Unit 2 MC Review

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The map above shows which of the following empires at its greatest extent? A The Mongol Empire B The Russian Empire C The Byzantine Empire D The Ottoman Empire


The outbreaks of plague described in the passage led most directly to which of the following? A The decline of many major cities across Eurasia B The conquest of Eurasia by Central Asian nomadic peoples C The Spanish and Portuguese voyages of exploration to find new trade routes to Asia D The increased development of mechanical labor-saving devices for industrial production


The painting shows Khubilai Khan and his hunting companions on horseback. To the left, a horse archer prepares his weapon. The establishment of the Mongol Empire directly facilitated which of the following? A Increased cultural and technological exchange between the Islamic world and China B The development of Mongolian as the primary written language of administration across most of Eurasia C The spread of Persian culture into Central Asia D Improved ship designs and navigation techniques for oceanic commerce

d. Ibn Battuta's larger work is a record of all his travels in Africa and Asia and describes the different aspects of the many societies he visited to his largely Muslim audience.

The purpose of Ibn Battuta's account was most likely to A glorify himself by exaggerating the influence he had obtained over local rulers in Southeast Asia B warn Muslim merchants that China was beginning to dominate commerce in the Indian Ocean C encourage fellow Muslims in North Africa to participate more in maritime commerce D inform his audience about the cultural, political, and economic characteristics of the places he visited


"In the year of our Lord 1315, hunger grew in the land. Entering the city we consider 'them that are consumed with famine' when we see the poor and needy, crushed with hunger, lying stiff and dead in the wards and streets." Johannes de Trokelowe, English monk, fourteenth century C.E. What mostly likely caused the famine described above? A The Little Ice Age B Desertification C The Crusades D Monsoon flooding


A historian researching the effects of the Crusades on the diffusion of technology would probably find which of the following sources most useful? A European crusaders' accounts of Islamic religious practices B Muslim accounts of European royal marriages C Monks' translations of Arabic mathematics texts brought from conquered territories D Birth records from villages along the routes used by the Crusaders


A historian researching the timeline of the spread of iron metallurgy in sub-Saharan Africa would find which of the following sources most useful? A Bantu-language oral histories transmitted through generations B Archaeological evidence of early forges and smelting operations C European travelers' accounts from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries describing African industrial practices D North African Muslim merchants' account books detailing purchases of iron tools


A significant example of the interaction among Indian, Arab, and European societies by 1200 C.E. was the transfer of knowledge of A iron and copper mining techniques B the flying shuttle and spinning jenny C the science of optics and lens design D numerals and the decimal system E gunpowder and cannons


All of the following statements are factually accurate. Which would best explain Béla IV's reasoning for inviting the Cumans into Hungary as mentioned in the third paragraph? A Cumans had settled in Hungary and had been granted local autonomy. B Cuman slave soldiers had become the rulers of the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt. C Cumans were ethnic Turks who spoke a language intelligible to the Mongols. D Cumans were nomadic warriors and were familiar with the Mongols' military tactics.


Commerce was a key mode of exchange between which of the following pairs of political entities? A The Mayan Empire and the Song dynasty B Ghana and the Mongol Empire C Japan and the Byzantine Empire D The Crusader states and the Fatimid caliphate E Venice and the Aztec Empire

b. Urban centers across Afro-Eurasia were often the areas most devastated by the spread of epidemic diseases in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.

Developments such as the one depicted in the painting most directly contributed to which of the following? A The decline of patriarchy across Afro-Eurasia B The decline of many urban areas C A decrease in technological and scientific innovation D A decrease in military conflicts


Historians who argue that there was substantial global integration by the end of the thirteenth century would most likely cite which of the following as evidence to support their claims? A The political unification of large territories under imperial rule in the Mediterranean and East Asia B The widening and deepening of exchange networks linking Afro-Eurasia after the Mongol conquests C The spread of global capitalism from Europe to Africa and Southeast Asia D The creation of a new Atlantic trade system based on plantation economies in the Caribbean and the Americas


Ibn Battuta traveled widely across the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Africa in the fourteenth century. His travels serve as evidence for the A unifying influence of Islam B excellent condition of roads in Africa and Asia C political unity of Africa and Asia D widespread use of paper money

c. The Yuan dynasty's use of paper currency was intended to facilitate greater internal and international commerce. The Yuan government realized that using paper currency would make commercial activity easier for the merchant networks (ortaq) that were supported by the Yuan government and operated across China and beyond. Merchants used the paper currency because they knew it was supported by the Yuan dynasty .

Image 1 could best be used as evidence of the ways in which A the introduction of new commercial practices fostered urban expansion. B new commercial technologies helped expand literacy. C imperial states attempted to expand commercial activity. D commerce fostered cultural unity in some politically fragmented regions.


The Little Ice Age, which lasted from 1300 to 1850 C.E., likely had the strongest effect on which of the following? A The fall of the Aztec civilization B The Protestant Reformation C The severity of the Black Death D The Ottoman conquest of Constantinople


The Mongol conquests of much of Eurasia in the thirteenth century tended to encourage trade along the Silk Roads primarily by A opening large new markets for both European and East Asian goods in Central Asia B increasing the demand for military supplies needed by the Mongol armies that occupied various regions C decreasing the risk of bandit attacks and reducing the number of local rulers collecting tribute from trade caravans D discouraging seaborne trade along the Indian Ocean routes that competed with the Silk Roads

b. Christianity was critical of greed and the accumulation of material wealth, and the Catholic Church banned the practice of usury, the charging of interest upon money lent. The fact that an image depicting moneylending and loaning at interest was included in a treatise about vices and the fact that the Latin inscription in the image warns against greed illustrate that the author's perspective was most directly informed by Christian religious ideals.

The author's portrayal of the activities shown in Image 2 was most directly informed by A aristocratic resentment of peasants B Christian religious ideals C royal concern about the growing wealth of merchants D aristocratic ideals of chivalry and valor

c. Islam was the main religion that spread along the trade routes in West and North Africa during the period identified on the map, mostly because the major states involved in the overland trans-Saharan trade were Muslim.

The spread of which of the following religious traditions was most directly facilitated by trade along the routes shown on the map? A Christianity B Buddhism C Islam D Judaism


The system of thought demonstrated by al-Khatib suggests he was most influenced by which of the following? A New understandings of the natural world during the Enlightenment B Daoist understandings of the balance between humans and nature C Greek and Roman philosophical principles of logic and empirical observation D Arab interactions with Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians in the pre-Islamic era


Which of the following accurately describes the Mongol Empire's role in facilitating trans-Eurasian trade? A It imposed Mongol religious beliefs and practices on conquered peoples. B It reestablished the Silk Roads between East Asia and Europe. C It created a self-contained economic system by banning non-Mongol merchants from its territories. D It developed a sophisticated bureaucracy staffed by talented Mongols.


Which of the following best describes Middle Eastern trade in the period 1000 to 1450 ? A A unified Islamic Empire eliminated all internal tariffs and encouraged trade. B The area was engaged in regular trade with China, India, and sub-Saharan Africa. C The Ottoman Empire drained the resources of the area in the Empire's war with India. D The Byzantine Empire and the Russian Empire controlled trade in the area. E The area ceased trading with Europe but continued trading with sub-Saharan Africa.

a. Across the trans-Saharan trade networks, transportation technologies such as the caravan provided merchants greater security and permitted the transport of greater quantities of luxury items, thereby reducing transportation costs.

Which of the following best explains why trade along the trans-Saharan trade networks increased in the period 1200-1450 ? A Innovations in previously existing transportation technologies, such as the caravan, allowed merchants to carry larger loads and protect themselves. B The introduction of new commercial technologies, such as the compass, made it easier for merchants to find their destinations in the desert. C The expansion of banking houses made it easier for merchants to fund their commercial activities. D Increasing literacy rates allowed merchants to develop more complex business partnerships.


Which of the following lists three places Ibn Battuta, the fourteenth-century Muslim traveler, visited? A The Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, and Japan B The Arabian Peninsula, France, and India C India, Mali, and Persia D India, Persia, and Poland E England, Iraq, and Mali


Which of the following most encouraged the development of new cities such as Cahokia along the Mississippi River, Swahili city-states on the East African Coast, Venice on the Mediterranean coast, and Hangzhou on China's coast during the period 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E.? A Decreases in regional warfare B Intensification of regional trade C Migration of populations from pastoral societies D Development of mass production techniques


Which of the following resulted from the fragmentation of the Mongol Empire following the death of Genghis Khan? A The collapse of the Byzantine Empire B The development of khanates in Central Asia C The spread of Islam into East Asia D Increased trade between Africa and Asia


Which of the following societies engaged in extensive maritime trade well beyond their borders in the fifteenth century? A Mesoamericans in the Pacific Ocean B Bantu peoples in the Indian Ocean C Chinese in the Indian Ocean D Russians in the Pacific Ocean


Which of the following was a significant effect of the Polynesian migrations in the Pacific in the period from 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E.? A The creation of an extensive trade network connecting Pacific islands to the Asian mainland B The transfer of domesticated plant and animal species to new islands in the Pacific C The development of distinctive Polynesian maritime technologies quickly adopted by Chinese and European explorers D The establishment of an ethnically unified Polynesian state spanning several island groups


Which of the following was most responsible for the initial spread of Islam to West Africa? A Soldiers who fought on behalf of the Abbasid caliphate B Officials in Sudanese empires C Merchants on the trans-Saharan trade routes D Muslims fleeing persecution on the Iberian peninsula

b. Mastering the patterns of the monsoon winds was the key to successful navigation in the Indian Ocean, and merchants used their knowledge of the monsoon wind patterns to travel back and forth between India and the Swahili Coast in the period from 1200 to 1450.

Voyages such as those referred to in the third paragraph were most directly facilitated by which of the following? A A decrease in pirate activity following Zheng He's naval expeditions B Merchants' understanding of the patterns of the monsoon winds C An increase in the use of new forms of credit, such as paper money D Technological transfers from Europe, such as the compass


Angkor Wat in Southeast Asia built circa 1100 C.E., shown above, reflects which of the following world historical processes? A Increased domination of East Asia and Southeast Asia by Arab powers B The increase in the number of Chinese merchant communities in the Indian Ocean region C The introduction of Islam across most of Asia D Increased cross-cultural interactions in the Indian Ocean region


During the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, territories under Mongol control benefited from which of the following? A Widespread adoption of Confucian family hierarchies B Trade that facilitated the spread of Christianity throughout the Indian Ocean region C Trade that tied several distinct regional networks together D Widespread adoption of Buddhist religious practices

b. The spread of the bubonic plague across western Europe devastated the estates of manorial lords, who imposed various restrictions on peasant movements and increased manorial obligations and taxes. These actions led to peasant revolts in France and England during the mid and late fourteenth century. In addition to natural disasters and famine, the effects of the bubonic plague also contributed to the Red Turban Rebellion in China that lasted from 1351 to 1368.

Developments such as the one depicted in the painting most directly contributed to which of the following in Afro-Eurasia in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries? A Creation of diasporic merchant communities B Peasant revolts against taxation and coercive labor systems C An increase of religious tolerance D An expansion of Mongol power

b. Beginning in the early 1300s and increasing in intensity over the course of the century, epidemic diseases like the Black Death decimated much of the labor force in western Europe, temporarily improving the bargaining position of peasants and artisans who survived.

English nobles resisted peasant demands such as those described in the passage because agricultural labor in many parts of fourteenth-century Afro-Eurasia had become scarce as a result of which of the following developments? A The migration of peasants to cities in search of industrial employment B Significant increase in mortality due to the spread of epidemic diseases C The development of wage-based economies with the emergence of capitalism D Widespread famine resulting from rising global temperatures

b. Civil wars between rival factions were the direct cause of the breakup of the Mongol Empire into separate khanates during the mid-thirteenth century.

The breakup of the Mongol Empire into separate khanates during the mid-thirteenth century was most connected to which of the following developments? A The spread of the bubonic plague following the expansion of trade along the Silk Roads weakened the Mongol Empire demographically and militarily. B Mongol traditions emphasized tribal and personal loyalties and made it difficult to establish long-lasting centralized dynastic rule, which led to civil war. C Rebellions in China overthrew Mongol rule there and led to the reestablishment of Han Chinese rule under the Ming dynasty. D The attempts of Mongol rulers to force their subjects to convert to Islam led to widespread rebellions in Central and East Asia.

d. Bubonic plague was the disease behind a series of catastrophic epidemic outbreaks known as the Black Death, which decimated European populations in the mid-fourteenth century, reaching its peak between 1347 and 1351, precisely when this image was made. Because it resulted in high mortality, urban outbreaks of bubonic plague often resulted in mass burials.

The burial depicted in the image most likely resulted from the spread of which of the following? A Spanish influenza B Malaria C Smallpox D Bubonic plague


The expansion of communication and trade networks in Afro-Eurasia from 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E. resulted in the spread of which of the following from South Asia? A Military weaponry, such as iron-tipped spears and chariots B Technological and scientific concepts, such as the decimal and zero C Irrigation technologies, such as ceramic pipes D Textile manufacturing processes, such as the spinning jenny


The lines on the map above illustrate which of the following? A Spread of Hinduism B Spread of Christianity C Extent of trade routes D Seasonal migrations of nomads

b. Luxury goods like spices, silk and cotton cloth, and precious metals were the most significant trade goods, by volume and by value, that influenced the expansion of world trade during the early modern period.

The trade networks described by the two sources were most strongly influenced by A increased Asian demand for food imports B increased European demand for luxury goods C increased Chinese maritime activity in the Indian Ocean D increased demand for precious metals within European colonies in the Americas

b. Hyperinflation typically occurs with paper currency when a government issues so much of it that businesses and private citizens begin to question its stated value. The Yuan dynasty printed a great deal of paper currency to finance military expeditions to Japan and Southeast Asia and to reward and secure the loyalty of local elites in Mongolia and China. There was so much currency in circulation that people began to perceive the paper currency as worthless, which led to hyperinflation.

All of the following statements about the use of the currency shown in Image 1 in China under the Yuan dynasty are factually accurate. Which best explains why the currency often led to hyperinflation? A The Yuan government forced private citizens to surrender their gold and silver and accept paper currency in its place. B Excessive amounts of currency were printed in order to fund military expeditions and reward local elites. C The Mongol Ilkhanate in Persia also briefly modeled its monetary policy on the paper currency printed in Yuan China. D Travelers to Yuan China noted that only paper currency was accepted for business transactions.

d. Ibn Battuta praises the sultan for sending the qadi to greet him and for being generous to and loving toward theologians. He also appears to approve of the sultan's conquests of non-Muslims.

Based on Ibn Battuta's description of the sultan of Sumatra in the first paragraph, his point of view could most likely be characterized as that of a A Sunni Muslim merchant who believes that commercial profits should be given greater consideration than religious purity B Sufi Muslim mystic who believes that Muslim rulers should encourage religious coexistence C Shi'a Muslim cleric who believes that false interpretations of Islam have corrupted the religion D Sunni Muslim jurist who believes that a Muslim ruler should patronize the religious elite and seek to expand Islam

c. Muslim diasporic merchant communities were scattered throughout the Indian Ocean region as traders from the Arabian Peninsula sought to expand trade with trusted partners across the region.

Based on the maps and your knowledge of world history, which of the following could be best inferred about the South and East Asian trading cities on the map? A They were under the direct political control of Oman. B They had a majority Arab population. C They had Muslim diasporic merchant communities. D They were primarily sources of slave labor for the Omanis.


Before 1450 C.E. which of the following is true of sub-Saharan Africa's commercial economy? A Phoenician merchants controlled most of the long-distance trade of sub-Saharan Africa. B The Mali—Great Zimbabwe trade route dominated the economy of sub-Saharan Africa. C Sub-Saharan Africa exported gold to the Middle East and Europe. D The Sahara Desert prevented sub-Saharan traders from participating in long-distance trade.


Between 200 B.C.E. and 1450 C.E., the Silk Roads linked which of the following? A The Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean B North Africa and western Europe C East Asia and the Mediterranean Sea D The Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea


Béla IV's statement in the fourth paragraph that the Hungarian people "cannot cease to be amazed" by the actions of the papacy most directly refers to the papacy's failure to aid the Hungarians while A sending missionaries to China B supporting Christian conquests in the Iberian Peninsula C initiating European military campaigns in the Middle East D encouraging maritime exploration in the Indian Ocean

c. The ceremony that Ibn Battuta describes in the passage was a common ceremony performed at the court of Turkic rulers such as the Delhi sultans of India. Since commerce and intercultural interaction in the Indian Ocean region increased in the period 1200-1450 and helped spread Islam across Southeast Asia and since the Indian Ocean trade routes linked India to Southeast Asia, it is most likely that this Turkic tradition also spread to Southeast Asia through the same process.

Ibn Battuta's claim in the second paragraph that the ceremony that he observed at the court of the sultan of Sumatra was similar to a ceremony that he had seen at the court of the Delhi sultan in India is most likely understood in the context of which of the following developments in the Indian Ocean region in the period 1200-1450 ? A Expanding trade facilitated increased tolerance of the traditions of other religious groups. B Cultural exchange emerged from competition among maritime empires. C Increasing cross-cultural interactions facilitated the spread of cultural traditions. D Cultural exchange emerged from new patterns of regional commerce.c.


In the fourteenth century, merchants from China, Arabia, Persia, and Egypt were drawn to Calicut, India, primarily to purchase A iron B pepper C sugar D ivory E tobacco


In the period 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E., merchant diaspora communities, such as those of Muslims in India, Chinese in Southeast Asia, and Jews in the Mediterranean, had which of the following in common? A They generally imposed their own languages on the local communities. B They generally became military outposts that facilitated the expansion of empires. C They generally lost touch with their homelands and merged with the local population. D They generally introduced their own cultural practices into the local cultures.


Malian Emperor Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324 can best be understood in the context of which of the following? A The expansion of Islam throughout Afro-Eurasia B The development of new transportation technologies C The diffusion of African culture to the Middle East D The territorial expansion of West African empires


Marco Polo described which of the following at Kublai Khan's court that he had not encountered in Europe? A The use of spies in foreign nations B The interest of the Khan in the international sea trade and European shipbuilding techniques C The use of paper money and coal and the practice of frequent bathing D The attachment of the Khan to the use of horses for military purposes E The austerity of the design of the Khan's palace


The introduction by the griot is intended to serve which of the following purposes? A To establish the griot's authority by connecting him to the past B To exalt the Malian kings above previous dynasties C To highlight the griot's unique abilities as compared to other griots D To portray Mali as a progressive society that is improving on the past


The changes in the distribution of cities in the period 1200 to 1400 C.E. best support which of the following conclusions? A The Mongol conquests had a more disruptive impact on the Middle East and Central Asia than they had on East Asia. B The emergence of the Ottoman Empire significantly increased the percentage of major urban centers in Europe. C The adoption of Champa rice during the Song dynasty significantly increased the share of China's urban population. D The outbreaks of bubonic plague greatly reduced urban populations across Eurasia.

c. As the volume and profitability of long-distance trade in Eurasia continued to grow, merchants and governments sought ways to facilitate the increased commerce. Banks gave merchants greater access to credit and paper currency was introduced by in the eleventh century to allow merchants to carry money more easily and thereby encourage greater commercial activity. The Mongol Yuan dynasty under the emperor Khubilai Khan adopted the paper currency system in large part to finance the extensive commercial networks that were supported by the Yuan government.

The commercial practices shown in the images emerged in order to A facilitate the development of regional trade networks by creating uniform currencies and systems of credit. B finance imperial conquests by supplying credit and currency for purchasing weapons. C facilitate a growing trade in luxury goods by providing greater access to credit and currency. D finance transnational Chinese artisan businesses across Eurasia by diversifying sources of credit and currency.

c. Several previously existing states such as the Song dynasty of China and the Abbasid Caliphate collapsed as the result of the expansion of the Mongol Empire.

The expansion of the Mongol Empire most directly led to which of the following political developments in Afro-Eurasia? A The spread of feudalism to western Europe, as the Mongol conquests greatly weakened centralized monarchies B The expansion of the Mali Empire in West Africa, as the Mongol conquests destroyed the Abbasid Caliphate C The collapse of previously existing states, such as the Song dynasty of China D The adoption of Islamic systems of rule by Turkic states in the Middle East, such as the Seljuq Empire

c. The first paragraph describes the introduction of a new cultural tradition, namely the adoption of an Arabic custom by the Swahili people of Pate that a wife's father must give something to his daughter's husband seven days after their wedding. The introduction of new cultural traditions such as this one was frequently the result of increasing regional interactions across the Indian Ocean in the period from 1200 to 1450.

The first paragraph most directly illustrates how increasing regional interactions led to which of the following developments in the Indian Ocean in the period 1200-1450? A The establishment of diasporic merchant communities B The establishment of new trading cities C The introduction of new cultural traditions D The emergence of syncretic belief systems

c. Confucianism advocates filial piety, social harmony, loyalty, and righteousness, which are among the ideals of traditional Japanese education that Nagazane praises in the passage.

The ideals of traditional Japanese education that the author praises in the passage are most closely aligned with the social ideals advocated by which of the following? A Buddhism B Christianity C Confucianism D Daoism


The illustration above shows which of the following about the fifteenth century? A The relative number of ships produced by the Hangzhou shipyards and the Genoese shipyards B The beginning of a long period of Chinese domination of Indian Ocean trade C The meting of Vasco de Gama and Zheng He D The relative size of the European caravel and the Ming treasure ship E The use of the lateen sail


The illustration would be most useful to a historian studying which of the following? A Transportation and maritime technologies B Large-scale trading organizations C Geographic patterns of currents and winds in the Indian Ocean D The expansion of the Umayyad Caliphate


The inclusion of the caravan in the painting's background could best be used as evidence that Yuan rulers A favored some commercial trading organizations over others B portrayed themselves as promoters of commerce C shifted the trade in luxury goods from overland to the maritime trade routes D restricted trade between nomadic and sedentary societies


The map above demonstrates which of the following about the Indian Ocean trade? A Monsoons prevented trade from taking place along the East African coast. B Europeans were active in bringing goods from West Africa to the Indian Ocean. C Trade involved most of the regions bordering the Indian Ocean as well as China. D The most important item traded across the Indian Ocean was silk. E Arab and Indian traders were better traders than the Chinese.


The map above indicates that A Mali was a major source and hub of the gold trade B Europeans had begun to make inroads in West Africa C Mali remained isolated from Europe and the Middle East D Atlantic ports were crucial for the transportation of salt and gold


The map above indicates that A Mali was a major source and hub of the gold trade B slavery existed in the western Sudan C Europeans had begun to make inroads in West Africa D Mali remained isolated from Europe and the Middle East E Atlantic ports were crucial for the transportation of salt and gold


The map above shows which of the following empires at its greatest extent? A The empire of Alexander the Great B The Mongol Empire C The Russian Empire D The Byzantine Empire E The Ottoman Empire

c. Islam spread along maritime trading routes in East Africa as merchants from Islamic empires came into contact with local populations.

The maritime trade connections involving East Africa shown on Map 1 provided a setting for which of the following developments? A The emergence of commercial credit through banks B The development of the compass C The spread of Islam D The appearance of social structures privileging men over women

b. The mortality depicted in the image most directly contributed to a decrease in the overall number of available workers, which fueled the transition from serfdom to wage labor, as the surviving peasants were able to flee their lords' manors and demand better compensation in exchange for their services.

The mortality depicted in the image most directly contributed to which of the following changes in Europe in the late fourteenth and fifteenth centuries? A The end of feudalism B The decline of serfdom C The collapse of the Byzantine Empire D The Protestant Reformation

b. Omani merchants took advantage of the changing direction of seasonal monsoon winds and of Indian Ocean currents to shorten transport times and protect their cargoes from dangerous storms.

The particular routes and timings of the voyages depicted on the maps best reflect which of the following characteristics of Omani merchants? A Their Islamic ritual observances, which made travel difficult during the fasting period of Ramadan B Their advanced knowledge of Indian Ocean currents and monsoon wind patterns C Their need to avoid the routes traveled by the faster and better-armed Portuguese trading ships D Their control of the sources of grain needed by Chinese and East African cities


The passage by al-Khatib is best understood in the context of which of the following? A The continuing endemic presence of malaria in the Mediterranean B The spread of the Black Death in the aftermath of the Mongol conquests C The spread of syphilis in Spain as a result of increased contacts with the Western Hemisphere D The increase in diseases associated with improvements in diet and longevity


The photograph above of a mosque (first erected in the fourteenth century) in the modern-day West African country of Mali best exemplifies which of the following historical processes? A Imposition of religion through military conquest B Spread of religion along trade routes C Abandonment of indigenous cultural styles in the face of colonization D Conflict between local and universalizing religions

c. Source 1 directly illustrates how Jews in the kingdom of Castile received limited personal freedom and protection while being subject to various legal restrictions associated with second-class citizenship. Islamic states also adopted a similar policy toward religious minorities (mainly Jews and Christians, but also other groups such as Zoroastrians) residing within their territories, a policy that is typically referred to as the dhimma system.

The policy toward minority religious groups described in Source 1 is most consistent with the policy toward minority religious groups in Islamic states in the period before 1450 because it A required certain minority religious groups to pay a poll tax B was often not strictly enforced by local officials C granted limited personal freedom and protection D allowed minority religious groups to use their traditional legal systems

c. This painting reflects fears generated by the spread of the bubonic plague, which probably originated in China. The disease spread across Afro-Eurasia along trade routes and reached western Europe in 1347.

The scene depicted in the painting is best understood in the context of which of the following wider Afro-Eurasian developments? A The collapse of papal authority B The diffusion of artistic traditions C The spread of epidemic diseases D The revival of classical architecture


The second passage does not support the first passage because the second passage A shows that an influx of manpower from Europe was not critical for the survival of the Crusader states B shows that Muslims vastly outnumbered Europeans in the Crusader states C minimizes the importance of Hospitallers and Teutonic Knights in the administration of the Crusader states D presents an incident in which a military order supported a Muslim traveler

d. The third paragraph describes how Sulayman's great-great grandson Muhammad increased his wealth and power by encouraging trade between the Swahili Coast and India. This development directly illustrates how rulers in the Indian Ocean in the period before 1450 used expanding trade networks to facilitate state development.

The third paragraph most directly illustrates the ways in which rulers in the Indian Ocean in the period before 1450 A used their military power to monopolize the trade in luxury goods B attempted to incorporate new territories and peoples into their commercial empires C sought to spread religious traditions by patronizing merchant communities D used expanding trade networks to facilitate state development


The thirteenth-century map of Constantinople shown above indicates that the city A was located on an island B was highly fortified against outside attacks C tolerated many religions D looked down on trade and commerce E valued and rewarded people of all classes


Trade spurred the introduction of both Islam and Hinduism to what is now called A Japan B Brazil C Pakistan D Indonesia E Saudi Arabia

b. Improved commercial practices, such as the sakk (promissory notes that operated similarly to a bank check) and shared legal structures underlying mercantile activity throughout the Islamic world, fostered growing commerce throughout the trans-Saharan region.

Which of the following best explains a development in the trans-Saharan trade networks in the period 1200-1450 ? A The networks became more dangerous because of religious conflict between Christian and Muslim states. B The geographic range of the networks increased because of improved commercial practices. C The networks were increasingly disrupted because of the growing importance of maritime commerce. D The value of merchandise along the networks increased because of demand for silver and bronze from Muslim states in North Africa and the Middle East.

d. As the table illustrates, the amount of land devoted to agricultural production in Europe sharply increased between 1200 and 1300, while it decreased in China and India. This development largely derives from the fact that Europe primarily relied on wheat cultivation, which requires more land than rice cultivation.

Which of the following best describes a way in which the table illustrates how an emphasis on wheat cultivation in Europe affected the total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops there compared with the rice-producing regions of China and India between 1200 and 1300 ? A The total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops in Europe increased at the same rate that the total amount of land devoted to agricultural crops in China and India declined. B The total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops in China, India, and Europe remained relatively stable. C The total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops declined in all three regions. D The total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops increased considerably in Europe and declined in China and India.

c. Based on the table, the total amount of land devoted to agricultural production declined in all three regions because rice cultivation does not require as significant a devotion of land as does wheat or other grain-based crops.

Which of the following best describes a way in which the table illustrates how the spread of rice cultivation contributed to changing the total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops in China, India, and the Middle East between 1200 and 1300 ? A The total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops declined in China and the Middle East but rose in India. B The total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops declined more substantially in India than it did in the Middle East and China. C The total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops declined in all three regions. D The total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops increased in every region except China.

b. The establishment of the Mongol Empire resulted in the creation of a large unified territory with a highly sophisticated infrastructure of roads and posts that linked more regions of Eurasia and facilitated greater communication between them, directly leading to the growth of trade along the Silk Road networks.

Which of the following best describes an effect of the establishment of the Mongol Empire upon Silk Road long distance trade? A The Silk Road trade declined because the Mongol merchants preferred to use maritime long-distance trade networks instead. B The Silk Road trade increased because the Mongol conquests helped connect more regions of Eurasia economically and commercially. C The Silk Road trade was not affected by the Mongol conquests because the tribal and nomadic nature of Mongol society meant that Mongol demand for luxury goods was virtually nonexistent. D The Silk Road trade collapsed following the Mongol conquests because most trading cities along the Silk Roads were destroyed and never recovered.

c. The table shows that Europe experienced a substantial decline in the amount of land dedicated to agricultural crop production, while the Middle East only experienced a slight decrease.

Which of the following best describes how the table illustrates the effect of the spread of the bubonic plague on the total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops in Europe and the Middle East between 1300 and 1400 ? A The total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops did not change significantly in either region. B The total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops decreased more substantially in the Middle East than in Europe. C The total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops declined substantially in Europe and slightly in the Middle East. D The total amount of land devoted to the production of agricultural crops increased slightly in the Middle East and in Europe.


Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of the travel depicted in the illustration? A To convert peoples of other faiths to Islam B To create diasporic merchant communities C To recruit soldiers for the Caliphate D To bind diverse communities to a common tradition

c. The Mali Empire extended nearly 1,000 miles from the Atlantic Ocean to the bend of the Niger River, linking together the Sahara desert and its trade routes with the grasslands of the Sahel and the forest zones of coastal West Africa. Consequently, many more West Africans were drawn into the trade networks and engaged in commercial relationships that extended across the trans-Saharan networks and beyond.

Which of the following best explains an effect of the expansion of the Mali Empire on the trans-Saharan trade networks? A It led to an increase in trade by imposing the merchant-friendly religion of Islam on its subjects. B It expanded commerce by establishing maritime as well as overland connections with the Swahili states of East Africa. C It facilitated commercial growth by expanding the number of people participating in the trade networks. D It expanded commercial activity by promoting scientific and cultural exchange.

b. Monsoon winds shape the seasons and trading patterns in most of the Indian Ocean. Therefore, the continuity of the trade routes between East Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and India in both maps indicate that sailors had learned to travel using monsoon winds.

Which of the following best explains the continuity in the trade routes between East Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and India as shown on the maps? A Trade along the routes depended on the activities of Chinese merchants. B Trade along the routes relied on sailors' knowledge of the monsoon winds. C Trade along the routes depended on silver from the Americas. D Trade along the routes relied on sailors' knowledge of longitude from classical maps.

a. Bubonic plague spread along trade routes to China during the 1320s and further spread across Afro-Eurasia along overland and maritime trade routes. Although many rural regions experienced mass deaths because of bubonic plague, cities were more significantly affected because the disease principally spread along trade routes, and most commerce occurred in cities such as Tournai.

Which of the following best explains why, in the mid fourteenth century, events of the type depicted in the image were more common in urban areas of Afro-Eurasia than in rural or mountainous regions? A The disease principally spread along trade routes, and most commerce occurred in urban areas. B People in rural and mountainous regions had greater access to natural medicines that could fight the disease. C People in rural and mountainous regions were better able to flee to the safety of their lords' castles. D The disease principally spread among religious missionaries, and most missionaries traveled to cities.


Which of the following characterized the trans-Saharan trade by 1250 C.E.? A The bulk of the trade consisted of low-priced commodities. B Muslim merchants dominated the trade. C European Christians became directly involved in the trade. D Most trade was carried by horse rather than by people.

a. The growth of states like Mali in West Africa increased the volume of trade along the routes by drawing more people, wealth, and products into the economies along the trade routes in West and North Africa.

Which of the following contributed most directly to an increase in trade along the routes on the map? A The expansion of empires such as Mali in West Africa B The expansion of the Mongol Empire across Eurasia C The start of the Protestant Reformation in western Europe D The completion of the Christian Reconquista of Spain


Which of the following contributed to the Chinese government's decision to stop voyages of exploration in the Indian Ocean in the early fifteenth century? A Armed resistance from Arab navies B Lack of sufficient Chinese goods for trade C The destruction of the Chinese fleet by typhoons D Government concern with domestic problems and frontier security E Fear of the spread of the plague to China


Which of the following did the Mongol armies fail to conquer, and why? A Kievan Russia, because the Mongols were unable to endure the harsh Russian winters B The 'Abbasid Caliphate, because the defenders flooded the Mesopotamian plains and made them impassable for the Mongol cavalry C Central Asia, because of the effective diplomacy of Timur and his successors D The Southern Song Empire, because of its superior resources from earlier industrial and commercial revolutions E Japan, because severe storms aided the experienced Japanese naval forces


Which of the following factors best explains the distribution of Muslim populations shown on the map above? A Religious pilgrimages B Merchant activity C Imperialism D Forced migration

b. The lateen sail's extensive use by Arab sailors allowed merchant ships to take better advantage of changing wind patterns, while the astrolabe aided in navigation and determining a sailing vessel's location at sea.

Which of the following factors contributed the most to Omani traders' ability to undertake the voyages depicted on the maps? A The strong backing for the voyages by the Caliphate B Navigational and maritime innovations, such as the astrolabe and lateen sail C The spread of Arabic as the language of commerce in the Mediterranean, Red Sea, and western Indian Ocean basins D Innovations in agriculture, such as the qanat and the noria, which allowed the Omani population to increase rapidly


Which of the following factors helps explain the rise of urban centers and the increase in trade in Afro-Eurasia during the second half of the thirteenth century? A The increase in all forms of coerced labor to build housing B The decline of the Mongol khanates across Asia C The reopening of Indian Ocean trade networks by Chinese explorers D The availability of safe and reliable transport along land-based trade routes


Which of the following factors represents the most significant cause of the growth of cities in Afro-Eurasia in the period 1000-1450 ? A Climate change B Increased interregional trade C Decreased agricultural productivity D Increased invasions


Which of the following is an accurate statement about the Mongol Empire? A It attempted to impose Mongol religious beliefs and practices on conquered peoples. B It reestablished the Silk Road between East Asia and Europe. C It attempted to create a self-contained economic system by banning all merchants from non-Mongol territories. D It developed a sophisticated bureaucracy staffed by talented Mongols. E It established and maintained clear rules of succession that insured the unity of the empire.


Which of the following is true of commerce in the Indian Ocean during the time period 1000-1450? A Chinese merchants dominated the trade routes of the Indian Ocean. B There was very little commercial activity in the Indian Ocean. C Merchants from Europe dominated the trade routes of the Indian Ocean. D Following the rise of the Mongols during the thirteenth century, the volume of Indian Ocean commerce fell sharply. E Indian Ocean commerce flourished and was conducted by a mixture of Asian, Middle Eastern, and East African merchants.


Which of the following is true of the expeditions of Chinese Admiral Zheng He in the early 1400s? A He wished to find a new route to Europe in order to participate in European trade. B He sailed to ports on the Indian Ocean coastline, including those in East Africa. C He crossed the Indian Ocean but did not land on the African coast. D He explored unknown regions and seas, though his ships were tiny and supplies inadequate. E He avoided contact with overseas Chinese communities.


Which of the following languages came into existence after 1000 as the direct result of expanding global trade patterns? A Arabic B Chinese C Latin D Sanskrit E Swahili

b. New transportation and commercial technologies such as the caravanserai led directly to the expansion of the trans-Saharan trade routes on the map by allowing merchants and traders to travel farther and to more places throughout North and West Africa.

Which of the following led most directly to the development of the trading network on the map? A The growth of trading cities on the Swahili Coast B Innovations in transportation and commercial technologies such as caravanserai C The overall decline in the trade of goods along the Silk Roads D The emergence of the trans-Atlantic slave trade in West Africa


Which of the following most directly contributed to the decline of Eurasian urban populations during the fourteenth century? A Climate change B Epidemic disease C Religious wars D Regional migration

c. The Mongols adopted and spread many technological innovations from the various regions within their empire in order to increase trade and wealth within the entire empire. A Yuan dynasty artist likely copied and presented the scroll to a high-ranking Mongol official in China so that Chinese technology on rice irrigation could be transferred elsewhere.

Which of the following most likely explains why the scroll was copied for a new audience in the 1350s? A The Mongol conquests caused widespread destruction to China's irrigation system. B The artist wanted to demonstrate the superiority of the Song dynasty over the Yuan dynasty. C Mongols adopted and spread technological innovations from regions within their empire. D Chinese culture had a significant influence on neighboring countries, such as Korea and Vietnam.


Which of the following statements about the Mongol Empire of the thirteenth century is true? A The invasion of Japan was attempted but was unsuccessful. B The number of Buddhists and Muslims in Asia dropped significantly as a result of Mongol persecution. C In China the Mongols eliminated the Chinese scholar-official class. D The Mongols conquered Constantinople. E Ibn Battuta's writings described in detail life in the court of Genghis Khan.


Which of the following statements is accurate about the Mongols during the 1200s and 1300s? A The Mongols suppressed Islamic and Buddhist religious practices. B The Mongols facilitated the diffusion of many Chinese inventions. C The Mongols led successful naval invasions of Japan. D The Mongols conquered Constantinople.


Which of the following was a major cause for the growth of cities throughout Afro-Eurasia from 800 C.E. to 1350 C.E.? A The spread of mercantilism B The decline in epidemic diseases C The rise of interregional commerce D The decreasing need for agricultural workers


Which of the following was the major contributing factor to the spread of the plague to Cairo, Beijing, and Florence in the fourteenth century? A Indian Ocean trade routes connecting South Asia to China, Southeast Asia, and Europe B Trade along the Mongol road system across Central Asia C The collapse of the Abbasid caliphate D African trade routes connecting sub-Saharan Africa with Asia and Europe


Which of the following was the most important factor in the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia in the period circa 1250-1500 C.E.? A The religious zeal of Muslim soldiers willing to die to spread Islam B The activities of Muslim traders and Sufi missionaries C The relative lack of interest in Islam among Hindus and Buddhists D Muslim rulers' policy of toleration of all religions practiced in their realms


Which of the following was the most important factor in the spread of the bubonic plague in Eurasia? A The Mongol expansion from central Asia to China, eastern Europe, and the Middle East B The consolidation of western European monarchies C The spread of Buddhism from central Asia to China D The population decline and the outbreak of peasant revolts in eastern Europe

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Chapter 18: An industrial giant emerges

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