U.S. History World War II

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some groups, such as the _________________________________, opposed any intervention to help the allies

america's first comittee


an enclosure made of dirt walls built to fence in cattle and crops

What did Executive Order 8802 do?

*Executive Order 8802* prohibited discrimination bases on race, for employment in the government and defense industries.

Bataan Death March

-(1942) US and Filipino prisoners of war were forced on a 60-mile march through the jungle. -5000 Americans died along the way

Exceptions to Isolationism: Washington Naval Conference

-1921 -world powers agreed to limit their navies

Benito Mussolini

-1922 -Italian fascists -glorified violence, obedience to leaders, extreme nationalism

Exceptions to Isolationism: Kellog Briand Pact

-1928 -62 nations renounced war (illegal)

Adolf Hitler

-1933 -German National Socialists (Nazis) -Brutal dictatorship -Goal: German domination of Europe

The Failure of Appeasement: Munich Conference

-1938 -The French and the British agreed to give Hitler part of Czechoslovakia to avoid war = APPEASEMENT

The War Turns Against Japan

-1943 -The US regained naval superiority in the Pacific and used Island hopping liberating islands from Japanese control one at a time

Opportunities and Obstacles

-2 1/2 million African Americans registered for the draft -1 million served but were restricted to segregated units in the armed forces

Native Americans

-25,000 Native Americans served in combat -40,000 worked in defense industries


-6.5 million women filled the workforce for men overseas -some women enlisted in the Women's Army Corps

The Tuskegee Airmen

-African American pilots served as bomber escorts -Vernon Baker was awarded the medal of honor 52 years later.

Navajo Code Talkers

-American Navajo code talkers played a key role in the Pacific campaign -they used the complex Navajo language to transmit messages by telephone and radio in a code that the Japanese were unable to break

The Allies Invade France and Germany

-Dwight Eisenhower commanded the invasion of Normandy D-Day

"Final Solution"

-Genocide - murder of an entire people or nationality -The Holocaust - refers to Jews in WW2 - The Final Solution is the plan to murder all European Jews

Exceptions to Isolationism: Good Neighbor Policy

-Hoover and FDR agreed not to interfere in Latin American affairs -relations improved

Pearl Harbor Surprise Attack

-Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii -US enters the war against Japan -Germany and Italy declare war on the US

Japanese tensions

-Japanese need for raw materials to fuel industry -Japanese imperialism was aggressive

The Failure of The League Of Nations

-League of Nations was too weak to stop the dictators -collective security failed without the Us and Soviet Union

Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

-President Truman made the decision to drop the new atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki -Japanese surrendered -WW2 was over -70 million people died

Hitler's Expansionist Foreign Policy

-Rearmed Germany -Helped Franco -Annexed Austria -Demanded the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia

Joseph Stalin

-Russian revolution began in 1917 -1920s he established a brutal dictatorship

Voice of America

-The OWI started the Voice of America sending messages overseas -tried to promote unrest in Germany, Italy, and Japan

Island Hopping

-The US Army in the Pacific was commanded by General Douglas MacArthur -Nimitz and MacArthur won a series of assaults at -Guadacanal -The Phillipines -Guam -Iwo Jima -Okinawa

The Failure of Appeasement: Compromise

-They failed to achieve peace through compromise -Hitler viewed France and Britain as weak and made more demands

George C Marshall

-chief of staff -supplied 8 million men and oversaw the atomic bomb project

Flying Tigers

-kept the Burma Road open to supply lines -destroyed Japanese aircraft -morale boost for the US

Internment of Japanese Americans

-many Japanese Americans were moved to internment camps

The Office of War Information

-produced radio broadcasts made posters and newsreels -propaganda


-served in the army and the navy -faced continued segregation especially in California

FDR's "Four Freedoms"

-speech -religion -want -fear

Korematsu v. US

-the Supreme Court upheld the order -1944

Financing The War

-to pay for the warm the government sold war bonds -85 million Americans bought bonds -$185 raised

Atlantic Charter

1941-Pledge signed by US president FDR and British prime minister Winston Churchill not to acquire new territory as a result of WWII and to work for peace after the war (goals during WWII)

The Soviets lost _____________________ soldiers and citizens

20 million


A national policy of actively trading with foreign countries to foster peace and prosperity


A political system headed by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and racism and no tolerance of opposition

Battle of Midway (1943) A Turning Point

Admiral Chester Nimitz Commander in Chief of the US Pacific fleet defeated a Japanese fleet at the Battle of Midway. This battle halted the Japanese advance in the Pacific

Who was the Commander of the US Navy in the Pacific?

Admiral Chester Nimitz was the commander of the US Navy in the Pacific.

One of the early recruits of the Nazi Party was __________.

Adolf Hitler

Explain the progression of African-American forces in WW2.

African American forces were *segregated* and initially kept out of combat. Later the *Tuskegee Airmen* distinguished themselves protecting American bombers.

Ethnic Minorities

African Americans filled the workforce to replace men sent overseas as well

Where did the Japanese strike after Pearl Harbor?

After Pearl Harbor, the Japanese next struck the Philippine islands.

Winston Churchill and FDR signed the

Atlantic Charter

Why was the Selective Training and Service Act introduced?

Because France surrendered to Italy

In Italy, ___________ founded the Fascist Party.

Benito Mussolini

The Soviets captured __________ in May 1945


Japanese leaders refused to withdraw from

China and Indochina

What did a shortage of raw materials lead to?

Demand for raw materials led to *shortages*. In response, the OPA{Office of Price Administration} began *rationing*.

Military officers in Japan believed Japan was destined to ________________________.

Dominate East Asia

Who did employers resist hiring?

Employers resisted hiring *African Americans.* A. *Philip Randolph* organized a march for jobs and integration for the military.

What were firebombs?

Firebombs were bombs that exploded and started fires. They were used to destroy Japan's war production. Filled with Napalm.

Who was the commander of the US troops on Bataan?

General Douglas MacArthur was the commander of the US troops on Bataan.

Who were the commanders during the invasion of Sicily?

General Eisenhower commanded the invasion of Sicily with General Patton ad British General Montgomery heading ground forces.

What was Germany's last line of defense?

Germany's last major line of defense was the Rhine River.

What was Henry Kaiser best known for?

Henry Kaiser was best known for building *Liberty Ships.*

_______________ committed suicide


In the Atlantic, what did Germany target and what did the Navy do in response?

In the Atlantic, the Germans targeted American cargo ships in coastal waters. The navy set up a convoy system that greatly improved safety.

The Rise of Fascism in Europe and Asia

Japan invaded -1931 Manchuria -1937 China -1941 Indochina

Roosevelt froze _______________________________ in the US and cut off all trade

Japanese assets

By 1926, ___________ became the dictator in Russia.

Joseph Stalin

Americans and British forces land in __________________-

North Africa in 1942

what laws denied jews citizenship and other rights?

Nuremberg laws

General __________________ lead the first army to land in France

Omar Bradley

where were most of these camps located?


What were Liberty Ships?

Ships that were produced quickly because they were made from pre-fabricated parts.

What was the Manhattan Project?

The Manhattan Project was the secret program of the US to develop an atomic bomb.

How did the Navajo code talkers aid marines in battle?

The Navajo code talkers transmitted messages using their own language that the Japanese could not decipher.

What were the Nuremberg Trials?

The Nuremberg Trials prosecuted German leaders for war crimes.

What plans were put in place for the first peacetime draft?

The Selective Training and Service Act was a plan for the first peacetime *draft*.

Where did the US and Soviet forces fight the Germans?

The US forced fought the Germans at sea and in North Africa, while the Soviets fought them at Stalingrad.

US war production quickly increased because of plans to build what?

The United States quickly increased war production because of plans to build *war planes and a two-ocean Navy.*

How was the United States able to win the war in the Pacific?

They had a two-fold strategy: Admiral Nimitz led the navy in island hopping campaign that brought them closer to Japan. General MacArthur went through Solomon Islands and recaptured the Philippines. This strategy surprised Japanese and the U.S. was able to destroy much of the Japanese fleet and successfully recapture the Pacific islands.

How did the government finance the war?

To finance the war, the government *raised taxes* and issued *war bonds*.

What did Roosevelt create to help businesses mobilize?

To help businesses mobilize, Roosevelt created the *war Production Board.*

Lend Lease Act (1941)

US could sell, lease, or lend war materials to any country whose defense was vital to US defense

Why did employers recruit women during WW2 and for what kinds of jobs?

With so many men in the military, employers recruited *women.* Many of the jobs were nontraditional, such as working in *factories.*

What military organizations did women serve in?

Women served in several military organizations, including the* WAC (Women's Army Corporation) and WASPs (Women's Air-force Service Pilots)*.


a camp where men, women, and children were sent to be executed

concentration camp

a camp where persons are detained or confined


a farm, especially in Communist countries, formed from many small holdings collected into a single unit for joint operation under governmental supervision

victory garden

a garden planted by civilians during war to raise vegetables for home use, leaving more of other foods for the troops


a government contract to pay a manufacturer the cost to produce an item plus a guaranteed percentage


a jellied gasoline used for bombs

victory suit

a men's suit with no vest, no cuffs, a short jacket, and narrow lapels, worn during World War II in order to save fabric for the war effort

what was the st. louis affair?

a ship with jewish refugees; whom would eventually be killed in the holocaust


all weapon component of the German armed forces tasked with the air defense of Germany and fulfillment of the country's air power commitments abroad.


an amphibious tractor used to move troops from ships to shore

what was Kristallnacht?

an attack of Jews where many were injured, killed, tortured; Nazis destroyed everything


camp where 1.6 million people died

what were concentration camps?

camp where Jews were held to work and detained

a second neutrality act continued the ban on selling arms to warring nations, and required non-military supplies to be bought on a ________________ basis.

cash and carry

America preserves a __________________ neutrality.


In 1933, the German president appointed him ______________


Return to Isolationism: Collected war __________ from Britain and France


final solution

exterminate european Jews

Industrial Production

factories converted from peacetime to wartime production

Battle of The Bulge

failed German counter attack collapsed and Allied troops into Germany


first peacetime draft

on december 11, 1941, _____________ and _______________ declared war on the US

germany ; Italy


giving in to unjust demands in order to avoid all out conflict

what was the Gestapo?

government secret police

Volunteerism - Victory Gardens

helped to make sure that enough food was availabke for troops and civilians

Return to Isolationism: Put quotas on European and Asian ________________


strategic materials

items needed for fighting a war

Atlantic Charter (1941)

laying the foundations for the United Nations

Return to Isolationism: The US refuses to join the ____________________________________________

league of nations

Neutrality Acts (1935-1937)

limited American travel and selling arms

zoot suit

men's clothing of extreme cut typically consisting of a thigh-length jacket with wide padded shoulders and baggy, pleated pants with narrow cuffs

Cash and Carry Policy

nations could buy goods if they paid cash and carried away in their own vessels

although Roosevelt wanted the US to remain _____________, he sent the british old ______________ in exchange for the right to build american bases in British territories

neutral; destroyers

congress passed the _______________________, reflecting the idea that ____________ brought US into world war 1

neutrality act of 1935; arm sales

in august 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union signed an ________________. that allowed germany to focus on the invasion of _______________ and war with Britain and france

non aggressive act; Poland

Roosevelt reduced the amount of __________ exported to japan, so japan decided to seize the philiphinnes and attack pearl harbor


1937 FDR Quarantine Speech

peaceful states should quarantine (isolate) aggressive

Britain used ___________ to detect german bombers, so Hitler cancelled the invasion of Britain


German Invasion of Poland: Blitzkrieg

rapid coordinated movements by airplanes, tanks, troop carriers, and infantry.

Nye Committee

report documented the huge profits that arms factories had made during the war and created impression that these businesses influenced the decision to go to war, even more Americans turned to isolationism


restricting the amount of an item an individual can have due to a limited supply

to get resources needed, japan had to __________

seize territory

US troops were _______________ when they found the terrible condition of the survivors


the US sent supplies to the _________________ after germany invaded in 1941

soviet union

General George S Patton Commander of Third Army and an expert at ______________

tank warfare

Return to Isolationism: High __________ on European goods


How did Nazi persecution of Jews develop over time and how did the Nazi party use German people's dissatisfaction after world war 1 to promote genocide?

the Nazis used the panic of the Germans to get them on board. They were angry from being blamed for everything from world war 1. they had to pay back all the countries and deal with dept. so they were able to put all their anger and blame on the Jews


the government rationed foods and other goods so that supplies could be sent to the front


the outer boundary of something


to deprive of the right to vote

why did the US want to remain neutral and how did it become involved in world war 2

we were still in debt from world war 1. We wanted to gain our strength as a country back. once japan bombed pearl harbor we declared war on japan.

Ration Coupons

were issued to each family, based on its size

who was sent to extermination camps?

women, children, men who could not work. they were exterminated

Stalin tried to __________ the nation using __________.

industrialize; 5-year plans

in 1938, Hitler invaded ______________ and announced the ________________ with Germany

Austria; unification

Why was the invasion of Okinawa important?

After America captured Okinawa, the Japanese emperor wanted to end the war.

After the invasion of North Africa, where did the Allies strike next?

After the Allied invasion of North Africa, the Allies made plans to strike Germany and Italy.

Why did America invade Iwo Jima?

America invaded Iwo Jima because they needed an island close to Japan from which to launch air strikes.

What did Roosevelt and Stalin agree to at the Tehran Conference?

At the Tehran Conference, Roosevelt and Stalin agreed to divide Germany after the war to prevent it from threatening world peace. Stalin also agreed to an international peacekeeping organization after the war.

German troops then launches an attack on western Europe, forcing allies to evacuate from the city of __________________. three weeks later France surrendered to germany.


what led to the beginning of world war 2 in europe and German's early successes?

Germany going against treaty of versailles. Hitler invades poland , austria, CZEH. to appease HItler European countries were until he invaded poland. early successes: war technology- tanks, planes, troopers (all at one time)

Why did Hitler target Stalingrad?

Hitler targeted the city of Stalingrad in Russia to cut off the Soviets from badly needed resources. The battle, which the Soviets{Russia} won, was a major turning point in the war.

What was the Doolittle raid on Tokyo?

Lt. James Doolittle was in charge of bombing Tokyo. The success of this raid caused the Japanese to change their strategy.

Why were many Japanese leaders against unconditional surrender?

Many Japanese leaders were against Japanese surrender because they did not want Emperor Hirohito to be removed from power.

How did the Battle of Midway change the course of the war?

Midway was the turning point for the United States because it stopped Japanese advancement in the Pacific.

How did the United States get ready for World War II?

Roosevelt had military begin a buildup of airplanes and ships. Businesses and industries began to mobilize for conversion of building war materials. Raw materials and other supplies were rationed. American women and minorities trained to work jobs left by men in military. Government increased taxes and sold war bonds to pay for changes.

Britain and France agreed to Hitler's demands at the ________________, a policy that came to be known as ________________.

Munich Conference ; appeasement

Postwar Germany's political and economic problems gave rise to the __________ Party


Describe the D-Day invasion.

The invasion took place along the Normandy coast. The Americans came under the intense fire at Omaha Beach. By late afternoon, the Commander General Omar Bradley knew the invasion had succeeded.

the new prime minister of ______________, ______________, vowed never to surrender

Poland ; France

Who did Roosevelt choose to be the commander for Operation Overlord?

President Roosevelt chose General Eisenhower to be the commander for Operation Overlord, as the invasion was called.

Who was sent to relocation camps?

President Roosevelt's war government removed thousands of Americans of *Japanese*, *Italian*, and *German* descent to relocation camps.

What is the cost-plus system?

Provided larger profits for companies that worked fast and produced a lot

What two industries did Roosevelt believe must work together to prepare for war? What system encouraged war production?

Roosevelt believed *government* and *businesses* must work together to prepare for war. The *cost-plus* system encouraged war production.

Why did Roosevelt invade Morocco and Algeria and which Generals lead in North Africa?

Roosevelt decided to invade Morocco and Algeria because it gave US troops experience and also helped Britain protect the Suez Canal in Egypt.

What was the name of the new industrial region in the South called?

Southern cities expanded, creating a new industrial region called the *sun belt*.

Hitler claimed a part of Czechoslovakia called the _____________________.


What two things did the Allied bombing campaign in Germany accomplish?

The Allied bombing campaign Germany accomplished two things: it caused a severe oil shortage and wrecked the railroad system, and it destroyed many aircraft factories.

What was the Bataan Death March?

The Bataan Death March was the march of *78,000* US prisoners of war to a Japanese prison camp in Philippines. Nearly 10,000 died in this march.

Why was the Battle of the Coral Sea a significant US victory?

The Battle of Coral Sea prevented Japan from cutting the US supply lines to Australia.

What was the Battle of Leyte Gulf?

The Battle of Leyte Gulf was the largest Naval Battle in history. Japanese Naval forces ambushed the US fleet before retreating.

When did the Battle of Midway occur?

The Battle of Midway took place on June 4, 1942.

Why was the Battle of the Bulge important?

The Battle of the Bulge cost Germany valuable resources, many lives, tanks, and aircraft. The Allies were then able to invade Germany.

How did the amphtrac save lives?

The amphibious tractor known as the amphtrac saved lives by enabling troops to go ashore safely on the coral atolls in the Pacific.

What did the attack on Sicily cause and what were the consequences?

The attack on Sicily caused Italy to surrender. In Italy, the Germans seized control of the fortified town of Cassino while the Allies landed at Anzio. Fighting in Italy lasted another year.

What vehicles was the auto industry well suited to produce for the war?

The automobile industry was well-suited for war production of trucks, jeeps, and *tanks.*

How did the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki speed up V-J Day?

The bombing of Hiroshima (Aug 6) and Nagasaki(Aug 9) sped up the V-J Day because using the atomic bomb on both cities caused massive destruction and loss of life. The emperor surrendered on August 15, 1945--"V-J Day".

What is D-Day?

The invasion of France began as the Allies landed a massive force in June 6, 1944, known as D-Day.

Why did the US forces launch an island hopping campaign?

US forces launched an island hopping campaign because each island in the US controlled brought them closer to Japan.

What was V-E Day?

V-E Day was "Victory in Europe" day, the day after Germany unconditionally surrendered to the Allies.


a new industrial region in southern California and the Deep South, developing during World War II

convoy system

a system in which merchant ships travel with naval vessels for protection

when Roosevelt blocked the sale of _________________ and _________________, japan signed an alliance with germany and italy to become a member of ___________________.

airplane fuel , scrap iron ; axis powers

Stalin used ___________ to punish his political enemies.

concentration camps

In Japan, military officers blamed the country's problems on _____________.

corrupt politicians

The Fascist group believed that order in society could only come though a __________.



during World War II, a Japanese suicide pilot whose mission was to crash into his target

The Nazi Party called for Germany to ______________.

expand territory

because US was neutral, Roosevelt developed the __________________ idea that the western half of the altantic ocean was also neutral. the US navy could reveal location of german submarines to the british.

hemisphere defense zone

President Roosevelt believed in ____________________, idea that trade between nations creates prosperity and prevents war.


many americans did not want to become involved in the international conflicts and were called ________________


to help britain, the ___________________ allowed US to send weapons to them if they agreed to return or pay rent for them after the war

lend least act

Germans use new type of warfare called _________________ for the invasion. this used massive _________ and _____________ to break through and encircle enemy positions.

lighting war ; tanks ; aircraft

most Americans believed in giving _________________ to the allies

limited aid

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