US History CLEP 1 Presidents

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John Tyler

10th President of America TAP: 1841-1845 Nickname - (His Accidency) Whig ME: -The Second Seminole War ended (1842) -Florida admitted (1845) -In 1845 U.S. annexes Texas by joint resolution of Congress (March 1st) -Webster-Ashburton Treaty with Britain

James Knox Polk

11th President of America TAP: 1845-1849 Nickname - (Young Hickory) Democratic ME: -The Mexican War begins and ends -Acquired California from Mexico -3 states admitted

Zachary Taylor

12th President of America TAP: 1849-1850 Nickname - (Old Rough and Ready) Whig ME: -The Clayton-Bulwer Treaty signed with Britain -A Women's rights convention was held at Seneca Falls on July 19th and 20th 1948

Millard Fillmore

13th President of America TAP: 1850-1853 Whig ME: -Established White House Library (1850-53) -Compromise of 1850 -Commodore Perry's Mission to Japan (1852-54)

Franklin Pierce

14th President of America TAP: 1853-1857 Democratic ME: -1853-Commodore Perry opens Japan -1854- Kansas-Nebraska Bill -Ostend Manifesto which showed how far the South was willing to go to acquire more territories favorable to slavery

James Buchanan

15th President of America TAP: 1857-1861 Nickname - (Ten-Cent Jimmy) Democratic ME: -In 1859, John Brown seized the town of Harpers Ferry in Virginia in a futile attempt to spark an uprising of slaves -The Pony Express was established in 1860 The Southern States begin secession in 1860 & the Confederate States were created in 1861

Abraham Lincoln

16th President of America TAP: 1861-1865 Republican ME: -The Civil War lasted from 1861-1865 -11 states seceded from the union -Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January of 1863 -Slavery was ended with the passage of the 13th amendment

Andrew Johnson

17th President of America TAP: 1865-1869 Nickname - (Sir Veto) National Union/Democratic ME: -Reconstruction -13th & 14th Amendments Ratified -Alaska Purchased (1867) -Did not believe in the emancipation of slaves -impeachment proceedings

Ulysses S. Grant

18th President of America TAP: 1869-1877 Nickname - (Unconditional Surrender Grant) Republican ME: -Reconstruction -Transcontinental Railroad Completed (1869) -15th amendment ratified (1870 -Panic of 1873 -Battle of Little Bighorn

George Washington

1st President of America TAP: 1789-1797 Party - unaffiliated 2 Terms VP - John Adams ME: -American Revolution -Bill of Rights (1791) -Whiskey Rebellion (1794) -Constitution

John Adams

2nd President of America TAP: 1797-1801 PARTY - Federalist 1 Term VP - Thomas Jefferson ME: -DC becomes Capital -Alien and Sedition Acts (1798) -Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (1789) -Navy Department and Marine Corps Created (1798)

Thomas Jefferson

3rd President of America TAP: 1801-1809 Party - Democratic Republican 2 Terms VP - (Aaron Burr) (George Clinton) ME: -The Barbary Wars (1801-1805) -The Louisiana Purchase made (1803) -Drafted the Declaration of Independence

James Madison

4th President of America TAP: 1809-1817 Nickname (Father of the Bill of Rights) Democratic Republican ME: -War of 1812 -Washington was Burned -The National Anthem written (1814)

James Monroe

5th President of America TAP: 1817-1825 Democratic Republican ME: -5 states admitted -The first Seminole War (1817-18) -The Monroe Doctrine in 1823 which declared against foreign colonization or intervention in the Americas

John Quincy Adams

6th President of America TAP: 1825-1829 Nickname (The Abolitionist) Democratic Republican ME: -Gained Florida from Spain -Helped formulate the Monroe Doctrine -Founded the Smithsonian Institution -He led the fight to force Congress to receive antislavery petitions

Andrew Jackson

7th President of America TAP: 1829-1837 Nickname - (Old Hickory) Democratic ME: -Battle of the Alamo and Texas Independence -2 states admitted -Second Seminole War begins (1835) -President Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act

Martin Van Buren

8th President of America TAP: 1837-1841 Democratic ME: -A founder of the Democratic Party -In 1838 More than 15000 Cherokee Indians were forced to march from Georgia to Oklahoma Indian Territory -Approximately 4,000 died from starvation and disease along the Trail of Tears

William Harrison

9th President of America TAP: 1841 Whig ME: -Harrison began the War of 1812 as the Major General of the Kentucky Militia -He was appointed Governor of the Indian Territories (1800-12)

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