World History Chapter 9-16

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The assassination of ___ in 1881 by a leftist terrorist organization impatient for further reforms triggered a repressive backlash from the next tsar.

Alexander II

________ was the crucial first step of a European power—in this instance France—seizing provinces of the Ottoman Empire in competition with the Russians, while officially protecting its integrity.


Samuel Adjai Crowther ultimately became:

An Anglican bishop

Following the Revolution of 1905, Nicholas II repudiated the concessions granted in the October Manifesto, especially:

An independent Duma

Seven years after the Congress of Berlin in 1878, the sultan was forced to recognize the independence of ___.


Which is in order? - A. Marx and Engels publish The Communist Manifesto; Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection; Sigmund Freud publishes The Interpretation of Dreams; Albert Einstein publishes on the theory of relativity. - B. Sigmund Freud publishes The Interpretation of Dreams; Marx and Engels publish The Communist Manifesto; Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection; Albert Einstein publishes on the theory of relativity. - C. Marx and Engels publish The Communist Manifesto; Albert Einstein publishes on the theory of relativity; Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection; Sigmund Freud publishes The Interpretation of Dreams. - D. Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection; Sigmund Freud publishes The Interpretation of Dreams; Marx and Engels publish The Communist Manifesto; Albert Einstein publishes on the theory of relativity.


Spanish colonialism in Latin America finally ended in which of the following decades?


As a result of its loss in the Crimean War of ___, Russia was forced to recognize the Ottoman Empire's right to full integrity.


The Great Mutiny (also known as the Sepoy Mutiny or as the First War of Indian Independence) began in _________.


In April ___ the new Emperor Meiji issued a "charter oath" in which he renounced, at least officially, the restrictive measures of the past


When did slavery end in Brazil?


The end of serfdom in Russia would not come until 1861, and the end of slavery in the Ottoman Empire not until ___.


Italy's imperialist dreams in Africa were stymied by its crushing defeat at the battle of Adowa in ________, in which one-third of its army was killed by Ethiopian forces.


Which is in order? - A. The Suez Canal is opened; Thomas Edison perfects the incandescent light bulb; Guglielmo Marconi sends the first transatlantic radio message; James Watt perfects the steam engine. - B. The Suez Canal is opened; James Watt perfects the steam engine; Guglielmo Marconi sends the first transatlantic radio message; Thomas Edison perfects the incandescent light bulb. - C. James Watt perfects the steam engine; The Suez Canal is opened; Thomas Edison perfects the incandescent light bulb; Guglielmo Marconi sends the first transatlantic radio message. - D. Thomas Edison perfects the incandescent light bulb; The Suez Canal is opened; James Watt perfects the steam engine; Guglielmo Marconi sends the first transatlantic radio message.


Even before the Meigii Restoration, Japan had one of the highest levels of preindustrial literacy in the world, ___ percent for males and 15 percent for females.


Dynamite was invented by:

A Swedish chemist and engineer, Alfred Bernhard Nobel.

The ___ was the site of the showdown between Mexican forces and Texans intent on independence


Under the leadership of ___, the Mexican Revolution was ended late in 1920.

Alvaro Obregon

Between 1894 and 1896, the Ottoman sultan armed Kurdish tribal units, which massacred thousands of ___ villagers.


By 1800, the viceroyalty of La Plata, with the rising port of ___, had grown through contraband trade with Great Britain.

Buenos Aires

The British Raj's showpiece capital of New Delhi was built under the aegis of the British resident Lord _______.


Reformers in Ottoman Empire introduced a system of "life lease" for taxation in the 18th century, mirroring developments that were taking place in the taxation system of ___.


_______ forces dispatched a squadron that occupied the sparsely inhabited Mekong River delta in 1858-1862, annexing it as a protectorate.


In East Africa, ________ used forced labor for the growing of cotton, provoking the fierce but in the end brutally suppressed Maji Maji Rebellion of 1905-1907.


All of the following have been associated with the invention of the automobile:

Gottlieb Daimler, Siegfried Marcus, Karl Benz

Independence and the end of Spanish rule initially benefited which Latin American trading partner the most?

Great Britain

Modern industrialization had its start in...

Great Britain

Which is not true of Karl Marx? - He was strongly influenced by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - He believed that the working class, or proletariat, would gradually attain power and slowly replace the upper classes through more of an economic evolution than revolution - He was the son of a prosperous attorney - He was exiled from Germany and France

He believed that the working class, or proletariat, would gradually attain power and slowly replace the upper classes through more of an economic evolution than revolution

Which is not true of Robert Owen? - He formed an ideal, Utopian community in the United States and lived out his life peacefully in New Hampshire - He called for a national strike of all trade unions - He led a movement to establish a trade union - He demonstrated that better living conditions for workers resulted in higher profits

He formed an ideal, Utopian community in the United States and lived out his life peacefully in New Hampshire

The phrase, "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his works," was coined by:

Henri de Saint-Simon

The Ottoman vassal in Egypt, Muhammad Ali, rose in rebellion and would have conquered ___ had European forces not intervened


All of the following contributed to the development of wireless communication:

James Clerk Maxwell, Guglielmo Marconi, Heinrich Rudolf Hertz

In 1899, ___, the US secretary of state, circulated a note suggesting that all powers remain committed to an "open door" to trade in China

John Hay

From about 1700 to 1914, industrialized nations experienced significant population growth for all of the reasons below EXCEPT: - Life in cities was safer than in the countryside because of the lower rate of accidental deaths and the presence of policemen and fire departments. - Agricultural improvements led to a greater supply of food. - There were more jobs available, so more people had resources. - Scientific advances in medicine resulted in a lower mortality rate from disease or infection.

Life in cities was safer than in the countryside because of the lower rate of accidental deaths and the presence of policemen and fire departments.

___ was a European-backed emperor of Mexico from 1864-1865.


The ___ Constitution was promulgated in 1889 and remained in force in Japan until it was supplanted by a constitution composed by Allied occupation forces after WWII.


The more moderate group of political activists in the Social Democratic Labor Party, meeting in London in 1903, called itself the ___ ("minority," though they were actually nemerically the majority) and aimed for the eventual overthrow of capitalism and tsarist rule.


Who launched the movement for independence in New Spain (modern Mexico)?

Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla

The Decembrist Revolt was led by a small number of ___ in 1825, but it was quickly suppressed and its leaders were hanged

Military officers who wanted reforms

Russian serfs were organized into ___, or communes, which oversaw economic and legal affairs, and their dwellings were clustered around a village center.


Portugal used the Berlin conference to expand its coastal footholds in Guinea, Angola and ___________.


The Dutch conquered the Indonesian archipelago, finally subduing the most stubborn opponents, the ________ guerillas of Aceh, in 1903.


Some British agents of the East India Company took Indian wives, dressed as Indian princes, and wielded power as local magnates, or __________ (from an Urdu word meaning "viceroy").


The Treaty of ___ between the Chinese and the British in 1842 marked the first of the century's "unequal treaties" that would be imposed throughout east Asia by European powers.


The first practical steam-powered riverboat went from:

New York to Albany

The culination of the trend to incorporate Western models into the Japanese ___ was Natsume Soseki's Kokoro (1914).


Living on the edge of poverty in many areas, with old trade routes and handicrafts disrupted by the treaty ports, many ___ saw in the Taipings, the Nian, and other local rebellions a desperate way to change their situations.


The commander of an American fleet, Matthew C. ___, arrived in Japan in July 1853, deliberately attempting to impress the Japanese with Western technological might.


The two key terms in the popular Chinese self-strengthening formulation of Zhongxue wei ti and Xixue wei yong meant "Chinese studies for the essence" and "Western studies for the ___"

Practical application

The proclamation of a Brazilian republic resulted in which two political constituencies?

Provincial federalism vs. supporters of a strong central presidency

In 1839, the Ottoman government issued a series of reform edicts that are collectively known as Tanzimat or "___"


The Belgian Congo under King Leopold II employed mass forced labor of the indigenous population to extract _______ from the jungle.


The opening gambit of Great Britain's "Great Game" against __________ was the first Anglo-Afghan war in 1838.


The first man to import industrialism into the United States toward the end of the eighteenth century was:

Samuel Slater

The ______ for Africa was a competition among European powers to acquire African colonies that began with the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885.


In 1912, ___ Montenegro, Bulgaria, and Greece collaborated in the First Balkan War, forcing the Ottoman forces to retreat from the strategically important city of Edirne and move back to Istanbul.


All of the following is true of Emmeline Pankhurst except: - She was the most famous of the British political feminists - She was imprisoned and transported to Australia for political agitation, where she lived out the remainder of her life - She and her supporters resorted to protest and civil disobedience to call attention to their cause - She and her daughters formed the Women's Social and Political Union in 1903

She was the most famous of the British political feminists, she and her supporters resorted to protest and civil disobedience to call attention to their cause, she and her daughters formed the Women's Social and Political Union in 1903

In the 1870s, conservative intellectuals broadened the conceptualization of Russian nationality into an ideology of Pan-___.


By the 1890s, a young British-trained lawyer named Mohandas K. Gandhi was actively campaigning for the rights of Indians in British-controlled ________.

South Africa

As industrialization progressed, weapons improved in all of the following ways EXCEPT: - Field artillery could be anchored, aimed, and fired continuously. - The increase of black smoke emitted from automated weapons made it possible to "fog" enemies, making it difficult for them to return fire. - The recoil cylinder cushioned the force of guns' recoil. - Precision machining of breech-locks and metallic cartridges made loading and firing easier and faster.

The increase of black smoke emitted from automated weapons made it possible to "fog" enemies, making it difficult for them to return fire.

All of the following contributed significantly to the development of mechanical power except: - Thomas Newcomen - Thomas Edison - Denis Papin - Thomas Savery

Thomas Edison

After a dozen years of careful maneuvering, a(n) ___ - born sultan reconstituted the core of his army, neutralized many nobles, and crushed the Janissaries in a bloody massacre in 1826


___ was so impressed with Nikolai Chernyshevshy's novel What Is To Be Done? that he referred to it as one of the most influential books he had ever read and used the same title for one of his own treatises.

Vladimir Linin

Between 1870 and 1914, German production of steel accomplished all of the following EXCEPT: - Were able to develop heavier, more expensive steel than that produced by Great Britain. - Utilized more up-to-date production methods rather than the expensive trial and error exercises in Great Britain. - Had doubled that of Great Britain by 1914. - Went from almost nothing to equal British production by the year 1893.

Were able to develop heavier, more expensive steel than that produced by Great Britain.

The ambitious plans of Chile's president Jose Manuel Balmaceda Fernandez fell apart as soon as 1891, due to:

A coup against him, led by conservative landowners, and his subsequent suicide

In ___ in the 1700s, one of the two major Pashtu tribal federations revolted repeatedly against the efforts of the Safavids to convert them to Shiite Islam.


All of the following statements about the changes in social organization due to industrialization, EXCEPT: - The middle class developed differentiated levels, with industrialists, lawyers, bankers and other at similar levels at the top, and tradesmen and handcrafters below. - As the middle class grew, there were fewer in the lower class. - A new lower class-the working class-developed. - Most members of the landed elites continued to maintain privilege, but began losing ground to the rising middle class.

As the middle class grew, there were fewer in the lower class.

The navigator James Cook, during one of his many exploratory journeys in the Pacific, landed in 1770 on the east coast of ______ and claimed it for Great Britain.


Shiites are unique in having a small number, about half a dozen today, of ___ ("signs of God"), who are distinguished by their knowledge of the Quran and Islamic tradition.


___ was coined to refer to politically unstable and economically poor Latin American countries.

Banana republics

A ___ sect called the White Lotus sparked a rebellion against the Qing soon after the Qianlong emperor stepped down from his throne in 1795.


In 1900, Australia finally adopted a federal constitution and became the second fully autonomous British "dominion", after __________.


In a reform of the educational system in 1782, ___ made education, from urban primary schools to high schools, free and mostly staffed with clergy.

Catherine II the Great

Some 235,000 ___ "coolies" were brought to Peru, Cuba, and Costa Rica, working in silver mines, sugar and cotton plantations, and later on railroads - and only about 10% of them returned home


The most prominent of the ___, which emerged in the 1960s, was Shenbao

Chinese-language newspapers

Some Europeans claimed that, according to the dictates of their "_______ mission", they had a duty to extend the benefits of European civilization to "backward" peoples.


With the ascension of the infant Guangxu as emperor in 1874 came the regency of Empress Dowager ___.


The Mitsubishi Company expanded from ___ to manufacturing, profiting from the encouragement by the Japanese government of zaibatsu, or cartels

Coastal shipping

Simon Bolivar's "Gran Colombia" encompassed the modern states of ___.

Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Panama

The Japanese occupation of Manchuria's Liaodong Peninsula in the 1890s was opposed by the Triple Intervention, an alliance of all of the following European countries:

Germany, Russia, France

By the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the Mughal emperor's lands had been reduced to the region immediately surrounding _________ and Agra.


The British "Raj" was inaugurated when control by the East India Company was replaced by _________.

Direct rule.

The Tonghak, or "___," movement kept the Korean peninsula a volatile one in the 19th century, inspiring peasant rebellions in 1810 and 1860

Eastern learning

Through a treaty, the British imposed the policy of ___, by which their subjects who were accused of violating Chinese laws would be tried and punished by British consuls.


The principal spokesman for _________ nationalists in the second half of the nineteenth century was José Rizal, whose novels responded to the Spanish justification of colonialism.


As a result of a British and French raid on Beijing in 1860, a newly created Chinese board, the Zongli Yamen, was to handle Qing ___, and the Chinese were invited to send their own ambassadors abroad.

Foreign relations

An anti-Qing and anti-foreign group calling itself the Society of the ___ Fists was referred to as "Boxers" by the foreign community in China


___ is the right to name bishops.


The power of opium to suppress pain and hunger made it particularly attractive to the ___ inhabitants of south China.

Poor and ordinary

In 18th-century eastern Arabia, a local ___, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, exploited Ottoman decentralization to ally himself with Ibn Saud, the head of a powerful family.

Sunni cleric

The ___ Rebellion, led by Hong Eiuquan and his Christian-influenced declarations, began in 1851.


___ ended slavery in Brazil in 1888.

The central government

Urban factory workers were distinguished from farmers by:

The deplorable working conditions and hazards of the unregulated factories.

Mauveine was:

The first synthetic dye.

The tenements around factories in industrial cities were called "dark Satanic Mills" by:

William Blake

In the five years after the abolition of slaver, the Brazilian economy ___.


Generally speaking, the 19th century Latin American economy revolved around ___.


All of the following were conducive to industrialization in Britain EXCEPT: - low unemployment rate - reserves of coal for power - a well-developed banking system - a thriving merchant class

low unemployment rate

The Monroe Doctrine stated that...

the United States government would not tolerate European attempts to re-colonize the new republics of the western hemisphere

Despite many diverging interests, Argentina and Brazil were allies in the Paraguayan War of 1864-1870.

to maintain the traditional policy of keeping Paraguay and Uruguay weak

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