Ultimate D278 Scripting and Programming Foundations

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Which operator should be used to determine if a number is evenly divisible by 5?


A programmer has developed the following code: count = 0 while count is less than 5: print 'Hello' What is the result of implementing this code?

'Hello' will print indefinitely.

Which expression evaluates to true only when the user is within 3 years of 21 years, given a variable x containing a user's age?

( x >= 18) and ( x <= 24)

function P(integer x) returns integer y y = 2 * x What does P(5) evaluate to?


Given float x = 10.2 and float y = 1.0. What is the value of the expression x / y ?


What is put to output by the following pseudocode: x = 3 do Put x to output Put " " to output x = x - 1 while x > 0

3 2 1

Given integer x = 3 and integer y = 5. What is the value of the expression ( x / 2.0) + y?



A combination of items, like variables, literals, operators, and parentheses, that evaluates to a value. Ex: 2 * (x + 1) is an expression. If x is 3, the expression evaluates to the value 8.

if else

A decision and its two branches. Because IF the decision's expression is true then the first branch executes, ELSE the second branch executes.


A function input specified in a function definition.


A graphical language for creating or viewing computer programs.

Do While loop

A loop that first executes the loop body's statements, then checks the loop condition.

While loop

A loop that repeatedly executes the loop body while the loop's expression evaluates to true.

For loop

A loop with three parts at the top: a loop variable initialization, a loop expression, and a loop variable update.


A program gets data, perhaps from a file, keyboard, touchscreen, network, etc.


A program performs computations on that data, such as adding two values like x + y.


A program puts that data somewhere, such as to a file, screen, network, etc.


A program that repeatedly executes statements while the expression is true; when false, execution proceeds past.


A sequence of instructions that solves a problem.

Naming conventions

A set of style guidelines defined by a company, team, teacher, etc., for naming variables.


A symbol that performs a built-in calculation, like + which performs addition.


A two-character sequence \n whose appearance in an output string literal causes the cursor to move to the next output line.


A type that has just two values: true or false.

Order the steps needed to output the minimum of x and y from first (1) to last (4). A Declare variable min B Put min to output C min = x D If y < min, set min = y



An ordered list of items of a given data type.

A company has a new project it wishes to implement to track and analyze employee and customer interactions. The company leadership determines that the system should support direct data entry as well as automated data capture of phone calls and emails. Which phase of the waterfall process is occurring?


A programmer shows a program's first version to a customer. The customer provides feedback, which causes the programmer to change the goals of the program. In which phase of an agile approach are goals changed based on customer feedback?


Which phase of a waterfall approach defines a program's goals?



Any function input values, appear within ( ), and are separated by commas if more than one.


Any letter (a-z, A-Z), digit (0-9), or symbol (~, !, @, etc.).

What is a valid user-defined function name?

Any valid identifier

Assignment statement

Assigns a variable with a value, such as x = 5.

What does an output of 1 indicate for the following algorithm running on a five-element list of integers? i = 0 x = 0 while i < 5 if list[i] < 0 x = 1 i = i + 1 Put x to output

At least one integer is negative

Order the tasks needed to create a pyramid (large on bottom, small on top) on a table from first (1) to last (4). A Place largest shape. B Clear table C Place smallest shape. D Place middle-sized shape.


Order the steps needed to calculate speed in miles per hour given a start and end location and time traveled in hours from first (1) to last (4). A Put speedMph to output B Declare variables distMiles and speedMph C distMiles = endLocation - startLocation D speedMph = distMiles / timeHours


When should a programmer develop an algorithm to solve a problem?

Before writing a program to solve the problem

Which language is not built on object-oriented design principles?



Can hold whole number values, like 1, 999, 0, or -25 (but not 3.5 or 0.001).

Lower camel case

Capitalizing each word except the first, as in numApples or peopleOnBus.

Run execute

Carrying out a program's statements.


Consists of instructions executing one at a time.

String literal

Consists of text (characters) within double quotes, as in "Go #57!".

Function call

Consists of the function name and parentheses, within which comma-separated arguments (if any) appear.

A program determines if a user's age is high enough to run for U.S. president. The minimum age requirement is 35. How should the item that holds the minimum age be declared?

Constant integer minAge

A program uses the number of seconds in a minute in various calculations. How should the item that holds the number of seconds in a minute be declared?

Constant integer secondsPerMinute

What is a characteristic of a compiled language?

Converts to machine language before running

Which phase of a waterfall approach would create a sequence diagram that specifies the required order of events between completed program components?


Which phase of an agile approach would create a list of components needed to build an online auction site?


A function calculates the weight difference (Diff) given two sample weights (S1 and S2). What should be the output from the function?


A car drove 200 miles using 10 gallons of fuel. Which operation should be used to compute the miles per gallon, which is 20?


Joe is building an online game. He wants to provide a riddle and have the player guess the answer. The game needs to prompt the user to enter the answer, check to see if it the input provided does not match the correct answer, and continue prompting the user until the answer entered matches the correct answer. Which control structure supports Joe's needs?

Do-while loop

Moore's Law

Engineers have reduced switch sizes by half about every 2 years.

What kind of operator is the == in the expression i == 20?


A variable should hold a person's height in meters. Which data type should the variable be?


Which data type is used for items that are measured in length?


What relationship is common among a programming library's functions?

Functions all relate to the same purpose

Function F() Put "Hey" to output What entire output appears after three successive calls to F()?


A function should convert hours and minutes to seconds, such as converting 1 hour and 10 minutes to 4,200 seconds. What should be the input to the function?

Hours and minutes

A programmer decides a program should convert U.S. units to metric units and decides to write the program in C++ using several functions. Which phase of a waterfall approach is occurring when the programmer starts writing the program?


A programmer is currently programming the fourth version of a program. Each version has additional features to satisfy more customers. In which phase of an agile approach does the programming of the fourth version occur?


A programmer shows a program's first version to a customer. Based on feedback, the programmer begins writing a second version of the program. In which phase of an agile approach does the writing of a second version of the program occur?


Which phase of an agile approach would create an executable program?


What does a programmer do first to use an existing programming library?

Include the library

An algorithm should output "OK" if a list's numbers are all non-zero, else the output is "Not OK." Which test is a valid test of the algorithm?

Input 99, 0, 5. Ensure output is "Not OK."

Which text represents an algorithm?

Insert key, turn key, open door

Which data type should be used to keep track of how many planes are in a hangar?


A language uses tags around text to indicate how that text should be formatted. Which characteristic describes a language having such tags?


A language substantially supports a programmer creating items like person, teacher, and students. Each item has internal data and some operations. Which characteristic describes that language?


What is the return value of a function?

Output of a function

What does the following algorithm accomplish? x = Get next input if x == -1 Put "Goodbye" to output

Outputs Goodbye when user types -1

Which language is dynamically typed?



Refers to blank spaces (space and tab characters) between items within a statement, and to newlines.

What is a characteristic of an interpreted language?

Runs easily on different kinds of machines

Which text represents an algorithm?

Shake bulb; if it rattles, replace it

Variable declaration

Specifies the variable's name and type.

A programmer wants a compiler to report an error if an integer variable is assigned with a string. Which kind of language should the programmer use?

Statically typed

A variable should hold the names of all past U.S. presidents. Which data type should the variable be?

String array

Which elements are characteristic of a class diagram?

System's classes, attributes, and methods and their features, constraints, and relationships

Which characteristic specifically describes a markup language?

Tags surround text to describe desired formatting

A programmer shows a program's first version to a customer. Based on feedback, the programmer creates a second version, and then has a colleague run the second version on numerous inputs to ensure outputs are correct. Which phase of an agile approach is that colleague carrying out?


After a programmer is done writing a program, another person runs the program hundreds of times, each time with different input, checking that each run yields correct output. Which phase of a waterfall approach is the person carrying out?


Which phase of an agile approach would define a hypothesis to find a problem in a program?



Text a programmer adds to a program, to be read by humans to better understand the code, but ignored by the program when executing.


Text that resembles a program in a real programming language but is simplified to aid human understanding.

What is an advantage of using a programming library?

The code has already been tested

Incremental development

The process of writing, compiling, and testing a small amount of code, then writing, compiling, and testing a small amount more, and so on.

What is an advantage of interpreted programs?

They can be modified at run time

Which characteristic specifically describes interpreted languages?

They can be run one statement at a time

Which characteristic specifically describes interpreted languages?

They can run on any machine having the right interpreter


This first SDLC phase determines the goals and requirements for a system.


This second SDLC phase defines specifics of how to build a program.

What is the purpose of parentheses () in a programming expression?

To group expressions


To refer to data, like x.

What does the following algorithm determine? if x == y z = 1 else z = 0

Whether x and y are the same

A program should continue accepting input numbers, adding each to a sum, until a 0 is input. Which control structure should be used?

While loop

What is the loop expression in the following pseudocode? i = 0 while i < 20 Put i to output i = i + 1


A function returns a number x cubed. For example, if x is 3, the function returns 3 * 3 * 3, or 27. What should be the input to the function?


Given float x = 3.0. Which expression evaluates to 2.0?

x / 2 + 0.5 /2 + .25

What is the loop variable initialization in the following pseudocode? y = 0 s = 100.0 while y < 10 s = s + (s * 5.0) y = y + 1

y = 0

A function MyFct has an input x and an output z. What does MyFct return?

z only

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