Train Go Sorry notes

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- deaf teacher - started at Lexington and went to Gallaudet. ➢ Got a degree from Columbia University - leader in student government. ➢ Star athlete ad qualified for the deaf Olympics

alec naiman

- pilot - travelled the world - went to Lexington. ➢ Tutored Leah once a week in ASL (focused on grammar) ➢ They talked a lot about travelling ➢ At the end of their lessons Leah gave Alec a Peters Projection of the World ➢ Leah later went on to travel the country ➢ Alec would take Leah flying every weekend. ➢ Alec was married to a hearing woman for 11 years and divorced. He would think twice before marrying another. ➢ Alec was mainstreamed after being oralized at Lexington. He graduated from a hearing college and learned ASL in his 20s.

why did leah attend lexington school for the deaf

-at 5 years old leah felt left out since she was hearing because she understood the language of the teacher -her classmates were only praised when they reproduced a sound correctly- learning the language -leah could over-hear her teacher while others could not

ASL satisfies... in order for deaf people to not be disabled...

ASL satisfies the foreign language requirement in high schools in Albany. Lexington requires teachers who aren't proficient to take classes. In order for deaf people to not be disabled, society's definition of "normal" would need to change. Mainstreaming is the greatest threat because people see that has giving the deaf fair treatment.

irene leigh

Irene Leigh - Knows both sides and advocates 3rd point of view. She understands to reach a solution you need to understand the emotional stakes in the tug of war over deaf children.

facts about james

James auditions to be the knight who tries to save Rapunzel; he falls from the tower and goes blind. He allows everyone to see himself so vulnerable. ➢ He comes from and extremely poor home. ➢ He got the role of Prince Charming in the play. ➢ He moved to Lexington 4 years after he started there. ➢ Being Deaf has offered him opportunities that his siblings missed out on: room with furniture, laundry facility, and dinner with 2 servings. ➢ Most prized possession was his radio cassette player (reggae and rap).

james is applying for college but...

James is applying to college but he cannot write in proper English. Adele - his guidance counselor - helps him edit his essay to get into a 2-year vocational school for the deaf in New Jersey. He actually applies to National Technical Institute for the Deaf. James always leaves his fate to whoever is commanding him. There starts to be some realization that neglecting ASL is neglecting childhood during the talk about IEPs and testing.

all about james

James went to public school for Pre-K, then became deaf and went to RID in Bronx where he met Paul. He became deaf because of bacterial meningitis but mother said it was because of a dog. James remembers that he either fell or it was because of a bad fever. James can only hear lawn mowers or jet planes without hearing aids. James always loses his hearing aids (Medicaid will cover new pair). James gets sent to the hearing department in the hospital so he can get his Medicaid referral, but when he gets back to Lexington he is told that he was recommended for a cochlear implant. ➢ There is this whole debate between the Deaf and the medical world. ➢ If implant doesn't work the damage to the ear in irreversible. ➢ Doctors trying to cure deafness is attacking their self worth as deaf people and absconding with the communities most valued and cherished resource; deaf children = their future. ➢ James got recommended even though he has some hearing with an aid. ➢ Also he should no be a candidate because of the bacterial meningitis. ➢ Doctors do not understand the cultural aspect of getting a Cochlear Implant. Audiologists at Lexington realize there was a mistake and James trip was a waste. He just needed to be tested for a new hearing aid.

king jordan

King Jordan - first deaf president of Gallaudet - became deaf as a young adult. He came to Lexington for a seminar about mainstreaming and other deaf political debates. ➢ Oscar facilitates others having the right to be heard and he just listens. ➢ KJ said, "The center of the deaf community has always been the schools. The importance of their role cannot be underestimated." ➢ Every deaf person deserves the deaf clap.

What is her name


leah and alec

Leah tells Alec how she feels about him. They hang out until he leaves for the study abroad program, but he comes back much later than planned. He went to Lebanon to videotape deaf people stuck in war. Leah got an internship at NTID Her communication with Alec is a mixture of English and ASL. Leah is slowly learning ASL

bonnie singer

Leah's mentor - learned that a little awkward ASL is normal because it is learned later in life.

oscar has an...

Oscar has an intimidating appearance around the school. He is telling a story to 4 elementary school kids, Oscar is taking more risks as he gets older; being an agitator. When he first became principal he was cautious and patient. Now he is urgent and isn't afraid to get things done.

richard stoker

Richard Stoker - went to oral school and advocates for it.

sam supalla

Sam Supalla - Grew up signing and advocates for it.

sofia decides...

Sofia decides she is going to go to Gallaudet and her parents just have to trust her that she will love both her culture and her biological family's

sofia is helping with the yearbook as a...

Sofia is helping with the yearbook as a junior intern. ➢ Sofia is a top student but you can see the problems with communication based on oral education. ➢ Sofia's mother disagrees with her going to college because she doesn't want her to lose her sense of obligation to the family and become engulfed by deaf culture (root of all their arguments). ➢ How can she balance a commitment to her family's culture with the pull she feels towards the deaf culture? Sofia is given all this responsibility at a young age. ➢ School obligations → yearbook ➢ Raising Irina her deaf sister The story of Sofia being deaf... ➢ Her mother noticed she was unresponsive and the doctor confirmed her hearing impairment. Her grandmother suggested a special school. ➢ Through connections, Leningrad was discovered (oral school). ➢ After having two deaf daughters the mom stopped having children because she would rather have no kids than deaf ones. ➢ Sofia acknowledges the hardships they've both been through and tells her mom she is proud to be deaf. ➢ Something sparked and her mom SIGNED 'thank you'.

sofia's junior class...

Sofia's junior class is going to D.C. for two days to stay with MSSD ➢ 6-1-1 sit in front with non ASL teachers ➢ Fluent signers all conjugate in the back and joke/tease in ASL

story of james

Story of James' life is the story of missed connections. ➢ James is getting his academic diploma and goes to honors banquet ➢ His best friend Paul reminds him of his degenerate brother ➢ During the banquet he thinks about what he has accomplished and the life he left behind that got him to where he is today. ➢ He tries visiting his brother a second time and he is in court again. James finally sees his brother on the third attempt and realizes Joseph is the one who missed the boat, not him.

All about Sofia

The day Sofia's Bat Mitzvah she got her period, which means she's impure. The mother was opposed but the father grew on the idea. In Russia they had to hide their Judaism religion. Rabbi Donna Berman → Class met once a week. Sofia Knows five languages: Russian, English, ASL, Russian SL, and Hebrew. Sofia calls the rabbi in the morning but gets the machine. She is distracted all day by what the Rabbi will say to her. ➢ The Rabbi says that her period is a God-given gift and is still ok to have the Bat Mitzvah but knows her parents might object so she leaves the decision up to Sofia. Sofia has her Bat Mitzvah on Chanukah = religious freedom. Rabbi invites a bunch of strangers. Sofia invited only a few people. Rabbi Donna gives a beautiful speech Sofia.

when at gallaudet

They get to Gallaudet and are amazed at everything; all the deaf space, the culture, etc. ➢ The deaf community is so tight that they recognize people while they are sitting eating lunch. ➢ Joanie has been the tour guide around Washington D.C. and in this moment Sofia begins thinking that she might want to become a social studies teacher.

alec requests...

a poem from the wish man. the wish man is an old city character

When did leah family move

after 7 years and thats when she started using ASL - she signed when bored, sad, etc -always wished to be deaf -wanted the feeling of exclusion

all the grad students...

are going to play the night before they are to leave and study abroad in england and sweden

deaf administrators...

aren't proficient in english

oscar never...

aspired to work at lexington, it just happened. 5 students for their deaf studies class interviewed him

frannie became a..

became deaf as a child because of a sickness. ➢ Her memory is confused because she is only available to the info that somebody has told her (ex. Three ways she thought she became deaf). ➢ She grew up attending an oral school but doesn't remember childhood. ➢ Nobody wanted her to get with Sam because he was a deaf-Mute ➢ Frannie was an amazing mother and everyone hater on her because she was deaf and thought she couldn't properly raise hearing kids. ➢ Sam's family even named her sons because they thought she was unfit. Frannie lives in Florida now and is doing fine. She goes to deaf meetings and clubs and has a volunteer job. Frannie is related to the people at the place she volunteers (Alzheimer patients) because of experiences she has not been able to have because she is deaf.

leah fell in love with interpreting because...

because it was a sense that everyone was able to share something (communication). ➢ She wasn't sure if she would feel comfortable ethically to become an interpreter. ➢ She first interpreted for the play rehearsals at NTID. She failed at reading finger spelt names. ➢ Slowly her skills flourished and she understood a lot. It is the internal conflict that interpreters face.

why are goodbyes long?

because its the only time the deaf feel connected to their languages

1960's rubella disease

caused a wave of deaf babies to be born ➢ Same time ASL was pronounced a legitimate language ➢ These events began to affect educational philosophy and also a demand for respect, recognition, and rights for the deaf. 1988 - Deaf President Now movement → Deaf Way meeting 1 year later. ➢ American with disabilities Act: protects the deaf against discrimination. 1990s - Famous deaf actors are recognized and awarded ➢ ASL classes emerged all over the united states ➢ New technology sprouted and deaf people can partake in society like never before. ➢ New technology (CI) are causing the deaf community to shrink. Oscar meets with Mr. Connor (the previous superintendent) for lunch. ➢ Leah goes along and compares the two men. ➢ Mr. Connor chose Oscar because he was stubborn and intelligent.

what can't be taken for granted while deaf?

cultural literacy -while students in hearing school learn fairytales, deaf students are learning to speak and read lips


deaf but can hear with his right ear over 118 decibels -wear a lot of gold -came from st. josephs for the deaf in the bronx -started at lexington -first year he was always failing and second year he was an honors student -emergency assembly was the story of his life

melissa dragnac

deaf student- student president -was mainstreamed until 3rd grade and then went to lexington

leah was a freelance interpreter for 2 months and...

felt so hallow, her only meaning was to conduct other messages. ➢ RID wasn't certifying until 1972, interpreters before then weren't recognized for their services or as a profession.

who was lexington founded by

founded by the Rosenfields who had a daughter that became deaf in infancy - 1870 it started as an oral school. ➢ Oral school is not good fro every deaf student and helps students fend for themselves in the real world. ➢ Can't remain as an oral school if it wants to meet the needs of the city's deaf children.


from jamaica- never went to school (10 yrs old)

Sofia Normatoy

from russia, went to an oral school RSD in russia -has good oral schools and fluent in russian and russian sign language -within 2 months she switched to a regular high school

gianina and walkiria

from the dominican republic. walkiria and irina were classmates

what are her grandparents names

gfather- sam-russian-deaf gmother-frannie-from romania-deaf

communication committee

goal is to come up with a communication policy. Two Factors that are changing Lexington's Oral School Ways ➢ 1960s politics determined ASL as a valid language. (Schools tried and failed) ➢ Change in student population (original students were privileged to go to oral school to keep up with hearing world.)

four people are...

going to talk to the department of education to save lexington from closing -mainstreaming has become the new trend -its a new thing that the deaf only hire the deaf -if the school closes, they lose the culture that the deaf share

sam cohen

grandpa who had an amazing relationship with his grandkids, as if he was hearing➢ Even as his body ages, his hands stay vital and strong. ➢ His name sign is "dddy" or thumb and pointer above the temple and rub together. ➢ Most conversing moment she had with Sam was their walk home in sync. Sam was a deaf student in Lexington. (Deaf-Mute) Graduated in 1928 but still couldn't find a job - asks school's help often. Uncle Max says grandpa just balled out after he graduated. Threw a party for Sam being accepted into the Hall of Fame of the NY State Athletic Association for the Deaf. Worked cutting cloth, but his true passion was basketball. Three years after the party grandpa Sam dies. Sam collapsed on the sidewalk and was taken to the hospital Oscar told the doctors he was Deaf and offered his services as an interpreter and provided them with phone numbers, The doctors avoided his calls, and nurses wouldn't let him see his father. Sam was moved to the fifteenth floor with no explanation. Frannie goes to see him at the hospital and finds out he has died. The Hospital treated the Deaf like Garbage.

deaf peddler

handing out yellow cards for money

paul escobar

hard of hearing- grew up knowing james (17 years old) every few years students hearing gets tested


hearing - the English teacher at Lexington She can sign and speak. She can be seen as the example of how to bridge ASL and English. She uses ASL to teach English. Sofia is in this Class.


hearing thinks and functions too much in the hearing world


hearing- administrator of lexington -hearing people react to oscars quick interpretation as rude and they do not understand

Who in Leah's family is deaf

her grandparents

train go sorry

missed the boat - missed connections = lost opportunities

what is leah fathers name?

oscar- hearing- grew up signing and working with the deaf

strong deaf

political social involvement attitude in deaf community


sofia's little sister- deaf in america the daughters had to adjust with having deaf kids

where was leah taken after birth

straight to lexington school for the deaf even though she was hearing. she feels the desire of being bound to the deaf

marcy rosenbaum

teacher believing in oral education - teaches the older students there are 4 to 5 different languages in this class


teacher who has no tolerance for signing

what is oralism

teaching deaf children to speak and read lips

color olympics

the day before a two-week vacation and its filled with 6 hours of activities

what happened to lexington in the late 1960's?

they prohibited ASL. they use oralism

deaf president now

what rules gallaudet was enforcing almost set a standard for other deaf schools to follow

james, who is...

who is black, has a younger brother named Joseph. Joseph is a degenerate and is in jail. James goes to visit him alone but he is in court that day.

lexington center board vs. lexington school board

➢ Came around when Oscar was selected superintendent (he recruited the school board members). ➢ Oscar feels vulnerable as superintendent because he is hearing and there has been political uprising in the deaf community about deaf job opportunities.

when they stopped at a rest stop for breakfast...

➢ With one hour left to Gally they play a game called Hunter-Deer-Person ➢ Deaf children are taught to hold in their laugh because it sounds ugly.

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