women studies test 1

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Monty Python, Argument Clinic

"An argument is a collected series of statements intended to establish a proposition."

It is possible

to have a deductive argument that is logically valid but is not sound. Fallacious arguments often take that form.

An argument is

valid if it is impossible for its premises to be true while its conclusion is false. In other words, the conclusion must be true if the premises are true. An argument can be valid even though the premises are false (support relationship). An argument is valid, impossible for falsies/ premises. to be true if conclusion is false.

Arguments are evaluated in terms of

validity and soundness

Vs. Rhetoric

writing or speaking that aims to inform, persuade, or motivate audiences in specific situations. Evaluated in terms of how beautiful it is and whether it persuades. (aims at belief)


à Personal; Things about which we believe reasonable people might disagree; issues of taste. We shall be dealing in arguments. Opinion-think are personal. We disagree to disagree. What is it what you want, superhero movie, like different things. Care about how good your arguments are.

History of "Science"

•"Scientia" (Latin for Knowledge) •Ancient (pre-400 CE), Medieval (approx. 400CE - 1500CE), and Early Modern World (approx. 1500 CE - 1800 CE)

Biological determinism, scientific objectivity, and value neutrality

•Biology of Difference •Sex Differences •Racial Differences Critics of science- biology of sex differences. Looking the way how its similar, but just looking at differences. Biology of differences-racial differences, 220 med students-false beliefs about biological differences. Do black people nerve endings less sensitivity? Black people age slowly, 50% believed it, doctors. IQ differences


•Chemical Revolution/Lavoisier (1789) •Linnaeus's System of Classification ((System Naturae 1735) •French Enlightenment (1715 to 1789) •French Revolution (1789 - 1799) •American Revolution (1765 - 1783)

Knowledge and its Production

•Epistemology= Theories of Knowledge •Standpoint Theory Knowledge and its production- epistemology-theories of knowledge- knowledge and its production- feminist philosophy. Standpoint theory- get to the point, everyone's knowledge claims are situated. The things I know, way I interpret the world depends how I am situated. Example- HIV drug- ferticle transmission of HIV. Pregnant women to child. Expensive, have access to consistent medical care, 3 months of treatment. Find shorter and cheaper. No access to refrigeration, Africa. Privilege for sexual harassment-women, men also. Not determinious, just because u have a certain location, does not mean u will have the standpoint you want, not all women are feminists or experienced sexual harassment.

Four Common Mistakes In Evaluating Arguments

•Failing to distinguish between the logical structure of of an argument and the truth of its premises. •Thinking that merely stating views is the same thing as presenting an argument. •Thinking that persuading someone to accept a claim is the same thing as presenting an argument. •Failing to distinguish between arguments and non-argumentative material.

New Directions

•From Pipelines to Power •Feminisms in the Plural, Sciences in the Plural •Beyond Gender •Interdisciplinarity •Women's Studies no more pipeline. Getting undergraduates in sciences. Recruitment and retention. Why stay in situation, always just thought women bad at math. Different kinds of feminism-race. Feminisms in plural-engineering and mathematics. Beyond gender-more race and ethnicity, disability. Interdisciplinarity- make space for those people. Degree in science and humanities. Hard to publish, graduate later. Women studies- need to open themselves up. Scientists negotiate for lab. Need to change. "just because it's science, doesn't mean it is good" what is good what we should do with that science. There is good scientific evidence that climate change is real and progressing- we should do something about it. Jus descriptive claims, cant get a normative claim. Is to ought. Science needs ethics.

Meditations on the development of feminist science studies

•Loss of Women in Science • •Remains Grounded in Biology • •Intersectionality is Lacking • •Critiqueà Feminist Science don't talk about the women in science. 50% leave after they have first child. Remains grounded in biology-primarily specialists in biological sciences, gender shifts. Intersectionality is lacking-women and computer science in Malaysia, they dominate it, about racism. Critique to feminist science- what would it look like, as opposed to criticizing. This development never fully developed. Science remained resistant to entry of women.

1500s: "Natural Philosophy" and "Natural History"

•Natural Philosophy": physics, astronomy, and causation generally. •"Natural History": biology, zoology etc. •Math and Medicine didn't count! Other things can be sciences-philosophy-philosophical arguments can take this form. They start shifting in 1500's, two fields. Natural philosophy-casual in general. Natural history-what we call biology or zoology. Differentiate natural forms and more abstract.

Pre-Scientific Revolution Worldview = Christianity + Scholasticism + Aristotle via Roman/Byzantine and Medieval Islamic Science

•Natural and "violent" (unnatural) motions •Developmental Teleology ("telos" end, purpose) •Aristotle's Cosmology


•Organisms are comprised of cells (Schleiden and Schwann 1839) •Evolution (On the Origin of Species 1859) •Mendelian inheritance (Mendel's Experiments 1856 and 1863, publishes 1866; re-discovered and verified independently by 4 people in 1900). •Germ Theory (Pasteur late 1850s, Koch 1880s, Viruses discovered in the 1890s) •Smallpox inoculation exists prior to germ theory. Smallpox happened before germ theory. Vaccines impered before.

Hooks's Key Points

•Patriarchy is positioned as a "natural" way to organize life. •Patriarchy shapes values, beliefs, behaviours, identities, and bodies. •Both men and women can value, reinforce and be harmed by patriarchy. •Patriarchy is consistently reinforced in a variety of ways Key points-evolution type arguments about this positioned as natural, why its wrong. Misunderstanding of evolution. Both men and women-lipstick. Reinforced- more attractive and thinner get paid more, taller men.

Why Philosophy of Science?

•Why is it important for us to be able to distinguish Science from non-science? •Recall from last class our discussion of the rhetorical importance and power of "science"

For Prescriptive Claims

•You do not need to cite anyone for your prescriptive claim. However, I want you to flag it by stating "Assuming that X". For example •"Assuming that it is wrong to kill others.." or •"Assuming that it good to conserve the environment for the sake of future generations..." moral claims. Don't need to cite anyone

In 1543 the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)

•publishes De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) Nicolaus-cut up a bunch of bodies. Look at it and not jus try to come up with stuff.

how we use science

"However we choose to use the word "science," in the end we should try to develop both ● 1. a general understanding of how humans gain knowledge of the world around them and 1.an understanding of what makes the work descended from the Scientific Revolution different from other kinds of investigation of the world." • Last Q: "How confident should we be that all the work we call "science," even in the narrower sense described above, has that much in common?" Forms of investigation are efficient- knowledge production , it is successful. Make it unique than other forms of investigation in the world. How confident-each science does things differently. Same scientific field , different approaches like biology or physics. theoretical physics-mathematics.

1800s: Science

"Over time, the term "science" came to be used for work with closer links to observation and experiment, and the association between science and an ideal of conclusive proof receded. The current senses of the term "science" and the associated word "scientist" are products of the nineteenth century" (Godfrey-Smith CH 1)

The Rhetorical Importance, Power and History of "Science"

"The existence of this gray area should not be surprising, because in contemporary society the word "science" is a loaded and rhetorically powerful one."

what is science

"The work done by physicists and molecular biologists when they test hypotheses is science."

GS- Godfrey Smith

"To set things up this way is to see science as unlike the kinds of investigation and knowledge that routinely go along with farming, architecture, and other kinds of technology. So a view like this need not claim that people in nonscientific cultures must be ignorant or stupid; the idea is that in order to understand science, we need to distinguish it from other kinds of investigation of the world. And we need to work out how one approach to knowledge developed by a small group of Europeans turned out to have such spectacular consequences for humanity. " Godfrey smith quote-split between science and technology, can happen from an isolation from science. Architecture-we build stuff that is still standing when we didn't understand gravity or physics. Form of technology. I acknowledge that sometimes we call culture non scientific and use that as justification to dominate them.


"We might argue that mathematics used as a tool within an empiricist outlook is what makes science special."

Be Wary of the Naturalistic Fallacy

(or the "IS" TO THE "OUGHT") All statements can be divided into two types. Claims about facts in the world. Chair is gray, facts. Normative-saying something that what should be. Be wary from a descriptive claim, naturalistic fallacy-engage in it when they say something is natural-is it natural for men to desire women. make a descriptive claim that your likely wrong about. What is and what should be. Natural is doing work it cant do. 1 in 4 women will experience sexual assaults', it should be the case. It's a fallacy.

How to deal with Skeptical Doubt

1) Fold 2) Phenomenalism 3) Rationalism •Descartes - "Cogito ergo Sum" •Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) finds an intermediate position Skeptical doubt-accept and move on- you fold. Don't question it. Phenomenalism- all that exists are the sensations, don't pause it. Objects beyond my experiences. Accept I'm in the matrix and that's all there is. Rationalism- trying to rationally identify a first principle you can built up from knowledge base. Even if sensations are tricking me. Cognition-what is his first principle. I know I exist because I'm thinking.

Feminist Science Studies

1.Explorations of What it Means to be a Woman in Science 2.Feminist Critiques of Science 3.Explorations of the Culture of Science 4.Feminist Histories of Science Feminist science studies-1.- early feminist are scientists first then become scholars. All studies done on male mice. 3. explorations of culture of science- anthropologists and scientists. Histories of science- women scientist who have been forgotten, making sense of women keep out of science, how it was accomplished.


1.One obvious possibility is that we might try for an understanding of scientific thinking. 2.In the twentieth century, many philosophers rejected this idea, insisting that we should seek a logical theory of science. 3.A third option is that we should try to come up with a methodology, a set of rules or procedures that scientists do or should follow 4.In more recent years, philosophers influenced by historical work have wanted to give a general theory of scientific change.

Science is Political in Multiple Ways:

1.The use (or failure to use) scientific evidence in policy-making has effects for citizens as political subjects. 2.Science is socially, economically and materially powerful. 3.Identifying something as "scientific" or "non-scientific" has great rhetorical power, and has been used throughout history to justify colonization and genocide. 4."Scientistic" objectification is dehumanizing. 5.Science has historically been, and remains, dominated by white cisgender men.

Carolyn Merchant's 1980 The Death of Nature

1st: The borders of science and those of technology, medicine, and engineering are fluid and porous, and there are many places of overlap. 2nd: Despite the entangled literatures of science, technology, medicine, and engineering, science claims a particular epistemic purity as unbiased, apolitical, and value free - and this is significant


Andreas Vesalius's De humani corporis fabrica (On the Fabric of the Human body)

Natural vs. Socially Constructed

A pause to consider Social Construction and Nature natural vs socially-it exists in the way it does without human intervention. Biological things, rocks are natural. Using natural materials but it isnt natural, the statue, did not appear on its own. A lot of things we love isnt natural. Their biological but not natural. Most of our foods is bread specifically for certain things. Bannases look different back in the day, genetic modification. Socially constructed- human have intervened with this in some way. We do not notice or care about like your dog. We see them as pets. It does not mean it is not real. It is often opposed to real. Example, the university is socially constructed, education is good. Post secondary one. Give rise to identifies like professor, student, socially constructed identity. They are real. Naturalist fallacy with either of these terms. X is natural, socially constructed, x is bad or sometimes good. Saying something is natural or socially constructed is a descriptive claim. We cannot derivs descriptive claims.

Science is Political in Multiple Ways:

Climate change-san Diego Fluoride into water-pipes are made of something it wont react to like chemicals. Rock is attracted , feather. Not having or understand their relation to the world. Dehumanize others and justify. Dehumanizing-medical and political. Scientific question-dehumanizing, treating as objects. Science can be used in a way that dehumanizes people Representation is a huge issues, comes from Europe and scientific resolution. Women with irrationality and men with rationality. Cisgender men-social justice and quity issues. Bad for science, worse science. Narrow viewpoint. Standpoint theory. Associated with process


Extrapolation or Generalization from Data generalize from data, genera conclusion, this swan I saw was white, second was white. Conclusion all swans are white. In science going back and forth between deduction and induction. Gravity. 9.8 second sequred, general rule, deductive sense.


Form One: external world skepticism: how can we ever know anything about the real world that lies behind the flow of sensations? Two lessons of philosophy of science-form one-how do I know I'm not in the matrix, you don't know. Simulation theory.


Form Two: inductive skepticism: why do we have reason to think that the patterns in past experience will also hold in the future? Lesson two-truth, skeptical doubts creep in anyway. The underdetermination of theory by evidence- for every theory you have, can be tested efficiently, point you just stop testing because its not rational. Point as we stop so we can move on. Each test I do, providing further evidence. My degree of confidence is only statistical. Undetermined by their evidence, can always have more evidence-theories. The problem of unobservable-electrons, how they work. Can trust them indirectly but cant actually see them. Heather-problem for philosophers. In a lab, never question electrons, if their real. Theoretical concerns but worth knowing. Form two- every swam I have seen is white so I assume every swan is white. Hume will say its from habit, in reality their isnt a good thing. Possible next swan you see its black, unlikely but might happen. Anything is logically possible. Why believe sun will come up tomorrow because it happens everyday , but in theory it might not.

Examples for Empiricism from the History of Medicine

Germ theory-only accepted in 1860. louis pastor, Robert. Proved germ theory-following doctors, what if u wash your hands between patients. Less women died. Many physicians will delivering babies, wounds, atopsies. Putting their hands on women. Fewer patients died when they washed their hands. 1860-1864, 13 years earlier, another man semivis. Invisible things around our bodies making us sick. Same evidence and theory. He beaten to death by guards. Observation and empirical evidence is not enough for change to happen, other things happen. Be ready for the theories and accept them.

For Descriptive Claims

If you must include a citation if your descriptive claim is not general knowledge. facts

Third Wave: Intersectionality (1990s - present?)

Intersectionality is an approach or form of analysis. Feminism demands intersectionality, because lives are constituted intersectionally different women have different concerns. Latina diff lower Latina or Latina and white. Rebecca walker. Not just sexism and racism, intersection. Kimberly Krenshaw-intersectionality, sexual harassments and anti discrimination law. Sexual harassment law-white women. Anti discrimination-black women. Intersectionality-approach or form of analysis, different forms of operation and different axis of identify. Example-group of scientists work in the US, come up with meds that prevent HIV with mother and child during labor in Africa. Delivery system. HIV transmission. Required refrigeration, cant rely on it. Demands-we co construct these identities in material ways.


It distributes power and privilege

Law and Morality à What is the relationship between the law and morality?

Law and Morality à What is the relationship between the law and morality? Laws have moral justification, does not mean it is right. Example-anti-misanasation laws, slavery. Not agree with

parallel secular version

Many are tempted to generate a parallel secular version of their religion-based argument. •Warning! The secular version is almost always significantly weaker, if not fallacious. Many are tempted- something we all agree on, we shouldn't kill people because god says so, doesn't matter if its god, still people shouldn't kill.

Yeld-francis bacon

Men control nature like they control women.

what is science

Science is loaded rehtically powerful word. It is political. We don't promatebielly politically related science. Nazi science. Political science-bad science, takes advantage. In reality it is political.

what is science

Peter Godfrey-Smith, PhD •Professor of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Sydney. •Received a Ph.D. in philosophy from University of California, San Diego in 1991 under the supervision of Philip Kitcher, and previously taught at Harvard University, Stanford University and Australian National University. • •Awarded the prestigious Lakatos Award for 2009 book, Darwinian Populations and Natural Selection in which he aims to provide a philosophical foundation for the theory of evolution.

Epistemological Issues and Metaphysical Issues

Philosophy of Science general deals with two types of issues

Banu Subramaniam, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair, Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies at University of Massachusetts, Amherst Works of Interest •Ghost Stories for Darwin (2014) •"Spectacles of Belonging: (Un)documenting Citizenship in a Multispecies World" Subramaniam, Banu. "Moored Metamorphoses: A Retrospective Essay on Feminist Science Studies." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 34.4 (2009): 951-980. Banu-plant biologist. Science within it is imbedded. Ph.D. in genetics. Experimental biology, grad in women's studies. Evolution.


Reasoning from one or more general statements or premises to a logically certain conclusion. general statements, logically conclusion. All women are mortal, general premise, Beyoncé is a women, Beyoncé is mortal. Both premises true, conclusion follows. Beyoncé is a cybor, but turns out mortal. Debate sexuality.

End of 1600s

Scholastic Worldview is replaced by a combination of Copernicanism and a form of mechanism

Problems for Science As Math!

Science functions with this webs of sciences, peer review process, checking each other work, makes it efficient. Share information and results- structure-makes science most efficient. Sharing data. It is uniquely important. Special balance of cooperation, collaboration and competition. Royal society of London. Privilege's men. To do science-come from privilege, royal patron. Have to have the money to be a scientist.


Science is a historically and culturally specific phenomena descended from the scientific revolution (and its precursors) and is associated with specific key figures (i.e., Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, Boyle, and Newton etc.) and specific places (i.e. Europe) •ancient Greece- Aristotle. Arab world-math and algebra.


Science is any work that assesses ideas and solves problems in a way guided by observational evidence. Notoriously hard to define. Found in all human cultures.

Empiricism and Science

Scientific thinking and investigation have the same basic pattern as everyday thinking and investigation. In each case, the only source of real knowledge about the world is experience. But science is especially successful because it is organized, systematic, and especially responsive to experience. science as empiricism like observation. All knowledge in general comes from observation from the world around us. Issues of detail and degree. Science is doing observations in a systematic and rigorous way. Scientific resolution-folks move away from religious, systematic way.

first wave. Waves of Feminism (the North American Story)

Suffragists (late 1800s -1900s) •1848 Seneca Falls 1920-right to vote, white women. 1965-everyone gets the right to vote, voting rights acts, 45 years before everyone else, white women. Involved in suffrage, hardcore ugennosists. Excluding minorities for the right to vote. 300 men and women rallied for the right to vote.


The Aim of Science CANNOT be Truth Why? •Skepticism •The Underdetermination of Theory by Evidence •The Problem of Unobservables Lesson two-truth, skeptical doubts creep in anyway. The underdetermination of theory by evidence- for every theory you have, can be tested efficiently, point you just stop testing because its not rational. Point as we stop so we can move on. Each test I do, providing further evidence. My degree of confidence is only statistical. Undetermined by their evidence, can always have more evidence-theories. The problem of unobservable-electrons, how they work. Can trust them indirectly but cant actually see them. Heather-problem for philosophers. In a lab, never question electrons, if their real. Theoretical concerns but worth knowing.

What IS Feminism?

The Sex/Gender Distinction Second Wave Feminists àSex is Natural, Gender is Socially Constructed Third Wave Feminists à Sex and Gender are Socially Constructed What is Natural? What is Socially Constructed? Sex is natural, gender diff were cultural and learned. Contingent. Exist the way they were. Second wave feminists. Third wave feminists- push natural cultural distinction. Judith, gender trouble 1990. sexy body and gender are socially constructed. Natural-discourse on it. Sexy body, physical aspects like breasts- constructing what we think the sex body is, how we define sex, changes over time. Distinguish sex- genitalia. Some doesn't look typically male or female, in between bodies. Looking at gonads, testicles or ovaries, ovarian tissue, tisticle tissue-second reason. Ansitics, people alive. Some have both, some of neither, injecting to find out. Shifting to chromosomes- olymic, circulating testerone, above average for women-then you're a male. Some it isnt doing anything, androgen receptors, when u hit puberty and don't mensturate, work out don't get period. 1 out of 10-likely fail, testerone level, don't have to have any other condition. Not given as natural, depends how we keep shifting- socially constructed. While sex and gender are socially constructed-gender is performative. The way we do gender in the world. Performative rather than performance. Those inactive make gender what it is. Ex- performative gender- fails at acting masculinityrw- Sean Mendez. Failure to act like it is shameful, problem, failure. Certain norms are fluid or context. How you act your gender at home, than a place of worship, don't sit like that. Natural-someone exists as it does in absence of human intervention.

Heather Douglas

The aim of Science is the production of reliable knowledge about the (natural and unnatural) world.


The only source of real knowledge about the world is experience


There is not a single feminism, not a single feminist history or origin story.

.what is science / what isn't science

What is science-I don't know how to define it , but when we see it. Can look different depends on theory and practice In methodology. Physics-philosophers love it. Molecular biology-connections to business industry, less of a science. Funding sources-have questions. Cigs don't cause cancer but sponsored , questions the methods. Theoretical physics- stuck in mathematical. Making hypothesis that could not be tested. Mathematical modules, no empirical compacities. Economics-just studying peoples behavioral. Ps-don't generate hypothesis but dong stats work, generating data. Anthropology-general study of humans or linked to biology. Humanities?

Mathematics and Science

What makes science different from other kinds of investigation, and especially successful, is its attempt to understand the natural world using mathematical tools. Science is math-uses math as a tool to understand the world. A lot of science we love don't hasn't math, Darwin's theory of evolution. Does not use math to come to his conclusions.

Social Structure and Science

What makes science different from other kinds of investigation, and especially successful, is its unique social structure. depends on the field, math.


William Harvey establishes the role of the heart as circulating the blood.

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

against empiricism, makes claims and refines telescopes. First person to critique the physical world. Did not have the technology. The earth is moving. Did not have evidence. Telescopes were not powerful enough.

Star Trek

associated with progress. Association between scientific and social progress.

a normative theory

does make value judgments; it talks about what should go on, or what things should be like. what science should be, how it should work. New job, this is how you should do it but this is how I do it in reality.

Most arguments fail

either because their premises are false or the support relationship doesn't hold

Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

first to give us physics, forces in the world that are unseen, do experiments to show you, solved physics, done and over. Doesn't really.

Metaphysical Issues

general questions about the nature of reality. nature of reality, what is this. Do atoms exist? Interested in epistemological but will have an impact for metaphysical issues.


is a movement for the social, political, and economic equality of women and other genders.


is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation and oppression. What is feminism- criqtues-homophonic, sloppy as in her experiences as a hedrosexual.


is a political-social system that insists men are inherently dominating, superior to everything and everyone deemed weak, especially women, and endowed with the right to dominate and rule over the weak and to maintain that domination via various forms of psychological terrorism and violence. mental illness and insanity. Bad arguments. Patriarchy is a type of insanity. Seen as rational. Women dissatisfied at home-mental illness. Unhappy with marriages. Stay in one room for the next year Feminism-patriarchy on men-privilege and power circulate, different. Don't talk the effects on men. Men cant talk about feelings so suicide is normal, are more successful, they have more access to guns. Less in Canada than US. Men rates activates group-blame on women, upset about patriarchy. Men we have custody battle and lost it. Result of patriarchy-the things that are unfair with men. Feminism-feminist can be local, spontaneous, group of people to work on an issue and leave, equal pay and that's all they do. Some don't identify themselves as a feminist-but engage in stuff. men dominating women and dominating nature, inherent to science in many ways. Privilege is absence or a lack. Things you do to feel sale-walking home alone. First date, home alone, spaces u never been before. Privilege is not having to worry about these things. Men don't think about those things, some men do depends on location. Diff things in a neighborhood they don't know, visibly recognize as gay. Not a person of color don't go through it, racism, not have to worry. Privilege is a lack. They think as a benefit. Not be hard in a set of particular ways, life is hard. Poorly on a test, person of color or didn't know the right answer. Power as the place where u can get around with it. Losing privilege-violent, think about things they shouldn't have to, why do I suddenly have other concerns in the world. Me too movement. Lose of privilege-taking away from you, have to worry about things u didn't have to worry about before. Policing behavior.

a descriptive theory

is an attempt to describe what actually goes on, or what something is like, without making value judgments. statement of fact, tells you what is, what happened

Critical thinking

is thinking which is disciplined by being guided by principles of good method (aims at truth). Critical thinking-aiming at truth, present a good argument, in theory, u should be convinced, should agree and accept it. Everyone is morally inconsistent. Example- morally there is no good reason to eat meat. Made my nephew sausage and eggs, failure as moral reasoner, have to own it. If you agree with premises, have to agree with conclusion


latin moralitas "manner, character, proper behaviour" •Views about conduct that tell us what is right/wrong or good/bad •Practical action guidance and conflict resolution •Aim and purpose is 1) generating co-operative behaviour and 2) regulating interpersonal relations in such a way as to achieve purpose. Morality- ethical theories. Define the good, identify what is right. The good is doing my duty , know what is right. What is right in what situation it will do that. What will bring about the best consequence.

Moral Theories

need to define the Good, and thereby identify what is Right.

Empiricism's Cautionary Tales

peton- caleria spread by bad air. John snow-caleria that happened in London, used the same water pump. Three feet away from the sest pools. Pentocofer said it's a lie, it's the air. Louie pastor-isolate bacteria and grow it, cube of calari and sends it to pentocofer nd drinks it. Doesn't die, not a germ, in the air, stomach acid destroyed it.

what is science/what isn't science

physics, molecular biology, theoretical physics. other sciences. economics ("the dismal science"), psychology, political science (they don't test/hypothesize). anthropology, archaeology

Epistemological Issues

questions about knowledge, evidence, and rationality •E.g. "how can observational evidence justify a scientific theory?" theories of knowledge, what is knowledge, evidence, form of relationship between the two. What is the relationship between relationship and theory.


referred to the results of logical demonstrations that revealed general and necessary truths. Looks to us like math. Universal principle then narrow down from there. Starts from a general rule, are women are mortal. Universal truth then narrows down. Beyoncé is a women and mortal. Looks like math. Kind of science but kind of not. Things are sciences look like math. Medicine is not a science, it is an art. We have a different understanding of disease and works differently. We don't have an actual sense of life in the right way. Biology-1802 , that's when it was used. We have to think about those things in living way before it becomes medicine, digestive.

Arguments based on

religion (i.e., which include somewhere within its premises the claim "...because God said so") can be both valid and sound, however, they are necessarily limited in scope. This is because 1) We grant that religion is the kind of thing about which reasonable people may disagree 2) Freedom of religion necessarily entails freedom from religion Assuming we should do what god says. Climate is changing-no cite. Climate with number-cite it. Assuming that... Freedom of religion- relativists about beliefs. Cant force beliefs on other people. Scope narrows to myself.

An argument is

sound if it is valid and the premises are true Not sound, not valid, sometimes valid but not sound


study of morality as a concept and source of behavioural guidance

social norms

the informal rules that govern life in groups and societies •Behavioural, physical, psychological, sociological, material, identity, capacity, etc. stairs. Ramps everywhere. Internalized. Govern behavior. Be physical. What men and women are supposed to look like. Religious community-dress is different then home and school. Contradictory. Example-take women studies, women shave their legs is sexist and not doing it anymore, cut myself, money and time. Still uncomfortable when you walk out of your house with hairy less even though you really believe it. Internalization of norms. Unlearn certain things, conscious. Just knowing that doesn't make u undue it, not easy.

Important Feminist Concepts

•Performativity (Butler, 1990) •Construction of Subjectivities and the Internalization of Norms •Natureculture (Haraway) Construction of subjectivities and the internalization of norms- social construct diff types of identities, understand the norms are regards to those identities, internalize them. Example-intor to women studies-shaving legs is sexist, cutting myself, wasting time, could be sleeping, got to do it all the time, never doing it again. Now a feminst, first time you leave your home, you will feel uncomfortable, worry people are looking at you but no one really is. Skirts, does not mean your going to uncomfortable. Women scientists. Nature culture- most objects and subjects are inasprity both. How can we tease about natural or cultural, doesn't make sense. Cant be divided. Most subjects and objects are nature culture

What is philosophy?

•Philosophia (Greek) - "love of wisdom" • •GS: "Philosophy is an attempt to ask and answer some very basic questions about the universe and our place within it". reality, exitance, language. It is obstract.it is all around us. It is particularly useful for a lot of reasons. Philosophy of science- helps us attempt to distinguish science and non science. Economically, politically.

Arguments have

•Premises •A Conclusion •Support Relationship •If the premises, then the conclusion. (è)

CounterExample: Primatology's transformation by Feminist thought

•Primatology has undeniably been transformed by feminist insights, however, few primatologists identify as feminists or frame their work as such. Fedigan, L. M. (2001). The paradox of feminist primatology: the goddess's discipline?. Creager et al, 2001, 46-72.

Leading up to the Revolution

•Protestants v. Catholics •The Renaissance •Population Growth/Recovery in the wakes of the Black Death The scientific revolution- the renaissance- furthering of arts of technical skills and styles. Effected and built upon. Angelo and divichey. Rise of literature and printing press. Making books and circulating-print things on press, circulatr which was cheap. Styles of artists were perfected. Making a drawing antonomy. Black death- killed 30 to 60% in Europe, 1340's. pre scientific revolution worldview. All motions are defined, broken down into violent and natural emotions. We think there are ways its natural for things to move, it is violent and against their nature. 5 main elements, earth air, fire, ether. A rock has more earth than it than a feather. Everything is moving by attraction. Women were deformed men, women didn't have enough heat in them. Fail to fully develop, uterus its own kind of animal. Animal inside of an animal. Women smelling wrong things. Uterus attract smell and scare it away. Immune system attack everything its non self-not true. women carry fetus, 50% non self, in theory, should attack it like a foreign body, immune system are worse. Teleology- artisole worst idea. Everything in nature develops for a unique purpose. Elephant trunk-end of trunk, is it to pick things up or smell. Biological goes into ideal form.

Reproduction and the labor of women

•Reduction of Women to their Reproductive Capacities •Medicalization of Women's Bodies •Reproductive Technologies reproduction and the labor of women-only looks on reproduction. We ignore issues, chronic pain, women long term than men-theory. Reproduction capacities. Seen as limbortary, heterosexual. Canada, cant get paid for reproductive behavior. Autoimmune condition-India.

human rights

•Rights vs. Duties •Positive and Negative Rights •Moral Rights •Political Rights •Legal Rights Human rights-unalienable-rights you cant give up. Canada has three-life, vote, and healthcare. You can be in jail, still vote or healthcare, US cant have those. Every right has a corresponding duty. Do whatever I want, cant interfere with me, want to go to work. Negative rights- rights of non interference, don't get anything for it. Positive- corresponding duty, someone owns u something, right to healthcare. Government has duty to access to healthcare. Injustice if cant excess. Right to vote-positive right, give u places to vote, set up system. Political right-right to vote. Legal right-legal representation. Rights can conflict. Moral rights- we can disagree. Do animals have moral rights? moral and political-evil rights amendment.

Second Wave: Out of the Kitchen and Into the Workplace/Streets (1960s - 1990s )

•Sex/Gender Distinction •Sex as Natural, Gender as Socially Constructed 1960's-1990's- upper middle class white women-advocating the domestic sphere, work place, stuck at home. World war 2-women went to work. Did for 5 years then told them to go back home. Men are back, go back and be housewife, women shouldn't work anyway. Upper middle class want to work Black women always working, in homes. Civil rights, racism is bigger than feminism. Sex/gender distinction-1970, make arguments. Scientific or biomedical research. Robert. Theorize sexuality. Sex difference are natural. Gender differences-bases of women oppression, socially constructed. People learn to be men and women. Women-submission and men aggressive-learn to be those things, contingent. Women aren't naturally submissive, they are taught. Gender operation isnt natural. Women are not just one definition.

bell hooks

•The focus of hooks' writing has been the intersectionality of race, capitalism, and gender, and what she describes as their ability to produce and perpetuate systems of oppression and class domination. She has published more than 30 books and numerous scholarly articles, appeared in documentary films, and participated in public lectures. •Founder of the bell hooks Institute at Berea College in Berea, KY.

We are going to review argumentation and critical thinking. Why?

•To help you understand the readings and recognize the arguments within them. •Because you will be asked to generate your own valid and sound moral arguments within this class. •Because critical thinking and the capacity to assess and generate valid and sound arguments are very important skills to have. Monty Python's Flying Circus, Series 3, Episode 3, TC: 22.20

Challenging the Boundaries between Nature and Culture

•What is Natural? •The Death of Nature (Merchant) •Cyborgs/ Extended Phenotypes •Ecofeminism Challenging the boundaries-natural changes. Certain in political. Cyborgs/extended phenotypes-wear glasses or contacts. Cant function without your phone. Extended phenotype, capacity will change if phone taking away. Uses wheelchair. Capacity has changed whether you have hearing aids or not. Rely on external things to get through the day. Ecofeminism-climate change. Antropacin. Intropacin- current geological period. Largest influence on environment is humans, largest extinction period. Effected by women and women of culture-general feminization-poverty, poor. Huge waves of climate migration.

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