True or false on driving regulations

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If the battery warning light comes on when the engine is running, it indicates that there is a problem with the power generation system.


If the vehicle behind you taps their horn or uses their turn signal to indicate that they want to pass, you should slow down and pull over to the roadside, if there is no barrier blocking your path, to let them pass more safely.


If the water level, power level, or fuel level of a vehicle is low, it is not permitted on a freeway or expressway.


If a vehicle has a lot of electric devices installed, it will cause the engine to consume more fuel than usual.


Although abruptly accelerating and braking consumes more fuel, cause the tires and brakes to wear out faster, and increase the chance of having an accident, it doesn't have any effect on pollution what-so-ever


Although drinking alcohol slows down reaction time, it improves vision.


Although drivers may leave children in a vehicle unattended for up to 20 minutes, they must be sure to lock all the doors and not leave their keys in the car.


As a student driver's license can be used the same as a regular driver's license, students can practice driving anytime and anywhere they want. The police have no way to prohibit them from doing so.


As long as the overflow tank is full of water, there is no danger that a vehicle will over heat, no matter what the fluid level is in the radiator


Automatic shift vehicles outperform manual drive vehicles with respect to using gears to control or slow down the vehicle.


Because motorcycles over 550cc have outstanding road performance, skillful drivers may drive on any sections of the freeways and expressways at any time.


Because the water in the radiator contains either anti-freeze or an antirust agent, it's not necessary to change the cooling water.


Children are required by law to be seated in the front seat of a car.


Double parking a vehicle is allowed.


Drivers are not required to turn on their headlights when driving through a bright tunnel in order to reduce the chance they will drain their battery.


Drivers are not required to turn on their parking lights or use a reflective sign, if they intend to park on a road with no lights or with insufficient lighting


Drivers are only required to follow the traffic signs and signals, not any voluntary traffic control personnel.


Drivers are required to maintain a vehicle speed of at least 60km per hour when they are driving in heavy fog, heavy smoke, heavy rain, or gusty winds on freeways and expressways.


Drivers do not have to carry vehicle repair tools with them when they are on the road.


Drivers may shift into overdrive (O/D) to slow down their speed.


Drivers should use their high-beam headlights when approaching oncoming traffic at night


Effective February 2007, truck drivers who have been granted a tractor trailer license may also drive a bus.


Even if a driver didn't sleep well the night before, they can still drive as long as they do so cautiously.


If you slam on the brakes, the tires are likely to be damaged and the vehicle is likely to overturn, as well.


In circular intersection with multiple lanes, drivers must yield to vehicles in the inner lanes.


If the temperature gauge exceeds the maximum temperature, the driver should pull off the road immediately, engage the emergency brake, turn off the engine, and remove the radiator cap to check the water level.


It is legal to look at the monitors used for driving assistance; therefore, it is also legal to drive while operating the driving assistance equipment.


It's okay to carry a baby in your lap as long as your seat belt is fastened. The seat belt will protect both you and the baby.


Prior to backing up or driving in reverse, drivers are required to tap their horn 3 long times in order to alert other vehicles and pedestrians.


Prior to driving, student drivers are not required to check the vehicles because that's the job of their instructor.


Professional driver's licenses are reviewed every two years, starting from the date of issuance


The surface of a freeway is always straight and flat, and is easier to drive, so drivers tend to to stay alert.


There is no restriction on the number of people who can sit in the cab of a truck or the front seat of a car


There is no restriction on the number of people who can sit in the cab of a truck or the front seat of a car.


Those who possess a license for driving a bus may also drive a trailer truck.


Trucks may carry goods that extend beyond the width of the vehicle body by up to half a meter.


Vehicle horns are allowed to producing various tunes or sounds.


Vehicles may make U-turn anywhere there is enough space for the Uturn


When driving in a highly congested area, a driver may honk their horn as often as they deem necessary to ensure safety.


Any settlement related to an accident shall be agreed upon by the parties involved in the accident, their legal counsel, guardian or heirs.


Anyone convicted of premeditated homicide, robbery, burglary, mugging, threatening to commit robbery, or kidnapping is prohibited from driving a taxi.


Driver's licenses are issued by the Motor Vehicle Registration Department after drivers submit their application and pass both the written and the road test.


Drivers are only allowed to tap their horn ONCE in each driving incidence


Drivers are required to comply with the designated speed limits on freeways and expressways during normal weather conditions.


Drivers are required to pull their vehicles into an emergency parking bay provided along the roadside and turn on their emergency warning lights if any accident occurs involving their vehicle in a tunnel.


Drivers are required to turn on their headlights in long tunnels because these tunnels are dark.


Drivers are required to turn on their headlights when driving at night, in a tunnel, under a culvert or underpass, during heavy fog, heavy rain, dark or low visibility driving conditions.


Drivers may not park their vehicle on winding, sloping or narrow roads, or on channelizing lines, safety islands or any road under repair or construction.


Drivers may not throw any object out of their vehicle when they are driving in a long tunnel.


The faster the speed, the narrower the driver's field of view


The goods loaded on a truck may not be wider than the body of the vehicle.


The longer the distance is between the shaft and wheels, the larger the minimum U-turn radius.


The main cause of traffic accidents is drivers who continue to drive despite the fact that they are exhausted.


The main causes of traffic accidents are tailgating, erratically overtaking another car, randomly changing lanes, abruptly cutting into another lane to turn, and speeding.


The odometer on the dashboard records the total mileage traveled by the vehicle.


The penalty for driving on a pedestrian walkway is a fine and a traffic violation on your driving record.


The purpose of requiring regular vehicle safety inspection, and regular maintenance by vehicle owners, and regular check-ups at auto maintenance shops is to ensure driving safety and reduce driving costs.


Vehicles are required to wait their turn to board a ferry when crossing a river, and cannot cut in front of other vehicles


Buses traveling on freeways and expressways are permitted to allow passengers to stand in order to serve more customers.


Cars less than six years old are exempt from periodic inspection. Cars over six years old, but less than 10 years old, must be inspected at least once a year. Cars over 10 years old must be inspected at least twice a year.


Checking the mechanical parts before driving is not necessary because it will waste time.


Drivers are required to use their foot brakes, not shift into a lower gear in order to better control their speed when traveling down a long steep slope


Drivers are required to use their high-beam headlights when driving in urban areas at night if the street lighting is bright enough.


Drivers do not have to abide by the speed limit shown on signs or road markings.


Drivers do not have to check to make sure their car is mechanically sound before driving because just paying attention to the warning indicators on the dashboard while driving will ensure their safety


Drivers do not have to turn on their turn signal lights when they start their vehicle.


Drivers do not have to yield to vehicles carrying children, the disabled, learner drivers, or school buses.


At the intersection of two primary roads or two secondary roads, vehicles on the left must yield to vehicles on the right approaching from the opposite direction.


At the intersections with road lines or markings and signs for special purposes, drivers are required to comply with the lines, road markings, and signs.


At the same speed, a low speed gear has more torque than a higher speed gear


Avoiding causing traffic accidents, and not violating traffic laws, are the main requirements for safe driving.


A driver may only park their car in a temporary parking space for less than three minutes and must be prepared to move their car at any time.


A green light simply lets you know that you can proceed forward. It does not ensure that it's safe to go. Therefore, you should proceed through any intersection cautiously and slowly.


A mini-van loaded with goods may not exceed a height 2.85 meters from the ground.


At high speed, tires are subject to higher stress, heat, and transformation. Therefore, tire treads should be deep enough, and the tire pressure normal, in order to avoid getting a flat tire or having a blowout on the road.


At intersections with designated turning lanes, vehicles going straight may not drive in designated turning lanes.


Drivers have to comply with speed limits shown on signs. On roads with no speed limit sign, drivers must not exceed a speed of 40 km per hour. On roads without lines regulating lanes or oncoming traffic separation, drivers must not exceed a speed of 30 km per hour


Drivers making a left turn at an intersection should indicate their intention to turn using their left turn signal or an arm signal just as they are about to make their turn. They may not turn left from the oncoming traffic lane.


Drivers may check the oil level as soon as they turn off the engine.


Drivers may go ahead and change lanes or make a turn without using their turn signal light if they are in a hurry.


Drivers may make a U-turn in the gap between the oncoming traffic lanes of a freeway or expressway.


Drivers may park their vehicle a maximum of 12 hours in a rest area along a freeway.


Drivers may remove the front seat headrest in order to not obstruct the back seat passenger's view.


Drivers may speed late at night and early in the morning when there are few vehicles and pedestrians on the road.


Drivers may turn off their engine and coast down hill in order to save fuel.


Drivers must push in the clutch slowly but release the clutch quickly, and hit the brake pedal quickly but release the brake pedal slowly.


Drivers only need to have outstanding driving skills. They don't need to know anything about first-aid at all.


Drivers should check the level and quality of the oil in the engine after starting the engine.


Drivers should check the water level in the radiator and check for any water leaks only when the engine is running.


Drivers should keep their eye on moving traffic when pulling out of a roadside parking space, but they do not have to signal their turn signal light.


Drivers that use hand-held cell phones, computers, or other similar devices to call, talk, digitally communicate, or do other actions that might hinder driving safety while operating a moving vehicle on the road will be fined 1,000 NTD.


Drivers traveling at a high speed are equally as capable of reacting to any emergency as drivers traveling at a slower speed.


Drivers traveling on freeways may drive on the shoulder of the road if there is a traffic jam or heavy traffic.


Drivers whose license was either suspended or revoked are allowed to apply for another driver's license during the suspension period after they pay any fines.


Drivers whose license was either suspended or revoked are eligible to reapply for a license after they attend one month of traffic classes.


Drivers with large truck licenses are also permitted to drive tractor trailer and cars.


Driving below the minimum speed limit is not considered a traffic violation


During a periodic inspection, no one will check to see if you have a breakdown sign in your vehicle. Therefore, you don't have to keep a breakdown sign in your vehicle.


Even if the tire becomes bald to the point the treads are completely worn down smooth, it won't affect safety at all.


Even if your windshield wiper fluid has been used up, the wiper system will still spray water.


Fatigue driving won't impair safety as long as you drive more slowly


Freeways have fast lanes, slow lanes, pedestrian crosswalks, and zebra lines.


Goods loaded in covered trucks are allowed to extend up to 30cm beyond both the length and width of the vehicle.


Heavy motorcycles over 250cc but less than 550cc are considered the same as small cars, and may travel on freeways and expressways.


I see a car accident has taken place up ahead; someone was hurt, but nobody is helping. I can see and hear the injured person screaming, but because I am in a hurry, I can ignore him.


I've been driving for many years and I'm a really good driver. So, it won't affect the safety at all if I chat on the phone while driving.


If I have nothing to do with an accident, I should leave the scene of the accident immediately without calling the police.


If a car overloaded with goods, or a car with or without a trailer attached is found to exceed the weight limit of a bridge, the driver will be ordered to immediately reduce the weight or denied passage. They will be fined NTD 10,000 regardless of how much the weight exceeds the legal limit.


If a driver can add more brake fluid than the maximum indicated level such that when they slam on the brakes the wheels lock, that will offer them the best braking performance with the shortest braking distance


If a driver causes an accident which does not result in injury or death, they are still required to follow the legal procedures regarding accidents. If they leave the scene of the accident immediately, they will be fined and their driver's license will be cancelled.


If a driver encounters traffic congestion on a freeway or expressway due to an accident, they are allowed to temporarily park their vehicle on road shoulder.


If a driver has passed the driver's license test, they can go ahead and drive even if they haven't technically received their driver's license yet.


If a driver is aware that a vehicle in the adjacent lane has turned on their turn sign light indicating their intention to pass, they should speed up to avoid being passed.


If a driver passes another vehicle although that vehicle has not yielded them the right of way by pulling over to the side of the road, the driver passing will be fined.


If a driver runs a red light, they will be fined but not receive 3 traffic violation points on their driving record.


If a drunk driver causes an accident that results in major injury or death, their driver's license will be revoked for at least I year.


If a seatbelt feels uncomfortably tight, it's okay to put one arm outside the shoulder strap. As long as the belt sits just under the arm pit, the level of protection in the case of a sudden accident is exactly the same.


If a vehicle breaks down on an urban road and cannot be moved, the driver is required to tap their horn to alert other vehicles.


If a vehicle breaks down on an urban road and the driver is unable to remove it from the road, the driver is required to flash their emergency lights or left signal only. There's no need to put out a vehicle breakdown sign.


If a vehicle has airbags, the passengers do not have to wear a safety belt.


If an accident occurs in a tunnel, even if no one is injured and the vehicle is still drivable, drivers are required to keep the accident site as is by not disturbing the scene or moving the vehicles, so the proper authorities can better determine liability.


If an oncoming vehicle traveling at night does not switch to their low-beam headlights, the other driver may use their high-beam lights to retaliate and improve visibility and safety, as well.


If battery fluid is low, drivers should add mineral water until the fluid level rises to the designated correct height


If driver's blood alcohol is found to exceed limit, the penalty is 2 traffic violation points, but no fines.


If drivers accelerate from a stop quickly, they can shorten their travel time and save fuel.


If drivers encounter a traffic jam or an emergency when driving in a long tunnel, they may make U-turn at the connection tunnel to quickly get out of the tunnel.


If drivers encounter traffic congestion in a tunnel, they may switch to the lane with less vehicles, thereby helping to alleviate the congestion and improve the traffic flow.


If drivers have taken flu medicine or tranquilizers, they can still drive as long as the medicine or tranquilizers do not affect their ability to drive


If drivers miss the exit interchange on a freeway or expressway, they should immediately back up or make a U-turn to return to the interchange they missed.


If elderly or disabled people or children are crossing the pedestrian crosswalk slowly, you should tap your horn to warn them to hurry up.


If it's too dark to see, you may use a cigarette lighter to check the battery cable connections or the fluid level in the battery.


If the battery runs out of water and therefore it won't start the engine, you can jump start the engine by pushing your car, regardless of whether it has an automatic or manual drive transmission.


If the brake fluid level often drops below MIN on the dipstick, all you have to do is to continuously add more brake fluid. There is no need to get the vehicle repaired.


If the driver is in a hurry, it is okay to overtake an on-duty ambulance.


If the driver is not comfortable, they may adjust their seat while driving


If the fuel gauge is on E, and the low-fuel-level warning indicator light has come on, it's not necessary to refuel right away. You can wait until you arrive at your destination.


If the other driver is liable for the accident and was injured in the accident, you have no legal obligation to take that person for medical treatment and can thus avoid additional trouble


If the parties involved in an accident cannot agree on liability, they may request the police or Motor Vehicle Registration Department to make an assessment.


If the power steering system is leaking fluid, the steering wheel will not turn at all.


If the vehicle in front of me passes over a railroad crossing safely without stopping, looking and listening first, then I can quickly follow suit.


If there is a solid white double line separating the lanes, drivers may change lanes so they can make a left or right turn at their convenience


If you forget to release the hand brake, it won't affect your driving at all


If you have passengers who are unfamiliar with the city, it's okay to take the longest route in order to earn more money.


If your car hits a pedestrian by accident, but the pedestrian is not injured, you can speed away to avoid trouble.


If your car starts having a mechanical problem when you are driving and the problem may cause safety concern, you should continue driving anyway


In order to start the ignition, an automatic drive vehicle must be shifted into drive (D).


In the event of an accident, the drivers involved may go ahead immediately clear the road of any vehicles or debris, so other drivers can use the road as quickly as possible. They need not wait for instructions from the proper authorities first.


It doesn't affect safety if two children use one safety belt


It is acceptable to follow behind fire trucks or police cars that are on duty when in a hurry or in emergencies.


My car breaks down in the fast lane, blocking traffic, and may cause safety problems. As I am running late, I think it's OK if I can fix it up quickly and drive away.


Now matter how much drivers familiarizes themselves with road conditions, it won't make driving any safer.


On any lane or shoulder of a freeway or expressway, vehicles are permitted to zigzag in and out of traffic, make a U-turn, or drive in an oncoming traffic lane.


On freeways and expressways, drivers are not permitted to pass other vehicles in the deceleration lane or on a single-lane off-ramp. But in the acceleration lane, it's permitted to pass other vehicles if they are moving too slowly.


On freeways and expressways, drivers may pass vehicles in an acceleration lane, deceleration lane, and on a single-lane ramp


On freeways and expressways, drivers of heavy motorcycles over 550cc are allowed to drive side-by-side and pass each other in the same lane.


On roads with a safety island separating the slow and fast lanes, drivers may not turn right from the slow lane.


Pedestrians should use overpasses, underpasses, and crosswalks only when they have no other option.


Penalty for receiving 6 traffic violation points within one year is only a one month suspension of driver's license. Therefore, it's not necessary to follow traffic rules.


Physically or mentally challenged people are allowed to drive without any restrictions


Professional drivers may apply for a regular driver's license for the same type of vehicle if their professional license was cancelled due to expiration. They may drive a vehicle before receiving a regular driver's license


Regardless of the brand or age, automobiles with a displacement less than 1,200 cc are prohibited on freeways and expressways.


Roads are absolutely safe; therefore, there is no need to check the traffic report before driving, and even in stormy weather there is no danger on the road.


Since vehicles are equipped with left and right side view mirrors and a rearview mirror that allows the driver to check for vehicles or objects on both sides and behind them, as well as lights to signal other drivers, it is not necessary for drivers to look over their shoulder to check before turning or changing lanes.


Since you will not receive any traffic violation points for breaking a traffic rule, so you can just ignore traffic rules.


Taxi drivers may not refuse passengers going short distances.


The current speed limit on freeways is 120km per hour.


The engine's temperature gauge on the dashboard does not reflect changes in the temperature outside the car.


The faster a person drives, the more fuel they can save


The faster the speed the greater the driver's field of view, so objects in the distance are easier to see.


The faster the speed, the lower the fuel consumption of the vehicle. Therefore, you should drive as fast as you want.


The inner lane of freeways and expressways is the designed passing lane. However, both large vehicles and cars may drive in the passing lane provided that they drive at the maximum speed limit for that road and do not block traffic.


The odometer on the dashboard records the total rpms


Traffic signs are the lines or words painted on the surface of the road that warn, control, and direct drivers for the purpose of regulating traffic flow.


Vehicles do not have to keep any distance between their car and the cars in the front or rear when crossing railroad tracks.


Vehicles may drive through a pedestrian crosswalk without a traffic signal at full speed to avoid traffic congestion.


Vehicles traveling on a two-way two-lane road are allowed to drive in the on-coming traffic lane if the lanes are separated by a solid yellow double line.


Vehicles waiting to turn left at an intersection may do so as soon as the traffic light turns green.


When drivers are traveling uphill or downhill, they should ideally shift into 2nd gear when traveling uphill and 3rd or 4th gear when traveling downhill in order to save fuel and time.


When driving on a freeway or expressway, if a driver is about to miss or has just missed their exit, they may make a sudden stop or drive in reverse in order to take that exit.


The radiator cap should not be removed when the engine is hot. If the cap is removed when the engine is very hot, hot fluid may spray out of the radiator and cause a severe burn.


The rpm meter on the dashboard tells you how fast the engine is rotating. When the meter indicates 1, it means the engine is rotating 1,000 times every minute.


The tires on heavy motorcycles with displacement over 550cc driven on freeways and expressways should be carefully checked to ensure they do not have treads less than 1mm in depth at any point.


Under no circumstances is a driver allowed to drive a vehicle on a freeway or expressway if the tires of that vehicle are falling apart or losing their treads along the road.


When drivers hear the siren of a fire-engine, ambulance, security vehicle, or emergency vehicle, they are required to yield immediately regardless of the direction from which the siren comes and they may not follow those vehicles for the purpose of speeding.


When driving at a high speed, a driver is more likely to panic if any adverse traffic incident occurs


When driving in high speed, drivers are likely to neglect objects on both sides and up ahead. Therefore, drivers should always observe the road carefully far up ahead and avoid speeding.


Drivers are required to drive on the right side of the road, with the exception of one-way roads. If they must drive on the left side of the road due to special circumstances, they must reduce speed and watch out for on-coming vehicles and pedestrians


Drivers are required to first look left and then right when driving through an intersection without traffic control.


Drivers are required to follow speed limit when driving in a tunnel.


Drivers are required to pay attention to the movement of the vehicles in front of them in the same lane, and to keep a safe distance that allows drivers to brake and stop the vehicles.


Drivers are required to turn on their parking lights or use a reflective sign, if they intend to park on a road with no lights or with insufficient lighting.


Drivers are required to use back-up lights or signal with their arm before they back up or drive in reverse. They should back up slowly and watch for other vehicles and pedestrians.


Drivers are required to use gasoline containing a sufficient amount of octane for their vehicle as stated in their user's operating manual.


Drivers are required to use their low-beam headlights when driving in urban areas at night if the street lighting is bright enough.


Drivers may not make a U-turn on roads that are winding or narrow, or that have a steep slope, narrow bridge, tunnel, or railroad crossing.


Drivers may not randomly change lanes when they are driving in long tunnels.


Drivers may not stop their vehicle and block the road such that other vehicles are unable to pass through.


Drivers may not stop their vehicle to add fuel when they are in a long tunnel.


Drivers may not suddenly decelerate or slam on the brakes unless they have an emergency or there is an accident


Drivers may tap their horn no more than once and no longer than half a second per incidence.


Drivers must be parked on a flat ground before they check the oil level in the engine.


Drivers must check their tires before driving, especially the tread depth and tire pressure.


Drivers must focus on their driving at all times


Drivers must have sufficient time and space before making a turn or passing another vehicle.


If a car starts skidding during a turn, the safest thing for the driver to do is simply take their foot off the accelerator pedal, not slam on the brakes.


If a driver causes an accident that results in death or injury, they are liable for criminal consequences including imprisonment, civil consequences such as being held responsible for loss or damages (indemnity), and administrative consequences like having their driver's license suspended.


If a driver causes an accident that results in injury or death, the driver is required to administer first-aid immediately, comply with all laws regarding accidents, and notify the police immediately so they can process the scene of the accident. Drivers may not remove the vehicle or evidence related to the accident from the scene. But if all parties involved in the accident agree, the drivers may mark the location of the vehicles on the road surface and move the vehicles from the scene in order to not block traffic.


If a driver causes an accident which does not result in injury or death, they are still required to follow the legal procedures regarding accidents. If they leave the scene of the accident immediately, they will be fined and their driver's license will be suspended.


If a driver exceeds the maximum allowed driving time of 8 hours under the explicit orders of the vehicle owner, the vehicle registration will be suspended for 3 months.


If a driver fails to maintain a safe driving distance on a freeway, highway, or a turnpike, they will be fined NTD 3,000~6,000.


If a driver has no choice but to stop their vehicle on a slope, they are required to use all possible means to ensure their vehicles do not roll down the slope.


If a driver has to turn the steering wheel for more than half of the circumference of the steering wheel, they must keep both hands on the steering wheel as they smoothly rotate the wheel in one continuous turn


If a driver illegally drives over a crosswalk, thus causing either injury or death to a pedestrian, the criminal liability of the driver will increase by 50%.


If a driver is cited for a traffic violation three times within three months, their vehicle registration will be suspended.


If a driver is convicted of using their vehicle to commit a crime, they will be permanently barred from ever driving in the R.O.C. (except for those who meet certain criteria and whose suspension has expired in accordance with requirements stipulated by the government).


If a driver is involved in an accident, they are required to stop their vehicle as quickly as possible, not disturb the scene of the accident, and contact the authority responsible for processing the accident scene.


If a driver merging onto a freeway or expressway finds there is a lot of traffic in the main lane they are attempting to merge into, they are required to slow down and stay in the acceleration lane until it is safe to merge into the main lane.


If a driver turns off their engine and coasts downhill, the power steering wheel and powers brakes will not function normally and may cause an accident.


If a driver violates the traffic rules and their driver's license is thus suspended, they are required to attend traffic safety classes.


If a driver's blood alcohol level is found to exceed the legal limit, he will be fined NT$15,000~90,000, the vehicle will be impounded immediately, and their driver's license will be suspended for one year


If a driver's license is acquired by unlawful or inappropriate means, the Motor Vehicle Registration Department will cancel their license and request the driver immediately turn it into the Department.


If a driver's license is lost damaged or stolen, the driver must apply to the Motor Vehicle Registration Department to get their driver's license replaced or reissued.


If a driver's license is permanently suspended, the driver is prohibited from taking driver's test with the exception of those meeting special criteria.


If a driver's license is revoked or cancelled, the driver is required to return it to the Motor Vehicle Registration Department immediately.


If a fire occurs in a long tunnel, drivers are required to stop the car and turn off the engine. Everyone should take their valuables and evacuate the vehicle, leaving the keys in the ignition and the doors unlocked, so fire fighters can remove cars.


If a fire occurs when driving through a long tunnel, drivers should stay calm and pull their car over to the side of the tunnel to allow fire engines and ambulances to enter into the tunnel.


If a freeway ramp has a No-Entry sign, arrow pointing away from the ramp, or a red reflective sign on the ramp, it means this ramp is an exit and no vehicle may drive onto the ramp under any circumstances.


If a large vehicle is not equipped with a driving recorder/vehicle mileage tracking system, or the system is not functioning or being tampered, the driver will be fined and the vehicle will be subject to immediate inspection


If a passenger is sick with something contagious or is carrying smelly food, you can politely refuse them service.


If a person doesn't use common courtesy when driving, it could cause a tragedy, not only for him/herself but for everybody


If a person possessing only a car driver's license drives a large vehicle, like a truck, both the large vehicle owner and the driver will be fined NTD 40,000 ~ 80,000 and a traffic violation will be recorded with that large vehicle.


If a planned route is closed, drivers should follow the instructions of repair technicians, and exit that section quickly and without lingering.


If a road is being used for commercial purposes, such as selling goods, the perpetrator will be ordered to stop immediately and either the perpetrator or their employer will be fined.


If a tire blows out when traveling on the road, the driver should keep both hands on the steering wheel, steer the vehicle straight ahead, and take their foot off the accelerator pedal to reduce their speed so they can pull off the road.


If a vehicle breaks down on a road with speed limit of 40km per hour and the driver is unable to remove the vehicle from the road, they are required to place a vehicle breakdown sign 5 to 30 meters behind their vehicle.


If a vehicle breaks down on a road with speed limit over 40 km per hour, the driver is required to place a vehicle breakdown sign on the road 30 -100 meters behind the vehicle.


If a vehicle is reported to be scrapped, but the vehicle owner is still using the vehicle, the vehicle owner will be penalized and the subject vehicle will be confiscated.


If a vehicle owner knowingly allows someone who is drunk or addicted to recreational mind-altering drugs to drive their vehicle, the owner will be penalized and their vehicle registration will be suspended for 3 months.


If a vehicle owner permits a person without a driver's license to drive their vehicle, the owner's driver's license will be suspended.


If a vehicle owner plans to install HID headlights, they are required to adjust the angle of the headlight beam in compliance with the law in order to avoid blinding other drivers with their bright lights. They must then have the vehicle inspected by the Motor Vehicle Registration Department and have their vehicle registration amended accordingly


If a vehicle owner turns in license plates as required by law for vehicles not in use, they may apply for new plates at a future date so that they may drive that vehicle again.


If a vehicle suddenly breaks down on a freeway or expressway, drivers should first be aware of nearby vehicles, and operate the turn signal to pull off the road; they can then slowly reduce speed and pull over to the road shoulder. They must then place a vehicle breakdown sign 50~100 meters behind the vehicle, and change the turn signal to hazard flashers.


If a vehicle's engine, chassis, electrical system, or doors are damaged, making the vehicle dangerous to drive, but the owner refuses to have them fixed, the owner will be fined and their license plates confiscated until all damage is repaired and passes inspection.


If a water-cooled engine has run out of cooling water, the engine should not be started.


If a wounded person has to be lifted, you must lift their whole body together keeping all parts level, not just pick the person up by lifting them from under the neck and legs only.


If an infant in a passenger car is not seated in an approved child safety seat, the drivers will be fined NTD 1,500~3,000.


If an injury or death occurs because a pedestrian or driver in the slow lane is not following the traffic rules, the driver in the fast lane will be subject to reduced criminal liability.


If any juvenile under the age of 14 years violates the Directives Governing Penalties for Violation of Traffic Rules, their parents or legal guardian will be held responsible for their actions and penalized accordingly.


If battery fluid is low, distilled water should be added to the battery


If brake fluid accidentally sprays on the body paint, it will cause damage. The best course of action is to immediately rinse the contaminated area with tap water.


If drivers can maintain the battery fluid at the appropriate level, that will increase the service life of the battery.


If drivers encounter a fire when driving through a long tunnel, they must stop their vehicle on the side of the road immediately, leave the doors unlocked, leave the keys in the ignition, and seek a safe evacuation route.


If goods being transported are likely to leak, blow away, or generate an odor, the vehicle driver is required to seal and/or secure these goods tightly.


If parked on a roadside, make sure there are no vehicles, especially motorcycles, approaching from behind before you open the car door


If passengers leave personal belongings in your car, you are required to immediately return them to the owner, or take them to the nearest police station.


If prior to backing up, the driver is not 100% sure that there is no obstacle behind their vehicle due to poor or restricted visibility, they are required to physically get out of their vehicle and check to make sure it is safe to back up before doing so.


If the air pressure in the tires is too low, the vehicle will not only consume more fuel, but there is a greater chance that the tires could have a blow out when traveling a long distance.


If the back end of a vehicle is skidding to the right, the driver should also steer to the right in order to get control of and straighten out the car


If the brake fluid level is low, the driver should add more brake fluid immediately.


If the brake warning light comes on suddenly, the driver should safely pull over, stop their car and wait for help.


If the brakes feel soft or loose when pressure is applied, it is most likely because the air in the braking system or brake fluid is leaking. The driver should stop the vehicle immediately and have the brakes repaired before driving again.


If the doors of a vehicle are so severely damaged that they cannot be repaired, the owner is required to report the vehicle as scrapped.


If the engine of an automatic drive vehicle suddenly shuts down when the motor is running, and the driver is unable to start the engine again, it's probably because the gear shift is in drive (D).


If the engine oil becomes a creamy color, it means the oil has been contaminated by the cooling water and the engine has to be repaired


If the engine oil is changed regularly, it will extend the service life of the engine.


If the goods loaded on vehicle exceed the maximum weight limit, the excessive weight must be removed from the vehicle before the vehicle is permitted to board the ferry and cross the river


If the headlights are shining farther than usual at night, that indicates the vehicle is traveling downhill.


Motor vehicle owners or drivers can pay fines directly to the designated agency within 15 days for citations issued by the road traffic administration if they do not intend to contest.


Motorcycles less than 550 cc may not be driven on freeways


National freeways and expressways are under the jurisdiction of the Taiwan Area National Freeway Bureau, MOTC, and provincial freeways and expressways are overseen by the Directorate General of Highways, MOTC.


No one is allowed to ride outside a vehicle


No parking, neither temporary nor long-term, is allowed on a No Temporary Parking road 24 hours a day


No tow vehicle (tow truck) may provide services along freeways or expressways under any circumstances without a permit from the proper freeway or expressway administration authority


On a freeway or expressway, no vehicle is permitted to drive straddling two lanes, recklessly changing lanes, make a U-turn, or drive in an oncoming traffic lane on any lane or road shoulder


On a one-way road with the edge of the road marked with border lines, drivers may not drive over the border lines of the road, except for pulling over to stop or park temporarily.


On freeway with a maximum speed limit of 90km per hour, vehicles traveling at less than 80km per hour are required use the outside lane, but may still use the adjacent outside lane to pass other vehicles.


On freeways and expressways, drivers are not permitted to stop their vehicle suddenly or temporarily, except to slow down due to special circumstances, such as an accident. (Freeway and Expressway Traffic Rule 10).


On freeways and expressways, drivers are required to comply with specific freeway and expressway traffic rules, as well as general road safety rules.


On freeways and expressways, drivers may not stop their vehicle to load or unload passengers or goods, except in designated locations


On freeways and expressways, drivers of heavy motorcycles over 550cc are required to keep the headlight on at all times.


On freeways and expressways, drivers of heavy motorcycles over 550cc are required to wear a standard safety helmet. The helmet should be a full face or an open face helmet.


On freeways and expressways, large vehicles are required to use the outside lanes and use the adjacent lane for passing vehicles in front of them.


On freeways and expressways, the cargo loaded on trucks must be covered and secured tightly. Sand or gravel loaded on a truck must be securely covered and under no circumstances can be higher than the top of cargo containment area


On freeways and expressways, vehicles traveling at a speed of 90km per hour have to maintain a safe driving distance of at least 45 meters from the vehicle in front of them under the normal weather conditions


On freeways or expressways with a maximum speed limit of 80km per hour, cars are required to maintain a safe driving distance of at least 40 meters from the vehicle in front of them for safety reasons.


On freeways or expressways, any long, oversized object loaded on a truck may not block the rear lights or the license plate.


On freeways or expressways, drivers are required to maintain a longer safe driving distance between themselves and the vehicle in front if there is heavy fog, heavy smoke, gusty winds, or heavy rain, or if they are driving at night or there are any other special circumstances.


On mountain roads, vehicles in the lane closest to the mountain have to yield to vehicles in other lanes.


The brake fluid level has to be higher than the minimum level indicated as MIN in the fluid reservoir and lower than the maximum level indicated as MAX in the fluid reservoir. Drivers are required to add brake fluid whenever necessary and only use the same brand and type of brake fluid.


Reaction distance plus braking distance equals the distance required to stop a moving vehicle.


Temporary parking is allowed on No-Parking roads, but not long-term parking.


The battery post with a larger diameter is the positive terminal. The post with a smaller diameter is the negative terminal


The body of an automobile is not allowed to have damage, loose parts, or doors that do not close properly.


The driver of the rear vehicle is required to maintain a distance that is safe enough to stop their vehicle before a collision.


The engine will discharge blue and white exhaust smoke when oil is being burned.


The exhaust discharged by a vehicle increases as the frequency of acceleration and deceleration increases.


The freeway or expressway authority can regulate the times vehicles are either prohibited from or permitted to use certain lanes, the shoulders of certain roads, and the on and off ramps of certain freeways and expressways, as well as the number people that can be carried by certain vehicles.


The glove compartment should always be opened and closed quickly while driving to avoid causing injury to any passenger during sudden or emergency braking.


The inner lane of a freeway or expressway is the designated passing lane. However, drivers may use the inner lane when they are not passing another car provided they drive at the maximum speed limit allowed on that road and do not block traffic.


The Directives Governing Penalties for Traffic Rule Violations were enacted for the regulation of road traffic to facilitate the orderly flow of traffic thereby ensuring traffic safety.


When driving in the same lane, the vehicle in the front and the vehicle in the back are required to maintain a safe driving distance that allows them to brake and stop the vehicle, unless the vehicle in back is in the process of passing the vehicle in front.


When driving through an area with road signs indicating a winding road, tunnel, steep slope, narrow road, school, hospital, muddy road, flooding, or road under construction, drivers must slow down and be prepared to stop at any time.


When driving through mountain roads during rainy days, drivers should listen to the Police Broadcasting Service and pay attention to the traffic reports. Also, be alert and avoid any dangerous sections.


When driving, you should never ever be in such a rush that you speed and lose your concentration, not even for one second, and always focus on your driving.


When jumping the battery of your car using another battery, the jumper cable marked positive (+) should be connected to the positive (+) battery terminal post and the jumper cable marked negative (-) should be connected to another surface, such as the outer body of the vehicle, to ground the electrical charge.


When operating a vehicle, drivers are required to carry their vehicle registration, driver's license, and all other documents related to driving with them at all times


When parking a vehicle, you should pull the hand brake all the way up to prevent the vehicle from rolling.


When passing other vehicles on a two-way road with a broken yellow line separating oncoming traffic, drivers should spend the least amount of time necessary in the oncoming lane to reduce the chance of an accident happening.


When starting the engine, you should not crank the starter switch for more than 10 seconds. Otherwise, you may damage the starter switch motor and battery.


valuing life should be the top priority of driving ethics. Drivers should respect pedestrians and yield to the elderly, children, and the disabled at all times.


Cars fueled by liquefied petroleum gas or compressed natural gas, small trucks, large trucks, vehicles transporting children, and vehicles used for business purposes less than 5 years old must be inspected at least once a year, and cars over 10 years old must be inspected at least twice a year


Both freeways and expressways have an acceleration lane to the right of an off-ramp lane which allows drivers to speed up in order to exit the main road.


Drivers are required to signal with their right turn signal light before passing the vehicle in front of them.


It is not necessary to go to the Motor Vehicle Registration Department and apply for a vehicle inspection after modifying or replacing key parts or equipment, such as the vehicle body, engine, chassis, or electrical system.


It is possible to check the level of the oil in the engine if you are parked on a slope by simply checking the oil level on the dipstick.


Drivers in the left-turn only lane may go straight if they change their mind at the last minute and decide they don't want to turn


Neither counterfeiting nor altering a vehicle plate is allowed, but it is okay to borrow or lend a vehicle plate from or to another vehicle.


Drivers refusing to take a blood alcohol test (breathalyzer test) will be fined NTD 30,000


The driver should first run the engine for several minutes, then turn it off before removing the radiator cap to check the fluid level in the radiator.


To turn around by going around a round-about is too much trouble; to make it easier, just make a U-turn; drivers who do this will not be fined and do not violate traffic laws


Trucks may carry goods that extend beyond the front of the vehicle by up to two meters.


Unless otherwise indicated by the authorities, no parking is allowed on no-parking roads 24 hours a day.


Upon seeing repair technicians closing down a road or bridge, drivers should ignore it and speed up to pass through, so that their trip is not delayed.


Vehicles may drive through slowly when pedestrians are crossing in crosswalks.


Vehicles may travel on any roads under control at any time.


When an automatic drive vehicle is being driven, the driver may shift into either park (P) or reverse (R) at anytime.


When applying for a driver's license, applicants must get at least 90 points to pass the traffic rules exam


When drivers enter a circular intersection with multiple lanes, they are not required to yield to vehicles in the inner lanes.


Drivers who receive more than 6 traffic violation points on their driving record within one year are required to attend road traffic safety classes


A gasoline fire should be put out by a fire extinguished, sand, a wet blanket, or wet clothing.


Bad driving habits such as tailgating, changing lanes randomly, changing lanes suddenly to speed up turning, speeding or driving in a frenzy are the most common bad driving habits.


Before accelerating from a stop, drivers should yield to pedestrians and other vehicles that are already moving on the road.


Drivers are required use their turn signal light and maintain a safe driving distance when they merge into a main lane from an on-ramp acceleration lane


Drivers do not have to warm up their vehicle before driving. Driving slowly is sufficient to help the engine reach the normal operating temperature.


Drivers have to comply with speed limits shown on signs. On roads with no speed limit sign, drivers must not exceed a speed of 50km per hour. On roads without lines regulating lanes or oncoming traffic separation, drivers must not exceed a speed of 40km per hour.


Drivers may not cross over a no-passing line, solid double yellow lines separating oncoming traffic, or a line indicating no lane changes, nor can they pass another vehicle or make a U-turn on a railroad crossing.


Drivers may not drive longer than 8 hours at one time.


Drivers should park their vehicle in a shady area and refrain from parking their vehicle for a long time with the air-conditioner running continuously in order to not waste fuel or put themselves in danger.


Drivers should slow down before beginning a turn. If a driver has to brake during the turn itself, it means they didn't slow down enough before beginning their turn.


If a vehicle stalled in a long tunnel with its engine running consequently causing the air quality to deteriorate or become toxic, the driver is required to turn off the engine to reduce the emission of toxic gas.


If the parties related to the accident intend to contest the assessment made by the accident assessment commission, they may request the review commission to review the case within 30 days.


If you drive at a high speed when the engine is cold, it will decrease the service life of the engine


Long tunnels are equipped with emergency phones, so drivers can contact the control center to report any vehicle breakdown, accident, or disaster that has occurred in the tunnel.


Looking far down the road up ahead and maintaining a safe driving distance from other vehicles are two of the most important ways to prevent accidents from happening.


Main lanes are defined as lanes designated for vehicles moving straight ahead.


Margin of safety refers to the amount of time and distance required for a driver to react and stop their vehicle in emergency.


Reaction distance refers to the distance traveled before a driver took action after identifying a situation requiring an immediate countermeasure


Roads are defined as highways, freeways, expressways, roads, streets, lanes, alleys and plazas, arcades, corridors, and all other passageways provided for use by the general public.


Special vehicles are only allowed to carry passengers or goods in accordance with the intended function or purpose of the vehicle.


Speeding is one of the leading causes of road accidents.


Steadily increasing the speed after starting the vehicle and maintaining a steady speed are the best ways to save fuel.


Student drivers are required to comply with all traffic signs, road markings, traffic signals, and speed limits while practicing driving on the road. Furthermore, they should pay attention to the traffic in front, behind, and on both sides to ensure safety.


When refueling, drivers are required to turn off their engine and may not smoke, make calls or answer calls with their cell phone for safety reasons.


When removing the cap from gas tank, drivers have to be cautious of the pressure build up inside the tank. Drivers should first turn the cap counter-clockwise for half a turn, then wait for a hissing sound indicating the pressure has been released, so fuel will not spray out..


When starting an automatic drive vehicle, drivers must step on the brakes as they shift into gear to ensure they can keep the vehicle under control.


Being unfamiliar with the operation of your vehicle has nothing to do with driving safety.


A driver may turn first if the oncoming vehicles have not yet reached the intersection


A driver's visual capability remains the same no matter what speed they are traveling at.


A driver, who runs a red light and thus causes either a major injury or death, will not necessarily have their driver's license suspended.


If a safety belt is warn out or damaged, it must be replaced.


A deceleration lane is the farthest right lane that allows drivers to decelerate before exiting a road.


A driver is required to either use their turn signal light or an arm signal to alert any vehicle behind them in the same lane that they intend to slow down or stop temporarily.


A driver may honk their horn if an emergency occurs, or when approaching a curve, at the top of a hill with poor visibility, or passing the vehicle in front in a rural area


A good driver always travels at an appropriate speed and maintains a steady speed even when changing lanes


A vehicle must come to a complete stop before the driver shifts into either drive (D), reverse (R)) or park (P).


During the rush hour, drivers should avoid busy congested routes in order to save fuel.


If a vehicle breaks down on a railroad crossing, the driver should take counter measures in the following sequence: press the emergency button→ push the vehicle out of the crossing→quickly move out of the way as the train approaches.


On one-lane bridges or in one-lane tunnels, it is forbidden for vehicles traveling from opposite directions to pass each other.


When turning left at an intersection, drivers must signal their turn 30 meters before reaching the intersection. They must move into the inner lane or left turn lane and make their turn from the center of the intersection. Under no circumstances may drivers make a left turn from the oncoming traffic lane.


When turning right at an intersection, drivers must signal their turn 30 meters before reaching the intersection. They must move into the outer lane or right turn lane or slow lane and then make their turn.


While a vehicle is traveling on the road, the driver, front-seat passengers, and rear seat passengers of a small vehicle are required to wear safety belts.


Abiding by the traffic regulations has nothing to do with driving ethics.


yielding and tolerance are indicators of good driving ethics.


A mini-van loaded with goods may not exceed a height 3 meters from the ground.


An automatic drive vehicle must be shifted into park in order to start the engine.


Most accidents are caused by driver negligence or error, and bad driving habits.


Both freeways and expressways have an acceleration lane to the right of an on-ramp merge lane which allows drivers to decelerate when merging onto the main road.


A person holding a student driver's license can practice driving on any roads.


A ramp is the lane to the farthest right of the exit lane from a main lane decelerate before exiting a main lane


A ramp is the lane to the farthest right of the exit lane from a main lane that allows drivers to decelerate before exiting a main lane.


A taxi driver can request an additional fare from elderly, disabled passengers, or children.


A vehicle's ability to brake does not change after driving through a flooded area


Abnormal sounds when braking are quite normal. It's not necessary to stop and check your vehicle.


Although fuel consumption is lower when the air pressure in the tires is greater, tire pressure has no connection with braking performance.


Although vision, hearing, and judgment all become impaired when drinking alcohol, alcohol makes people feel good. Therefore, it's okay for people to drive after drinking.


An automatic drive vehicle must be shifted into any other gear besides neutral (N) or park (P) in order to start the engine.


An engine will not overheat as long as there is sufficient water in the radiator


An interchange is the lane to the farthest right of an on-ramp lane for a main lane that allows drivers to accelerate in order to merge into the main lane.


At an intersection with both traffic lights and traffic control personnel, drivers should comply with the traffic lights.


At circular intersections with multiple lanes, vehicles in the outside lane have the right of way.


At the scene of an accident, you should pat or shake any wounded person who is unconscious to help them regain consciousness


Before attempting to pass another vehicle, the driver should shift into a higher gear in order to improve their ability to accelerate quickly while passing.


When driving on a freeway, automatic drive vehicles should always be initially shifted into the lowest speed gear. After that, the transmission will automatically find the most appropriate gear, so drivers don't need to worry about what gear they should drive in, anyway.


When parking on roadside at night or when there is heavy fog, rain, snow, sand dust or reduced visibility during the day, drivers are not required to turn on lights nor put out a reflective sign.


When starting a computer-controlled fuel injection engine in cold weather, you should quickly pump the fuel pedal several times first, so the engine will start more easily.


When the fuel gauge points to E, it means the fuel tank is full.


When traveling on a flat and straight road, vehicles may cross the double yellow line and drive in the oncoming traffic lane in order to pass the vehicle in front of them.


With a learner driver's license, you are allowed to learn how to drive a bus.


Without a driver's license, I can still teach others how to drive as long as I have good driving skills and I can do that to make a living.


You can lend your driver's license to other people.


You may not use both the hand brake and foot brake at the same time


You may park your vehicle long term on a No-Temporary Parking road.


A pedestrian crosswalk is an area painted with either longitudinal lines or zebra lines where pedestrians are allowed to cross the street.


A person who possesses a current and legal driver's license may apply for an international driver's license valid for the same time period and the same type of vehicle(s) as stated on their driver's license while they are abroad.


A vehicle owner may change the color of their vehicle. However, they are required to amend their vehicle registration accordingly at the Motor Vehicle Registration Department.


A vehicle owner may not put decorative lights on the body of any vehicle, or spray paint or put tape on the lights of their vehicle for decorative purposes.


A visitor who possess a valid international driver's license and has stayed for more than 30 days should obtain a special permit from the Motor Vehicle Registration Department prior to driving in the R.O.C.


Accidents on highways are handled by the National Highway Police Bureau, while accidents on expressways are handled by county or city police offices of the government where accidents occur, or other police officers designated by the National Police Agency, Ministry of Interior


After a vehicle has been involved in accident, all the safety belts and related operational devices and hardware must be replaced.


After parking a vehicle and before opening the door, it is critical to check for any passing pedestrians or vehicles and let them pass by first


After refueling, the gas tank cap should be appropriately tightened in order to minimize loss of fuel caused by evaporation and keep the gasoline free from contamination.


Although it may not be necessary to look far ahead when starting a vehicle and thus driving at a slow speed, drivers should look farther and farther ahead as the speed of their vehicle increases.


Always be careful when opening and closing car doors. First, open the door slightly to check and make sure there are no obstacles blocking the door or vehicles or pedestrians approaching. If it is safe, then the door may be opened wide enough so the driver and any passengers can get in or out.


Always check for vehicles approaching from behind before you completely open the door and get in or out of a vehicle to prevent accidents from happening.


Always make certain that the hood is completely closed after doing a safety inspection to ensure the hood doesn't pop open suddenly when driving on road.


An ABS braking system allows drivers to brake and steer their vehicle normally when they have to stop suddenly due to an emergency.


An engine consumes more fuel when it's cold than when it's warm.


Any driver, who causes an accident that results in either a major injury or death and then immediately leaves the scene of the accident, will have their driver's license suspended and not be allowed to drive again.


Any person younger than 18 years old caught driving a car or motorcycle without a driver's license will be fined and prohibited from driving on the spot. Additionally, both the driver and their parents or legal guardian will be required to attend traffic safety classes.


Anyone driving a vehicle loaded with cargo that fails to follow the instructions on the signs, road markings, or signals starting 1 km before reaching a weigh station, and thus fails to have their weight checked will be fined NTD 10,000 and ordered to have their weight checked.


Applicants must get at least 70 points on the road test in order to pass the driving test.


Areas that have "no parking" signs or road markings, but no other signs or marking rules, are allowed to be parked in after 8 pm until the next day before 7 am.


As a veteran driver, I know just how dangerous speeding is. Even if passengers ask me to speed up, I will never agree but rather tell them how dangerous that is instead.


As freeways and expressways are wide, open, and flat, they are more conducive to driving at high speeds. Therefore, drivers must be especially cautious not to exceed the speed limit.


At a railroad crossing without a guard, guard gate, alarm, or flashing warning lights, drivers are required to stop temporarily 3~6 meters before the tracks, then look carefully and listen to verify that there is no train coming before they drive over the railroad crossing


Before allowing a friend to use a vehicle or motorcycle, the owner is required to make sure the friend has a driver's license, is in good physical condition, and is mentally sound or competent. The owner must also disclose pertinent information about the vehicle to the friend.


Before driving at night, drivers are required to clean the glass on the windshield and the two front doors to improve safety.


Before driving, it is important to make sure that the level of oil in the engine is within normal levels as indicated on the dipstick because if the oil level is too high, the engine will burn excessive fuel.


Before entering lanes or changing lanes, drivers should flash their turn signal to signal their direction, check for vehicles in their rear view mirror and look over their left and right shoulders to check the movement of vehicles in the adjacent lanes in order to eliminate the blind spots not shown in the rear view mirror.


Before getting out of a parked vehicle, the driver and any passengers are required to check carefully to see if there are any pedestrians or vehicles approaching from behind before they completely open the door to exit the vehicle.


Before passing a vehicle in the same lane on a two-lane only two-way road, drivers are required to either tap their horn twice or flash their headlights once. They may pass if the vehicle in front slows down and pulls over to the roadside or uses an arm signal to indicate that they will yield.


Before turning on the ignition, motorists should turn off any entertainment monitors, except monitors used for driving assistance


Bicyclists, pedestrians and drivers of motorized tri-wheeled cycles will be fined if they do not attend traffic safety classes when they are required to do so.


Brake fluid, power steering fluid, and engine oil are all toxic substances which have to be stored in safe containers which are properly labeled and out of the reach of children.


Buses must not obstruct traffic while loading or unloading passengers. 02


By always maintaining a margin of safety, drivers can take an additional protective measure


Cargo loaded on a covered truck may not extend outside the truck.


Cars less than 5 years old are exempt from periodic inspection (with the exception of vehicles fueled by liquefied petroleum gas or compressed natural gas). Cars over 5 years, but less than 10 years, must be inspected at least once a year. And cars over 10 years old must be inspected at least twice a year.


Dangerous flammable objects, such as lighters, should never be left in an unattended vehicle during hot or sunny weather.


Death or injury by professional drivers on duty driving is considered service negligence and is subject to a longer imprisonment than that of other negligent drivers.


Do not crank the starter switch for longer than 10 seconds when attempting to start the engine. If the engine doesn't start within 10 seconds, stop cranking the starter switch for 10 seconds before you make another attempt. Otherwise, you may damage the starter motor.


Drag racing or driving side-by-side with another vehicle at low speed is prohibited on freeways and expressways.


Drinking alcohol impairs both the vision and reaction time which thereby causes accidents.


Drivers are prohibited from passing on acceleration, deceleration and single-lane ramps.


Drivers are required to abide by traffic rules in order to minimize accidents.


Drivers are required to arrange maintenance in accordance with the mileage or the maintenance schedule as recommended by manufacturers, in addition to having inspections done as required by the Motor Vehicle Registration Department.


Drivers are required to comply with all control measures when they are traveling on the roads being monitored or controlled by the authorities due to special circumstances.


Drivers are required to comply with the instructions concerning the use of headlights as shown on the road signs when driving in the mountains, on special roads, or under culverts or underpasses


Drivers are required to comply with the requirements stipulated by the highway authority or the police regarding parking hours, locations, parking methods, and type of vehicle allowed to park at a specific location.


Drivers are required to comply with the traffic signs and to obey the instructions of police officers or any other law enforcement officers.


Drivers are required to comply with traffic control signs when driving through a tunnel.


Drivers are required to display warning flags on the edge of the front and rear of their vehicle if their vehicle is loaded with dangerous cargo.


Drivers must use their left turn signal to indicate their intention to pass another vehicle and maintain a distance of at least half a meter from the side of the other vehicle during passing until they have reached a safe driving distance from the vehicle. They must also use their right turn signal before returning to the original lane.


Drivers of vehicles with four or more wheels may not use the slow lane unless they are just starting up the vehicle, making a turn, or pulling over to park. However, on roads with a safety island separating the slow and fast lanes, these drivers may use the slow lane.


Drivers on freeways or expressways are required to regulate their speed in accordance with the speed limit signs.


Drivers on highways or bridges that speed through the toll booth in order to avoid paying the toll, thus injuring a toll-booth worker, will have their driver's license revoked.


Drivers parked on the side of the road are required to turn on their parking lights or put out a reflective warning sign if it is foggy, rainy, snowy, or there is reduced visibility due to blowing sand or dust


Drivers possessing a bus driver's license may drive large trucks, large vehicles for carrying both passengers and goods, trailer trucks, cars, and motorcycles


Drivers possessing a large truck driver's license may drive a car or motorcycle.


Drivers should drive especially careful on rainy days because roads become slippery and making U-turns or sudden stops can easily cause an accident.


Drivers should not adjust their seat while driving. Adjusting the driver's seat while the vehicle is in motion can cause the driver to lose control of their vehicle.


Drivers should slow down when traveling through a flooded area and test their brakes to make sure they are still in good working condition after they have passed through the flooded area.


Drivers should steadily and gradually increase their vehicle speed and avoid driving in low gear for long periods of time.


Drivers that use hand-held cell phones, computers, or other similar devices to call, talk, digitally communicate, or do other actions that might hinder driving safety while operating a moving vehicle on the road will be fined 3,000 NTD


Drivers traveling uphill may not drive erratically and may not turn off the engine and coast downhill.


Drivers who are mentally exhausted, sick, or sleepy and thus unable to concentrate on their driving are prohibited from driving.


Drivers who cause death or injury due to negligence are by law subject to criminal liability and civil indemnity.


Drivers who cause death or injury due to negligence are liable for criminal consequences, civil consequences, and administrative consequences. It is not the case that there is no indemnity if you are imprisoned, or no imprisonment if there is indemnity.


Drivers who don't obey traffic signs will be fined and receive a traffic violation on their driving record.


Drivers who fail to use the proper designated lane will be cited without being stopped.


Drivers who make U-turn on a No Left Turn road will be fined and receive a traffic violation on their driving record.


Drivers who make a right turn while the traffic light is red will be fined NT$600~1,800.


Drivers who turn in another driver who has caused an accident, assist the injured at the scene of an accident, and maintain an outstanding driving record are eligible for an award bestowed by the government


Drivers whose blood alcohol level exceeds legal limit and cause an accident resulting in major injury or death will be fined and their driver's license cancelled. They will not allow to obtain a driver's license again.


Drivers whose license was either suspended or revoked are prohibited from applying for another driver's license during the suspension period.


Drivers will be fined and their driver's licenses suspended for three months if they do not yield to a fire engine, ambulance, or security vehicle when they hear the siren, or if they speed behind a fire engine, ambulance, or security vehicle


Drivers will be fined if they do not use their lights in accordance with the law.


Drivers, front-seat passengers, or rear seat passengers of small vehicles who do not fasten safety belts on general roads other than freeways or expressways will be fined NT$1,500


Drivers, who disobey instructions from the police or traffic enforcement officers and thus cause injury or death, will be penalized, their driver's license will be either suspended or cancelled, and they will be permanently prohibited from driving in the R.O.C. (except for those who meet certain criteria and those whose license suspension has expired in accordance with requirements stipulated by the government).


Driving is a tiresome work that requires good coordination of the body and mind, so drivers may get exhausted easily. Therefore, keeping a healthy life can significantly improve your driving safety.


Minibuses are classified as buses having less than 9 seats , including the driver's seat.


Driving under the influence of mind-altering drugs, hallucinogens, narcotics, or other controlled substances or alcohol that impair drivers' ability to operate vehicles safely is subject to imprisonment of no more than two years, and can be subject to a fine not exceeding NT$200,000


During a period of torrential rain, as noted by the Central Weather Bureau, rock-falls, landslides, or swollen rivers under bridges in low rivers, caused by torrential rain in the upper rivers, are all signs of road disasters. When encountering these, drivers should avoid those sections and report to the departments of Directorate General of Highways or the Police Broadcasting Service as a warning to other drivers


During a regular inspection, both the foot brakes and hand (emergency) brake will be checked, as well as the tires, and all lights to make sure they are compliant with the law.


During any emergency which renders a driver incapable of continuing to drive on a freeway or expressway, the driver should pull over to the road shoulder to stop, and wait for help.


Electrical railroad lines have height clearance gates in front of and behind the crossing which alert vehicles exceeding the maximum height are not allowed to pass.


Emergency phones are provided along freeways at regular intervals to allow drivers call for help or to report road incidents and accidents.


Enforcing traffic rules to ensure the orderly flow of traffic is essential to traffic safety.


Even if a driver has passed the driver's license test, technically they can not drive until they have their driver's license on hand.


Even if there is no warning siren or warning lights flashing at a railroad crossing, drivers still have to listen carefully and look both directions to make sure there is no train coming before they cross the tracks.


Excluding the driver, no more than 2 passengers are allowed to ride in the cab of a mini-truck.


Failure to use a turn signal before turning, and not paying attention to the vehicles following behind when making turns, are the most common causes of accidents.


Fire engines and security vehicles on duty are not subject to restrictions on parking and parking at specific locations.


Fire engines, ambulances, security vehicles, and other emergency vehicles are not subject to speed limit restrictions when they are on official duty.


Fire engines, ambulances, security vehicles, and other emergency vehicles may drive in any lane on roads that have two or more lanes for traffic traveling in the same direction.


For safety and environmental protection reasons, drivers are required to maintain a steady speed and not frequently accelerate or decelerate abruptly, as well as maintain a safe driving distance at all times.


For safety reasons, drivers should start braking early and not brake abruptly to avoid a rear-end collision.


For safety reasons, prior to changing lanes, drivers are required to signal their turn to the vehicles in front of and behind them with their turn signal light and at the same time watch out for traffic in the other lanes.


For vehicles traveling on freeways or expressways that have more than 4 wheels, the tire treads must be at 1.6 mm thick.


Freeways and expressways are under the local jurisdiction of the government authority which has control over all roads passing through their respective area.


Freeways and expressways have an island, open area, or other barrier that separates the traffic approaching from the opposite direction.


Freeways and expressways have special signs used only on freeways and expressways in addition to signs used on regular roads.


Freeways are highways on which access is restricted for some types of vehicles and on which the opposing directions of traffic are separated by an island or other barrier. Freeways connect to other roads on multi-levels.


Gasoline containing an insufficient amount of octane is likely to burn abnormally, possibly resulting in backfiring, poor fuel efficiency, and loss of engine power (Hp).


Getting rid of unnecessary load will make your vehicle more fuel efficient


Goods loaded in or on vehicles have to be securely loaded and fastened down tightly.


Goods loaded on uncovered trucks have to be securely fastened down although the goods are allowed to extend outside the body of the truck.


Highly corrosive battery fluid is made of diluted sulfuric acid. If your skin, eyes, or clothes come in contact with battery fluid by accident, you must rinse them with clean water immediately.


Hybrid vehicles are primarily designed to save fuel and to reduce air pollution.


If I'm carrying passengers, I have to be extremely cautious because I am responsible for the safety of everyone on board.


If a car breaks down in a freeway or expressway tunnel, the driver must turn on their emergency warning lights immediately, put out a vehicle breakdown sign 100 meters behind their vehicle, and notify the proper authorities with the emergency phone or by cell phone.


If the owner of a vehicle is planning to convert a vehicle to use liquefied petroleum gas as its fuel source, that owner is required to obtain a vehicle safety inspection certificate and then contact the Motor Vehicle Registration Department to arrange for inspection and to have the vehicle registration amended


If the temperature gauge indicates that the engine temperature is abnormally high, the driver should stop driving immediately. If they continue to drive, it will cause severe damage to the engine


If the windshield wiper system runs out of fluid and you use it anyway, you may damage the wiper motor and the wipers will easily scratch the windshield.


If there are construction signs, square white signs, or vehicle warning signs along the road, it means the road up ahead is under construction. Therefore, all vehicles must slow down when passing through that area.


If violators want to contest a traffic citation, they should file a lawsuit with the Administrative Litigation Panels of the Dist. Courts, and the agency which took the administrative action should be the defendant


If you drive, do not drink. And if you drink, do not drive.


If you ever find anybody injured and lying on the ground, you should immediately dial 110 or 119 to notify the police or emergency medical services.


If you hear abnormal sounds when you are braking, it's probably because the brake pads are worn down.


If you hear any abnormal sounds when braking, there is something wrong with the braking system. You should stop and check the vehicle immediately


If you see a blind person or a person using a white-colored cane to assist them with walking on the street or crossing the street, you should help them or yield to them.


If, after cargo is loaded onto a vehicle, the cargo width is wider than the vehicle, the driver is required to apply for a temporary permit from the Motor Vehicle Registration Department, either at the drive's starting point, or where the vehicle is registered, before transporting the cargo


If, after cargo is loaded onto a vehicle, the overall height is over four meters, the driver is required to apply for a temporary permit from the Motor Vehicle Registration Department either at the starting point, or where the vehicle is registered, before transporting the cargo.


In an intersection with both traffic signals and traffic control personnel, drivers must follow the instructions given by the traffic control personnel.


In order to reduce exhaust and protect the environment, vehicles are not allowed to idle for more than 3 minutes. Violators are subject to penalties in accordance with the Air Pollution Prevention Act.


In principle, a law enforcement officer should not obstruct traffic to issue a citation to drivers that used hand-held cell phones, computers, or other similar devices to call, talk, digitally communicate, or do other actions that might hinder driving safety. If necessary, law enforcement officers may use a video camera or photographs to collect evidence to prosecute a traffic violation.


In the event of a vehicle breakdown on a freeway or expressway, the driver is allowed to park their vehicle on road shoulder for a maximum of two hours


Intentional death or injury by a driver is considered willful murder or assault by law.


Interchanges are the multi-level ramps that connect freeways to expressways, as well as connect freeways and expressways to other roads.


It is dangerous for the driver of a small vehicle to closely follow a larger vehicle because their view could be blocked, making it impossible for them to quickly respond to any emergency


It is the responsibility of the vehicle owner and the driver to tightly secure cargo loaded on the vehicle; this can reduce the probability of accidents


Keeping your vehicle free of unnecessary items or cargo will reduce the vehicle weight, thus lowering your fuel consumption, saving you money, and most importantly protecting the environment.


Long tunnel is an extremely enclosed underground space. If a fire occurs, temperature in the tunnel may rise as high as 1,000 and cause ℃ a disaster if drivers do not follow regulations or evacuation procedures in the tunnel.


On narrow sloping roads, vehicles traveling downhill must yield to vehicles traveling uphill. If the vehicle traveling uphill is at the foot of the hill and the vehicle traveling down hill is already halfway down, then the vehicle traveling uphill must yield to the vehicle traveling downhill. On mountainous roads, vehicles traveling in the lane closest to the mountain must yield to vehicles in all other lanes. Violators will be penalized.


On roads with 2 or more lanes for traffic traveling in the same direction, drivers must stay inside the lane lines and are not allowed to straddle two lanes, or cross any line that marks the edge of the road, except for pulling over to stop or park temporarily


On roads with a safety island separating the slow and fast lanes, drivers may not turn left from the slow lane.


On roads with more than 2 lanes for vehicles traveling in the same direction, drivers may drive in either the inner or outer lane. However, drivers may not randomly change lanes.


On roads with taxi pick-up/drop-off signs, taxis are only allowed to pick up passengers at the designated areas, not anywhere else along that road.


Owners of motorcycles, passenger cars, vans, and small trucks are required to submit their VIN (vehicle identification number) certificate issued by manufacturer, sales agent or importer and approved by the Ministry of the Interior when applying for license plates.


Parking a vehicle in front of the entrance to a public facility, such as an airport, bus or train station, wharf, or school is prohibited.


Parking for any length of time, backing up or driving in reverse, and passing are all strictly prohibited in tunnels


Passengers may not stretch their head, arms, or body out of the window of a moving vehicle.


Passing is not allowed on the roads that are winding, or have a steep slope, narrow bridge, tunnel, or railroad crossing, or roads that intersect with another road or are under construction.


Passing is prohibited on two-lane roads if there is oncoming traffic or there are multiple vehicles in front.


Peripheral vision refers to the driver's ability to see objects located to the side when they are looking straight forward.


Physical checkups, physical exams, and written test scores are valid for one year.


Poor vehicle maintenance causes a lot of accidents. Therefore, you should keep all mechanical parts in good condition and follow the owner's manual regarding vehicle maintenance and safety inspection.


Prior to driving on a freeway or expressway, drivers are required to familiarize themselves with the road and traffic conditions as much as possible.


Prior to driving, always check the water in the radiator and battery, the oil, and brake fluid, and the drive belts under the hood.


Prior to driving, drivers are required to adjust their seat, and clean and adjust their left and right sideview mirrors, as well as the rearview mirror to the most appropriate angle, so they can see clearly all around their vehicle.


Prior to driving, drivers are required to check to make sure their steering wheel, brakes, tires, lights, windshield wipers, horn, and rearview and sideview mirrors, as well as their vehicle mileage tracking system, pay load meter, and all other alarm devices required for turning and backing up the vehicle are in good working condition.


Prior to making a U-turn, drivers are required to stop and signal their turn and make sure there is no oncoming traffic as well as no pedestrians.


Prior to making a right turn, the driver is required to either flash their right turn signal or raise their left arm with their palm facing slightly to the right to signal their turn.


Prior to making a turn, drivers should check in their rearview mirror and look over both their left and right shoulders to check their blind spots to be sure that there are no vehicles or pedestrians blocking their route and that it is thus safe to make the turn.


Prior to pulling out of a parking space, parking, changing lanes, or turning, drivers are required to use their turn signal lights and drive cautiously to alert other vehicles and pedestrians.


Prior to starting the engine, the driver should check the water level in the radiator and the oil level.


Private passenger cars may not stop at taxi stands


Professional Taxi drivers who are approved to operate until aged 68 are required to apply for regular driver's licenses for the same type of vehicle when their professional driver's license is due.


Professional driver's license holders that are less than 60 years of age shall have their professional driver's licenses reviewed and validated every three years from the date of issuance.


Professional drivers that are 60 years of age and older must pass a physical examination at a certified hospital each year in order to continue renewing their driver's license.


Putting abrupt pressure on the accelerator pedal is likely to waste fuel and increase vehicle exhaust.


The trailers attached to cars are only allowed to carry camping equipment, leisure items, and disease prevention and relief equipment. The trailer doors must be operable and kept closed at all times during transport. All items and objects must be loaded and tied down securely. The trailer may not carry any passengers and its side-windows may not be open.


Those afflicted with serious mental deficiencies, blindness, or epilepsy are prohibited from having a driver's license.


Those who are addicted to alcohol, narcotics, or amphetamines are prohibited from possessing a driver's license.


Those who drive a vehicle without the proper license are subject to penalties and having their driver's license suspended. In addition, they are not eligible to apply for any other license during the suspension period.


Those who have violated laws governing children and juvenile sex trade, or laws governing the control of fire arms and weapons and were thus imprisoned, and those who are convicted gangsters are not allowed to drive a taxi.


Tire pressure has to be checked regularly (including the spare tire). Each car has different tire pressure requirements. Therefore, drivers have to inflate their tires in accordance with the pressure stated in the user's manual.


To avoid accidents, vehicle drivers should watch out for motorcycles that suddenly turn left in front of them with no warning


To avoid causing an accident, drivers are required to maintain a safe driving distance


To drive defensively means to take any and all possible action to prevent accidents from happening.


To drive steadily means to accelerate from a stop slowly, make turns a little bit slower, not speed, not change lanes erratically, keep a safe driving distance, not slam on the brakes suddenly, not compete for road or lane space, and not run red lights.


To park an automatic drive vehicle, the driver must wait until the vehicle comes to a complete stop before they shift into park (P).


To properly put the gas cap back on after refueling, the driver should turn the cap clockwise until they hear a ratchet or clicking sound indicating that the cap has been securely tightened.


Too much engine oil will cause the spark plugs to malfunction, thus wasting fuel and lowering engine power (Hp).


Traffic rules are designed to ensure orderly safe traffic flow. Therefore, you must not only familiarize yourself with but also abide by them


Traffic signs and marking lines are utilized for warning, restriction, and instruction.


Trucks traveling on freeways or expressways that exceed the maximum weight limit by more than 20% may be fined repeatedly and continuously if the driver disregards the warning, fails to reduce the weight and continues to transport the same load.


Trucks, vehicles for carrying both goods and passengers, and trailer trucks are required to enter weigh stations in accordance with the instructions shown on the signs, road markings, and signals. Drivers may not stop their vehicles abruptly on the weight scales under any circumstances.


Under the normal weather conditions, large vehicles traveling on freeway at a speed of 100km per hour are required to maintain a safe driving distance of 80 meters from the vehicle in front of them and cars must maintain a safe driving distance of 50 meters from the vehicle in front of them.


Unless a prior approval from the Motor Vehicle Registration Department is granted, you are not allowed to attach a trailer to your vehicle.


Upon the death of a driver, the person responsible for handling the affairs of the deceased driver is required to return that driver's license to their local Motor Vehicle Registration Department.


Using the gears to control speed when traveling down a long steep slope is safer and creates less wear on the car


Vehicle owners, drivers, pedestrians, and illegal road blockers who are fined for violating traffic rules are required to pay fines by the specified deadline. Those who fail to pay before the deadline shall be subject to injunctive enforcement.


Vehicles are required to slow down when they approach crosswalks; when pedestrians are crossing, vehicles should come to a complete stop to let the pedestrians cross first.


Vehicles carrying dangerous items or loads that are extra long, extra wide, extra tall, or extra heavy are prohibited from traveling in long tunnels.


Vehicles going straight have the right of way in their lane, not vehicles moving into their lane from other lanes.


Vehicles have to yield to pedestrians on a pedestrian crosswalk, no matter if there is a crossing guard or pedestrian crossing signal or not.


Vehicles loaded with dangerous cargo must park in a cool and open area and at a safe distance from other vehicles. All cargo must have labels indicating dangerous goods.


Vehicles may not drive in reverse on winding, narrow, sloping roads or one-way lanes. However, vehicles that have to reverse in order to let others pass through, park, or start driving are not restricted.


Vehicles may not make a U-turn on roads where left turns are prohibited.


Vehicles may not make a U-turn on roads with a No U-turn sign, a line separating oncoming vehicles, or a line indicating no passing and no changing lanes


Vehicles that carry both goods and passengers may not exceed the maximum number passengers permitted by law or the maximum weight limit, which is the total combined weight of goods and passengers being transported at the same time.


Vehicles traveling on a two-way two-lane road are allowed to pass vehicles in the on-coming traffic lane, but not drive side-by-side with vehicles traveling in the same direction if the lanes are separated by a broken yellow line


Vehicles traveling on a two-way two-lane road are required to stay inside their lane.


Vehicles traveling on freeways and expressways are prohibited from straddling two lanes at the same time, making U-turns, driving in reverse, and driving in the oncoming traffic lanes


Vehicles traveling on freeways or expressways are prohibited from honking their horn non-stop, flashing their lights, or using other methods to force the vehicles in front of them to yield the way.


Vehicles with a catalytic converter should not be parked on grass or near flammable objects immediately after driving to avoid causing fire.


Volume of the car horn should not exceed the standards regulated by law.


Water dripping from the exhaust (tail) pipe when a vehicle is started in cold weather is quite normal.


When a driver hears the vehicle behind them tap their horn indicating they want to pass, they are required to pull over to the roadside and yield to the vehicle behind them if there is no barrier blocking their path.


When an accident occurs, arguing about liability is much less important than getting immediate help to protect human life, and minimize injuries and property loss or damage.


When an accident occurs, it is better to administer first-aid to the injured inside their vehicle unless there is a danger that the vehicle could catch on fire or explode.


When approaching an intersection where the light has turned red, the driver can save fuel and be more eco-friendly by simply considering the speed and distance between cars, rather than overusing the accelerator or the brake, allowing the vehicle to simply roll to a stop.


When approaching an intersection with a yellow light, drivers should tap their brakes lightly to slowly reduce their speed and alert the drivers behind them in order to reduce the chance of an accident happening


When approaching near a railroad crossing, vehicles are required to stop immediately as soon as the gates start to lower, or a crossing guard orders them to stop.


When changing lanes on multi-lane roads, drivers are required to signal their lane change with their turn signal light or their arm and to maintain a safe driving distance from other vehicles.


When drivers encounter an accident on the road at which the police are already on the scene, they must leave immediately and not hang around to watch.


When student drivers practice driving on public roads, they may only drive on roads and during times designated by the local authorities. Furthermore, they must be supervised by an instructor seated in the same vehicle, who possesses a driver's license for the same type of vehicle.


When the car is running, the alternator supplies the power for all electric devices installed in the vehicle.


When the engine temperature is too high, the temperature gauge will point to H.


When the left-turn traffic light comes on, drivers are required to either slowly turn left or make a U-turn to prevent accidents from happening.


When traveling at a high speed and braking, it is important to stay calm in order to control the steering and direction of the vehicle to avoid accidents. An ABS braking system gives drivers more control in this kind of situation.


When traveling at a high speed, drivers must pay special attention to the traffic in the other lanes.


When traveling down a long steep slope, drivers are required to switch into low gear to utilize the engine to control their speed, rather than using the foot brakes excessively


When traveling down a slope in an automatic drive vehicle, the driver must shift into a lower-speed gear.


When traveling downhill, drivers may not turn off their engine and coast down the hill.


When traveling on a road with no lane lines separating oncoming traffic, lines marking a railroad crossing or a poor condition road, drivers are required to slow down when there is oncoming traffic


When traveling on freeways or expressways, the driver and front-seat passengers on buses are required to wear a safety belt.


While condition a new car , driving at high speeds and braking abruptly should be avoided.


While traveling on roads, vehicles may not suddenly reduce speed or randomly change lanes.


With a computer-controlled ABS braking system, the brake pedal vibrates when drivers traveling at a high speed hit the brakes suddenly. This vibration is considered normal for an ABS braking system.


You must check your car before you drive to improve road safety.


You should be in good physical and mental condition when driving, so that you can concentrate on your driving.


You should conduct a vehicle safety check prior to each use in addition to having regular maintenance done.


You should switch your headlights to low-beam when approaching oncoming vehicles at night


For drivers, following traffic rules is not as essential as having good driving skills.


If a driver overtakes me to avoid getting dusty, I should pass them for the same reason.


The road is flooded with dirty water after heavy rains. there are lost of pedestrians but I hate to block traffic so it's best that I speed up and pass the quickly.


It is very inconsiderate behavior to honk the horn at random


You have to consider the safety and comfort of your passengers, and pay attention to the safety of other vehicles and pedestrians on the road whenever you start your car, shift gears, turn, or brake.


although drivers have the right of way when they have a green light, they are still required to watch out for jaywalkers and vehicles that run through red lights.


inspecting our cars to make sure they are in good condition before we drive and yielding to pedestrians and other vehicles when on the road displays good driving ethics.


you should yield to oncoming vehicles on a narrow road


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