Unit 2 - God's Covenants

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Name three promises God made in his covenant with David.

1. David and his descendants were established as royal heirs to the throne of Israel. 2. David's son Solomon would build the temple for the Lord. 3. God would establish David's kingdom forever.

Name at least three differences in the old covenant God made with the Israelites at Mount Sinai and the new covenant that Jeremiah proclaimed to the people of Israel and Judah.

1. The old covenant was written on stone tablets, while in the new covenant God would put his law in their minds and write it upon their hearts. 2. The old covenant was between God and the nation of Israel, whereas the new covenant is between God and all believers, including both believing Jews and believing Gentiles. Now all people have the opportunity to be reconciled with God and to enjoy a direct, personal relationship with the Lord. 3. Forgiveness is an important element in the new covenant—God pledged that he would remember believers' sins no more.

How long did the flood last?

40 days and 40 nights

Define a biblical covenant.

A covenant in the Bible is an agreement between God and human beings, in which God determines the terms and conditions and the individual or group chooses whether or not to obey. Covenants generally include conditions that are to be followed, with blessings given for obedience and curses for disobedience.

To what does the blood of the covenant with Israel at Mt Sinai point?

Christ's blood on the cross.

Who wanted to build a temple for the Lord?


Why didn't God allow David to build the temple?

David was a man of war, and God wanted a man of peace to build the temple.

What did God promise Abraham?

God promised Abraham he would be the father of a great nation. There would be as many as the sand on the seashore.

What did God promise Adam he would send?

God promised Adam He would send a Messiah, Jesus, to conquer Satan and sin.

What covenant did God make with Noah?

God promised never again to destroy the whole Earth with a flood. He promised that as long as Earth endures, there will be the "seasons" or times for planting and harvesting, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night.

Why did God ask Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice?

God wanted to test Abraham's faith.

Who proclaimed that there would be a new covenant between God and the people of Israel and Judah?


What did God promise the Israelites at Mount Sinai?

Out of all nations, they would be his treasured possession.

What did Noah do when he and his family came out of the ark?

Noah built an altar to the Lord and sacrificed burnt offerings on it.

Because David could not build the temple, who built it?


What is the sign of the covenant God made with Israel at Mt. Sinai?

The blood

What is the sign of the covenant God made with Noah?

The rainbow

Explain how the rainbow such a fitting symbol of God's promise to Noah.

The rainbow is a visible reminder of God's covenant and of his faithfulness. The rainbow is associated with rain in order to remind us that God will never again destroy the whole Earth with a flood.

What did the people do after they received the 10 Commandments?

They offered burnt offerings as atonement for their sins.

Why did God give the Israelites the Ten Commandments?

To instruct the people in what he required in order for them to keep their part of the agreement. God laid out the rules by which he expected them to live.

How did God fulfill his covenant with David in the New Testament?

When Jesus Christ came into the world, he established a kingdom that would never end. Jesus descended from David's line, and his throne and kingdom will never end.

Name three ways Adam and Eve's sin affected all of creation.

thorns, thistles, and weeds; animals attack each other and people; floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters cause destruction

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