Theology Midterm

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t or f? Christ is the true son of David and the heir to the throne is a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies by the Incarnation and birth of Christ


t or f? Christ was born in Bethlehem the hometown of David is a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies by the Incarnation and birth of Christ


t or f? Gentiles were invited to become part of God's holy people is a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies by the Incarnation and birth of Christ.


t or f? God would bestow on Abraham a kingship and a name


t or f? God would give Abraham a land and a nation


t or f? God would grant Abraham and Sarah long lives and peaceful deaths in the promised land


t or f? God would make Abraham and his descendants a blessing for all nations


t or f? Instead of sacrificing his son Isaac, Abraham offered up a bull as a burnt offering to God


t or f? The Holy Family fled to Egypt until the death of Herod is a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies by the Incarnation and birth of Christ


t or f? Under the Mosaic Law the Israelites redeemed, every firstborn son from God through the prayer and penance of his parents


the _____ is the key component that gives every human person his or her exalted dignity and reflects the divine life


the proper integration of sexuality according to a peron's state in life


true or false? Human beings and angels are the only two of God's creatures to have both material and spiritual existence.


true or false? The promise of a redeemer was well understood by the time of Christ's Birth, having been revealed by God to his chosen people over the centuries


true or false? The word became flesh to allow people to share in the Divine Life


true or false? The word became flesh to make expiation for Sims to reconcile man with God


understood poorly by many, often equated with total abstention from sexual activity


By making available abundant ________, Christ's Redemption gives everyone the capacity to become like God by participation in the Divine Life


By virtue of this, Christians have the hope of also rising with Christ on the Last Day


Christ suffered mental, mortal, and physical agony in this garden, where he prayed after the Lat Supper but before his arrest

Good Thief

Christ's consoling words to his criminal reveal that the gates of heaven were on the verge of being opened at the Crucifixion

Adam, Eve

Christ, the New ______, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, the New _____, cooperated with God the Father to bring about a remedy for sin caused by the disobedience of the first Adam and Eve


On this day, fifty days after Passover, the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and other disciples


One of the Sacraments of Initiation; it equips the recipient for worship and apostolic life in the Church

creationism, literalistic

People who hold to the error of scientific ________ fail to account for the Bible's literary genres and contexts, leaading them, for example, to make false, ______ interpretations about the Creation narratives.


Pontius Pilate ordered that this punishment be inflicted upon Christ in a failed attempt to placate the people who were demanding his crucifixion


Even the __________ of the Messiah was part of the Father's Plan of Salvation since his only Son had to suffer at the hands of the very people he came to save before he could rise and Liberate the world from sin


For a person to grow in his or her likeness to Christ, it is essential to practice that the ___________virtues of faith hope and love


God gave our first parents __________ gifts, which included immunity from sickness, suffering, and death as well as freedom from disordered appetites and passions.


In The Sermon on the Mount, Christ gave his disciples the _________ a kind of manual to reach true spiritual greatness


In his covenant with ______, God promised to never again curse the ground because of humans and destroy the world by flood


In the creation narrative in the Book of ______, we learn that God is the origin of all creation, has made human beings his stewards of all creation, calls humans to share in his creative power, created our first parents in a state of marriage


Isaiah referred to God often as the redeemer, or _______, in Hebrew- of his people. Such a person typically the nearest relative who would come to his family's rescue in several matters.


The Archangel ________ visited the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Annunciation to reveal to her that God was calling her to a crucial role in his Plan of Redemption


The Bible is _____ because God, who is its principal Author, can neither deceive nor be deceived


The Bible is ______ because the Holy Spirit guided the sacred authors to write what he wanted and nothing more


The Blessed Virgin Mary's obedience overturned ______'s disobedience to God's Will and serves as a model for every disciple of Christ


The Nativity took place in Bethlehem, a small town outside of __________________ where Christ was born in poverty and humility


The Sacrament by which Christ forgives sins; this power was passed on to his Apostles, who passed it on to their successors down to the present day


The Sacrament by which a baptized man and woman are joined in an intimate union of life and love

Holy Orders

The Sacrament of Apostolic Ministry by which the mission entrusted by Christ to his Apostles continues to be excercised in the Church through the laying on of hands


The Tower of Babel was a symbol of human _______ and inordinate confidence in human power


The ____ books of the Bible relate to the story of how God's plan of salvation has unfolded throughout history

Old Testament

The _______ ______________ covenants prepared the chosen people for the Messiah and prefigured the new and definitive covenant establsihed by Christ


The __________ - Greek for "First Gospel" - is found in Genesis 3:15, wherein the promise of a redeemer is announced for the first time


The __________ sense of Scripture shows how people and events in salvation history foreshadow and parallel future people or events


The ____________ sense of Scrpture interprets the heroes of the Bible as models for life


The ________________ were freed from the bondage of slavery and they became God's own people under his covenant


The center of Roman government in a province,e.g., where Christ was brought before Pontius Pilate

divine economy

The covenant with Noah included a new "_________ _____________" by which God dealt thereafter with the different groups of the human race dispersed throughout the world


The crowd demanded the release of this prisoner rather than Christ


The entry of Christ's humanity into divine glory forty days after his Resurrection


The flood is a type of the Sacrament of _________ through which sin is destroyed

labor, dominon

The human vocation to _______ is part of our call to participate in God's creative power and to excercise ______ over creation


The imitation of Christ is based upon his model of _____ verbalized in the greatest commandment

divine, God's

The original state of human beings was marked by a share in the _________ life a clear awareness of __________'s presence

mind and will

The original state of human beings was marked by self-mastery of the ______ and the _______

happiness and harmony

The original state of human beings was marked by: perfect ____________ and _____________ with God and all creation

full of grace

The phrase " _____ ___ __________" is used nowhere else in scripture as a form of address except to the Blessed Virgin Mary underscoring her unique and special role in Salvation history


The physical sign of God's covenant with Abraham is _____________


The prophet ________ foretold that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem the city of David


The redemption that was won for us by Christ was necessary in order to restore the true _____ of God within us


The ruling council of the Jews, before whom Christ was put on trial


The wedding Feast at ____ is a type of the wedding feast of the Lamb wherein Christ gives his Body and Blood to his Church his Bride


These people "were the authors and the ministers of all the sufferings that the divine Redeemer endured"


This high priest argued that one man (Chrst) should die in order to preserve the Jewish nation


Through the _________ God made himself radically accessible revealing his love for his people


Through the __________ Mystery- the Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ- the human race is restored to God's original plan


Through the soul's ________ operations, the human person reflects the power of God and "images" the divine life in a finite way


Troubled upon hearing that the Blessed Virgin Mary was with child, Saint Joseph considered how you might break off their ___________ quietly


True or false? Making the Holy Spirit descend upon him in the form of a dove at his baptism was the first miracle that Christ performed


True or false? The Word became flesh to destroy the power of the devil, death, and sin


True or false? The imitation of Christ is achievable on our own efforts alone


True or false? The word became flesh to eliminate human suffering


Under the Mosaic Law a family would give a small gift, or "ransom", called a kopher for the __________ son to be "redeemed" from his consecration by a Levite priest


We become a ________ in the Divine Life through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit


When we take a "_____/_____" approach to Scripture, we acknowledge that the Bible tells us all we need to know for the sake of our salvation, the Bible reveals truths using language about the physical world that is not scientifc, the way in which truths are transmitted in the Bible has something to teach us

St. Charles Borromeo

___ _______________ ___________ is famous for having developed the catechism that became the basis for Catholic instruction for centuries and reform the Archdiocese of Milan providing an example for all Bishops


according to the Catechism, each divine Person of the Blessed Trinity performs the common work of creation according to the unique ______ property


allied to charity because both are directed twoard the gift of self


essential to fostering true friendships, which build up community and spiritual communion

Passion of Christ

Meditating on the _________ ___ __________ teaches us charity, teaches us obedience, teaches us prayer and presents us with Christ's most moving and powerful sermon


"Those who plunge themselves into disorders and crimes (do this act to) the Son of God anew in their hearts"


A form of execution in which a person is nailed or otherwise affixed to a cross and left to die, usually of asphyxiation (the state of being deprived of oxygen)


A member of the Sanhedrin who followed Christ secretly


A person who is sick or ill receives the Sacrament in which this action is performed upon his or her head and hands with blessed oil


No person ever has been or ever will be outside the reach of this

patriarchs, judges, prophets

After God's covenant with Abraham had initiated the formation of a people who were chosen to worship the one true God, the Lord revealed himself and his will through the ___________, ____________, and ______________ of his chosen people


Although many modern people claim to write _____ history- "just the facts" - every human account of history is ______


An efficacious sign of garce, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed through the work of the Holy Spirit

Upper Room

Another name for the Cenacle, where Christ and the Apostles celebrated the Last Supper and where the first Christians gathered before Pentecost


As God had not forsaken Adam and Eve after the fall, God protected ________ by promising a sevenfold punishment on anyone who might slay him

Simeon, Anna

At the presentation in the Temple, the holy man ______ and the mystic woman ________ both recognized the baby Jesus as the Messiah

image and likeness

Bearing the ______ and ________ of God means that, every human person has a rational soul with the spiritual powers of intellect and will and humans represent the summit of creation

Original Sin

Because of the infinite seriousness of _______________ ______, reparation could not have been made by any finite being.


Becuase God sees history _____________, the Bible concentrates on the people who were important for advancing his plan of redemption for the World


Referring to Joseph as Christ's foster-father doesnt detract from his role within the Holy Family but does clarify Christ's ________ origin


Scripture first to st. Joseph as a "_______ man" meaning a holy man who was faithful to God's will


Scripture makes frequent reference to God's messengers, the ______, who have cooperated in God's plan of salvation for his people since the very beginning.


St. John the Baptist explained that while his own baptism was with "water for ___________" , the one who was to come after him would baptize "with the Holy Spirit and with fire"

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