamestown?

brackish water malaria swampy low lying to the water

Nickname for tobacco

brown gold

Which African climate region was the most densely populated?

coastal region of Africa

Writing system of Mayans

Glyphic writing

Who are the pilgrims thanking during thanksgiving?


Which precious metal was a cornerstone of power in Africa?


What did Ghana, Mali and Songhai's caravans carry with them to the Mediterranean?

Gold, copper, salt, and slaves

What was Columbus' official title?

Governor and Admiral of the Sea

How were the animist communities in Africa run?

Had healers and men and women who could manipulate these forces for good/evil

What does John White arrive to in 1589?

He arrives to the colony of Roanoke deserted, but there are no mass graves or sign of war/illness.

Why did de Las Casas agree to the asiento system?

He believed that the Natives were agreeable and would convert to Christianity, but the Africans would not

What does Cortez do to his ships? Why?

He burns them, this way his crew cannot run away.

What do the countries get out of early exploration

early riches like taking the people and their obvious riches (ex. Aztecs and their already mined gold)

By 1500s-1600s, what did Europe begin to demand from Africa?

enslaved individuals

what was primary Olmec carreer?

farmers - corn/maize - beans - squash

key careers of the Mayan

farmers & traders - farming society

Sleeping sickness

fatal disease caused by parasites carried by tsetse fly

What does Sir Frances Drake find when he arrives at the Roanoke colony?

He finds all of the men who survived the winter begging him to take them to England, so they did.

How does Columbus first view the Taino people, and how does his view of them change?

He first views them as innocent, but once he realized that he was not in India with all the spices and gold, he views the people as the only precious commodity.

For one year, what does Cortez do with the native tribes?

He forms allies to defeat the Aztec

How does Cortez get the money?

He fundraises for over a year.

What does Opechancanough do for his first big attack?

He has a simultaneous attack on all the colonies in Virginia, he kills a lot of colonists and destroys their food supply

Why does John White leave in the fall of 1587?

He leaves so that he can get some supplies for the winter and tell England about the colony.

What changes did Sir Walter Raleigh make when he sent Roanoke colony version 2 off?

He sent cartographers, soldiers, actual farmers, artisans, and more so that the colony can have skilled workers. He also sent families in hope that it would provide an incentive for the men to work hard.

What happens to John Smith that makes him return to England?

His gun explodes and his face is badly burnt and injured

Where were the Anasazi building their houses/cities?

In cliffs

What religion were the Africans exposed to via the Trans-Saharan trade?


How did Machiavelli's "The Prince" affect the view that Kings had?

It influenced them that they needed to be strong, confident, ruthless, and determined... 1. The ends justifies the means

What was special about the Gutenberg printed bible?

It was in vernacular languages (common languages, not latin)

Where was Roanoke colony originally going to be and where did it actually get set up.

It was supposed to be in Virginia but ended up in N.C.

Who comes to Jamestown to fix it in the spring of 1608?

John Smith

Who is Samoset?

Leader of the Wampanoag

What did the Iroquois live in?

Long Houses

Who do the Jamestown men meet as they are leaving Virginia?

Lord Da La Warr

Main living community of Incas

Macchu Picchu

What are the commonalities within Native American agriculture?

Maize was grown almost everywhere, most places had some kind of irrigation

What was the ever-present disease in Africa?


Where did the separatists actually land?


What was the name of the joint stock company that the non-separatists used?

Massachusetts Bay Joint- Stock Company

What are the commonalities within Native American kinship

Matrilineal society...means that heredity was from the moms side and power came from mom's side ex. Mom was chief and dad was peasant, so you are chief too.

how did the Olmec communicate?

glyphic language - images communicating ideas - not able to translate

When Cortez goes to take over the Aztecs, what does he find?

The Aztecs are relatively unprepared due to disease.

By 1624 who was winning the Anglo-Powhatan war?

The British

What document outlines the Separatists governing rules?

The Mayflower Compact

What were the first books printed by the printing press

The bible

Who was Eleanor White (maiden name)/Dare (married name)?

The daughter of John White and the mother to the first British baby born in the new world.

What was the House of Burgesses?

The first legislative body in English America, a locally elected government

Who is in control of Virginia now that it is a royal colony?

The governor who was appointed by the King

What was to the south of the Bight of Benin?

The kingdom of Kongo

Who is John Winthrop?

The leader of an expedition to send 700 passengers to Boston to create a city on a hill for their "divine mission"

What happens after John Smith leaves Jamestown?

The men begin to fall back into their previous lazy patterns

What happens as more indentured servants come to Virginia (and why does this anger the native americans)

The more indentured servants that come over, the more west they push past Jamestown and the more this pushes the Native Americans back

What and when were the starving times?

The winter of 1609-1610 at Jamestown where there was basically no food. Accounts of eating leather from shoes, pigs, horses, and even other men

Why do we know the Adena traded

There are artifacts of copper and seashells not native to the area

Why does the VA company of london want to go to the new world?

gold, silver, and northwet passage

What is going on in England in the 1500s/1600s? -Religious

There is a lot of political and religious turmoil with the sudden change from Catholic to Anglican and back and back get the point that people are mad at the crown and have formed their own ideas about what religion they want to follow.

What is the first type of labor used in the new world for Jamestown/England?

indentured servants

what does beringia mean?

land bridge

What did the Hohokam grow?

maize and cotton

What were the 3 sister crops

maize surrounded by beans and squash

What does Lord De La Warr bring to Jamestown

many more supplies and people (including families)

What are the 4 key factors that shaped Europe for exploration...hint M-N-T-R

mercantilism, nationalism, technology, and religion

where did the Adena live?

midwestern USA

Was Lord De La Warr nice to the natives?

no, he was very brutal

Is tobacco easy to grow?

no, it is very labor intensive

Did the men at Jamestown like John Smith?

not particularly, -He is described as aggressive or polarizing, authoritarian -He was what Jamestown needed but the people didn't want. -Low and behold Jamestown has food! -The colony is starting to be self-sufficient

How many language groups are there?

over 20 groups....meaning tons of languages within each group so many languages in the Americas overall

religion of the Mayans

polytheistic -> mostly natural forces

one evidence of trade is _______

pottery fragment

According to mercantilism, money =


olmec architecture

raised platforms or pyramids

Why did the Anasazi build their cities in cliffs

so that they are protected from the sun and so that they can collect water

location of the Olmec

southern Mexico

What did Ghana, Mali, and Songhai's caravans bring back with them from the Mediterranean?

textiles and other products, as well as cultural diffusion.

Because of de Las Casas, the Spanish move from the encomienda system to.....

the Asiento system THROUGH THE NEW LAWS

What was the Native American group that the Roanoke colony met?

the Croatoan

What indigenous group did the Plymouth pilgrims meet?

the Wampanoag

Who was Virginia Dare

the first British child born in the new world.

Caste system: the more Spanish you are.......

the higher up you are

Why was the first Roanoke colony a failure?

There were only men sent and the leaders were not very effective at their job. Due to that, the men didn't want to farm and work hard all the time for farming, instead they just stole from the Croatoan.

What is special about the burial grounds of the Mississippians

They are raised mounds and there is strong evidence that they carried objects to the afterlife...think Bird Man

Why was the timing of leaving for Roanoke version 2 bad?

They arrived in June, 1587 and because of that it was too late to grow adequate crops.

How did the Anasazi collect water?

They built pools, called cisterns, that would fill with water that fell off the cliff when it rained

What is the issue with the Jamestown settlement being made up of a ton of men who view themselves as gentlemen?

They feel it is beneath them to work or farm

What incentive did the VA Company of London use to get people to sign up to be indentured servants and for others to pay for their ticket?

They had a deal where for every ticket you bought you got 50 acres of land, and so this makes rich people in Virginia want to buy more so they can get more land. Called the headright system

What did the Plymouth colony realize they needed to do once they understood how far north they were of another British colony?

They needed to lay down the ground rules for how they will govern themselves

When the winter of 1609 at Jamestown is over what do the remaining men do?

They pack up and head to the Chesapeake bay to leave

What does the increase in vernacular bibles do to the common people's view of the Catholic church?

They started to question the church and dispute some of the practices

What made the English mad at the Croatoans?

They thought that the Croatoans stole a silver cup

What religious beliefs do the separatists believe in?

They want to fully separate from the Anglican church and create their own. More radical Portestant

Why would a religious group want to go to the new world? (ex. Puritans)

They wanted to escape religious persecution

Why did the relationship between the jamestown settlers and the Powhatan get worse during the first winter?

the jamestown men relied no the Powhatan for food and eventually the Powhatan had to stop trading food so they had enough which made the English mad

one of the best examples of the engineering skills of the Mayans includes

the masterful irrigation canals

What did the Spanish call the Anasazi?

the pueblo

to which gods did the Mayans sacrifice humans the most to?

the rain gods

What is the Adena's nickname?

they are the moundbuilders

What happens to the Jamestown people's work ethics as they become richer from tobacco

they want to work less and less

What was the economic situation of the VA company of London after the 1622-1632 Anglo-powhatan war?

they were bankrupt because of all the expenses

What did John Rolfe steal from the Spanish to bring to Jamestown?


Did the Mississippian farm?


Was wealth a determining factor of power in Europe?


Did the adena believe in the afterlife

yes, and there is evidence of burial mounds having objects for the afterlife

Did the adena have a religion?

yes, they had some kind of polytheistic religion

Were the Hohokam sophisticated traders?

yes, they traded as far as Cahokia

when did coastal trade with Europe begin?


Explain the concepts and goals of Mercantilism

1. It is an economic view 2. Colonies exist for the sole purpose of providing raw materials for the mother country 3. Have a favorable balance of trade (export more than import) 4. Make the colonies buy back the manufactured goods.

What system does Columbus develop? Who helps him?

Encomienda system, Isabella and Ferdinand

Why was White unable to return to Roanoke for over two years?

He planned on a really quick trip, but unfortunately when he arrived in England his ship was taken by Elizabeth I to fight the Spanish Armada. His ship was destroyed and it took him two years to get enough money to sail back.

Aztecs conquered by...

Hernan Cortez

Hernan Cortez political status


On October 12, 1942, where did Columbus land?

Hispanola, plants the flag of Spain

Main God of Incas

Inti- the Sun God

Who is the leader of England in 1607?

James I

Who led the second group to establish Roanoke Colony and what was a useful skill he had?

John White, and he was an artist so he could paint the Native Americans and their culture.

Main water source of Aztecs

Lake Texcoco

What kind of houses did the Hohokam live in

Pit houses-literally like one room basement homes

Who lead the first Roanoke colony?

Sir Richard Grenville and Ralph Land

Who actually owned the Roanoke colony?

Sir Walter Raleigh

What is the name of the biggest Hohokam town?

Snake Town

What is going on in England in the 1500s/1600s? -Economic

So England does not have a lot of money...the crown is broke...and so Elizabeth I comes up with the idea of creating a force of ships run by a "Privateer" (essentially a legal pirate) who would attack Spanish ships and steal the resources. This provided money and attacks on the Spanish and worked overall pretty well.

Architectural advancements of Mayans

Sophisticated irrigation canals

Where did the Anasizi live?

Southwest USA, think 4 corners

Where did the Hohokam live?

Southwestern USA, 4 corners

Is Boston inhabited by separatists or non-separatists?


When did the Anasazi exist?

100 CE- 1600 CE

When did the Iroquois exist?

100 CE- 1600s/1700s CE

What is the myth between Pocahontas and John Smith

-John Smith is taken by the Powhatan but Pocahontas saved him because she loved him

How does a country make money?

1. Control commerce 2. Conquer others & take their wealth 3. Colonialization

Who made up the first round of people to go to the new world and establish Jamestown?

105 men, who identified as gentlemen.

what is the time period associated with the Olmecs?

1200-1400 BCE

Aztec Time Period

1300-1520 CE

Mali Empire

- 1200s CE - rich, but shortlived

Incas time period

12th CE to 15th CE

What was inscribed into a tree at Roanoke island?


Characteristics of Aztecs

"divine monarch", woman could inherit property, practiced human sacrifice, many stone carvings, super violent and militaristic and dominated neighboring tribes

Songhai Empire

- 1300s CE - basically the same as Ghana and Mali

Ghana Empire

- 800 CE - domesticated camels to dominate Trans-Saharan trade

What did Prince Henry the Navigator popularize?

- Caravel: ships that can sail against the sea - Requirement of cartographers - Maps of age

Charateristics of America by 1599

- Decimation of Native population - Seizure of valuable sources of wealth - Rise of sugar cultivation - Transatlantic slave trade - Disease (particularly smallpox)

What were the Spanish's disadvantages under Cortez?

- No "home field" advantage - Lack of resources - No translator

Vassal kingdoms

- Relied on their military to control the trade routes

What were the Spanish advantages under Cortez?

- Weapons - Shipbuilding knowledge - Horses - "Immunity" to disease

political organization of the Mayans

- city-states - organized culture, but their own kings - priesthood

Asiento system

- enslaving Africans

Because of the tsetse fly, how did the Africans grow/eat food?

- livestock was limited - traded for grain - grew yams - harvested sea life

what is the significance of the Olmec heads?

- stone is not local - trade can be inferred, closest quarry is ab. 20 miles away - some understanding of engineering

Name some accomplishments that John Smith did for Jamestown

-Heimplements a very strict policy "No work, no food" -He organizes the community -He gets farming going with everyone being assigned to work in the fields a certain day (don't show up, no food) -He maintained good relations with Powhatan Indians

How does a European nation-state get rich (3 ways)

1. Control commerce (ex. Portuguese control west African trade) 2. Conquer other people and steal their resources 3. Colonization- set up colonies that will supply the mother state with money

What is stated in the Mayflower compact (main points)

1. Covenant community- a social contract between the government (will not abuse power) and the governed (agree to be governed) 2. Elected officials

What are some theories about what happened to Roanoke colony (version 2)

1. Most accepted theory- the colonists assimilated into the Croatoan for this is there are colonies from Virginia that claim to have seen natives with European features (ex. redheads) 2. They made a new colony in another place...this is seen when they found a patch on a map made by White...The theory is that he came to the new settlement but that too was people-less so he moved on and covered it with a patch 3. Aliens..... ;)

What are the 3 climate regions of Africa?

1. Sahel- south of Sahara 2. Savanna: grasslands 3. Coastal: 200-300 mile wide rain forest area

What were the governments like before the general 1400s and what were they turning into?

1. They were feudal systems that had Kings give the nobles power over their land as long as they let the King be on top 2. Consolidation of power-the Kings were getting greedy and they did not want the nobles to have more power than them.

4 major drives for exploration

1. nationalism 2. mercantilism 3. religion 4. technology

when did settled agriculture start to emerge?

10,000 to 5,000 years ago

What is the Iroquois Confederacy?

A group of 5 tribes that are able to have an alliance and resist the British colonizers for a while.

What was Cahokia

A huge city on the Mississippi known for its large mounds. A large center of trade

Who are the Puritan Non-separatists?

A much less radical group of people who came over to America after being inspired with the chance to reform the church outside of the control of the King (so they do not want to split, but they have greater religious freedom in the new world).

What is a "bight"?

A noted indentation in a continent along the coastline

define what an indentured servant is

A person who signs a contract that they will serve for X amount of years (usually 5-7) for the person who bought their ticket to the new world.

Who was Sir Frances Drake

A privateer for England, very famous and was the first to reach the struggling settlement of Roanoke Island.

Who is William Bradford?

A separatist who was an elected official for Plymouth. He takes the society from a communal (think more socialist values) society to a capital society This really helps the pilgrims and helps to better establish Plymouth

West African religion

Acknowledged multiple gods as well as spirits that lived in the earth, animals, and plants. Ancestor worship, belief in divine kingship

Miscellaneous Advancements of Mayans

Advanced math, science, philosophy, and Calendar with 260 DAYS

Lowest in Spanish caste system

African Slaves

What arrives for the first time in British North America in 1619?

African slaves

Which African kingdom became known as the Gold Coast?


Treaty of Tordesillas

An agreement between Portugal and Spain, declaring that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to Portugal. - Portugal now controls Africal Slave Trade

What other tribes did Columbus encounter?

Arawak and Caribs

What became known as the Slave Coast?

Bight of Benin

What did de Las Casas write?

Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies

Name 3 families that became very wealthy and powerful in Virginia

Byrd, Carter, Lee





biggest cities of the Mayans

Chichenitza, Tikal, and Teotihuacan

Government system of the Mayans

City-states with own kings; shared language and religion

Which climate region did the Portuguese investigate the most?


How many people survive Columbus' trip back to Spain? Why?

Columbus loses hundreds to disease.

Who is La Malinche?

Cortez's mistress, learns Spanish

Capital of Incas


What were some of Columbus' personality traits?

Daring, a capable sailor and navigator


Descendants of Spanish-born but born in Latin America

What was the joint stock company name that the Separatists sailed through?

Merchant Adventurers

What did Aztecs call themselves?


Characteristics of Incas

Militaristic and make money from conquered people who are forced to pay taxes

Why does Montezuma let Cortez in?

Montezuma is in awe of the horses, armor, and guns/thunder sticks

Why was Columbus considered daring?

Most at the time assumed that the world was too big to travel without running out of supplies, however Columbus did not believe that, and so he decided to travel, willing to travel into a "vast" distance successfully

What was a struggle for Privateers?

Most of the time they struggled to get back to England in time because they couldn't stop anywhere (because they just stole from and sank a Spanish ship)

Main Location of Incas

Mountainous region near Andes and Peru

Did the failure of the first Roanoke colony deter Sir Walter Raleigh?


2nd lowest in Spanish caste system

Native Americans

Where did the separatists want to land?

Near the Hudson river

Where were the Mississippian?

Near the mouth of the Mississippi river to near Illinois

Is La Malinche liked by the Natives?

No, she is seen as a traitor

Were the Caribs peaceful?

No, they were militaristic

the most current research is occurring for the _________ civilization


Describe an English royal colony

Owned by the crown and usually has a governor appointed by the King/Queen. After colonies became a proven success the crown started to void charters and make all colony types become royal colonies.

Casta Art

Paintings depicting Spanish hierarchy, displayed in public areas.

What is Quetzalcoatl?

Pale, white, snake god - Will come from the East and will lead to a rebirth of Aztec culture

What is the Encomienda system?

Plantations in Hispanola with Amerindian labor, growing sugar. The encomenderos ask for land (encomienda), Spanish Monarchs give them both land + natives + native labor.

What actually happened between John Smith and Pocahontas

Pocahontas was 13, John Smith was in his 30s Actual storyline: -John Smith was taken prisoner and held for 8 weeks. -He then was brought to a long house -He is pushed to the ground and the chief says "kill him" -At which point Pocahontas runs and stops him from killing John Smith -Was this really true? Would they actually kill him? -Historians now believe that he would have been ceremonially killed so that he would be reborn as a new member of society

What are the commonalities within Native American religion

Polytheistic and a strong belief that the gods were forces of nature.

Religion of Incas

Polytheistic and believed in gods based on natural forces; the King is a reincarnation of Inti the Sun God

Religion of Aztecs

Polytheistic with gods based on natural forces and believed in human sacrifices; religious leaders at the top as well

Religion of Mayans

Polytheistic, had gods based on natural forces; Human sacrifices and priests were held with same regard as Kings

In 1493, who created the Line of Demarcation?

Pope Alexander VI

Who was Prince Henry the Navigator?

Portuguese supporter of exploration, started a navigation school, revolutionary in promoting having a cartographer on every ship and using the caravel type ship

What system of heredity is Spain operating off of?

Primogeniture - the eldest born male gets all the $$$ and land.

Record keeping of Incas

Quipus Knots

major city of the Olmecs

San Lorenzo

How did Elizabeth I solve the Privateers problem?

She decided that England needed to have a rest-stop colony in the new world.

What happens to Pocahontas (real name Matoaka) when she is captured by the English and Lord De La Warr?

She marries John Rolfe, converts to christianity, changes her name to Rebecca, and goes to England where she later dies of disease.

As the African immune system evolved, what disease began to emerge in the cells?

Sickle cell anemia


Spanish-born, came to Latin America; ruled, highest social class.

When did the first Roanoke colony ship leave?

Spring 1885

What are the 3 ships that the VA Company of London sends to the new world?

Susan Constant, Godspeed, and Discovery

Which people did Columbus come upon?

Taino people

Main city of Aztecs

Tenochtitlan (Exactly below Mexico City right now)

Main Cultivation Method of Incas

Terrace farming for food since mountainous

Why did Massachusetts become settled in a much smoother (and less deadly) process than Jamestown?

They were much better equipped with supplies and food. One could also argue that they saw the disaster of Jamestown before leaving and thus knew to be peaceful with the natives and bring a tonnnnn of supplies

What was the economic situation of Spain and Portugal in the early part of exploration?

They were very wealthy, and the monarchies were wealthy enough so they can finance expeditions on their own so there was little public involvement

How did Animism work?

This is a religion within many areas of Africa. Main beliefs: - Polytheistic - Deities/Spirits lived in the earth, animals, and plants - Ancestor worship - Shaman were religious leaders -Divine kingship -Pottery and artisanal work used in religious events.

How does La Malinche help Cortez?

Through her, the Spanish learn that the native tribes hate the Aztecs

How did the Line of Demarcation shift in 1494?

Treaty of Tordesailles

Written Language of Incas

Trick question: had none just an oral tradition

Who was the leader of the Anglo-Powhatan War of 1622-1632 for the Powhatan?

Uncle of Pocahontas, Opechancanough

Where does Cortez land?

Vera Cruz, Mexico - Plants the Spanish flag and the cross

Why did Cortez arrive in the New World?

Wanted easy money and to make the New World rich

What ruins have we found of the Hohokam?

We have found irrigation canals

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