Traffic school yas

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impaired emotions

8.7: Aggressive driving takes place, when a driver drives under the influence of .................

drive at the same speed as the officer but keep a safe distance from the patrol vehicle ahead of you.

11.9: When you see a traffic break being conducted by a law enforcing officer, you should ....

a skid, correct

1:9: Electronic Stability Control system in cars allows the vehicle to automatically sense .... and immediately initiate system control to assist the driver to .... the situation.


2.1: A person need not be seriously injured to suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

99 billion

2.2: The Center for Disease Control and Prevention in a 2015 report stated that the cost of medical care and productivity losses alone due to vehicle crash injuries was over $.... .

Post traumatic Stress Disorder

2.3: When involved in a collision, the worst case scenario for a driver is having psychological symptoms known as PTSD which may last for several months and induce debilitating impairment in their social, occupational, or other important aspects of their daily life. What does PTSD stands for ?


2.4: Motor vehicle crashes account for .... percent of all traumatic brain injury .

20, 40

2.5: Motor vehicle collisions may cause your car insurance to increase up about .....% to ......% within the next 6 months, even if it was not your fault. The discounts you had built up over the years will practically disappear.


2.6: An average DUI costs about .... by the time you pay bail, fines, fees and insurance, even though you have not injured anyone or caused any property damage.


2.7: A driver having minor driving impairment can still drive safely.

check weather, road conditions

3.10: If you are going to take a long trip, before leaving home, ..... and ...... so you can time your trip appropriately and choose the safest route.


3.1: There are ... basic areas of operating space around our vehicle.


3.2: Being courteous can go along way to help you avoid collisions and keep traffic moving in an orderly fashion.


3.3: During winter, drivers face less difficulties with snow than water. Snow is a lighter substance, and the tires have to work less to move through it and find traction with the road surface.


3.4: If you are a skillful and careful driver, and your car is in perfect condition, you do not have to worry about weather and road conditions when you drive.


3.5: At 80 mph in water as low as 0.08-inch deep, even good tire treads may cause a vehicle to skid.


3.6: A child left alone in a motor vehicle can unintentionally set your car in motion even if the engine is not running.


3.7: Hydroplaning can occur on any wet road surface, especially on the first few minutes of a light rain, which can be the most dangerous.


3.8: If another driver violates traffic laws and insists on the right-of-way, let him have the right-of-way, even though it is yours.

low to the ground

3.9: Scanning .... .... assists you in identifying signs that might indicate hidden hazards, such as children between parked cars or potholes


4.1: A pedestrian cannot walk outside of a business or residential district, otherwise than close to his or her left-hand edge of the roadway.


4.2: Because a pedestrian has the right-of-way across a crosswalk, a pedestrian may take as long as he or she wants to cross a marked or unmarked crosswalk.

500, 1,000

4.3: The driver of any vehicle approaching a totally or partially blind pedestrian with a white cane or using a guide dog, who fails to yield the right-of-way, or take all reasonably necessary precautions to avoid injuring the blind pedestrian, is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a jail term not exceeding six months, or by a fine of $..... to $....., or both(CVC Section 21963).


4.5: When a pedestrian is crossing a roadway, not using a pedestrian tunnel or overhead pedestrian crossing provided at the location where the pedestrian is crossing, the pedestrian has a right-of-way over a vehicle driving through which constitutes an immediate hazard.

Rapid decision making, good judgment and well developed driving skills

5.10: What are the three demands of safe, successful passing in driving?


5.1: Changing lanes requires processing information of what goes on around your vehicle, and making a safe decision far in advance.


5.2: Drivers braking too hard or suddenly at a high rate of speed can lock all their four wheels and cause their cars to skid.


5.3: You should know when your car runs off the pavement, as your wheels will have ...... traction because two wheels are on the pavement and the other two are on gravel.


5.4: Research has shown that it is not difficult to judge the distance and speed of a moving object


5.5: The safety of passing maneuvers relies on the ability of the passing driver to make two key judgments: * The decision whether to initiate a passing maneuver, and * The decision whether to continue or abort a passing maneuver .


5.6: In a rear wheel skid, you would use your right foot to gently step on your gas pedal, while at the same time, gently apply the brakes with the left foot.

twice, 1,600 feet

5.7: At highway speeds of 50 to 55 mph you need a 10 to 12 second gap. At 55 mph you will be traveling a distance of over 800 feet in 10 to 12 seconds. So will an oncoming vehicle. You will, therefore, need ..... the amount of space, that is over......feet (roughly a third of a mile,) to allow you to perceive, react, stop, change speeds, swerve, etc., whenever necessary when traveling at such a speed on the highway.


5.8: When you see opposing traffic is too close when a passing maneuver is only partially completed, you should press hard on your accelerator to make sure you can pass through safely.


5.9: At highway speed of 50 to 55 mph, you should SCAN FOR HAZARDS at least .... feet ahead. Check side and rear-view mirrors for vehicles approaching from behind. Make sure that there is no traffic approaching fast from the rear. Does the approaching traffic appear to be stationary? Maintain a safety cushion with the vehicle about to be passed.


6.10: The easiest way to avoid lingering in the "No Zone" is to look for the large vehicle driver's reflection in the side mirror. Generally speaking, if you cannot see their faces in the side mirror of these large vehicles, the drivers of these large vehicles cannot also see you.

three, 4-5

6.1: In adverse weather conditions where the roads become slippery, you should slow down and increase the ...... second space cushion to the front to .....seconds, so as to allow yourself enough time to react in a situation where traction is not so good.


6.2: When traveling in California, because the weather is mild, you need not plan your trip or make sure you know the road and weather condition in advance.


6.3: When being tailgated, you should leave a following space cushion ahead of you of at least .... seconds.


6.4: When planning for a long road trip, the most basic items you should have is at least four roadside flares or several reflectors, two quarts of oil, small first aid kit, pocketknife, ice scraper, extra fuses, tire inflator, tire pressure gauge, flashlight, some rags, a gallon of antifreeze, warm clothing, flashlight and extra batteries, screwdrivers and a blanket.


6.5: When an SUV or a big rig or a van is blocking your view in front, you should leave a space cushion of .... seconds in front of your vehicle.

tripling, nine

6.6: When driving in very poor weather conditions when visibility is very bad, for example in heavy rain, heavy fog, or heavy snow, you should immediately start .... the three-second rule to ..... seconds to ensure a safe following distance.


6.7: Always ride your brakes when approaching an intersection.

speed, placement

6.8: To control space to the front of a vehicle, a driver can adjust the..... and ...... of his vehicle when intending to stop, and while in motion.


6.9: ALWAYS .... TRIP, if road and weather conditions become hazardous.


7.1: The maximum speed limit in California of 65 mph applies to all vehicles.


7.2: The maximum speed limit for residential districts is the same for business districts


7.3: On rainy days, as long as you drive not more than 5 mph above a posted speed limit you should be fine in terms of safety.


7.4: If you are cited for dangerous driving above 100 mph, you license will be suspended for a first offense.

65 mph

7.5: What is the maximum speed limit in California?

balancing risk with safety.

8.1: An extremely critical aspect of driving is the driver's competence in ..............


8.2: NHTSA defines aggressive driving as when individuals commit a combination of moving traffic offenses so as to endanger other persons or property. Can excessive speed be considered as aggressive driving too?


8.3: The first step in overcoming road rage is acknowledging the feelings of impatience, frustration, anger and intolerance that you are experiencing.


8.4: Supportive driving recognizes that driving is a group activity and drivers are to some extent responsible for each other's needs.


8.5: Research shows that aggressive drivers injure two to four times more people than drunk drivers.


8.6: Speeding, weaving, or unsafe passing should not be considered as aggressive driving, as long as you are not willfully or wantonly disregarding the safety of others.


9.1: Using a cellular telephone hands free is not distracting to a driver leaving him or her free to concentrate on his or her driving.


9.2: Talking on the phone has become a way of life for all of us. A survey by Prevention Magazine in 2011 reported that ..... percent of the 100 million cell-phone subscribers in the U.S. talk regularly on the cellular phone while driving.


10.5: High beams are recommended to be used when driving in precipitation such as fog, rain or snow.


7.6: It is legal to drive at any speed as long as it is not above the maximum speed limit.

25 mph

7.7: What is the maximum speed limit in residential districts?


7.8: A study in Virginia found the fatality rate for wrong-way collisions on controlled-access highways to be ..... times that of other types of collisions.


4.4: Crossing a roadway between adjacent intersections controlled by traffic control signal devices or by police officers, where a crosswalk is not present is legal.


9.3: Studies showed that though the use of a hands-free kit was effective to some extent, there was still a delay in information processing by the driver. Therefore, using a cellular telephone, hands free or not, will be distracting as there is a delay in processing information from the exterior, and this can be a contributory factor in vehicle collisions .

35, 12

9.4: Studies have shown that reaction time of drivers who text deteriorate by ....%, as compared to a ......% deterioration of reaction time for DUI, and 21% for those using marijuana (NHTSA 2017)


9.5: Non-technological distractions such as eating, and drinking are not the cause of most traffic crashes.


9.6: Texting while driving presents the greatest relative risk in driver distraction.


11.6: It is always dangerous to pass another vehicle where someone is likely entering or crossing the road.


11.7: In passing, when in doubt as to whether the passing sight distance before a "No Passing Zone" is sufficient enough to pass safely, you should abort the decision to pass.


11.8: In city driving you should leave a space between you and the car ahead even when stopped for a light.

Adaptive Headlights

1.10: Headlights which follow the direction of the vehicle around corners, are called.......

a licensing and education system for drivers, and a registration system for all motor vehicles that are being operated on California's highways.

1.1: The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), with the objective of ensuring that motor vehicles are used safely and properly on roadways with the concern of the safety of all road-users, has institutionalized and legalized ...

at an appropriate speed and force; size and weight

1.2: Modern airbag technology allows the airbag to be deployed .... appropriate with the severity of an impact and is also able to take into account the.... of a passenger in the deployment.


1.3: In order to ensure the smooth movement of all road users and to reduce collisions or incidents, there need to be traffic..... and rules of the road governing the use of the roadways.


1.4: Ford's new inflated car seat belts are said to distribute the impact energy across ... times more of the occupant's torso than a normal seat belt, thus expanding its coverage of protection, and lowering the risk of injury


1.5: If you have an automated tire-pressure monitoring system (PMS), you do not need to check your tire pressure any more.

changing driver behavior.

1.6: Current driver education is structured around proven defensive driving techniques and, most importantly, it focuses on........


1.7: ABS brake systems in cars prevent wheel lockup when you brake hard, thus enabling you to maintain steering control, and are often now enhanced with a traction control system.

because of changing traffic conditions or technology

1.8: Traffic laws are being updated continuously .... in order to make the road safer.


10.1: Brake lights are often used to warn drivers behind you that there may be potential hazards ahead and that they should be prepared to stop.

200-300, obstructed view

10.2: If your vehicle breaks down where there is an obstructed view, such as a hillside or curve, place the flare .... feet behind your vehicle, and one further down behind the ....


10.3: If you are 16 1/2 years of age, and do not wear a seat belt while in a vehicle that is being operated on a highway, you will not be held responsible as the driver of the vehicle is responsible to see that you wear a safety belt.


10.4: The law mandates that the minimum legal tread depth of a tire should be .... of an inch.

30, 30

10.6: The law mandates that you turn your headlights on .... minutes after the sunset and leave them on .... minutes before sunrise.


11.10: Maintaining a steady speed helps prevent you from sliding out of control when road conditions lead to a loss in traction, such as hitting an icy patch of roadway.


11.1: The driver of a commercial motor vehicle transporting hazardous material when approaching a railroad grade crossing, should stop at least ...... feet from the nearest track and should check in both directions of the track for signals or sounds of an approaching train while stopped.


11.2: When driving in snow or rain, drive in the tracks of the vehicle ahead.


11.3: In freezing weather, shaded areas such as bridges and trees tend to freeze last and thaw first because of the cooler temperatures provided by the shades of these structures.

facing downhill

11.4: When a road or lane narrows to a one lane road where neither vehicle can safely pass, the vehicle ........must yield and if necessary back his or her vehicle to a position where it is possible for the other vehicles to pass.

excessive speed, sudden (heavy) braking

11.5: A driver using .... while negotiating into a hazard, such as a corner or a curve, and .... with a rear-wheel drive vehicle, will destabilize his or her vehicle, causing the rear wheels to break free.

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