Tri 2: Extremities MORE Exam 1 Questions

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What is hidden by the deltoid?

Teres minor

What muscles are innervated by the axillary branch?

Teres minor Deltoid

What are the borders of the Triangular Space?

Teres minor Teres major Long head of triceps

What are the borders of the Quadrangular Space?

Teres minor Teres major Long head of triceps Humerus

What are the branch's of Part 2 axillary artery?

Thoracacromial trunk Lateral thoracic artery

What is produced by the compression the components of the brachial plexus, the subclavian artery, or the subclavian vein?

Thoracic outlet syndrome

What are the four walls of the axilla?

Three muscular One bony

____ contraction of the rotator cuff muscles help keep the humerus head in the glenoid cavity


What is the act of the interosseous membrane?

Transmit force from the hand to the humerus

What fracture may have significant proximal and distal displacement due to unopposed muscle action?

Transverse fracture

What is the large flat muscle that attaches the pectoral girdle to the trunk?


What are the 4 posterior appendicular muscles?

Trapezius and Latissimus dorsi (superficial) Levator scapulae and Rhomboids (deep)

What are the muscles of the Posterior Compartment of the Brachial Muscles?

Triceps Anconeus

On the distal part of the humerus what articulates with the Ulna?


What does the massive proximal end of the ulna articulate with?

Trochlea of humerus Head of radius

What do the coronoid process and olecranon process form? And what does it articulate with?

Trochlear notch Trochlea of humerus

may result from metastatic involvement of proximal brachial nodes or as a consequence of its treatment

UE lymphedema

What is the stabilizing bone of the forearm?


What are the BIG infraclavicular branches that come off the Medial cord? Little infraclavicular branches?

Ulnar and Medial Medial pectoral, medial brachial cutaneous, and medial antebrachial cutaneous

What infraclavicular branch follows the axillary artery into the arm to accompany the brachial artery- runs medial to the medial epicondyle and enters the ore arm between the ulnar and humeral heads of flexor carpi ulnaris?

Ulnar branch

A fracture of the humerus at the medial epicondyle can impact what nerve?

Ulnar nerve

What of the ulna is the attachment of the brachialis muscle?

Ulnar tuberosity

Thumb dermatome


3rd digit dermatome


middle brachial plexus trunk


where does the deep brachial artery branch off the brachial artery?

1-3 cm

the triangle of auscultation covers the intercostal space between ribs _____ and ______

6, 7

Thoracoacromial trunk branches

Acromial Deltoid Pectoral Clavicular

the acromial end of the clavicle articulates with the acromion of the scapula at the __________ joint


What does the lateral spine of the scapula flatten into?


the acromial (lateral) end of the clavicle articulates with the __________ at the acromioclavicular joint

Acromion of the scapula

When should a scaphoid fracture x-ray be repeated?

After 2 weeks

What divisions of the Brachial Plexus form the posterior cord?

All posterior divisions

What isolates the anterior and posterior compartment in the forearm?

Antebrachial fascia Interosseous membrane Intermuscular septa

Anterior divisions in the brachial plexus innervate the muscles of the ____ compartment in the arm and the forearm


the __________ wall of the axilla is formed by the Pectoralis major and minor and the clavicopectoral fascia


As the trunks of the Brachial plexus pass lateral to the 1st rib each trunk splits into ___ and ____ divisions as they pass beneath the clavicle and enter the _____ canal

Anterior Posterior Cervicoaxillary

4 muscles that move the pectoral girdle

Anterior axioappendicular muscles

What are the three distinct groups of the shoulder muscles?

Anterior axioappendicular muscles Posterior axioappednicular muscles Scapulohumeral muscles

the roots of the brachial plexus pass laterally between the __________ and _________ scalene muscles with the ___________ artery

Anterior/middle subclavian

What are the axillary borders?

Apex (roof) Base (floor) Four walls

What is at risk with a scaphoid fracture?

Avascular necrosis

__________ is a truncated pyramidal space located medial and inferior to the glenohumeral joint and superior to the axillary fascia located at the junction of the arm and thorax


What are the BIG infraclavicular branches that come off the Posterior cord? Little infraclavicular branches?

Axillary and Radial Upper/Lower subscapular and Thorascodorsal

What is an extension of the subclavian artery as it passes the lateral border of the 1st rib?

Axillary artery

What infraclavicular branch passes through the quadrangular space with posterior circumflex humeral artery, sends a cutaneous branch and branch to teres minor, then passes posterior to surgical neck and supplies deltoid m?

Axillary branch

__________ forms the floor of the axillary

Axillary fascia

What are the contents of the Quadrangular Space?

Axillary nerve Posterior circumflex humeral vessels

A fracture of the humerus at the surgical neck can impact what nerve and what artery?

Axillary nerve posterior circumflex humeral artery

What are the contents of the axilla?

Axillary sheath Lymphatics

What is formed by the skin, subcutaneous tissue and fascia extending from the upper extremity to the thorax?

Base of axilla

the __________ vein begins on the ulnar side of the venous plexus and course on the medial aspect of the foramen and arm piercing the brachial fascia to join the brachial vein and form the axillary vein


What has no direct attachment to humerus?

Biceps brachii

What is the strongest forearm flexor with forearm at 90 degrees and supinated and is the strongest forearm supinator with forearm at 90 degrees?

Biceps brachii

What does the axillary artery change into at the inferior border of the teres major?

Brachial artery

the _________ enshealthes the arm and attaches inferiorly to the epicondyle and olecranon

Brachial fascia

What is formed by the union of the anterior rami of C5-8 and T1?

Brachial plexus

Proximally to the axillary vein lays anteromedial to the artery and is formed by the union of the _____ and the _____ at the inferior border of the teres major

Brachial vein Basilic vein

What is the workhorse of the Anteiror compartment, located deep to biceps brachii and is a pure flexor?


Deltoid dermatome


What gives a root to the Phrenic nerve?


superior brachial plexus trunk

C5 and C6

5th digit dermatome


inferior brachial plexus trunk

C8 and T1

What is the largest carpal bone?


On the distal part of the humerus what articulates with the radius?


The thin proximal head of the radius articulates with what?

Capitulum of the humerus Radial notch of ulna

__________ forms on the radial side of venous plexus and courses proximally on the lateral arm crossing the arm to the delta-pectoral groove

Cephalic vein

arises from the seventh cervical vertebra

Cervical rib

- isolated fracture of the radial styloid - compression of the scaphoid bone of hand against the styloid process of distal radius

Chauffeurs fracture (Hutchison's)

What comes off the subscapular artery?

Circumflex scapula artery Thoracodorsal artery

What are the contents of the Triangular Space?

Circumflex scapular vessels

What connects the UE appendicular skeleton to axial skeleton?


What is the most commonly fractured bone?


The compression in TOS may be positional (caused by movement of the ____ and ____ ____ with arm movement) or static (caused by abnormalities of enlargement of various ____ surrounding the arteries, veins, and brachial plexus)

Clavicle Shoulder girdle Muscle

__________ descends from the clavicle to surround the subclavius muscle and pectoralis minor

Clavipectoral fascia

What are the different radius fractures?

Colle's Smith's Chauffeur's (Hutchison's)

What radial fracture is usually from forced dorsiflexion (hyperextension) of the hand, usually an associated ulnar styloid avulsion fractures, and "dinner fork" deformity from dorsal displacement of the fragments?

Colle's fracture

What are the Anterior compartment of the Brachial Muscles?

Coracobrachialis Biceps brachii (long and short head) Brachialis

What is a stout beak-like process superior to the glenoid fossa?

Coracoid process

What is a triangular space with a roof and floor?

Cubital fossa

What are the Scapulohumeral muscles?

Deltoid Teres major Rotator cuff (Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, teres minor, Subscapularis)

What is the attachment of the inferior part of the middle trapezius?

Deltoid tubercle

What is located on the shaft of the humerus?

Deltoid tuberosity Radial (spiral) groove

What does the triquetrum articulate with?

Disc of the radioulnar joint

What end of the ulna tapers to the head and styloid process?


What forms the lips (crests) of the humerus?

Distal extensions of tubercles

What is the division of the axillary artery?

Divided into three parts by Pectoralis minor

(C5 root) pierces the middle scalene and passes inferiorly to the Rhomboids

Dorsal scapular nerve

What are the branches that come off the rami of the Brachial plexus?

Dorsal scapular nerve Long thoracic nerve

What are the four supraclavicular branches?

Dorsal scapular nerve (root) Long thoracic nerve (root) Nerve to subclavius (trunk) Suprascapular nerve (division)

Veins begin in the __________ of the hand

Dorsal venous plexus

What is the joint that articulates the humerus with the radius and ulna?

Elbow joint

__________ is a sheet of fibrous tissue that envelopes the body beneath the skin and/or encloses muscles and groups of muscles


The ___ of the axilla is somewhat mobile depending on the position of the upper extremity


What Cubital Fossa boundary is brachialis and supinator?


The olecranon fossa accommodates olecranon of the ulna, for what ROM?

Full extension

What is the joint that articulates the humerus with the scapula?

Glenohumeral joint

What is the shallow, concave oval fossa for articulation of the humoral head?

Glenoid cavity

What is at the junction of the neck and shaft of the humerus?

Greater and lesser tubercles

What is formed by lateral extensions of the acromion?

Greater scapular notch

What carpal bone has an anteriorly directed hook?


What fracture of the carpal bones is associated with injury to the distal ulnar nerve and artery?

Hamate fracture

What is the largest bone of the upper extremity?


What divisions of the Brachial plexus form the medial cord?

Inferior anterior division of inferior trunk

The interosseous membrane runs between the transverse space between the radius and ulna, what way do the fibers run?

Inferno-medially from the radius to the ulna

What is the oblique cord proximal to neurovascular hiatus?

Interosseous membrane

What is for the tendon of the long head of biceps?

Intertubercular groove

What Cubital Fossa boundary is an extensor tendon from the lateral epicondyle, brachioradialis?


the __________ wall of the axilla is formed by the interbercular groove of humerus


What are the cords of the brachial plexus?

Lateral Medial Posterior

What infraclavicular branches come together to form the median nerve?

Lateral and medial

What infraclavicular branch pierces the clavipectoral fascia superior to Pectoralis minor- enters the Clavicular head of pectoralis major?

Lateral pectoral

What are the branches that come off the cords of the Brachial Plexus?

Lateral pectoral nerve Medial pectoral nerve Medial brachial cutaneous nerve Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve Lower subscapular nerve Upper scapular nerve Thoracodorsal nerve

What muscle is innervated by the Thoracodorsal nerve?

Latissimus dorsi

What muscle raises the trunk to the arm (pull ups) and weakness significantly impairs climbing?

Latissimus dorsi

What is the location of the base of the axilla?

Level of 4th rib

What part of the biceps brachii passes through the intertubecular sulcus under the transverse humeral ligament?

Long head

What does the lateral thoracic artery run with?

Long thoracic nerve

__________ injury can result in winging and inability to raise the arm past horizontal due to inability to rotate glenoid

Long thoracic nerve

from C5,6,7 passes inferiorly on to the surface of the Serratus Anterior

Long thoracic nerve

What infraclavicular branch passes directly to subscapularis with a branch to teres major?

Lower scapular nerve

What carpal bone is moon shaped?


the ulnar nerve runs with...

MBC and MABC nerves

Who has more robust and curvaceous clavicles?

Manual laborers

the sternal end of the clavicle articulates with the __________ at the sternoclavicular joint


At the proximal end of the humerus the spherical head allows what?

Maximum ROM

What Cubital Fossa boundary is a common flexor forearm tendon and pronator teres?


the __________ wall of the axilla is formed by the lateral thoracic wall (4th and 5th ribs) and serratus anterior


What epicondyle of the humerus is for flexor attachment? Extensor attachment?

Medial (flexor) Lateral (extensor)

What are the borders of the scapula?

Medial (vertebral) Lateral (axillary) Superior

What are the parts of the supracondylar ridge of the humerus?

Medial and lateral

the __________extends the medial and lateral surface of the humerus and separates the arm into the anterior (flexor) and posterior (extensor) compartments

Medial and lateral inter muscular septa

What infraclavicular branch runs with axillary an brachial arteries then runs inferiorly with the basilic vein?

Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve

What infraclavicular branch runs parallel and abuts axillary and brachial veins to the medial aspect of arm?

Medial brachial cutaneous nerve

What infraclavicular branch pierces pectoralis minor and enters Pectoralis major?

Medial pectoral nerve

the ___________ vein crosses the antebrachial fossa to communicate between the cephalic and basilic veins

Median cubital

A fracture of the humerus at the distal end can impact what nerve?

Median nerve

What infraclavicular branch forms from the medial and lateral branches on anterior surface of axillary artery (encircles the axillary artery)- accompanies the brachial artery into the forearm, enters the forearm between the deep and superficial head of the pronator teres?

Median nerve

What are the contents of the Cubital Fossa Medial to Lateral?

Median nerve Terminal brachial artery Biceps tendon Deep radial nerve

What runs posterior-medial to the Coracobrachialis?

Median nerve and brachial artery

The sympathetic fibers from the ___ and ___ cervical ganglia join the roots of the Brachial Plexus as they pass between the scalenes

Middle Inferior

What part of the radius is the most common fracture site?

Middle third

What are the BIG infraclavicular branches that come off the Lateral cord? Little infraclavicular branches?

Musculocutaneous and Lateral Lateral pectoral

What is the innervation for all of the Anterior Compartment of brachial Muscles?

Musculocutaneous nerve

What pierces the Coracobrachialis?

Musculocutaneous nerve

What infraclavicular branch pierces coracobrachialis m and then emerges between the biceps m and brachialis, becomes the lateral cutaneous nerve to the forearm- runs parallel to the cephalic vein in the forearm?

Musculocutensous branch

What are the contents of the axillary sheath?

Nerve Artery Vein

passes directly to the inferior surface of clavicle gives branch to sternoclavicular joint

Nerve to Subclavius

What are the branches that come off the trunks/divisions of the Brachial Plexus?

Nerve to Subclavius Suprascapular nerve

What are the subtypes of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)?

Neurogenic Arterial Venous

What is the main concern with humerus fractures?

Neurovascular status

What enters at the distal end of the Coracobrachialis?

Nutrient artery of humerus

On the ulna what serves as a short stout lever arm for extension?


What is the axillary artery part is superior to the Pectoralis minor?

Part 1

What axillary artery part is deep to pectoralis minor?

Part 2

What axillary artery part is inferior to pectoralis minor?

Part 3

__________invests the pectoralis major muscle and is continuous with abdominal wall fascia and leaves the lateral border of the pectoralis to become axillary fascia

Pectoral fascia

What muscle is described? -large fan shaped muscle on the superior thorax -forms the anterior wall and inferior border of the axilla -forms the inferior border of the delta pectoral groove that contains the cephalic vein -lies anterior to the clavicopectoral fascia

Pectoralis major

What muscle is innervated by the Lateral pectoral?

Pectoralis major

What muscles are innervated by the Medial Pectoral nerve?

Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor

What are the Anterior Axioappendicular muscles?

Pectoralis major and minor Subclavius Serratus anterior

What muscles is described? -forms the anterior wall of the axilla deep to Pectoralis major

Pectoralis minor

3rd segment of the axillary artery branches to form a _______ collateral circulation system with the ___ subclavian branches

Peri-scapular Distal

What carpal bone is pea like on the palmar surface?


Posterior divisions in the brachial plexus innervate muscles of the ___ compartment of the arm and forearm


the __________ wall of the axilla is formed mainly by the scapula and subscapularis on the anterior surface, inferiorly by teres major and Latissimus dorsi


Which styloid process is larger and extends more distally?


What infraclavicular branch passes around humerus at radial groove with profunda brachii a. To the lateral humerus inferior to deltoid insertion and runs between the brachioradialis and brachial proximal to the elbow it divides into the deep and superficial branches?

Radial branch

A fracture of the humerus at the radial groove can impact what nerve?

Radial nerve

What innervated the Posterior compartment muscles?

Radial nerve

What are the contents of the Triangular Interval?

Radial nerve Deep brachia vessels (profunda brachii)

What on the radius is where the biceps brachii tendon inserts?

Radial tuberosity

What do the scaphoid and lunate articulate with?


What is the floor of the triangle of auscultation formed form?

Rhomboid major

What is located deep to trapezius?

Rhomboid major and minor

What Cubital Fossa boundary is skin, Median cubital vein, fat, fascia, and Bicipital aponeurosis?


What is often injured in throwing athletes and others through neglect?

Rotator cuff

What muscles suffer wear and tear to the tendons, especially the Supraspinatus?

Rotator cuff

Small branches arise from all roots to supply the ______ and ________ muscles

Scalene/longus coli

What carpal bone is the largest proximally?


What fracture is difficult to visualize radiographically in the acute setting?


What carpal bones articulates with the distal radius?

Scaphoid and lunate

What is the most common carpal bone fracture that is associated from a fall on an open palm and occurs across the waist?

Scaphoid fracture

What is the triangular shaped flat bone?


__________ invests each muscle originating from the surface of the scapula (Supra/Infraspinatus and subscapularis) creating a tough fascia compartment

Scapular fascia

What divides the supra- and infra- spinous fossa on the posterior surface?

Scapular spine

6 muscles that act on the glenohumeral joint

Scapulohumeral muscles

What separates the anatomical neck from the head of the humerus?

Subcapital groove

What muscle is described? -found on the inferior surface of the clavicle to 1st rib


What are the branches of Part 3 axillary artery?

Subscapular artery Anterior humeral circumflex Posterior humeral circumflex

What fossa in the on the anterior surface of the scapula?

Subscapular fossa

What muscle is innervated by the upper scapular nerve?


What muscles are innervated by the lower subscapular nerve?

Subscapularis Teres major

What muscles function in antagonist and synergistic groups to position the scapuloclavicular joint?

Superficial and deep

What Cubital Fossa boundary is a line from the medial to the lateral epicondyles?


What are the angles of the scapula?

Superior Lateral Inferior

What are the boundaries of the Cubital Fossa?

Superior Medial Lateral Floor Roof

What infraclavicular branch passes directly to subscapularis?

Upper scapular nerve

the __________ serves as a passage way for neurovascular structures from the trunk to the upper extremity


The brachial artery: - a continuation of the __________ artery -begins at the lower border of __________ -ends in the __________ -splits into the __________ and ___________ arteries opposite the neck of the radius -runs in the __________, anterior to triceps and brachialis, medial to humerus -enters cubital fossa (with median nerve) __________to the medial supracondylar ridge

axillary teres major cubital fossa radial, ulnar bicipital groove anterior

the posterior circumflex humeral artery runs with the...

axillary nerve

the __________ vein forms at the elbow by the confluence of the radial and ulnar veins and is joined by the basilic vein to form the axillary vein


the median nerve runs with the...

brachial artery

which lymph node comes from 3 nodes?


CALL (go through clavipectoral fascia)

cephalic vein pectoral branch of thoracoacromial artery lateral pectoral nerve lymphatics

axilla apex is bounded by:

clavicle 1st rib scapula

The cephalic vein will pierce the __________ fascia to join the axillary vein


The __________ accommodates the coronoid process of the ulna for full flexion

coronoid fossa

the radial nerve runs with...

deep brachial artery

the __________ artery supplies the medial scapula

dorsal scapular

Heads of Pectoralis major can act independently - clavicular head alone acts to _____the humerus - when flexed, the sternocostal head __________ it from its flexed position

flex extends

most common site of sesamoid bones in the hand is the __________

flexor pollicis longus tendon

Where does the axillary artery become the brachial artery

inferior border of teres major

__________ artery anastomoses with the anterior ulnar recurrent artery

inferior ulnar collateral artery

the brachial artery runs with the...

median nerve

the deep brachial artery branches into the:

middle and radial collateral branches

__________ artery supplies the humerus at coracobrachialis


superficial and deep veins communicate via:

perforating veins

the axillary nerve runs with...

posterior circumflex humeral artery

where does the recurrent interosseous artery branch from?

posterior interosseous artery

What is the purpose of the radial (spiral) groove of the humerus?

profunda brachii (deep brachial artery)

mid humeral fracture leads to damage of the:

profunda brachii and radial nerve

The __________ accommodates the head of the radius for full flexion

radial fossa

the deep brachial artery runs with...

radial nerve

___________ is the most common complication of humeral fractures

radial nerve entrapment

Where does the subclavian artery become the axillary artery?

rib 1

clavicles are thicker on the right side of the body in _____ handed individuals and thicker on the left side of the body in _____ handed individuals

right left

the axillary vein becomes the __________ at the inferior border of the 1st rib

subclavian vein

__________ artery anastomoses with the posterior ulnar recurrent artery

superior ulnar collateral

the __________ arteries supply the lateral/superior scapula

suprascapular & circumflex scapular

Which rotator cuff muscle is most commonly injured?


rotator cuff muscles

supraspinatus infraspinatus teres minor subscapularis

the apex of the axilla is also known as the _________

thoracic outlet; cervicoaxillary canal

the triangle of auscultation is found between:

trapezius latissimus dorsi medial border of scapula

coracoclavicular ligament

trapezoid ligament and conoid ligament

superior trapezius by CN XI

upward rotation of lateral angle of scapula

serratus anterior test: pushing against the wall, weakness results in __________ of the scapula


4 muscles which attach the upper limb to the skeleton of the trunk

Posterior axioappendicular muscles

What muscles serve to position and fix the base of the upper extremity (scapula and clavicle) so that the limb can function?

Posterior axioappendicular muscles

What forms the posterior inferior body of the axilla?

Teres major

What does the lateral thoracic artery supply?

Serratus anterior

What muscle is described? -located along lateral thorax, forms medial wall of axilla -attaches to whole length of medial scapula -most powerful muscle of pectoral girdle

Serratus anterior

ventral displacement of radius fragments; hyperflexion

Smith's fracture

What stage of rotator cuff injury is edema and hemorrhage, most commonly affecting persons younger than 25 years?

Stage 1

What stage of rotator cuff injury is fibrosis and tendinitis, most commonly affecting persons aged 25-40 years?

Stage 2

What stage of rotator cuff injury is tears of cuff, most commonly affecting persons older than 50 years old?

Stage 3

the sternal end of the clavicle articulates with the manubrium at the ____________ joint


What joint is only holding the upper extremity to the axial skeleton?

Sternoclavicular joint

What are the borders of the Triangular Interval?

Teres major Long head of triceps Lateral head of triceps

What divisions of the brachial plexus form the lateral cord?

Superior and middle anterior divisions

What is the branch of the Part 1 axillary artery?

Superior thoracic artery

What supplies the first two intercostal spaces?

Superior thoracic artery

runs parallel to the suprascapular artery to the suprascapular notch (beneath suprascapular ligament) supplies the Supraspinatus m around the greater scapular notch to the Infraspinatus m

Suprascapular nerve

What is the division of the posterior surface of the scapula?

Supraspinous fossa Infraspinous fossa

What is the most common fracture site of the humerus?

Surgical neck

Where do proximal fractures of the humerus occur?

Surgical neck

The lower clavipectoral fascia forms the ____ _____ of the axillary which pulls the axillary fascia thought when the UE is abducted

Suspensory ligament

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